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Part four of a girl's adventures at Scheherazade Imaginaria.
I opened my eyes, the light dim and red-tinted with no readily identifiable source, the heat and humidity feeling like a sauna on my naked, sweat-slickened skin. The floor on which I lay was soft and yielding to the touch, pulsing rhythmically beneath me, the walls and ceiling of the small, domed chamber in which I found myself wavy and ribbed, an unearthly mixture of oranges, reds, and purples, like I was trapped inside some enormous living beast! I sat up, closing my thighs and reflexively covering my breasts with my hands, and what I saw as I turned made my heart catch in my chest! Isla, my beautiful, perfect girlfriend, was here with me as well, laying beside me! No, no, no! Whatever had brought me here, whatever was going to happen to me, I couldn't let it happen to her as well! Her bright green eyes were wide and fearful, locked on my own, but as her mouth began to open I placed a finger over her lips, shaking my head and urging silence—I had just heard a noise!

I slowly turned my head to find the source. There, perhaps fifteen feet away, was an area of deeper darkness maybe three feet across, where the wall curved to become the floor. The surface began to writhe and ripple as I watched, until my mind was finally able to make sense of what I was seeing; it was a pool of liquid, maybe water, maybe not. It was impossible to tell without approaching, which in no way was I about to do! Big, slow bubbles began breaking the surface, and without needing to discuss it Isla and I began carefully, silently backing away. We couldn't go far, the chamber wall hot and wet, oppressively throbbing at our backs. A tentacle! Isla squealed in fear, clutching my arm, but it was there and gone again, only the concentric waves on the surface of the pool proving we hadn't imagined it. I wrapped my arm around her back, holding her close, providing comfort I didn't feel.

The tentacle reappeared, and this time stayed, feeling blindly at the floor around the puddle. It was long and black, slightly thinner than my wrist, oily-looking and utterly, unmistakably alien. A second tentacle and then a third rose from the deep, flailing and pulsing, slapping and pulling at the ground. More and more appeared, seeking a hold, until the central squirming mass of the creature came squelching up onto the floor. My eyes didn't want to focus on it, my mind wanted to reject the impossibility! No mouth, no eyes, no structure at all that I could see; only the ball of shifting, oozing tentacles in the middle, and the uncountable wriggling limbs on the outside. It looked to be about three times my size all together, with the majority of its mass in the extremities, but the utter bizarreness of it made it impossible to be sure. I wanted to scream, wanted to run—but I did neither. The chamber was too small, its limbs too long; there was nowhere we could hide, nothing we could do. I stared, helpless and trembling; eyes or not it was slowly, inevitably worming its way straight towards me. Isla and I slid sideways along the chamber wall, but it didn't matter, it reoriented instantly. It was only a matter of time. I closed my eyes, trembling, and I kissed her hard... then I moved away. She grasped at my hand, her eyes wide, but I shook my head, and made her let me go. I moved as far from her as I could, relieved to see that I'd been right—it was ignoring her completely, tracking in on me alone. Whatever was about to happen to me, I consoled myself that at least the woman I loved would be safe—until a second creature, perhaps half the size of the first, flopped its way up out of the watery tunnel and started making its way straight for her!

Closer and closer the beast came, and I shrunk in on myself against the wall of the strange, unnatural cavern, curling up with my arms wrapped around my shins and making myself small. I knew it would make no difference. I screamed as the first hot, fleshy tendril made contact with my ankle, kicking it away— it was back in a moment, and joined by another. They were so smooth, and wet, but immensely strong. I succeeded for a moment, batting and kicking, but there were simply too many for me to fight; once one managed to establish a firm hold around my ankle there was no way I could dislodge it, and then I had one less limb to ward off the rest. Soon I was completely bound; ankles, knees, thighs and waist; wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck. Isla was faring no better; the creatures lifted us helplessly into the air above them, wriggling their way slowly back into the center of the room until we were barely an armspan apart, staring terrified and hopeless into each other's eyes.

More tentacles started to squirm, touching us, examining us, sliding around and around over our skin. One touched my breast, rubbing across my nipple. I thought nothing of it, until it happened again, and again, the repeated stimulation forcing me erect against my will. Just as I'd started to think perhaps it was doing it on purpose, it swirled completely around my breast, squeezing tight and making me gasp. I watched in disbelief as the end of the tentacle opened into a gaping, pulsing mouth, sealing itself tightly around my nipple and starting to suck!

