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This is a violent, disturbing story which contains graphic rape, brutality, sadism, and violence. If this is not your cup of tea, I suggest you move on to something else as you will not enjoy this story.
The Affair

I stood staring pensively out my window at the world outside and sighed. Life seemed to be going on all around me, and I felt like a bystander. My husband Tom and I had been having trouble for nearly a year. We'd been to counseling, but nothing changed. We barely talked except to argue, and our sex life had become completely non-extant. I hadn't worked since I got married, why should I? His company generated 7 figures of income now, and even with a master’s degree in psychology there was very little point in my working. Unfortunately, that just meant I had a lot of time to sit at home, alone, bored, lonely.

Finally one day I decided I'd had enough. I deserved more than this. I looked myself up and down in the mirror. No doubt about it, I was still a hottie. My long, thick wavy dark red hair flowed almost down to my ass, which was still tight as a drum. My flat tummy had just a hint of abs, my perky sized 32 B breasts were perfect for my petite figure, my legs were tight and perfectly shaped, and my little 5'3 102 lb. body looked like it could easily belong to an 18-year-old instead of a 28 year old. "built like a gymnast" Tom had once described her. And then there are my eyes. I have those rare, bright emerald-green eyes that make people stop and stare. I'd been stopped by perfect strangers on more than one occasion and been asked stuff like "My god, is that your natural eye color?!" And it totally is. I still have 20/20 vision and have never worn contacts.

"Fuck it" I thought. "Maybe I can't have love, but I can sure as hell get sex."

There was a seedy, 24/7 singles club which was really nothing more than a hook-up spot just on the other side of town. I put on my shortest, tightest black skirt and a tight, sheer black top, unbuttoned and tied off just under my breasts. Just one more thing was needed, I went over to my closet and found my black, 4" open toe heels. "The Equalizers" I called them as they were perfect for my petite 5'3 frame. These had never even been intended to be worn in public, they were purely bedroom accessories, but God knows they weren't getting any use there so I may as well use them here. I looked like a total slut, but I didn't care. I'd made up my mind, I was going to go get a little exercise!

I don't really know why I ever expected different, but as soon as I walked into the club my heart sank. You'd never seen such a collection of losers in your life. Most of the men looked like winos who hadn't showered in a week and couldn't get it up if Megan Fox walked in and started sucking them off. The women were even worst. They all looked like burnt out whores who had been abandoned by their pimps and been fucked, beaten and abused too much to even give a shit anymore. I thought about just turning around and walking out, but I decided what the hell, I drove all the way here, may as well at least grab a drink. Maybe I can do a little shopping after.

I walked in and started to walk over to the bar, and that's when I spotted Seth, our neighbor's boy, staring at me.

"Oh great. Just fucking great" I said to myself. "My first time ever going to a place like this, and I'm not here 30 seconds and I run into the goddamn neighbor. If Tom finds out I was here he's gonna flip out".

There was no doubt he had spotted me and recognized me, so I decided I had better go over and talk to him. As I walked over to Seth, I couldn't help looking him up and down. He was just barely 18, but he was built like a Greek god. I had been noticing him for about 2 years now, secretly watching him when he was outside cutting the grass with no shirt on. The fact that he was black just made him more attractive somehow. I'd never been with a black man, and if I'm being honest, I had fantasized about Seth more than once. Just seeing his powerful black body standing there towering over me caused an immediate stir down between my legs. What WAS he doing here anyway? I found myself suddenly wondering if maybe some of my fantasies could actually happen...

"Wow Ms. Breiz, I'm really surprised to see you here!" Seth stammered as I looked up at him and smiled. "Oh I was just doing some shopping at Macey's around the corner and decided to stop in for a drink before heading home" I lied. I didn't even know if there WAS a Macy's around the corner, but I was fairly certain an 18-year-old male would have NO idea if there was or not. "Why are YOU here? You're not even old enough to drink yet, I'm surprised they even let you in". Seth looked embarrassed. "Well, uh, a couple of my boys told me this would be a good place to... um..." The poor guy looked completely humiliated at this point. "To pop my cherry" he finally said in a barely audible whisper. How this marvelous pagan god had never had sex before now was beyond me. I smiled at him. "Well, I can certainly understand your desire to do that but look around this place. Is this really what you want for your first time?" "No, i guess not he replied quietly, looking around at the disappointing collection of losers, whores, and burnouts. "Look Seth, I need to get home. I'm parked right across the street; what do you say I give you a ride. I have some stuff I need help with at home, maybe you can return the favor and give me a hand?" Sure Mrs. Breiz, that would be cool" He responded. I noticed that he was suddenly looking at me differently. I'd seen that look before in guys, and it was unmistakable. Seth was now looking at me like a hunter looks at his prey. I felt another stirring between my legs, then just smiled at him and said "Great, let's go". There was no doubt he could read me as easily as I could read him. This was actually going to happen.

The rest of the day was the most intense experience of my life. Tom wasn't due home for hours and Seth had 18 years of pent-up passion to let loose. I balked at his size at first, he was easily 10" long and as thick as my forearm, but my passion was equal to his, and all I could think about was having him inside me. I lost track of how many times I orgasmed, or how many times he came in me, but it was more than I would have thought possible, even for a horny 18-year-old. Finally, around dinner time I was completely spent, and he looked like he was at least satisfied. "Man, I can't wait to tell my friends about this!" he said as he got dressed. I never knew you were such a slut; I can't wait to do this again and next time I'll bring my friends over!" "Hey, wait a second! I responded sharply, both shocked and angry at his sudden change in attitude. "First off, don't you dare call me a slut, that is totally disrespectful! Secondly, who said this is going to happen again? We had a wonderful day, but that's what it was, one day. This is never happening again. Thirdly, we need to keep this between us, you could get me in a lot of trouble with my husband, not to mention your folks if you start telling people. And lastly, what on EARTH makes you think I would EVER let your friends touch me? Are you high or something? THAT is NEVER going to happen! Now finish getting dressed and get home before your folks come home". Seth looked at me with a strange sneer I'd never seen on him before and just kind of chuckled and said "Sure Mrs. Breiz, I'll go. Talk to you soon. REAL soon" he said with a sneer. Then he reached down, grabbed me under my chin and literally picked me up with one hand and kissed me roughly, and just dropped me back down. I was too shocked to even speak, and he just grabbed his bag and walked out.


My head was spinning at this point. If he started yapping to his friends about this, Tom would eventually find out. Tom was very well known in the community, and if it started getting around that his wife was fucking the neighbor's kid, he'd hear about it. After a bit though I started to relax. Seth was a good kid (I still couldn't help thinking about him as a kid, even though he'd just proved beyond all doubt that he is a grown ass MAN), and he was probably just doing a little chest beating after his first time. I was sure once he came down to earth he'd do the right thing. I couldn't have been more wrong if I tried.

The next day I received a text on my phone that would change my life forever. There were no words, just 4 pictures of Seth and I having sex in various positions. I have no idea how he had managed to get those pictures, but they were clear as day. The last one was the worst. It showed him on top of me in the missionary position, and I was clearly in the middle of an orgasm. My legs were wrapped around him and my back was arched, and my face was pure animal passion. Then a second text came in, with one more picture. This one showed us siting on the couch, kissing with one of my legs draped over him, and you could clearly see his cum dripping out of me.

I was shocked, horrified, and totally furious. I immediately fired off a response text: "You listen to me you little shit! I want you to delete those fucking pictures RIGHT FUCKING NOW! Do you understand me?! I don't know what game you're up to, but if you don't delete those pictures, you will be fucking SORRY!" I had no idea what I could possibly do to make him sorry, but I was furious and didn't care that my empty threats had no merit. A few minutes went by, then a response came in: "Sure, I'll delete them. But it's going to cost you. Come to the address below tomorrow and bring $1000 cash, and I'll delete the pictures in front of you". So that was it. He was blackmailing me for money. Well fine then. We won't even notice $1000, and while I hated paying blackmail, if it would get me out of this mess then so be it. "Fine" I responded. "I'll be there". Luckily, I had enough in my personal account to cover that. Tom never looked at that account, so he'd never miss the money. "I suppose I deserve it" I thought to myself as I started to calm down. That's what I get for cheating on my husband. I know things haven't been great between us, but even so he deserves better from me. Well, I've learned my lesson. Once this shit is behind me, I'm going to start working harder to fix my marriage and get us back to where we used to be. I've learned my lesson; I'll never do anything like that to him again.". It all looked so good on paper. Little did I know that my lessons hadn't even begun yet.

