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Part three of a girl's adventures at Scheherazade Imaginaria.
I huddled under the overhang of rock, wet, naked, and shivering, my clothes spread out to dry near the meagre fire I'd finally managed to start. The rain was steady and oppressive, the heavy clouds blocking moon and stars, my world constricted to the bare few paces illuminated by the flames. My eyes darted, reacting to every half-imagined sound. There were... things, in this forest. Everyone knew. It was bad enough in the daylight, but to be here at night... I cursed the dim, faded trail that had led me astray. The entire afternoon wasted, following a path that had been no path at all, then backtracking to again find my way. And how here I was; cold, wet, alone and frightened, tired beyond measure yet not daring to sleep. If I even could sleep, chilled as I was.

A crack of wood in the darkness! My head snapped in that direction, eyes peering uselessly into the night. I pulled my knees tighter to my chest, desperately trying to keep my teeth from chattering. A deer, perhaps. Please, let it be only a deer! My hand moved slowly to the long, solid stick I'd kept at my side. Slight protection, if it was a wolf or a bear—none at all, if it was something worse! I was staring so intently in the direction of that sound, I didn't see it coming around the other side.

I screamed as the enormous hand suddenly gripped me by my calf, ripping me out into the night, dangling me upside down. Higher and higher into the air I rose, ten feet, then fifteen, until I was finally eye to enormous eye with my captor.

“A fire! In my forest!” He bellowed into my face, his voice deep and gravelly, his speech slow and oddly rhythmed, almost musical. A flash of lightning gave me my first clear glimpse, and perhaps I had bumped my head harder than I'd thought; he was a tree! That was my first thought. Gnarled and lichen-covered, his features irregular, an enormous man carved out an ancient, leafless tree trunk, and somehow magically given life!

“W-what are you?” I stammered, the blood rushing to my head, the chill rain near freezing on my unprotected skin.

“What am I?” he seemed taken aback by my question, as if the answer should have been obvious. “Why... I am an Ent! Guardian and steward of this forest! Friend and protector of these trees, whose bodies you so casually and cruelly burn! And what manner of creature are you, you foul and fleshy thing?” He raised his other hand, flicking at my large and heavy breast, scowling in apparent disgust at the way he'd made it shake.

“I... I am human!” I gasped, wrapping myself in my arms, protectively covering my breasts with my hands.

“Hyu-maan...” he repeated questioningly. He twisted his wrist back and forth causing me to rotate, examining me from all angles. “I do not know this word. What is your purpose?”

“M-my p-purpose?” I asked, unable to stop my teeth chattering again in my worsening chill.

“All creatures have a purpose,” he mumbled, more to himself than to me, I thought. “If you do not know it, I shall discover it myself.” He paused, tilting his head in consideration, then leaned in close, closing his eyes and taking a long, slow sniff through his large, crooked nose. He moved gradually up my body; my hair, my chest, my belly, my sex... His eyes snapped open, and even on his strangely formed features I could clearly recognize surprise.

“I know this smell...” he murmured, grimacing in concentration. “How do I know this smell? It has been so long, my memory fades... but I know that I know this smell!” He brought up his other hand, forcing my legs carefully apart, closing his eyes again and snuffling directly into my sex this time, his firm, woody nostrils rubbing forcefully against my smooth, soft lips. I tried not to think about it, tried not to let myself respond... but I had no control; a moisture and heat that had nothing to do with the cold, pouring rain began to grow between my thighs.

“Entmaiden...” he whispered, though from him a mere whisper was still the volume of normal speech. He hurriedly righted me in his grasp, holding me now by both hands wrapped carefully around my waist; they were so large, even one would have been more than enough. “You are an Entmaiden!” he whispered again, his voice reverent, as soft as I'd yet heard it. “I cannot believe it... I thought you had all been lost! All the Entwives and Entmaidens, lost to us so long ago I can barely remember! And surely my memory deceives me, for you have not the countenance I seem to recall... Yet even now, I cannot mistake your smell! Oh, what miracle has preserved you all these long, lonely seasons, to bring you to me now?”

“I... I'm s-sorry, b-but I f-fear you m-must b-be m-mistaken!” I said, vigorously shaking my head. 'Entmaiden'? And he had called himself an 'Ent', whatever that was; I had never even heard of such a creature, before tonight! He could not truly believe we were somehow the same, could he? Preposterous! “I'm h-human, I s-said! I d-don't even kn-now what an Entm-maiden is!”

“It matters not what you call yourself, little Entmaiden,” he smiled. “Perhaps your memory is as flawed as my own, and you do not remember your own nature, your own purpose! That is alright. I shall show you, and you shall remember!”

I heard a low creaking of wood, an indecipherable expression appearing on the giant's wooden face. It was only as I glanced down towards the ground and saw the enormous, polished wooden member growing from between the Ent's thighs that I suddenly understood!

“N-no! N-no, p-please!” I begged, squirming and pushing at his grip, but I could as easily have split an oak tree with my bare hands! All I accomplished was to make him readjust the positioning of his own, pinning my arms to my sides as well.

“Hush, my child,” he murmured, in what I'm sure he thought was a reassuring tone. “You shall learn, and you shall remember! I shall teach you!”