I gasped, on the point of a scream, and suddenly another tentacle lashed forward into my mouth! I shook my head, trying to bite, trying to spit, but there was nothing I could do as it closed around my tongue, there too starting to suck. Isla was panicing, her mouth tightly closed as she shook her head back and forth, trying to avoid my fate. My eyes widened as I saw what she didn't, but the awful thing filling my mouth muffled my warning. The new, pulsing tentacle beneath her was different than the others, extending slowly from her creature's center of mass, slightly translucent, growing upwards between her thighs. I watched her eyes, wide and terrified as it entered her, and she couldn't help but scream—she instantly realized her mistake, but it was too late; now she was gagged as well.

I knew what was about to happen the moment I felt the heat between my own thighs; pushing, spreading me open, forcing its way inside. I whimpered and cried, trying to fight, but I could do little more than squirm. Deeper and deeper it drove, stretching me, filling me, my horrid alien rapist seeming to want to rip me open from the inside! It hurt so much I hardly even noticed another tentacle wrapping itself around my other breast, the wet, slurping orifice fastening itself to my nipple. I sure noticed when one latched itself onto my clit, though, and all three started sucking harder and harder, pulling my most vulnerable and sensitive flesh deeply into their greedy, pulsating mouths! And I noticed even more when one started forcing its way up my tight little ass! Isla was getting it just as bad, her tears falling fast and heavy down her cheeks, as were my own. Her breasts were too small for them to establish a grip around as they had done to me, but they kept trying to do it anyways, the motion causing painful-looking tugging on her poor, sensitive little nipples. She started to tremble, a look in her eye I knew so well. My poor, poor Isla... she screamed loudly around her tentacle gag, forced to cum against her will!

Just when I thought it could possibly get any worse, the ones inside our pussies and asses started to thrust in and out, fucking us slow, deep, and hard, our cries becoming sobs. The one in my mouth wasn't letting me look down at my own, but I could see Isla's creature in full, and what I saw stole what little breath I had; large, ovoid bulges, one after the other, slowly squeezing their way up the inside of that special, semi-transparent tentacle stretching her pussy! Her eyes went wide, her head thrashing to the full extent she could, and I knew what it meant; I wasn't even surprised as I felt the first one entering me, stretching my poor, abused little lips so much I was certain they were about to tear! I could feel the... thing, whatever it was, moving deeper and deeper inside, filling me with wet, near-scalding heat as it was finally forced out of the tentacle and into my body for real! It hurt so much! I just knew they were penetrating my cervix, filling my womb, impregnating me with their disgusting alien seed!

I whimpered piteously as it happened again and again, the thick, hot invader fucking me hard and deep, bruising my insides. Isla was cumming again and again, unable to stop herself... and as that hot, still tendril pounded painfully inside of me, the pressure building higher, I knew I was about to go over the edge as well. I screamed and thrashed, but about all my fighting managed to accomplish was to work the one stretching my back door several inches further up my ass!

I had no idea how long we hung there. An hour? Two? I tried to measure in orgasms; three for me... at least dozens for my poor, sweet Isla, leaving her limp and spent. I thought I'd been imagining at first; the bloated, stretched feeling in my belly, the way Isla seemed to be developing a little bump. But as the torture continued, I knew it was real—we were being stretched and stretched as more of the filthy alien spawn were being pumped into our wombs! We looked eight, maybe even nine months pregnant now, our bellies full nearly to bursting, before the stream of eggs finally came to an end, and the tentacles slowly withdrew. They left us weak and powerless on the floor of the cavern, barely having the strength to reach for each other's hands as they slithered back whence they'd come, leaving us once more alone.

I trembled and shook, covered in sweat and disgusting alien slime, my tears coming fast and free. 'Love you Daddy! Miss you!' I thought to myself, giving it another thirty seconds or so before reaching up to my visor to end the scenario for us both, switching our displays to show a true vision of what we could see.

“Damn...” Isla whispered reverentially, and slowly started to giggle. I was still panting pretty heavily, trying to recover my breath, but as I turned my head to see her looking down at herself and caressing her perfectly skinny, flat little belly with her free hand, hardly able to convince herself it had all been a lie, I couldn't help but join in. My own terrible fantasies aside, of course the machines had never entered past our cervixes; the 'eggs' we had been injected with had been nothing but large pulses of hot, fake cum, the same as I'd been taking regularly for months already. But coupled with the unbelievably convincing visuals fed into our visors, the illusion had been all but perfect! It took us another five minutes or so before we could gather the strength to sit up, and another two or three to crawl our thoroughly exhausted and satisfied bodies into the shower room together.

