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Becca 's gets bored and trouble ensues.
I had just turned sixteen when my high school gymnastics team was invited to a competition in Philadelphia. The girls were all excited about spending the weekend together in a hotel. But my stupid father ruined that by saying the hotel the team was staying at was too expensive and our family would stay at a cheaper motel. I argued until I was blue, but his decision was firm, and we wouldn't stay with the team.

I cried for most of the drive to Philadelphia, hating my father and ignoring my mother, who refused to side with me on the issue. We arrived in Philadelphia around three o'clock on a Thursday afternoon and drove around for an hour, my father getting lost. Finally, we arrived at the hotel. It was in a bad part of town, on a dark, dreary street across from the expressway overpass. The street was dirty, and garbage flew around in the cold wind.

As we walked from the parking lot to the motel lobby, I noticed most businesses were closed and empty, except for an adult bookstore across the street. The sign flashed on and off, the result of some malfunction. The motel my father picked was so cheap that I got to have my own room. The room smelled like cigarette smoke and body odor, and the bed was lumpy and old. The TV was old, and they didn't even have cable.

I sat on my bed, forlorn, looking out the window at the bookstore and the vacant land under the highway. Tents, cardboard huts, and other structures dotted the area. Large groups of men stood around burning barrels and passing liquor bottles. I became more depressed by the minute. I decided to do some stretches to loosen up my tight body. I was four-foot-eleven and ninety-two pounds of muscle and energy. My breasts were large for my frame and sat up firm and high on my chest.

With my blond hair cut in a cute bob and pearly white teeth, I was a future trophy wife in the making. I was lying on my lumpy bed, watching stuff on my phone, when there was a knock at my door.

"Becca, we're going to get dinner. Come on," my mother announced.

"Alright," I answered, popping off the bed.

We drove around, and all we could find open was a Denny's, so my dad pulled into the lot. Instantly, we were confronted with people begging for money. And, of course, my dad started giving them some. One man grabbed my butt, and I jumped. As we approached the door, they left us alone.

"Dad, don't give them money; you just encourage them," I scolded him.

"Sweetie, we need to share with the less fortunate," my father, the Christian preacher, replied.

The restaurant was dirty, and our food was cold; it was another great vacation memory. We returned to the hotel and walked down the dark hallway to our rooms on the fifth floor.

"Rebecca, do you want to play Monopoly with Mom and me?" my dad asked hopefully.

"No," I said coldly.

I leaned against the door of my room, becoming depressed again. I sat on the bed and looked in the mirror, my white tube top showing just a faint outline of my brown areolas and my overly puffy nipples. I pulled off my top and gazed at my large, firm rack. I grabbed my nipples and stretched them out; it felt so good. The memory of Tad pulling on them in the back seat of his father's car flashed through my mind. I popped the button on my Daisy Dukes and unzipped them, then stood up and wiggled out of them

My tight bald pink pussy stared back at me; I reached down and rubbed my itchy twat, remembering it took all my power to keep Tad's finger out of me. After all, it was our first date. I lay on the bed, remembering the boys who got me to lie in their back seat and spread my legs for them. My father would be appalled if he ever found out his sixteen-year-old daughter was sexually active. I didn't feel exceptionally horny, as my room was pretty disgusting.

I dressed again and looked out the window. The sun was beginning to set, and the fires under the highway grew brighter. I glanced at the bookstore; the parking lot had a dozen cars. The sign continued to blink, and I wondered what went on inside. Why was it the only store on the block that was still open? I watched a man or two walk out of the store, through the lot, and back under the expressway. I wondered what kinds of books they had and what else they may sell.

Curiosity was getting the best of me, and I decided to peek my head in the door. I slipped quietly out of my room, tiptoed back to my parents' room, and took the elevator to the lobby. The attendant at the desk looked warily at me as I walked out the front door. The dirty street in front of the hotel was empty as I scooted across the street. I stood in front of the bookstore, noticing it had no windows, a metal front door, and a sign that said, "Open twenty-four hours." I walked up to the door, grabbed the handle, and opened it a crack.

A stream of warm air, faint light, and the smell of cigarette smoke leaked out. I pulled it open and stepped inside. Bare lightbulbs hung from the ceiling, giving off a faint glow. An old man stood behind a counter, and a sign over his head read "Twenty-one and older only." I looked to the right. There were aisles with racks of merchandise and, to the left, aisles and books that reached the back of the store, which was much darker.

"Hey, girly, how old are you?" the old man asked.

"Umm, twenty-one," I lied.

"Alright, you need to pay a dollar to shop in the store and five dollars to go into the back room," he said gruffly.

