True Story, Ass to mouth, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Boy, Cheating, Cuckold, Erotica, Exhibitionism, Extreme, Group Sex, Hardcore, Male / Older Female, Oral Sex, Teen Male / Female, Written by women
My man Roger and me were discussing our sex lives while watching a porn clip of one man giving another man a head job, an exciting blow job. Both of us turned on while watching the two men. We often watch porn clips together as foreplay, teasing each other, telling each other what we like, prefer and want right then.
Some of the most exciting porn clips for us both are same sex clips, two women, a woman and a teenage girl, two men, a man and a teenage boy. I was reminding my man Roger of the myriad sexual combinations we have had and shared together. Roger watching another man fucking me, watching another woman fucking me. Me watching him fucking another woman. Both of us watching each other receiving oral sex from same sex partners.
One of my really special turn ons is watching Roger receiving a head job from another man. Kissing with our tongues for extra sexual stimulation, his hand on my big ass, while watching another man, sometimes a teenage boy, sucking his thick, nine-inch erection, blowing him. Part of my special turn on watching and listening to his heavy breathing before he orgasms.
Roger and me were both naked, teasing each others genitals with a fingertip, while enjoying a new porn clip of a young boy with a huge erection receiving fellatio from a man Roger’s age. I couldn’t help reminding him, “We have had countless sexual combinations. Though I have never watched you give another man a head job, suck another man’s erection.
“Would you like to have a really well hung man who turns you on just by looking at his naked body? Or a teenage boy, a really well hung Adonis type of boy who turns you on just by looking at his naked body? Would you like to wear something kinky, something feminine, one of my skimpy, black crotchless g-strings while you give another man a blow job while I watch?
“Would you like me to organise a really well hung man for you? Or a teenage boy with a huge cock? Bigger than you, far bigger? Tell me what type of man you would prefer? An older man or a young boy? An Alpha man, a bi-sexual young boy? A man with a huge thick cock, bigger than you is a given, at least a thick ten-inch erection.
“You know I would,” he groaned as we were both close to orgasm, teasing each others genitals with a fingertip. “Yes, yes, yes.”
I had just the exact pretty, bi-sexual young, teenage boy in mind, Jonas. I had watched Leila, one of my girlfriends give him a head job while her husband Tobias watched with me before he took control. Giving the teenage boy an expert head job, obviously not the first time he had sexually satisfied a teenage boy. His blow job technique was awesome, while his wife and me fingered each other’s clit while we watched.
Over coffee a little over a week later I wanted to finalize the arrangements I had made with my girlfriend Leila when we met with the boy Jonas. I made a point of flattering Jonas while my girlfriend listened in. “Watching you having your impressive, erect, thick cock sucked, receiving fellatio, a head job from an older man was a huge, exciting and wonderful turn on for me. All I could think about while watching you was my man giving you a head job. Watching my man give you a head job, watching him sucking your huge, thick cock.”
I had a hand over his crotch while I continued, “You are an impressive young man Jonas, a wonderful sex object for women and men. You are very tempting for me, extremely tempting. Though my immediate preference is to watch my man give you a head job. I really do want to watch my man give you a head job, suck your big cock.
“Would you like to see some pics of my man Roger? Yes?” Leila and me were looking closely at Jonas’s reaction when I showed him some pics of Roger on my phone. A kinky sexual pleasure for me showing a teenage boy pics of my much older, naked man, wanting to turn the boy on.
Roger was standing hands on hips in front of a wall length mirror, his toned athletic body, ass and large flaccid cock on show. Proudly posing hands on hips with an erection in the second pic. “Nine-inches and thick. Are we on the same page Jonas?”
“Yes we are Sarah. Do you really want to watch? I would like you to watch. Will you be naked for me while you watch?” he smiled as he licked his lips, while I slid my hand over his tumescent cock under his slacks.
“So pleased you asked Jonas, I would love to be naked for you while I watch my man blow you,” I teased as I ran my hand over his tumescent cock.
That night I took great delight in telling Roger I had shown Jonas the pics of his naked body. So pleased with Roger’s reaction when I showed him the pics Jonas had sent to my phone. Both of us admiring his toned, six pack naked body. And the size of his erect cock, both of us making mental comparisons over the size of Jonas’s erection.
That night while we were fucking I told Roger, “Jonas is bigger than you baby. I want that to be a challenge for you. No more sex from me until after I watch you have him, give him a head job.” It was a challenge for him, while he fucked me in a frenzy, the pics of Jonas’s naked body a bonus turn on for us both.
