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A girl goes on an RV trip with her Daddy and his new girlfriend, but she never could have guessed where it would lead.
Daddy and Vivi were going at it again, fucking like rabbits in their bed at the back of the RV. It was never supposed to be like this. Daddy had been planning this trip for six months, an excuse to get out of the city, a chance for him and Mom to reconnect. A week before we'd been supposed to leave, she'd given him divorce papers instead.

It took him completely by surprise. Me too, for that matter. I'd known things hadn't been great between them, but I'd thought they'd been working things out. Mom got a surprise, too, that was for sure! I think she'd been expecting him to object, for him to beg her to reconsider, and stay. Instead he'd gone cold, almost scary-cold, demanding that she leave immediately, telling her that he would pack up her things and send them to her when she let him know where she was going to be staying. She'd thrown a fit, screamed that it was her house too, and that she was the wife so he should be the one packing a bag. Daddy had refused to hear it—he was the one who had paid for it, after all, and it was his name on the deed. He'd even gone so far as to call the cops to have them come and drag her out as a common trespasser, before she'd finally relented and left on her own in tears. Lawyers were going to have to get involved, of course, but at least for the time being the house was still ours, Daddy's and mine. He even had a colleague's son house-sitting for us while we were out of town, so Mom wouldn't get any ideas.

Then I'd gotten my surprise; Genevieve, or Vivi as she liked to be called, the new receptionist at Daddy's clinic. I hadn't been able to believe it! She wasn't even two years older than I was, for crying out loud! Daddy never, ever would have cheated on Mom... but I guess Vivi hadn't been real shy about making her interest known, after she'd gotten the job. Three days after Mom left, Daddy had brought her home, and from the sound of things that night he'd fucked her absolutely senseless in his and Mom's bed! I'd still been in shock over the divorce, thinking Daddy would probably cancel our trip, or maybe that we'd go on it just him and me, using it as a way to connect over our grief about what was happening. But instead all of a sudden here she was coming with us, Daddy constantly having his way with her in the back of the RV, morning, noon, and night!

Mom had been pissed, that first night he'd brought her home, when I'd called her to let her know. I felt a little guilty about doing that, now... but I'd been really angry at the time, at her and Daddy both. I guess she'd expected Daddy to be lost and sad without her, to pine for her and beg her to take him back—she sure hadn't expected to be replaced so easily like that, before the ink on the papers she'd given him was even dry! She deserved it, honestly; Daddy was amazing! Whatever their problems, I knew they'd never been his fault, that he'd done everything he possibly could to make her happy. But for Mom, nothing he did had ever been good enough. And... I'd been feeling vindictive. I'd sent Mom the staff picture from the clinic website, pointing out which one was her. It really wasn't fair—you'd think, with Daddy being a plastic surgeon, that Vivi's tits would at least be fake! They weren't. Those amazing, gravity-defying double-D-cup breasts of hers were one hundred percent natural, and she'd been wearing nothing but skimpy little bikini tops on our trip so far, so I definitely knew!

I admit, I was jealous. I was built like Mom; 'cute', not beautiful. Five-one, boyishly skinny, hardly any hips or breasts to speak of, with unruly, curly red hair and freckles on my nose. I'd have killed to be so tall, blonde, and gorgeous like Vivi! Maybe then... but no, I couldn't even think about that! My cheeks burned with shame. He was my Daddy! He would never, ever think about me like that, even if I looked like Vivi did! But I couldn't help but wish. It was normal, wasn't it? Didn't all little girls have a crush on their Daddies, at some point in their lives? Only mine... mine had never gone away, like it was supposed to. I just couldn't stop myself! He was so tall, and handsome! So talented and brilliant! He mostly did cosmetic stuff, because that's where the demand and the money was, but his real passion was reconstructive work, for accident victims, or women who had lost their breasts to cancer. He was perfect! And he could never, ever be mine.

Vivi squealed in yet another orgasm, and I tightly winced my eyes. She was taking it doggy-style—I couldn't see through the curtain blocking their bed, but I could tell from the sound of the resounding spank he'd just delivered to her sexy, pert little ass! The whole RV smelled like their sex now, they'd been doing it so much. I gave up, I could no longer resist! I slipped my hand in under my panties and started to play, biting the corner of my blanket to stay quiet. It was like this every time now. I tried my best, told myself this time I wouldn't give in... but once Vivi started cumming, I could only hold out for so long. I wished I was her, wished I could be the one giving Daddy what he needed! I pictured him on top of me, spreading my legs, kissing me hard on my lips as he pressed himself inside! I'd never been with a boy before, never even been kissed... I wanted Daddy to be my first! It could never happen—nowhere but in my mind. I imagined what it would feel like, giving myself to him, letting him stretch me open. The heat and pressure were building inside me, like an enormous wave. I panted around my corner of blanket, right on the edge, making myself wait. Only when Daddy started to grunt and growl, Vivi screaming endlessly into the night as the feeling of him busting into her gave her her strongest one yet, did I finally let myself cum too. I bit my blanket hard, my entire body trembling with pleasure imagining Daddy's hot, incestuous cum flooding into me, filling my unprotected, fertile teenage womb! I wanted it so much! I wanted to have Daddy's babies! I wanted him to make me his, and never, ever let me go!

