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A nanny finds out that her boss wants to keep her as a TPE slave.
The Nanny


Eve exhaled as she put her car into park in front of the house. These in-person interviews were a slog. She got out of her car, dressed in jeans with a green blouse - something conservative, as some wives can get extremely jealous of other women who enter their homes and care for their kids. She had thought about wearing a hat over her wavy blond hair, but decided that would have been too unprofessional.

She walked to the front door and rang the bell. She just had to wait a short time before the door opened. There stood her potential future employers. He was over 6 feet tall, well built, with blue eyes and was wearing a red polo shirt and slacks. She was about as tall as Eve, likely 5’ 4”, with brown eyes and glasses.

“Good morning Mr. & Mrs. Thomas”, Eve said, inclining her head slightly.

“Come in, come in,” Mrs. Thomas said - Jane, if Eve recalled correctly.

The husband - Adam - stepped aside to let Eve in as well, officially starting the in-person interview as their potential nanny.

Over the next thirty minutes, Adam and Jane asked about Eve’s qualifications, her experience, and her recommended activities for a newborn. She was introduced to their three month old, Branden, and did her best to immediately demonstrate her capability. Eve changed a diaper, played with Branden, and discussed what types of activities could be integrated into the daily routine as he continues to get older.

Adam noted that he typically works from home, and will be in his office when Eve is there, in case she needs anything. Jane goes to work early and comes back late - she likely won’t be home at all during the day.

Finally, at the end, both Adam and Jane stood, shaking hands with Eve. “We’ll be in touch”, Adam said.

Eve left, following the same path she walked to the house and drove back to her apartment across the city.

Two days later, the Thomases called. Eve was to start on Monday.


It was Thursday of her first week. Eve had been the model nanny so far, showing up a few minutes early every day, taking care of Branden while Adam worked from his office, and leaving the baby’s room tidy every night.

She had just put Branden down for his daytime nap. He was fussing for the first twenty minutes, so she held him and gently rocked him back and forth. But now, in his crib, she had an hour to do some chores before the afternoon’s activities.

Eve stopped outside Adam’s office, taking a breath before softly knocking.

“Come in”, Adam said in his deep voice.

Eve stepped inside, leaving the door open behind her. The office had a large wooden desk, a large chair, and bookshelves, all of a dark brown wood. There were a large number of books on the shelves as well as a football, a baseball, and a few other items Eve couldn’t identify.

“Branden is down for his nap. I’m going to do some laundry and wash the bottles. Is there anything else you need Mr. Thomas?”

Adam stood, and Eve had to tilt her head backwards slightly. Damn he was tall compared to her.

Adam stretched, and took a step toward her. “Nothing, for now,” he said, smiling.

He reached out and put a hand on Eve’s shoulder. She felt a jolt - not from the action, but from the touch itself. Something stirred deep inside of her.

“I really appreciate having you around this week,” he continued. “It makes my life a whole lot easier.”

Adam held her gaze, staring slightly down with his piercing blue eyes. It seemed to last an eternity. His hand slid off her arm, and he turned, heading back to his desk and his laptop.

“Close the door behind you.”

Eve hurried out, shutting the door and leaning immediately against the doorframe. Her breaths came in rapid gasps. Did that just happen?

She tried to calm herself. Eve, stop. I’m sure it’s all in your head. He’s married, and you’re taking care of his goddamn kid. He wasn’t trying to make a move on you. He probably was just grateful for having you here to take some of the newborn responsibilities off his plate.

Her breathing and heart rate slowed as she continued to reason with herself. But it was a while before she was able to move from the door frame and start her chores around the house.


Back at her own apartment Thursday night, Eve showered and ate dinner. Once she finally got into bed, she still had a lingering feeling of arousal. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and looked up some erotica.

Lately, Eve was into particularly rough scenes, where the woman is treated like an object and ‘owned’ by her partner. She clicked on one of her favorite stories and began to play with herself.

This one focused on an in-office relationship. The dominant boss character seduced and enslaved his secretary at work, giving her lingerie to wear under her clothing, controlling her outfits, and turning her into his personal whore. The secretary would regularly service him under the desk, including during conference calls.

At her climax, Eve couldn’t help but picture the dominant man as Adam, and herself as the submissive.


Eve awoke on Friday morning, feeling a small amount of shame for her earlier fantasies. Adam was married and she didn’t want to be some homewrecker. She resolved to herself to act professionally and to never have those thoughts again.

Even so, as she got dressed to head over to the Thomases’ house, she put on a sundress. Not because she thought Adam would like it - the nerve for even suggesting that! Just because she felt particularly cute when she wore it.

During the drive, she kept her thoughts on the road. Yep, nothing else creeping into her mind. Just the road, the drive, and the trees.

Eve let herself in using the key the Thomases had provided.

“Hello?” she called. No one answered.

