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Part two of a girl's adventures at Scheherazade Imaginaria.
I blinked against the harsh, midday mountain sun, feeling it hot and oppressive on my naked skin. The huge mirror two paces ahead, taller than I was and just as wide, its glass wavy and full of flaws, nevertheless revealed the hopelessness of my fate. Tied wrist, ankle and waist to the solid, intricately carved stone of the dragon arch around and above me, I was going nowhere. I strained against the thick hemp rope, knowing it was pointless but unable to stop myself. With nothing else I could do, I turned to examining myself in the mirror; my pale skin was glistening with sweat, my full, heavy breasts heaving with frightened breath, my bright blue eyes wide and darting. But somehow despite my fear—or perhaps because of it—my thick, pink nipples remained stubbornly erect, heat and moisture growing between my thighs. I tried to stop it, tried to think about anything else, but I had no more control over my body's reaction to being bound than I did over my long, brushed out and beautiful blonde hair. 'Must look your best!' I'd been told. Well, they'd certainly arranged that, whatever I'd thought about it! Now, all I could do was wait.

A faint, echoing bellow from the air sent a shiver down my spine, and I twisted to look. There, high up behind me, was the small black dot, nearly lost in the glare of the sun. Moralyth the Red. She banked and wheeled as I watched, so incredibly graceful, dancing on currents of air. I used to love watching her swoop and swirl through the sky above our valley, so careless, so free! I would dance as I watched, arms outstretched like wings, twirling, twirling, until I fell laughing in the dirt. I'd often dreamt of being able to fly like that, to simply soar away from my troubles, untouchable, or to come crashing down, ferocious and strong, to defeat any who threatened me! It had made me feel so safe, knowing that no army could ever invade so long as we had our amazing, beautiful protector watching over our heads. But I'd been a child then, I hadn't known the price our safety demanded. I hadn't understood that one day, I would be the girl taken up the small, winding mountain path; that I would be the one left naked and helpless, bound to the arch!

That tiny black dot turned and suddenly dove, seemingly straight towards me, growing in my sight nearly as rapidly as the fear in my chest. I blinked rapidly, the image resolving into wide, deceptively fragile looking wings, glinting ruby red in the sunlight. A long, sinuous neck and tail appeared, bugling again, so much louder now! My eyes were wide, my heart hammering, the dragon coming straight towards me, closer, and closer! I gasped, wincing against the sudden blast of air as she back-winged to land, the earth shuddering under my feet with the impact of her massive, clawed hind legs, then again but lesser, as the front claws touched down as well. My jaw dropped wide... she was incredible! Larger even than I'd ever imagined, every scale like a brilliant jewel, blood-red rubies along her back, flanks, and limbs, lightening gradually to a shining gold down the center line of her chest. She shook her massive horned head, as large as my entire body, stretching and flapping her wings, folding and ranging them along her back. I met her eyes, golden and slit-pupiled in the brightness, like a cat; they were set wide but faced forwards—the binocular vision of a predator, not the peripheral vision of prey.

She stalked slowly up behind me, nostrils twitching as she snuffled my scent. Even from paces away I could feel the heat and moisture of her breath. I swallowed nervously, watching her long, forked tongue darting in and out of her mouth as she approached, gasping as it flicked along the curve of my pert, teenaged bottom, tasting my sweat. Still she moved closer, making me tremble as she rubbed her huge, hot muzzle through my hair, sniffing me. She nudged against my shoulders; at first I thought it was still just part of her smelling me, but she did it again and again, until I bowed myself forwards the way she seemed to want, my arms stretched out behind me by the ropes. Then she moved down, pressing her snout against the backs of my thighs, smelling my sex! I whimpered, terrified of what even one careless touch of a razor-sharp tooth could do to my most intimate place! Suddenly her hot, swirling tongue was bathing my lips, making me jerk against my restraints in surprise! Again and again she licked me, tasting my deceitful, mutinous pussy, so wet with involuntary arousal!

I moaned loudly as she entered me with her tongue; it was as thick as a man's cock, but much, much longer, sinuous and flexible, exploring inside of me in a way no man ever could! She pushed in further, stretching me, filling me completely, so much that it hurt! My pitiful mewling served only to excite her, my cries and tears encouraging her to swirl harder and faster within me. I shuddered and gasped, the hot, wet meat of her tongue pressing hard inside my depths, over and over, causing the familiar, unavoidable feeling to build. My cries became sobs, the tears flowing hot and heavy down my cheeks. It wasn't just the steadily increasing pain—it was the helplessness and humiliation, being forced to respond against my will! But I had no more control over my own body than I did over her questing, raping tongue. I began to pant, desperately trying to hold back, but the wave broke regardless; I screamed and howled into the air, thrashing against my restraints, my internal walls pulsing around her tongue, feeding her my succulent, creamy white nectar!

She withdrew slowly, leaving me gasping and spent, head hanging low. I almost didn't see the shimmering haze in the mirror before me, but as I lifted my head my eyes went wide; the dragon was gone! I twisted at my waist to see directly with my eyes; no, not gone. She was still there, but different, transformed. She was almost a woman now, if a woman could be covered head to toe in fine, beautiful red and gold scales instead of skin, and have an enormous, rigid cock the size of my forearm between her thighs! I could hardly believe what I was seeing, but there was no doubt it was still her; those incredible, golden, slit-pupiled eyes in that severe, beautiful face left me no room for doubt. My eyes were bouncing up and down, unsure where to look. She was five feet at her shoulder, but her long, graceful neck brought her full height to nearly seven, seven and a half with her horns! Her breasts were even larger than mine, full, heavy, and round, her hips and thighs wide and thick, sculpted and muscular, as was her tail. She grinned wickedly, revealing gleaming sharp teeth as she stepped slowly closer to me again, the transformation having taken place around her center of mass.

