This story is somewhat true - although I've changed the names of people and some of the details just in case and there are a few embellishments or parts where I made up the details I couldn't otherwise remember.
As we became teenagers I noticed Ashley's body developing and I always had a certain fascination with the obvious changes. But by our late teens we saw one another less regularly and were more likely to just participate in the conversation with the grown ups rather than removing ourselves. Ashley and I ended up going to university at the same time since I had elected to skip my final year at school. When the time came to choose universities, I elected to stay at home and study engineering, whereas Ashley having more confidence, moved across the country to study medicine. I'm not sure exactly how we reconnected, but at some point early in our university studies we started texting one another, sometimes meeting up to hang out. We actually got on pretty well, were of comparable intellect and had a similar taste in music and film as well so it was easy spending time together - albeit not that common given the travel distance.
As a student, owing to my choice of university and subject area, not to mention my natural timidity, Ashley was probably my only female 'friend'. We were't super close or anything but I looked forward to seeing her, both because I really enjoyed her company but also because I thought she was quite pretty and had a bit of a crush on her. She had inherited her Dad's genes when it came to build. He was a tall and burly guy and while Ashley wasn't overweight at all, she was tall and filled-out in all the right places. She also wore quite tight fitting, fashionable clothing which accentuated her curves flatteringly. I did sometimes catch myself staring at her but if she noticed, she never called me out on it.
Once, during out first year as university students, I was excited to be invited to a house party at Ashley's student flat. But I was also a bit apprehensive. At school I was definitely a geek. I didn't get invited to parties (even if I had been, I wouldn't have gone) and I had never been drunk or high. Going to university a year earlier than my peers had forced me to become a little more outgoing but I was still an introvert at heart and a fairly sheltered one at that. I was worried about not making a good impression with Ashley's "cool" friends and by extension, embarrassing her or making her not want to hang out with me anymore.
Nevertheless, I reasoned that if I just loosened up a bit, it would be good for me, and I was keen to see my cousin again. I took the train across late afternoon to save money on peak time travel so I arrived at her flat quite early in the evening, having got a burger for dinner at the station. Ashley lived with two other medics on her course and I was introduced to one of them when I arrived. Mona was actually a friend of Ashley's from high school. She was a cheerful, bubbly character with curly hair and a great smile. The pair of them riffed off of one another constantly, causing much hilarity, with Ashley repeatedly insinuating Mona was a bit loose. This seemed to be taken in jest rather than offence. At one point, the girls were discussing what sort of clothing would be appropriate, with Ashley electing to go with a dress and Mona trying to convince her to go more casual because she had a new pair of really great jeans she wanted to try out.
"Crotchless jeans? Seems a bit out-there Mona, but you go girl!" Ashley ribbed, causing a slight blush and fit of giggles.
I wasn't entirely sure whether to laugh or if it was an inside joke but it was so contagious I struggled not to. However their conversation caused me to second guess my own choice of ensemble, wondering if I'd played it too informal in jeans, a t-shirt and casual shirt. But I figured I could always button the shirt up if need be. In the end I needn't have worried. Ashley went with her glittery, sequinned, cocktail dress - which she looked great in - and Mona, by contrast, chose to wear her new jeans and a woollen jumper. There was no discernable dress code amongst the other party go-ers either. Folks started to arrive at about 7pm and I hung around in the kitchen for much of the evening, talking to various people who all seemed pretty nice. Ashley, Mona and I assume the third flatmate had an eclectic group of friends and I enjoyed talking to most of them, but I especially enjoyed chatting with Mona.
She was smart and witty, she listened attentively and really made me feel like she was quite captivated by whatever I was talking about - although that may have been the heavily laced punch. After several hours in the kitchen I had unintentionally drunk quite a lot of it and began to feel a little unsteady on my feet. I wasn't drunk by any stretch but I ended up sitting down against the wall in the hallway, Mona sitting opposite, as we put the world to rights on any number of topics. Other people dropped in and out of the conversation but the two of us consistently chatted for what must have been hours with the time flying by.
It was after 1am when the hubbub began to settle down and I realised quite a few people had left. Mona, ever the attentive host, got up to see out some of her friends who were heading home and I was left sitting on my own. I ventured into the living room and found a few stragglers playing some sort of drinking game which involved answering an (awkward) question or taking a drink. I was duly invited to join-in much to my discomfort, but managed to survive a couple of rounds without too much embarrassment. I made my excuses to exit and went to try and find Ashley but there didn't seem to be any sign of her.
I checked in the kitchen and in her room, which was the designated cloakroom, but to no avail. When I crossed path's with Mona again I asked if she had seen her. Mona confirmed that Ashley had left to get more booze with some of her friends a while ago and had not yet returned. After another hour or two, during which I once more hung out in the kitchen (avoiding the game in the lounge) and chatted to some stragglers, eventually most people had left. Ashley had still not returned. The plan had been for me to crash on the sofa for the night and get the train back the following morning. With Ashley AWOL, I checked with Mona if that was still OK and it transpired that somebody else had already claimed that spot - a friend of the third flatmate, who I don't remember ever meeting.
"I guess I could just sleep on Ashley's floor" I wondered aloud - trying to sound out Mona on whether she would be OK with a strange guy remaining in the flat with her.
"Haha good luck with that... have you seen the state of her room?" Mona replied, laughing riotously.
After bemoaning her flatmate's poor hospitality in abandoning her guest, out of the blue Mona suggested I sleep in her room! I relished the opportunity to get to talk with her a bit longer and wondered if maybe the feeling was mutual. I didn't have any expectations beyond that though.