“My visor give you any trouble?” I asked, taking off my new one and slipping it into the special rack, as she handed me my old one and I took care of it as well.

“Naw,” she slowly shook her head. “Not a perfect fit, but close enough. Thanks for letting me borrow it.”

“Any time,” I smiled. I'd been shocked when she'd admitted she didn't have one of her own, but I guess just because you worked at S.I., and wanted to design scenarios for them, that didn't automatically equate to wanting to participate in them yourself. Until tonight, that was. We managed to get ourselves into the shower, sitting against opposite walls with our legs stretched out and intertwined, eyes closed as we let the water poor down on us from above.

“Elly...” Isla asked, and there was something in her tone that made me concerned as I opened my eyes. “Ummm... I've just been thinking,” she bit her lip. “What if we gave what we just did to the company after all?”

“Absolutely not!” I scowled, firmly shaking my head.

“But—” she began, but I cut her off by tickling the bottom of her foot, making her squeal and jerk it away.

“Not happening! I am not going to tell your mom and dad that I got their daughter into doing porn with me!” I declared.

“They'd understand,” she smiled shyly. “Just like when you told them about you doing it.”

“That was different; I'm not their daughter,” I shook my head. Yes, Art and Connie had been totally great about it when I'd taken them aside and told them Christmas morning. I'd just woken up feeling so horrendously guilty, after everything they'd done to make me feel welcome, and like I was part of the family. I knew I hadn't actually lied to them about anything, but it sure had felt like I was, even if only by omission, and I'd had to tell them right away. They'd been surprised, certainly, just like Sarah had been, but not once had they done anything to make me feel lesser, or like I was any less welcome in their family than I had been the night before. I think it helped that I was only having sex with machines, at S.I., not any actual people other than Isla. But whatever the reason behind their acceptance, that still didn't mean I was going to let Isla do it with me, too! I could tell she was preparing a rebuttal, but I spoke again before she could.

“Maybe it'd be different if you actually wanted to do it for your own sake,” I told her, shaking my head. “But you don't, and you can't tell me otherwise! You're offering for me, don't think I don't know what you're up to! And yes, a video of you and me together would sell about a million-bajillion copies—but I don't need that, and I don't want it. What I want is for what we did in there to be for just you and me, like we agreed.” I thought about it a moment. “And... maybe for Luna, if she wants to see, since it was basically her body we just filmed getting tentacle-raped in there, too!” I smirked playfully, and Isla giggled. “But nobody else gets to see you doing that! Only me! I'll do my own 'Tentacle Impregnation' in another couple of days, once my pussy's feeling up to it again, and that one we can give to S.I.! Not this one!”

“If you're sure that's what you want,” she bashfully agreed, but with an unmistakable hint of relief in her eyes. It felt weird... I so was not the sort to put my foot down, not about anything, and especially not with Isla! But when it came to protecting the girl I loved, even if I was having to protect her from herself, that was different.

We eventually prised ourselves up from the floor, cuddling under the spray together. Isla tried to hide it, but I'd definitely caught a hint of a grimace as she'd stood up.

“Sore?” I asked, wincing in sympathy. We'd been really careful with the settings, making sure she'd only be getting stuff we knew she would enjoy, nothing at all like the painful ones we'd set for me. I hadn't quite believed it until I'd just seen the proof for myself, but ironically Isla was definitely a much better actress than me! She'd gotten so into it, if I hadn't known better I never would have believed she was just pretending, while I was letting myself be hurt for real!

“Only a little,” she smiled, reassuringly running her fingers through my hair. “Nothing I wasn't expecting. It's been a long time since I had a cock up my ass, is all!”

“Me too!” I laughed, and so did she, squeezing me tight in her arms. It was so nice that we could talk about that now, even laugh about it. She knew the only boy I'd ever been with was Daddy, but it didn't bother her as I'd been so terrified it might. That was the past; important for the way it had made me who I was, but not for anything else, not as she saw it. One of the many, many things I loved about her! I bit my lip, considering, and decided to go for it. “Want me to kiss it better?”

She paused, blushing adorably. We'd never tried any butt-stuff together before that night—I'd been shocked when she'd told me she wanted to enable that option for herself in the scenario, though of course I'd been happy to go along for the ride with her.