End Part 1


The next day Tom got up early and headed out to catch a plane, he was flying to Memphis on business and would be gone for a week. I kissed him warmly as he was leaving and he gave me a little smile and said "Wow, if you kiss me like that more often, I'm gonna have to start sending Joe on these trips so I can stay home!". I smiled back at him and said, "I'd like that". It was the first semi-tender moment we'd had in months. It was also our last.

I was really anxious to get this mess over with, so I got dressed and got ready to go. Nothing sexy this time, loose fitting jeans and sweatshirt, old sneakers. It was time to go, so I punched up the address Seth had sent me on my phone to get directions. "Holy shit, this is out in the middle of nowhere!" I thought as the directions came up. What a pain in the ass. I don't know why he had to make such a damn production out of it, he could have just walked over, and we could have had this done in 5 minutes. Oh well, maybe he was nervous that I'd have the cops here or something. I probably SHOULD have his ass arrested, but that would do NOBODY any good, especially me. I just wanted to get this over with, so I got in my car and started the long drive out to east buttfuck.

It took me nearly an hour to get there, and even with the GPS I took a couple of wrong turns, but I finally found the place, at the end of a long, dirt road. It looked like an old, dingy-looking house that looked like it hadn't been occupied in years. There didn't seem to be any other homes around for miles. There was one other car in the driveway which I didn't recognize but assumed had to be Seth. "This must belong to one of his buddies or something" I guessed. "If he showed them those pictures, I'm going to kill him!" I walked up to the front door and rang the bell, but nothing happened. Probably hadn't worked in years. I knocked on the door and waited a couple of minutes, but nobody answered. I double checked my phone to make sure I was in the right place, and apparently I was. "What the hell I thought, let's just get this over with, I don't need these games". I opened the door and tried shouting... "Hello? Is anybody here?" Suddenly I felt myself grabbed from behind. I tried to scream but a massive hand had clamped a thick cloth over my mouth. I struggled, but his grip was like steel. Suddenly I felt all the strength draining from my limbs, it felt like I was swimming in glue. Then my vision started to go black. I realized dimly just before I lost consciousness that I'd been chloroformed.

I uttered a low grown as I slowly struggled back to consciousness. I tried to get up, but my arms and legs weren't working right. I also couldn't see, and had something stuffed in my mouth. As the fog began to clear I realized that I was gagged, blindfolded, with my legs tied and my arms tied behind my back. I groaned again, trying to understand what was happening. I could tell there were other people in the room. I could hear breathing, but nobody was talking. Finally, I heard somebody say "Looks like the little bitch is finally awake". "Good. Take her blindfold off." Another voice said in an authoritative tone. I squinted as the blindfold was roughly yanked off of me, looking around in complete panic. I was lying on a stone floor, in what appeared to be a basement, with 4 large, naked black males standing over me, one of which was Seth. They looked like they were around Seth's age. Seth reached down and grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me to my feet. "Hello little white bitch" he said with a sneer. "Welcome to Hell".

Another of the boys came over said "Seth, go run that errand I told you to do." Seth quickly got dressed and walked out. Then the leader (I assumed he was the leader) turned back to me. He slowly stroked his cock as he talked. I could see he was even bigger than Seth. "Your skinny white ass belongs to us now" he continued. I recognized the voice as the one who had ordered my blindfold removed. "Seth tells us you're a hot little white slut that loves to get off on nigga cock. Well, from this point on, you're going to get all the nigga cock you can fucking handle. We're gonna fuck the shit out of you, every fucking day. That's your life now bitch. You're nothing but a little fucking white cum dump for nigga cock. How this goes is up to you. You do what you're told like a good little white cunt, and we won't hurt you. much. But if you try to be an uppity little whore, we're gonna hurt you bad. You will address my niggas as Sir. You will address me as "Master". You will not speak unless spoken to. If you break these rules, we'll hurt you. Understand cunt? I was terrified. They all towered over me, the leader easily 6'3. I could tell they were young, probably teenagers, but they all had fully developed adult bodies. "Take the cunt's gag off" said the leader, and one of them reached in and yanked my gag off. The leader could easily have done it himself as he was still holding me with a handful of my hair, but I could tell he got off on ordering people around. As soon as my gag was removed, I blurted out "Who the hell are you guys?! Why am I tied up? Where the hell is Seth going? You better..." ! I never saw it coming, but I sure as hell felt the vicious backhand that came down on my right cheek. I dropped to my knees, tears welling up in my eyes, and I could feel my cheek burning bright red. The leader grabbed my hair again and yanked me back up to my feet. "STUPID CUNT!" He screamed in my face. "WHAT DID I JUST SAY? YOU DON'T SPEAK UNLESS SPOKEN TO!" Then he lowered his voice to a growl and grabbed my chin like Seth had when he kissed me. He leaned in and said "You better start doing what you're told bitch, or we're gonna fuck you up bad. You got that, bitch?" "Y-Yes" I stammered. Another hard slap on my other cheek. "YES WHAT?!!!" 'y-yes master' I sobbed. "That's a good little cunt. Maybe you'll actually survive for a couple of days". He let go of my hair and I sunk to my knees, sobbing. "Strip the cunt" I heard him say. The next thing I knew I was yanked to my feet again, by one of the other guys this time. I felt them ripping my clothes off me, but I dared not protest and risk being slapped again, or worse. I soon found out that worse was coming anyway. "Deshaun, you want to keep her tied" One of them asked. "Cut her legs loose. Leave her arms tied the leader responded. I felt the ropes binding my legs get cut away. I considered running but decided against it. Where was I going to go? I couldn't very well drive my car with my arms tied, and I didn't know where my keys were anyway.


Deshaun walked over to me and looked me up and down. "Seth told us you're a hot fuck bitch, love that big nigga cock. Well, let's find out what he's on about. Get on your knees, let's see how you suck. I did what I was told, getting down on my knees with him towering in front of me, and started tentatively licking his cock. "SUCK IT I said bitch!" said Deshaun. I did the best I could with my hand tied, but I could barely get his massive head in my mouth. I finally got his head in and started to suck lightly. "Stupid white cunt" he said with a sigh. "Gonna have to teach you EVERYTHING. That's not how you suck nigga dick. THIS is how you suck nigga dick." Then he grabbed my head with both hands and rammed his massive cock down my throat. I was totally unprepared and started gagging, drool pouring my mouth desperately struggling to breathe. He laughed as the tears streamed down my face, then he administered the most brutal face fuck I'd ever imagined. He held my head and rammed my face into his pelvis, shoving his cock all the way down my throat over and over. I could feel him bulging in my throat each time he slammed it in. This continued for what seemed like forever, but it was probably more like 3-5 minutes. When he finally pulled out and let my head go, I collapsed in a heap at his feet.

"Not bad cunt he said with a laugh. Not great, but not bad. You'll get plenty of practice on that, but now it's time to show you what you're here for". He turned to one of the other guys and said "Lube the bitch". I was shoved on to my back and my legs were yanked open and I felt what felt like baby oil being rubbed on my vagina, and lubed fingers being shoved deep inside me. A little yelp escaped from my lips when he shoved his fingers inside me. I bit my lip afraid I would be slapped again, but Deshaun just laughed at me and sneered. "Shit bitch, you're in big fucking trouble if you can't even take Damien's fingers up your hole". I bit my lip and closed my eyes, struggling not to utter a sound as he roughly lubed my pussy. When he was done, I was lying on my back with Deshaun standing over me.

"Now cunt" he hissed... "Beg for it". "W-what I stammered? Y-you want me to beg you to rape me?!" He could slap me all he wanted, there was no way I was doing that. He didn't slap me though. He just said "That's right. Beg for it. Beg me to fuck you with my big, beautiful nigga dick. And you better fucking be convincing". I just looked at him, horrified, and then I just lost it. "I can't! P-Please don't do this! I have money! Please, Please just let me go!" Deshaun just laughed. "Well that's begging ok. But it's not what I told you now, is it?" Then he reached down and grabbed both my nipples between his thumb and index finger and pinched them painfully. I winced and bit my lip. "See, this is what happens to little white cunts that don't do what they're told" he said, and then he started to pull. I gasped as I felt my nipples being stretched, the pain getting worse by the second. I felt my back being lifted off the floor, but he stepped on my forearms to hold me down and kept pulling harder and harder. I was screaming now, begging him to let go, but he just laughed and kept pulling. I never knew such pain was possible, I thought he was going to rip my nipples off. Finally, couldn't take it anymore. I screamed as loud as I could "PLEASE! PLEASE FUCK ME WITH YOU'RE BIG BEAUTIFUL BLACK COCK!!! PLEASE PLEASE FUCK ME!!!" "Please fuck you... what"? he said with a sneer, pulling a little harder. "P-PLEASE FUCK ME.. MASTER! PLEASE PLEASE FUCK ME WITH YOUR BIG BEAUTIFUL NIGGA COCK!!!". Either my nipples were going to tear, or I was going to pass out, but surprisingly that made him lower me back down and let go. I sobbed pitifully, my nipples sticking out grotesquely from the horrible abuse.

