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This is mainly an interlude, no real action but it will lead to it. I promise. Beasiality disclaimer beacuse that is the main theme of the whole story. And feel free to keep any typos or mistakes
Another endless morning. It was even longer since I had gotten up after my nightmare. Keith had brought breakfast as usual and left. I had ignored it. Maybe later I would eat. For now I was content with being curled up on the sofa and staring at the TV. The DVD I had chosen earlier had finished some time ago and only the menu showed on the screen but I didn't get up to change it. Neither did I reach for the remote to restart. Just now my brain was comfortingly blank and I didn't want to change that.

“You okay?” Keith voice made me jump. I hadn't even noticed him entering the room. It was dark outside. Where had the day gone? But if Keith was here it would mean my owner wouldn't come.

“Yeah, all good.” I sat up straight and winced. Stiff muscles protested against the movement. “Just miles away.” Keith looked at me. I looked away, tried to loosen the knots in my neck and back. For a long time he just stood there.

“If you don't feel good, if you feel ill”, he clarified “I can always arrange a doctors appointment.”

I snorted. “No thanks”. The last visit was still burning in my memory. The humiliation of being treated like an animal. And of seeing the girl being raped afterwards.

“Just saying.” He took a step back and raised his hands. “you haven't eaten, you seem a bit off...”

“Have I done anything wrong?” I blurted out before I even knew that I was going to say something.

“What do you mean?”

I shrugged. How do you explain, admit, that you miss being fucked by dogs and their werewolf pack leader?

The only times when he had left me alone so far had been when I was bleeding. And then I had been able to roam freely not being forced to stay inside because of the cold.

Keith looked at me, waiting for an answer I couldn't give. “Never mind”, I murmured and got up. Some food, bed, maybe I could sleep.

He nodded. “Okay, if you need anything... just talk to me. See you tomorrow.”

And he left. I was alone – again.

I heard the door. Too late for my owner so it must be breakfast time again. Keith was rummaging in the kitchen and I felt a slight pang of guilt about the leftovers from last night. Well, I hadn't been hungry.

A different sound. The trapdoor. As soon as I heard it I jumped up. My second coffee spilled, all over my naked body and on the carpet. “Damn”, I swore under my breath.

Stay here to clean the mess first? No. I just placed the now empty cup on the table and left the room.

Keith stood near the open trapdoor. Keith – only Keith – not my owner. His eyebrows rose as he saw me. Skin slightly reddened from hot coffee, coffee still dripping from my naked skin. His lips parted for a soft laugh.

“I have thought about your question. And judging from your reaction now I have guessed right.” He smiled. “I might be able to explain but it's easier if I show you some things first.”

Without waiting for an answer he went down into the tunnel and I followed.

On and on, past the door to the dog kennels. Should I tell him, that I had been there, seen what was behind two of the doors? That the things I had seen – followed me into my dreams – had put me off my feed?

Without stopping he opened the door to the kennel and turned on the light. He stepped in without hesitation but I stopped on the threshold. Was this the moment? Was I to be locked up down here? Had I asked the wrong question and lost the last bit of freedom I had had?

“This is the room where I usually deal with his human pets. Your owner...” he paused, looked at me. “He has a liking for strays, for humans who are not used to werewolves. Who know nothing about them. You agreed to the deal. Others before you have done the same. They...” he paused again, looked at the kennel. “Let's just say they didn't honour the deal. The first dog? Yes, most of them could handle that. A werewolf... none of them. So after the first day they lived here.”

My body felt cold. It wasn't from the cold stones around me. His words froze me from the inside.

“Unlike you they tried to refuse, fought. He doesn't like lube so their bodies suffered. They needed a rest. He is no monster, so he granted the rest. Leaving them alone for weeks at a time. If they didn't get pregnant by four month before the end of the deal he would leave them alone for the rest of their time.”

I swallowed. Why was he telling me this? Four month of loneliness?

“You...” I looked at him. He seemed to blush. “seem to have come to terms with it, enjoy it, get ready for him... “ Yes, Keith was definitely blushing.