“Maybe... just a little massage, instead?” she suggested, biting her lip as she slid her hand slowly down to my ass, slipping her ring and middle finger inside.

“I think I can work with that,” I agreed with a giggle, doing the same to her. We were both still stretched enough from the scenario that they slid in easily. I tried to use my other hand on her pussy, too, but that was where she drew the line. I wasn't surprised, and didn't take it personally; after the number of orgasms she'd just had, of course she needed a bit more of a break first before she'd by ready to go again! I, however, had no such worries, and she gladly went to town on me in both holes as I cuddled her and suckled gently at her breasts. There were definitely some benefits to sleeping with a girl almost a foot taller than me—I didn't even have to bend!

We got out and got dressed, retrieving my visors and making our way out into the darkness of reception. We both had tomorrow off, so we'd decided to hold a little party for ourselves after the office was closed for the night, since we could sleep in as long as we wanted the next morning. We copied our little movie to a portable drive and scrubbed it from the server, then bundled ourselves up against the cold. Isla locked up again behind us, and we were on our way, to my place this time. I didn't much care where we ended up, just so long as we were together, but Isla insisted we try to take turns so I wouldn't always be the one away from my comfort place. I'd repeatedly tried to tell her that she was my comfort place now... but she still insisted, so my place it was.

We started kissing again the moment we were through the door, Isla taking great enjoyment in being the one to strip me out of all my winter gear rather than letting me do it myself. And I'll admit, I had quite a bit of fun doing the same for her, too! She didn't stop there, either, though once we were both down to our panties I really had to insist. Tampons or not, we had both taken a truly enormous amount of fake cum that night, and there was no way I was letting that goop get all over my carpets when it started leaking out!

We started making supper... well, I did, really, with Isla cuddling up behind me, kissing my hair and fondling my boobs under my apron the way she always did when I hadn't assigned her anything else to do. It was already late, so I was just making my easy-peasy spaghetti; I knew it was still one of her favourites, despite how quick and simple it was to make. We ate at my little table, Isla pulling her chair around right next to mine, out thighs and arms brushing softly. It was such a small thing, but I loved it so much, that even when we were busy eating she still wanted to be touching me as much as possible! We cleaned up, brushed our teeth, got the rest of the way naked and took out our tampons, and fell eagerly into bed. Sheets were meant for changing, after all—I was no longer so worried about making a mess. We started out slow, just kissing, and gently fondling a little, not really having sex, yet, but definitely heading there. It was perfect! But...

“I bought you something,” I said, pulling away just a little so I could look her in her beautiful, bright green eyes, nervously biting my lip.

“You did?” she smiled, slowly shaking her head. “You didn't have to do that.”

“Well... it's really more for us, not just you,” I admitted shyly. “And we definitely don't have to use it, if you decide you'd rather not! I just...” I trailed off, but she just kept looking me right in my eyes, so loving, and patient, gently stroking my hair. Even if she said no, I knew it would be okay. I rolled to the edge of the bed, leaning down and sliding my big plastic toy box out from under and opening the lid, grabbing the huge, black rubber dildo and the assortment of straps, taking a deep steadying breath as I rolled back to show her.

“I hope you aren't planning on using that thing on me!” she teased, making her eyes go comically wide, as I laughed and shook my head.

“I know how hard it was for you, when you tried fisting me,” I bashfully explained. “You were great, you were! It felt wonderful! But... I know how nervous it made you, worrying you'd accidentally hurt me more than I wanted you to, or even actually injure me.” She'd done her best, I knew she had... but she'd been so anxious, and hadn't been able to make herself go hard enough inside me to actually make me cum from it. I was used to not being able to make myself cum, and had taken it in stride; she'd been far, far more upset about her supposed 'failure' than I ever had! “With this... I already tested it, it's the exact right size. You'll still have to be a little careful getting it in there, of course... but once it's all the way in, you can give it to me as hard as you want, and it'll be completely impossible for you to hurt me too much, so you wouldn't have to worry anymore!” I bit my lip, waiting, unsure of how she'd react.

“So... what you're saying is, I might actually, finally be able to make you cum all by myself?” she asked, and started to laugh! She grabbed the back of my head, kissing me, hard, then pulled away, her eyes glittering with excitement. “Best! Present! Ever! Now come on, you're going to have to teach me how to get into all these straps!”

