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A continuation of a man's life with his two beautiful daughters, several years after the three of them first started having sex together.
I stepped eagerly into the house, and hadn't even gotten the door closed behind me before I heard the high-pitched, welcoming squeal.

“Daddy!” Chloe screamed, her tiny feet thumping rapidly as she came zipping around the corner from the bedrooms and beelined straight for my knees. I swept her into my arms before she could face-plant into my shins, spinning her around me through the air as she shrieked and laughed.

“Look at you!” I pulled her to my chest, stroking my fingers through her soft blonde hair as I looked her up and down, letting her see me admiring her pretty purple dress. “You look so pretty! Did Mommy help you dress up so fancy just for me?”

“Pincess!” she exclaimed, patting at her dress to show off.

“You sure are!” I agreed. “You are my pretty, pretty princess! Were you a good girl for Mommy today? What did you two do?”

“Elsa!” she squealed.

“You watched Frozen today?” I gasped, exaggeratedly pretending surprise. “I never would have guessed!” she giggled, wrapping her arms around my neck in an adorable hug and kissing my cheek.

“Where'd you go, you little monkey?” Andi's voice preceded her around the corner, making Chloe squeal again and playfully hide her face against my neck. She was radiant, but moving slowly—being seven months pregnant will do that to a girl, even if she was one of those lucky few who was able to stay skinny everywhere except her belly right up until she gave birth. She got so annoyed, when other women thought she had to be faking with something hidden under her shirt! I just thought it was hilarious. “There you are!” She yelled, making Chloe squeal again. I met her half way, Andi giving Chloe a playful little tickle before she and I met in a deep, slow kiss on the lips.

“Koey kiss! Mommy Daddy kiss Koey!” Chloe interrupted us with her demand, making us laugh. She wasn't quite to the point of making true sentences yet, but she was getting closer every day. We came in from either side, Chloe squealing happily as we kissed her on both cheeks at once, then squirming to be let down. She scooted off to where she had left one of her dollies, picking her up and smacking her along the floor in a way that made sense only to her. Kids were such adorable little sociopaths at that age!

“Now, where were we?” Andi asked, giggling as she pulled me down to kiss her again. I guided her over to the couch, flopping down and pulling her crosswise into my lap.

“How's my other little girl today?” I asked, slipping my hand in under her shirt to caress her swollen belly.

“Anxious to come out and meet everybody,” she chuckled, tucking her arm behind my back as she squirmed herself into place to get comfortable, or at least as comfortable as she could with the huge weight in her belly. She rested her head on my shoulder, sighing with relief as she closed her eyes, finally able to relax a little now that I was home to help watch over the munchkin. “I swear, this one's going to come out already able to walk! She's been dancing on my bladder all day!”

I chuckled, letting my hand wander further. She purred in pleasure as I took her firm, braless little B-cup into my hand, giving her a squeeze. She'd never gotten much bigger than she was now, even while she'd still been breast feeding, and I loved the way she fit so easily into my hand. Not that her sister's huge, soft E-cups didn't also have their charms! I loved both, if in very different ways. Andi and I played, cuddled, and made out, always keeping half an eye on Chloe as we did. She was a wonderful little girl, and normally quite self-sufficient in her play—but she had a disturbing propensity for finding crayons seemingly out of thin air, and so could never be entirely trusted out from under a supervising eye.

Chellie arrived about half an hour later, looking nearly as exhausted as Andi did. I remembered days like that, from my own time at Uni. She'd decided she was going to be a teacher, like me, only of chemistry instead of math. I hoped she'd get her wish, but we'd have to wait and see. She was in her last semester before finishing her biochem degree, and after that a follow-up degree in teaching was going to be a piece of cake, but most of the math teachers I knew had started out in the sciences before getting roped into teaching math instead; I was the only one in my whole department who had an actual math degree. I had my fingers crossed for her, but I knew she'd be great at teaching no matter where she ended up.

“Milk! Milk!” Chloe squealed, rushing over with her arms extended, making greedy grabbing motions with her hands.

“Is that all I am to you, you little monster?” Chellie laughed, toeing off her shoes and scooping her up into her embrace. “Auntie moo-cow? Moooooo!” Chloe giggled and squirmed in her arms, Chellie coming over to give us soft, slow kisses of greeting before collapsing to the couch at our side. She passed Chloe into my lap for a moment, where she fussed impatiently as Chellie worked her way out of her shirt and bra. I didn't blame her for a moment; I wanted to suck on those titties, too! But finally Chellie was ready and I let Chloe go; she climbed eagerly into her auntie's lap, latching on and starting to suck.

