I love her ridiculously cute bum when she walks down between the seats. I want to taste the soft dark hair that covers her face as she speaks to her friends. I want to touch the smooth cream of legs that flash under her skirt as she hops back into her seat. I want to kiss the hand that brushed against me as we got on the bus.
These are the things I realise during the four hour trip from school to our camp. Four hours spent pretending not to watch the back of her head. Four hours looking for a glimpse of her legs when Mr Ellis yells at her to stop roaming the bus and sit back down. Four hours of wishing that I had picked a seat up near her friends instead of sitting back here with my own. It is so much harder to have fun up the back of the bus when Kate Simons is 6 rows forward, spending the trip talking to Luke Chambers.
Beside me, Sam has already fallen asleep and I spend the time awkwardly craning over the seat fantasizing about the one ear that peeks through her hair, the only bit of flesh I can see. Oh god I am the worst sucker in the world! I find myself writing ‘Jacob loves Kate’ in the condensation on the glass window next to me. Less because I am actually the kind of person who writes things like that, but more for the thrill of actually making it public, even for the few seconds it exists before I wipe it out, just in case Sam wakes up. And lucky too, as across the aisle, Dani suddenly looks over and smiles at me.
Maybe I should ask her out. Dani is probably the only girl I am slightly interested in who I know well, but still she moves with friends that seem to lack all interest in me. Oh well, I can at least have a normal conversation with her. Having a conversation with Kate is fine until afterwards I think about the dumb things I said and want to scream. But Dani is sexy as well, and she is sitting across from me in a white blouse with one too many buttons undone. Through the fold of the blouse the swell of pale cream that is visible above her little bra keeps me occupied for a while, and her smile when she catches me looking over makes me a bit warm inside.
The camp we are going to is the type that has outdoor activities, high ropes courses, archery, bushwalking etc. There is a beach that we get to go to on the third and final day and I am simultaneously looking forward to seeing girls in swimmers and dreading it for the risk that my excitement might become too obvious. Still, three days with friends is great, and three days hopefully to get closer to the girls that seem so unreachable back at school.
We finally arrive at the camp and take our bags to the cabins we had chosen a few weeks earlier. You would not believe some of the bitch fights that came out of choosing cabin groups, but I am really happy with mine. I am with Sam and Michael and Luke Chambers who are cool friends and lots of fun to mess around with. I am friends with Luke, but sometimes I get pretty annoyed at how easy he seems to find it to hang with the girls I long to grow closer to. Dani and Kate are sharing with Rose and Melinda who are their closer friends and of course that cabin would be like heaven to be in. We arrive at around lunch so we ate some terrible burgers and assembled on the big lawn with volleyball nets to be split into groups.
It was always going to be a long shot to be put into a group with Kate, and sure enough I was placed in group 3 while she was whisked away in group 1 as they went towards the archery range. However it was hard to be sad with this when Dani and Melinda also came along with group 3 to the high ropes course. Unfortunately Michael and Luke went in group 2 and Sam was in 4 so it looked like I was going to have to make some new friends or spend three days alone.
High ropes are scary. Massive wooden poles with cables between and various activities done high off the ground are not just a walk in the park. There are those who can throw themselves wildly off a platform knowing that they are attached to a cable and totally safe, but I am not one of them. Neither was Melinda. While I could do all the tasks with time, discovering I still had all my limbs and getting a bit of a thrill in the end too, Melinda was petrified the whole time.
Dani was skinny and athletic, she went lithely up the ladders and carefully balanced on the ropes. The harness that seemed so terribly snug downstairs on me was tight round her small hips, and on Melinda it showed off her nice bottom, and twisted her shirt into tightness against her pretty large boobs.
Melinda was heaps fit, but scared shitless of heights it seemed. She would get up the ladders and oh so slowly venture onto the ropes, shaking the whole way. Climbing across the two high wires was the hardest and it was only with Dani in front and me behind her, coaxing her along, that she managed to finish. Because Dani was a friend of mine and friends with Mel, the three of us became buddies within the group. Comforting Mel after the ropes was nice, and by the time we switched to archery in the afternoon, we were heaps friendly.