"Oh, OK, I said, stepping up to the counter.

"What's in the back?" I asked, handing him a dollar.

"Booths to watch films, and some couches and a stage, but we don't use it anymore," he explained.

"Oh, OK, I'll go back there in a bit," I said, turning toward the merchandise.

My eyes couldn't believe all the sex toys on the racks; my jaw dropped when I saw the size of some of the dildos.

"Holy fuck," I whispered as I handled some of them.

I was browsing the racks when two men walked in and stood by the door. They looked disheveled and dirty.

"Jake, I have to dump," one told the old man.

"Alright, make it quick," Jake told them.

I didn't notice anyone else in the store, so I wasn't too nervous. The other man stood in the doorway while one man went to the bathroom. I figured it was time to leave but would wait until the doorway

cleared. I saw the door open, and the man at the door said something to someone outside and then closed the door. I turned to my side, and the man from the bathroom was standing by me.

"Hello, I see you looking at dildos," he said, sizing me up.

"Oh, no, I'm just killing time," I said, startled.

"Oh, I can help you kill time," he replied.

"Oh, no, I'm fine, really," I told him.

"What's your name?" he inquired.

"Um, Rebecca," I said, getting uneasy.

"Mines, Adam," he offered.

I looked at the front door, and four men walked in and walked down the first aisle of books by the outer wall.

"That's a big dildo for such a tiny girl," Adam said.

"Oh, God, I forgot I picked it up," I said, turning beet red.

"It's long and black. Do you like it like that?" Adam continued.

"Certainly not," I said, amazed at his audacity.

"Oh, you're a racist; you don't like Blacks," Adam accused.

"I am not. How dare you?" I yelled back.

"OK, prove it. Kiss the head of it," he replied.

"I will not; I don't have to prove anything to you," I retorted.

"I knew it; you are a racist," he continued.

"I am not a racist," I yelled.

I was so mad at being accused that I was seeing red. Adan stood there and watched me as I began to shake. I was so angry. So, to end this unpleasant encounter, I lifted the footlong black dildo to my mouth and kissed the head of it. I took more than half of the head into my mouth inadvertently.

"Oh, you're good at that. Can you take it all?" He asked, smiling.

"No," I said, putting the dildo back on the shelf and walking around the other side of the aisle.

"You looked good with that in your mouth. Do you like to suck cock?" Adam says, following me

"That, sir, is none of your business," I snarked at him.

"How old are you anyway?" he asked.

"Sixteen, er, I mean eighteen, no, wait, twenty-one," I said, confused.

"Ah, you're not old enough to be in here," Adam laughed.

"Well, I'm leaving," I said, looking at the door and finding the man still blocking it.

"No, don't leave; show me and my friends your tits," he said, walking my way.

"No, I don't want to," I said as I looked for a way out.

I looked at the door, and the large area was where the books were kept on shelves. The man at the desk wasn't paying attention to us, so I was alone. I walked quickly across the aisle and into the books area, hoping Adam wouldn't follow me. I pretended to look at books, all while watching Adam. He walked into the aisle and stopped at the opening.

"Come on, Rebecca, show us those beautiful titties," Adam asked softly.

"No I will not show you my breasts," I shot back.

"Do you shave your pussy? I'll bet it doesn't have a hair on it," he continued.

I was becoming flustered, and with all of his sex talk and the sound of people having sex on the video monitors, my head was beginning to spin. I moved further into the aisle and away from the front door. Adam again moved into the aisle.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, getting upset.

"We just want to be friends with you, Rebecca. We're not going to hurt you," he replied, smiling.

"I have friends, and I'm not from here; I'm just visiting," I responded, breathing heavily.

"Oh, that's nice; we can show you the ropes if you want," he said softly.

"We, who's we?' I asked, walking further into the aisle.

"Oh, just me and my three friends. They are great guys, and you'll like them," Adam said slowly.

"I don't want to meet them; I want to leave," I told him.

"Nobody's keeping you here," he said.

I ran to the end of the aisle and turned into the cross aisle to try and get back to the door and ran into a man standing there, falling on my butt.

"Are you all right, young lady?" the man said, offering me his hand. I jumped up and walked down the aisle, again moving farther from the door. Adam was always ten or fifteen feet behind me. They were driving me to the back of the store.

"Come on, Rebecca, let's see those titties," Adam kept asking.

"No, I won't do it, Adam," I cried as I slowly walked back down the aisle.

"How about that bald pussy then?" he smiled.

"Only my boyfriend gets to see my bald pussy," I replied and immediately regretted it.