It was 3am when the final revellers left the flat and Mona showed me into her bedroom. I retrieved my bag from the living room where a guy was unconscious on the sofa and returned to her room. I had only really brought a change of clothes for tomorrow and a toothbrush. Mona told me to 'make myself comfortable' then went to the bathroom. Alone in her neatly appointed room I looked around for the best spot on the floor to set up a pillow and noticed she had a beanbag in the corner - perfect! I took off my shoes and lay down, propping myself on the beanbag to find my toothbrush. After a few minutes Mona came back into the room and looked down at me on the floor with a puzzled look on her face.
"What are you doing?" she asked, giggling "I meant you could sleep in my bed - with me!"
"Oh" I answered, red-faced and somewhat surprised, "I didn't want to presume... that would be great"
I stammered a bit, taken aback by how laid back Mona was about the idea and still not entirely clear on exactly what she was implying. My impression of Mona was that for all Ashley's earlier ribbing had indicated, she did not strike me as a promiscuous person. On the other hand, two adults of the opposite sex sharing a bed seemed unavoidably overt in expectation.
"I'll just go brush my teeth" I said, making my way past her as she removed her jumper and began wiping make up off her face. She peered into the mirror on her desk, now standing in her jeans and just a bra, which I tried not to stare at.
When I returned a minute or two later, Mona was the on the other side of her bed unbuttoning her jeans.
"Sorry" I said, averting my eyes as I came back in.
"It's okay, what did you think?" Mona asked, unabashedly doing a twirl.
It took me a second or two to realise she was probably referring to her new jeans, while I had meanwhile focussed on her breasts, supported in a lacy but not overly fussy white bra. Mona's boobs seemed a bit smaller than Ashley's although the women otherwise had quite similar builds. Mona had a very slight pot belly, but she still looked really sexy in just her bra. Her curly auburn hair flew out as she spun around energetically, off-balancing herself and stumbling a little, causing more infectious giggles and her cleavage to jiggle a little in a pleasing manner. I wondered how much she had drunk tonight and whether I might be taking advantage of her, but she seemed in control and no more inebriated than I was.
"They look really good." I answered ambiguously.
Mona smiled back, clearly appreciating the complement. Whether she realised I was thinking more about her breasts rather than her jeans I don't know. She undid the fly and pulled the tight fitting denim down, wiggling her curvy hips to get them off, before folding them up and laying them on the beanbag. I tried not to stare as she undressed opposite me and concentrated instead on unbuttoning my own jeans, yet I couldn't help but peak as she unclasped her bra and slipped it off her breasts, covering them with her forearm as she slid herself under the duvet wearing only her white panties.
My heart started to beat faster as I rolled my jeans up and put them next to my bag. I turned and Mona pulled down the duvet on my side of the bed, encouraging me in. I took off my t-shirt and, with some butterflies in my stomach, climbed into the bed next to her. I still wasn't one hundred percent certain what the boundaries were and in my insecurity part of me wondered if this was just how Mona slept and she hadn't intended anything other than offering me a more comfortable nights sleep. The bed was probably a small double so as I climbed in we were already quite close to each other. Mona rolled onto her side to face me and leaned in a bit. I leaned in too, close enough to feel her breath on me, but I still hesitated.
"I really enjoyed getting to know you" I said, somewhat cornily.
"Me too" Mona replied, "Just so you know, I really don't make a habit of invite strangers to share my bed!"
She smiled back at me, little dimples in her cheeks and a glint in her eye, giving me the confidence boost I needed to tentatively place my lips on hers.
As our lips met, without hesitation Mona opened her mouth and following her lead I soon felt her tongue touching mine. I had no idea what I was doing, I'd never even kissed a girl before, let alone been in bed with one!
Her breasts were touching my arm and soon I felt Mona's leg over my own and her hand moving down my stomach. Instinctively I reached over to her hip and felt my way up her waist towards the side of her breast but I stopped short of properly feeling it, instead grazing it and moving my hand back down again over her butt, and the barrier of her panties.
As we kept making out I could feel Mona's hand sliding under the waistband of my briefs and through my pubic hair. My cock was pressing against the fabric as her fingers made contact with my shaft. I pulled back from her a little, taking a breath as she looked back at me confused.
"Okay?" Mona asked.
"Yeah it's just..." I wasn't sure how to phrase it in a way that didn't sound cringy, "I've never done this before."
I swallowed hard and blushed a little as a look of surprise came over Mona's face. I was embarrassed and immediately felt my boner retreating.
"You're a virgin?" she asked taken aback, using the word I had wanted to avoid as she pulled her hand out from within my pants.
I nodded. Mona smiled at me again.
"I don't mind, we don't have to do anything you don't want to." she replied, in a tone that she managed to make sound more laid back than patronising.
"No! I do!" I insisted, "I just, wanted you to know."
"Aww" she replied, in a tone that did sound a little patronising, then added "I'm glad!"
Recognising she was going to have to take the lead Mona took my hand from her bum and repositioned it onto her breast. Still smiling back at me encouragingly, she began to squeeze it with mine. As I continued to do as she had showed me, she reached back down to my briefs and slid her hand inside again. I felt her soft skin take hold of my shaft and began to revive it.
"Okay?" she asked in a caring tone as she stroked me.
I nodded again. It was more than okay, it was incredible! Mona's breasts felt amazing and I loved the sensation of running my fingers over her firm nipples. She sighed as I did it and leaned back in to resume kissing. We lay in Mona's bed like this for a few minutes and I was in heaven. Then Mona moved under the covers and I felt her pull my pants right down around my thighs.