Dinner was reasonable for camp food and I spent it sitting with guys, daring each other to come to the pyjama disco that night in just our boxers. It was a dance and then a ‘supper’ of milo and cookies before bed and we’d convinced ourselves to forgo shirts and just go in our boxers as it was a reasonably warm night and frankly, we wanted to get some attention from the girls. Back in the cabin I decided to put on briefs under the boxers thinking that if we were in fairly exposing pj’s, then the girls might be too, and there was only so much attention my boxers wanted in public when there was a chance of nature making a fool of me. I confessed this jokingly to Sam and he said he’d done the same.
We got about three meters from our door when Mr Ellis told us to go back and get shirts. We did so dejectedly, but took them off as soon as we got to the hall and the lights went on and the music started. We made quite a show, it was pretty terrible, about 8 boys all taking off their shirts and the girls either thinking we were idiots or just laughing. The music was terrible, some camp dj thinking we were in our fourties and not year eleven. We laughed when he played Nelly and we all pretended to the lyrics ‘it’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes’. Rose was the one pretending most, she lifted her tank top up to just under her boobs and made it slightly obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. She didn’t show anything really, not in front of the teachers, but I was fairly glad I hadn’t gone for boxers alone.
Actually, the only guy who it seemed hadn’t put on undies underneath was Luke, but he seemed to keep it under control. However, Dani swept me into the girl’s speculation about it, and I went along with the minor scandal in order to talk with Kate.
“He obviously doesn’t.” said Rose, and her eyes seemed to like this fact and kept darting over to where he was talking to Sam.
“Are you wearing anything under yours?” Kate asked me and I told her I was in order to hint that the bulge in the boxers would not be as small otherwise. I was a bit envious of the looks Luke was getting.
Kate had on a pair of satin pyjamas. A short sleeve, button up shirt and some tiny shorts that only just made it over her little panties. Dani was wearing a cotton tank top and long pants, and her boobs seemed petite in comparison to Mel’s which looked huge in her bra under a tank top. Rose’s nipples were obvious under her top with no bra, and she wore boxers. I was subtly admiring the points in her top made when Kate asked me to dance.
I was pretty stunned. The song was a slow one and I had no real idea what to do but I put my hands on her waist and she put hers on my shoulders. I was pretty damn happy just swaying along. I looked over to where Luke and Rose were dancing, and saw his hand on her bum. I didn’t have the guts, but I made Kate laugh by attempting some over dramatic dance moves. I was astounded when I let my hand slide up her back and realized she had no bra on either. The smooth satin of her back was faultlessly smooth, and her breasts must have been shaped perfectly to let her shirt front be so perky.
“Did you know that Dani likes you?” Kate asked me.
I was pretty surprised, mostly at being told this way.
“No, I didn’t have a clue.”
“Well she does. She talks about it non stop.”
“Would she like you telling me?” I asked.
“Probably not too much,” she grinned, “but I wanted to know if you were into her.”
“So am I?”
I tried to play it cool and quite obviously failed. She would go and love Luke for sure now.
But she smiled, “I hope not.”
My stomach did a leap as at the same moment Luke came over and tapped my shoulder. Kate broke away to go to where Dani and Mel were sitting and I turned to Luke annoyed. But he beamed at me.
“I’ve got a plan.”
He steered us into a corner of the room.
“Let’s go over to the girl’s cabin tonight after teachers are asleep. Their cabin is just a few meters down the hill and no one would see.”
“But are they cool with it?”
“Yeah, Rose said to come and play cards”
So we did. The disco ended and we went back to our cabins after milo. We waited until lights out and all four boys snuck into the girl’s cabin. I was half afraid that Luke would make a move on Kate but that was blown aside as soon as we got inside and him and Rose started kissing all over the hallway. I suppose it shows just how jealous of Kate I’d been not to notice that something was happening elsewhere.
Luke and Rose went outside soon enough. I think Luke had smuggled in some cigarettes somehow and they were off to act hardcore in some dark corner. I was quite happy to stay in the girl’s cabin. We did play cards, but mostly I was checking out Kate and Dani’s leg’s as they sat cross legged in their pj shorts. I only started paying attention to the game when Mel went bankrupt and Michael, who obviously had more on his mind, started offering suggestions for how to keep on playing.