She looked around. The office and the nursery were empty. Right as she was about to pull out her phone to call Adam, she heard something from the basement. Was that music?

She opened the door and went down the stairs. The only room down there was full of exercise equipment - a treadmill, a bench, rows of dumbbells, and of course, Adam with his back to the stairs doing curls.

Eve paused for longer than she’d ever admit. As Adam continued to lift, she bit her bottom lip, noticing that he was partially sweating through his shirt, making it stick to his toned physique. She eventually cleared her throat.

Stupid! she immediately thought. Why didn’t I just go back up and knock.

Adam turned around. “Oh - I must have lost track of time. You’re here already.”

He strode over to Eve. Then past her, to pick up his son from the baby carrier by the stairs.

“Here’s Brandon.”

Eve took the baby into her arms. There was a long pause. Eve could smell his musk, and couldn’t help her gaze from flickering between his eyes and his body.

Adam smiled down at her, almost seeming to revel in her discomfort. “Did you need anything else?”

“uh…Mr. Thomas…sir…n-no.”

Eve could feel herself turning a bright red and deliberately looked at the ground.

He reached out, cupping her chin in his hand and tilted her head back until she looked into his blue eyes.

“I like hearing you call me sir.”

He released her face and pulled his hand back. “I’m going to take a shower. Try not to barge into my bathroom without knocking”

He left, climbing the stairs. Eve could still smell him in the air. She raised her hand to her face, feeling where he had touched her. And she could feel her fantasies returning stronger than ever.

Oh God oh God she thought to herself, realizing how wet her pussy had gotten from that simple interaction. I’m such a fucking whore getting horny over a married man. She couldn’t banish her thoughts from last night of him roughly fucking her and showing her in no uncertain terms who was the boss.


Eve put Branden down for his midday nap again. The entire morning, she felt like she was on autopilot. What the hell did he mean by “I like hearing you call me sir?”.

That wasn’t a fair question. If she was honest with herself, Eve knew what he meant. And if she was even more honest, she was scared about what he was going to do about it.

She had avoided seeing Adam again since their interaction that morning. And after she collected the baby’s dirty clothes, she slowly tiptoed past the closed office door, trying not to make any noise.

“So,” a voice said. “What exactly are you scared of in there?”

Eve whipped her head around. Adam was already outside of the office. He had showered and changed in the hours since Eve had seen him last. He was dressed in a white polo with dark slacks. His hair was immaculate, and the musk she had smelled earlier was replaced by a more refined cologne. She felt herself go red from embarrassment. He had seen her tiptoeing around him, literally.

Adam took a step toward her. Not threatening, but getting closer than Eve was comfortable with in the situation. Eve backed up as far as she could, until her back was against the closed office door.

“Wh…what do you mean?” Eve didn’t look him in the eyes.

Adam smiled. “You looked like you were sneaking past my office. Is there something I need to know?”

“I - no”, Eve said. “Nothing. I - I don’t know why I did that.”

Adam leaned in. He was inches away from her. He put one of his arms on the door beside her. Not exactly trapping her in, but Eve felt restricted.

“I thought I told you I liked it when you called me sir.”

Eve blushed further. “I-I can do that. Sir.”

“Good girl,” he said, moving his arm and taking a step back. “Do you like calling me sir?”

Eve paused. “I don’t know how to answer that.” She looked down at her feet.

“You don’t know how to answer that?” Adam’s smile faded and his expression hardened.

A small pit of fear started to form in Eve’s stomach. But not just fear. She could feel excitement coming from other parts of her body.

“Y-yes I do,” she said. “Sir” she added belatedly.

Adam opened the door to his office, causing Eve to stumble as part of her weight was against it. He walked inside and beckoned her to follow.

As Eve entered, he turned and said, “All of your behavior seems to indicate that you are an extremely submissive person, Eve. Is that true?”

“Yes, sir,” Eve said.

“Have you been owned, dominated, or trained before?”

“Not exactly…”

Adam leaned against his desk, looking Eve up and down. She couldn’t help but feel a little objectified from the way he stared. “What do you mean by that, Eve?”

Eve swayed back and forth on her feet slightly, not taking her eyes off the ground. “I don’t really want to answer that, sir…”

“You haven’t been owned, but you’ve been fucked roughly? What - spanked? Slapped? Hit? Bound and teased?”

Eve blushed again from the frank questions from her boss. “Fucked roughly, yes sir.”

“But you want more.” It wasn’t a question.

Adam walked from the desk, and slowly began to circle Eve. If she felt objectified before, it was nothing compared to what she felt now. He inspected her hair, checked the size of her dress, and felt her ass and breasts.

Adam stopped directly in front of her. “I want to own you and control you and make you mine.”

Eve gulped. Or tried to, if her throat wasn’t so damn dry.