Suddenly I felt the tip of my cock sliding in and out of somewhere warm and wet, and the duvet cover started to bob up and down. The feeling of Mona's lips passing over my swollen bell end was overwhelming and I knew I wouldn't be able to last long. Then I felt her warm hand squeezing my balls at the same time. I tried for as long as possible to hold-off but eventually had to reach under the covers and stop her from tipping me over the edge.
"Too much?" Mona asked, her head popping up from under the covers with a smug look on her face.
I nodded a little sheepishly.
"You're pretty big!" she said, kindly massaging my ego, "do you have protection?"
My face fell. I had no such thing. I hadn't ever had need before and it never occurred to me that this evening would have concluded with me having sex with anyone!
"Ahhh, I don't" I replied, mentally kicking myself.
Before she had a chance to reply there was a loud bang from the hallway as the front door closed.
"I guess that'll be Ashley home" Mona said, rolling her eyes, before leaning over me to resuming making out.
I loved the feeling of Mona's boobs pressing up against my chest as we enjoyed playing with each other's tongues. But I couldn't stop thinking how annoyed I was with myself for not being prepared! I wondered if that meant this was as far as things were going to go tonight.
We were interrupted again by a banging on Mona's door. Mona looked towards it and sighed. She climbed over me out of the bed and I watched her walk to the door. Mona had wide hips and her butt was a nice size, swaying pleasingly in her white panties as she walked away from me, before putting on her dressing gown and tying it up to answer the door. She opened it partially and put her head in the gap.
"Who the fuck is on the sofa?" a clearly intoxicated Ashley interrogated her flatmate loudly "I told my cousin he could sleep there."
"Yeah, but you didn't tell anyone else that before you went out, did you?" Mona pointed out a little brusquely.
"So where did he go?" Ashley continued loudly, being shushed by Mona, "He's not here."
"He's fine." Mona replied "Go to bed."
"Is he in there?!" Ashley enquired incredulously.
Mona didn't reply but held the door firmly shut and I hastily covered myself up just in case Ashley came in.
"Mona! You tramp!" Ashley announced in a stage whisper before giggling, "You just met him!"
"Come on. You can hardly stand, let's get you to bed..." Mona spoke quietly in a calm voice, ignoring Ashley's drunken pronouncement.
She peered back into the room and silently mouthed the word 'sorry' before slipping out through the gap in the door and closing it behind her. Mona was a good soul, looking after her friend despite Ashley's selfishness, drunken state and the obvious inconvenience it was to her. It only made me like her more.
I lay under Mona's sheets, stroking my cock to keep it hard, thinking about how sexy her ass had looked and what it had felt like to touch Mona's boobs - although still not having seen them properly.
After a little while the door opened again and Mona came in, closing it quietly behind her. She leaned against the door and looked at back at me shaking her head in exasperation.
"You're a good friend," I said to her, "is she always like that?"
"Only when she's drunk. She doesn't really mean it" Mona added, presumably referring to Ashley's comments regarding Mona's supposed promiscuity.
"Don't worry, I don't think you're a tramp." I replied.
"No?" Mona asked, suggestively, undoing the knot on her dressing gown.
She pulled it open baring her ample chest and then dropped it to the floor as she walked towards me. Mona's breasts definitely weren't as large as Ashley's were, but they weren't small either. She had quite pronounced areolae and her nipples were big. I tossed the sheets back to expose myself to her and she climbed onto me, grinding her body against mine as we started to make out again.
Feeling my cock pressing into her warm crotch was so hot. Even though there was a silk and lace barrier between them, it turned me on so much. I wrapped my hands around her and pulled her bum tight into me, squeezing her ample cheeks in my hand causing Mona to respond with a moan for the first time. Clearly I was doing something right.
She rolled off me back onto the bed and broke off our kiss to concentrate on tugging me off. I looked at her as she looked down at my cock gliding through her soft, firm grip. I reached up and felt her breasts again, stroking around her stiff nipples.
"Mmmm, that's nice" she said, "here, like this."
Mona took my free hand and positioned it between her legs, showing me how to rub her through her panties, guiding the movement and pressure of my hand for a little while before letting go and allowing me to continue unaided.
"Oh yeah, that's really good, yeah just like that." she encouraged.
We kept masturbating each other for a little while and resumed tonsil tennis. I was once again trying not to get too excited but that was very hard considering the circumstances and my inexperience. However I was also concentrating on the task Mona had allocated me, which was providing a distraction and which I seemed to be having some success at.
"Mmmm oh yeah" Mona continued as I pressed into her pussy firmly, "ahhh you're making me so wet.... fuck it!"
Mona abruptly stopped stroking my cock and using both her hands she removed her panties giving me my first look at her hairy snatch. It was relatively unkempt, but not a total jungle. Her pubic mound was covered in thick layer of dark hair but it thinned out as it disappeared down between her legs.
"Okay, I want to feel that thing inside me" she said, "but you have to promise me you won't cum!"
"Okay, promise" I assured her, overjoyed that this was going to happen after all.
Mona swung her leg over me and got onto her knees, straddling me, giving me a better look between her legs. She had large outer lips, covered in a thin coat of short hairs and her inner lips stuck out, curled into a little S shape between her fuzzy, outer flesh.
"Don't be embarrassed if you can't last long" Mona re-assured thoughtfully.
I nodded, and she picked up my cock and stroked the tip between her lips. At first it was prickly, as my exposed glans contacted her pubic hair before sliding into her warm, moist groove. Mona moved it back and forth, separating out her beefy labia and enjoying the sensation it gave her. Then she lowered herself down onto me.