It was a Friday night a few days after my meeting with Jonas and Leila when he arrived in at condo. Huge, new levels of sexual tension for Roger and me, after countless, sexual liaisons I am finally going to watch my macho, male lover give another same sex lover a head job. The twenty-year age difference an extra turn for us both, and a special challenge for my man..
When Jonas arrived, just as I had planned Roger was in his dressing room. A little earlier I had reminded him I wanted him to wear one of my skimpy, black crotchless g-strings while he gave another man, a teenage boy, a blow job for the very first time while I watched. Teasing him as I helped him on with my skimpy, black crotchless g-string.
Teasing his almost naked body with my fingertips. He looked so sexy, slightly effeminate, his not quite flaccid cock dangling out of my g-string. An extra kinky touch for us both when I applied some lipstick to his lips.
I realized Roger intended to make this an event when he started to repeat the word purple. Something I do for him.The word purple naturally contorts your lips into the perfect head-giving pout. The lips are slightly curled and pillowy, which makes them feel wetter and creates ideal suction.
I had forewarned Roger I wanted him to watch me undress Jonas for him, (and for my own kinky sexual pleasure). Some extra, teasing foreplay. Always a buzz for me undressing another man while my man watches. A combination of jealousy, envy, lust and carnal desire.
Jonas wasn’t wearing much, a shirt, slacks and one of Leila’s sexy black garter belts. Maximum impact. Just as I had hoped, both of the men were wearing something sexy, something they felt incredible in and were turned on by. Roger in one my skimpy, black crotchless g-strings to accentuate his large cock, Jonas in a feminine sexy black garter belt, to accentuate his even larger cock. A subtle way of saying they were bi-sexual.Their skimpy female clothing accentuating their already erect cocks.
Roger started by teasing Jonas, “This is for me and my lady, as much as it is for me, she wants to watch me give you fellatio, a head job, suck your huge cock,” as he wrapped a hand around Jonas’s erection and slid it over his own erection. Oh wow, I could almost feel their sexual excitement and sexual pleasure.
Roger was teasing Jonas, and me, by touching and running his tongue up down his erection, slowly, as well as stroking his naked body. Roger’s mouth was wet and warm for Jonas, like a vagina, while I watched. Surprised and pleased how good his fellatio technique was. Doing exactly what I had done to him so many times to pleasure his erection, and what a number of men had done to pleasure his erection. His lips and tongue, living, roving, pieces of sexual pleasure for Jonas.
Placing his right hand around his shaft, simultaneously moving his hand and mouth up and down Jonas’s erection. Enhancing the motion, twisting her wrist back and forth as he moved up and down. Using his other hand to gently massage his balls.
Roger was so enthusiastic, telling Jonas, “I wanted to do this to your cock the moment Sarah showed me the pics of your gorgeous, naked body.” Teasing him by asking, "Do you like how this feels? Or this?”
Roger teasing and edging Jonas, and me, while I watched, fascinated as my man was giving fellatio to another man for the first time in our relationship Using his tongue to stimulate the head of Jonas’s erection. Moving his mouth up and down his rock hard shaft.
Focusing his tongue on the head of his erection and the underside of the head of his erection. Gripping his lower shaft with his hand, using the tip of his tongue to lightly lick the top of the head of his erection in a slow circular motion.
Deep throating, as much as he could take of Jonas’s erection into his mouth so that it reached his throat, while his mouth pleasured his erection, massaging his balls, scratching his ass.
So good watching Roger teasing and edging Jonas, expertly edging him with his tongue and fingers. Pinching his nipples while lapping the tip of his erection with his tongue. Enjoying and relishing the power he had over Jonas. Edging him some more, his only contact running a fingertip along Jonas’s rock hard erection. Masturbating his own erection as he did, wonderful eye candy for Jonas, and me.
Raking his fingernails along Jonas’s balls before he resumed sucking him. Roger had Jonas urging him on, “So good, so fucking good. You are so fucking good. Gunna cum, gunna cum, don’t stop. Now, now, yes, yes, yes. Of fuck yes, so good.”
A week later It was my turn to have Jonas. I was envious after I had watched my girlfriend Leila suck his cock, watched her husband Tobias suck his cock, and watched my man Roger suck his cock. So envious after I had watched three other people have Jonas, such erotic foreplay for over the preceding weeks. Though before I had Jonas I wanted him to worship my big ass. To pay his dues.