Her hands, four-digited and strong, were hot on my ass, her sharp, curved nails pricking painfully at my skin as she squeezed until I trembled. She grabbed her cock, stroking herself as she rubbed against my lips. I screamed as she entered me, so much hotter, thicker and more rigid than her tongue had been, driving in fast and deep through my cum- and saliva-slickened tunnel, pounding hard against my final wall! I thrashed and fought, begged and sobbed, but there was nothing I could do as she began to fuck me, the thrusting of her thick, powerful thighs punishing my insides with unbelievable force, while her scales made me feel thousands upon thousands of pleasurable little bumps as she slid in and out! She moved her hands to my tits, mercilessly kneading them in her grasp; thank goodness her claws turned out to be retractable in this form, or she'd have literally torn them to pieces as she played! Her own were so incredibly hot and full on my back as she pulled me against her, her smooth, scaled flesh yielding and soft. I whimpered and cried, hers to do with as she wished, nothing but a fuck-toy for her amazing, incredible cock!

I started to build once more, and this time I could feel her doing the same, her grip tightening on my breasts, her breath coming faster and hotter on my neck! She began pounding me even harder still, huge, racking sobs of pain shaking me to my core, tears blurring my vision more than the flawed mirror ever could. I bawled against my unwanted release, convulsing in her arms, the huge, burning deluge of her pleasure erupting within me in the same moment! It took my breath away, so hot and wet, filling me up, flooding my vulnerable, fertile teenage womb! And yet still she continued to thrust, maintaining my peak, her cock pulsing rhythmically as she delivered more and more of her thick, potent seed! There was so much that soon there was nowhere left for it to go, and it came squirting out of me around the sides of her cock with every powerful thrust, running heavily down my thighs! Finally she withdrew, allowing me to ebb, collapsing limply in my restraints.

She started moving again and I weakly shook my head in dread, certain I could not possibly survive another round! It took me a moment to realize what she was doing, carefully slipping an extended claw between my wrist and my ropes, the razor-like sharpness effortlessly slicing me free. The other wrist, my waist, and my ankles all followed, and she set me gently down to the ground, leaving me staring up at her in confusion.

“You have pleased me greatly, my pet!” she purred, her voice throaty and seductive as she stroked her fingers through my hair, my eyes widening in shock! I hadn't known that she could even speak, much less that she knew our language! No one had warned me about that! “You shall meet me here again next week—but do not trouble yourself with the binding this time, only bring plenty of rope! I shall tie you up myself, from now on.”

“Yes, Mistress Moralyth,” I submissively bowed my head, a hot, pleased blush mounting in my cheeks at her unexpected praise. She chuckled, playfully tousling my hair. I looked up to see her dashing away down the meadow, the shimmer of her transformation taking hold, her huge, powerful wings unfurling, beating once, twice, three times as she launched herself into the air!

I shook my head in awe, marvelling at her magnificence, laying myself down on the ground to watch her fly.

'Love you, Daddy! Miss you!' I thought quietly as I wrapped myself in my arms, for once not saying the words out loud. I gave it another minute staring up at the beautiful, retreating form of my dragon lover, waiting for my remaining tears to fade, then reached up to my visor to press the button, ending the scenario.

I allowed myself a little shiver of residual pleasure, then pushed myself to my hands and knees, hitting another button to display the actual room around me. I hated doing that, I'd much rather take it off entirely, but at the moment I didn't trust myself to stand and walk, not with all the slippery, sticky cum-substitute I'd squirted—and was continuing to squirt, every time I moved!—all over the place underfoot. I crawled carefully into the shower room, only then taking off my visor and placing it in the special, retrofitted cleaning slot. This one was new, a prototype, with high-quality cameras inside to capture every nuance of my expressions during recording. The company had provided it to me free of charge, and I was being even more careful with this one than with the one I'd had to buy for myself!

I made my way into the shower, reaching up to adjust the knobs and sitting back against the wall, closing my eyes and letting the water pour down. 'Dragon Sacrifice' was now in serious contention to become my new favourite, but I was definitely not used to going twice in a row like that! Eventually I felt I could trust my legs again, standing up and starting the process of getting myself clean. That meant first scooping and squeezing out as much cum as I could, then detaching the shower head and giving myself a good, thorough wash. That still didn't get all of it, not even close, but it at least took care of the big, thick gloops of the stuff, leaving the rest to trickle out slowly over the next couple of days as it finished breaking down. A thorough examination of myself was next, especially my breasts, but as expected I was doing fine. I hadn't set the breast play as high as I normally did, since this was only my first time with the brand-new scenario and I hadn't been sure how those nasty, sharp claws were going to feel on my sensitive flesh, but I made it a policy to always check myself out regardless, just to make sure.

I washed my hair, soaped and rinsed, then got out and dried off. It was still annoyingly cold outside, which meant I was restricted to my limited quantity of thick wool skirts; I was wearing my navy blue one this time, with one of my many white blouses, and my new red sweater. I stood in front of the mirror longer than normal, futzing with my hair, trying to get everything just right. The sweater was so unlike the ones I normally wore, so bright, and eye-catching... but I wanted to look good for Isla. It was silly, but it was true. I knew she wasn't serious. She flirted, and all, but she was just my friend—she'd even made a point of telling me she wasn't gay! Of course, I wasn't either... though maybe I could have been, for her. I knew Daddy wouldn't mind; he and I had watched girl-on-girl stuff together loads of times! If Isla and I ever got together, Daddy would have just thought it was hot, and wanted to join in! But I knew it wasn't going to happen. Still, with the first check Danny had gotten for me, my pretty new red sweater had been the first thing I'd bought!