“If this is an arrangement you want to pursue, I will give you some initial rules and tasks to follow. If you continue to serve well and please me, I will take you on as a slave and continue to train you. It should go without saying that this stays between you and me. Jane is to not to hear a word of this. Do you understand?”

It was so matter-of-fact.

“I…” she started.

Adam put a finger to her lips. “Think about it. Knock on my office door before you leave.”

And as quickly as she had been ambushed, Eve was dismissed with a wave of his hand. He was sitting down at his laptop when she closed the office door behind her.

For the second time in two days, Eve leaned against the office doorframe. What…the…fuck. She could feel how red her face was. And he had groped her! That was completely unacceptable, and a definite breach of their nanny contract.

But she couldn’t deny that her pussy was wetter than it had ever been. And all she could think about was serving Adam. Kneeling under his desk and sucking him off on a conference call. Dressing and acting in a way that would please him. Cooking him lunch just for him to yell at her that it was served too late.

She felt her body shudder at these thoughts, and tried to push them to the back of her mind as she went to do laundry.


5:12. Twelve minutes after she was already supposed to be off. Eve stood, rooted outside Adam’s office. For the third time, she raised her fist, trying to muster the courage to knock. But she froze again.

There was a noise inside the office. Eve lowered her hand and turned, as if to flee. The office door opened and Adam was standing there.

“So how long exactly were you waiting there?”

“I…I…Not what you think…” Eve said, slowly backing away.

Adam followed her every move, grabbing her wrist with his hand. He had a vice-like grip.

“Come with me.” Again - not a question.

Eve let herself get pulled into the office. This time, Adam closed the door behind her.

“Have you thought about what we discussed earlier?” Adam walked back to stand directly in front of her.

Eve opened her mouth once. Closed it. Then opened it again. “I…I did.”

Adam smiled. “And?”

“Idon’tthinkitwouldbethebestidea” Eve said in a rush. She nearly felt herself panting after she said that garbled mess.

“You don’t think it would be the best idea? Why?” Adam’s smile was gone, but there was an intensity behind his eyes.

“Well - I work for you…” Eve trailed off.


“Well - you’re married…”


“I’m taking care of your child that you had with another woman”

Adam took a step forward. He reached out, running his fingers through Eve’s wavy blond hair. “There’s only one question I have left, then.”

There was a pause as Adam continued to stand in front of her, twisting his fingers through her hair. Eve could smell him. Eve could feel the heat coming off his body.

“There’s some good reasons why this may be…unconventional. But the real question is - do you want and need this?” Adam’s voice trailed off as he was speaking. The end of the sentence was almost a whisper.

Eve whispered something unintelligible.

“What was that?”


“Yes what?” Adam said, smiling again.

“I - I think I want this…” Eve couldn’t stop stuttering. Something about this man just…threw her off.

“I think you want this too. But there’s one way to find out for sure.”

Without so much as asking, Adam grabbed the sides of her sundress and lifted. Eve yelped and tried to push the fabric back down, but Adam slowly walked her backwards until she was against the wall. Her strength was no match for his, and he lifted the front of her dress again with his left hand. His right slowly slid up her now exposed thigh to her pussy.

Adam grinned. “Good choice. I like thongs.”

His hand slid under her rather flimsy underwear to rub against her bare pussy. Eve liked to keep her pubic hair shaved or at least well trimmed. She couldn’t stop herself from moaning as his fingers circled her clit a few times before exploring the rest of her pussy. Adam pulled his fingers back, raising them in front of Eve’s eyes.

Eve already knew what she was going to see. She had been wet all day from their interactions, and the rough treatment now had made it even worse. She could see his fingers glistening, completely soaked.

“I think this means your body at least knows you need this. Do you agree, Eve?”


His hand disappeared quickly. Then - just as fast as it was gone, she felt her head jerk and a burning on her cheek. Had…Had he SLAPPED her?

Adam grabbed Eve’s chin. “Now, now, now, what did we say earlier about you calling me sir?”

Eve could feel her cheek going red. But god damn it, something about her just needed this treatment.

“Yes. It means m-my body needs this, sir.”

“Good girl.” Adam took a step back and let Eve get a semblance of control over herself.

He continued, now two steps away from her. “Will you submit to me as your dominant and Master, Eve?”

Eve dropped her eyes to the ground. “Yes, sir.”

“And you understand that I want a Total Power Exchange arrangement where I control everything about you?

Everything? “Yes, sir.”

“Good girl. Now I am going to give you some rules to follow as my submissive.”

Adam reached into Eve’s purse, pulling out her phone and began typing up rules on a notes file. Eve stood in silence, feeling her cheek still burning and her own wetness start to drip down her leg.