He lowered me in his hands, rubbing my poor, defenceless lips against the crown of his huge, swollen head! I whimpered and shook, only partly because of the cold now, but there was nothing I could do, no way I could possibly resist! He lowered me onto himself, slowly and carefully, but still I screamed! He was so unbelievably thick, stretching me relentlessly, and there was no give or softness to him at all! I cried loudly, my tears invisible in the pouring rain as he impaled me further and further onto his massive, wooden cock, certain he was going to tear me apart! Even if I somehow survived, I knew I would never be the same; that huge, monstrous cock was stretching me out completely, permanently damaging my formerly cute, tight little pussy, ruining me for any man! My cries became sobs, huge racking things, at the knowledge that I would never be able to properly please a husband, not after the destruction he was causing inside of me! He started gently fucking me—not with the movement of his hips, but by effortlessly lifting my entire body up and down his shaft with his hands, making me nothing but a sex-toy for his pleasure! I looked down at myself, seeing my vulnerable little lips stretched so much wider than they'd ever been stretched before as he gradually forced his way deeper and deeper inside... and I couldn't help it—I winced my eyes tightly closed, unable to bear the sight of what was happening to me!

“Do you see, child?” he finally whispered, taking a break from lifting me, removing one hand from around my waist and carefully stroking a fingertip across my cheek. “You are an Entmaiden—now, my Entwife! None other could accept me as you have!” I opened my eyes again to see what he meant, gasping in shock as I glanced down through my tears. The entire thing was inside of me now! “You see, do you not?” He removed his other hand as well, leaving my entire weight suspended on nothing but the incredible firmness of his cock inside me, my hands clutching desperately at his chest to steady myself.

He reestablished his grip on me and started once again lifting me up and down on his cock. Faster and faster, harder and harder he lifted and dropped me, my big, heavy tits bouncing painfully, my flesh starting to feel like it was burning on my chest! I struggled, hoping to at least free an arm so I could restrain them somewhat, but my efforts were in vain; he wanted my arms at my sides, therefore that is where they were. Yet my increasingly painful breasts were the least of my concerns; the unyielding dome of my captor's cockhead was bruisingly stiff, pounding against the soft, fleshy wall at my utter end. It was like getting spanked, hard, with a wooden broomstick—only in a place many times more sensitive, and with none of the firm, soft padding provided by my pert little ass! I howled and begged him to stop, swore that I couldn't possibly take any more... but when he spoke to me at all, it was only to exhort me to patience, assuring me that I would start to remember soon.

Then, against all expectation... I started to feel the heat! I was confused at first; my teeth were still chattering, my skin an even paler white than normal, my fingers almost turning blue. Then the realization came, and I shook my head, my tears flowing faster. I didn't want to do it, not like this! But it was out of my control; the pressure was building, something about getting relentlessly, repeatedly dropped onto that immovable pillar of a cock! It was triggering something inside me, a desperate need and desire I hadn't even known was there! I started to gasp, the breath coming irregularly into my chest, until the moment finally hit; I howled, squirming in his unyielding grasp, legs flailing uselessly in the air, wave after wave of horrid, unwanted pleasure coursing through me! My body went limp in the aftermath, and still he didn't stop; his only reaction was to move his fingers further up my back, better supporting my neck and head as he continued lifting me up and down on his cock! He forced me through two more terrible, incredible, pain-filled orgasms before he was finally ready to join me with his own.

“Oh, take my sap, my Entwife!” he tilted his head back, screaming loudly up at the clouds, the incredible, thick heat of him shooting into me forcing one last climax of my own. “It has been so long! Take my sap! Let me pollinate your womb!”

I was no longer able to object, too exhausted, cold, and sore to even speak. He pulled me carefully off of himself after we'd both finished, kneeling and setting me gently back to the ground as his cock shrunk and retreated back into his body. He'd been using me for so long that my fire was nothing but embers, now; he placed his palm flat against the ground, and a low rumble, more felt than heard, began moving them further in under the overhang, right up against the stone. I watched in disbelief as pieces of half-rotten wood started working their way up from under the ground, moving themselves onto the coals, catching easily. I turned to look at him in confusion.

“You are cold, my Entwife,” he explained. “I shall warm you now.”

He ushered me in under the rock to lay down on my side, curling himself up behind me, his enormous, wooden body all but completely blocking the wind, holding me close.

“Sleep in peace,” he rumbled. “Nothing shall harm you here, not in my forest! You are safe!”

“Thank you,” I made myself say, swallowing nervously. I didn't know what to think. I was no Entwife, that I knew, whatever he said! And yet... there was no denying how hard he had made me cum, even if it had hurt while he was doing it. I allowed myself a small, guilty smile, his huge, wooden chest so solid and safe-feeling at my back. Perhaps... if I wasn't an Entwife by birth, perhaps I could become one, by choice? I closed my eyes, and settled down to sleep.

I waited an extra thirty seconds or so, to properly bookend the scenario for the recording, then reached up to my visor and hit the button to turn it off. 'Love you, Daddy! Miss you!' I thought quietly to myself, then sat up shivering, the door opening as I wrapped myself in my arms.

“Here, let's get that off,” Isla's voice, carefully removing my visor for me. I smiled as I saw her, as naked as I was, as beautiful as always. Even with that cute little grimace on her face, shaking her head, hissing in disapproval as she felt my skin. “God, Elly, you're freezing! Come on, let's get you into the shower! I don't know how I ever let you talk me into setting the temperature so low!”

“N-needed t-to,” I chattered, clutching to her waist as she helped me stand. “F-for f-filming!”

“Yeah, yeah...” she grumbled, but I knew she wasn't angry, only concerned. She put my visor in the cleaner and got me quickly under the shower, holding me tight and rubbing her arms up and down my back, the lukewarm water feeling amazing on my skin. As tempting as it was, we both knew better than to jump straight to hot when I was this cold; you didn't grow up where we had without knowing how to treat hypothermia. Mine was only a very mild case, if it was even that, but it was better to treat it cautiously even so. I gave it a few more seconds, then gradually started adjusting the knob until I'd worked my way up to the heat we both preferred.