The sensation of entering a woman for the first time was like nothing I had ever been able to create masturbating. My bell-end stretched Mona's pussy open as it penetrated her, before I felt the grip of her vaginal muscles compressing around the length of my shaft as it slid in behind. Mona screwed up her face a little as I impaled her, clearly struggling to take me fully inside as my girth increased towards the base. But her determination paid off and she clearly enjoyed the feeling of my long rigid cock filling her up.
"Ahhhhh, that's big! " she sighed, as her thighs came to rest on mine, "you okay?"
"Yeah" I replied as Mona began to slowly rock her hips back and forth.
My cock moved around inside her and she leaned forward over me, supporting herself with one hand while running her other hand through her long curly hair, continuing her rocking movement. Mona's warm, slippery passageway hugged my inexperienced organ, creating sensations that were orders of magnitude better than anything I had previously experienced. But she was also enjoying the sensation!
"Ohhh yes, yes" she exclaimed as she rocked her hips faster.
Mona put both her hands on my chest and pushed up onto her knees. My shaft slid back out from between her legs, not fully, the tip just sat sufficiently deep in her entranceway to keep it aligned, before she slid back down onto it. Mona continued riding me like this, exhaling loudly each time I impaled her. I felt bad but I was already approaching climax after just a few strokes and had to let her know.
"I'm really close" I warned her as she dropped down onto my balls once again.
Mona pushed herself back up again and my cock, covered in her juices, flopped out onto my belly. Swinging her leg back over, Mona knelt besides me and picked it up in her hand, catching her breath. She held it tight and stroked it quickly through her fingers. In only seconds I felt my balls jerk and my stomach muscles contracted. I grunted loudly and I shot cum over my belly. Mona kept working my slippery, stiff cannon and three more blasts ensued, the last one trickling over her hand.
"How was that?" Mona asked, as I lay back looking at her beautiful body kneeling over me.
"Amazing" I said, "thank you."
Mona let go of my cock and lifted her cum splattered hand to her mouth, licking it clean. Then she bowed down over me and proceeded to lick up the little pool which had formed at the base of my shaft and over my stomach and chest. It tickled, but I was more than happy to let her do it. When she had finished, she laid back on the bed and sighed, her hand covering her pussy and gently fondling it. I watched her for a moment then turned on my side to face her.
"Your turn" I said, "show me what you like."
Mona looked back at me, her smile now beaming from cheek to cheek. She tossed the duvet off the side of the bed and raised her knees, pointing towards the end of the bed. I understood what she wanted me to do. As I moved into position kneeling at Mona's feet, she opened her legs, covering her mouth with her hands and making a faux look for shock.
"Have you ever seen a real one before?" Mona asked, as she shuffled down the bed getting closer to me.
"Yeah!" I retorted, slightly insulted at the suggestion I was THAT uninitiated.
"Not porn!" Mona clarified, propping herself up on a pillow.
"Oh" I replied, "well... then.... no."
Mona smiled, reached down with one hand and spreading her pussy, revealing her pink, glistening flesh. Little silky threads of her wetness bridged Mona's parting lips before finally breaking as she pulled them wide with a finger on each side. With her other hand, she pointed to each of her inner thighs, before tracing her finger between her left inner and outer labia to separate them, followed by her right.
"Lick here" she said, as she pointed out the pattern I was to follow.
I bent down between Mona's legs and kissed the smooth skin of her left inner thigh, just shy of where her finger held her pussy open for me, then I licked it gently with the tip of my tongue. I repeated the motion on her right thigh and Mona sighed lightly. Then with some trepidation, uncertain what it may taste like, I stuck out my tongue and licked between Mona's labia just as she had shown me, running my tongue either side of her wet lips. She smelled great and I loved how she tasted. Mona sighed more loudly as I did this and I looked up to her for approval.
"Now you move onto here..." she said, running her finger from the slightly open entrance to her pussy, along her slit to her clit.
I once more stuck out my tongue and set about doing as I was instructed. I repeated the previous steps before I finally lapped my tongue through her spread lips, her juices mixing with my saliva as I guided it towards her glassy clit, shining in the light while she pulled back the fold of skin just above it. Mona shivered and giggled as I made contact with her polished little jewel and sent bolts of pleasure through her body.
"Mmmmmm" she moaned, laying back on the pillow and moving her hand away "just keep doing that until you think your tongue is going to fall off."
I reached up and using a finger and thumb, spread Mona open for myself, then I resumed just as I had been instructed. I loved the taste of pussy, well Mona's at least, and I savoured every lick through her thick, meaty lips. I kept following the rough pattern Mona had outlined but I soon caught onto the fact that her clit was where the action was and the rest was just an amuse-bouche that I could use to exert some control over her. Doing so made me feel like more of an equal partner in this endeavour than the student obeying the teacher. As I began to focus a little more specifically on her now heavily inflamed clitoris, my tongue beginning to ache a little, Mona grabbed on her tits, pulling her nipples and groaning quite loudly!
"MMMMMM OOH YEAH!" she called out as my tongue flicked back and forth over her exposed pearl, "put your tongue inside a little."
I curled my tongue and pressed it into her now dripping wet orifice, delighted to feel her juices channeling into my mouth as I poked it in and out of her quickly.
"Ooooh fuck!" Mona exclaimed!
The she reached down under her bum with one hand and extended her middle finger, pressing it into her asshole as I alternated between flicking her clit and tonguing her pussy. Mona began to pant and I could see the muscles her legs tensing.
"Oh shit... yes yes yes yes yes yesss yeessssss" Mona arched her back and pushed herself away from me as she laughed hysterically.
I'd never seen an orgasm like this in any porn I'd watched before. This was the real thing! She was simultaneously sexy and cute in a childlike way, like watching someone with zero inhibitions become the most excited it's possible to be over something and not give a shit how ridiculous it made her look.
