Tiffany is a great girl, educated, beautiful, married
to a decent guy, has a beautiful family and a decent job.
On the outside her life is that of a normal middle class woman,
on the inside she was miserable. Depressed, not in love
with her husband, hated her job, struggling financially
and feeling not so beautiful as everyone tells her she is
because she is a large woman, a BBW. She belongs to a couple
of adult chat sites and has friends that she talks to when
she is on in chat rooms. She loves them all and most times
feels better about herself when she gets off the computer,
sometimes she feels more miserable in her life. Tiffany
has a friend that lives in town who has been good to her, he’s
been a great friend to her since they met, he’s very sweet
and they’ve shared several lunches and he’s gotten to feel
what it’s like to have her lips wrapped around his hard member,
told her that her eyes were ‘breathtaking’, but he’s in
a relationship and his girlfriend won’t allow him to talk
to Tiffany so the talk when ever they have a stolen moment
alone. She also has another friend who she met several years
ago and boy the sparks ignited a flame in her for him. They
hadn’t talked after that weekend, even though nothing
happened between them, for a few years, but they have been
writing back and forth for a couple of years now and have
had some pretty hot and heavy conversations. Her sexual
release has been writing erotic stories for him, the occasional
cyber chat and masturbation with her toys when she’s alone.
She hasn’t had sex wither husband in over a year. She had
become so self conscious of her body and so depressed she
couldn’t stand for anyone to see her naked. She used to dress
sexy, sleep naked and shower with her husband. Now all she
wears is baggy shorts or men’s sweat pants, big baggy t-shirts
or tank tops, she never sleeps in less than shorts and a tank
top. Seldom does she do anything with her hair other than
pull it up in a pony tail nor does she wear make-up. She hasn’t
felt sexy in months and feels so lonely.
Tiffany had to take a business trip, one that would have
her crossing paths with the man she had been writing her
stories for. She was so nervous about seeing him, it had
been six years since they’d seen each other-although she’d
sent him some naughty pictures she had taken of herself,
but not too naughty. She pulled into the restaurant parking
lot looking for his truck-spotting it she parked next to
it, taking a deep breath as she turned off her engine. There
was a knock on her window. She turned and smiled at him, still
nervous she could not meet his eyes. She unlocked her door
put her keys in her small purse as he opened her door. She
reached for his hand to help her out of her car, her nerves
making her hands shake. She was dressed in a skirt and jacket
with a white blousy tank top under it and 3 inch heels, as
she had just come from a business meeting, her hair swept
up with curls framing her face. As she slides out of her car
her hand still in his, he says “Hello beautiful.” She smiles,
her eyes hiding behind her sun glasses as she looks down
at the ground-so self conscious of herself, her body. She
hasn’t looked at him yet. He tilts her face up and again says
“Hello beautiful.” Her breath caught n her throat at the
sight of him, he takes her sun glasses off, “Hi stranger.”
She can barely speak. Bringing her hand to his lips he kisses
the back of it, then with the slightest of movements his
hand around her finger tips turning up palm up his other
hand around her wrist as he kisses the palm of her hand. She
feels as though she’s been punched as all the air breathes
back into her and her body ignites with desire as she watches
his lips caress her hand, feeling them against her skin.
Her knees get weak and she leans back against her car, closing
her eyes trying to breathe normal and clear the thoughts
out of her head. ‘There’s no way he could want me that way.
He is so gorgeous he could have his pick of the women. Tiff
stop it you’re just here to meet for dinner with an old friend.
Don’t act stupid you’’ scare him away.’ “Are you hungry?”
he asks “Yes” she replies “I haven’t eaten all day.” “Well
then shall we?” He tucks her hand in the crook of his arm,
feeling his muscles beneath her finger tips, once again
taking her breath away. She coughs just a bit to clear her
throat, he looks at her and smiles. Reaching the door he
pulls it open for her and follows in behind her. She is so
warm as they are standing in the waiting room she decides
to take off her jacket, the tank top she had on stretching
tight across her breasts as she did this. Catching the eye
of several men and she did this, completely oblivious to
her affects on these men-her friend included. This particular
tank top showed off her cleavage nicely. The hostess asked
if they would like a drink while they waited to be seated.
