Sam and her brother Andy visit her best friend Julie. Julie has learned their secret and the women decide to share Andy between them.
Andy took quick control of Julie’s kitchen, scoped out her supplies, and set to breakfast-making as his sister Sam and her best friend Julie vacated the kitchen for the apartment’s couch. Even after the evening’s catching up, the two women, it seemed to Andy, had a bottomless reservoir of talk. Just like a couple of sisters, he thought idly.
A late breakfast done, Julie insisted on showing them “her town” so that the next several hours were spent in parks, galleries, and a charming bistro for lunch. As Julie returned them to her apartment she announced “I’ve got a couple of errands to do; probably take an hour and a half or more. I don’t want to bore you, so,” glancing at Sam, unnoticed by Andy, “do you think you an amuse yourselves for a bit? I’ll be back soon,” smiled at Sam’s blush, grabbed her keys and left the apartment. She drove several blocks from her apartment, parked at her favorite coffee shop, picked a paper and a latte, and settled into a booth, laughing to herself about her ‘errands’.
Meanwhile Andy had settled himself on her couch as Sam wandered abstractedly about the apartment until she finally settled next to her brother. Lost in his newspaper Andy didn’t at first feel his sister’s light touch on his arm, but soon lost interest in the news as she turned to him, leaned over and took his lips in hers. “We’ve got time,” she began, “Julie said she’ll be gone at least an hour and a half.”
“What? Here? Now? Are you kidding?”
She laughed and said “not here, silly, not on the couch, although I’d be fine with that”, then, gesturing with a twist of her head toward the bedroom, said “I need it, Drew, I need you,” her eyes a familiar plea to her brother. “I could hear you and Julie making love last night and I…I…I really wished for once that I was Julie.” Andy took his sister into a hug then, kissed her, and led her to Julie’s bed. “Wait, just a sec,” Sam said, and ran quickly to the bathroom, returning with a towel. Answering her brother’s quizzical look, she said “maybe you and Julie left a lot of evidence last night, but I don’t think we should add to that, do you?” and her brother’s short laugh gave his agreement.
For their very first time, Andy and Sam felt the pressure of time, felt a deadline imposed on their incestuous plans. Perhaps that explains why they virtually tore their clothes off, leapt to the towel-covered bed, began their lovemaking faster and more emphatically than they ever had. Sam may have led them to this, only she knowing that her friend had enabled this, had allowed it, had, in fact, encouraged her and her brother in their lovemaking, so maybe that is why Andy felt an unprecedented hunger within her, a more demanding need than he had ever felt with his sister. He was surprised to feel his own hunger, despite the satiation that Julie had offered the night before and even that morning, surprised to find his hunger growing quickly until he began to feed it. He began with several deep, passionate kisses, tasting his sister’s tongue for the first time in over a week, then quickly descending her body, his lips and tongue beginning to feed upon her breasts, each in turn, licking, kissing, tongue-tickling, and sucking. For her part Sam perversely felt her hunger being met by his ministrations, her body quickly feeling the thrill of his tastings, his light sucking.
Their sense of urgency growing, urgency from their sexual need, urgency from their knowing they had limited time, Andy within short minutes, was at what he and she had begun to call, Heaven’s Gate, her vaginal opening. She knew what was coming, knew what to expect, but the pleasure of his tongue still shocked her, as if feeling it for the very first time. Everything seemed sped up; their caresses faster, his voyage across her body, his probing tongue, and the growing tremors of her distant orgasm beginning to shake her. With that Andy rose and assumed their favorite position with Sam, his body held slightly above hers. Yes, both had loved their sex when Sam took her cowgirl position and rode her brother’s rigid cock, but each loved the quiet softness, the gentle lovemaking, their ability to fall into each other’s eyes as Andy’s rock hard cock entered his sister’s body. And so it was here on Julie’s bed, as that bed began to creak beneath the rhythm Andy began, as Sam’s squeaks with each of his thrust came into perfect synchronization with those creaks, as she realized that her brother’s rigid cock, thrusting now deeply into her, had mere hours ago been deep within her best friend, lubricated by her juices, creating the same harmony of bed noises making it perhaps the hottest sex she had ever had with her brother.
Creak-squeak, creak-squeak, both sped up as Sam drew her feet up into their now-familiar position, resting upon the bed, her knees bent so that her soft inner thighs harbored her brother, held him to her as he thrust into her faster and faster until finally, driven by their urgency, finding themselves in their incestuous embrace for the first time on a bed other than Sam’s, on their best friend’s bed, taboo upon taboo, they came together, Andy feeling once again the strong pulsing of his cock, his balls pumping steam after stream of his semen into his sister, she feeling the heartbeat pulse deep within her womb, the spasms of his cock that never lost their novelty, that always felt new to her as her body welcomed his seed, her vaginal muscles replying to his pulses with their own gripping spasms.