"That's a good little cunt" he said. "Duane. You first". The third guy then climbed on top of me and hissed "Get ready cunt, I'm gonna make this hurt". Then he rammed his cock into me and started to fuck me. The pain was blinding. He was about as big as Seth, but he was deliberately trying to hurt me. He would rear back and slam it in with all his might, then do it again. The other two cheered him on. I could hear them whooping through the blinding pain "Yeah! That's it, hammer that white cunt! Make that bitch FEEL it!" Finally I heard him give a Tarzan yell and he slammed his cock into me one final time and unloaded his cum into me. I laid there helplessly as what felt like a pint of teenage cum pumped into me. I sobbed pitifully as he pulled up and got off me, his cum pouring out of me like a little river. "What do you way when a nigga gives you his seed cunt?" said Deshaun. "T-thank you" I stammered. "Thank you WHAT?" said Deshaun threateningly. "T-thank you... S-sir" I corrected quickly. "That's a good little cunt" Damien, you're up.

Damien climbed on top of me without a word, he just shoved it in and started to fuck. Though he was not quite as brutal as Duane had been, my pussy was already so damaged that it hurt just as much. I sobbed and begged him for his cum, praying that would make him cum a little faster. Finally I heard him groan and drop his load, another river of cum pouring out of me as he pulled out. There was a growing puddle of cum on the floor between my legs, and now Deshaun stepped up. "That was fucking lame" he said to Duane. Let me show you how to properly fuck a little white cunt. He then grabbed me by the throat and pinned me to the ground. My fingers twitched helplessly behind my back as he held me there and positioned his massive cock at my brutalized entrance. "Bitch, I'm gonna fucking enjoy this" he sneered. Then he reared back, and slammed it into me with all his strength and started to fuck me with the ferocity of a wild animal. He screamed obscenities at me as he battered me, then went back to work on my tortured nipples with one hand, pulling, pinching and twisting as his huge cock battered my helpless body. My body was a mask of pain, and finally, mercifully, I passed out. When I came to, Seth was back, and I could hear Duane proudly describing how they'd destroyed me. "Man, we fucked da shit outta this bitch! Shit, Deshaun made the cunt pass out! Look at that, the slut can't even walk! You gonna take your turn now homie?" he said to Seth, but Deshaun stepped in. "Later, we got some shit to do. Did you take care of that errand Seth? "Yeah, all set Deshaun." "Good. Anybody see you?" Nah. Even if they did, I live next door, so what are they gonna say?". "Good. You can fuck her tomorrow Seth. Like I said, we got some shit to do now. What kind of hell had I gotten into here? Then Deshaun looked at me. "Clean that mess up bitch. You don't waste nigga cum like that." "W-what? I whimpered meekly. "I... my hands are tied... p-please... Master... c-can you untie me, so I can clean it?" I begged pathetically. "You ARE a stupid cunt, aren't you? You don't need your hands. Lick that shit up." I couldn't believe my ears. I was a captive of a teenage gang of sadist rapists, and I had no choice but do everything they told me or I'd be beaten, or worse. I sobbed pitifully as I started to lick their cum off the filthy floor, praying I wouldn't vomit before I finished. Finally, I licked the last of the cum off the floor and closed my eyes and curled up in a ball, sobbing. "That's a good little white cunt, maybe there's hope for you yet" he laughed. I opened my eyes and looked at Seth desperately, praying he would help me somehow. Seth looked back at me with a look of pure disdain like I'd never seen before. "Tomorrow I get my turn again, MRS Breiz" he said with a sneer. There was no hope there. Seth was just like the others. The 4 of them walked out, and locked the door behind them, leaving me sobbing on the floor with my hands still tied behind my back.

End Part 2


They never came back that night. I felt battered and bruised and sick and humiliated. I had been wrong to cheat on Tom, but I didn't deserve THIS kind of treatment, NOBODY did. I laid there on the floor for what seemed like hours before I managed to struggle to my knees and crawl over to the couch. My arms had now been tied behind my back for over 12 hours, and my shoulders were throbbing, to add that to my list of misery. I collapsed on the couch and just laid there dreading the morning, wondering what new tortures they had in mind to do to me the next day. It didn't take long to find out. Around 8:30 am all 4 of them walked in. They didn't even say a word, they just grabbed me by the hair and dragged me over to a dirty mattress they had over in the corner, lubed me up, and started fucking me. It wasn't anywhere near as brutal as the night before, I guess that had been kind of an initiation, but it was still pretty bad. They all had huge dicks, and they were all extremely rough with me. The whole thing lasted maybe 20 minutes. Seth took his turn this time and he dumped his load in me along with the rest of them. I was starting to get concerned about that too. I had no idea how long they planned to keep me here (I would find that out very shortly), but in another week or so I was going to be ovulating, and while Tom had never had any success at getting me pregnant, these guys pumped out cum like firehoses. I had no doubt one of them would knock me up if this was still going on when I was ovulating. After they all finished, they went back over to the couch and broke out a box of donuts and smoked some weed. I looked at the donuts longingly. I had not had any food since Breakfast the day before, and I was starving. After a bit I heard Deshaun say "Get the cunt in here. It's time that bitch understood the lay of the land." A moment later one of them (I think it was Damien, I still wasn't sure on the names other than Deshaun and Seth) came in and grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into the other room and shoved me down on the floor at Deshaun’s feet.

"Ok bitch, we got some shit to show you" said Deshaun. The first thing he did was pull out a phone, which I could see in a moment was mine. "I know what you're thinking. Your husband will miss you when he gets back from his trip and send the cops out looking for you. Well, guess what cunt, that's not gonna happen. Last night we sent this text to him." He lowered the phone to my face so I could read it. "Tom, Please forgive me, but I have to get out for a while. I'm sorry to do it this way, while you're away, but I need to be on my own for a while to sort things out. Please don't try to contact me or find me, I am in a very secluded place, and I have taken great pains to make sure I won't be found before I'm ready. I'm so sorry for doing it like this, but I couldn't face you, and I need to do this. Cherry."

I stared at in disbelief. How could they do this? "So you see cunt, nobody is going to be looking for you, nobody is going to be missing you, nobody is going to come for you. You are here as long as we decide we want you here. Are you starting to get the picture cunt?" Now we have a few more things to tell you about why you're here, and what your daily routine will be. First off, suck my dick. You don't kneel on the floor in front of a nigga dick without putting it in your mouth. I did what he said immediately, not wanting to get slapped again. His dick was still soft since he had just cum in me, so it wasn't hard to get into my mouth this time. I sucked on his dick as he talked. "At night, you can either sleep on this couch, or over there on the mattress. I don't give a shit which. Duane has a couple of dogs he leaves here sometimes so if the dogs are here, they get the couch and the mattress and you get the floor. Got that?" Oh my god, I was lower than the dogs in their eyes! "When we get here in the morning, the first thing you're going to do is go into that room over there. It's locked right now, I don't want your skinny white ass in there except when it's supposed to be. We'll unlock it when we want you in there. In that room you'll find a shower, a dresser, and all your white slut clothes and white slut makeup from home. That's where Seth went yesterday, to pick up all that shit and bring it here. You'll have 1 hour to shower, get dressed, do your hair, and make yourself look all fine for us. If you're not done in an hour, you'll be fucking sorry. As soon as you're ready I expect you to come out, looking hot, wearing those 4" heels of yours and something sexy. Then you'll come over here and we'll snap a few pictures. Then the fun will start. Most days we'll fuck you first" FIRST?!!! "After we've all dumped a load in you, you're going to go back in that room for 10 minutes and clean up. Then the customers will start coming. That's right cunt, we're selling that tight little white cunt of yours to every brotha at Seth's school that can come up with $100. If they don't have $100, we'll take what they've got and let them fuck you in the ass, but your cunt is gonna cost $100. Most days we'll get 5-10 brothas in here, but some days there might be as many as 20. Every fucking one of them is going to dump a load in you, either in your ass or your cunt. By around 2pm they should be pretty much done with you, and the 4 of us will fuck you again. If there's any more customers waiting, they can fuck you after that, if not then we'll just keep fucking you ourselves until dinner time. You can have an hour or so off while we eat, then one more fuck after dinner before we head out for the night. Before we go each night, we snap a few more pictures. And we'll be snapping pictures all day, every time you get fucked. See we have clients for those too. Here, take a look." He pulled out his phone and started showing me pictures from the day before. The first one was of the brutal face fucking, with Deshaun's monster cock bulging in my throat and my face mashed into his pubic hair. "This one is my favorite" he laughed, "I sold this one for $25" he then showed me a picture of me suspended by my nipples with my back pulled right off the floor and his feet pinning my arms, screaming in agony. Here's a few more of you getting that little white cunt hammered by me & the boys. These pics are gold mines. Not only can Seth sell them at school, but when they see these pics they can't give him the money fast enough to get on the list to fuck you. We could easily get 30 guys in here every day, but that would cut in to our own fucking time too much, so we'll keep it under 20 most of the time. We've got some other money-making stuff planned for you too, but not for a couple of weeks. This will do for now. Ok stop sucking." he said and pulled his cock out of my mouth. Now I knew. I was there to be a rape slave and rape whore for Seth's whole high school.