I came down slowly, and as always the guilt quickly replaced my need. It was so wrong, what I was doing! I shouldn't want this, not with my own Daddy! I pulled my hand out of my panties, twisting onto my side on the narrow bench behind the driver's seat that served as my bed, hiding my face against the wall of the RV, the tears starting to fall as I ashamedly sucked my fingers clean. I pulled my blanket tighter around me, alone and lonely. I wanted my Daddy! I wanted him curled up behind me, kissing my neck and telling me he loved me. I wanted him to say that he understood, that he didn't blame me for feeling this way, and that everything was going to be okay. I wrapped myself tightly in my arms, and cried myself silently to sleep.

The next morning was more of the same. Daddy and Vivi woke up and immediately started fucking themselves silly, leaving me to helplessly masturbate myself to the sounds and smell. The only difference was that I had to finish myself before Daddy did this time, so I'd have time to get myself back together and they wouldn't realize what I'd been doing.

“Morning, Sylvie!” Vivi smiled brightly as she slid aside the thin curtain and stepped into the main part of the RV. I'd be in a good mood too, if I had a pussyful of Daddy's cum in me, the way she did! She was wearing a tiny little red bikini top, and tight jean shorts, hugging her hips and showing off her long, slender legs. “Tell me again about this hike you picked?”

“Morning! The sign said it's 'intermediate', whatever that means,” I repeated, giving her my best attempt at a smile. It was an awkward situation, for sure, but we'd both been making an effort. The thing was, I actually really liked her. I hadn't wanted to... but spend any time with her, and it was impossible not to, she was just so lovely, and kind. No wonder Daddy had picked her! “It's longer than any we've taken so far, though, probably about four hours each way, according to the map. So we'll need to pack extra water, and take our lunch. The picture on the sign was kind of worn out from the weather, but the lake at the top looks really, really pretty... I think it'll be worth the hike.”

Daddy had made me our official excursion-planner, deciding what we would do at each stop along our trip. I knew it was just because he was feeling so guilty about asking Vivi to come along with us last minute, instead of letting it be just me and him... but I knew what he was going through was worse than what I was, with the divorce. Mom would still always be my mom, after all, whether she was living with us or not, while he'd just lost his wife! So, I'd decided I was going to take the gesture as it was meant, and just try to find the best, most fun stuff for us to do every day. Admittedly, my track record so far had been kind of hit and miss. The amusement park, and especially the water park, had been amazing! I hadn't even minded the way Vivi had been hanging all over him in the water very much, since I'd gotten to be right there next to him on his other side, doing the same! The historical village, on the other hand... total snorefest! We'd finally reached the mountains though, having taken a much shorter hike yesterday, which had been a blast. We were probably going to stay here another couple of days, until we decided we'd hiked ourselves out.

“Sounds good to me, sweetie,” Daddy smiled, coming around from behind her, wrapping me in a tight hug and giving me a kiss in my hair. He smelled so good! “But we're definitely going to need our energy; what do you say we have those sausages and eggs we picked up for breakfast today?”

I agreed, and he got to cooking. I could have done that... but that would have left him and Vivi with nothing to do but make out while I worked, and we'd already had enough of that for the next little bit! I sat with Vivi instead, looking up pictures on my phone of where we'd be going. At least she wasn't trying to act like my new step-mom, or anything like that. We were so close in age, and had so much in common, it was much more like having a new older sister, instead. One who just so happened to be fucking Daddy's brains out every chance she got... but still, a sister just the same. I'd never had a sister, before—it was actually kind of nice.

Breakfast was excellent, but whoever had made that sign at the trailhead was in severe need of a dictionary; there was no way that hike counted as only 'intermediate'! Or if it did, I never wanted to see what would be considered 'advanced'! We finally arrived, after a little over five hours, not four. At least the view was as magnificent as advertised! The lake looked like it had been painted with a brush, such an incredible, startling blue! We found ourselves a soft little piece of ground under a tree, and started eating our lunch. But we'd barely even sat down before we were beset by these two chattering birds in the bush nearby! They looked more or less like bluejays, and about the same size, but grey with white faces. They didn't seem angry at us, like we were invading their territory... more like they were curious, loudly debating with each other over who and what we were. I stopped eating for a bit, just enjoying watching them... I loved all kinds of animals, but I never got to see new ones, living in the city. Then all of a sudden one of them swooped down towards me, stealing a piece of my sandwich right out of my hand! I shrieked, more in surprise than actual fright, and he flew back to his bush to devour his treat. After that, of course Vivi and I had to tear off bits of sandwich and hold them in our hands, hoping for a repeat performance. It took a while, the birds slowly getting closer and closer before they would finally trust us enough to fly to our hands. It felt so funny, with their tiny little clawed toes holding onto my fingers as they picked bread from my palm! That experience alone had made it worth the hike, at least for me, and it was even better because Daddy got a whole bunch of pictures with his cell phone, of the two of us feeding them out of our hands!