It was pretty obvious that he wanted a game of strip poker and Dani and Kate both looked pretty nervously at me, and I must have looked pretty scared to them. But Mel seemed to be ok with it, and everyone seemed to be pretty nervously excited and so we started playing again, saying you could bet items of clothing, or bet on other’s clothes. Michael’s plan backfired when Mel started winning and he lost his shirt. But Mel lost hers soon and I sat transfixed as she revealed her smooth belly and then her big boobs under a lacy black bra. She looked rather pleased with herself and suddenly everyone turned quiet and got excited looking.
Sam and I both lost our shirts before Dani lost and decided to take off her pants. She looked at me quite frankly before turning around and pulling off her pants showing a tiny cute ass in some sweet, pale blue cotton panties and her long skinny legs. When she sat back down I could hardly keep my eyes from the front of her undies where I imagined I could make out the little ridges of her vagina.
Hilariously Michael lost the next two hands and having ditched his boxers, he got up to make a show of taking off his briefs. We all laughed as he placed his thumbs under the waist and pulled down in a rush. His dick was already half stiff as it fell out to one side, and the girls were staring openly and giggling. Michael looked fairly pleased when suddenly there was a bang outside and Michael shot back into his underwear and we all looked out the window to see Mr Andrews yelling at Luke.
Me, Michael and Sam swore, grabbed everything and quietly went for the back door of the girl’s cabin. The Cabins had a bedroom with fours beds, a bathroom and then a sitting room with lounge. Thank god there were two doors, and we managed to sneak back to our cabin and into our beds and pretend we hadn’t left them all night. Luke didn’t come back until morning.
We woke up to see him packing his gear into a bag.
“They caught me smoking with Rose and called my parents. They’re coming to take me home.”
“You’re kidding? That fucking ridiculous!” I was amazed that they’d be so worked up about it.
“It wasn’t because of being out at night or being with Rose, it’s because I smuggled the cigarettes in. You know their craziness on drugs.”
And that seemed to be that. Luke went and kissed Rose goodbye and his parents took him home. The girls sat with us over breakfast and we all got angry over the stupidity of it. Rose was a bit sad but she figured it wouldn’t matter too much as Luke’s parents weren’t the type to punish him severely. The teachers made an announcement to tell everyone the rules and say they were going to be watching for other bad behaviour and I was wondering whether I’d be able to get out to the girl’s cabin again that night if there were teachers on patrol.
Group 3 went on a bushwalk first thing in the morning, and I talked to Dani and Mel the whole time. Apparently Rose and Luke had spent yesterday afternoon bushwalking together and that’s how they got to be so into each other. Dani spent most of the trip trying to convince me to risk coming over that night. I didn’t know whether to risk it or not, but the shy look in Dani’s eyes was probably having a bad affect on my judgment.
We got back late and had lunch after the other groups before going off the Dunes that were the afternoon’s activities. The sand hills were huge! All of them were at least 10 meters high and after half an hour of listening to the guide tell us about their ancient history we were let go to throw ourselves from the tops and roll down. People ripped up some cardboard boxes from the bus and slid down the sides, and one teacher tried to organise a sort of ‘sand long jump’ competition from the top of the highest dune.
I had jumped and rolled to a stop at the bottom, and I got up unsteadily just as Dani put a full handful of sand down the back of my shorts. God damn that is uncomfortable! And a bus ride back to the camp with sand in my underwear! I chased her halfway back up the dune before getting an arm round her belly, grabbing my own handful of sand, pulling out the front of her jeans and dumping the sand inside. She was struggling way too much for me to see anything, and I just tickled her sides while she tried to get away.
She was rescued by Mel who dumped all the sand she could carry on my head and for a few seconds it was a chaotic brawl of trying to put sand in peoples clothing before Mr Ellis caught on and yelled us to a stop. Still, I had felt Mel’s big boobs press against my hand and as I tried to put sand down her bra. It even looked like I had succeeded, with her turning away and leaning over to empty the contents back onto the dune. We had a short but chafing bus trip back to the camp where we went to the showers.
It seemed like we had caught up with the other groups because the showers were packed. Group 3 waited, me, Mel and Dani trying to shake the sand from our hair. Eventually the boys showers cleared and I went in. I went into a cubicle and had just turned on the water when Dani and Mel called out my name. They had decided to screw waiting and just use the boy’s showers. The other guys still washing were laughing, and Mel and Dani chose free cubicles, Dani next to me, and Mel next to her. I was pretty amazed at their daring, but I assumed they would keep their underwear on.