“So... how'd it look?” I asked as I snuggled comfortably against her chest, relieved that I could get the words out clearly now, without clacking my teeth.

“As incredible as always, of course,” she smiled, softly kissing my hair. “Your tits especially! They looked absolutely amazing, bouncing around so violently like that! I was half afraid they were going to shake right off your chest!”

“Good,” I giggled, feeling myself up a bit under the spray; they were still feeling really, really sore, and I was glad to hear that it had looked as good as it had felt! “And I'm sorry if I scared you with the temperature... but you know I can't act my way out of a paper bag! I can barely even remember my lines, and end up improvising half the time! Thank goodness the A.I. is good enough at playing along! But if I'm going to do something, you know I have to do it for real.”

“I know,” she sighed, holding me tight. “Doesn't mean I have to like it all the time! Just promise me you won't do the more extreme stuff like this unless I'm here to take care of you, and make sure you're okay!”

“Deal!” I giggled happily, turning my head to give her a soft, slow kiss between her lovely, modest breasts. “But I still say we could have just stayed in bed together today.”

“Yeah, right!” she chuckled, giving me a playful swat on my ass, making me yelp. “You've been coiled tight as a spring ever since you agreed to come with me! As much as I know you love what I can do for you, you know as well as I do that wasn't going to cut it for you today. You needed a proper, full-on orgasm, not just playtime, or you were never going to be able to relax!”

“Well... maybe you were right, this one time,” I teased.

“I usually am. You should get used to it!” she teased me right back. We squirmed, squealed, and played, until I pushed her up against the tile and dropped to my knees. She moaned happily, lifting one long, slender thigh up onto my shoulder and adjusting the spray not to hit me in my face, running her fingers into my soft, wet hair. Maybe she couldn't quite make me cum, thanks to my... issues. But that was okay; I could certainly take care of her, which I loved doing just as much!

She came for me quickly and easily, as she always did, but only the once since we didn't have any convenient way for me to tie her down while we were still in the shower. Turns out, Isla hadn't been kidding about the risk of accidentally kneeing me in my ear if I tried to make her cum more than once in a row; I'd learned that lesson fast! I kissed her a bit more after she'd finished, and we got on with the task of actually getting clean. The 'sap' was considerably harder for me to squeeze out of myself than normal. It had the same basic components as the normal fake cum S.I. always used, but a new formulation, more concentrated and less liquidy. I'd played with it a little, with my fingers, but I'd figured the 'Ent In The Rain' scenario was the perfect chance to give it a proper field test in my pussy. I knew it would be coming out eventually no matter what, as contact with my body's own natural fluids caused it to break down and turn fully liquid, but for the time being it felt like it was stuck up there pretty good—it was probably a good thing I'd chosen to use a more normal amount this time, for testing purposes, rather than the overwhelming flood of the stuff I normally preferred! We got out and dried off, and I put a tampon in anyways, just in case, before we got dressed; Isla in her white t-shirt and tight, sexy little black jeans, me in my forest green ankle-length skirt, white blouse, and cute red sweater. It was Christmas Eve, after all, or at least Christmas-Eve-afternoon, and I'd wanted to dress appropriately!

I got my visor out of the cleaner and stored it carefully away in its case in my bag, and we went out into reception hand in hand. I was surprised to see an older lady with dyed black hair and grey roots standing waiting at the counter, though I knew I shouldn't have been; I was so used to taking my appointments late at night, I sometimes forgot how busy it could get here during the daytime. She seemed to be even more surprised than I was, though from the way she was shyly glancing back and forth between Isla and me, she at least had reason to be. I smiled guiltily back, giving her a little nod as we passed. Even if we hadn't actually been sharing the scenario room together, only the shower afterwards, that was still pretty much the same; let her enjoy letting her imagination run wild with what she thought the two of us might have been doing in there!

Isla and I retrieved our coats and boots, bundling up tight for the walk back to her place, giving Laura behind the counter a silent wave goodbye as we stepped out into the cold. We linked arms as we always did, Isla laughing and teasing me for the way I kept leaning against her side so hard I was threatening to push her into the snowbank! Isla changed once we got in, putting on sexy black slacks and a sleek beige blouse. She looked amazing! We still had almost an hour before Danny would be coming to pick us up, so we sat together on the couch and Isla turned on the tv, though I don't think she was paying any more attention to the screen than I was. We'd have to behave ourselves at her mom and dad's place, so I wanted to get my kisses in while I could!

Danny texted Isla with a two-minute warning—actually his girlfriend Sarah did, since he was busy driving. We bundled up again, Isla grabbing her box full of presents, and we headed out to meet them downstairs.

“You must be Elly!” Sarah opened her passenger door as we arrived, smiling wide. She was blonde like me, I saw, but on the dirtier, more golden side of the spectrum, compared to my almost platinum. She had ruddy pink cheeks, and a huge, engaging smile. “Sorry if I don't get out, it's a bit of an ordeal!” she explained, gesturing down at her seven-months pregnant belly. “But come give me a hug!”

“Oh! Uhhh... okay!” I smiled, surprised but glad as she pulled me tight, tighter than I would have expected given that she had a tiny, vulnerable human squirming around in there! She shook me side to side in her arms, making me laugh, before she finally allowed me to let her go and climb into the back seat of their SUV. Isla already had her presents stored in the back, climbing in beside me from the other side, and shortly we were off.

“We just need to stop off at my place real quick, if that's okay,” I asked, and Danny agreed it was no problem. Isla looked at me questioningly, but I pretended not to notice.