Eventually Mona's heart rate and breathing returned to normal and she sighed a loud satisfied sigh, peering down her body towards me, once more beaming.
"Not bad." she said ironically before laughing again.
I climbed back up towards her and Mona rolled onto her side facing me, laying her hand on my chest and pulling the covers over us. She squinted a little at the clock on the bedside table next to me.
"Oh man, I have an anatomy class in like five hours!" she said, pretending to cry.
"Should I go?" I asked, uncertain what the social etiquete here was.
"I don't think they just let anybody attend classes," Mona joked "and I think you're pretty good on anatomy now!"
"Haha." I replied rolling my eyes
"Where would you go? Just stay the night." Mona grabbed my arm and rolled away from me, pulling me in behind her to spoon.
My cock was still quite swollen and now it wedged up between Mona's ample butt cheeks as I tucked in behind her. She held my hand against her stomach, just below one of her breasts and I stoked the underside of it with my thumb as my shaft hardened, nestled in her crack. I began to gently rock it up and down. Mona pushed back, assisting by grinding against me.
"I need to sleep" she complained, yet continued her motions as though unable to resist.
Recalling how Mona had fingered her ass as I had been eating her out earlier, I decided to test the waters a little. I slipped my hand out from under hers, I pushed the dry tip of my cock down so that it began to press Mona's asshole and I gently pushed it against her more firmly. She didn't immediately intervene, rather she pushed back a little herself and gyrated her hips, rotating her ass round the tip of my cock playfully.
"In your dreams." Mona said with giggle, reaching around to slide my shaft back in between her cheeks "Not with that monster!"
I resigned myself to the fun being over for the night and closed my eyes, returning my hand to her front to fondle her breasts as we slept together. As I lay there I started thinking about what to say. I didn't known if this was just a one night stand or if Mona had enjoyed my company as much as I had enjoyed hers. However, before I could summon up the courage to ask her if she wanted to meet up again soon, I heard her begin to snore and realised she had fallen asleep.
When I awoke the next morning Mona was already out of the bed and I could hear the shower running in the bathroom at the end of the hallway. I pulled my clothes back on and was contemplating whether or not I was expected to leave or if I should wait to say goodbye, when Mona reappeared in her dressing gown.
"Morning" Mona said, sheepishly as she closed the door behind her.
"Morning" I replied, smiling back at her.
Mona's cheeks were red, I wasn't sure if that was out of embarrassment - the alcohol having worn off - or just as a result of a hot shower. I watched her retrieve some clean clothes from her dresser.
"Help yourself to anything you can find in the kitchen" Mona said, standing awkwardly with her clothes and holding her dressing gown closed.
I took the hint that I wasn't to watch her getting dressed, so I left her room and headed to the kitchen. It looked like a bomb had gone off in it - every surface was covered in empty or half empty plastic cups, cans and beer bottles. I didn't normally eat breakfast so I just decided to make myself useful and started to tidy away some of the detritus, rinsing out empty bottles for recycling and trying to deposit them quietly with little success.
"You don't need to tidy up" Mona said, standing in the kitchen doorway with her coat on.
"That's okay, I figured I'd make myself useful. Off peak trains aren't running for a bit yet." I replied.
"Just leave the rest" Mona insisted politely "I need to go to class, thanks for a great evening."
Mona approached me, arms extended for a hug. I tried to gauge whether a kiss would be appropriate but it felt like the awkward hug was as far as a sober Mona was willing to go in the cold light of morning. We embraced briefly and I said nothing, more convinced that the night before had been little more than a drunken dalliance for her. Mona walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway before I heard her banging on a door.
"Eight fifteen Ash!" Mona announced in a raised voice "Anatomy at 9am!"
Then I heard the front door being opened and closed as Mona departed. The flat fell silent once more. She was gone. I didn't even get her number.
I walked through to the living room and found the sofa surfer who had nabbed my allotted spot still curled up with their back to me. I really ought to thank him for the favour he'd done me! I wasn't sure what to do next. I went to the door of my cousin's room and listened for any signs of life but heard nothing. She was probably fine, but a little bit of me was paranoid that she hadn't woken up from Mona's earlier wake up call, maybe I should check on her. Or at least say goodbye before heading out to the train station.
I knocked on the door. No response.
I quietly turned the handle and pushed the door ajar to peer inside. The curtains were closed but there was enough light bleeding around the edges to see Ashley laying in her underwear face down across the bed. Most of the duvet was on the floor, with only the corner of it covering the backs of her thighs and bum, but I could see the top of her black thong and the back of a matching lace bra. Her arms and legs were splayed and I couldn't see any signs of life. I figured waking her in her current state of undress would be pretty embarrassing for both of us, but I did feel I should sure she was okay. I slowly entered the room and made my way over towards her quietly, eventually kneeling down next to the top of the bed. She was still breathing. Phew!
Ashley's breath smelled like a distillery. Next to the bed a wastepaper basket was placed - the contents of which had seemingly been emptied under her desk. No doubt Mona's doing the night before. I reached over Ashley's back and pulled the duvet back up over my unconscious cousin so that her underwear was completely covered, preserving her modesty so I could try to wake her.
"Hey Ashley" I said, gently shaking her shoulder "wake up, you're going to miss your lecture, Mona left already!"
She hardly stirred, faintly murmuring something unintelligible under her breath. How much had she drunk?! I figured at this point, even if I was successful in rousing her, she was in no fit state to learn anything so I just got up to leave. However, as I approached the door something stopped me. A dark desire had resurfaced inside me, a curiosity from my childhood, the crush I had on her. I began to wonder about just what might be underneath the sexy lingerie I had glimpsed. I knew how wrong it was, but I couldn't resist the temptation that my half naked, cousin presented as she lay there, completely out of it.
