Cleaning his room makes it easier to get him in it.
Today was a normal day. Nothing special happening. In the afternoon I went to work. I work on a farm near my house. And today when I arrived I was told, by Andy, the son of the owner Kevin, that he wanted me to clean his room. His room in the house.
I was surprised. Why would he want me to clean his room for him? Then he said: “ Ya, I know what your thinking. But yeah. I just don’t have time to clean it myself. I mean I only want you to take out the trash in there, and take the cloths on the floor, there should be a basket, and take ‘em down stairs for me. that’s all I really need you to do.”
With a smile I said, “Do I look like a maid?” We both laughed. “Maybe.” he laughed. “ I guess I can. Doors unlocked right?” I said. “Ya. I really appreciat it Chester.” that was my nickname. “ alright then. Ill head out in a bit.” “Ok. We gotta get going. Gotta go up town and take care of a few things. Oh ya and my room has a piece of wood with my name on it. Just so you don’t get lost.”
“Alright see ya later.” We shook hands and parted. As soon as they were gone I headed out. Up the back porch and in to the main hall way. I quickly found his room with the plaque reading Andys and entered.
Wow. I thought to myself. This is a mess. Clothes were all over the floor. Trash like wrappers and soda cans all over. Even the occasional beer container. There was a stack of magazines that looked pretty old. There was a garbage can in one corner halfway full. I looked through the magazines out of curiosity. Wow. He was a porn freak. An entire stack of porn right there. It made me think the Kevin, his father, didn’t mind.
I decided he probably wanted these so I left them. In about thirty minutes I had the room free of cans and wrappers. The small dumpster for the barn was full as it is. So now I moved onto the clothes. Underwear, socks, shirts, pants. Wow. Why would you have clothes scattered through out the room like this. The hamper in the basement laundry room was getting full. I highly detested picking up his boxer briefs and whites. Some look as though he had cummed in them.
After another half hour of that the room was considerably cleaner. I decided to make the bed for him. But as I did, I heard a cruching that was similar to tin foil. I lifted the mattress to see what it was and found a butt load of Durex comdoms. He must have a lot of sex with that girlfriend of his, I thought to myself. Now my curiosity was going strong. But being the kind of guy I was I decided, with as many as he had I’d take a few. After all I did clean his room.
But now I wanted to see what else he had. Now I had a curiosity of what it was like to have sex with another man and often fantasied about Andy. I mean he was kinda hot. I looked through the dresser drawers and found a 7 inch dildo. My cock was getting hard. I never saw such a thing in person. In my curiosity I decided to see how much I could take in my mouth. In seconds I had most of it in my mouth but started to gag so I quit. I put it back thinking he must suck that occasionally.
I never saw him as gay but now I don’t know… I looked around and to my surprise, found a laptop still on. I never thought id see him owning a laptop. With all the junk I must not have noticed it. And it was open to the desktop. I decied to see what was in his pictures and found…People from the high school. Naked. Guys, girls, guys with guys, girls with girls, guys with girls, all naked and posing. And many I recognized from the school. Even though I was only there in the morning for Ag class.
I decided, since I had brought my camera to take some pics of the kittens and calves to upload them to my memory card. The card fit in perfectly and in minutes I had them all saved. I browsed through the computer and found every picture he had. Even some videos of people having sex. Even HIM. I also spotted some people that occasionally visited the farm! He was a real porn addict. Next to the laptop there was a printer and camera I also didn’t notice. Wow things like that I don’t normally miss. I picked the camera up and browsed the pics. THEY WERE ALL NEW. I connected the camera and loaded them to mine.
Wow, so many porn pics and videos made my cock solid. So I put the camera and compute back to its original state and looked in ever nook and cranny. The next thing I found was a some sort of a flash light but instead of a bulb and the end it had a pussy shaped entrance. Cum was still in it! I decided that I would see what his cum tasted like. The usual. Saltyish but not sour. By know my cock was needing release. I put my finger in the thing and it felt awesome. I had to put my dick in it.
And there I was. In his room with my dick in his toy. But it felt wonderful. Better than masturbating. And soon I filled it with my cum. I decided I should hurry up in case they come back sooner than I thought. But as I got off the bed, the toy slipped and rolled under the bed. I bent down to retrive it when I found a photo album. Again full of porn. I assumed they were pics I had on my camera but and they were. But for the heck of it I took several photos of each of the ten pages. Put the book and toy back like they hadn’t been used.
But I spotted the dildo again. And my cock was still hard. I thought about what it would be like to have it in my ass. I wasted no time in getting a condom from under the freshly made be and put it on the dildo. The condom was lubricated but I put some spit on it though. I placed it on my ass hole and pushed. At first it was a bit painful but soon turned to pleasure eventually I got all 7 inches in to my ass. In and out I pushed. I felt my balls tighten and I came in my hand. I licked it all off and took the dildo out.
I inside-outed the condom and put it in my pocket so I could put in the dumpster when I went back out. And realized an hour and a half passed since I started. I put the toys and other things back as I found them but took a few more condoms since I couldn’t get my own. With the room cleaned, I left but took a few more pictures of it just before.
I left the house and finished the rest of my chores feeling good because of the sex toys and what I found. Just as I was about to leave their truck pulled in to the drive way. I stayed long enough to tell them that everything was done and to tell Andy his room was cleaned. He said thanks, again. Then he said that tomorrow he wanted me to meet him in the barn and then he wanted me to help him with something in the house. I had a feeling it was for more porn or cleaning…