"P-please... Master... Sirs... Please... Can I get my arms untied... and have some food... please?" "Yeah, why not" said Deshaun, apparently not interested in belting me for speaking before I was spoken to. "You're gonna need your hands to get ready anyway. You'll find some food in your prep room. Eat fast, if I have to come in there after you, you're gonna fucking regret it." My hands were cut free finally and I was then dragged over to the prep room by Duane. He unlocked it and practically threw me in, and said "1 hour cunt". I quickly showered and dressed. The 1-hour time limit was going to be tough, just doing my hair usually took 30-40 minutes. I cut the time in half and did it in 10, put on the same skirt outfit I'd had on when I ran into Seth at the club, and strapped on my 4" heels. I managed to get done with 10 minutes to spare, so I wolfed down the food they'd left for me, some stale toast, an apple that looked to be a week old, and one of their donuts. I finished quickly and emerged from the prep room with 2 minutes to spare.

"Not bad Cunt" Deshaun commented. "Very fuckable. What do you think boys, does the cunt look fuckable?" She shoa looks better than that ratty-ass shit she had on yesterday" commented Duane. "Ok, nobody touches her until we get the before pics" said Deshaun. Before Pics?!!! "Ok bitch, get over here and give us some sexy poses, need to get a few pics before we start going to town on you." I didn't really know what that was about. More pictures for Seth's sales I guessed, but why would they even need these with all the pics they already had of me being degraded in various ways? "Ok that's enough. Get your skinny white ass outta those clothes, and get over there on that mattress and spread your legs. We got customers coming at 10, but we got time to dump a few quick loads in that puss" said Deshaun. I undressed quickly and saw Damien pick up my clothes and bring them back to the prep room. I didn't understand why they were making me go through all that trouble of getting ready only to get undressed again almost immediately. I would find out at the end of the day.

Tortured and Gang Raped

Seth went first this time, quickly lubing me up and driving his cock into me. Duane took his turn next, then Damien. DeShaun too his time with me sucking on my tits and playing with my clit for a few minutes before fucking me. I couldn't help but feel aroused, despite the abuse and humiliation. He knew what he was doing when he wasn't being a vicious sadist. Finally, he pinned my legs back and fucked me, but slower this time, much less brutal. His huge cock suddenly felt incredibly good inside me. I bit down on my lower lip hard to stifle a moan, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. Damien picked up on the change though and let out a whoop. "Goddamn, look at that! That little fucking white whore is getting into it! Look at that bitch! We're raping the living shit out of her, and she's getting into it! What a fucking white trash whore!" I felt my face burning red as they all laughed at me. I had been used, abused, and humiliated since I'd been there, and yet now my face was burning with embarrassment. And I knew why. They were right. My body was betraying me, and I was starting to get turned on despite the abuse. I bit down on my lip harder and forced myself not to fuck him back, but I was fighting a losing battle. Deshaun's cock slid in and out of me, filling me up, and my body was building toward an orgasm, and I couldn't stop it. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer. I felt my back arch, my fingers gripping the bed hard in a last desperate attempt to fight it down, and then I lost. My body exploded, my thick cream coating Deshaun's massive dick in thick white globs, I moaned and gasped, my face burning red as they hooted and laughed at me, then finally Deshaun came in me, adding his sperm to the other loads they had already dumped in me. Then he pulled out and joined the others in hooting and laughing at what a piece of trash I was. My humiliation was complete. I had been slapped around, tortured, brutally gang raped, and I had rewarded them by orgasming while they were raping me. I felt less than human

I was dragged back to the prep room again and ordered to clean myself off. Their cum was running down both thighs, so it took a few minutes to clean off, and they wanted my pussy clean for the paying customers. I had heard Deshaun say they had 15 lined up for me today I was trembling in fear as I tried to imagine what it was going to be like being gang-raped by 15 horny high school kids. Whatever it was that I imagined though, it didn't come close to the brutality of what they actually did to me.

When I was dragged back to the dirty mattress, all I could see was what looked like a sea of black faces. Most of them looked to be 15 or 16, but a couple couldn't have been more than 13 or 14. Seth had been the one to drag me back from the prep room, and he forced me down on the mattress and tied my hands behind my back. Before he got up, he whispered in my ear

"You're gonna get it good today Cunt. I'm really gonna enjoy this".

I couldn't believe this was the same boy I'd hooked up with in that club.

He then flipped me over so I was on my back, and ground his shoe into my crotch cruelly.

"She's all yours boys" He said with a sneer, "And you fuckers better make it HURT!". Then he walked away, and they descended on me like a pack of wolves.

One of the bigger boys got there first and grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me up to my feet. I looked at him in terror, and he hit me across the face with a crushing backhand. My knees buckled, but he held me there, and hit me again. And again and again and again, backhands and forehands, until I was seeing stars. He finally stopped hitting me and dropped me back onto the bed like a sack of potatoes. Two of them grabbed my legs and ripped them open like a wish bone, and the boy who's been beating me reached back and somebody handed him something. Then he reached down and fastened two thick, cruel looking alligator clamps to my nipples, and then grabbed them between his thumb and forefinger and crushed my nipples painfully. I screamed out in pain, but he kept the pressure on. I begged him to stop but he just laughed at me and said

"That's not how you beg".

I immediately knew what he wanted from my ordeal with Deshaun on my first day, so I screamed at the top of my lungs "PLEASE! PLEASE FUCK ME, I WANT YOU ALL TO FUCK MY SLUTTY WHITE CUNT! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FUCK ME!!!".

I was sobbing from the pain at this point but at least that got him to let go of his grip. He left the clamps on though, then he climbed on top of me and shoved his cock on me, and fucked me like a wild animal until he came deep inside me. The next boy climbed on immediately, slapping me once and giving the clamps a squeeze eliciting another scream of pain from me, then shoved his dick in me and started pumping. None of their cocks were as big as those of my abductors, but they were so brutal it didn't really matter. Most of them slapped my face before they started fucking me. Most of them had a grab at the clamps, and a couple of them choked me as they fucked me.

At one point Deshaun came over and pulled one of their hands for my throat as I was turning red and said "What the fuck man, take it easy. Don't kill the bitch, we got more plans for her". I have no idea how long this torture went on. I passed out a couple of times, only to wake up to another young black dick fucking me like a freight train.

"Ok Time's up." I heard Deshaun say finally. "Now get your little black asses outta here, and remember... if anybody says anything about this to anybody, I'll put your fucking ass in the ground".

I just lied on the mattress groaning. I couldn't even muster up the strength to close my legs, I just laid there with their cum dripping out of me into the now cum soaked mattress.

"Alright everybody out" Deshaun commanded" "The bitch has had enough for today". No kidding. I couldn't even move. Deshaun walked over to me after Seth, Duane, and Damien had gone. I cringed in fear expecting to be hit, or some new unimaginable form of torture, but instead he just sat down on the chair near the mattress and looked at me.

"You done good today Red" he said softly. Made me about 3k. That's right, those boys paid double to get so be so rough with you. That video we made is gonna make me 10 times that too. You'd be surprised what some rich white asshole will pay to watch a hot little white bitch get fucked up by a gang of niggas. It won't always be this bad, but we needed it to be nasty this time for the video. Don't get any ideas though, we got more plans for you, you're gonna make me a LOT of fucking coin."

I couldn't even muster up the strength to react when he said they had more plans for me.

"Shit they really fucked you up didn't they? He reached down and removed the cruel clamps still digging in to my ruined nipples. I let out a yip when he took them off despite the fact that he did it gently. Then he lightly rolled me over and cut the ropes off my wrists.