He handed her phone back. Eve trembled slightly as she read:

You must play with yourself once in the morning and once before bed. You will get near your orgasm, but you will not be allowed to cum

You may only orgasm when you’re with your Master, or when he gives you explicit permission

Your daily uniform as a nanny will be a knee-length or shorter dress, or a bodysuit and knee-length or shorter skirt. A coat or jacket may be worn if the weather requires it

At a minimum, you will wear mascara and lipstick every day

When you are in your Master’s house, you are his to use whenever he desires it

“You will follow these rules to the best of your ability, and let me know if you break any of them. I will add more as you continue to demonstrate your obedience to me.”

Again - not a question. “Yes, sir”.

This was all so new and so exciting. Eve missed her purse at first, dropping her phone on the ground. As she bent over to pick it up, Adam stepped closer. Right as she began to straighten, she felt his strong hands on her shoulders.

“On your knees,” he ordered.

Eve let herself be pushed down to her knees, with a quick, “Yes, sir.”

Adam’s hands went to his belt, which he undid quickly. Next came his black slacks, which fell to his ankles. Eve saw his hard cock outlined through his tight black underwear. He reached his thumbs in his waistband, pulling them down.

Adam’s cock sprang up, a full 7 inches fully erect. It had a thick vein down the middle, and Eve couldn’t keep her eyes off of it. But she also remained frozen - this had happened so fast - not even in her wildest fantasies had -

Adam leaned forward slightly, cupping her chin and pointing her face upward. She looked up into his eyes.

“From now on - you are mine. Do you understand?”

“Y…yes, Sir,” Eve stuttered out.

“Then, my little slut, suck me off. Now.”

Eve turned her gaze back down to Adam’s erect cock. Her breath caught. As Adam began to move his cock toward her, she obediently opened her mouth. When his cock touched her lips, she couldn’t help but taste his salty precum. She slowly licked the tip of his cock, then took the head into her mouth.

Adam exhaled loudly as Eve began to suck him off. “Good girl.”

Eve began to take him deeper and deeper, first two inches, then three, then four. She bobbed up and down on his cock, enjoying her place as a submissive beneath his gaze. As his toy - his plaything.

Adam reached one of his hands behind her head, grabbing a fistful of her hair. He began to control her head, pushing his cock into her mouth faster and deeper. Adam ignored all coughs and gags she made, focused solely on facefucking her how he wanted.

“You,” Adam said, “are such a whore. You’re sucking on a married man’s cock. Not just sucking - you’re getting aggressively face-fucked by him, as he pays you to take care of his kid.”

“Gawk…hmmmmf…gawk…gawk…gawk,” Eve was only able to make sounds as he pushed his cock in and out of her mouth.

“You are mine. You will continue to serve this married cock until I release you. Do you understand?”

Eve looked up toward his piercing blue eyes. She tried to respond, to nod, to do anything. But Adam merely pulled her fully onto his cock, shoving it down her throat.

After a couple seconds, Eve’s hands involuntarily began to push against Adam’s thighs. She couldn’t breathe. His cock was so far down her throat he was going to fucking kill her. He was going to -

Eve gasped as Adam removed his cock from her mouth. She took in big lungfuls of air, coughing.

“Jerk me off onto your face.”

Eve straightened her posture centered between her knees and obediently raised her hand. His cock was wet with her saliva, and moved easily between her fingers. She began to rub his cock, starting slowly, but gaining speed.

“Mmmmmm - oh fuck,” Adam said. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back.

Eve stared at his cock as she rubbed it. Part of her couldn’t believe what she was doing. She was playing with his hard cock inches from her face. And had she agreed to serve him completely?

As she heard his breathing get faster, she increased her speed. When his cock felt too dry, she paused to spit on its head, rubbing her saliva onto the shaft to use as lube.

Adam grunted, and Eve closed her eyes just in time as his thick cum shot over her face in a few quick bursts. Eve could feel each spurt of cum land, sticking to her cheeks, her lips, her nose, and even her right eyelid.

“Ahhhh….fuck…” Adam sighed. He took a step back.

Eve couldn’t help herself. Her lips parted slightly, and her tongue darted out to taste the bit of cum on her lips.

Partially blinded, she felt more than saw Adam’s strong hand on the back of her head again. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and partially helped, partially pulled her to her feet.

“Good girl. You are going to be my perfect little submissive nanny aren’t you.”

“Yes, sir,” Eve dutifully replied.

“Get yourself cleaned up. I’ll want to see you 30 minutes early Monday.”

“Of course, sir,” Eve said. She turned, using just her left eye to guide herself to the bathroom.

She splashed water on her face, doing her best to wipe off as much cum as she could. Her face felt red - did she just do that? With Adam - her boss and a married man? She could see a red mark on her cheek where she was slapped. She raised her hand to it, gently caressing his love mark.

Eve gathered her things. The door to the office was closed, and she had enough to think about without knocking again. She left, mind spinning as she drove back to her apartment.


Additional parts of this story are a work in progress! SC ModernRomeo24
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