I still couldn't believe the size of that check! And that was only my recording fee, too! At Danny's recommendation, I'd let the S.I. people film me doing the 'Ogre Captivity' scenario, with the understanding that I would hold all the rights and they couldn't use it for anything until we signed off on a deal. They'd been pretty stingy with our negotiations up until then, but once they'd seen for themselves what I could do, it was like they just couldn't say no! A much, much more generous recording fee than they'd initially been offering, a percentage of gross sales, image and likeness rights to both the real-world and computer-generated versions of me, merchandising rights... And what, did Danny think S.I. was going to start making little 'Elly Mae, Monster-Fucker!' action figures for the kiddies to play with? But Danny had asked, and they'd agreed. That was the porn name I'd chosen, by the way, Elly Mae—just my first and middle names, because it had felt somehow dishonest to pick anything else. Truthfully, a lot of stuff Danny had negotiated for, I didn't even fully understand what it meant. But I knew he'd done right by me, that was for sure! Just the pained grimace of the S.I. lawyers as they'd signed the contract had been enough to tell me that!

I finally admitted to myself that further mussing with my hair was only going to make it worse; I retrieved my new visor from the cleaner, stored it carefully in its case, and stepped out to see Isla.

“So?” she grinned, bouncing on her toes, virtually vibrating with excitement. “Did you like my surprise?”

“Of course!” I laughed, wryly shaking my head. “But how on earth did you substitute your voice for hers like that? I thought the system was designed specifically to prevent that kind of thing!”

“Oh, I didn't!” she laughed. “That is her actual, official voice, now! I figured, with you going back and forth with the development guys, planning this one out together, I'd give them a call myself, and volunteer! It took some time, giving them all the possible lines that wanted her to have... and I'll admit, it was a bit of a strain, making my voice all husky and sexy like that! But the only really hard part was convincing them to keep my secret. In the end, they wanted to see your honest reaction just as much as I did, so they went along with it!”

“And was it as good as you hoped?” I smirked. She'd gotten me good, that was for sure! I'd have to figure out some way to pay her back, for a surprise like that one!

“Oh! I, Uhhh...” she stammered, uncharacteristically shy, looking down at the counter. “I... didn't watch, while you were doing it. You didn't invite me to, so... Anyways, I thought maybe we could watch it together, now that you're done? If you want to, that is.”

“Oh! Uhhh, yeah, I'd like that,” I smiled shyly. “Sorry... I meant to tell you that you could watch, if you wanted... I guess I just got so caught up in the excitement of it all, I forgot to actually say so. You can always watch me, if you want, from now on.”

“Cool,” she smiled. She was so freaking pretty when she blushed like that! “If you want to come around?”

I nodded, and stepped behind the counter as she fiddled with the new controls. The scenario rooms had always had cameras in them, of course, but those had been just for feeding positioning data into the computers without needing the clients to wear those annoying suits—not exactly ideal, when you were trying to have sex! The new ones, high quality for recording, had required several days to install, and were only in my one special booth. Well, not 'mine', really; other, normal clients could still use it too, but I'd started thinking of it that way.

“Okay, here we go,” Isla smiled, starting the video. It was so strange, watching myself like this, remembering what it had felt like as it was happening! “You can change the feeds, here, if you like,” she continued. “Whichever camera you want, you can jump straight to it, here. Or you can cycle through them, here.”

“You pick,” I shook my head, wrapping my arms around my waist and biting my lip. The good part hadn't even started yet, I was just standing there being held by the fake 'ropes' the machines had created for me, my visor hiding my eyes. But already I could feel my pussy getting wet again, just thinking about what I knew was about to happen to me on the screen!

Isla rotated quickly through the options, and settled on the view from low and in front, slightly to the side; I agreed with her choice. She moved a little bit closer, just for a better view of the monitor, and I did the same, our arms brushing lightly as we watched. There was no visual of the dragon, of course, only the machines; the full dragon version wouldn't be available until the boys at S.I. got their hands on the footage, and started doing their magic. She could have picked the feed from my visor, to see exactly what I had, but then she wouldn't have been looking at me. Not unless I had been looking at myself, that is, which I knew I normally hadn't been. I liked that she wanted to see me, not the dragon; she hadn't even bothered trying for a split-screen, wanting to see me as large and clearly as possible!

The machine doing the part of the dragon's huge, wiggling tongue finally found its way between my lips, and I had to focus not to let myself rub my thighs together as I remembered. Isla gasped as she watched it happening, that long, squirming appendage forcing itself so deeply up inside me! She moved a little closer again, her arm going around my back, her fingers gently brushing mine at the side of my waist. My breath caught in my chest... I stroked her fingers, just a little. She stroked back. I stroked a little more. She paused a moment... then stepped fully behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist! I put mine on top of hers, caressing her arms the same as she was suddenly caressing my belly. She leaned down, kissing my hair just above my ear, her hand reaching up to softly cup my breast.

I gasped, trembling, trying not to let myself close my eyes. “Ummm... I thought you told me you weren't gay?” It was getting late, but the shop was still open, someone could walk in any second! But with Isla's hand on my breast, I just didn't care!

“I'm not,” she breathed, her lips lowering to my ear, nibbling gently. “but I never claimed I wasn't a little bit bi.”

“Oh,” I said, swallowing nervously.