I walked back over to the foot of the bed and lifted up the duvet to peer underneath. This time I took the opportunity to have a prolonged look at my cousin's ass. It looked pretty good with the delicate lace bordering the top of her cheeks and the thong disappearing down her crack between them. Her butt was larger than Mona's but not overly so. Checking that Ashley was still dead to the world, I moved one of her ankles to the side, spreading her legs wide to reveal the gusset of her underwear and to create a space on the bed large enough for me to carefully sit down between her legs. Just a little peak I thought to myself as I tossed the duvet asside again and reached between her thighs.
At first, I just placed the back of my hand gently against her smooth, toned cheek and watched for any response. Then, running my hand down over her inner thigh, my finger slipped under the fabric and I peeled Ashley's panties out from between her crack and away from her pussy, pulling them to the side to expose between her legs. As I did so, I felt my cock swelling in my jeans.
She was completely shaved. With access obtained, I began to run my finger up and down her warm, smooth lips, tentatively pressing between them into her soft, moist slit. My cock stiffened further in my trousers at the excitement of molesting my sleeping cousin. I undid my jeans and reached into my briefs, stroking my shaft slowly as I run my fingers through her damp little slit. All the while Ashley remained unconscious and my confidence grew that she wasn't going to wake up.
I gingerly allowed my middle finger to move deeper inside her, followed by a second digit. She was properly wet and really tight. I was so turned on now, I began to imagine laying down on top of her and sliding my hard throbbing erection deep into her warm, wet hole as she slept. The thought of it started to become too much and I could feel myself building towards an orgasm, so I had to stop.
I paused and confirmed Ashley remained asleep, before resolving to attempt something a little more daring. I undressed down to my underpants again, tossing my clothes at the end of the bed. Then, as carefully and as gently as I could, I repositioned Ashley's legs and rolled her over onto her side, so that she was resting up against me as I lay down next to her, covered with her duvet. My now raging hard-on pressed against her butt through my briefs. I waited for a few minutes, to ensure that the movement had not woken her and to allow myself a little time to let the excitement subside. Then I reached over her arm and slowly pulled the cup of her bra down. As I pulled on it, Ashley's ample breast began to emerge from within, exposing first a large dark areola, surrounding her soft pink nipple. Eventually her entire breast flopped out from the cup with a pleasing jiggle. Having succeeded in my objective, I grasped her exposed bosom and felt it in my hand, stroking her soft nipple to attention as she continued to sleep.
My cock was straining for release, so I pulled down my briefs and tucked the elastic waistband under my balls, allowing it to touch the bare skin of Ashley's backside. Then I took Ashley's hand and placed her fingers around my exposed shaft, stroking it back and forth for a little while in her warm hand, before returning to fondling her breast. I began to contemplate how easy it would be for me to side my cock up between her thighs in this position before I was suddenly snapped back to reality by a moan from my cousin. She was waking up!
There was too little time to escape, I had to think quickly and enact an emergency plan! I rolled away and pulled my pants back up, closing my eyes and breathing heavily - as though I myself was fast asleep. I lay there in silence, my cousin's body still resting against mine - her breast still dangling out of her bra and her panties still out of place. I was rumbled! I felt Ashley move position and roll onto her back next to me.
"Oh fuck." I heard her whisper under her breath, probably as she realised who she was in bed with.
A waft of cool air passed over my body as the duvet was lifted up. There was a pause. I continued to pretend to sleep.
"Hey, are you awake?" Ashley asked quietly, far more calmly than I expected.
I continued controlling my breathing and didn't respond, trying to maintain the pretext that I was asleep and that anything which may or may not have happened had been entirely consensual, no matter how drunkenly misjudged. I was not expecting what happened next.
Suddenly, I felt the covers being tossed aside and there was some wriggling from Ashley's side of the bed which quickly subsided into a gentle rocking motion I could feel through the mattress.
"Ahhhh" Ashley sighed, under her breath.
Suddenly I felt my boner being prodded, then tentatively felt up through my underwear! Next, as I lay motionless, I felt Ashley's fingers under my waistband, pushing my briefs down, exposing my still rigid member to the cool air.
I rolled my head to the side slowly, then barely opened one eye to see what was going on. I was shocked to see that Ashley was no longer wearing her bra. Instead she was holding her breast in her hand, squeezing her nipple between her fingers. Her other hand was between her legs moving back and forth as she stared at my erection, now towering over my torso, released from it's containment. She was getting herself off right next!
I lay there, listening to my cousin pleasuring herself, her subtle notes of arousal keeping me turned on as I felt her squirming through the mattress springs. It didn't take long before I could detect muffled grunts of an approaching climax while her movements shook the bed a little more forcefully. I allowed her a little time to enjoy the moment before I made a snorting noise moved a little, as though I was waking up.
Ashley moved like lightning and I felt the duvet drop over my body. I opened my eyes and saw Ashley looking back at me, red-faced, covers held up around her neck.
"Hey" I said as casually as I could.
"Hi" Ashley replied, sounding a little uncertain.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, in a compassionate tone, trying my best to play it cool.
"Uh..." Ashley groaned "...still drunk. Hangover hasn't kicked in yet. Umm... I thought Mona wanted to shag you?"
"Yeah... don't you remember?" I asked, trying to gauge Ashley's memory and how much liberty I had with the truth.
"Ummm..." Ashley replied, trying to piece the events of the night before together, unsuccessfully.
"Do you remember banging on her door?" I asked.