“So, tell me Elly, how did you two meet?” Sarah asked, twisting as much as she was able to look at me over the back of her seat, which wasn't much.

“Oh!” She'd surprised me yet again. “Danny didn't tell you?”

“I never talk about my clients, just on principle,” he shook his head, keeping his eyes on the road.

“Plus, you figured we might want to 'control the narrative', and you didn't want to stick your foot in it?” Isla teased.

“And that!” her big brother laughed.

“Control the narrative?” Sarah asked, obviously confused.

“It, uhhh...” I hemmed, gathering myself with a breath; I'd prepared myself for this, dang it! “We met at work.”

“Oh? What do you do?” she asked, taking the exact wrong meaning from my words.

“No, I...” I took another breath. “I'm just a clerk at a convenience store. I meant we met at Isla's work, not mine... I'm—I was—a client at S.I.. That's where we met.”

“Oh!” Sarah exclaimed, her eyes wide in shock.

“Hardly just a client!” Isla grinned, leaning against my arm and squeezing my thigh. “First of all, you were my favourite client! But more than that, Elly's about to become the face—and body!—of S.I.'s brand new augmented-reality porn division!”

“Really!” Sarah gasped, and if I hadn't been fighting my own embarrassment so hard, her expression would have made me laugh.

“'Fraid so,” I confirmed, my cheeks blushing hotly behind my lowered scarf. “They haven't started releasing the videos yet... another two or three weeks, they tell me, to get everything just perfect first. But they're planning a whole big launch, and they want me to be their poster girl.”

“Wow...” she said, shaking her head as she tried to adjust to the idea. “I mean... you're obviously beautiful enough, that's for sure! And that sounds great, if that's what you want! But, uhhh... sorry, if this is a dumb question... but what exactly is 'augmented reality porn'?”

Isla laughed, thankfully taking over. “You remember how I told you it works, and the sort of stuff S.I. can do, right?” Sarah nodded that she did. “So... the simple version is, you start with that, only you film it all as it's happening, using a whole bunch of cameras from different points of view. And then once that part's done, you go into the data, and all the same stuff you did to feed the proper images into the client's—or in this case, the actress'—visor while it was happening, you do it all again, to see what the whole scene would look like from the point of view of all those different cameras. In the end, you basically end up with a motion-capture video, like they do in Hollywood all the time, only you can skip around to all the different viewpoints however you like.”

“For the premium version, that is,” Danny clarified with a grin. “That was my little contribution, while I was helping Elly negotiate with S.I.—I can still hardly believe they hadn't already thought of it themselves! They'd just planned on editing it all together, like a traditional porno, and releasing that version—which they're still going to do, by the way, for the cheapskates. But the premium version's where it gets really interesting, letting people jump around as they like. They're even planning to release an ultra-premium version now, once they can figure out a way to do it without letting too many of their company secrets out of the bag; basically, it'll be a full download of every bit of data they collected during filming, that will let people move their viewpoint around in unrestricted 3D, like they were right there watching it happen. As long as their computers can handle chugging through that much raw data and doing the calculations on the fly, that is.”

“Which is definitely cool, agreed, especially from an artist's point of view!” Isla smiled. That was the real reason she'd taken the job at S.I., she'd told me, despite it being way, way below her skill level; she had a digital arts degree, and when she hadn't been able to land her dream job with their super-prestigious design team, she'd figured taking a job as a technician and getting a chance to 'peek under the hood' while she honed her skills for a year or two would help her chances when she reapplied. “What I'm most excited for is the side-by-side, getting to see the real-life Elly, with the machines in the scenario room, right next to the digital version with the monster she's doing!”

“Monster?” Sarah asked, and this time Isla looked at me first for permission.

“You may as well,” I shrugged shyly. “The whole world's going to see in another couple of weeks anyways, there's no reason she should be left out now. Show her the dragon.”

Isla pulled out her phone and quickly started to type. “Now for scale, keep in mind that she's seven feet tall, seven and a half with her horns.” She handed over her phone, and if I'd thought Sarah's eyes had been wide before, that was nothing to how they looked now!

“Oh my God!” she gasped, glancing back and forth between me and her phone. “But... you're so tiny! Where does it all even go?”

“Beats me,” I shrugged again, my blush mounting to truly epic proportions. “It's not exactly easy... who am I kidding? It hurts like you would not believe! But it all fits, one way or another, even if just barely.”

“Damn...” she swore, slowly shaking her head in awe as she continued staring at the screen, finally handing Isla back her phone. “Well, no wonder they want you for their poster girl, that's all I'll say! I hope you got her one hell of a good contract, babe!”

“The best, trust me!” he laughed, reaching over to squeeze her thigh. It was so similar to the way Isla still had her hand on mine, I could barely stop myself from laughing too, if for an entirely different reason. Then we were pulling up outside my apartment building, and I quickly jumped out.

“Back in a flash!” I called, darting up the steps. I already had my box waiting next to the door, and I hurried right back down. Danny saw me coming, popping the rear hatch so I could stow it away with the rest before climbing back inside.

“You got presents for everyone?” Isla whispered, leaning against me, squeezing and rubbing my thigh again. “I told you, you didn't have to do that! You haven't even met any of them before today, other than Danny!”

“I wanted to,” I whispered back. “Don't tell... but it's homemade fudge, sugar cookies, and gingerbread men. And don't worry—you get one too, not to be left out tomorrow, but I still have plenty of extras at home, for you and me!”

“Those were the errands that had you so busy yesterday?” she gasped. “Making Christmas treats for my family?”

I nodded, giggling wickedly that I'd been able to surprise her.