Eventually it was time, and we reapplied our sunscreen before setting out back for camp. Daddy wasn't quite so fanatical about it as if he'd been a dermatologist, but he still saw enough sun-damaged skin in his practice not to let us take unnecessary chances. I loved the feeling of his hands massaging it into my back... I wished he would do my front, too, the way he did for Vivi! I tried not to watch, but I couldn't keep myself from stealing an occasional glance, hearing her moaning in pleasure as he fondled her huge, firm tits with his strong, skilled surgeon's hands! She rearranged her top again once he was finished, giggling sweetly and sharing a long, slow kiss on the lips, then off we went.

By the time we were finally back to the RV, we were all far too hot, sweaty, and tired to want to cook; we had breakfast cereal and cookies for supper, and no fancy restaurant meal had ever tasted better! The sun was still up, but we were starting to yawn—it was time to get ready for bed. Vivi grabbed our toiletries bag and a pair of towels, taking me by my hand and dragging me along with her to the showers in the middle of the camp. I didn't resist. The RV had everything we needed to survive... but hot, coin-operated showers were a luxury we couldn't pass up, not after the long, sweaty day we'd just had.

The shower building was tiny—there was theoretically a men's side and a women's, but each only had a single showerhead inside, and the doors could be locked with a latch, so really it was just first come first served. Vivi pulled me inside with her even so, declaring that we could share. She locked the door, and I reluctantly started to strip; she was just so beautiful, so intimidatingly sexy! She, of course, had no such worries, baring it all and tossing the first quarter into the slot, hopping straight in under the shower.

“Come on Sylvie, don't be shy!” she laughed, reaching out to grab my wrist again and pulling me in with her under the spray. “Turn around, I'll wash your hair for you.”

I was still nervous, being so vulnerable and naked with her, this girl I hardly knew who was now fucking my Daddy... but the hot, clean water felt so good on my skin! I slowly let myself relax, moaning softly as her soft, delicate fingers massaged the shampoo into my scalp. It felt so good, I didn't even mind when her huge, heavy breasts started pressing into my back—with the size of those things, I knew she couldn't help it! The water cut off with a sudden thud of complaining pipes, and she quickly had to throw in another quarter so she could help me rinse. Then we traded spots, and she knelt down on her knees so I could properly return the favour. By the time I'd finished a quarter later, I was feeling so warm and relaxed, I didn't object to the way she wanted to cuddle under the water for a bit, soaping and stroking each other's backs, my head tucked in under her chin, my cheek resting gently against the upper slope of her breast!

We stayed there for two more quarters worth, not saying a word, just holding each other close under the shower. I didn't even have to worry about hiding my tears, since the water hid them instantly. I hadn't realized how much I needed that, just to be silently held and comforted. I would have preferred it to be Daddy holding me, but Vivi was almost as good.

“Oh my God! Sylvie, look at that!” she gasped, just after the water cut out once more.

I turned to look where she was pointing, on the wall between this shower and the next. There was a hole, maybe three inches across, like for a missing fixture or pipe at about the height an extra sink should have been.

“What is that?” I asked dumbly, stepping out from her arms and peering closer. I was maybe still a little too stuck in the comfy relaxation of the shower, and hadn't gotten my brains quite back into gear yet, or I should have realized for myself.

“I think... I think maybe it's a glory hole!” she said, and her words made the connection for me.

“Do you think... you don't think anyone's been watching us?” Now it was my turn to gasp, covering myself with my hands.

“I doubt anyone's even over there...” she whispered. “But even if they are, I bet they haven't noticed it any more than we did until just now. I wonder...” she bit her lip, and I couldn't read what she was thinking in her eyes. Then all of a sudden she was stepping right up to the hole, dropping to her knees again and sticking her fingers through, rapping on the wall with her knuckles.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

“I just want to see...” but then she gasped, quickly drawing her hand back as a huge, erect cock began pressing in through the hole!

“Oh my God!” I gulped. It was enormous, so thick it was almost filling the hole! It seemed like it was going to keep on coming forever... but finally it stopped. I couldn't believe it! There had to be a full nine inches showing on our side, and the wall itself had to be an inch thick! I'd never seen anything like it, not even in the porn I sometimes watched late at night on my phone!

“Go ahead, Sylvie... give it a touch!”

“What?” I exclaimed, vigorously shaking my head. “I can't touch it! You touch it!”