"Alright Red, one time and one time only I'll give you a ride on the Deshaun Taxi service”, Then he actually smiled at me and picked me up and carried me into the prep room. "There's food and soda in the little fridge over there. Like I said you can have a couple of days off, and I'm gonna let you stay in the prep room for a couple of days. I put some food in there, and I unlocked the TV cabinet for you. You keep doing a good job like you did today, and things will go easier. Now what do you say when I do nice things for you like this?"

"t-thank you... master" i whispered weakly, barely able to even talk.

"Goddamn red, there just might be hope for you yet" he said with a chuckle, and then walked out and locked the door behind him. I realized dimly that it was the first time he had ever called me anything besides "Slut, Bitch, or Cunt".


The 2 days off Deshaun had granted me were sorely needed. My body felt completely destroyed. I was starving, but it was not until morning that I could muster up the strength to get up off the bed and get some food. Going to the bathroom was an intensely painful experience. The brutal gang rape had left me raw and swollen, and having acidy urine flowing over those painfully damaged areas hurt so much I nearly screamed. Seth had brought a lot of my clothes from home. Other than the sexy stuff that I had to put on for their photo sessions most of my clothes were just dumped in a pile in the corner. I found a pair of panties and some shorts, and a loose T-shirt to put on. Unfortunately my tortured nipples were so sore that even the light touch of the loose fabric against them was painful, so I was forced to stay topless.

My 2 days off passed all to quickly. I stayed in the prep room and they left me alone other than Deshaun coming in occasionally to re-stock the food. I'd found some ointment in the bathroom and applied it to my raw pussy and abused nipples, and by the end of my grace period I was doing better, but I was still a long way away from being ready to take their pounding again. Deshaun appeared first thing in the morning on the third day.

"Ok bitch, time to go back to work. Get those clothes off." he said matter-of-factly. I guess I was back to being "Bitch" again. Oh well, it was better than "Cunt" I suppose.

I stripped my clothes off as ordered, then looked at him and pleaded. "P-please sir... Master.. Can’t I please have another day? I-I still hurt so bad... I just can't, not yet. Please Master..."

Deshaun looked at my still swollen pussy and ravaged nipples and frowned. I half expected to be slapped, but amazingly he said "Yeah, I can see that" he said. Ok I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll cancel the clients for today, and then you can have the weekend" I guessed that meant it was Friday, I'd completely lost track of time. "And I'll tell the boys to lay off your ass, tits, and cunt. But you're gonna suck them all off as many times as they want, and you better do a good fucking job of it too. These are horny niggas out there and they gotta cum somewhere, and it's gonna be in your little wet mouth. Got it bitch?"

"Y-yes sir, thank you Master!" I stammered

He gave me a very slight smile, then said "Alright, no point in getting you all sexy'd up then since we don't need pics today, so just get out there and get to work".

For the next three days I don't think a half hour went by when I didn't have a big black cock in my mouth. But they left my body alone as Deshaun had ordered, and by the end of the weekend my abused body was still a little sore but doing MUCH better. Unfortunately, that meant that on Monday it was going to be back to what was to be business as usual for me - gang rape after gang rape.

On Sunday night deshaun locked the prep room back up, effectively locking me out of my little safe space. He then fastned a coller around my neck with a padlock. "You have 10 minutes to use the bathroom bitch" he told me.

I was forced to use the filthy bathroom they all used as my personal one in the prep room had been locked up. When I emerged Deshaun grabbed me by the hair and dragged me over to the filthy mattress and locked what looked to be about a 10' chain to my collar, and then to a loop bolted into the wall.

He looked at me with icy eyes. "Tomorrow we're going start whoring you out again bitch. I've got 20 customers lined up for you tomorrow, then 15 each for Tuesday and Wednesday so you better be ready. We're gonna be fucking you again too. Vacations over whore. It's time you start making me some fucking money.

Business as Usual

The next two weeks passed in a blur. My day would start off early with a sexy outfit and some pictures, then Deshaun, Duane, Seth, and Damien would all have a go with me. Then I'd get cleaned up, and the customers (who I guessed were more kids from Seth's school, they all looked between 15-17) would arrive. Deshaun was right, it was nowhere near as brutal as the first day had been. It certainly wasn't gentle, but at least they were not going out of their way to hurt me. One after another they would climb on, rape me, and pump their cum into me. Sometimes my hands would be tied, sometimes they would leave me leashed to the wall, sometimes both. Occasionally I would be ass raped (I guessed these were the discount customers), but the vast majority raped and came in my pussy. The day always ended the same, with me lying on my back surrounded by a sea of grinning black faces with their cum leaking out of me while pictures were taking. Then it would be another round with Deshaun, Duane, Seth, and Damien, a couple of hours off while they ate (I was usually given a bowl of cereal or something), and then a final round before they chained me to the wall and left for the night.

On the weekend Deshaun let me sleep in the prep room, and the rape schedule was a lot lighter, for the most part just Deshaun and the boys. They had three older friends over on Saturday night for some entertainment (me), and they decided they all wanted to rape me at once, so for the first time I found myself being raped in every hole at once by three black cocks.

Ironically, I was starting to orgasm more and more each day. I realized that this was just my will being broken, which is what they wanted. I tried to keep it from happening, biting my lip, trying to put my mind elsewhere, but my over-stimulated body was betraying me more and more. Each orgasm let to a torrent of verbal abuse and occasionally a couple of slaps, but I was becoming more and more powerless to stop it. They were taking control of my body and my mind, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop it.

Deshaun and the guys had scaled back on the brutality quite a bit too, all except for Seth. He would always fuck me as hard as he possibly could, and would often choke and slap me. He also loved to torture my nipples, pinching and pulling on them as he pounded me. I heard Deshaun tell him to ease up on more than one occasion, but Seth would say something like "The cunt needs to know her place Deshaun. You guys go easy on the slut if you want, but I'm gonna fucking destroy the bitch". After he'd pumped his vile seed into me he'd grab my hair and yank my head up and whisper something like "That was just a down payment cunt. One of these days I'm gonna get you alone and Deshaun won't be here to save you. Then you're REALLY gonna hurt." Seth was by far the most sadistic of the group, and I was growing more and more terrified that he was going to make good on his promise.

This is how it went for the next two weeks. I lost track of how many different teenagers had raped me, but it had to be over 100. I was terrified I was going to get a disease, and I didn't see any way I could possibly avoid pregnancy. Ironically, I had been on birth control when I was living at home with Tom and not having sex, but now that I was being gang raped and inseminated 25 times a day or more, I was totally unprotected. Then suddenly everything changed again, and not for the better.


At the end of the second week, I had just finished with my daily gang rape and I saw Seth come in and walk over to Deshaun and hand him a piece of paper.

"New *********** from Mr. S" I heard him say. He says he don't need no more video of these niggas from my school raping the bitch, he wants this next.

Deshaun reviewed the piece of paper and showed it to the others. "I don't like this, it's risky." He said.

"Nah it's cool" I heard Duane chime in. My bro can handle it, he'll keep them in line.

"Mr. S said he'll pay 50 large for this" added Seth.

"50? That's nearly twice as much as the last one. Ok, for 50 we can take some risk. Set it up for next week".

I had no idea what it was they were setting up, but I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that things had just gotten worse for me. Unfortunately, I was right.

The weekend came and went uneventfully. Well, as uneventful as my life could get at this point anyway. I endured the usual rapes from Deshaun and the boys, but I was almost starting to look at that as pleasant compared to the daily gang rapes from Seth's "customers". I would cum for them nearly every time now, except for Seth who terrified me and tried to hurt me at every opportunity. Deshaun in particular I really looked forward to. He was almost gentle with me, and his huge cock felt so good inside me... I caught myself. That was the brainwashing working, I couldn't let myself accept that what they were doing to me was anything less than rape.

Monday morning, everything started routinely. A sexy outfit, some photos, and then Deshaun, Seth, Damien and Duane all had a turn with me. I was sent back to the prep room to clean up while the day's gang-rape customers were ushered in. When I emerged from the prep room, my jaw dropped in utter horror. I couldn't believe what I saw in front of me. As expected, I was looking at a sea of black faces, but there was a difference. The oldest of the bunch couldn't have been more than 10 years old. "B-but sir!" I blurted out, "T-They're just children! Y-You can't make me do this!"

I felt a hard backhand across my face. "Did I hear right? Did I just hear you give me an order whore? We're getting 50 grand for this. I CAN and I WILL make you do it or else I'll fucking cap your skinny white whore ass right now! Got it? Now get over here!"

Deshaun dragged me by the hair over to the mattress and shoved me down on it face first on the Mattress. He quickly tied my hands behind my back and lashed me to the wall. Then he stood up and I heard him say "She's all yours boys. Remember what we told you. JT, take charge". I assumed JT was Duane's brother.