"Ooh, you do shave that kitten. Can we pet your kitten and make her purr?" he asked as he continued to stalk me.

When I reached the next cross aisle, another man blocked my path to the door, so I walked to the last aisle by the outside wall. A tall Black man again blocked the path to the front door. I turned. I backed into the last aisle, moving backward toward the rear of the store. I looked behind me, and Adan stood at the end of the aisle with two other men. I turned my head and saw the Black man walking toward me. I stopped right there, where I'd make my last stand. The men closed in on me, stopping a few feet away.

"Rebecca, these are my friends I told you about," Adam said softly.

"I don't want to meet your friends; they're scary," I said, looking at the three other men.

All of them wore dirty clothes, and I could smell their BO from three feet away. They were all in their late twenties or early thirties. The Black man with them was the biggest; at seven feet tall, he towered over me. I looked at their faces, and they were void of emotion.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, beginning to cry.

"Just to be friendly, play a little, you know," Adan said, standing directly behind me.

"I can't play. I have to be back at the motel, and my dad is coming here soon," I fumbled for an answer.

"Rebecca, do you want us to believe that your dad knows his sixteen-year-old daughter is in an adult bookstore and sex studio?"

"Um, yes, he doesn't care; he's very progressive," I said, shaking my head and wondering what I was saying

"I doubt that, Rebecca; tell your new friends about yourself and what you told me."

"They are not my friends. I don't want them to know about me," I said nervously.

"You want them to be nice to you tonight, right?" Adam asked.

"Yes, but I don't even know them," I said, frantic about finding a way out.

"Tell them, and they'll be nice to you," Adam continued.

I looked around at the men; my head was spinning, and I just gave in.

"Um, my name is Rebecca; I'm twenty-one," I said and was cut off.

"Excuse me, Rebecca, friends, don't lie to one another. Do they?" Adam asked.

"No, no, OK. I just turned sixteen, and I'm here for a gymnastics competition," I said, hoping that would be enough.

"Tell them everything you did and told me, and don't leave anything out, or your friends won't be so nice, Rebecca," Adam demanded.

"OK, OK, um, oh God, I kissed the head of a footlong black dildo," I said, closing my eyes before getting cut off again.

"Did you like the black dildo in your mouth, Rebecca?" Adam asked.

"Um, ah, yeah, yeah," I said, losing my thought.

"And what did you mistakenly tell me, Rebecca? He continued.

"Oh God, no, um, on my pussy. There's not a hair on it," I cried in my hands.

I think your friends will want to see that after you take off your top and show us your tits," Adam said, placing his dirty hands on my shoulders.

"No, please don't make me," I pleaded as I cried.

"Come on, well, be nice; nobody is going to hurt you, Adam whispered.

I looked around at the men; they were laser-focused on me. I trembled as I stood there frozen.

"Come on, baby," Adam whispered.

I cried as I closed my eyes and took my tube top and pulled it up over my breasts, and the men gasped.

"Fuck, look at those titties," the Black men said.

Adam took my trembling arms and lifted it over my head.

"Hold them here, baby," Adam said as he pulled my top over my head and off my arms and threw it on the floor.

I covered my breasts with my arms, but Adam made me keep them at my sides as the men began to fondle my breasts, twisting my puffy nipples, my feet dancing in place as I was filled with fear.

"OK, baby, go ahead," Adam said, feeling my tits from behind.

"What, I showed you," I cried.

"The kitty baby," he whispered.

"Oh, God no." My body shook as I stood there looking at the men.

"Ahhhhhhh, I cried as Adam unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped them. as my feet danced anxiously. He pulled my shorts over my butt and down to my thigh.

"Sssh, sssh, it will be fine. You can go home after we play together," Adam said softly.

I couldn't think when Adam stooped down and pulled down my shorts; I lifted one foot and then the other as he removed them. Adam led me to my knees as the men began to undress, throwing their pants and underwear in a pile in the aisle.

"No no, please not sex, please, I showed you," I cried

My lips quivered as Adam lifted my head and his fat, dirty eight-inch cock an inch from my lips. I opened my lips, and the head of his cock spit them. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I opened and took his cock in my mouth, and my head began to slowly bob on his cock.

"That a girl you know what to do with our cocks," He sighed.

The men surrounded me, their cocks hard and ready for my mouth to pleasure them. I saw the Black man's cock, and I almost fainted. It was over a foot long and fatter than I'd ever seen. Every few minutes, I'd get pulled off one cock and made to suck the next one in line; I looked at the men as I sucked their cocks and could tell they were enjoying my mouth. I sucked boys' cocks in middle school and high school, but the men's cocks were so much fatter and longer, and they tasted terrible. I almost gagged a few times. I was filled with fear when I came to the Black man's cock, long, veiny, and as fat as I'd ever seen.