He ordered a beer and she a glass of Zinfandel. Soon they
were seated and their drinks arrived. They chatted a bit
as they looked over the menu, ordered and waited for their
food to arrive. He was so intent on her that she was beginning
to get a little uncomfortable. She leaned back in her chair
and crossed her arms over her chest but when she did this
it more framed her breasts, pushing them closer and lifting
them higher. As their conversation went on he kept moving
in his chair. Tiff excused herself to the restroom, while
she was there she realized to herself that she looked a mess
and thought he was in a hurry to eat and get away from her as
fast as possible. Upset with her assumed realization she
returned to their table after refreshing herself. Their
food had arrived and he had refreshed their drinks. So self
conscious now, she barely picked at her food as she quickly
downed her second drink. Her empty stomach allowing the
wine to make her very tipsy, very quickly. She wouldn’t
look at him as they talked, she ordered another drink. Drinking
it quickly she excused herself again, stumbling in her
heels as she passed him. He was out of his chair catching
her and holding her tight against him. Burying her face
in his chest, breathing in his scent as she tried to steady
herself “Oh God” she moaned against him “Are you okay?”
he asks ”I need to go to my hotel room.” she says “Come on,
I’ll take you.” He pays the bill and helps her out to his truck.
“What are you doing?” she asks, “You’re not safe to drive”
he tells her, “Remember I used to be an MP.” She agrees and
climbs into his truck. He reaches across to buckle her in,
his chest brushing against her sensitive breasts as he
kisses her on the cheek and she moans. She puts her head back
and closes her eyes as he locks her car up and climbs into
the driver seat, thinking to herself ‘He must think I’m
ridiculous.’ He starts the truck and drives to their destination,
shutting off the engine he realizes she is fast asleep.
He carries her inside and lays her down on the bed carefully
removing her shoes, holding her ever so gently as he removes
each article of her clothing, down to her bra and panties.
He unsnaps her bra and her breast so full and soft look so
sweet and tempting, to taste. Her nipples hardening at
the cool air of the room. He sits on the edge of the bed with
both hands on either side of her hips, he reaches down and
captures one nipple into his mouth, she moans and arches
her back. Wanting her sober and wide awake for what he knows
will happen next he quickly sheds his clothes and climbs
into the bed next to her pulling her to him as he puts her head
on his chest and wraps his arms around her, she curls into
him and he pulls her even tighter against him. He reaches
up and pulls the clip from her hair letting it cascade onto
the pillows next to him. He closes his eyes and pulls her
It is about 3 a.m. when she wakes, he feels her stir against
him and smiles. His arms wrapped tightly around her. She
opens her eyes and looks around, realizing that she’s not
in her hotel room, she tries to sit up and feels his arms,
suddenly she realizes she’s naked except for her panties.
“Oh my God Tiff what have you done?” he hears her whisper
to herself, “Nothing.” He whispered into her ear. She screamed
and jumped back her fists hitting his chest, he grabs her
wrists and pulls her so she is lying on top of his body, her
face equal to his so he can easily press his lips to hers.
He puts her hands up behind her head holding them there,
using them to pull her mouth to his. Their lips meet tentatively
at first, slowly deepening. He gently bites her lower lip
urging her to be more playful her tongue darts out and licks
his bottom lip. He kisses her so deep and passionate their
tongues meet and all of her resolve seems to melt away. She
puts her knees on either side of his hips and he releases
her wrists running his hands down her back to her ass pulling
her hard against him. She pulls her mouth away from his putting
her hands on his chest she pushes herself off him and to the
side and covers herself to the neck with the blankets. “I’m
sorry, I can’t do this. You deserve so much better.” “Tiff,
I’ve wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you all those
years ago.” “You couldn’t possibly want me like this.”
She looks down at her body. “I’ve never wanted anyone more,
you are the most beautiful sexy woman I have ever known.”