A boy who looked to be 9 or 10 walked over and said "Turn around and look at me bitch"

I flipped over obediently, terrified, my face burning with humiliation as he looked me up and down. "We're gonna fuck the shit outta you slut" he said disdainfully. I couldn't believe these words were coming out of the mouth of a 10 year old child. "But first I've got a little present for you". He then took off his belt, raised his arm, and brought it down on my tender stomach with a vicious CRACK. I screamed as a nasty red streak instantly appeared on my stomach. He raised his arm again... CRACK! Across my breasts this time. CRACK! This one landed on my thigh. I flipped over desperately trying to escape the brutal beating, but there was no escape. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! three more blows across my back. CRACK! CRACK! two on my ass. My body felt like it was on fire. I was sobbing and begging him to stop, but he just beat me harder and faster. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Two on my thighs and another on my back. I flipped over again desperately trying to escape the pain, but that was a big mistake. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Two more on my breasts and two more on my stomach.

Finally, the rain of fire stopped, and I was left lying on the mattress sobbing while JT laughed at me. "That's just a sample of what you'll get if you don't do everything we tell you to slut" he said. "Do you understand?"

"y-yes" I whispered through a sob

"Yes WHAT?" he crowed

"y-yes... sir" I stammered, looking up at the cruel 10 year old.

"Get on your knees" he ordered

This was very difficult with my hands tied and my entire body a mask of pain, but I finally managed to struggle to my knees.

"Suck it" he ordered, pulling out his little 10-year-old cock.

I'd never in my life imagined such humiliation was possible. I'd been beaten to near unconsciousness by a brutal 10-year-old child, made to call him "Sir", and now I was being forced to suck his little child cock. He was fully erect in about 30 seconds, then he grabbed my head and shoved it into my mouth as far as it would go, which was just barely enough to hit the top of my throat. He then yanked it out roughly and shoved me back down on my back on the mattress. I closed my eyes as he mounted me, his little 10 year old body not even as big as my petite 5'3 frame. I choked back a sob as he mounted me and turned my head, determined to just endure the rape in silence. That was not meant to be. One of the other little kids grabbed my hair and forced my head up.

"Watch Bitch" he said. "Watch or we'll knock your teeth out". I was forced to watch myself being raped by a 10-year-old child. I cringed anticipating his cum, but he lasted surprisingly long for a young boy. Then I saw Seth walking over with a vibrator in his hand, and put it right on my clit. Then the boy that was holding my head let go and started to gently massage my nipples. Clearly they had been coached.

"Oh god" I croaked. "Not that... please not that... oh my god, please don't make me..."

"Come on cunt" grinned Seth. "Show us what a little whore you really are."

I summoned every ounce of willpower I had left and tried my best not to cum, but it was no use. The multiple assault was too much for my battered body and shattered mind. I felt my muscles tightening, my back arching. I gasped loudly, biting my lip, making one last, desperate attempt to regain control of my body, then I finally gave in. I moaned like a whore as my body betrayed me, shaking like a leaf in the wind I came again and again while this vile 10-year-old child raped me. Seconds later I heard him grunt and unload inside me. He climbed off and kicked me in the side painfully while his 10-year-old cum dripped out of me. My humiliation was complete. I had been tied up, beaten, mouth raped, raped, and forced to orgasm while being raped by a 10-year-old child. I felt completely devastated.

It was far from over though. There were at least 12 other boys in the room, ranging in ages anywhere from 8-10, and they all had their turn with me. One of them peed inside me after cumming. At one point I was forced to ride one of their little dicks while two others raped my ass and mouth. When it was finally over I laid on the mattress sobbing with the cum of a dozen children dripping out of me. The boys all then formed a circle around me and urinated on me while Seth took his "after" pictures. I felt so horribly abused!

I dimly heard Duane telling the boys that they were never to tell a soul about this, or it would be their ass. School was starting again next week after all, and we couldn't have word of this getting to some nosy, do-gooder teacher.

They left me alone for a while after that. I just lay there on the cum and urine soaked mattress and sobbed in despair. Of everything they had done to me, all the rapes, the beatings, the humiliation, the torture, nothing compared to what had just been done to me. I felt utterly defeated.

Deshaun told them to clear out for the night and let me recover. He came over and sat down on the chair and cut my still tied hands free. He looked at me almost sadly.

"That was a rough one Red" he said softly. "I didn't really want to that, but Mr. S calls the shots, and 50 grand is 50 grand. I'll make it up to you, you can have the next couple of days off".

Then he gave me kind of a sad smile.

"Even from me".

He picked me up and carried me to the bed in the prep room, checked to make sure the fridge was stocked with food, then walked out without a word, locking the door behind him. I just laid there and cried for about 2 hours before I finally got up the strength to shower and wash their vile urine off me. My mind was numb at what I had just endured. I couldn't imagine what more they could do to me. School was starting soon, which would mean Seth's pool of customers would be mostly cut off. I couldn't imagine what more they could possibly do to me. Unfortunately for me, Seth had a much better imagination.


The next couple of weeks passed fairly uneventfully. Deshaun gave me 2 days off as promised, and Thursday and Friday we were back to the business-as-usual schedule. The customer base seemed to be drying up though. Thursday there were only 8 customers, and on Friday there were only 5. I didn't even try not to cum anymore when they raped me, my will had been completely destroyed. I didn't care what the reason was, I was just happy to get a little break from the 15 and 20 days I'd been having. Since this was the last week of summer vacation, I was hoping that trend would continue.

Friday afternoon Seth came back from his weekly visit to Mr. S, and I overheard a discussion he was having with the others.

"Ok, I got Mr. S to go along with one more video for this bitch. Here's the ***********" He said and passed out copies to the others.

Deshaun took one look at it and threw it down. "Uh-uh. No fucking way. This is some sick shit. We do this, we're gonna ruin the bitch for sale on the BM after we're done with her. She's worth a quarter mil on the black market easy".

"Deshaun, wake the fuck up bro" Seth replied. "The bitch is used UP. She been fucked by just about every nigga at my school, most of my peeps, most of your peeps, not to mention that fucked up shit with the little bro's, and not to mention how much WE been fuckin' her. Plus, the bitch is TWENTY EIGHT. Ain't no rich white dude, or rich Arab dude, or rich any dude gonna pay a quarter mil for a used up 28 year old white whore that been fucked by more niggas than most white cunts have MET. This is it bro, this is the last score. We do this, we cap the bitch, and we call it a wrap. There's plenty of white bitches out there if you really want to make a big score in the slave market. This one is over though. Mr. S says he'll pay another 50 large for this one. And that was just his first offer when I suggested it. I'm pretty sure I can get him up to 65 or even 70 if we throw in a couple of beatings and some shit like that."

"YOU suggested it?" Said Deshaun. "Since when do YOU fucking decide what we suggest to Mr. S? What we do with this bitch is MY call got it? There may be plenty of white bitches out there, but this one's special. Have you seen those eyes? Man, that shit is fucking RARE. I guarantee you some moneybags rich asshole will pay for that shit."

"You getting sweet on the cunt Deshaun?" Seth hissed “It AIN'T your call it's ALL our call, because it's all our asses if we get caught with that bitch" I say we do this last thing and get what we can, cap the bitch, and call it a wrap"

"I gotta agree with Seth" said Duane. "Let's just take what's on the table and not get greedy. We done made our money off the bitch, let’s get out clean"

"Yeah I agree with Seth and Duane" chimed in Damian. The longer we keep this bitch alive the riskier this gets. Let's get what we can and wrap this shit up.

"Awrite" Deshaun responded. "I'm out voted; we'll do it your way. Where we gonna get this shit though?"

"Don't worry about it" responded Seth. "I know a guy just outside of town, a real freak. Owes me a favor too. We can get started on Monday.

"Ok, Monday it is then. I'm giving her the weekend off so she'll be nice and fresh on Monday. And NO fucking arguments on that or I'm gonna knock somebody the fuck OUT".

So that was it then. They had one more horror dreamed up for me, then they were going to kill me. "Just as well" I thought. Anything is better than living life as a rape slave for a bunch of teen thugs.

As promised Deshaun gave me the weekend off and let me stay in the prep room. I relaxed and enjoyed what I expected would be my last weekend of feeling like a human being. Whatever it was they had in store for me I'm sure would be a new level of pain and humiliation for me, and then I was going to be killed. For once, I was right.

On Monday morning I heard them come into the basement, but they didn't come and get me right away. I just laid on the bed trembling in fear at the unknown of what they had in store for me. I didn't have to wait long to find out. The door opened and somebody walked in. It was Seth and he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, you're gonna get some today bitch" he beamed. "I was hoping to get some time alone with you and beat some respect into your racist white ass, but this is gonna be even better. Much, MUCH better" he chuckled evilly.