"Oh..." Ashley replied, covering her eyes with a hand as I jogged her memory "did I cock block you?"
"Not exactly." I replied, sticking to the truth for now.
"Uhh..... did we...?" Ashley asked, peering from between her fingers not quite able to bring herself to say what she suspected might have happened to cause us to both be in her bed.
"No!" I replied quickly, again technically truthful "I just thought I should check in on you afterwards - you sounded pretty wasted."
The last part wasn't technically a lie either, although the truth was quickly reaching its elastic limit to borrow an engineering term. I wasn't really sure how I was going to explain Ashley's state of undress when she awoke had she posed the question, so decided the the best defence is a good offence and took the nuclear option.
"Hey..." I said, pretending to suddenly realise something "... did you pull my pants down?"
"NO!" Ashley vehemently denied what I knew for a fact she had done while either forgetting that her own underwear had been interfered with, or assuming she had done it herself.
"I don't care if you did," I reassured her, conscious of my own guilt, "you were pretty hammered!"
"Maybe..." she conceded, blushing even more.
"Did you like what you saw?" I asked, my tone attempting to straddle indignation and suggestion.
Ashley shrugged, I thought a little flirtatiously.
"By the way, Mona knocked and said you were going to be late for..." I said, unable to finish my sentence before Ashley interrupted.
"Anatomy at nine!" she announced, realising the time was now about 8:45am.
"You seemed to be doing your own studies of that." I teased her, trying to make light of the situation.
"I'm so sorry, I am still sooo drunk right now!" Ashley apologised, although I was a little unconvinced that the alcohol had quite so much to do with my cousin's interest in me by this point. I took a breath and went for it...
"I don't mind you looking" I replied, adding "but if you saw mine then..."
I shrugged back at her, making the implication clear.
"Seriously?" Ashley replied in a mocking tone, but the glint in her dilated pupils was obvious, as was the wry smile as she looked at me.
Ashley grabbed the duvet and tossed it over the edge of the bed, uncovering us both simultaneously. My hard cock was still exposed, as where her breasts and still very erect nipples.
"So are you turned on sleeping next to your cousin?" She asked, motioning towards my engorged phallus.
"Ha! Morning wood." I scoffed, before recognising the potential for insult "...not that I don't think you're hot, I mean you're my cousin though..."
I assessed Ashleys body as I stammered, taking in her voluptuous breasts her thin, mostly flat stomach and shapely hips. Her pussy was covered by a combination of lace and silk which disappeared between her closed thighs.
"...I just didn't think about you like that..." I stumbled digging deeper.
Ashley smiled, clearly amused by my awkward attempts to avoid causing her offence.
"Well, I guess there's no harm in looking." she said.
Recognising that I was on safer ground than I had earlier imagined, I kept staring at her breasts and confessed a little of the truth.
"Honestly, I always wondered what those were like, ever since we were kids." I admitted.
"Yeah... you stared a lot." Ashley replied, making it my turn to blush a little and causing her obvious amusement "worth the wait?"
I was a little embarrassed that she had seen me staring and unsure if she meant all those years ago or more recently. But that was being quickly overcome by the sight of her incredible pair. I could feel the blood rushing into my erection, causing it to jerk a little as I drooled at her.
"Yeah" I answered "they're really nice."
There was a pregnant pause as we looked at one another, clearly waiting for the other to make the next move or shut things down. Eventually Ashley broke the silence.
"Do you want to feel them?" she asked, unaware I already had.
I couldn't believe my luck. I knew Ashley was probably still under the influence from the night before and that I wasn't, but I reasoned that she was also sober enough. I cautiously placed my hand back on the same breast I had been massaging moments earlier and began to feel her up again, playing with her erect nipple in sensual way causing her breathing to deepen and my own cock to pulsate even more. It was even more arousing knowing she could feel and enjoy my touch.
Before I had a chance to make the suggestion, I felt Ashley's hand moving down my cock, stroking it under her palm. It slid down over my exposed shaft and into my briefs so that her fingers could grasp my balls and play with them. This was way more than a show and tell now. I looked at her and she looked back at me and we understood each other's desire for something taboo.
I leant over and began to suck on Ashley's firm nipple as she gripped my shaft and began to stroke it firmly. I reached down between her legs and began to press my fingers against the smooth silk gusset of her panties, deeply massaging the flesh undernear.
"Oohhh yeahhh" Ashley exclaimed, spreading her legs as I continued where she had a left off a few moments earlier.
Ashley let go of my cock and spat into her palm, before smearing her saliva over my bell end and shaft as she resumed jacking me off, her fingers sliding over my now slick head pulling my foreskin back.
"Is this even legal?" I asked, groaning at the sensations in my manhood as Ashley expertly tugged on it.
"Sure." Ashley replied, between moans of pleasure "ahhhhh..... it's not even that big a deal genetically speaking..."
It took me a moment to realise what she was talking about, by which time she had reached into her bedside cabinet and extracted a small foil wrapper. My fingers, having found there way inside her panties and between her now slippery wet lips, I tentatively inserted a digit inside her, stroking the upper wall of her flooded passage.
"...oooohhh fuck..." she groaned as she tore the foil and extracted the latex disk from inside "...but let's make sure it doesn't come to that!"
As Ashley unrolled the condom over my straining cock, I wished I'd known she had a supply last night! As she unfurled it down my mast, the tight fitting rubber constricted the blood flow a little. I guess whatever size she was used to, was somewhat smaller than what I had to offer. With my weapon sheathed, Ashley pushed herself up and slid her panties off entirely, tossing them on the floor. She was now completely naked on the bed next to me and for the first time I had an unrestricted view of her hairless, puffy mound and thick outer lips. Her inner labia weren't visible as she swung her leg over me and got ready to mount me.