Finally, their exhaustion as profound now as their need had been, they lay together, squandering their few last minutes before Julie returned. Suddenly Andy glanced at his watch and sat up immediately. “God, Julie’ll be back any minute,” and in record time each had their clothes back on, properly settled, hair quickly combed, bed covers straightened, and towel delivered promptly to Julie’s laundry hamper. Finally, suddenly remembering, Sam ran to the bedroom window and opened it.
As they expected, Julie returned within minutes and fussed about, removing and hanging her coat, storing a few food items she’d bought, and on some faux excuse entering her bedroom and breathed in deeply its air. As she emerged she caught Sam’s eye while Andy was distracted, raised her eyebrows in an unspoken question, and repressed her laugh as she watched her friend colour quickly. “So she knows…again,” thought Sam. “Damn. There’s no fooling that woman,” but then it slowly dawned on her how unlikely it was that Julie had errands to run while hosting guests and, staring across at her friend, realized that she had just experienced her and Julie’s new lives, that Julie had shared Andy with her for the first time.
Dinner was at a Mexican restaurant that Julie chose and was perfect; tacos, Mexican beer, burritos, and a taco salad were attacked with gusto and laughter in equal measure. Sangria was added and strong coffee and deep fried ice cream, a specialty of the cafe, completed their repast. “Coffee that strong…I’ll be awake all night,” groaned Andy and totally missed the leering smiles exchanged by Julie and Sam behind his back.
Back at the apartment Julie took the lead, she and Sam communicating only by glances and smiles, a wordless language that excluded Andy. Julie sat at one end of the couch and invited Andy to sit with her, welcoming him with a quick kiss. Sam opened a bottle of wine and poured three glasses, distributing them. Then, with only a glance from Julie as their signal, she pulled Andy into a deep, slow, passionate kiss, one that he willingly shared, not noticing her as Sam quietly sat on his other side, sliding herself up to him until, finally breaking her kiss, Julie’s eyes told Sam that it was time. Rising from the kiss, taking a deep breath, Andy was taken by complete surprise as his sister then pulled him to her, pulling into another kiss, just as deep as Julie’s and just as passionate. She could feel his initial resistance, the muscles of his neck tensing beneath her hands, then giving in to her need, feeling her tongue with his.
Finally he was able to break the kiss and sat back, a startled look on his face as he looked first into his sister’s eyes and then, turning, into Julie’s eyes. His surprise grew as they both burst into laughter and Sam, kissing him lightly, smiled and whispered “she knows, Drew.”
It took him an instant to understand, to see the pieces take shape and his neck began to swivel back and before the two woman sitting with him. “How? I…did you tell her?”
“No, bro, she figured it out. I don’t know how, but she did. Drew, she’s got a kind of sixth sense with me and I’m guessing she’s got it with you, too. She just figured it out,” as Julie sat on his other side, her smile lighting her eyes.
He leaned back into the couch, stared for long minutes at the ceiling, wondering if this moment meant the end of it all, wondering if now the two women he loved would call an end to it, wondering if the end of his and Sam’s secret meant the end of their incestuous love. His reverie was interrupted by Julie’s gentle hand on his thigh. “Andy, Sam and I have talked about this; I’m incredibly happy for you both. I’ve always felt - even though I was crushing on you and I was kind of invisible to you - like a sister. I know I really feel like a sister to Sam and I know she feels the same. So maybe that’s why I somehow think that love is more important than anything else. We think maybe we can make it work. We hope that you think so too.”
“But how…”
“Andy,” Julie continued, “we don’t think that love is a zero-sum game. Neither of us feels that your love for one of us means any less love for the other. Does that make sense?” Again the women laughed at his mute nod, questions still lodged in his eyes. And as Julie cuddled closer and approached for a kiss, and as his sister caressed his arm, Julie asked “what are the most important things we learned in kindergarten, Andy?” Hearing no response from him she continued “share and line up properly,” and looking past him to Sam she said “me first, Sam, then you,” and gleefully began deep kisses with Andy, probing caresses, finally handing him off to his sister Sam who took up where Julie left off. Throughout, the surprise never left Andy’s face even after the three began a faster paced rhythm, even after Andy began caressing, fondling, unbuttoning of the women’s shirts, somehow expecting one to jump up and tell him it was all a charade, a game, a dream.