“I love you, you know that?” she said, smiling and shaking her head. And suddenly I could barely see, tears filling my eyes!

“I love you too!” I choked, and we wrapped each other in our arms, kissing softly. It was the first time we'd said it to each other, and it couldn't have been any more perfect, so unplanned and spontaneous!

I wiped my eyes, and Isla did too, a little, which I was gratified to see. At least I wasn't the only soppy emotional mess in our relationship! I diverted our conversation to Sarah's pregnancy after that, a topic she was prepared to both gush over and complain about at length, easily lasting the duration of the drive. I could hardly believe what I was seeing as we pulled up... the place was huge! Isla must have sensed my sudden apprehension, nudging me with her arm and leaning over to whisper.

“It's just a house. Four walls and a roof, that's all it is,” she said. Yeah, right! But we all climbed out, three of the four of us going around to the back for our boxes, Sarah waiting by her door so she could put her hand on Danny's arm for safety as we headed up the walk. Now that Sarah was standing at least I knew I wasn't going to be the only shorter person around this weekend, but at five-foot-three she was still a good four inches taller than me!

“Mom, Dad, we're here!” Danny called into the vastness as we trooped inside, setting down our burdens, stripping off our winter gear and hanging it on the hallway hooks.

“Ohhhh, let me take a look at you!” a voice called, preceding Isla's mother around the corner by several seconds. She was every bit as tall and beautiful as Isla was, homing in on Sarah like a missile and wrapping her in a hug.

“Seriously, Mom,” Danny chuckled, shaking his head in exasperation. “You'd think we hadn't seen you in a year... we're here for Sunday dinner every week!”

“Hush, you!” she said, swatting playfully at her son's arm. “And you must be Elly! Come in, come in! Come give me a hug! I'm Connie, Isla's mother. Are you coming, Art?” she called behind her. “I swear, that man! Oh, come here!” She pulled me into a tight embrace I couldn't help but return.

“Pleased to meet you, Connie!” I said, blushing and somewhat muffled as she held me tight to her chest.

“Let the poor girl breath, Mom, jeez! You're going to scare her off!” Isla came to my rescue with a laugh, she and Danny each taking their turns with hugs.

“Hello, hello!” their father turned up, and at six-four with unruly shoulder length hair and a salt and pepper beard halfway down his chest, he made even his six-foot-two son look diminutive. I always felt small, whoever I was with, but I was suddenly feeling a bit like a child with all these freaking giants surrounding me!

“Arthur, what did I tell you to do with your hair?” Connie hissed as she smacked his arm, but with no real vitriol behind it, only amused affection.

“Sarah, looking radiant as always!” he said, ignoring his wife's comment and wrapping his daughter-in-law (more or less) in his embrace. Danny got a back-pounding hug, Isla a kiss on her cheek and a squeeze that lifted her right off her feet, making her squeak. “And you must be Elly...” he turned that thousand-watt smile on me. “The one who's finally managed to tame my rebellious imp of a daughter, I hear!” I tried offering my hand, but he stepped right up, wrapped me in his arms, and lifted me up, twirling me around in the air, making me squeak at least twice as loud as Isla had! He finally set me down, to a mixture of laughter and chiding from the others, steadying me with his hands on my shoulders. “Welcome to the family, Elly! Please, call me Art!”

“Thank you, Art,” I smiled shyly, really blushing, now! But Isla rescued me again, stepping up and wrapping her arm around my back.

“Luna and Mark?” she asked.

“Luna texted she's running a little late, but should be here soon,” Connie replied as we all started making our way further into the house. “Mark and Jess decided the boys were too keyed up as it was, so they're going to stay home tonight and do Christmas morning just the four of them first, then come over to do it with us again here.”

“Must be serious, if Mark's willing to miss your Christmas Eve ham, Mom!” Danny quipped, and everybody laughed.

“They're four and six! You were no angel at that age either, I'll have you know!” Connie smacked his arm again.

“Still isn't, last I checked!” Sarah joined in, wrapping his other arm in hers and earning another round of laughs. We all followed Connie into the kitchen, and everything smelled amazing! Isla found herself a convenient section of wall to prop up, pulling me over with her and wrapping me in her arms, leaning back against her chest. It felt amazing, being held so possessively like that, right in front of her whole family! Still...

“Is there anything I can do to help, Connie?” I offered, standing up onto my toes to try to peer at what she had going on over there on her amazing eight-top, dual-oven range! Danged tall people! I bet Isla could see what was in those pots without even trying! I was so jealous, getting to cook on something like that! Connie looked almost pained for a moment, but Isla stepped in before she could respond.

“Don't worry, Mom; Elly actually knows what she's doing!” she laughed. “She even has one of those... whatchamacallums, those juice-squirty things, at her apartment!”

“Baster,” Connie and I supplied at once, making Isla laugh again.

“See? I promise, Mom, you can trust her not to ruin supper if you let her help.”

“I appreciate the offer, really... but everything is pretty much set now, just cooking away. I just have to keep an eye on it all to make sure.”

“I certainly don't want to get in your way!” I said with a shake of my head, totally understanding. I, of all people, knew exactly what it was like not wanting anyone else in your kitchen! Isla was up to the chopping vegetables stage, when she helped me cook for us. Sometimes. When the veggies didn't fight back. “But... maybe I could take a look at your recipes, while you're watching over it all? I'm always looking for new things to try, and I'm sure you know exactly what Isla likes best.”

“Well... of course, dear, come here!” she smiled warmly. I knew that would work! I gave Isla a quick peck on the lips, then went over to join Connie, seeing what I could learn. It was maybe fifteen minutes later when we got our last arrival, Isla's sister Luna. And it was a good thing Connie hadn't been letting me help her after all, because anything I'd have had in my hands as she stepped around the corner to the kitchen, I'd have dropped right on the floor!