Chellie closed her eyes, sighing with relief as her uncomfortably full titty began to drain, gently stroking her fingers through her niece's hair. We'd all been a little conflicted about letting Chloe still breastfeed at her age... but we'd eventually decided that since Chellie was going to keep producing milk no matter what, and it was about the healthiest thing Chloe could drink, it only made sense. I knew Andi missed being able to provide it herself... but just another two months or so, and it would be her turn once again.

“What are you two still doing here?” Chellie asked, laughing and giving us a wink. “Go on, get!” She shooed us away with her hand. We laughed, and I helped lift Andi out of my lap, each of us giving Chellie another kiss before I wrapped my arm around Andi's back and guided her down to our room.

The three of us had worked out quite a little system for ourselves, I'll admit. Or maybe I should say the two of them had, since I'd been presented with the results fait acompli. Turns out, my girls had decided they simply could not stand going all day long without taking their Daddy's cock! And with Chloe no longer taking long enough naps, that meant division of labour was the name of the game.

I closed the door of our bedroom behind us, Andi and I immediately, impatiently beginning to strip each other. She was as keyed up and ready for it as I was, after making out and having me fondling her tit for the last half an hour while we waited for Chellie to get home. Maybe even moreso, in fact! I laid her down on the bed with her legs hanging over the edge, and dropped eagerly to my knees. God, she tasted so good! Chellie assured me it was all in my imagination, that Andi still tasted exactly the same as she always had... but I could swear she tasted even better than normal while she was pregnant! I stroked her thighs and belly, slipped my hands under her fantastic little round ass and gave her a squeeze, while she alternating running her fingers through my hair and playing with her tits. She came for me as quickly as ever, then it was time!

I stood and lifted her feet to my shoulders, angling myself in, one arm holding her across the tops of her thighs, the thumb of my other hand gently rubbing her clit. We had to be a little bit careful with our choice of positions this late in her pregnancy—not out of any risk to the baby, of course, that was old wives tales!—but just because she was so much more prone to getting worn out and having muscle pains from the extra, awkward weight in her belly. We'd discovered this one more or less by accident while she'd been pregnant with Chloe, and it had remained one of her favourites ever since, knocked up or not. It was so funny how my two girls could be so alike in so many things, nearly identical even, and yet still so different in others. I had an entire mental catalogue of each of their preferences in bed, and even after so much time together, I was still adding and revising nearly every day.

I took her slow but deep, turning my head to kiss her cute little ankles. She moaned happily, her eyelids fluttering closed as she squeezed and kneaded her breasts, showing herself off for me. She was so unbelievably beautiful! It was all I could do not to let myself speed up my pace. Her orgasm arrived slowly, almost gently, making her tremble and moan. She opened her eyes again after she'd finished, seductively biting her lip; I grinned, and started fucking her harder, then harder still! Her preferences varied with her mood first thing in the morning, and right before bed, but in the afternoons she was completely consistent; she liked one orgasm from oral, one from slow, deep penetration... and then as many more as she was able to get from me pounding her rough and fast into the bed!

We still had to be a little bit careful—her belly was too big now for me to get fully up on top of her the way she really liked best. But we'd figured out together what worked and what didn't, hence me standing at the side of the bed, and as she started climbing the hill again she already had her pillow close at hand, ready to muffle herself so she wouldn't scare Chloe with her screams. She was even hotter for it than usual today, squealing her way through four more on her own before I was ready to join her, the huge, hot flood of my cum triggering her longest and most intense one yet! I stayed inside, softly stroking her thighs and belly as we both recovered, until the shy, nervous look in her eye told me she was ready. I loved that so much! Even after all this time, she was so adorably bashful about sucking her cum off my cock!

I climbed up onto the bed next to her, lifting and supporting her head in my hand, the other softly caressing her breast. She licked and sucked eagerly, enjoying the taste of herself nearly as much as I did, until even she had to admit I had been well and thoroughly cleaned. I laid down next to her, somewhat awkwardly with my legs hanging down off the edge of the bed, twisting up onto my side and kissing her softly on her lips.

“I love how horny you get when you're this pregnant, you know that?” I murmured lovingly.

“You mean you still really haven't figured out my secret?” she giggled tiredly, softly running her fingers through my hair. “I'm always this horny for you, Daddy! It's just that when I'm this pregnant, I'm too tired and sore to put the effort into hiding it anymore!”

I laughed, squeezing her tight under my arm and kissing her to within an inch of her life, until she patted me on my arm. I helped her up and got her into the bathroom for a pee—between the pounding of my cock and the kicking of our as-yet-unnamed daughter, I knew her bladder had to be feeling like it was about to burst! I helped her get dressed again once she was done, sharing another long, slow kiss before I sent her on her way.

Chellie arrived moments later, shirt and bra in hand. I closed the door behind her and quickly stripped her the rest of the way, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling her in to straddle my lap. We kissed for a moment, but not very long—Chloe had done her best, but she was a tiny little thing; she'd swell up like a beach ball, trying to hold all the milk her auntie's breasts could provide!