Seth then grabbed me by the hair and literally dragged me out into the main room and shoved me to my knees. He pulled my head up and forced me to look at what was in store for me. I choked back a sob. In the room were a couple of people I didn't recognize, along with what I assumed were to be the instruments of my destruction - A Doberman, 2 Great Danes, a St. Bernard, and a Rottweiler. I was going to be gang-raped by dogs!

"Oh god" I croaked “ Oh please, not this! Please don't make me do this! Sir... Master, please!" I begged Deshaun directly "Please, I've done everything you asked! I've made you a lot of money! Please, oh please don't do this to me!"

"Sorry Red" he replied a little sadly. "It's outta my hands. Get her ready Seth".

Seth dragged me over to a huge wooden box that had been bolted to the floor, and attached my collar chain to a loop that had been screwed in at the bottom. He then pushed me down on my knees with my chest down on the box and pulled the collar chain tight so that I was tied down tight. My legs were secured to the back of the box with straps, and my hands were tied behind my back. Finally, he forced my jaw open and shoved a ring gag in my mouth and fastened it tight.

"Let me tell you something about these dogs" Seth reveled. "They's TRAINED for this shit. See Floyd over there, the guy with the Rottweiler? Well he owns a kennel, and his ex is a freak that was into sick shit like this. So he trained these boys to fuck only human cunt. Well he broke up with her about 3 months ago, and they ain't been laid since. So you're gonna get it, cunt. You're gonna get it ALL. And I'm gonna be right here with my vibrator making sure you get off for every fucking one of them.

I saw Deshaun coming over with the lube, but that guy Floyd stopped him. "Here, use this" he said. This has pheromones from a bitch in heat, it'll whip these boys into a frenzy."

Deshaun nodded and took the special lube and handed it to Seth to get me ready. Seth couldn't resist ramming two fingers into me painfully as he applied the lube. He never missed an opportunity to hurt me.

Finally, they were ready. The Doberman was brought over first. As soon as he caught my pheromone enhanced scent I saw his red dick start to poke its head out of it's sheath. He came over and started to lick my pussy. I shuddered in spite of myself, his rough tongue found my clit as if it was on auto pilot.

"Look at this little dog slut" chirped Seth. I might not even need the vibrator, this whore is gonna cum on her own!

I was sobbing uncontrollably now at the indignity of being tied up and having a dog licking my private parts, but my ordeal was just beginning. Now fully aroused, I felt the huge Doberman climb up on my back, his front nails digging painfully into my sides. I trembled as he positioned himself, and then screamed as he rammed his animal cock into me with a thrust of his powerful hips. He fucked like a jackhammer. I screamed and begged and pleaded with them to get him off me, but they all just whooped and hollered as if they were at a ball game or something.

"Holy Shit! He fuckin' the SHIT outta dat bitch!" exclaimed Duane

"Shit yeah man! Lookit dat, he POUNDING that that little cunt!"

Seth of course got more personal, leaning in and saying right in my ear

"You like that, cunt? You like that big fucking dog dick fucking you like a freight train? You know what's lower than a dog? A little white whore who lets herself gets fucked by dogs, and then gets off while they do it. Watch this boys!" he shouted to the others as he pulled out his vibrator and turned it on. I gasped loudly as he applied it directly to my clit. I squirmed helplessly but I couldn't move. I sobbed pitifully, but I couldn't even beg him to stop with the ring gag in my mouth. I tried. I tried harder than I've ever tried to do anything in my life not to cum while that dog raped me, but it was no use. I was far to broken to have ever had a chance. Seth roared as I came on that dog's cock, my body shaking like a leaf as Seth held that cruel vibrator on my clit. The dog did his part to, hammering that cock into me like he was trying to ram it right through me. Then I screamed. With one mighty thrust the dog rammed his knot into me, stretching me out far past my limits. I screamed again and then slumped, mercifully blacking out as he dumped his load into me.

When I regained consciousness, my pussy was throbbing and I had rivers of dog cum running down my thighs, but the dog had been pulled off of me. One of the Great Danes was up next. Seth leaned down close to my ear. "This one's name is Goliath" he snickered. "I can't WAIT for you to find out why". I had no idea why Seth hated me so much. He just wanted to see me endure as much pain, torture, and humiliation as was humanly possible.

Seth applied some fresh lube/pheromone to my throbbing pussy and brought Goliath over to let him sniff me. I watched miserably as his thick red cock emerged, and emerged, and emerged. His cock was huge. About as big as Deshaun and thicker. I shuddered in fear. That thing was going to rip me apart. Goliath didn't waste any time licking me, he just climbed on and got into position, rammed it into me. I screamed as he started to jackhammer me just like the Doberman had. Only his cock was long enough to hit my cervix. My face went white as he pounded me. Each thrust felt like my insides were being punched with a fist. I blacked out again, only to wake up to find he was still pounding me. I begged and pleaded through the ring gag to get him off me, but it wasn't happening. Goliath wasn't going anywhere until he was finished. Finally, he rammed his fist sized knot into my destroyed pussy and dumped his quart of cum into me. I sobbed. Seth howled. The others whooped. Somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered dimly what Seth had said to me back on that first day - "Welcome to Hell". He had been wrong. Hell would have been an improvement.

Next up was the St. Bernard. The routine went pretty much as it had gone with the first two, only this time while he was fucking me Seth put some of the pheromone lube around my lips and brought the Rottweiler over. He didn't need any encouragement. Out popped the red dick, and the next thing I knew he was face to face with the St. Bernard fucking me and his dick was down my throat courtesy of the ring gag. Seth couldn't resist making me get off with the vibrator while they spit-roast fucked me from in front and behind. Another chorus of verbal abuse followed and then the two dogs both came nearly simultaneously. Fortunately the Rottweiler’s knot was too big to fit through the ring gag, but the St. Bernard had no problem shoving his into me. I was so stretched out by now he could probably have shoved it in there if it had been the size of a basketball. I just laid there limply as their cum drained down my throat and into my pussy. I was numb by this point. It was almost as if I were floating above it all, watching this all happen to somebody else. The two dogs pulled out and their remaining cum dripped down my chin and my thighs.

Last up was the 2nd Great Dane. He was nearly as big as Goliath, but not quite. On went the lube, out popped the dick, and on he climbed. I just laid there while he hammered me. I was all cried out. I was all fucked out. I was beyond feeling humiliated, I was beyond feeling pain, I was beyond it all. Seth tried his bit with the vibrator, but he may as well have been vibing a corpse. I just laid there while he hammered me like a piece of meat. When he came and knotted me, I had no reaction. When they pulled him off and his cum poured out of me and down my leg, I had no reaction.

"Awrite that's it for today" I heard Deshaun say.

"Why?" protested Seth " These fuckers can go 3 or 4 times easy".

"Yeah well she can't" responded Deshaun “Look at her, the bitch is half dead. We ain't gonna get no more useful video today, so that's it, we're done".

"Fuck that!" screamed Seth "Get that Dane over here, the one with huge dick" He started to take his belt off. "I'll get a fucking reaction out of this cunt!"

Deshaun's eyes narrowed. He walked over and grabbed Seth by the throat. "You listen to me, you sadistic motherfucker. I've taken your backtalk for the last fucking time. If the next words out of your fucking nigga mouth aren't "Yes Deshaun, got it", then I'm gonna put you in a fucking hole. Got it? Now SAY IT!

There was an awkward standoff for a few seconds as Seth tried to decide what to do. He was clearly afraid of Deshaun, but he wasn't used to being put down like this.

"SAY IT!" Screamed Deshaun, his grip on Seth's throat tightening. I could tell there was a part of him that wished Seth would challenge him.

"Yes Deshaun, got it" Seth squeaked meekly.

Deshaun kept his grip on Seth's throat for a few more seconds, then turned him loose.

"Awrite. Duane, cut the bitch loose and put her in the prep room for the night. Make sure she's got food and something to drink. Damian, get this shit cleaned up, and get it ready for tomorrow. Mr. S paid for 5 days of this shit, so 5 days is what we're gonna give him. Amazingly, that was the last thing they ever did to me.