“Let me guess...” Luna grinned wickedly as she saw my reaction, quirking her soft, sultry lips in the exact same way with which I was so intensely, intimately familiar. “Isla never told you she was an identical twin, did she?” I dumbly shook my head, staring back and forth between them like I'd just been knocked between my eyes. The same voice, the same carelessly seductive smile and gorgeous, bright green eyes, the same deceptively messy-looking haircut, even the same multiple piercings in their ears! She was even cocking her hip the same way as she stood there smiling at me! If they hadn't both been right there in front of me, never in a million years would I have believed that wasn't Isla! Heck, they both were right there in front of me, and I was still halfway convinced it was some sort of trick with mirrors!

“I'm not surprised,” Luna laughed, and that was exactly the same too! “This was always Isla's favourite trick when we were growing up! I cannot even tell you how many times one of her boyfriends came up behind me and grabbed my ass, thinking I was her!”

“Like you were so innocent!” Isla laughed too. “That happened to me just as often as it did to you!”

“The difference being, my boyfriends only ever did it by accident! You arranged for yours to do it on purpose!” Luna accused.

“You'll never prove that!” Isla retorted with a grin. Thank goodness the two of them weren't wearing the same clothes tonight, or I'd really have been in trouble! At least I knew Isla had her sternum tattoo. But if I ever got to the point I was examining them between their breasts, I knew I was already screwed! “And whose idea was Halloween, hmmm? Little miss innocent?”

“Okay, that was different! That was just funny!” Luna laughed, as did everybody else but me.

“Luna teaches grade seven English,” Isla turned to clue me in on the joke. “This year, we dressed up like the twins from The Shining—blue dresses, kneesocks, the whole nine yards. Then, she had me go in and teach the first ten minutes of each of her classes, before she would come in and join me! Freaked the kiddies right the hell out!”

Everybody laughed again, myself included this time. “Okay, I have to admit, that does sound pretty funny!”

“It was hilarious!” Isla agreed. “I nearly peed myself, I was laughing so hard! The point is, don't let Luna fool you; she's not half as innocent as she likes to pretend!”

“Says you!” Luna replied, childishly sticking out her tongue. To which, of course, Isla did the same. Even the way they did that looked identical!

“Girls, girls... don't fight! You're both pretty!” Art chuckled with the air of one who had said the same thing many times before, causing another round of laughs. Luckily, supper was just coming ready, and though Connie hadn't wanted help cooking she was more than happy to accept extra hands getting it onto to the table. We sat and joined hands, Art saying a short but meaningful prayer of thanks and blessing for his family. So... maybe Isla wasn't entirely non-religious after all? A discussion for another time.

Supper was incredible; a perfect, juicy ham, scalloped potatoes, honeyed carrots, brown sugar green beans and asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower in cheese sauce, candied yams, fresh-baked rolls... and for dessert, homemade pies; pumpkin, apple, and cherry! I was in culinary heaven! And this was just Christmas Eve; tomorrow, for Christmas dinner itself, Connie was doing turkey! The only thing better than the food was the conversation, laughing and joking, everyone making a special effort to make me feel included. I was still a little worried about the whole porn-actress, monster-fucker thing... but we were all so busy talking about everything else under the sun, somehow what I did for work and how Isla and I had met never even came up! There had been only one awkward moment, and even that had turned out well in the end.

“So, where are you from, Elly? Do you have family in the area?” Art had asked.

“Ummm...” I said, not wanting to bring the mood down, but unwilling to lie to these wonderful, amazing people. “I'm from here, but no, no family. My mom... she ran off when I was little, I don't remember her. And my Dad... Daddy died, a while ago. He was the only family I ever had.”

“Oh, I'm so sorry, Elly,” Art had said sadly. “I really shoved my foot in it, didn't I? I didn't mean to bring up sad memories.”

“It's okay, isn't it Elly,” Isla had rescued me once again, taking my hand in hers and giving me a squeeze. “If Elly doesn't have a family of her own, it means she'll just have to borrow ours!”

“Here, here!” Art had declared, to raucous agreement all around!

“Thank you, all of you!” I said, and they were all so kind, they didn't even remark on it as I had to use my napkin to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

After supper was Christmas movie time, with, of course, occasional breaks for even more pie! Isla and I spent the whole evening with me cuddled up in her lap in one of the big, comfortable loveseats, until we all agreed it was finally time for bed. But although we all stood up, none of us was moving anywhere, no one but Connie, who had scurried off somewhere without me noticing. Then she was back, a load of big, red, homemade stockings draped over one arm, each decorated with its own unique combination of lace and frills. She handed them out one by one—including one for me, my name, 'Eleanor', lovingly embroidered down the center in bright golden thread!

“Oh, Connie!” I cried, my tears flowing fast and free, as she pulled me into her embrace.

“You should know,” she whispered into my ear, so quietly no one else could possibly hear. “Isla has never, ever brought one of her boyfriends—or girlfriends either—over to meet the family like this before. Most of the time, we haven't even heard their names until after they'd already broken up. I know you two haven't been dating very long, yet... but we've been hearing about you from your very first date! She is completely smitten with you, dear! I just thought you should know. Welcome to the family, Elly!” She kissed me softly on my cheek, then let me back away. I had to be careful not to get tears all over my beautiful new stocking, as Isla showed me how to pick a spot on one of the couches or chairs to hang it up, and she placed hers right next to mine. We each did our own, then Art and Connie put up four more, the names reading Mark, Jessica, Connor, and Duncan; the rambunctious boys I had yet to meet would have stockings full of goodies when they arrived tomorrow. Hugs and cheek kisses were spread all around, then finally it really was time for bed. Isla, Luna and I all headed down to the basement together, where the twins had had their bedrooms across the hall from each other ever since they'd started puberty. Knowing Isla's... 'energetic' personality as I did, I wasn't surprised that was where the two of them had ended up—they were probably lucky not to have banished to the garage! Luna let us have the bathroom first, then Isla and I retired into her room, where I got to have my first real glimpse into my girlfriend's teenage soul.