“Do you want me to stop?” she asked, the mere heat of her words on my skin nearly making me go weak at my knees. I couldn't respond, couldn't make myself say the words... but I slowly shook my head. “Good,” she replied, squeezing me tighter, licking slowly, lasciviously up the back of my ear, making me moan. Her other hand went lower, going for my skirt.

“Not there,” I said, grasping her wrist and shaking my head, blushing brilliantly. How could I explain? “Not... not yet. I have a tampon in, to catch the mess.” That wasn't the full truth, but it wasn't a lie. It was the best I could make myself do.

“Okay,” she agreed without complaint, slipping her hand in under my sweater and blouse instead, caressing the skin of my belly. She felt so, so good...

We watched the entire thing, Isla gasping and trembling behind me, hardly able to believe the incredible abuse I'd allowed myself to take, kissing and murmuring comfortingly into the side of my neck as she fondled my belly and breast.

“Moralyth?” she asked as we finally reached the end. “Is that her name? I don't remember reading that anywhere, in the documentation for this one.”

“It, uhh... It's not, not really. I...” I blushed, unsure how to explain. “I... make up stories for myself. The scenarios aren't just about what's actually happening in them, for me. I try to put myself there, give myself a backstory—history, family... whatever. For Moralyth... Moralyth the Red, I call her... I imagine that as a little girl, I used to watch her flying, dreaming of what it would be like. And I was so grateful that she protected our valley, keeping me and my family safe. I had no idea that one day, I would be chosen to be sacrificed to her, in exchange for her continued protection...” I hung my head. “Oh, I don't know, maybe it's just dumb! I just... I do anything I can, to make it more real for me inside my own head.”

“I don't think that's dumb,” she whispered, squeezing me tighter in her arms. “I think that explains why you were so amazing! You were hardly even 'acting' at all... it was like you were really there, as it was happening!”

“You really think I did good?” I asked. “You're not just saying that?”

“You were phenomenal, Elly!” she purred. “I have never seen anything so hot in my entire life!”

I giggled shyly, squirming happily as she kissed my neck again.

“Come back to my place, tonight?” she whispered, and I could barely even hear her over the hammering of my heart!

“Okay,” I breathlessly agreed.

I helped her close down and lock up, and if we were still ten minutes before official closing time neither of us cared. It was freezing out there anyways, no one was going to come in.

“We'll need to pick up take-out on the way home, I'm afraid,” she said as we were stepping out the door, each of us so bundled up we could barely see each other. She linked our arms together as we walked, and suddenly I was even more grateful for my scarf, so she wouldn't see the huge, goofy smile on my face! She lived in the opposite direction from me, it seemed. “Do you want pizza? Or maybe K.F.C.? There's a good Chinese place, just a little out of the way.”

“The grocery store's still open,” I countered. “Why don't I cook for you tonight, instead?”

“Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that...” she shook her head.

“You didn't ask, I offered,” I smiled, bonking my head on her shoulder. She was so much taller than me, I could do that easily. “I like cooking. I used to cook all the time, for Daddy and me!” The breath stuttered in my chest a little, as it always did when I caught myself thinking about him unprepared, but I carried on. “It isn't the same, just cooking for myself. It would be nice, having somebody to cook for again.”

“Well, if you're really sure,” she agreed, and we took the turn towards the store.

“Do you have any allergies, or anything you really don't like?” I asked, running through my recipes in my head. I didn't have my books, so it would have to be something I could do on the fly, preferably something quick.

“Not unless you count cats,” she chuckled. “I like them just fine, but they turn me into a stuffy pink blob if I let them touch me.”

“No cats, then, I'll keep that in mind,” I laughed. “Do you like beef Stroganov?”

“Ummm... is it bad if I admit I don't actually know what that is?” she sheepishly asked. “I've heard the name, but I'm not sure I've ever had it. I'm afraid I'm not much of a cook.”

“Well, that settles it then!” I laughed. “It is getting a little late though, so I'll just do a quick and easy version, tonight. But I promise you'll love it! Cook or not, can I assume you at least have a can opener, a frying pan, and a pot with a lid?” She assured me she did. “Okay, good. Now, normally you do Stroganov with noodles, but I like mine with rice...” We spent the rest of the walk with me telling her about the various options, as a distraction from the cold. From the way she was talking I figured I'd better not assume that she had anything at all in her kitchen, so once we were inside I picked up a bag of white rice, two cans of Campbell's mushroom soup, hamburger, a bag of frozen peas, a can of corn, and a red bell pepper. Extra spices, I figured we could do without; the soup would be good enough on its own. Everything was fine, until I tried to pay.

“Forget it!” she was adamant, gently hip-checking me out of the way and handing over her card instead. “You're already cooking for me tonight, I'm not letting you buy me groceries, too!”

“It's no big deal,” I tried to tell her. “After the paycheck I just earned thanks to you and your brother? A few groceries is the least I can do to pay you back!”

“Not! Happening!” she insisted, and when I kept trying to speak, she kissed me straight on my lips to shut me up, right there in the middle of the check-out aisle! I think my brain shifted back into gear right around the time we were climbing the steps up to her apartment.

Her place was much like mine, I saw; tiny kitchen, tiny living room, tiny bedroom visible through the open door at the back. Tiny everything, really. But unlike me, Isla was a slob! That wasn't fair, actually—there was no actual dirt, or any mess at all, as far as I could see, aside from clothes strewn over every available surface. It was actually kind of reassuring, in a way; if she lived like this, it meant she hadn't had anyone else over to her place in quite some time!

I took Isla's bag of groceries from her and headed straight for the kitchen. And, perhaps being a little paranoid, I first checked the oven. There actually weren't any bras or panties hiding inside, though from the rest of the place I wouldn't have been overly surprised if there had been. Somewhat reassured, I started hunting for pots, pans, and utensils; something told me it would be easier and faster to find them myself than to ask her where they were.