"Don't be afraid, girl. I know it's big. Do the best you can," he tried to reassure me.

I kissed the head and licked it, wondering if I'd be able to fit it in my mouth. I opened wide and pulled my teeth back and slit the massive head into my mouth. I was surprised as I started to bob my head a few inches and slid in deeper. I looked up at him, and he smiled.

"That, my girl, good job, suck it good for me," he said softly, his hand coming to my chin.

I went around the circle of men twice, sucking their cocks and tasting cum from most of them, my pussy wet and itchy.

"OK, let's lay her down and let's get started," Adam said as the cock I was sucking was pulled from my mouth.

Adam laid me on the pile of clothes, my butt on the floor, and my legs spread.

"Please don't hurt my pussy," I cried.

Adam knelt between my legs, his cock glistening from my saliva.

"We're not going to hurt you. We're all just going to fuck you," he said softly.

"All of you? There's too many; it will hurt," I started to cry.

"Sssh, it will be alright, you'll see, your little pussy will be fine," Adam tried to reassure me.

I looked at his cock; it looked enormous, and I tried to retreat when he leaned in to insert it. Adam grabbed my hips and pulled me back and lifted my butt off the ground, and his cock jammed into my pussy.

"Oh, God, go slow," I cried, tossing my head back.

Adam pushed again, and his cock sank a little deeper in me as I squirmed on the ground.

"Oh fuck, is her pussy tight?" Adam moaned as the other men relished his words.

It took Adam a minute and me squealing all the while, but he managed to get enough of his cock in my pussy so he could start to fuck me. Adam laid on me and began to fuck me, my body lunging forward with each thrust.

"Oh, oh, it's so big," I cried.

I covered my eyes with my arms in shame, not wanting to look at the men watching me fuck and waiting their turn.

"Umm, umm, umm, I moaned as Adam pumped his fat cock into my tiny pussy.

"Oh, fuck, her cunt is dope," he said as he picked up the pace.

"Ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, um," I moaned as the walls of my pussy were pulled in and out with every thrust.

I'd never been fucked like this before; much to my shame, it was beginning to feel good.

"Umm, umm, umm, yeah, yeah, my body was betraying me.

The old man from the front desk peeked around the corner, shook his head in disgust, and walked away as Adam was preparing to finish in me. I was breathing hard, and my pussy was tingling as I felt an orgasm building deep inside me.

"Oh, fuck, yeah, yeah, oh, oh fuck," I moaned and wrapped my legs around Adams's waist.

Ah, ah, ah, ah fuck," Adam yelled as his cock jerked inside my fertile, unprotected pussy.

"Oh, God, fuck me, fuck me," I wailed as my body shook under Adam's weight, and I came, pleasure ripping through my loins. I'd never cum so hard; I had to catch my breath as Adam's cock delivered a live load deep inside me.

"Oh God, I'm not protected in there," I announced, alarmed that he had cum inside me.

"Oops, you should have told me," Adam responded.

Adam stood up as his cum flowed between my legs, and another of the men dropped to his knees between my legs. His cock was longer than Adams's but not as fat. I tried to scoot backward, but again, I was grabbed by my hips and pulled back in place.

"Oh, oh, oh God," I moaned as his cock claimed my pussy.

The smelly man lay on top of me and began thrusting his hips and cock into me; my body jerked underneath him.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh," he grunted as he drove his cock to my depths.

His cock was reaching places nobody had explored before.

"Oh, it feels good," I said, embarrassed and excited.

As the man grunted and fucked me, I covered my eyes with my arms, wondering why I was letting these men do this to me. Why didn't I fight? Why didn't I scream for help? Young, stupid, naive, afraid? Probably all of the above, I thought. I tried to convince myself that they had taken me against my will, but deep down, I knew that was a lie. I gave myself to them.

The man fucking me was pounding my pussy, driving me into the thin carpet. He grunted loudly.

"Oh, oh, fuck,"

His cock jerked inside me, and his balls pumped another load of baby batter into my quivering snatch. I was crying again as his cock was pulled from my cum-filled twat; it glistened with my pussy juice dangling between his legs as he stepped back. The next man dropped between my legs, and I didn't bother to try to move away. He slid his tiny cock in me and lay on top of me and began to fuck me.