But it didn’t happen. By the time he began to realize it wasn’t a dream or trick he was fully erect and both women knew it, each taking their turn stroking him through his trousers. It was Sam, to Julie’s squealing delight, who finally undid his belt, unzipped his fly, reached into his underwear and freed his rigid cock, the sudden inrush of their breath music to his ears. The laughter seemed to leave Julie’s eyes, replaced by something else, something feral, a hunger that now drove her. She rose, took him by the hand, and gestured to Sam; “bedtime, people”.
As Sam rose with them the confusion returned to his face. “Ummm, all of us? Like, a threesome? I don’t know if I’m into that.”
Both women laughed as Sam assured him “no, not a classic threesome; we’re not into that either. Julie and I love each other, but not that way. We have a complicated future ahead, all three of us, and Julie and I think we might as well start right here, right now.” And with that all three entered Julie’s bedroom, all three removed all clothes, and all three climbed into her bed. Their triangular lovemaking began and very soon Andy lost any sense of which woman he was kissing, which woman he was caressing, which woman he was tasting, although he was startled to discover, like a true wine connoisseur, the slightly different taste of their vaginal juices, the slightly different groans, moans, and quiet squeals as his tongue probed each woman in turn, the other seemingly content to await her turn.
He knew, however, even in the dark of the bedroom, which woman’s breasts he was tasting, kissing, caressing with his tongue. Partly it was their guttural moans, but the giveaway was their size; Julie’s larger and softer than his sister’s, Sam’s firmer and smaller. But he loved every breast he touched that night and both women knew it by his touch, his licks, his tongue circling their nipples, his lips closing on those nipples and sucking. He judged by their relative moans that Julie was the most eager, needed him inside her most, so he began with her, entering the holy, hot, wet church of her vagina, feeling her grip him, feeling her thrust her hips up to him to bury his steel hard cock as deeply as possible. He began thrusting into her, burying his face first in her hair then in her breasts, then kissing her deeply as his cock rocked into and out of her, her gasps matching his thrusts.
And then, knowing that the night was one of sharing, he whispered his intentions quietly in Julie’s ear and, despite her quiet protest, withdrew and crossed to his sister who took him eagerly into her arms, kissed him, and sucked her breath in as he quickly entered her, his cock well lubricated by her best friend’s juices. Within seconds she and Andy were rocking the bed, their rhythm well established by their months of incestuous couplings. As he judged her pleasure having reached Julie’s, he paused with one deep thrust into his sister and asked both “who’s first?” The two women looked at each other in the dim light, laughed, and Julie said “ME!”. At that Andy gently withdrew from his sister, returned to Julie and pressed himself deeply into her. Suddenly he was surprised by her as she reached up, pulled him to her chest, and quickly rolled them over. With her on top she began riding Andy, plunging his cock into her as she rose up and down, sliding on his rigid member, until suddenly she burst out with “JESUS, oh my god, Andy, I’m…I’m…CUMMING. Oh god, I…uunnnnhh, UUNNHHH,” and her orgasm was unmistakable. As she shook with her volcanic climax Andy drew her down to her, holding her to him as she shook, his cock still rigid, still deep within her.
He was finally able to gently roll with her, place her on her side as her body periodically convulsed with the echoes of her orgasm, and turn to his sister who, watching her brother fuck her best friend, could not help herself from touching herself, squeezing her nipples, toying with her clitoris, until, realizing that it was her turn, pulled her brother to her, waited as he positioned himself in their favourite position, and gasped as he thrust himself into her. Heated by the spectacle of her friend, the woman who had been a virtual sister to her for over six years, brought to her orgasm by her brother, Sam felt her own orgasm rushing toward her almost as soon as her brother entered her, pressing his rigid cock deeply into her. For his part some tiny part of Andy’s brain was still functioning, and he realized - and reveled in - his sister’s tight canal, feeling her press his cock slightly harder, tighter than Julie but before his thought was complete his sister began to buck beneath him as her orgasm now arrived. Bringing two women to their separate climaxes within minutes of each other was something beyond Andy’s wildest dreams, beyond his wildest sexual fantasies. He felt more powerful, more potent than he had ever felt and suddenly felt his release as he began pumping rope after rope of his seed into his sister, her vaginal muscles milking his cock with their spasms, pumping his semen from his balls for the second time that day.
Sated, her womb full of her brother’s cum, his balls milked of his seed, Sam and Andy collapsed together, two bodies as one, his cock deep within her, as they slowly came down from their incestuous high, and returned to the real world, suddenly remembering Julie lying within inches of them, smiling at them both. “That is without doubt the hottest thing I have ever seen,” said Julie.
“I heard someone say ‘Jesus’; will there be a second coming?”
