This is about me Greg and my finger sister ally spending time alone after school
I am sitting in my room rubbing my legs after having track at school, ally walks in and asks what I am doing and I explain my legs and back is sore from being out of shape from all winter( I'm 5'7" slim not muscular) she chuckles ( ally 5'4" skinny gymnastic girl) as she offers to help stretch my muscles. I smile as she takes my leg and helps stretch my thigh to new limits she switches legs and does the other leg she blushes as she does it I'm. It sure why.
Ally lets my leg to and asks how that feel. Better I answer as she helps rub the thighs. She still blushes slightly as she looks at me.
I ask what's she blushing for
She whispers in my dad , Ivan see your thingy sticking out under your shorts.
I am mortified and try to pull my shorts lower.
Ally juius smiles and ask if I want her to do my back
I blush and roll over ask do ally starts to massage my back as she sits on my butt.her weight on me makes me get hard under her weight as she finishes she ask me to turn over I say no I am to e but she insist that she stretch my hamstrings before she leaves she can see me blushing and she knows why. She offers to give me a minute before I roll over to co.posemyself. I adjust my problem and roll over as I do ally looks at me and blushes also she helps stretch my hamstrings before getting up and leaving without saying anything.
After a couple minutes I walk last her room and can hear moaning I knock on the door ally asks who is it I say me can I co.e in ally says just a second has I open the door I see her cover herself with a blanket. I walk next to her bed and look at her flustered as I try to apologise for earlier. Toothbrushes and says that's ok . I adjust what's the matter and she blushes nothing I smile as she turns red.
Later that night i. In my roo. When I hear ally knock I tell her to come in and shE does closing the door behind d her she steps to my bed a d sits on the edge she's blushing g and nervous I ask her what's ask g and she looks at me and asks it I touch myself so.stones I blush as she asks (we never keep anything from each other) I blush and answer yeah sometimes she smiles little and confesses when I went to her room earlier she watching her self and wanted to tell me that
I ask why she needed to tell me and she blushes again and asked if we could touch ourselves at the same time.
I blushes hear g her. Maybe I whispers her face lightens up a little and suggests doing it in the dark I agree and ally turns my room !lights off and crawls on my bed next to me
We lay together as ally asks if I'm started and I say no and she ask why not I say are you and ally says kinda she takes .y hand and holds me against hers as I feel her movie g it under her pants it's too much and I start to her off under my sheets ally can feel my sheets movie g with .y hand.I feel her hand leave mine and I feel her out it on mine as I need off I ask what is she doing and ally says just checking .
Ally whispers I can lucky hand in her pants if I want it takes a few seconds rd before my hand is in her pants over her hand as she runs her pussy. I whispers she can too if she wants to. And before I can finish say that her hand was I see my sheets and her fingers tickling my pubes. Ally moves her hand and mine is now on her pussy. I moan a little and let her hold my dick. It's not ok g before I start to fun on her hand. She moans also and my hand gets wetter she slides off my bed and wishes me a good night as she leaves ally returns with a towel to clean up with.
Ally gets under My sheets a d starts to remove her cloths we both lay next to each other I can feel her smooth skin against mine as she lays their I ask if I can suck on her nipples she nods as I move on top of her.
As I miss and suck I. Her nipples she moans and the more I suck and tease with My tongue the more ally moans she starts to move her hips as she moans. Before long ally tenses up and I I is she had another c!Imax from just me sucking and kicking on her nipples
I as ally comes down from her climax she looks at me and ask if I ever tasted a girl beforei nor no and she smiles and ask if I would !Joe to I nor and she opens her legs more letting me move My head between her legs I look up to her fa,e as she smiles I slowly lower My head bestselling her scent before click her slit with My tongue ally moans as I do her missy tastes different but Holland I !if I her again and again
The more I lick the more ally moans and the more ally moans the more I lick. As I lick I find her c!it My nose pushes against her slit ally legs clamp around My head My she moans louder as I keep pushing My face I go her small pussy. She starts leaking more and more and the taste and smell is electrifying and I want more of her I feel her pulsing under My tongue I know she is about to climax again her third climax in less then an hour I smile into her missy as I swallow her cum as fast and as much as I can.
My first story hoping it was good. Will make a continuing story if people like it