“You did all these?” I asked, staring at the rows upon rows of drawings she had tacked onto her walls. I knew she mostly worked on her computer nowadays, instead of pencil and paper. She'd shown me a few of her projects, the ones she was most proud of, but I'd never had a chance to see this much of her art before. “These are incredible!”

“They're really not,” she said, frowning softly and wrapping her arms self-consciously around her waist. I strongly disagreed, but I knew saying so wouldn't matter; I just kept looking at them, letting my obvious interest and appreciation speak for me instead. She finally came up behind me and wrapped me in her arms, kissing my hair and turning me around to face her.

“I want to ask you something...” she said quietly, nervously biting her lip. “And I want you to tell me the truth, and to know that no matter what that truth is, I won't be upset, okay?” Now she was making me a little nervous! But I nodded, silently but encouragingly tilting my head. “Have you ever... had a twin fantasy?” she asked. At first I thought I must have misheard her, but then what she seemed to be suggesting sank in.

“You don't really mean...?” I gasped, and she slowly nodded her head.

“We used to do it sometimes, with boyfriends we really liked, when we wanted to give them something special,” she confirmed, blushing and not quite meeting my eyes. “As long as the other one was single, that is—neither of us has ever been a cheater! We've never tried it with another girl before... but I know she'd say yes, if I asked. I will, if you want me to.”

“I...” I shook my head, unsure what to think. “You wouldn't be jealous, me being with your own sister?”

“She knows you're my girlfriend, not hers,” she smiled, shyly shaking her head. “If anyone is going to get jealous, it'll be her, because I found you first!” I giggled a little at that, and she stroked her fingers through my hair. “Seriously though, that won't be an issue; this would only be for fun, for her, not because she's trying to horn in on what we have together, you and me. Occasionally doing this together is maybe the one thing she and I have never fought about.”

“And... forget what I may or may not want for a second. Do you want this?” I had to know. She grinned wickedly, looking up into my eyes again. Just the heat of that look was enough to answer my question, and then some!

“If there was an extra copy of you floating around out there somewhere, do you have any idea how much I would want to have you both? I'm in the unusual position of actually being able to give that to you... So yes. Unless you really don't want to, I very much want to do this for you! You can consider it an extra Christmas present from me, if you want!”

“What about my... issues?” I asked, chewing my lip. It had been hard enough having explain that just once, to Isla! I didn't want to have to do it again.

“I'll explain when I talk to her—no details, of course! Only that you can't cum without a certain type of pain, which she and I really, really aren't equipped to provide, either emotionally or anatomically! But that whether you cum from it or not, you still really enjoy everything else we can do to you instead!”

“And... I would get to touch and do stuff to both of you, the same as both of you would be touching and doing stuff to me?” I had to ask, just to make absolutely sure there was no room for miscommunication and hurt feelings.

“I'm pretty sure we're both going to insist on it!” Isla grinned, making me laugh. Goodness! I could hardly believe this was actually going to happen!

“And...” I blushed brighter, but I just had to know! “Would it just be you two touching me, and me touching both of you... or would you be touching each other, too?”

She was clearly taken aback for a moment, but she didn't panic or run away. “Would... would you like us to touch each other like that?”

I bit my lip... but I couldn't turn back now! Isla knew about Daddy and me... not all the details, maybe, but she knew enough, and she hadn't freaked out about that! I looked her straight in her eyes, nodding, slowly but emphatically. “I would love that!”

“I... I don't know how she'll feel about that,” she said, her blush almost rivalling my own. “We've never done that before... but I'll ask. I will if she will.”

“Thank you,” I said, reaching up to run my fingers through her hair.

“Don't thank me yet!” she smirked. “We don't know if she'll say yes, yet!”

“I wasn't thanking you for that,” I shook my head. “Or for this! I was thanking you because I love you!”

“I love you, too!” she smiled, and we kissed, deeply and passionately until she slowly broke away. “Now, give me your tampon, and I'll toss it out before I go talk to her. That's one thing we don't need to explain!”

I laughed, playfully insisting she strip me down and take it for herself! There was nothing on it anyways, since I'd just swapped to a new one before bed. Isla was right though; I'd tell Luna when and if it came up naturally, like I had with Sarah, but I wouldn't go out of my way to bring up the details of my new career until and unless she asked. Isla kissed me down into her big, soft, queen-sized bed, then dashed quickly out the door, turning the light off on her way. The bit of moonlight seeping through the small window over her bed was still enough for me to see, but not well. I chewed my lip; waiting, wondering, hoping. It wasn't long, the two of them stepping hand in hand through the door, naked as the day they'd been born, closing it behind them.

“Oh, come on! That's just not fair!” I gasped, shaking my head as my eyes darted back and forth between them. “You even got the same tattoo? How am I ever supposed to tell you apart!”