“I can't, that would be cheating on your dad,” she denied. “But you're single... You know it's not going to bite, or anything! You can touch it if you want... I'll never tell!”

“I don't know...” I said, nervously chewing my lip.

“Just give it a try...” she giggled. “I mean, come on! Just look at the size of that thing! When are you ever going to get a chance to touch one like this again?”

She certainly had a point about that! Virgin or not, I owed it to myself to at least see what it was like a little. I slowly, hesitantly got down to my knees, and she sidled aside to make room, so I could be right in front of the thing. I reached out... it was so hot! That was my first impression, the thing that surprised me the most. I gave it a little push, watching it spring back and forth, and I couldn't help by giggle a little. I took it carefully into my hand, not sure if I was doing it right, looking to Vivi for reassurance. She smiled and nodded, and I bashfully started to stroke it a little, then joined with my other hand above my first. My fingers couldn't even touch my thumbs on the other side, it was so big in my tiny little hands!

Vivi moaned beside me, and it was only then as I looked over at her that I realized that she'd started playing with herself as she watched, one hand fondling her big, heavy breasts, the other buried between her thighs!

“You are so sexy, Sylvie!” she purred seductively. “Don't mind me... I just couldn't help myself, watching you touch it like that!”

Vivi thought I was sexy? Gorgeous, perfect, wet-dream-come-to-life Vivi? She thought I was sexy? She clearly needed her eyes checked. But... could that really be true? She sure seemed to mean it, from the way she was going at herself with her fingers!

“Give it a kiss!” she moaned, leaning closer and licking her lips. I looked into her eyes... the way she was looking at me... I so wanted to be sexy! I wanted to do whatever she wanted, as long as she would keep looking at me that way!

I leaned in carefully, giving it a slow, gentle kiss right on the tip. It twitched against my lips, making me gasp in surprise! I did it again, a little more intently. It was so surprisingly soft, but with an incredible, inner firmness. I'd never felt anything quite like it before. It was strange... but I liked it! I kissed it some more, licking it a little with my tongue. Vivi kept getting hotter and hotter beside me, breathing heavily, her reactions to what I was doing silently pushing me on. I opened my mouth, sliding it inside. It was just so big, I could barely even make it fit! But it felt incredible, so spongy and hot, filling my mouth! I tried to go further, but could only get about half an inch past his head before it started making me gag. How on earth did the girls in porn make this look so easy and fun? Well... to be fair, the 'fun' part, I was understanding; I really was enjoying myself now, especially from the way it was making Vivi react as she watched! But if I couldn't make myself take any more of it into my mouth, I'd just have to find other ways to make it feel good for him!

I started stroking more, sucking hard on his head and swirling against the underside with my tongue. I could hear low, masculine moaning coming from the other side of the wall, muffled but obviously appreciative of my efforts. For the first time I started to really wonder who this guy was. One of the other campers, obviously. Maybe one of the college-aged guys, who I'd seen laughing and drinking their beers across the way? Maybe the father of those two young boys who had been running all over the place chasing each other with sticks yesterday afternoon, the one with the fat, exhausted-looking wife? I couldn't quite believe a woman like her had been able to attract a guy with a dick like this in the first place... but who could say? It could have been any of them, any at all! Well, any except for that one black guy I'd seen, that was—this guy was obviously white, or possibly Latino, but definitely not black. Ultimately it didn't matter. Even if I could somehow figure out who it was, I didn't want to know; it was so much hotter when it could be any of them, when I had no idea which of them it was!

I was having so much fun sucking this stranger's huge, thick cock, I wasn't even thinking about the inevitable result. When he knocked against the wall, I thought it just meant I was doing a good job; that I'd made his leg shake or something, and he'd banged against it by accident. It was only as I felt the first huge, hot jet of his cum hitting the back of my throat, making me choke, that I realized what it had meant, that he'd been giving me a warning to prepare myself. I'd have pulled away for sure, and let him finish onto the floor... if Vivi hadn't chosen that exact moment to start cumming herself, squealing and shaking at my side! I... I just couldn't! I needed to make it good, for her if not for him! I sucked hard, stroking as quickly as I could, taking jet after jet of it, letting him fill my mouth. There was so much of it, and he just kept on giving me more! But finally he withdrew, from my mouth and the hole both, vanishing back to wherever he'd come from. I turned to look at Vivi, my mouth open and full, asking her with my eyes what I was supposed to do with it all now. Maybe she misinterpreted my look, because suddenly she was plastering her lips to mine, pulling me tight against her chest, invading my mouth with her long, sinuously twisting tongue!

“Mmph!” I exclaimed, but she wouldn't back down, kissing me harder and deeper, her hands grabbing my ass, and my breast! Only after the strangers hot, salty load was entirely gone, either swallowed by one or the other of us, or leaked out onto our chins and chests, did she finally pull away enough for me to speak.

“I thought you said you couldn't cheat on my Dad,” I breathed heavily, panting in her arms.