I giggled happily, relieved that she was taking my gift in the spirit it was intended, not as some sort of criticism on her skill or something. That was absurd, I know—Isla knew how much I loved her, everything about her, and that I would never, ever feel like that! But there had still been a niggling little whisper in my mind that had made me worry she would take it wrong, and I was so, so happy for my stupid, baseless doubts to be proven wrong instead! I sat on the side of the bed and had Isla stand before me as we started sorting out straps; there were a lot of them, to properly support such a big, heavy cock, and every single one had to be properly fitted and adjusted so they wouldn't either fall loose or pinch once she started to move.

Finally convinced we had everything set, I liberally covered our new toy with lube and climbed up onto my hands and knees on the bed. I was plenty wet already just by myself, but what I needed was stretching, pounding pain to make me cum, not anything else. The pain of a dry toy going in was something else entirely and not pleasurable in the least, and I was taking no chances with anything that could possibly ruin this moment for Isla and me!

She climbed up behind me, and I twisted at my waist so I could watch. She looked so excitedly nervous, cutely biting her lip as she experimented stroking her long, thick cock in her hand, and I could see in her eyes exactly what she was thinking, imagining what it was going to feel like for me having that entire thing forced deep up inside of me! That was good, I liked her imagining that... but not so much that it would make her start to doubt! So, I gave her a tempting wiggle of my cute little ass, breaking her out of her thoughts and making her laugh. She gave me a playful spank with her cock, then moved more properly into place, rubbing up and down my lips, getting me ready, and probably herself as well.

“My safeword's still always 'pineapple',” I reminded her, as if she was likely to forget. “Once you get going... if it's working for me, I'm definitely going to start squealing and crying, maybe even begging, and trying to pull away. But I absolutely do not want you to stop, no matter what else I do or say! Not unless I say that word, okay?”

“Okay,” she smiled nervously, slowly nodding her head. I reached back, taking her hand in mine.

“Love you!” I said, reassuringly giving her a squeeze. “Now please... fuck me!”

“Love you, too!” she laughed, squeezing me back and pushing gently inside. I moaned, eyelids fluttering closed, and I let go of her hand so she could take me by my hips, starting to thrust and gradually working her way deeper. Wow, it was big! Which I already knew, from trying it out by myself, but it felt entirely different with Isla doing it to me, and much, much better! It had just enough softness and flexibility to it I didn't have to worry about it hurting any of the wrong spots along the way, and I could just try to relax and wait for it to reach my end the way I needed it to. That 'relaxing' part was easier said than done, while I was getting something so huge worked deeper and deeper inside of my pussy, by the feeling of Isla's soft, loving hands squeezing my hips helped a lot.

It went fine until the last little bit. I was crying by then—not a lot, just an occasional, silent little tear. But I knew I got a lot tighter, going that deep, and I could tell Isla was feeling the resistance to her thrusting, struggling to make herself hurt me. We were so close!

“Please!” I begged her. “Please, I can take it, I promise! Please, give me the rest!”

“Oh, God...” she moaned, but she tightened her grip on me and started thrusting harder. My breath was coming in gasps, almost hyperventilating, but she was coming closer, and closer... Finally I felt her hips against my ass! Just a kiss, barely a touch... but then more, and more, until she was slapping into me hard, giving me everything, the sound of flesh impacting flesh loud and sharp, my big, heavy tits bouncing vigorously under my chest!

“Yes! Yes!” I sobbed, the tears coming steadily now, the stiff, pounding pain exactly what I needed! “Please, don't stop!” She adjusted her grip on me a little, and I could hear her panting as well, from the exertion of what I was begging her to do to me. It took me another few minutes, but I could feel it coming; the heat was building, my walls tightening... I screamed, loud and long! I was cumming! I was finally cumming! My entire body shook, only Isla's tight grip on my hips holding me in place, continuing to thrust as she brought me all the way through and out the other side. She slowed and stopped, sliding her hands up my sides to my breasts, lifting me to my knees and holding me pressed back against her chest.

“Thank you! Thank you!” I blubbered, placing my arms atop hers, holding her hands tight to my boobs, never wanting her to let me go!

“Shhh...” she murmured comfortingly, softly kissing the tears from my cheek. I finally got myself back under some semblance of control, wiping away my remaining tears, and was able to let her withdraw. There was no way I was letting her out of my arms yet, however, which meant she had to get herself out of her straps without help. She didn't seem to mind overly much, chuckling softly as she dragged me along with her to wash our new toy in the bathroom sink, then back into bed once more. She held me tight to her chest, stroking my back.