I sucked greedily at one, fondling the other, while Chellie wrapped her arm around my neck and slowly played with my mostly-flaccid cock. We both liked it better when I was inside of her while I milked her... but that wasn't in the cards when it was Andi's turn going first, not unless Chellie was willing to wait for me to recover first, which she almost never was. She didn't really mind too much anyways; she got far too much enjoyment out of making my cock flop around as she played, and feeling me slowly hardening for her in her hand.

We went back to kissing again once she was emptied, until I was ready for more. Utterly unlike her sister, afternoons with just the two of us together were when Chellie liked to vary things up the most. She wanted to ride me today, guiding me into the center of the bed and climbing up to straddle my hips, letting me support and squeeze her huge, heavy tits for her as she bounced vigorously up and down on my cock, one hand supporting herself against my chest, the other rapidly rubbing her clit.

Chellie would use a pillow to keep quiet when she absolutely had to, but she greatly preferred biting my shoulders instead. I loved it, too, honestly—especially seeing the marks she left on me afterwards! I just took advantage to squeeze that perfect, round little butt of hers, thrusting into her from below as she bit and moaned her way through her orgasm until she was ready to push herself up and get back to bouncing again.

She would usually last through two or three like that, before she'd give up and have me roll her over to finish. But not today, for some reason; she was like a girl possessed, throwing herself violently up and down my shaft, determined not to stop until she had earned my cum herself! I held on tight to her breasts, helping as much as I could, but in the end it was all up to her. She squealed into the air as I finally came for her, her back arched, her entire body clenching as she felt me filling her up! Then she collapsed onto my chest, clutching me tight... and she started to cry.

“Baby? Baby, what's wrong?” I asked, holding her tight in concern, stroking my hands up and down her slender, sweat-slickened back. This was not just orgasm-induced tears; that happened sometimes, for her and her sister both, but this looked and sounded completely different. “Talk to me, Chellie.”

“This girl in my lab...” she sniffled, tucking her head under my chin, softly nuzzling against my chest as I held her. “She's a friend, kind of. Not real close, but we've been in a lot of the same classes. She missed last week. I thought she was probably just sick... but she took me aside today and told me, the reason she missed was because she'd been having a miscarriage.”

“Oh, sweetie...” I murmured, holding her tighter. Of course she was upset! It had been rough on all three of us, but especially on her.

“It just... it snuck up on me, you know?” she whimpered. “I've been doing mostly okay, now. But when she just told me like that, without any warning to prepare myself first... it was like it all just came rushing right back! I more or less kept it together, at school...”

“But sex has a way of opening up the emotional flood gates. I know, sweetie. I know,” I murmured, softly running my fingers through her hair.

“It shouldn't still be affecting me like this!” she smacked her fist angrily against the bed. “It was two years ago already! I should be over this!”

“There is no 'should be', sweetie,” I squeezed her tight, kissing her hair. “It takes as long as it takes.”

“I just feel so awful... so guilty...” she sighed. “And I hate that I feel that way! It's so stupid! I know it wasn't my fault, that I didn't do anything wrong! Neither of us did, it just happens sometimes. But knowing doesn't change how I feel. I want to have your babies, like I promised! I do, Daddy! I just...”

“It's okay, sweetie,” I murmured. “Believe me, I get it. You can't 'want' your way into being ready. But you're young, we have plenty of time. We'll try again when you're ready... or we won't, and if not, then that'll be okay, too! Whatever you need, baby! I love you, Michelle! You know nothing will ever, ever change that, no matter what!”

“I know, Daddy. I love you too!” she sniffled, and I held her silently for a long, long time, my cock slowly softening and falling out, and still I held her tight.

“I... I've been thinking, Daddy,” she eventually whispered. “Not just today—for a while, I mean. Maybe... maybe whether I'm ready for it or not, I should go off my birth control again anyways, and we can let nature take its course.”

“Are you sure about that, sweetie?” I asked, kissing and stroking her hair.

“Not even a little!” she chuckled wryly, and so did I. “But... I've been thinking about it more and more. I... I don't think I'm getting any better, Daddy. It's like I'm stuck, no matter what I try! I think... I think maybe even if I know I'm still not ready, yet... maybe I have to have faith that I can become ready, if I do it anyways.”

I held her tight, not knowing quite what to say. “You know I will always support you, Chellie. I wish I knew the answer, and could tell you what to do... but this one's up to you. All I can do is promise I'll be here with you, whatever you choose, every step of the way.”

She nodded against my chest, softly biting her lip as she thought it through.

“I'm going to do it,” she announced, pushing herself up onto her elbows so she could look me nervously in my eyes. “It's time, Daddy... I'm making up my mind. This morning was my last pill. I want you to get me pregnant again!”