“What can I do to help?” she asked, standing adorably at the entrance to the kitchen like there was a forcefield in her path.

“Nothing!” I smiled, standing up from my foray into her cupboards, victoriously brandishing the pot and matching lid I'd just found! “I said I wanted to cook for you, and I meant it! I'll teach you how to make this some other time, if you want—it'll give me an excuse to come over and do this again!”

“You don't need an excuse,” she said, uncharacteristically shyly. And that, I decided, required a kiss.

“Well, if you really don't need my help...” she murmured against my lips, softly caressing my hips. “Do you mind if I go take a quick shower? You smell like lilacs, after yours, and I had a twelve hour shift today; I smell like ass!”

“You don't, actually!” I laughed, kissing her again. “You just smell like you, which I like! But go ahead. It'll be ready in fifteen, twenty minutes, tops.”

I sent her on her way and got to work, setting the rice to cooking and the hamburger to browning, finding another, smaller pot to boil some peas and tossing the rest in her freezer, draining the corn, then going hunting again until I found a chopping board and a knife that wasn't dull as a spoon, cutting up the pepper. I was making way more than the two of us could possibly eat-but I was going to leave the rest in her fridge, lunches for her to nuke for the next few days. I even found some Tupperware, way in the back of a cupboard, and after a very thorough scrubbing at the sink I was willing to declare it fit for human use. By then the hamburger was ready, and the soup went straight in. I waited for it to warm up a bit, turning nicely liquid, before I drained the peas and added the veggies too. I even had time to clear some room on her couch, to give us someplace to eat; she didn't have a proper table or chairs, only the one gaming chair in front of her computer, but we could make it work. I felt like such a creep, doing a sniff test on her panties to make sure they were actually clean before I stacked them in a pile... but she was still in the shower, and how else was I supposed to know? I returned to the kitchen, stirring the pan, peeking in on the rice; not much longer, now. It felt good, having someone to take care of again. Not like Daddy... but nice.

“Perfect timing!” I announced as she reappeared, her short black hair adorably messy and damp, wearing nothing but a temptingly thin sleepshirt and cute tight pink panties, nearly making me trip! “Eat at the coffee table?” I suggested, handing her her plate. I picked up mine and followed her, sitting down and closing my eyes for just a silent little prayer. I didn't want to draw attention to it, and I don't think Isla even noticed, but I couldn't eat without a prayer; Daddy wouldn't approve.

“Oh, wow...” she exclaimed around her first bite, her eyes going wide.

“I take it that means you approve?” I giggled, tasting a bite of my own. It wasn't bad, but far from my best—maybe I should have picked up some spices after all... but I hadn't wanted to buy her an entire spice rack, and there was no way I was going to trust anything I found in that museum display she called a kitchen!

“Um hum!” she nodded vigorously, barely swallowing before taking another bite. We ate mostly in silence, other than Isla's occasional wordless sounds of appreciation. I was just trying not to giggle the entire time watching her eat, but I was so happy she liked it! Then we finished and walked back into the kitchen together, and she saw how much was still left on the stove.

“How much did you make?” she gasped.

“Enough for you to have lunches for the next few days, at least,” I giggled again, unable to hold back any longer now that she'd seen. Take that for a surprise, missy! “I even found some Tupperware for you to use, so you can take it to work with you if you want. I was just waiting for it to cool down some first, before I put the rest away.”

She gawped for a moment, then stole my plate and fork and dropped them with hers in the sink, kissing me deeply, grabbing me by my ass and lifting me into the air, making me squeak! But although she was bigger than me, she wasn't that much bigger, and she was still a girl—she could only hold me up for a couple of seconds before she had to let me back down again.

“You realize, if I let you keep feeding me like this, you're going to make me fat!” she teased, staring into my eyes and stroking her fingers through my hair. I knew it was just a joke, but the idea that she was already thinking this might become a regular thing made me smile. “I'm going to be expecting your help working off the calories, after I finish the dishes!”

“I think I can help with that,” I giggled, stretching up for another quick peck on her lips. “But we are doing the dishes,” I stressed. “I know, I know, I can already tell you're about to say that I cooked, so you can clean. You can wash, if you like; I'll dry. And you can't fight me on it, because it means we'll be done sooner!”

“Deal,” she said, failing to fight off a grin. I let her get started while I dealt with the food, pouring the rest of the sauce in with the rice, giving it a good stir to mix it all up, then putting the lid back on the pot and tucking it away in her fridge. We were done in hardly any time at all, and she kissed me again, taking me by the hand and leading me back to her bedroom. The bed had only a small mountain of clothes on it, all on one side where she clearly didn't sleep. She picked them up, quickly clearing a section of floor with her foot and dropping them down. We kissed again, still standing, feeling each other up, and she started undoing the buttons of my sweater. I moved my hands to her hips so I wouldn't get too carried away, caressing her through her shirt; I wanted to strip it off right away, but I was still wearing so many more clothes than her, it wouldn't be fair until I caught up. Sweater, blouse, skirt... then finally it was time I could take off her shirt, revealing her amazing, perky and braless boobs. She reached behind me, undoing my bra and letting it slide to the floor.

“I've been dreaming about this for so long...” she sighed into my lips, taking me into her hands, gently starting to squeeze and play. “You have no idea how much I both loved and dreaded any time you said you wanted more breast play in a sim... getting to see you, and even touch you a little, but having to force myself to be so freaking professional while I was doing it!”