“Move in with me,” she whispered, and I gasped as I leaned back to look up into her eyes, unsure I'd really heard her right. “I love you, Elly! So, so much! I don't want to think about my place, or your place anymore. I want us to have our place! I want—”

I cut her off, plastering my lips tightly to hers, forcing my tongue desperately, passionately into her mouth. I wanted to drink her, breath her!

“Is that a yes?” she murmured, barely able to get the words out around my kiss.

“Yes! Of course it's a yes! A million times yes!” I exclaimed, kissing her again, then backing away. I had so many questions! There were so many things we needed to discuss! “Whose apartment should we keep, yours or mine?”

“I don't care!” She laughed, lovingly stroking her fingers through my hair. “Probably yours, since it's closer to your job.” That was true. Hers was a little closer to the grocery store, mine was a little closer to S.I.. In the end that was about a wash, but mine was definitely closer to the convenience store I worked at. I was still thinking about quitting that, now that my videos were officially out for sale, and I would have so much more money coming in soon... but what else was I going to do with myself all day? There were limits to how often my body would let me make my kind of videos, and I couldn't just follow Isla around like a little lost puppy while she was at work, no matter how tempting I found doing precisely that! If I was at home all day I'd just end up baking, and then I'd get fat! I needed to do something to fill my days, and as long as I was going to be bored and lonely anyways waiting for Isla to get home, I might as well be getting paid for my time, even if it wasn't very much.

“But... whoever's place we move into in the short term, I don't want us to stay there very long,” she continued, nervously biting her lip. “I want us to get a house.”

“A house!” I gasped, slowly shaking my head in disbelief. “I mean... yes, definitely, someday! But... even with my new porno money, it's still going to be a while before I can start thinking about something like that! If we're going to be splitting rent now, that'll help, but still... we'll have to see just how well my movies end up selling. Maybe, in another year or two, I could have my half of a down payment...”

“That... won't be an issue,” she said, blushing brightly. “My mom and dad want to buy one for us.”

My brain shifted right out of gear, my mouth gaping open and closed like a fish.

“I'm sorry... I think maybe you made me cum so good you knocked my brains loose or something. Did you just say your parents want to buy us a house? Like, an actual house, house?”

“You've seen the place we grew up in,” she shrugged shyly. “Daddy's business... well, he's done really, really well for himself. He and mom don't believe in waiting to die before we inherit; they'd much rather give us the money while they're still around to watch us enjoy it. They've already done the same for Mark and Danny. Now... they want to do it for you and me.”

“I... I don't know what to say!” I shook my head in shock.

“Say yes, dummy!” she laughed, kissing me and squishing me tight in her arms. “It'll still be a while, of course. Mom's going to help us house-hunt; she's seen how much you drool over her kitchen, and she's promised she's going to help us either find one you like, or have a renovation done so you will. But I don't want to wait, I want to move in together right away, while we look!”

“How...” I swallowed against my nerves. “How long...” I wasn't even sure what question I was going to ask, but Isla seemed to understand.

“It depends what you mean,” she giggled. “If you're asking how long I've known they wanted to buy me a house, then I've known since I graduated high school. I had to finish my degree first, of course—but after I did, I decided I wanted to try supporting myself for a while, first. Luna and I both did. We'd never had to do that before, never lived on our own, away from each other, and we just... well, it was good for me, good for both of us, to get out on our own for a while. But that was when I was single, by myself; I have you, now! And as much as I love going back and forth between our cuddly little love nests, you deserve something more.” She squeezed me tight, kissing me again.

“Now if, on the other hand, you're asking how long I've known I was going to ask you to move in with me...” she smiled bashfully. “I've known that since that first night you agreed to come over to my place! I've just been having to wait until I could be sure you wouldn't get freaked out and run away from me when I asked!”

“Never!” I promised, tears brimming in my eyes as I kissed her again. “I will never, ever run away!”

“Good!” she laughed, starting to cry too as she kissed me back. “'Cause I will totally chase you down, if you do! Your legs are shorter, I'll catch you!”

We laughed, kissed, and cried, and held each other tight.

“There is one other thing I wanted to ask,” she said, and I backed away enough I could look her in her eyes, and see her nervously chewing her lip. “You can totally say no! But I was thinking... maybe, when we get our house... maybe we could ask Luna if she wants to move in with us, too? Not forever, or anything! And I don't even know if she'd want to—and even if she does, eventually she's going to find somebody of her own, and she'll want to move out again anyways. I was just thinking, in the meantime, maybe...”