I was pulling a train for four strangers, and my tears flowed. I'd never had sex with more than one boy at a time, and I was numb to feelings now, my body dead, just a vessel for the men's pleasure. The old man from the store counter came back and watched for a moment as I was being fucked and then retreated without a word. As I felt the man fucking me and getting ready to cum, my eye caught the Black man stroking his rock-hard foot-long cock, and chills went down my spine. His cock was thicker than my arm and was ready to do some severe damage to my tiny pussy. He dropped between my legs, and I began to cry.

"Don't hurt my pussy," I wailed as he lowered his cock between my legs.

I felt the massive head between my pussy lips and the head lodged in the opening of my vagina.

"Relax, baby. It's been in smaller girls than you," he said as he pushed forward.

The pressure between my legs built and got unbearable.

"Owe, owe, owe, it's too big," I cried.

The pressure was unbearable, and I thought I might pass out when "pop," the head of his cock, made its way into my pussy.

"Ow, ow," I cried in pain.

He let it rest in my pussy for a minute, and the pain began to subside a bit. Then he pushed forward, and the shaft stretched my pussy walls out, and it slid inside one or two inches.

"Oh, it's huge," I cried as more of it sank into me.

I looked between my legs and couldn't believe the size of the black cock between my legs. Another push and another inch worked their way inside me. He repeated the slow surges, and his cock began to disappear into my overstuffed pussy. I was in a stupor, not knowing if I felt pain or pleasure, and I looked between my legs again. Half of the massive cock remained, looking to hide in my twat.

He began to slowly pump his cock in and out of me. I threw my head back and closed my eyes.

"Oh, oh, God, I'm so full of cock," I sighed.

I caught my hips slowly pushing forward to meet his thrusts, and his cock began to feel good. He continued to fuck me, his cock hitting bottom in me with six inches with nowhere to go, but he was being nice and didn't hurt me.

"Umm, umm, umm," I moaned.

"You like that big black cock in you, little girl?" he asked.

"Oh, oh, yeah, I love your black cock," I hissed.

He picked up the pace, and I knew I was going to cum soon.

"Oh, shit, I have never been in a cunt this tight before," he moaned, and I lost it.

"Oh, oh, oh, fuck, I'm going to cum," I squealed as my body slithered underneath him. I couldn't breathe for a moment before I sucked in the air, and my loins exploded in pleasure.

Oh, oh, yeah, fuck me, fuck me," I yelled.

Finished, I collapsed on the floor, lifeless, as he shoved his cock into me deep.

Ah, ah, ah, fuck me," he cried out.

As I felt his cock swell inside my overstuffed pussy and then jerk violently as he shot his load through my cervix straight into my baby maker. It felt like his cock pumped cum in me forever before he pulled his spent cock out of me, and cum gushed out of me. I lay there, breathing heavily as he stood up, his black cock shining with my pussy juice coating it.

The men began to dress and walked out, leaving me on the floor. Finally, I recovered my composure and stood up gingerly, my pussy now starting to ache. I gathered my clothes and dressed, grabbed my phone off the floor, and slowly made my way to the front door. I looked at the old man at the counter, giving him a dirty look as I opened the door.

"Don't you want your dollar back?" he yelled as the door closed.

I made my way back to the hotel and my room, stripped, took a long shower, went to bed, and cried myself to sleep. I didn't tell my parents what happened when we met for breakfast, too ashamed to admit that I'd been fucked by four homeless men. When we had team practice, I told my coach I didn't feel well and sat on the bench. I tried to put the previous night's events out of my head but couldn't.

I was sitting on the bench when my phone pinged. I received a message from a private number with an attachment. I opened the message, and my blood ran cold. It was from Adam.

"Thanks for a great time last night. We had fun, and judging by the attached video, you did, too."

Io opened the attachment and started to cry; it was a video of me getting fucked by the men; the audio was me having orgasms and telling the Black guy I loved his cock.

"How did you get my number?" I texted back.

"You left your phone open when we started, and we copied your contact list," Adam responded.

"You bastards, delete them now, or I'll go to the police," I responded.

"And tell them what you like, Black cock," he responded.

"Why are you doing this? You got what you wanted last night," I responded frantically.

"Meet us tonight in the bookstore, and we'll delete the video. If you don't show up, we'll send it to your contacts list at seven pm sharp," he told me.

I dropped my head and sobbed for a minute, trying to find a way out of it. When I exhausted my potential options, and I didn't see a way out, I texted them

"OK, I'll show up at seven; please don't send it," I replied.

"Good girl, I have lots of friends I want you to meet tonight," Adam replied.

I cried for the rest of the day. The weight of the situation sank in as I realized the pressure to comply with Adam's demands. His casual mention of introducing me to his friends only deepened my sense of dread and helplessness.
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