They looked at each other, giggling wickedly, before turning back to me. “You aren't!” they said in stereo, then stalked up onto the bed, laying themselves down at my sides. They took turns kissing me, softly fondling my breasts as I wrapped my arms around their backs, and it was no luck there; I thought kissing might give me a clue, from technique, or familiarity, or something like that, but as far as I could tell they were exactly the same even there. One of them, the one on my left, whoever that was, the one I was currently kissing, slid her hand between my thighs. The other, not to be outdone, moved down to start sucking on my nipple, squeezing and playing with my other breast. I thought maybe that meant the one kissing and fingering me was Isla? But then they traded again, the second twin grasping my pussy no less possessively than the first one had, so I really had no idea. They went back and forth repeatedly, until I finally gave up even trying to figure out who was who—I just wanted them both!

The one on my right was the first to start eating me, the other one looking on ravenously for a moment, licking her lips, before she swung herself up on to my face. I moaned happily into her pussy, reaching up and around to grab hold of her firm little ass as I started to lick and suck, her fingers plying deeply into my tits, watching her sister devour me between my thighs! I knew I couldn't cum, but I didn't care! The one riding my face sure could, painting me with her creamy white mess! She squealed, laughed, and pushed herself away as I tried to keep going, bending down to lick herself off my lips before the two of them traded once more. They went back and forth every time I made one of them cum, seven, eight times in total, I wasn't even sure, I was enjoying myself so much I lost track. My tongue was getting tired, but they were both so easy to cum they could do it just from me sucking on their pretty little clitties, which was much easier for me to maintain. But then, as they were switching once more, they stopped as one, kneeling on either side of my hips. I hadn't seen them signal any such plan... one of those infamous twin-telepathy moments, maybe? They grinned down at me, then at each other, their cheeks brightening as they leaned slowly towards each other over top of me, and they started to kiss!

I gasped, trembling, as I started playing with myself to the sight, mauling my tits with one hand, rubbing my clit with the other. They moved a little closer, their knees right up touching my hips, as their hands reached out; the back of each other's necks, first, then sliding slowly down to cup and squeeze each other's firm, perky little breasts! As if that weren't enough, their other hands moved next, between each other's thighs! I moaned, going at myself with abandon, loving every moment of what I was seeing, what they had both agreed to do to each other, just for me!

Closer and closer they came, panting into each other's mouths, the heat building between their thighs. They were timing themselves, I could tell, delaying and making it last, wanting their peaks to arrive together! It was as close as anyone could ever reasonably expect—maybe three seconds difference, after one started to go, before the other one joined her. They squealed and shook, their long, slender thighs and pert little asses looking absolutely amazing as their muscles trembled. They half collapsed as they finished, removing their hands and clutching at each other, resting their heads on each other's shoulders as they panted to recover, and started to giggle.

“That was amazing!” I whispered, so completely blown away by what I'd just witnessed I was no longer even playing with myself, just staring up at them in awe. They smiled silently down at me, licking and biting their lips, before looking back at each other again; one questioningly, the other with a shy nod of agreement. The one currently on my right (I had no idea if she'd started out on that side or not) let herself fall into the bed on her back, the other one climbing up on top of her and starting to kiss. I rolled to my side, pressing myself tight up against them, fondling the top one's ass with my hand. They giggled again, pulling me under their arms, as all three of us took turns kissing.

That was amazing, but it didn't last long; the one on top pushed herself up, turning herself around into sixty-nine. I moaned loudly, immediately going back to playing with myself again even more vigorously than before! They moaned too, but not enough to drown out the sounds of their licking and kissing, so incredibly wet and hot! I wished I could watch them forever, but they were both so easy to cum even from a baseline of zero, and they were both already so, so far above that! They came together, gasping and kicking, squealing their mutual pleasure, covering each other's faces with their juices. I eased down to watch their cuddling aftermath... only the bottom twin wrapped her arms tight around the base of her sister's spine, holding her rigidly in place and diving back in! The top twin squealed and kicked, but unable to get away she did the only thing she could; she grabbed tight to her sister's ass with her hands, and gave as good as she got!

Orgasm after orgasm they went, kicking and flailing, rolling on the bed, each unbelievably sensitive nearly to the point of pain, neither one willing to stop! I was getting a little sore myself, truth be told, my poor little clitty unused to the sort of abuse I was subjecting her to as I watched! They finally relented, I think due to sheer exhaustion more than anything else, separating themselves to snuggle tightly up against me on either side, pulling up the sheet. All three of us were hot and sticky with sweat and cum, but none of us seemed to mind. I rolled onto my side, the one behind me cuddling even closer, wrapping her arm around me to grab hold of my breast, the one in front laying her arm over top of us both, softly kissing my lips.

“So...” the one in front teased. “do you have a guess now, which of us is which?”

“Ummm...” I thought, but I really had no idea. “Isla?”

“We'll tell you tomorrow,” she grinned, both of them giggling tiredly as she kissed me again, the one behind doing the same to my neck.

“Hmmm...” I thought, then grinned; I had the answer! “Love you, Isla!” I said to them both.

“Hmph!” the one behind me grumped, but I could tell she was mostly just amused. “Cheater! Love you, too!” Isla kissed the back of my neck again, and cheated or not, I giggled at my success!

“I really like you, if that's worth anything,” Luna chuckled, kissing me again on my lips. “Isla's lucky she found you first!”

“I really like you, too,” I replied with a laugh, kissing her back. “And I'm the lucky one, not her!”

“Not true,” Isla countered, squeezing me tighter under her arm, nuzzling and kissing my neck. “Not even a little!”

The three of us all snuggled a little bit tighter together, settling down to sleep. I can't speak for the two of them, but I was so happy, warm, and exhausted from everything we'd done together, I barely had time for a thankful little prayer in my mind before I was out like a light!
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