“Well, you don't have to be professional any more!” I giggled, moaning happily at her touch. She guided me up onto her bed, laying me down on my back, snuggling up against my side with my arm wrapped around her back, her upper leg thrown on top of mine. She bent to my breast, sucking my nipple firmly into her mouth, making me moan.

“You have to tell me, if anything I do starts to hurt,” she murmured into the flesh of my breast. “I don't know what it's like, being so bruised up like this, so you have to tell me.”

“Hurting isn't always a bad thing, for me,” I blushed, bending to kiss her hair, rubbing my hand up and down her slender, sexy back. “But... I promise to say if you hurt me in a way I don't like.”

“Good enough, I suppose,” she chuckled, returning to her task, her hand running across to my other breast, squeezing and playing as she sucked. I closed my eyes, luxuriating in the sensation of what she was doing. She was being so soft, so gentle, so completely different from the kind of breast play I experienced at S.I.! It felt amazing, and I never wanted it to stop! I was so lost in the enjoyment of it, I almost didn't notice when she took her hand from my breast, and started sliding it down towards my panties.

“Wait, I told you...” I grabbed her wrist to stop her, nervously biting my lip.

“It's okay,” she murmured around my nipple. “I can put a towel down first, if you want, but I'm not worried about a bit of mess. I want to touch you!”

“I...” I winced my eyes closed. I couldn't tell her, I just couldn't! Not everything! But... she deserved an explanation, as much of one as I could give. “I can't cum from it.”

“No?” she asked, lifting her head from my breast in obvious surprise, but a wicked little glint appeared in her eyes, like she thought I'd just offered her a challenge or something. “Not ever? I've been told I'm pretty good, you know...”

I bit my lip, shaking my head. “Not ever...” I admitted. “Not... not anymore.”

“Anymore?” she tilted her head, asking for an explanation I just couldn't give.

“I...” I looked away, shaking my head. “I can only cum when it hurts,” I told her, wincing my eyes closed in regret and shame. “Only when I'm getting punished, the way I deserve.”

“Oh, sweetie...” she cooed, taking her hand from my grasp, moving it up to softly stroke my cheek, guiding me into looking at her again, the concern clear in her eyes. “What could you ever, ever have done that makes you think you deserve to be punished?”

“I...” I tried to begin, but the words just wouldn't come, my lower lip trembling, the tears welling in my eyes. “Daddy... my Daddy...” I closed my eyes again, the tears starting to fall. “My Daddy's dead, because of me!” I sobbed, the tears bursting free, tumbling down my cheeks.

“Oh, Elly!” Isla gasped, slipping out from my arm, and I wrapped it around my belly, holding myself tight. She moved quickly up the bed, slipping her arm under my neck, pulling me tight, and I clutched my arm around her back, holding on for dear life. My sobs grew and grew and grew; huge, racking things, shaking my entire body as she held me tight to her breast, cooing to me and stroking my hair and back. I cried and cried, it must have been for over an hour, and still she just held me tight, letting it happen.

“I'm really sorry about this,” I told her as my tears finally started to wane, wiping the last few from my cheeks, ashamed for what I'd just done, but grateful beyond words for the way she'd held me through it. “You shouldn't have to deal with all... this!”

“It's okay,” she said, still softly stroking my hair, gently kissing my head. “I don't mind.” She paused for a moment, and I could tell she was wrestling with what she wanted to ask. “Do you want to tell me about it?”

“I...” I did, I really, really did! But I just couldn't. “I can't. Not... not all of it.”

“That's okay,” she said, kissing my hair again. “You can tell me as much, or as little, as you feel comfortable with. Whatever you need.”

I nodded my head, so incredibly grateful. I wanted to tell her... maybe just a little. No details, but maybe I could tell her a little. “I... I made a mistake,” I whispered into her chest. “I didn't mean to, but I did. And they took him away. He... he died in prison, because of me. They wouldn't let me see him, or talk to him... they wouldn't even give him my letters. I never got a chance to tell him how sorry I was, how much I loved him, how much I knew he loved me. How I knew he'd never done anything wrong... that I loved him so much, and I'd always wanted everything he'd ever done to me! I... I needed him to know I never meant to do it, that I knew it was all my fault... But I never got a chance to tell him, and now he's dead, and I'll never be able to tell him how sorry I am. How much I love him, and miss him, every single day!”

“Oh, sweetie—”

“Don't, okay?” I interrupted her, wiping away another tear. “I know, I do, but... Just... whatever you were about to say. I... I just can't. I can't have you be sorry for me for stuff I don't even regret. I... You can be sorry they took him away from me, and that he's dead, and I didn't get to tell him how I felt, and to say goodbye. But I can't have you be sorry for... anything else. I just can't, okay? I'm sorry, but I just can't.”

It took her a minute, and I could tell she wanted to say more, but she did as I'd asked. “I'm sorry you lost him, Elly. So, so, sorry!”

I tensed, but relaxed when she didn't say anything else. “Thank you,” I whispered back, on multiple levels.

“You're wrong though, about one thing,” she murmured, still kissing and stroking my hair. “He knew. I can absolutely guarantee you, he knew how much you loved him. You and I barely know each other... we're on our first date—assuming this even counts as a date!—and already you've cooked for me, made me extra to take to work... you found and cleaned Tupperware I didn't even know I had, for crying out loud! There is no chance on earth, you being the person you are, that he didn't know exactly how much you loved him, I can promise you that!”

“Thank... thank you!” I trembled, and the tears started right back up again like they'd never stopped. How was she being so patient with me? She hadn't signed up to bring some sad, crying girl back to her apartment! But she just held me close and murmured that it was okay, that I was okay. I wasn't so sure about that... but it made me feel better anyways.