“Your Daddy has a rule,” she grinned wickedly. “He says it doesn't count as cheating, if I'm with another girl; I just have to tell him all about it, after I'm done.” My eyes widened in surprise, and she started kissing me again, pulling me up to my feet with her as she stood. I'm not sure how she managed to find another quarter without even turning to look, much less get it properly into the slot, but she pulled me in under the shower with her and started playing with me between my legs. I moaned, nearly losing my footing, but she held me tight in her other arm, kissing me deeply. I was so nervous, so unsure of what I was doing... but I couldn't let her just touch me like that, not without touching her back! She was so soft, and hot, so juicy and wet! Not just with water from the shower, either. We were both squelching audibly, fingering each other in time as we ravenously made out. It was so different, compared to doing it for myself... but she was so good! The wave was rising, fast and hard... I screamed, for once in my life making not even a token effort to stay quiet, wanting her to know how good she was, how much I loved what she was doing to me! She was only lagging about a minute behind, and squealed just as loud and as long as I had. She held me tight until the water cut off again, and that seemed to be some sort of cue. She backed away, just enough to look me in my eyes, stroking her fingers through my wet, heavy hair. She bit her lip... and dropped to her knees, grabbing me by my hips and pushing me roughly up against the tile, leaning forward and starting to eat me out!

I trembled and gasped, grasping at her head, running my fingers into her soft, wet hair. It was incredible! Even better than what she'd just done to me with her fingers! She licked and sucked, bathing up and down my lips with her tongue, swirling hungrily around my clit! I could barely even breathe, the pleasure was so intense! I started hyperventilating... and this time when I came, I couldn't even find it within me to scream! My entire body convulsed outside of my control, and if it hadn't been for Vivi catching me as I fell, I'd have cracked my head open for sure! She held me tight to her chest and laid us both down with me on top, my head sandwiched between her huge, amazing tits as she reassuringly stroked my back. It took a long time before I could move again, after that—I wanted to pay her back, but she wouldn't let me. Given how unsteady I was on my feet at the moment, that was probably the right choice. We had one more quarter left, and she helped hold me up under the spray to recover, instead.

“You should come join your Daddy and me in bed tonight,” she murmured against the side of my neck, instantly snapping me back to reality.

“You can't be serious!” I gasped, leaning back so I could look her in her eyes. “Daddy... he's... he's my Daddy!” I shook my head. “It's one thing, being with you... That was amazing! And you said he doesn't consider that cheating, so that makes it okay. It's bad enough knowing you're going to tell him about it now... but it was so incredible, being with you, I think I can live with that! But... actually being with him...”

“Tell me you don't want to, then,” she demanded, with a soft, understanding smile, slowly stroking my hair. “Not that he's your Daddy, or that it's wrong, or that it's impossible... none of that. Tell me right now, honestly, that you don't want to have sex with him, and I'll never bring it up again.”

“I...” My mouth opened and closed like a fish, but I couldn't get the words out. I couldn't make myself lie, not about this.

“I've seen the way you look at him, you know,” she smiled. “When his back is turned, and you don't think he'll catch you. You forget sometimes, that I'm there to see you, too. I recognize that look. I should! I've been seeing it in the mirror, ever since the first day I met him.”

“I... it doesn't matter,” I sadly lowered my eyes. She knew, and there was no point denying it now. But it didn't change a thing. “However I feel about him... you can never tell! You have to promise me, Vivi! I'm his daughter! However I feel... he could never feel the same. He would never, ever agree to be with me, not the way I want him to.”

“Are you so sure about that?” she asked, lifting my chin with her finger until I was looking her in her eyes again. “Because he had no problem at all, letting you suck him off just now!”

“What?” I gasped, shaking my head in disbelief. “That... that...”

“That was your Daddy's huge, amazing cock you just sucked?” she grinned, her eyes flashing with desire as she thought about it again. “Yep! Sure was!”

“But... but how?” I demanded. God! Daddy had an absolute monster between his thighs! I'd never had any idea. What could Mom possibly have been thinking, to give up having a cock like that at her beck and call, any time she wanted it?

“He didn't believe me, of course,” she smiled, stroking my hair, leaning down to softly kiss me again. “I've been telling him all trip how you've been looking at him... he was absolutely certain I was imagining things, but I knew better. And I've been seeing the way he looks at you, too, when your back is turned! And just for the record? Nothing ever gets him harder, or makes him cum better, than when I whisper into his ear that I want him to pretend it's you he's fucking, instead of me! He's in love with you, Sylvie. Absolutely head over heels in love. And in lust with you too, just so we're clear! I'm not sure how long he's felt this way—he still denies it, even to me, so trying to get a timeline out of him is pretty much impossible, but I know what I've been seeing. You were right about one thing, though; he's your Daddy, and he was never, ever going to make the first move! And neither were you, of course, not without a little bit of a push from me. The best I could get him to agree to was sticking his dick through that hole for you, and letting you make the choice for yourself.”

