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If you’ve stuck around this long, I appreciate your support. I wanted to tell this one in multiple parts to keep it as true to real life as possible. I promise, we’re going somewhere.
“Well…I mean…I noticed…Tommy, was your dick hard when you were watching me shave?”

Oh, shit.

His words hung in the air for what felt like an hour. If you’re new to the story, the question came from my 18-year-old brother-in-law, Shawn. I had been in his life since he was 5, and while I knew that he was bisexual, he never knew that I had any sort of attraction to guys, much less, to him.

“Uh, what do you mean?” C’mon Tommy. Stupid fucking question. You’ve gotta be smarter than that.

“I mean, when you stood up after you came in there, it looked like you had a boner. Gym shorts make it pretty obvious.” The naive timidity that he had displayed over the last four or five days was gone. He was certain that he was right, and of course, he was.

I dropped my head. I couldn’t come clean to him. Or could I? Should I? My mind was racing, and I feared that my delayed answer was giving me away faster than the growing bulge in my shorts had.

“You want me to be honest? Yeah, I guess it did get up a little. You know how it goes, though. Sometimes you don’t know why it happens; it just does.” That was all true…right?

He smirked a bit. Had he bought it?

“I guess. I just…never mind,” his words trailed off a bit.

“No, what is it?” I closed my computer and set it on the coffee table.

“No, man. You’re gonna think it’s weird. You know I love you. You’ve been like another dad to me; hell, you’ve been more of a dad than mine. Just, never mind. I get it. Sometimes it just pops up.” His smirk was replaced with a look of distress that I didn’t like at all.

“Shawn, just say it. In the last five days, I” ve seen your cock three times. You’ve seen mine once. Fuck, I put a condom on you the other day. We’re way past being uncomfortable, right?”

“Fine. If you had gotten hard seeing me like that, I was going to…well, I would have been flattered, alright? That’s weird as shit, I know. But yeah; it would have been flattering,” he let out an exasperated gasp and turned his head away.

Had I ruined the friendship that we had? He was hot, and I definitely enjoyed seeing him and the things that had transpired. Still, he just said that I was like a father to him. I couldn’t ruin that. Not to mention, I’m married to his sister.

How should I play this? Again, my mind raced, but the blood wasn’t in my brain; it had all gone south.

“Shawn, I feel like we’ve said this a lot lately. But do you swear to me, I mean, legit SWEAR TO ME, that anything you and me talk about is top secret? This is the kind of shit that could ruin my life. Your sister would flip shit if she even knew that I told you what condoms to buy.”

“Dude, I’m never telling anybody about this. Any of it. I wouldn’t do that to you,” he said with a look of sincerity in his eyes.

“Fine. Yea, I got hard seeing you like that. I don’t know man. Maybe it was just how ‘forbidden’ it all is or what, but when I walked in up there and your fucking cock was sticking out like that, and then you took everything off. It was just…it was hot, alright?” I could not believe the words that had just poured from my mouth.

Shawn’s face melted into one of the biggest smiles that I had ever seen on him. It made me smile, too.

“Can I tell you something? I mean, it has to stay between us.” He had a gleam in his eyes.

“Listen, we’ve got to stop with the whole ‘this stays between us,’ thing. I’m pretty sure you and I have flown past the point of keeping secrets. From now on, it’s just a rule. Everything we say is top secret.” I really was getting tired of formalizing this agreement so much.

“I really liked seeing your dick the other day. Like…a lot,” he blushed slightly.

He certainly didn’t need to be embarrassed; I was flattered.

“Well, if you were flattered that I liked seeing you, you should know that I’m flattered too. I’m old as fuck, so it’s nice to hear,” I lauged.

Then, there was silence. Neither one of us really knew where to go or what to say. Things were awkward, but I didn’t think that there had been any long-term damage done to the relationship.

“Shawn, you’re gonna have to excuse me. Been a long time since someone has told me they liked seeing my dick,” I chuckled.

“Doesn’t my sister ever say stuff like that?”

“I mean, she likes it, I guess. But we’ve been married for 12 years. You get to a point where you don’t really just tell the other stuff like that. At least not that bluntly.”

“I guess that makes sense. So yea…what does all this mean?”

“To be honest, I’m not sure. I mean, seeing you naked and shaving definitely got me hard. If we’re confessing everything, putting the condom on you the other day got me really hard…” He cut me off.

“Oh, well if we’re confessing everything, I should probably tell you…I didn’t really need help putting that on. I watched a video years ago about how to do it. I just wanted to see if I could get you to do that,” he winked.

“You motherfucker,” I laughed. “You fucking played me to get me to touch your dick?!”

“Well yea. I didn’t think I could just ask you to touch it, so I played a little bit dumb. It felt pretty good though.”

“Yeah, it did,” I admitted.

“So, I need to ask you something else.” He was really on a roll now. “I told you a few years ago that I was bisexual. Tommy…are you?”