Having come in last, it was soon only us three left. I had gone for broke and gone nude in the shower, and by the sounds of it Dani and Mel had too.
“Screw you Jake! This sand is everywhere!” Dani yelled to my left, “And I mean everywhere!”
I had a quick image of that flash up in my mind and was oh so glad for the cubicle wall separating us when my penis responded to my thoughts. I couldn’t help but picture the same hot water that was caressing me running down the slender bodies only meters away. I gathered up all my courage and replied.
“Just so that you could have the fun of cleaning it out.”
Mel surprised me by making a little groaning noise.
“Unless you need my help?” I called, nearly shaking. With huge effort I didn’t take a peek over the cubicle wall.
Dani’s voice was shaky when she said “I bet you’d just love to.”
That’s just about when Mr Matthews walked in and banged on the cubicle doors telling us to hurry up and come to dinner. Frightened me half to death. He must have not heard the girl’s voices or we’d be in a lot more trouble than that and I thanked goodness that he hadn’t come in a second or so earlier. I dried myself off, put on a pair of briefs and shorts and decided to walk the way back to the cabins shirtless just for the stupidity of it.
I waited for Dani and Mel, and they came out looking flushed and fresh. Dani’s hair still wet and hanging down her back, wetting her t shirt, Mel had hers up in a towel. We walked to the cabins and I changed into some pretty skinny jeans and a shirt for dinner. Walking back to the main hall, I saw Kate immediately from a distance. She was standing talking to Rose, and she’d obviously had a shower too. Her face was glowing under the outside lights, her perfect pink skin looked like silk against her shining dark hair. She was wearing a summery skirt that appeared to float on her hips and let her knees go bare, her legs seemed not to realize it was nearly night and still basked in the warm sun. She was golden, and she smiled as soon she saw me and I couldn’t help but smile in return, wider than I ever thought possible.
Dinner was quiet and careful. I felt like I was on the edge of something amazing and wanted to relish the time I had in the moment before I tipped over the other side. They were going to show a movie after dinner and we all fetched doonas from our cabins and lay down around the hall in front of the screen. I hurried back and then stalled, waiting, so that I could make sure of lying next to Kate, or at least sit close enough to see her. In the end this wasn’t difficult. Dani pulled me with the girls to a place over near the left wall, and we arranged our doonas so that we’d be able to lie on some, and also have them covering us. I got a few envious looks from Michael and Sam on the other side of the hall as I settled down with Kate on one side of me and Dani fairly obviously snuggling close on the other.
I was in heaven. Dani’s hair, still damp, was cold on my shoulder through my shirt, but it seemed like the whole world was focused on my right arm which I moved subtly until it met Kate’s. We left them there, just touching. Her skin’s warmth felt like electricity through me, I thought every hair on my body must be standing on end. How could everyone in the hall be so unaware of everything I was feeling?
We were watching ‘Love Actually’. I hardly even noticed it for the first half hour, but then we all fell into watching, and I forgot where I was until about three quarters through when I felt Kate’s hand slip into mine. I looked over at her and in the dark I could only make out the gleam of her eyes and a quick smile before she looked back to the screen. At the end when the little boy got kissed on the cheek I felt myself smiling just as wide and I knew exactly how he felt.
At the very end when the lights were coming back on Kate looked over to me and said nervously,
“You have to come to our cabin tonight.”
Her eyes were bright.
And that was that. I had to go.
I waited until lights were out and went to the back door of our cabin to avoid taking the main path out in the open. Sam and Michael were both trying to convince me that I’d be caught but I figured it would be worth it as I didn’t think I’d survive knowing that I missed this opportunity. I opened the door and crept down the hill like some kind of action movie. Mr Matthews and Miss Borgman were talking over in front of the teacher’s cabins and I felt stealthy, keeping to the shadows. I froze occasionally when I thought they looked in my direction, standing shivering as it was a colder night that night. I was only wearing my pyjamas and had bare feet so I was freezing my ass off walking on the cold grass, but really the girl’s cabin was not far and I made it in minutes and went round to the back to knock quietly.
Dani opened the door in only her undies, bra and tank top and ushered me in quickly.