When my tears finally stopped for the second time, I wanted to thank her again, properly. I started kissing her between her breasts, softly tracing her tattoo. It was silly of me, I knew better, but somehow I kept thinking I should be able to feel the lines against my lips. I moved slowly to her breast, so perfect and firm and round. Her nipples were tiny little things, but seemed no less sensitive than mine from the way she moaned as I took one between my lips. She held me tighter with the arm I was resting my head on, her other hand moving around from my back and starting to play with my breast again. And... just because I knew she couldn't make me cum, didn't mean I couldn't make her! I slid my hand from her back to her hip, then slowly down, carefully making my way inside those absolutely adorable little pink panties of hers! She moaned happily as I took her within my palm—she was so hot, her inner lips already wet to my touch! I was nervous, my first time ever touching another girl... but I told myself I knew what to do. Just because I couldn't cum from it anymore, didn't mean I didn't like how it felt; I'd just have to trust the same things I liked would work on her, too, so I gently started to rub. She was shaved, like me—probably just now in the shower, I thought, which explained why she'd been in there so long. Her lips were much smaller, just cute little flaps that felt like they were barely there at all, instead of thick, meaty ones like mine. I liked them, a lot! I rubbed a little harder, a little faster, softly teasing between her lips with my middle finger. And when she started gasping, pinching and pulling on my nipple, I entered her for real. She trembled a little, letting out the cutest little gasp of pleasure as I started gently thrusting in and out. As much as I wanted to speed up, I forced myself to go slow. When she started rocking her hips, I took that as a sign to add my ring finger as well, curling softly forward, finding the soft, pulpy flesh of her g-spot. She moaned, lifting her leg and wrapping it over and behind my own, rapidly rocking herself onto my hand. Then I could speed up, going as fast as I could, listening to her breath quickening, feeling the tightening of her grip on my breast. She squealed, twitching uncontrollably, her hot, wet walls clenching around my fingers. I gave her everything I had, the muscles of my wrist starting to cramp, but only as she started to ebb did I allow myself to gradually slow down, pulling out. She was pretty out of it right then, and I just couldn't stop myself from bringing my fingers to my mouth, guiltily exploring her taste, so creamy and delicious!

“Does it still feel good?” she asked, and I glanced up into her eyes, caught with my fingers still in my mouth! I guess she hadn't been quite as out of it as I'd thought!

“Does what feel good?” I yanked my fingers out of my mouth, blushing and mumbling. She didn't seem to mind what she'd just seen me doing, smiling and stroking her fingers through my hair, but I was still too lost in my own embarrassment to follow her meaning.

“I know you said you can't cum from it...” she continued. “But does it still feel good, being touched down there? I'd really like to try, if you'll let me.”

“Ummm...” I bit my lip, glancing away. “Yeah, it does. But are you sure you want to? It really is a mess in there right now, believe me!”

“I don't mind. That's why God invented towels, extra changes of sheets, and post-sex showers!” she exclaimed, making me giggle. “Besides, I told you I'm bi, remember? I doubt the fake stuff could possibly taste any worse than some of the real stuff I've had to swallow!”

“Okay,” my blush intensified. She wanted to use her mouth on me? Goodness! “But... I need a minute first, to take my tampon out. And we definitely need to put down a towel!”

“I'll wait,” she smiled, softly kissing my lips. “The bathroom's just out the door on your right, clean towels on the shelf. Bring one with you when you come back.”

“Okay,” I repeated, pushing myself up and fighting like heck not to let myself run away from her like a frightened little mouse! I closed the door of the bathroom behind me, doing what was needed and discarding it in the bin, then standing at the sink and using my hand to give myself another quick little wash. She may have claimed to be okay with the taste, but I was in no mood to test that any more than I had to! I grabbed a towel, patting myself dry with the corner, debating whether to put my panties back on or not. There didn't seem to be much point... and my plain, boring white ones weren't nearly as sexy as those cute little pink ones she was wearing! The cheater! I bet the ones she'd been wearing at work hadn't been nearly as nice, but she'd gotten the chance to change after her shower! I looked around, and decided to hang them on her towel rack, where they would have plenty of company. I went back to join her again, spreading out the towel and laying right back down where I'd been.

I think she must have been able to tell how nervous I was, because she started again with soft, slow kisses on my mouth, gently fondling my breast. Only once she'd gotten me to relax again did she start slowly working her way down my body with her hand, and only after she'd had her fingers inside me for several minutes did she leave my lips and start following her way down with her mouth. I moaned happily as she finally reached her goal, eagerly opening my thighs for her as she moved herself into place, tracing up and down my lips with slow, soft kisses, slipping her hands in underneath me to cup and squeeze my butt! She was so, so beautiful, her big, radiant green eyes staring straight up into mine as she licked between my lips! I wrestled her pillow behind my neck, to help me see, gently stroking my fingers through her short, soft black hair.

“Will you play with your breasts for me?” She murmured, and she looked so hopeful and shy making her request, how could I possibly refuse? I bit my lip and nodded, but for that I needed to move; I scooted back, propping myself at about forty-five degrees against the wall at the head of her bed, her pillow behind my back. She followed along, licking her lips, barely able to wait for me to get into place before she was licking me again. I did like she'd asked, lifting and squeezing, jiggling and playing. My hands weren't strong enough to do it the way I really liked, like in the scenario room, but this was more about showing off my breasts for her than it was about pleasing myself. She seemed to enjoy what she was seeing, her eyes excited and bright, moaning nearly as loudly as I was at what she was doing to me between my thighs!

