Mike East was down early Saturday morning long before the rest of the family
had woken from their peaceful sleep. Mike always was first up on Saturdays,
he found it was a good way to start a relaxing weekend by reading the paper and
drinking some good black coffee before his wife, Jan, daughter Kay and son
David got up. Mike briefly stopped reading a page about his favourite football
team when he heard the creaking of floorboards above. “HHmm, my peace
comes to an end soon”. Mike muttered to himself as he continued reading the
sports piece.
Jan, had decided not to wash or change yet into her clothes as there were no plans
today to be anywhere special, so decided to get her dressing gown from her
bedroom door and head down stairs. Mike once more looked up to see who was
coming but knew before hand by the calmness of the person coming down the
stairs, the children normal ran down the stairs like wild animals! “ Morning
hun .” Jan greeted her husband. Mike looked at his wife only to see how ageless
she was. At the age of forty his wife looked just the same now as when she
was twenty years ago. “Morning, love, Mike looked at her lusty from his newspaper.
“Fancy another coffee”. Jan began filling up the kettle. “ Yes, please, you’re an
angle”. “ I’d better fill the kettle full as I heard, Kay moving around up there,
she’ll only be moaning again as to why she has to fill the kettle herself”. Jan
many times had had girl to girl talks with her daughter but to no end. “It’s her
age, being nineteen I thought life would get a little easier, but not with her. She
went mad last night all because, David was in the bathroom showering, he was
only in ten minutes.” Jan rolled her eyes. “ Yeah, she is quite the madam”. Jan
finished filling the kettle and
decided also to make some toast. Bending over she opened the fridge. To Mike’s
amazement his wife had no under ware on! “ Jan! You
have no knickers on, that dressing gown only comes to your waist”! Jan,
staying as she was looking in the fridge turned and looked towards her husband. “ Like
what you see, hun”. With a seductive wink his wife returned to what she was
getting on with in the fridge. The more, Mike stared the more he was getting
horny. “ Wow, Jan! I’m sure you could’ve put something more on with the kids
around.” His wife’s behind was round and large and just sticking up at him
making him so turned on. Jan, finished taking out bread and butter from the fridge
and turned around giving her husband a smile. “ The kids don’t notice, Mike.
You’re the one getting hot under the collar”. Jan turned away again and started
putting toast into the toaster. “ If, David or Kay came down here now and sow what you
have on or lack of what you have on, I’d bet they’d look”. Jan, stopped what she
was doing and did one full turn
looking straight into her husbands eyes. “ Ok, I’ll make a bet with you. Mike was distracted by how
low her nightie was. Jan had had large breasts from the age he’d met her, nineteen.
Even at the age of forty they were still fantastic to look at.
“ Well ”? Mike lost for words pulled his paper up and began reading again. After
several minutes gone, Jan, had taken her seat ready to eat. “ So, you think, David
looks at me, do you, Mike”? Mike closed his paper, folded it up and put it down on
the kitchen table with a slap. “ I didn’t say that, all I’m saying is that both the
children are of the ages eighteen, nineteen and are going to look due to over active
hormones, I can’t say I’d blame them too”. Mike looked down at his wife’s top
only to see that her nipples were quite prompt through her short nightie. “ Ok,
i’ll bet you ten pounds for both of them that they don’t look at me in that way,
deal"? Jan continued eating while, Mike looked on in amazement. “Ok, it’s a
deal ”! Mike shouted back confidently.
Just then, another door opened and closed from up stairs.
Kay had been awake for sometime now just thinking about men. She’d had her
first sexual experience a few days ago but was hugely disappointed. Her
boyfriend, Paul had cum too quickly leaving her frustrated. With a sigh, Kay
pulled back the sheets and decided to get up. Kay, decided that a trip to the
toilet was needed first then down for breakfast. Closing her bedroom door she
walked straight into her brother, David. “ Dave! Watch where your going you
nerd. What are you doing outside my bedroom door, being a pervert no doubt!”