“I thought we’d start where we left off last night” she smiled, catching me looking down at her underwear, pale pink tonight.
They were sitting round on the couches in the living room. I told them about pretending to be a ninja on the way over and they all laughed. Dani dragged me to a couch beside her, and started shuffling the cards. I looked at Kate nervously on the other couch.
She wore the same satin pj’s as the night before but she’d undone one more button. I could see a little bit of her pale chest, and it was obvious again that she didn’t wear a bra to bed. She was checking out me at the same time, and suddenly we both caught the other’s eyes and realised we’d been ogling each other openly. I looked away quickly to the cards.
“Lucky that Michael was too scared to come then,” I said, covering. “If we are starting from where we were last night he’d probably run straight back to our cabin anyway.”
“Apparently you guys had quite a bit of fun then last night huh?” Rose looked cheekily round at us all. “What about me? Where do I start?”
Dani piped up. “I think you’re fine as you are, teasing everyone with no bra on.”
Rose winked at her and laughed, Kate blushed slightly across from me and I knew she was wondering what would happen if she lost her top in the game.
Mel and I both had shirts on of course and Dani immediately started telling us to take them off, nearly ripping mine over my head. Then we were all sitting scared, ready to play. I suddenly realised how amazing this situation was and became even more nervous than I had before. Mel seemed to as well, because she started asking if there was some alternative to stripping. No one wanted to be mean, so we said that she would have to answer one of our questions truthfully each time. She looked a bit relieved but was still looking scared.
We started out and Rose lost the first hand. She got up, did a little dance and slowly took off her boxer shorts revealing a black thong and an incredibly tight ass. Her tanned skin looked incredible, and I couldn’t help but fantasise about what lay behind the small triangle of material over her crotch. She smiled sexily and sat back down, brushing her dark hair aside and acting hot. The other girls seemed jealous of the thong and I got the feeling that the dance was primarily for my benefit.
Dani lost next and quickly removed her tank top, showing a small white bra covering her tiny breasts. Her body was skinny and her pale skin glowed pink as she sat back down blushing and looking at me nervously. I managed to win the next round, and Mel lost so I tried to decide a question to ask her. I was wondering about it aloud when Dani leaned over and whispered in my ear.
“Ask her when the last time she touched herself was.”
My arm was still tingling from the touch of her skin and the soft pressure of her breast as she leant back and winked.
I asked Mel.
“When did you last masturbate?”
Mel went bright pink and froze completely. It took about a minute of people hitting her with pillows to make her finally say.
She looked daggers at Dani and said “I was touching myself in the shower tonight.”
I was sitting shocked, Kate gasped and Rose laughed and laughed.
“But you were doing it too you sneak!” Mel shouted over at Dani.
I looked at Dani. “Were you really?”
Dani smiled and said cheekily, “Yeah, but hey, it had been an exciting day, and I really did have sand everywhere, I just got a bit carried away getting it out of…….my pussy.”
Now everyone was laughing their heads off and I was busy covering the erection that had grown in my pants and was sure to be seen at any moment. Eventually we calmed down and began playing again. Mel lost, but decided taking off her pyjama shorts was less embarrassing than more truth questions. She had on a pair of lacy black panties that matched her bra and nearly showed the small fuzz of blonde hair underneath. Finally Kate lost and she got up looking incredibly nervous but I was transfixed as she slowly peeled off her tiny shorts to reveal a pair of purple panties that were shaped around the most beautiful butt I have ever seen and the tiny little mound of her pussy.
She sat quickly back down blushing and I was grinning like mad as I suddenly realised I’d lost the next hand. It soon hit me what exactly that meant with an erection straining in my pants and I must have looked petrified as I removed my boxers and it became obvious that under my briefs my dick was standing to attention.
Everyone in the room was staring at my crotch and Rose started giggling, “Looks like someone is excited.”
“Fine then,” I joked and won the next hand to make Rose take off her top. She stripped it off with a flourish and we all whistled as her little perky breasts came in to view. They were tanned and her small brown nipples stood out as she sat down looking happy in only a thong.
“It’s really cold tonight,” said Dani, “Look at your nipples! Can we go up to the doonas?”