She tried all sorts of different things on me; licking, sucking, nibbling, and using her fingers as well. Every bit of it felt incredible, but as I'd known would be the case, it just wasn't enough. She was amazingly persistent, but eventually even she had to admit that her tongue just couldn't take it anymore, and she needed a break.

“You really weren't kidding, hunh?” she asked, climbing back up the bed as I scooted back down to my back. She kissed me softly, my taste light and strangely enjoyable on her lips, as she pulled me back into her arms. “I was really giving you my A-game there, trying every trick I know... and it just didn't work!”

“I'm sorry...” I bit my lip in shame. “I tried to warn you...”

“Shhh... none of that!” she kissed me again, comfortingly stroking my hair. “You have nothing to be sorry for! Not one single solitary thing! You still enjoyed it, right? I could tell you did, so tell me!”

“Of course I did!” I smiled shyly. “You were incredible, really! I just... I can't.”

“And I officially believe you now!” she laughed, squeezing me tighter in her arms, and it was so infectious I had to let out a shy little giggle of my own. “I admit, I had my doubts—my pride wouldn't let me accept what you were saying until I'd tried for myself! But, now we both know for sure; at least for right now, with your head in the space it's in, you can't cum from me playing with you and going down on you. So, okay. So what? I still enjoy doing it, you still enjoy having it done to you. Who cares if I can't quite manage to finish you off, the way I wish I could? I'm sure as hell not going to stop doing it, just because of that!”

“You're not?” I asked, hopeful but still riddled with guilt that I couldn't give her the response she wanted.

“Not on your life!” she laughed again, vigorously shaking her head. “And who knows... maybe somewhere down the road, you'll find yourself in a different headspace, and we'll both get a wonderful surprise! Until then... I'll just have to be happy with helping you tweak your scenarios at S.I., to make sure you get the best possible orgasms there, if I can't give them to you here!”

“Oh!” I exclaimed, her words just having made me realize, and I started to giggle.

“What?” she quirked her head in confusion. “What is it?”

“Just a random thought,” I smiled, shaking my head. “What you said—we got so caught up in watching my video together tonight, I didn't even think to make any adjustments for next time!”

“So we did!” she laughed too, kissing me again. I bit my lip, thinking... and pushed her to her back.

“My turn!” I giggled as I rolled myself up on top of her, starting with kisses and quickly working my way down. Admittedly, I wasn't nearly as patient as she had been. But as I pulled off her cute little pink panties and tossed them aside, and she opened her legs for me, eagerly licking and biting her lip... she sure didn't seem to mind! She was as tiny and delicate looking as she'd felt like with my hand, flushed a lovely, beautiful shade of pink as I bent down for my first kiss. I was glad she'd gone first, regardless of whether she'd been able to make me cum; this way, from what she'd done to me I had some idea of what she probably liked herself! I started with kisses and licks, up and down, and swirling little circles around her tiny, cute little clit, just barely poking out at me from under her hood. Already that had her moaning happily, running her fingers into my hair and pulling me tight against her lips. So I figured, why mess with what works? I filed the rest of the things she'd done to me into the back of my mind to try some other time, and just concentrated on what I was already doing. The only other thing I did was to slip my hands in under her cute little round butt, giving her a nice, tight squeeze, just like she'd done to me!

It didn't take her long, even less than when I'd used my hand, before she was squealing into the night, kicking and thrashing, trying to push me away. I wouldn't let her, not until her orgasm faded completely, but when she kept pushing after that I let her succeed.

“I can keep going,” I offered, greedily licking my lips of the creamy white gift she'd just given me. “My tongue's not too tired, yet.”

“Not unless you want me kneeing you in your ear, you can't!” she shook her head, laughing tiredly. “I get really, really sensitive after I cum... you either need to give me time to recover in between, or you need to tie me down to the bed first, if you want to try giving me multiples!”

“I will keep that option in mind!” I promised, giggling happily as I crawled back up the bed for more kisses.

“Join me for a shower?” she eventually asked, as the frenzy of our kisses gradually slowed into cuddles. We were both a little sticky, but not unpleasantly so, not enough that either of us really needed another shower. But there was no way on earth I was turning down the opportunity to get all hot, wet, and soapy with her under the spray! She took me by my hand, smiling adorably as she led the way.

“Uhhh... sorry,” she said as she grabbed her toothbrush from her holder. “I don't have a spare—I should have been thinking, and picked one up for you when we were shopping. You can use mine, if you want?”

My initial reaction was revulsion... but how much sense did that make? I'd just had my entire tongue in her mouth, and hers in mine, not to mention other things. If sharing her toothbrush was the price of minty-fresh kisses for the rest of the night, it was one I could pay. I agreed, cuddling up behind her at the sink with my arms around her waist as she brushed, then she did the same to me. We took turns going pee, then climbed into the shower. She liked it just as hot as I did, I was happy to find out, and we washed and squirmed together happily, laughing like fools. She even let me pin her up against the tile and use my fingers on her again, moaning into my mouth as we kissed! We regretfully got out and dried each other off, and I darted naked out to my bag in the living room to grab a new tampon, then back to put my panties on again. Isla didn't bother, for which I was grateful, but she wasn't the one who still had a pool of fake cum in her womb waiting to ooze out of her during the night! I helped her change her sheets, again not really needed, then we cuddled up close, kissing soft and slow until it was time to actually fall asleep and she turned out her light. I snuggled down further, my face pressed comfortably between her small, warm breasts, softly kissing her chest as she did the same in my hair.

I silently thought my nightly prayers, for Daddy to be safe and happy in heaven until it was time for me to be with him again... the only thing I asked for myself was to not let me screw this up!
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