He sits up and takes her in his arms pulling her to lean back
against him softly kissing her shoulder and neck. “Please”
she cried, “Tiff last night at dinner I was trying to come
up with a way to convince you to come here with me. I wanted
to make love to you over and over all night long.” “But you
were so uncomfortable last night you looked like you just
wanted to leave.” “I wanted nothing more than to leave with
you, come here and make love with you. I got so hard just watching
you I had to keep adjusting myself. Tiff the only reason
I didn’t strip you completely last night is because I wanted
you sober the first time we made love, seeing you completely
naked, I would not have been able to control myself. ” She
turned to look back at him. She had never wanted a man more
than she wanted him right now. She put her arm around his
neck and pulled him to her for a kiss she kissed him with everything
that she had. He reached his hand up and caressed her full
breast her nipple hardening at the touch of him, moaning
she arches her back and presses her breast into his hand
he lays her flat on the bed and lies next to her uncovering
her inches at a time kissing her, licking her, caressing
her, loving her body slowly with every little bit that he
uncovers, not wanting to miss any part of her beautiful
body. Her breasts are so big and soft that his hands barely
cover them, licking her nipples, gently pulling them with
his teeth. She cries out in ecstasy. Her hands rubbing his
shaved bald head and pulling it tighter against her breasts,
her thighs part beneath the blanket and he straddles her
leg rubbing his thigh against her through the blankets.
He moves the blanket lower and begins to kiss and caress
her tummy, squeezing it gently as he loves each part of her.
Her breasts so soft as she squeezes and caresses them where
his hands used to be. She pulls one gently to her lips and
softly sucks the nipple into her mouth. His body is on fire
for her and he wants so badly to enter her but is going slow
as to show her how much he wants her. He pulls the blankets
further down her body to bare her hips, gently biting each
one as he works his way back and forth across her body, stopping
to kiss the scar that runs from her belly button to her pelvic
bone, the remnants of child birth. Her hands grab handfuls
of the bed sheets as he kisses lower still, just barely grazing
the top of her womanhood. He pulls the blanket to bare the
tops of her thighs and the v of blonde hair that masks her
femininity. He kisses the inside of her thighs and she begs
him to taste her. He can smell her arousal as he gently parts
her thighs more to open her body to his gaze. His tongue teases
the area just above her clit and she cries out for him. Gently
his hands part her lower lips as his tongue runs the length
of her labia and slowly circles her clit, gently sucking
it into his mouth. She screams as she feels every nerve in
her body explode and cover his face with her juices. “I can’t
take it anymore I want you now, please.” She almost begs
him. He pulls the covers off her legs and raises up on his
knees as he grabs her thighs and pulls her toward him his
cock ready to explode inside her he knows he must take it
slow. He reaches down and presses the head to her wet hole
and watches her face as he enters her, slowly inch by inch
he slides his 9 inches of hardness inside her. She has to
adjust to his size inside her and she pulls him to her and
kisses him, their tongues dancing and playing one another
as he starts to move inside her. She wraps her legs around
his hips and opens herself to him even more. Her hands on
his back pulling her against him as she bites his neck and
begs him not to stop. He slides his arms under her body lifting
her with him as he lies down on his back allowing her the freedom
to take control, she places her hands on his chest enjoying
the feel of the hair against her hands she begins to ride
him slowly, up and down her muscles caress him as she watches
his face. Leaning down to kiss him his hands on her cheeks
she feels his hips rise off the bed as he begins to pound into
her with such a hurried intensity. Her hair falling around
them like a curtain his touch so soft and loving, he has waited
so long to feel her in his arms like this and she is such a better
lover than he had ever fantasized about he can not hold back
any longer. “Tiff I can’t stop, I can’t hold back anymore.
I want to bury myself deep inside of you.” “Oh God” she moaned
and he knew she was close. He reached between their bodies
and found her clit a hard little nub as he began to rub it she
screamed, he pounded into her only a few more times and exploded
as her juices flowed over him. She collapsed on his chest
with him still inside her, his hands running through her
hair as they both began to breathe normally. She pulled
her leg over him as he slid out of her soft but still harder
than completely limp. He wrapped his arms around her and
she again curled into his arms and closed her eyes trying
to make sense of everything. His hands running through
her hair relaxed her even more than the glorious sex they
had just had she felt herself drifting off to sleep with
his name on her lips, him whispering in her ear “Tiff I don’t
want you to ever leave my arms. I love you!”
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