“But... I didn't know!” I denied. Daddy thought I'd chosen to suck him off? I hadn't done that! At least, not exactly.

“No, you didn't,” she agreed, smiling with understanding. “But we never have to tell him that, do we? Because what you did or didn't know at the time isn't really the question. What matters is, if he stuck his cock through that hole for you again, what would you do now? Would you suck him off again, this time knowing that he's your Daddy?” she smiled, her eyes glinting wickedly. “Or would you turn around, and take him into your tight, sweet little pussy, instead?”

I trembled uncertainly, staring into her eyes.

“It's okay, Sylvie,” she smiled, kissing me again. “You're two people who love each other, and who want to express that love, sexually. There's nothing wrong with that.”

“Even if he's my Daddy?” I quivered. “You don't think I'm disgusting, for wanting this? You don't think it's wrong?”

“Only in the sense of it being 'wrong' and 'forbidden' making it even hotter!” she giggled, then grew serious. “We are the only people who get to decide what is 'wrong' for us, Sylvie! Not anybody else, not ever! And you are anything but disgusting! You are perfect, just the way you are, and your needs and desires are one hundred percent natural, and nothing to be ashamed of at all! I cannot wait to see your Daddy fucking you, baby, and cumming deep inside his daughter's tiny, tasty little teenage pussy! About the only thing I want more, is to go down on you after he's done, tasting him inside you and getting my turn to make you cum, too!”

I could feel myself blushing like somebody had just lit a fire in my cheeks... I still wasn't completely sure about this, but there was no faking the unabashed desire in Vivi's eyes as she told me what she wanted, that much I knew! We waited until the water ran out one last time, then dried off and got dressed, heading back to the RV.

Daddy was waiting, looking at least as nervous as I felt. That actually reassured me, in a weird sort of way. I walked slowly up to him, biting my lip. He stroked his fingers through my still-damp hair, staring deeply into my eyes. He bent down slowly, slowly towards my lips... but he wouldn't come the last little bit. I trembled, reaching up to steady myself with my hand behind his neck... and I pushed myself up onto my toes, meeting him in a kiss.

He moaned into my lips, and the flood gates opened—he grabbed me by my ass, lifting me into the air, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me deeper into the RV, to the room he shared with Vivi. I say room, but really it was just a big comfy bed (by RV standards), with some built-in cupboards and shelves. Daddy laid me down on my back, Vivi coming along behind him, and the two of them together started stripping me, and each other. Despite everything a tiny part of me was still worried it was all some sort of terrible prank—until I once again saw Daddy's cock. It was mostly soft now, though stirring from the excitement of our making out, but it was unquestionably the same one I'd sucked off in the showers. I took it into my hand, but when I tried to lean down to suck it, Vivi stopped me and pushed me back.

“Allow me,” she said with a grin, slipping down into place to suck him back to hardness again, leaving Daddy and me to fondle and kiss. I couldn't believe any of this was actually happening... but I moaned eagerly into his lips, absolutely loving the way he was playing with my firm little titties! They were so much smaller than Vivi's... but you'd never have known it, from the way he seemed to be enjoying himself! It didn't take him long to respond to what she was doing, and Vivi moved out of the way, letting him climb up on top.

“Be careful with me, Daddy,” I asked, nervously biting my lip as I stared up into his warm, loving blue eyes, lifting and spreading my knees, welcoming him, offering myself to him! “I've never done this before.”

“Always, baby,” he said, then grinned. “Until you tell me not to be, that is.”

I giggled with excitement and apprehension, but as he took hold of his cock to guide himself into place, Vivi playfully swatted away his hand.

“My job!” she laughed, taking his cock in one hand, gently spreading my lips with the other, lining him up and rubbing him up and down. I moaned, trembling slightly. I was so wet for it already! I couldn't believe my own father's enormous, solid cock was about to take my virginity!

He started to push, in and out, slowly, gradually easing me open for him. Vivi had helped, getting me started in the shower, but he was one hell of a lot thicker than her fingers, that was for sure! I ran my hands up and down his sides, feeling his muscles, running my fingers through his chest hair. He was so amazingly sexy! I just prayed that I could be good for him, that I could please him the way Vivi did! She started playing with my clitty—not trying to make me cum, not really, just to try to help me relax and make it easier for him to get inside. It still seemed to take most of forever, but finally I felt the pop! That wasn't really a good way to describe it... but his head was fully inside me now, along with the first little bit of his shaft. My God, he was big! There was still a long, long way to go... ten whole inches, all together! But he could start thrusting properly now, even if only a little bit, which immediately made it feel much, much better for me as he began working his way deeper.