The question I had never been asked. For context, I grew up in a very small, conservative town; the fact that Shawn had the courage to admit his truth was a testament to his courage. I also wasn’t sure if I could consider myself bisexual if I had never done anything with another guy. Touching Shawn’s dick during the fake condom lesson a few days earlier was my first contact with a dick other than my own.

“Honestly, Shawn, I’m not sure. Legit, man. The other day was the first time I had ever touched another dick. Like, ever. Me and one of my friends would jack off in front of each other when we were 12 or 13, but we definitely never touched.”

“So, you’ve never wondered about it or anything?”

Now, I wasn’t trying to get too philosophical here, but I had to answer honestly.

“Shawn, I think at some point, everyone wonders about what it would be like to do stuff with someone of the same sex. I mean, there’s not a guy alive who has watched porn and hasn’t noticed the dick in the video. So yea, I’ve always wondered about stuff, but it’s not anything that I’ve ever actually pursued.”

“Would you have if you didn’t meet my sister?”

“There’s no way for me to know that. I mean, I was 20 when I met her. If it’s something that I was really committed to exploring, I think I could have before then.”

“Want to know something really weird?” he asked.

“I don’t feel like there’s any such thing as really weird between us anymore.”

“I’ve never done anything with a guy either. You touching me the other day was the first time that another guy has touched my dick. Hell, you’re the only guy who’s ever seen me naked.”

“WOW!” I was truly shocked. “I always figured you’d done something at some point.

“Nah, not in this town. Maybe when I move off for college in the fall, but this town is way too small for me to just go try stuff.”

He was right; finding another guy willing to even experiment would be like finding a unicorn.

“I hope you get to, bud. For real; I hope you get the chance to at least see if that’s something you’re interested in,” I said.

“Would you ever want to touch my dick again?” He went straight for the jugular with that one.

My mouth stuttered as my brain screamed, “SAY YES, YOU FOOL!”

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to. I’d just have to figure out what that looks like. Remember, I’m married to your sister. Plus, you said I was like a dad to you. I don’t wanna mess all that up.”

“I probably shouldn’t have said that. I mean, you’ve been there for me, but you’re not my dad. I have a dad. I mean, he kinda sucks, but he’s still there.”

“Are you saying that I’m not like your dad because you want me to touch your dick?” Things were escalating, and I wasn’t going to shy away from it. The part about being married to his sister was true.

“I mean, I’m definitely good with you touching it again. As far as the part about my sister, I love her, but if this is something you’ve wanted to do forever, shouldn’t you let yourself try it? We’re both at least curious about it, and experimenting with each other seems safer than finding some rando on the internet.” He made some really good points.

I couldn’t help but glance at the bulge that was developing in his shorts. He caught my stare, gave me a slight smile, and shrugged.

“I guess it’s my turn to ask you something,” I said. “You said that you liked seeing my dick; does that mean you want to touch it?”

He raised an eyebrow and bit his bottom lip with a look that could have turned me into a puddle if there wasn’t a certain part of me that was so hard. Finally, he nodded. It was all I needed to see. I arched my back and pulled my ass from the couch and slid my shorts and underwear down. I was almost embarrassed by how hard my dick was at the moment.

His eyes lit up as his hand reached toward my achieving cock. My entire body tensed up as I felt his smooth fingers grip it. I let out a heavy sigh, reminding myself to breathe as he started slowly massaging my dick, up and down.

It was one of the most incredible feelings of my life. He continued to rub up and down, slowly jerking me off. He stopped his hand, much to my dismay. We made eye contact, and I glanced down. His cock looked like it was about to break out of his shorts. I silently nodded again, and he raised up as I had done earlier, and took everything off. Once again, I had his dick in front of me, and this time, the thick bush was gone.

I slid my hand toward him and began rubbing up and down as he did the same to me. We sat there jacking each other off, and I took the initiative to speed things up. I started pumping him faster. It must have felt good, as he took his hand away from my member and enjoyed it. It was fine; I wanted to make him cum. I sensed his body tensing up after a few moments. Then, it happened, rope after rope of his gorgeous, sticky cum shot out of his dick and landed on his shirt. I should have told him to take it off.

He leaned back to catch his breath, and truly, I was satisfied. I was willing to take care of myself in exchange for making him shoot his load. He wasn’t having it. He leaned over and proceeded to give me the best handjob of my life. For a moment, I felt stupid, a man in his 30s enjoying a simple handjob, but it was more than that. I was so aroused that it didn’t take me long to cum. I raised my shirt to allow it to land in my chest hair, and it coated me.

I stepped into the guest bathroom and grabbed a single towel. I tossed it to him and he wiped himself clean. Then, I took the cum-stained towel and wiped myself. I loved the idea of using his dirty towel on myself.

We sat beside one another in silence until our dicks returned to their flaccid states. I picked up my clothes from the floor and put them on as he did the same.

“Shawn, did I just cheat on your sister with you,” I chuckled a bit.

“Maybe? I’m not sure that counts. But I don’t care if you don’t.” I didn’t care at all. “Tommy, can we do that again some time?”

“Buddy, I think we’re just getting started…”

Things were certainly going to be different between us, but if he was OK with it, I was too.
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