We all agreed and ran up to the beds, and I took this opportunity to sit myself next to Kate who blushed and made room shyly. Kate lost next hand and I was nearly dying in the anticipation of more of her silky skin. She stood up sexily and slowly undid the buttons of her top one by one. She let it hang there while her face gave away how nervous she was, and then she little by little let the satin top slip off down her back.
Her breasts were perfect handfuls of cream flesh. They looked soft and edible. Her pink nipples sat out above the firm mounds as she looked at me shyly and sat down quickly on her bed, covering herself with the doona. My world had gone fuzzy.
The others were hooting and yelling, and suddenly a knock on the door made us realize how much noise we’d been making.
“I’m coming in girls, it’s time to sleep” called Miss Borgman, and she opened the door.
I leapt over Kate and down under her doona as the others pulled their bedclothes over their mostly naked bodies. Kate pushed my head out of view as Miss Borgman came into the room and switched off the lights.
I was pressed up against Kate under the sheets and from the small bit of light from where her head poked out I could make out the soft contour of her naked body, seeing her right breast right in front of my face. My erection was straining in my underwear and Kate had her leg pressed against my crotch so she must have felt every excited surge it made. I reached out, barely daring to breath, and lightly touched her nipple with my finger. She yelped and I heard Miss Borgman ask if she was ok.
Kate mumbled something in reply and soon Miss Borgman left. Rose got out of bed quietly, closed the blinds and turned the lights back on once she had heard the door to the teacher’s cabin close. Kate threw off her doona and reached for my briefs.
“I’ll get you for that!”
I leapt up and raced across the room and poked my tongue out at her, but before I realized anything was happening Rose had grabbed my waistband from behind and pulled my undies to the floor. Kate sat staring as my dick stood straight up for all to see. It is not big, probably about medium sized, but I don’t think any of the girls in that room gave a damn. I turned and grabbed Rose as she tried to get away and seized her round the stomach as she struggled and Dani ran up and pulled off her thong. Rose’s pussy was small and shining, with trimmed black hair above it. I released her to take off after Dani and she soon had her pinned with Kate’s help. I walked over and slowly took off her little bra and then looked down at her pink panties.
The front had a wet spot and Dani went limp as I put my finger on it. She lay completely still as I pulled off the tiny knickers and exposed her entire little body to the room. She was shaved smooth, and her pussy was wet and red. Her tiny little boobs barely protruded as she lay back on the bed and Kate and Rose released her.
Rose looked at Kate. “Now it’s your turn.”
Kate lay herself down on the bed without a fight.
“Let Jake do it.” She said trembling.
I bent down over her and met her eyes as I rested my hands on her breasts and then started to move them slowly down. Her eyes were burning and she suddenly looked up above her bed like she couldn’t bear to watch. I kissed her nipples lightly once each and then continued down her body, kissing her belly button before softly making a trail down to the waistband of her purple undies. I let my hands move around her smooth bottom until I hooked my fingers under the sides and pulled her panties down her legs and off her ankles. She stretched out on the bed and my eyes became lost on her perfect cream skin. Her pussy was bare and silky smooth, the folds making the shape of an elongated tear drop with her legs spread apart. The pink insides spilled out and exposed a small black hole towards the bottom and Rose, sighing deeply, put her finger inside. Kate made a tiny cry and looked down, her mouth an ‘o’.
I reached for her breasts and was surprised when Dani took my dick in her hands and started stroking it with a look of intense wonder on her face. I shuddered as one hand passed over the tip of the cock and I leant down and kissed Kate as I had been aching to do since I first met her.
The kiss lasted decades, our tongues intertwined until I felt a cold lick on my shaft and looking down saw Dani take my penis in her mouth. Her eyes were looking up at mine as she began moving her mouth up and down. Kate started gasping into my kiss as Rose started to touch her clit with her thumb and added more fingers to the soaking wet hand that was now pumping in and out of her. Kate and I both began gasping as our excitement increased and with Dani and Rose working away I was soon feeling the first shudders of an orgasm coming. Kate locked her bright eyes on mine and opened her mouth in a silent cry as I gasped “I am—“, but managed no more than that as my dick started pulsing and I came into Dani’s mouth. Under my lips Kate was shuddering and trembling as she succumbed to wave after wave of an orgasm.
