I had got the amish neighbor girl to come and start cleaning my house. After about 4 visits I started to stick around when she was her cleaning. The one morning she showed up and I was on the computer and was sufferin around. She began to ask what all you could find on the internet, so I showed her sum things.
Then i pulled up a couple porn sites and she was all in to that. I was shocked when she wanted to see more. We began to watch some movies on anal, sex and facials, and midets fuckin and animals fuckin people, and I asked her if she liked it. I reached over and started to rub her ass and she kinda pulled away cause her daughter was sitting on the floor playin.
My house cleaner was in her late 20's and her daughter was 8. I kept trying to rub her ass and run my hand up her crotch and she kept pushin me away and gigglin. I found an incest site and clicked on that to see if she might be into anything like that. She was liken some of it and kinda reluctant on some of the pics with older guys and there daughters, but said she was kinda turned on by it all.
I had reached over and grabbed her hand and slid it on to my cock and this time she didnt pull away. She said that this was going to be trouble. I said so, and began to run my hand up her leg under her dress. My hand reached her crotch and i was in shock she was shaven smoother than a babys ass. Which is usually not the case for amish women. They r usually very hairy. As i massaged her wet smooth pussy lips, she sqeezed at my throbbin cock in my pants. She started to moan and groan at my playin with her pussy and sliding my fingers in and out of her, that she started to unzip my pants to release my throbbin dick. she said she needed to quit lookin at the pics on the computer or she was going to cum right there.
We went into the bedroom and she began to suck on my dick, as she did I looked over and seen her daughter wachting. I wispered to her that " your daughter is watching u suck my cock." she lifted her head off my cock and looked at her and then up to me with my dick still in her hand she called for her daughter to come up onto the bed. I didnt understand what she was sayin cause she was talkin to her in dutch.
She told me she want me to make out with her daughter she wanted to see my big dick in her little mouth and rubbed against her pussy. I was shocked, but excited. Her daughter was very releuctant to touch my cock, but I just kept rubbin it against her. Her mom took her dress off and her undies, as i kissed and stuck my tongue into her mouth. I guided my cock into her wet mouth with some force and mom put her daughters little hand in her mommy pussy. I couldnt get over the feelin of her little mouth around my cock and watchin as her little hand kept disappearing into her mothers pussy and mom rubbin her own daughters little pussy.
I pulled my cock from her mouth as she sobbed a little and rubbed it against her tiny little slit forcing the head of my cock to spread her pussy lips ever so slightly. mom said she couldnt take it any more and wanted my cock inside of her . I climbed onto mom and began fuckin her hot wet pussy and i reached over and grabbed her daughter and laid her on her chest so i could lick her tiny pussy as I fucked the shit out of her mother.
I told her i was getting close to cummin and she wanted me to cum on her daughters pussy. I pulled out and she slid out from under her daughter and grabbed my cock and began to jerk me off, stubbing the head of my cock against her daughters little slit. I reached down and spread her little slit open as much as it would go and began to fill it with load after load of cum. I asked if she liked it and she said that it was the horniest she had ever got.
I asked her if she had ever played with her daughter like this before? She told me never with a guy, but at night she would have her sleep in her bed and have her play with my pussy. Then she asked if I liked it? I said very much so. She said good, cause she liked seeing me play with her daughter.
As the three of us lay there on the bed naked, my housecleaner asks me if i could get my dick inside of her daughter. I told her probably not. she said she wanted me to try. As her mom lay there and watch I climbed back up on the little one and began to kiss her and rub my dick between her legs. It wasnt taking long for my cock to get hard again and her mother noticed this. she said, damn u must like her little slit cause u are hard all ready and u just climbed on her. I just giggled and kept playin with her.
I rolled her daughter over and rubbed my cock up and down the crack of her ass. I spread her tiny ass cheeks apart and begin to rub the head of my cock against her tiny little hole. I got up quick and got some vasiline out of the bathroom and a small tube of oral gel. I rubbed her little hole with the oral gel and pushed a finger inside her, it was so tight as she fought the pain of my finger in her butt. Her mother asked what I was using and I told her it was oral gel to see if it would numb up her hole enough to get my cock in her. I put some vasiline on her butt hole and rubbed some on my cock and started to rub the head of my cock against her tiny little hole. I looked over to her mom and she was sitting there watching with her fingers inside her own pussy just fuckin the shit out of her self, tellin me to keep going.
I began to put some pressure against her butt hole and the head of my cock popped in and the little thing let out a groan. I started to pules my cock in and out but it didnt move much cause her tiny hole had such a hold on my cock. I got another inch or two in her and she began to groan alot and fight it so I just left it at that and began to rock my hips back and forth my cock began to move in and out a little as she began to relax. I think the oral gel was probably kickin in and helpin with the pain cause she wasnt cryin or screamin. She just groaned and sqeezed the pillow everytime i would rock ahead and slide my dick in her . I asked her mom if she liked me fuckin her daughter in the ass? She moaned out fuck her little ass, rape it, bury your cock in her, I'm so horny I need to cum, fuck her she kept sayin fuck her".
That got me so hot and horny I started fuckin her burying my cock in her as I pumped it in her ass. Her little legs were spread so far apart my balls were bouncing off her little pussy. Her mother was sitting there moaning and groaning, yellin she was cummin,. and I began to do the same, I thought her daughter was going to blast right off my dick when I started to cum. She lurtched forward as the first wave of cum emptied into her ass. so I reached out and grabbed her shoulders and held her on my cock till I finished.
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