The next day the cops showed up. It seems once school was back in session, some of Seth's customers started boasting about what they'd done, as kids that age are wont to do. It didn't take long for one of those do-gooder teachers to overhear it and call the police. It took almost no time for the kids to cave and give up Deshaun, Seth, Duane, and Damien. They were in the process of tying me down to the wooden block when the sirens first were heard in the distance. Nobody thought anything of it at first, it wasn't the first time we'd heard sirens in the distance wailing away. Probably headed for a fire or something. Or a robbery. Just something else. Not this time though. This time the sirens kept getting louder and louder. When they finally realized they were coming here, it was too late. At least 8 police cars pulled in and cops in full riot gear stormed the house. I was cut loose from my bindings and brought into the prep room at my request so I could put some clothes on. I came out just in time to see my 4 tormentors along with Floyd being taken out in handcuffs. The cops asked me if I could give a statement. I was delighted too. I told them about how they'd kidnapped me. I told them about how they'd raped me. I told them about how they'd had me gang raped repeatedly, raped by children, raped by dogs. I told them the things that would put those bastards behind bars forever. The cops looked almost ready to cry as I told them my story, and what had been done to me. When I was done, they escorted me out to the waiting ambulance, and I was taken directly to the hospital. My ordeal was finally over.

The trial did not last as long as you might think. All of the video, all of the pictures, all of the physical evidence in the farmhouse basement had been recovered, not to mention the testimonies of over 100 kids at Seth's school. The kids at the school were minors and were granted reduced sentences in exchange for their testimony against the 4. It was over in 2 weeks. The prosecutor told me it was the most open and shut case she'd ever had. The body of evidence against my captors was so overwhelming that I didn't even have to testify. I just sat there and watched as the guilty verdict came down and the judge handed out the sentence. They each received 50 years, with no chance of parole. They were escorted out of the court room in handcuffs to start their new lives in prison, Deshaun looking repentant, Damien in tears, Duane in shock, and Seth defiant.

As for me, I headed home to start to rebuild my life with my husband. I had suffered through an ordeal no human being should ever have to endure. And it had all started with a betrayal on my part, a betrayal of my husband. I intended to spend the rest of my life making that up to him. I had been given a second chance. This time, I wasn't going to blow it.

End Game

I walked up the steps to the entrance to the prison slowly, deliberately. It was 6 months to the day since the police had rescued me from that hellhole. That might well have been the end of the story, but it wasn't. You see, my husband Tom is rich, but my daddy is richer. Much, MUCH richer. Money, it turns out, can buy you a lot of things. Cars. Houses. Clothes. Revenge. My Daddy and Tom both wanted to come, but I finally managed to convince them. I had to do this alone. I entered the prison and waited to be escorted to the visitor’s booth. I spoke to Seth on a phone through bulletproof glass.

"Hello Seth, I said sarcastically. "How are they treating you in here?"

"They's treating me just fine bitch. My brothas treat me like a king in here since they found out what we did to you. And we sure did something to you now, didn't we?" he said with a snide smile.

"Yes Seth, yes you did. And now I'm going to do something to you. Oh, but first, I've got some news to share. Deshaun is dead. Duane and Damian too" I reported matter-of-factly. "

"Damien had it easy, he got shanked in a cafeteria brawl. Duane got it much worse, I hear he attacked a guard with a knife, and he was beaten to death. He never did that of course, but that's the "Official" word. And as for Deshaun, poor Deshaun got it the worst of all. I hear he had a run in with some Hells Angels. They ripped his nipples clean off with a pair of pliers, shoved a baseball bat up his ass, castrated him, and then kicked and punched him while he laid there and bled out. I hear the official word is he slipped in the shower and hit his head. They really should put mats in there, don't you think?" I stopped there and smiled at Seth sweetly, giving him a chance to soak it all in.

I could tell he was shocked, but he managed to muster up some false bravado.

"Yeah? Well so what? I wasn't never gonna see those niggas again anyway. And it don't change what we did to you. Nuthin's ever gonna change that."

"You're right Seth, nothing will ever change that. But I survived what you did to me. Survived, and fully recovered. What's "never gonna change" is Deshaun, Duane, and Damian being dead. That's it. Game over. Dead. And another thing that's never gonna change is what I'm about to do to you." I paused for effect before I continued.

You see Seth, Duane, Damian, and Deshaun had all been transferred to a special cell that my Daddy arranged for. The next one being transferred to that cell is you. You're a king now, because you're in a wing with your brothas. Your homies. Your Niggas. As soon as I leave here though, you're being transferred to a new cell." My eyes narrowed. "MY Cell. That cell isn't in the black wing of the prison, it's on the other side of the prison in D block. You know who they have in D Block Seth? Hells Angels. White Supremacists. Clan. That's going to be your new home." I paused again to let that sink in.

"Oh, and that's just the tip of the iceberg." I continued. "The prison has a beautiful new library from an anonymous donation I hear. Oh, you'll never see it, it's in minimum security. I also heard Warden is driving a nice, new Bentley these days. Weird how he can afford that on a Warden's salary huh? You see Seth, my husband is rich, but my daddy is FILTHY rich, and rich daddy's REALLY frown on their only daughters being tortured and gang raped. Oh, and the guards in D-Block are all taken care of too. And the word is out among the prisoners. They have a task list, and every time one (or several, it's all the same to Daddy) of them ticks off one of the tasks on the list, his family gets a nice little reward. Heck a couple of those tasks even come with a new house! I'll just leave it up to your imagination what might warrant a new house. They won't kill you though. Not for a long time at least. They've been instructed to keep you alive, so you can fully enjoy your new life." I could tell he was starting to panic, but I wasn't done yet.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Daddy also arranged for you to have a new day job. You're going to be helping to train the guard dogs. Would you like to take a guess as to what you're going to be training them to do?" I said with a sweet smile. "That's the beauty of dogs, isn't it? They don't discriminate based on race, or even sex. As long as they have a nice, warm hole to stick it in, they're happy. There are a lot of guard dogs, Seth. And they're ALL going to be very, VERY happy. Now he looked on the verge of tears, but I still had one more thing to say.

"Oh yeah, one last thing. Your family moved out of the house last week. I heard your dad lost his job, and the bank foreclosed on his mortgage. Seems the owner of your dad's former company is good friends with my daddy, and Daddy is on the board at the bank, so that explains that one. I think he's gonna have a tough time getting another job too. My Daddy knows a LOT of people.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He screamed. "I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE! YOU CAN'T DO THIS, YOU CAN'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" He was practically hysterical now. "Actually, I can." I replied calmly. "I already have. It's done. It's inevitable. And your time is up." I got up and started to walk out, but after taking two steps I stopped and turned around. "Goodbye, little black bitch" I said with a sneer. "Welcome to Hell".


It's been almost two years now since my ordeal. I heard Seth lasted almost 6 months before he supposedly died of a heart attack. You don't see many 19-year-olds die from heart attacks, I can only imagine what they had done to him. I was in the hospital for about a week recovering following my rescue. The doctors told me I'll never be able to have kids, my body had endured too much internal trauma. A month and a half of brutal gang rapes will do that. Tom and I are starting to look into adoption. I had never wanted kids before, but now I wanted to give some baby a chance at a better life.

As for Tom, I've fallen in love with him all over again. He's been absolutely wonderful. He took a leave of absence from work and didn't leave my side for about 2 months when I finally returned home. I told him what happened and how I got into this mess in the first place, and said that it was as much his fault as it was mine as he had not exactly been the ideal husband, so as far as he was concerned that never happened. I thank God every day for having such a wonderful guy. I don't know if I deserve him, but I'm sure as hell going to try to.

Needless to say, I've required a lot of therapy. I've formed a close bond with my therapist Amelia. She's really helped me work through a lot of issues. I still wake up screaming in the middle of the night though, usually followed by a long bought of uncontrolled sobbing in Tom's arms. Amelia has made a couple of suggestions which she says are critical to my fully putting this behind me. One is volunteer work. I've started volunteering at my church, and also at the rape crisis center. I have to admit, doing the volunteer work has been a big help. I've made some good friends, and I think I've even helped some people out.

The other thing she says is important is to write my story. She says that I'll be forever stuck in that spot until I can face it, and the best way to do that is to write it all down. I've tried to do that, but every time I sit down at the computer, I just get a panic attack when I start to remember, and I end up putting it off. I think now I'm finally ready though. I sat down at the computer and waited for the panic attack. It came, but I wasn't going to let it beat me this time. I took a deep breath, and let it pass. My hands took their place on the keyboard, and I just sat there for a minute and thought. There was so much to this story, I didn't even know where to start. I just sat there and let the memories trickle back. Eventually it all started to take shape. I took a deep breath, and my fingers began to type:

"I stood staring pensively out my window at the world outside and sighed. Life seemed to be going on all around me, and I felt like a bystander..."

The End

Author's Note: This was my first story, I hope you enjoyed reading it! This is a work of fiction. None of the events depicted in this story actually happened to me, or to anyone I know, thus any similarity to real life events is pure coincidence.
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