David, was also in shock for walking into, Kay as there was a sharp turn in the
corridor with no one to blame but them selves for being in a hurry. “ Don’t
moan, Kay! Yeah, like your some beauty queen, not”! Interesting thing was that,
David while having a go at his sister did notice how beautiful she was and that
she was only wearing a short silk nightie which gave a good outline of her
breasts, he was impressed but a little confused at why he sow his own sister in
this new light. “ Move, creep I need the bathroom”! Kay stormed around that
sharp turn in the corridor leaving her brother in a bit of a trance. Kay, Closed
the door with a bang, pulled her nightie up and sat down on the toilet with yet
another bang. Still angry at her brother she too had noticed that he wasn’t a
young boy anymore. His chest was very hairy and she’d even felt his chest hairs
on own chest during the impact in the corridor. Kay, too decided that this wasn’t
the right way to think about her brother. Reaching for some toilet paper she cut
of a piece and wiped her pussy dry. Pulling down her nightie she finished by
washing her hands and leaving closing the door softly.
“ Morning mum, dad”?
Kay said coming down the stairs. The East family’s house was a different design
to your average house. You have the traditional front door leading into a hall
with a living room leading off and a kitchen with a staircase leading to the next
floor. In this house the stairs were situated in the kitchen so whoever came down
would directly see the kitchen table in front with the units in the background.
Kay went directly to the kettle to check if there was water in it. “ Yes, dear, we
have remembered you today” Kay’s father said with a touch of sarcasm. Kay
answered with a tut. Kay finished making her coffee then sat next to her mother
at the table. Seeing his wife and daughter sitting side by side it was amazing how
alike they were. His daughter looked so much like Jan when she was twenty. “ So
what’s your plans today, Kay”? Asked her father. “ Nothing much, just doing
some of my homework listen to some music, chill out”. “ What was all that
banging upstairs just then”? Asked her mother. “ Just that little rat of a brother
standing outside my bedroom door! I’m sure he’s a pervert. Talking about
pervertion, you’re a little under dressed this morning, mum”? Mike gave his wife
Jan a quick glance then looked away with a smile. “ You can’t talk either
madam! Look at what you have on, just that small nightie”. Mike looked at his
daughters night ware seeing for the first time how little she did have on. Not
being able to help himself his eyes were focused at how large her breasts were. “
Dad! What are you looking at”? Looking up, her father was a little lost for
words and had also turned a colour red. Jan, this time gave a quick glance at her
husband and smirked quietly to her self. With a sudden silence where the drop of
a pin could be heard there was a distraction as a door closed upstairs. Mike
breathed out again.
After the strange experience in the hallway, Mike had retuned to his room and
had just stretched out his bed. The first question he asked himself was, did he
fancy his sister? Mike was disgusted with himself for even thinking that but just
couldn’t help himself. Being at the age of eighteen and had never had sexual
contact with a girl making him very confused. Mike, had noticed before that
his sister was a very attractive girl and had heard it from many of his male
friends but, Mike himself had never really given it much thought until now. On
impact with his sister he felt how large her breasts were. But what was scary to
Mike is that they felt great on impact with his chest. Rubbing his face and speaking
aloud, Mike tried to get a grip. “ For fucks sake, man! She’s your sister”!
Mike took a deep breath and rose to his feet. Mike too had nothing planed for
today so decided to make his way down stairs for breakfast.
Closing his door, Mike took to the stairs. As the kitchen came into view so did his
mother and sister sitting side by side by the breakfast table. Slowly step by step
he couldn’t believe how little each of them where wearing. His mother’s nightie
was very low and showing of how large her breasts really were. Mike, wide eyed
scanned over his sister too, sitting there with her tight silky nightie on showing of
her amble breasts too!
It had so far been a strange morning and David had the feeling that there was more to come.
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