“There better be; it’s not fair that only the Bank of Sam gets to take Andy’s deposit, Sam. Share and share alike, right? The Bank of Julie is also open,” their laughter buried in a group hug.
Another round of lovemaking that ended with the bank of Julie receiving its deposit, and all fell to sleep. On the morning of the Fourth they slowly awoke, slowly realized where they were, a tangle of bodies, possessive arms cast across lovers’ bodies. Sam was the first to arise, realizing that time was now precious, and left Andy and Julie while she showered and, once again, made coffee. And once again she smiled to herself as she listened to the unmistakable sounds of her brother and best friend’s lovemaking in the next room.
It was a long drive home, but Sam and Andy delayed it until after lunch, when, hugs and tears flowing, deep kisses between Andy and Julie and hugs between Julie and Sam long and close, their tears mingling as each kissed the other on her cheek, Julie whispered to Sam “see you soon, sis? I love you both.” And with that Andy and Sam took their leave, started the truck, and headed home.
Once they had left Julie’s city limits, once they were on the highway, Sam began with “you know, it’s a pretty long drive home, Andy…”
“I don’t mind. I like to drive.”
“I know, but,” and here a coquettish note crept into her voice, “I don’t want you to get tired, bro. If you have to drive too long, maybe we’ll have, well, an accident or something. I think maybe we should take a break, maybe break up the long drive,” and, glancing at her, Andy saw her seductive smile. She continued “I don’t have any classes or ward work tomorrow; it’s an extra day off for all the nursing students. And I told…ummm…Mom that, well, we wouldn’t be home until tomorrow. And I know you can cancel your landscaping jobs tomorrow, Andy…if you, you know, want to, right?”
“Whaaa? I mean, yes, I could make the call, but what are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking that a couple of hours ahead there’s a lovely small town. With a lovely small motel; I noticed it on the way through the other day. Charming, you know? I think it would be lovely to spend a night there.”
“You’re serious?”
“Andy, I’ve loved every second of this holiday. I loved it when you and Jules were together, when we were all together, whether at lunch, dinner, galleries, or, honestly, in bed. And I really loved it when I had you all to myself. I love sharing you with my best friend, but I love having you to myself. And I want that now. Andy, I need that now. Is that ok?”
“It’s more than ok. Just point it out to me and I’ll be all yours.”
And so it was that with a slight detour, a couple of quick phone calls from Andy to his customers, and a quick check-in, sister and brother wrapped themselves in 16 hours of love, of sex, of incestuous taboo shattering as each brought the other to repeated orgasms, as Sam’s eager vaginal muscles, well schooled now by her brother, milked his rigid cock of jet after jet of his sperm, filling her womb. Alternating positions, now with Andy above, their eyes locking, falling into the depths of the other’s loving gaze, and now with Sam on top, riding her brother’s cock like the expert cowgirl she’d become. They lost count of how many times they came, Andy thrusting time and time into his sister’s vaginal depths, the head of his cock pressing with his deepest thrusts against her cervix, both thankful the motel was virtually empty as the shouts of their passion filled their bedroom.
And, finally sated, “for the moment,” as Sam laughed the next day, showered and dressed and ready for departure, they returned home.
And how did it end? It didn't: that winter Andy and Sam discovered a new-found interest in cross-country skiing so persuaded their parents to keep the cottage open after the summer season. So they usually had it to themselves as their parents had little interest in winter sports. But Sam and Andy added a new "winter sport" when, immediately on their arrival at the cottage and after warming it with fires in the wood stove and the fireplace they renewed their love, their passion, their lust. In fact, as Sam once laughed, they hardly needed the fires - their incestuous sex was enough to warm the entire building. I said "usually"; Julie managed to meet them there for a few winter weekends and the three managed to rekindle their triangular love.
And Andy frequently (and Sam, when she could) repeated the trip to Julie's new town so that it was little surprise when Julie returned to her home town and just as little surprise when Andy and Julie became engaged and, when he graduated college, married.
Sam finally met "the one" and also married, but before she had children, and after five years' nursing, she decided to study to be a doctor. This upset a delicate balance with her husband, who could not accept her ascendance in the medical hierarchy. After a long year of sadness and loss they separated. It made perfect sense, then, to Julie and Andy that Sam move in with them to save money for her medical school fees and to relieve her of virtually all domestic tasks as she studied and advanced toward her goal. And, of course, she was immediately present for her two toddler nephews who were always happy to see Aunt Sam. And on the fairly frequent nights when Julie would reach out only to find her husband's portion of their bed empty she would simply smile, roll over, and go back to sleep in the knowledge that her husband was once again warming his sister's bed.