I had invited my girlfriend Leila and her husband Tobias along to watch. I do like sex with an audience, my exhibitionist side wanted Roger, Leila and Tobias to watch me giving their toy boy Jonas a head job, to demonstrate my fellatio skills to them. Secretly wanting Tobias to be tempted by Roger’s naked body, wanting Tobias to give my man Roger a head job while sitting alongside me.
Leila and Tobias were watching Jonas undressing me, my exhibitionist streak in full play, for them watching. My dress around my ankles, wearing just a skimpy black bra and even skimpier sexy black thong, my big ass bulging out of it. “Before I blow you Jonas, I want you to pay your dues, worship my big ass. Do it for me now, kiss and lick it for me, and for Leila and Tobias while they watch. Turn us on, all of us.”
Oh wow, Jonas a young boy was worshipping my big, naked ass with Leila and Tobias watching. It was a magic moment for me. His hands on my hips, licking and kissing my ass cheeks in turn, just as I like, while looking down to admire his erection.
When Roger made his entrance he was wearing a knee length, silk dressing gown, hardly glancing at me, Jonas or Leila, locking eyes with Tobias. He was aware Tobias was bi-sexual after I told him I had watched him giving Jonas a head job, an expert head job.
Roger had asked me to tell him in detail what I had watched with Tobias and Jonas. Realiazing it was a turn on for him, me watching a man his age giving fellatio to a young boy, just as I wanted it to be for him.
Roger continued to lock eyes with Tobias, slowly opening his silk gown to show Tobias his rock hard erection with a cock ring fastened under his balls. An invitation for Tobias. An extra turn on for me.
Roger and Jonas were sitting side by side on high stools, legs spread, both with impressive erections, their feet barely touching the floor, when I commenced licking and kissing Jonas erection. I love sex with an audience, performing for an audience. It wasn’t the first time I had watched another man give my man a head job, while simultaneously giving another man a head job.
Though the circumstances were far more exciting this time. I had watched Tobias. the man giving my man Roger a head job, give a head job to the boy Jonas I was pleasuring, giving him fellatio, a head job. A huge extra frisson with Tobias’s wife Leila watching and enjoying, his wife who had also given Jonas a head job.
Reminding myself the boy Jason had a bigger, thicker cock than my man, determined to maximise my sexual pleasure and the deviate sexual pleasure of the three other people in the mix. Talking to the boy Jason while running my fingers along his wet erection. “Your erection is awesome, so big and so thick, huge, even bigger than my man’s erection sitting alongside you. Do you like watching Tobias giving my man a blow job while I am blowing you? Are you jealous? Both of those men have given you a blow job? Were they better than me? Were they?”
I had the tip of Jonas’s erection between my pursed lips, swirling my tongue around just the head of it. Running my thumb tip and a fingertip along the full length of his erection, teasing him, edging him. He was rock hard for me. Wanting to give Jonas an even better orgasm than the other three people had. Wanting to maximise my own sexual pleasure.
“Would you like to fuck me Jonas? Fuck me while three of your lovers watch? A woman and two men who have had you, given you a head job?”
So good, so naughty, a hung bi-sexual, teenage boy fucking me from behind, his hands grasping my big ass. His erection was awesome, so big and so thick, huge, sliding into me all the way up to his balls, while we watched two of his, older male lovers engaging in fellatio.
One of them my man Roger receiving a tremendous blow job. Jason and me watching him orgasm for another man. So noisy, moaning incomprehensibly, while a teenage boy was fucking me was a whole new experience for me and Roger.
So exciting for all of us when I started moaning, “I love it, I love your big, thick cock in me Jonas, fucking me with it. Fuck me harder, harder.” I really do enjoy sex with an audience. In this instance my own lover Roger, Leila and her man Tobias watching. So pleased all of them were turned on watching the boy Jonas fucking me, slapping noisily against my big ass.
Jonas was an absolute stud, I had climaxed twice before I felt him build up to his climax, his orgasm. I could feel his erection swelling, so hard, so thick in me. Urging him to, “Fuck me harder, harder, give it to me, give it all to me.” So good while he gave it all to me.
The very next day Roger and me were making arrangements to have Jonas again, a three-way this time. Already planning in detail who, how, when and where. Roger is already looking forward to receiving a spanking from Jason. So am I.