I resurfaced with Kate in my arms and Dani sitting looking at me a white drip of my semen hanging from the corner of her lips. I laughed and pointed to it and she licked it away. Rose nudged me and pointed over to the other side of the room where Mel was sitting, braless, with her hand down her knickers and the other massaging her nipple as she sighed and made squeaky yelps alternatively. She didn’t seem to be very aware of anything around her and she was lying down with her head thrown back and her lips pressed together in concentration.
“We should help her” smiled Rose and got up off the bed. I was lying down entangled skin to skin with three nude girls and as she turned her tiny ass to walk away I couldn’t bear to let her go. I reached around in front of her and put two fingers into the soft folds of her pussy. She froze and looked back at me.
“I think these two can take care of you well enough” she grinned. “They’ve been eyes only for you since the first day of camp.”
She reached down and took my fingers out of herself and lifted them to her mouth. She kissed the fingers clean, winked and walked over to Mel’s bed.
I looked round at Dani and Kate. Kate was starting to smile and came back to life as she looked me over just as I examined every inch of her perfect body laying spread on the doona. I looked over to where Dani was curled up like a cat, with a hand between her legs, slowly stroking the outside of her pussy lips as they peeked between her thighs.
“Please,” she murmured, “I want you to give me an orgasm”
I smiled and let my hands roam over her skinny form. But Kate suddenly sat up and pressed herself against me, her tiny nipples hard against my back.
“You had a go with him,” she smiled shyly and she reached round to hold my newly awakening penis. “Now I want to feel him inside.”
Her face was centimeters from mine and she looked into my eyes as she kissed me.
I ached for both of them. I whispered into Kate’s kiss, meeting her eyes.
“Always, but let me help Dani first.”
I lay down on my back with Dani’s pussy not far from my face, reaching out for her bare hips and pulling her body towards me. She let me pull her legs over my mouth and positioned herself above me. Her clitoris was swollen and pink and I reached up and sucked on it with my lips, letting go and then toying it with my tongue. Dani gasped and I felt her whole self go rigid. I let my tongue lick deep between her lips and down into the pulsing warmth. I licked her inside like I was tickling her from within and then went back to her clit.
I felt Kate make my penis in her hands and begin to massage it. It took only second for it to stand up completely straight again. At the same time Dani’s pussy began to tighten on my tongue, she had obviously been pretty excited to start with. I could hear her moaning above me and they soon turned to gasps for air as I flicked her clit one last time and with a shudder, her pussy began convulsing, squeezing in and out around my licks as she suddenly squirted a tiny, creaming stream of girl’s cum into my mouth. She trembled for a few seconds and then seemed to slump to the side completely lost for energy.
Kate’s face appeared in her place.
“This is my first time.”
“Mine too.”
“I’m glad it— glad it’s with you.”
I kissed her in reply.
“Kate, I want to feel every single bit of you”
“You can.”
She was on her knees over me, and she lowered her hips down, pulling my dick into the air as she pressed her pussy to the tip.
Her voice wavered.
“I love you”
And I felt her whole body slide onto me. I was inside her, her tight vagina pressing me from all directions. We both had our mouths open in silent gasps. She held herself just above me, her nipples just scraping my chest and I pushed myself further in. Her skin was hot and sweet against mine as I met the barrier inside her. Our eyes were bright together and our tongues found each other as I broke through and she gave a low moan into my mouth. I pushed again and she was lying on me, our bodies beating in time. I pushed again and again and felt folds of her pussy press against the bottom of my shaft. We moved together and soon felt all the energy in our bodies come into focus. Our skin clung together as we reached the same climax, her sweet pussy squeezing my life into her body.
As the shudders died away and she fell limp against me I looked over to the other bed where Rose had her mouth buried between Mel’s legs. In a haze I saw Mel’s fingers work inside Rose as they both screamed and I lost consciousness.
Feel free to comment and send any thoughts, love or criticisms to nomoreundies@gmail.com. Feel free to save and distribute the story as long as it remains in its original form and under my name.
Great great story had an experience like this at camp but it was two girls well done part two? Need a part two very good it was amazingly suspended and great ending loved it!
Truly amazing, great details. What I also loved is that you didn't bring the sex inti the story until later, which I think is good, it leaves suspense and curiosity for the reader
anonymous readerReport
anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
you sir, are a truly great writer. Well done!
Anonymous readerReport