Vivi stopped playing with my clitty, and began playing with her own instead. I wanted to do more for her, to touch her, to thank her properly for everything she'd made possible, everything she'd done! She smiled excitedly as I turned my head to look at her, her eyes flashing, and somehow I just knew; she understood.

Daddy leaned in against my neck, kissing and nibbling. The difference in our heights made it more than a little bit awkward for him, but I loved the way it felt! Already I could feel the heat growing inside of me; familiar, but also new. This felt deeper... slower than when I got off using my clit, or fingering myself, but more powerful somehow. It was difficult to explain the difference, even within my own mind. Higher and higher the pressure built, my breath starting to catch in my throat, my hands clutching desperately at Daddy's back!

I squealed, legs flailing, feet flopping in the air. I was cumming! Daddy's huge, perfect cock inside me was making me cum! It was incredible! So much longer, and stronger than what I was used to! Not even Vivi using her mouth on me was able to compare! I gasped and shook, grabbing at Daddy's ass. I wanted more! I wanted it all! He chuckled, kissing me on my lips. Thankfully, he knew what he was doing better than I did, and he didn't give in. That wasn't what I was thinking in the moment though, whimpering piteously, my overly-eager little cunny wordlessly begging for more!

It was so strange, how cumming seemed to open me up. You wouldn't think it would work like that, that my pussy clenching up so tightly around Daddy's cock as it was happening would then help me relax so much more once it was done. It did, though. Daddy had a much easier time pushing himself deeper, right up until the last two inches or so. Objectively, I was doing pretty good. Impressive, even, especially for my first time. But objectivity was not high on my list of priorities, and I really, really wanted to take the rest of Daddy's cock!

He was hesitant to give it to me, I could tell. He could feel just as clearly as I could how I was tightening up now, how much harder it was getting to make me stretch. But I wasn't giving up, not yet! Maybe I wouldn't be able to take the whole thing right away, maybe I'd have to work up to it over time... but I would be damned if I wasn't going to give it my all first, doing everything I could to try!

Orgasm number two bought me another inch. Nine amazing, thick inches of my Daddy's cock, stroking my insides! Just one more to go, but this one was going to be rough. I had to beg him, literally... but this time, he gave in. Ever so slowly, a fraction of an inch at a time, he gave me what I so badly, desperately needed. God it hurt, but in the best possible way! And I felt confident I'd know right away if he ever started actually injuring me. This was a deep, stretching pain, just like doing warm-ups when I used to dance—if in an altogether different spot! And for every bit that it hurt, the pleasure it gave was ten times better, at least!

I had my eyes closed, concentrating on my insides; I could hardly even believe it when I felt him pushing against my lips. I looked down, and it was true—I was taking it all, every last inch! The orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks. It wasn't physical, not really, though of course it felt good too; this one was almost completely mental, from knowing that I was doing so good for him, that I was taking every last bit that he had to give!

Vivi came too, only a couple of seconds behind me. I'm pretty sure she'd been holding off, biding her time, and she'd decided seeing Daddy's entire thick, ten-inch cock up his daughter's tiny, trim little teenage pussy was the perfect moment to push herself over the edge. I felt bad that we'd been ignoring her, but there wasn't a whole lot we could do; Daddy only had the one cock, after all, and the multiple orgasms Daddy had already given me meant I was feeling so shaky and uncoordinated, I was pretty sure even trying to touch her right then would only end up with me scratching her with my nails!

“Give it to me, Daddy!” I begged instead. “I can take it! I can take it all!” My thoughts were a little wibbly-wobbly, but right then I was thinking that if I could finish Daddy off, we'd be able to move to taking care of Vivi like she deserved. Once again Daddy knew better, but he did start fucking me a little bit harder and faster, pounding me down into the bed. After that I no longer had the breath to speak, begging or otherwise. Two more orgasms he gave me, and the best I could manage was to squeal and kick! Then Daddy started getting closer, too; I recognized the signs, from listing to him fucking Vivi so much. He pushed himself up a little, staring deeply into my eyes. I had no words, my small chest heaving rapidly in search of air, but I licked my lips and nodded my head, telling him what I wanted, what I needed!

His breath caught in his lungs, his eyes widening, and I knew it was about to happen!

“Do it, Daddy!” Vivi purred, knowing what was happening even better than I did. “Give it to her! Creampie your daughter's beautiful little teenage pussy! Give your daughter your cum!” She was calling him 'Daddy', now? That... felt kinda right, actually. My beautiful, sexy big sister, begging Daddy to take me, claim me, and make me his, the same as he'd already done to her!

That bit of forbidden, sensual encouragement was more than either of us could take; his hips took on a life of their own, pounding me hard and deep, delivering the most amazing, exquisite pain! I could feel it all! Jet after jet of Daddy's steamy incestuous cum was flooding into me, filling me up, shooting deep up into my womb! I came too, my most intense orgasm yet, my strongest one ever! His ended quickly, maybe seven or eight strong, throbbing pulses as he gave me his seed, but mine seemed to last forever! Over and over the waves of pleasure crashed through me, forward and back, even a subtle shifting of his hip enough to send an entirely new burst racing along my nerves.