I remembered the “Oh” I had heard while finger fucking my arse in the bathroom. Now I felt myself blush. He must have seen me.

“But he is giving you the rest anyway. Because he thinks you might need it, because it's the thing you do. You have a human, you use her, you let her rest. Rinse and repeat.”

His words made sense. So it wasn't anything I did... it was what I was. Kind of. “But I don't need rest” I protested.

And my owner had treated me differently anyway. I wasn't locked up, he had treated me kindly, encouraged me even made me cum. Why had he suddenly started to treat me like the ones he had locked up?

Keith nodded. “I can see that it has more negative effects on you than positive. But I am in no position to tell him how to treat his pets. He is the one to lay the rules, to tell me how to treat his pets. If I tell him about you not eating and looking a bit off it would be a trip to the doctors, If I use a wrong word you might end up here.”

I shuddered, stepped back. He laughed a short humourless laugh. “Yes, that is quite a problem. One that kept me up nearly all night. And I can't even tell you for sure how long he wants you to rest. It can be a week and nearly over or it can be another two weeks. “

Groaning I closed my eyes. Another two weeks of this? How was I to cope? The boredom, the loneliness – the longing.

“Is there anything I can do?” My voice was nearly a whisper. When even he – his employee – couldn't talk to him, how could I ?

Keith looked at me, left the room. He turned of the lights and closed the door. “There might be... but you have to trust me. I know, “ he raised his hands in a placating gesture “I am the man who more or less tricked you into this situation. And what I will suggest will.... might.... look and feel like something worse.”

He opened the door to my left. Shelves lined the room. Collars, cuffs, shackles, leads. An impressive ***********ion. A whole shelf was full of butt plugs with dog tails.

“One rule I have to follow is “Never move her outside or to a different location without a collar and cuffs.” And that includes the house.”

I opened my mouth to protest. This reminded me too much of my nightmare.

“Listen, please.” He spoke fast. “You are suffering being left alone and cooped up in your little space. Books and telly can't help anymore because you miss being active, being around the dogs and him. There's a gym in the house. You could exercise. There's bathrooms, you could have a long bath instead of just a shower. He will be there, he might see you. You can hang out in my office, being around another person instead of being just alone. But... according to his rules you have to be on a lead, collar, cuffs and all.”

He stopped, looked at me.

“Do I get to choose what to wear? “ I joked, mainly to gain some time. Yes, it sounded humiliating, being reduced to an animal even more than I was already. The thought of a tub didn't intrigue me as much as the gym. Burn of some energy, get back in shape, taking care of my body again apart from just keeping clean and clean shaven. And there was the possibility of seeing him.

“You can choose every day if you want. If you don't feel like coming one day I won't make you. I give you a choice, a chance.”

I stepped into the room, scanned the shelves. Metal ones, leather, other materials...Thick, thin, plain or with intricate engravings or painted designs. Some decorated with shiny stones. Definitely not one of these. If I had to wear 'dog clothes' it wouldn't be something that made me think of poodles with pink perms.

I found it on one of the bottom shelves. A nonde*********** green nylon collar with a handle, resembling the collars I had seen on our military working dogs. Cuffs made from the same nylon material next to it. With a wry smile I picked the set up and turned to Keith.

One look at my choice and the started laughing. He was getting the joke.

“You can put them on yourself. Unless you prefer me to do it. “

I hesitated, fastened the cuffs around my slim wrists myself. Then I held out the collar. “This might be easier if you do it.” I couldn't look in his face. It was a purely practical decision. Now I had both hands free to hold my long hair out of the way..

His fingers brushed my skin and I shuddered. It wasn't as unpleasant as I had expected. But it made me wonder how badly I was craving human touch. Only human?

“Just a sec.” He fastened the collar, slid two fingers between it and the skin on my neck. “loose enough.”

He grabbed the lead and fastened it on the D ring under my chin. “Come on. Time to get you some exercise.”
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