“I am so proud of you, baby!” I smiled, softly stroking her cheek in my hand. “Do you even realize how courageous you're being? I am so, so proud!”

She collapsed onto my chest again, and this time she wasn't the only one leaking tears. We eventually pried ourselves up and got dressed again, then went out to go tell Andi. She reacted just the same, the three of us kissing and hugging tight in a weepy, happy mess.

“Mommy?” Chloe tremulously asked, tugging on Andi's pants. “Mommy sad?”

“Oh, no baby!” she answered, sweeping her up and cuddling her into the middle of our embrace. “These are happy tears! You see? We're all just so, so happy! Sometimes there's so much happiness inside, it has nowhere else to go, and has to come leaking out in our tears!”

“Happy?” she smiled cautiously, reaching out to probe Andi's cheek with her tiny little fingers, testing the wetness there, then leaning in to kiss away her tears the same way we always did for hers. We all laughed, and that finally seemed to reassure her enough that she started giggling too.

Andi had supper almost ready by that point and we helped finish up, which mostly meant taking turns keeping Chloe distracted and out from underfoot. We ate, cleaned up, spent some time playing with Chloe and watching some toddler-acceptable tv, then started on bath time. Chloe was such a little fish—she absolutely adored having bath time before bed, especially when she got to share with Mommy or auntie Chellie. It was Andi's turn tonight, and I eased her carefully down into the tub before we let Chloe join her. Chellie and I stripped to our waists—it was just easier that way, with how much Chloe loved to splash! We washed and played, Chloe happily singing one of her little nonsense songs she was always making up, only stopping when it was time to wash her hair, or when she was busy giving hugs and baby-kisses to Mommy's belly.

Chellie scooped Chloe out and started drying her off, carrying her off to her room—Chellie's old room—to get her dressed in her cute little footie-pajamas and ready for bed. I helped Andi lay the rest of the way down in the tub and took her feet, giving her arches a deep massage. We only had a couple of minutes before Chloe would be ready for story time, but Andi loved getting her feet rubbed after a soak in the tub, and I was happy to provide. I got her up and helped her dry off, and she slipped into her robe as we went to say goodnight.

Chloe picked me to read to her tonight, and I laid down next to her in her little pink bed, wrapping my arm around her so she could see the pictures, Mommy and auntie Chellie sitting close and caressing her with their hands. She was nearly out by the time I'd finished, and we kissed her forehead and tucked her in, sneaking quietly out and leaving the door open just a crack so she wouldn't be scared if she woke in the night.

We retired to the living room and collapsed together on the couch, Andi simply taking the time to relax and watch some adult-oriented tv for a change, Chellie and I on our laptops, she writing up something for one of her classes, me adjusting the numbers on a test from last year so I could use it again without having to make a new one from scratch. I finished up quickly, pulling Andi into my lap for more kisses and fondling. Chellie had a huge, happy grin on her face as we did, but she forced herself to concentrate on what she was doing, and only came across to join in once she was done. We headed off to our bathroom together to brush our teeth and get ready, then made our way to our bed.

As always, the girls were in charge of the arrangements. I still wasn't sure if they had some sort of schedule they worked out behind my back, or if they figured it out on the fly somehow—it was like they'd developed some sort of sisters-telepathy, and always knew exactly what they wanted to do without me ever being able to catch them discussing it. Tonight, that apparently meant the girls would be laying on their sides facing each other, while I did Chellie from behind. We turned out the light and got into place, Andi snuggling up and starting to suckle her sister's big, milky tits as I slid my cock into her warm, welcoming little pussy, and they each began playing between the other's thighs. I fucked her soft and slow, my hand travelling back and forth between them everywhere I could reach. Their orgasms were gentle and relaxing, all but Chellie's last when I burst inside her, making her tremble and squeal.

It was about fifty-fifty if the girls would want to stay awake long enough for me to recover and have a turn with the other one as well, but tonight Andi was just too tired and decided she was happy enough with the ones Chellie had just masturbated her to instead. We shared a last round of kisses, love-yous and good nights, and settled softly down to sleep, my cock still nestled deeply inside my eldest daughter's hot, tight embrace. I hoped like hell that it would take this time, that nothing would go wrong... Chellie was an amazing auntie, but she deserved her chance to be a mommy, too, the way she wanted so badly! I held them both a little tighter under my arm, and silently prayed. I wasn't sure anybody was out there listening, I'd never been much for religion myself... but for this, I just had to try. Like Chellie had said, sometimes you just had to have faith. I had been blessed so wonderfully already, with three amazing daughters, and another on the way... I had to believe, if there was somebody up there who had given me such a perfect life, they wouldn't hold back on us now. She would have my baby this time, I just knew it! I gave her one last, slow kiss on the back of her neck, and faded comfortably away into sleep.
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