It was adorable, the way she actually thought I couldn't read what she was thinking behind those big, beautiful green eyes.

“Isla has a crush on Luna!” I sing-songed.

“I do not!” she gasped, and if I'd thought she'd been blushing before, she was positively crimson now! “Don't say that!”

“It's okay!” I told her, reassuringly stroking her cheek. “Hey! It's okay. This is me you're talking to, remember? I am the last person on earth who would judge you for that, okay?”

“I...” she fumbled, her lower lip quivering. I scooted myself further up the bed, pulling her face down to my chest and stroking her hair, cooing softly. “I... It doesn't even matter,” she eventually whispered. “It's not like she feels the same.”

“I wouldn't be so sure,” I kissed her hair. “You are a very lovable person, you know!” She chuckled softly, self-deprecatingly shaking her head. “And I agree, we should ask her to move in. Once we have our house, that is! We can ask her right away, so she can have time to think it over... but just the two of us is already going to be pushing it, in this little place!”

“Really? Are you really sure?” she asked, tilting her head up to look me in my eyes, and she was so cute and vulnerable how could I ever have said no? Even if I'd wanted to, which of course I didn't.

“Are you sure?” I asked her instead, chuckling and kissing her lips. “Because you know I still can't tell you two apart—are you going to be okay with me walking up behind her and grabbing her ass every chance I get? Because I'm warning you right now, unless she's wearing pants with 'Not Isla!' stencilled across her ass in big bold letters, I'm not even going to try to resist!”

“I think I can deal!” she laughed. “Though now I know exactly what I'm buying her for our birthday... not that she's ever going to wear them, the little brat!”

“Well, as long as you two are okay with it, then so am I,” I said. “And just so there are no misunderstandings... you can invite her into bed with us, or not, as often as you like. She's your sister, not mine, so I leave that completely up to you.”

“Yeah?” she asked, adorably hopeful and shy.

“Yeah,” I smiled, stroking her hair. “All I ask is that you two never trade places on me in bed! If we're playing a game, like on Christmas, when I'm having sex with you both and I don't know who's who, then that's fine—I loved doing that! But if I think I'm sleeping with only you, then I want it to be only you! And no having sex with each other without me being there, too! As long as you can both promise me those two things, then I'm okay with anything else.”

“I love you, you know that?” she smiled up at me, slipping her fingers into my hair at the back of my neck, pulling me down for a long, loving kiss. “We still don't know if she's even going to say yes,” she murmured against my lips. “You do realize that, don't you?”

“Don't we?” I asked, giggling as I slid back down the bed. We kissed long and hard, but as things were starting to really heat up she pulled away a little to look me in my eyes.

“I... don't suppose you have something more my size, in that toy bucket of yours under your bed?” she smiled shyly.

“Under our bed!” I corrected, giggling and nodding. “Help yourself to whatever you like. None but our new one have ever worked on me—not all the way, at least, though I still enjoy playing with them sometimes. I amassed quite a little collection, while I was still in denial about the fact that nothing I bought would be able to get me all the way there.”

She grinned and rolled over top of me to start rooting around inside, which gave me the perfect opportunity to spank that gorgeous, firm little ass while she did! She squealed and laughed, and came back with my smallest one, just seven inches, bright pink, and quite narrow. My least favourite of all, but fine by me; it was her pussy, and I'd use anything she wanted! Unfortunately, I only had the one strap-on harness, since I'd never needed one before that night. That was an oversight in need of immediate remedy! But for tonight, into the bathroom we went to start adjusting all the strap lengths to fit me instead of her.

“How do you want it?” I asked, backing her slowly to the bed, kissing her softly as she lubed up my cock.

“How I really want it...” she breathed, trembling slightly. “Is for you to tie me down and not stop even if I beg! But, considering that all my ropes are still at my place, and what my pussy's already been through tonight at S.I....” She laid herself down on her front, sexily biting her lip as she turned her head to look at me. “I can't promise I won't fight, after the first time you make me cum... but at least in this position I'm pretty sure the worst I'll be able to do to you is make you fall off the bed!”

“Works for me!” I laughed. I kicked my toy box back under the bed, just to be safe, then climbed up on top of her. She wiggled herself temptingly, earning herself another spank. “Have I mentioned recently just how much I love your ass?” I asked, rubbing myself up and down her lips a few times before gently sliding myself inside.