I came down slowly, completely and utterly spent. Daddy propped himself up on one elbow, carefully intent on not crushing me, softly running the fingers of his other hand through my still-damp hair. Or maybe that was just sweat now, actually; either was a distinct possibility. He grinned, a big, dumb, goofy looking thing that only made me love him more. He started to laugh, and after a moment to get enough breath back so did I. He leaned down to kiss me on my lips again, soft, loving, and slow, then pulled himself out and rolled to his side, leaving me wincing at the distinctly unpleasant empty feeling he left behind. Then Vivi started to move, and I panicked, suddenly remembering what she'd said!

“Not right now!” I gasped, catching her by her shoulder before she could slide any further down. I swallowed nervously, not wanting her to take offence. “Just... next time, okay? I promise. But... I just can't, not right now! I think you might actually kill me, if you went down on me in the state I'm in right now!”

“I know what you mean, believe me!” she laughed, sliding back up the bed and leaning in to kiss me on my cheek, and I was reassured that she wasn't taking it wrong. “Honestly, I'm surprised you're even still conscious right now! How a tiny little thing like you can take a cock that huge, I swear I'm never going to understand! Even I can just barely take the entire thing, and I'm... what? Eight, or maybe nine inches taller than you?”

“You're five-ten?” I asked, giving my best guess, and she nodded that she was. “Yeah... nine inches, then.”

“Not where it counts, she's not!” Daddy chuckled and smirked. “You both feel like your pussies were made for me to order! The exact, perfect depth and size!”

Vivi and I laughed, she and Daddy snuggling in against me, and I turned up onto my side. Daddy got my back, his wet, spent cock laying hotly but strangely comfortable along the cleft of my ass, one arm slipping in under my head, the other wrapping tightly around me, his hand possessively cupping my breast. Vivi got my front, running her fingers through my hair and softly kissing me on my lips, her huge, heavy breasts squished firmly against his arm and my chest. It was so, so perfect... until a stray thought suddenly made me gasp, my eyes going wide.

“Daddy?” I asked, nervously chewing my lip.

“Yes, baby?” he responded, kissing the back of my neck.

“You, uhhh...” I hemmed. “You remember I'm not on birth control, right?”

“I remember,” he said, no change of tone at all, kissing my neck again.

“Oh, uhhh... okay, then. Just as long as you already know,” I blushed more brightly than I think I ever had in my entire life! Oh my God! He hadn't come right out and said the words... but Daddy wanted me to have his babies! That was what he meant! He'd cum deep inside me, filling my fertile, teenage womb, knowing I wasn't on birth control... and he didn't even care! He wanted it to happen, just like I'd dreamed!

The tears started right up, huge, heavy, happy ones, coursing down my cheeks. Vivi saw... but she didn't say a word. She just smiled, kissing me again, then sat up, reaching to turn out the light, then snuggling back down and pulling up the blanket.

“Love you, Daddy!” I cooed.

“Love you, baby!” he replied, kissing my neck again.

“Love... fucking you! Both!” Vivi playfully chimed in, making us laugh, then grew serious. “For the rest... it's still too early, yet. But I'm sure we'll get there soon enough.”

“Agreed!” I giggled, hugging her tight.

“Count on it!” Daddy echoed, reaching out to fondle her hip. I'm sure he was planning to put his hand back on my breast again, but Vivi beat him to the punch; she squished hers so tightly against mine, there wasn't even room for a breath! He chuckled, giving her a playful swat on her ass, making her cutely yelp and giggle, then grabbing hold and pulling us even tighter, instead. I was the meat in a hot, sexy sandwich... and I was loving every second of it!

How had any of this just happened? I shook my head, unable to explain it even to myself. Vivi, obviously. But even she couldn't be the cause of it all, not if there hadn't been something there, waiting to boil over where she could see. I didn't want to poke at it too hard. The important thing was, Daddy and I loved each other, and we were no longer going to be letting ourselves get in our own way. Vivi, too. Maybe not love, not yet—she was right to take her time, to not call it that before it really was... but it was definitely headed in that direction already, and I was confident it wouldn't take long. Maybe I should send Mom a thank-you card. 'Hey Mom, thanks for divorcing Daddy, so Vivi and I could start fucking him instead!' Not happening, obviously... but I was bizarrely thankful to her, that she'd chosen to take herself out of the running, making way for us to treat Daddy the way he deserved to be treated for a change! And we would, I knew. Between the two of us, we would give Daddy anything he could ever want or need! And as surely as I knew that the sun would be rising in the east the next morning, I knew that Daddy would do the exact same thing for us. It was with the assurance of that knowledge that I faded gratefully into sleep, visions of our bright and shining future together spreading out before me in my dreams.
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