Ashley's large breasts swayed over my head as she leaned forward and reached around to guide my shaft between her dripping wet lips. The sensation wasn't quite as enjoyable as it had been with Mona the night before, but nevertheless it felt incredible as my hot naked cousin slid down my cock to rest her thighs on my hips.
"Ohhhh shit!" she exclaimed, my plus sized member filling her hole for the first time and stretching her wide "Mona's a lucky lady!"
I wasn't entirely sure what Ashley was insinuating with the last comment but I didn't really care as she began to bounce up and down on my balls. The bed frame squeaked as Ashley bucked and panted and I just lay there enjoying the sensation and the view. Her tits bounced up and down in a figure of eight motion over my head, occasionally brushing against my face. I reached around and grabbed her buttocks, squeezing her ample cheeks firmly in my hands. I pulled them apart assertively, beginning to feel for her asshole with the tips of my fingers. Finding it, I pressed into it, and Ashley's eyes widened as I stretched it open a bit. Then I felt my orgasm beginning to build to a crescendo and Ashley's muscles constricted around my shaft with every bounce. My inexperience meant that I was unable to last long enough to satisfy my cousin and after only a few minutes of ploughing her tight, warm hole, I began to convulse and unload inside the latex. She leaned forward and buried my face in her tits obligingly as I jerked with each blast of cum and imagined I was unloading directly into her.
I licked at her breasts a little before she eventually rolled off me with a sigh.
Recognising her disappointment at once more having failed to reach climax, I decided to put my newly acquired skills to practice. I moved down the bed and got between Ashley's legs, spreading them open to begin kissing her inner thighs - just like Mona had instructed. She was surprised by my forthrightness, but more than happy to let me proceed.
As I worked my way up her leg towards her glistening pussy, I began to mentally rehearse what Mona had taught me the night before. Ashley's smaller labia meant I had to adapt, but within moments of my tongue contacting my cousin's inflamed lips, she was moaning loudly in delight.
"Ohhh yeah that feels soo good, oh don't stop!" Ashley encouraged as I ran my tongue through her dripping slit, spreading her lips wide with my fingers to lap the insides..
She was panting loudly before I even made contact with her stiff little clit and as soon as my tongue flicked across it she squealed in delight.
"Oh! Oh! yesssss right there!" she announced as I began to focus my attention in on her sensitive little bean, pausing only to insert my tongue into her dripping wet hole.
Ashley tasted different from Mona, but nonetheless delicious, so I indulgently slid in and out of her a few times as deep as I could, allowing her secretions to flow into my mouth before returning to pass over her engorged clit. My tongue was tiring however, so I decided I needed to bring my performance to an end. I placed my thumb on her saliva covered clitoris and began to massage it firmly, using my other hand to finger her
"AHHHHHHH!" Ashley yelled at the top of her voice.
I felt her pussy contracting and her thighs squeezed the side of my head as she shook violently. The bed rattled and I kept working her clit until she forced my hand away with her own to stop me. My face was still pinned between her legs as secondary spasms rippled through her body. Eventually, she relaxed her grip on me and I lay back down next to my cousin's naked, perspiring body.
"You've got some skills!" she said , breaking the silence, "I've never had a guy who knew how to do that properly!"
"I had a good teacher." I acknowledged.
Way lay next to each other without speaking. I wasn't really sure what to say, the sexual energy having dissipated, it felt a little awkward. I wanted to look at her but kept staring at the ceiling. Eventually Ashley got up and walked naked over to her bedroom door where her dressing gown was hanging. I watched her ass swaying and the sides of her boobs appear as she reached up to get the robe. Damn she was hot!
I began to get dressed and Ashley pulled on her dressing gown before turning around and sitting down on the bed again. For a moment I worried that Mona might find out and it would wreck any shot I had with her in future. But I quickly realised that Ashley was unlikely to publicise the fact that she had just bedded her younger cousin.
"Well... I should probably go get the train," I said, somewhat mechanically, "thanks for inviting me."
"Yeah, glad you could make it, I think Mona was too" Ashley hinted again, seemingly disregarding what we had just done.
I walked out of my cousin's room and passed the living room door opposite. The sofa surfer, now awake, smiled and nodded in a stupid frat-boy sort of silent congratulations on my conquest - I assume he was completely unaware of how Ashley and I knew each other. I walked out of the flat without saying anything, quietly closing the door behind me. Then it hit me.
In less than twelve hours, I had just lost my virginity with one girl and had my second sexual experience with my cousin! Sure I had enjoyed the latter, and I guess it had scratched an itch that had been in the making since we had both hit puberty, but in hindsight I knew it was a one-off. Never to be repeated! That didn't bother me either. What did preoccupy my thinking was Mona. I actually really liked her and I was desparate to see her again. So much so that I wondered about asking Ashley to give her my number, but then I thought that was a bit tacky given what we had just done.
When I arrived at the station, there were still about 10 minutes until the off-peak train so I sat down to wait. As I was sitting in the cold concourse, I felt my phone vibrate and retrieved it from my pocket. A text message from Ashley:
"Mona said 2 give u her #. Drinks nxt wk if u like? xx"
Ultimately I dated Mona long distance for a few months, but in the end we both agreed that the travel was too much. I never saw her after uni and I don't know if Ashley kept up with her. We never did it again, nor did we ever speak about it again. Now we're both married so I know nothing will ever happen. But I still sometimes think about it and on the odd occasion when our extended families get together - which is pretty rare these days, weddings and funerals basically - we sometimes exchange a look, when nobody else is watching, so I know she thinks about it too.