“Once or twice...” she moaned, her eyes fluttering closed in pleasure, a big, goofy grin on her lips.

“Not nearly enough!” I grinned, squeezing nice and tight with both hands as I started to thrust. As much as Isla hated pain in any other context, I was so, so glad that her one exception was anything I wanted to do to that amazing little butt! I never abused that privilege, and I especially didn't want to during the first time she'd invited me to use a toy on her, but I couldn't resist the urge to deliver an occasional little swat while I was getting to actually fuck her like this! It was the first time I could ever remember wishing I had a dick, so I could feel what it was like to have her tensing up around me every time my hand impacted her ass!

She built quickly, though not as fast as she normally did. I decided to take that as a compliment, that she liked my hands and mouth even more, though realistically I knew it probably had more to do with how worn out she still was after what we'd both been through earlier that night. She kicked and screamed as her orgasm landed, and there were no more spankings after that—it was all I could manage to keep her pinned down, needing both hands and full concentration to manage even that! It was the concentration part that would end up being my undoing; I fought her down through four of them, each seemingly stronger and more violent than the last, but I just wasn't used to using my hip muscles that way! Right at the end of number four, just as I thought I was safe and starting to relax a little, one last spurt of effort finally managed to roll me off! I didn't go quite all the way off the bed, thankfully, and once I'd righted myself again I flopped down on her back, dildo aimed safely down between her thighs, as I snuggled her and kissed the back of her neck.

“Love you!” she said. Or at least, I'm pretty sure that was the intent... it was a little bit slurred, exhaustion and orgasms having taken quite a toll.

“Love you, too!” I kissed her one more time, then dashed to the bathroom to take off my straps and give the toy a wash. She was feeling a bit more alive by the time I got back, turning out the lights, pulling up the blankets and snuggling in close, my face pressed comfortably between her breasts.

“Do you think...” I timidly asked. “Not yet, maybe, not while we're still living here... but do you think, when we get our house, we could maybe get a bed like the one you have at your mom and dad's place?”

“Like that, hunh?” she chuckled, squeezing me in her arms.

“It's so soft!” I giggled. “It's like sleeping on a cloud!”

“Of course we can, El. We can get anything you want!” she smiled, kissing me softly. “Anything at all!”

I squirmed happily, silently saying my prayers—and I froze! My ritual! I hadn't said it, hadn't even thought it, when Isla had made me cum!

“Elly?” she asked, noticing my sudden stiffness. “Is everything okay?”

“I...” I hemmed. How could I answer? Daddy... Only, Daddy would understand, wouldn't he? It was one thing when it was just me and the S.I. robots; that was the perfect time for me to take a moment and concentrate on how much I loved and missed him. When it was Isla making me cum instead, that was different. It... it wouldn't be right to do it when she did. It would be like I was taking something away from the incredible gift she'd just given me, and I wouldn't do that to her. I would never stop loving and missing him, never ever! But Daddy would understand. It just wasn't right for me to focus on that, not when I was with her.

“Sorry,” I said, relaxing back into her arms as I came to grips with my thoughts. “Just a random thought that caught me off guard. It startled me, but it's okay now. Nothing to worry about.”

“'Kay,” she kissed my hair, trusting me implicitly, not needing to know any more. I loved her so much! “Speaking of random thoughts... what do you say to no more aliens on movie nights, at least for the next couple of months?”

“A bit more than you were expecting tonight, hunh?” I chuckled, squeezing her tight.

“I knew it was going to feel real... but I didn't realize it was going to feel that real!” she agreed, giving an adorable little shudder.

“No problem,” I said, grinning impishly. “Nothing but chick-flicks for the next two months!”

“Hey now, let's not go overboard!” she objected, making me laugh. Isla was so not a typical girlie-girl! She never complained when I asked her to watch a goofie girlie movie with me... at least not very much, and not seriously! But she was much more of a shoot-'em-up and explosions type of a girl, when left to her own devices.

“Okay, just no more aliens, then. At least not the tentacle kind!” I agreed with a laugh, kissing her between her breasts. “Love you!”

“Love you, too!” she replied, and we settled down to sleep.

I thought my prayers again, this time without interruption. I knew that Daddy, wherever he was, would understand things between Isla and me. I just prayed that whoever was in charge up there was okay with letting him watch!
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