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The mayor, had been the junior high Football coach for 12 years and the Highschool team was first or second in the state every year since. He was tough on the 12 year old Boys, yet they loved and respected him without question. My brother had made the 6th grade team (tryouts the last week of 5th grade)at tackel, so all summer long I was the practice dummy and play coach.Dad had us chopping the weeds out of 56 acres of cotton, and 35 acres of soy beans, by hand.
His words were "If you two are gona be fuckin'off playin ball and Cheerleadin' next fall then you'll give me a full mans work this summer". We hit it every morning at 4:30 am. I would shake him until
he hit at me. Whereupon I'd throw a glass of water at him, trying not to hit him,just get him to chasing me. I wore a pink tee shirt, from the Teddy Bear chaple day camp, as my nighty. On wash day I wore an old harly sleveless from dads biker days before Mom nailed him down to the farm.Suddenly, over a weeks period, I couldn't wear the Pink without feeling bound,it streched so tight across my breast tips. I knew Evan was noticing too. But ,this morning was going to be harder to get up than normal cause dad took us to the Drive in movies the night before and we didn't get in bed till 1:00. I krept past dads room with my water in my hand ready for the battle, I steped into the small cubicle,held the water up real high, I was on my tippy toes. I noticed in his mirror, that standing that way my naked lower parts were shining everyone looking. Suddenly the water was down my chest and belly,I was laying on the bed with Evan sitting on my thighs, holding my hands, locked together over my head.I started to cryout but he put his forehead on my mouth untill we both laughed "Can't you just once, wake me with a kiss or a sweat voice?"
"UKIYE! your a boy, and my brother" He still kissed me and I tried to resist, but, then for some unknown reason I opened up my lips and enjoyed it with him. His penis jumped between us so fast he jumped off me.Running, with it flagging high in front of his navel, right out the back door. I watched him step into a set of bib overalls from the DEW damp clothes on the line, grab his hoe and march off to the Soybean patch in the dark pink of dawn.
Evan was in such a hurry he didn't eat any breakfast nor take his water jug and sandwich that I had fixed for us the night before. So, I stepped into my bibs grabed a kraft bag and loaded it with goodies filled the two gallon water jugs and set out for the patch close behind him. I could see weeds flying high in the glow of first sun as he chopped like a madman down the row away from me. I sat the sack on the old Chevy van that we used for going field to field and to jump into when a shower came up,Which looked very possible today.
He stayed out of voice range for an hour and a half, then he had to come to the water jug and grabbed a sandwitch and headed off again. "Thank you EVEiY for the Grub!" he yelled to me, six rows away.I highsigned him ,before pointing out a thunderhead comming our way fast from the north. He grabbed the grub and a jug as he headded to the Van waving me in too.
I hit the pre-open door, only after gitting hit by several Dime sized hail stones. A gallon of cold rain driven by fierce wind had soaked my clothing. We laughed histerically for a few moments as the windows fogged over.Still, the hail hammered so hard we couldn't hear our selves squeling and giggling. He offered me a shop towel from the back and a ragged pair of dads bibs out of the grease rags bundle. "I'll change in the back,Start her up so we can get warm and dry this shirt it's all I got.I can't be working like you do, shirtless, anymore." He made some comment under his breath, as I jumped over the seats. I began to strip and put on the old baggy bibs I noticed he was watching in the rear view mirror, It made me feel good.In the pit of my tummy was a lump of shear passion. Then I came back up front with him and put my wets on the defrosters hot blowing vent."Evan do you want to tell me what happened to us this morning?" He shook his head and looked out at the steady rain."What you did,my brother, Did not up set me at all, I was not angry at you, in fact I would have kissed you again if you wanted to kiss me". He slammed his fist on the broken steering wheel and raced the motor up to push more heat out of the vent."Eveiy I almost did'n stop with a kiss, I had my hard on going into you, and you were so syurpy sweet and warm. I almost made love to you. Thats not right for a Sister and Brother to be doing that, especially at thirteen years old when you could get pregnant so easy" he was crying, leaning to me to cradle his head in my arms, against my breast, that were now exposed over the top of the old rag. "EVAN! we have never done any thing like that before. But this morning it seemed so right and I wanted you to go on into me and finish me with you". I put his hand on my naked breast,cold wetness of it sprang to life under his gentle touch with the hard work earned callouses.He sighed "EVEiY, I want it to be very good for you, I'd like you to get the same Eratic shakes, that you do when you do it for your self, but I don'T know if I have the imagination to make it happen".

"When did you see me do it for my self and enjoy it that much, Sneaky Pete". I chuckeled into his ear as he found my nipple with his lips. I didn't want him to answer right then I wanted him to continue and get his hand moving down onto my arching, tingling tummy."Eveiy, we can't go all the way you'll get knocked up."
" No I won't Evan it's my period today or tonight,and moms got those poke up pills for spermicide.I'll get one in me as soon as we get to the house.FUCK ME, Evan, Today some time, make love to me as long as you want, but before we go home I want to know what it feels like to have someone you love Slipping in and out with my help. OK?" He was over joyed and choking back a sob.while he undressed me and leaned to the side for me to get him exposed also. His first move was to trace every joint in my torso with his tongue and fingers it was a long while and so much sensitive caring from him. I returned as much as I was given and we stopped for a breather as I slowley stired his porage with both hands."Carefull with that Sissy, I don't know how much I can take of a cutie like you messing with it. Mattie Penner was so plain I had to jack off to get it hard enough to go in her"'. We giggled about that cause she was County Fair Queen at fourteen and thought she was still reigening." we'll you know Kenny Diggs poked me 45 minuets before you came along and rescued me and it may as well have been a pickel, in fact I'll just bet thats when you watched me jill my jollies off wasn't it? I went to the backseat and finished me out and you were watching in the backup mirror." with our casual conversation, I felt the stirring of a climax begin near my butt cheeks and creep around ,Even also sienced it, while burying his face into my quivering spring-operated thighs."OH!FUCK evan here we go. DAMN I AM SORRIEEEEE WEE DIDNNN START THIS BEFFFFF UNG-jass -ohn-do more plzzzzzzze. nung ohhfukgit ,NOW inside me NOW EVANNNNnnhaa! GODFUCKINGJESUSCHRIST UNGH UNGHN GO WITH ME BROTHER! CUM IN ME PLEASEZEZE!!SO HOTTDAMN GOOD TO feel yourungugngun! hard cock in me at lastaahachezshstungh! last/hope it isn't the last time. Please hold me and tell me we don't ever have to stop doing this again.this Best-fanfukintastic-orgasm-eveah-in five*** yearzahshit agggain,staahp, much to much sooo gadamed-intense,- slowwer AHHHH!
" Got a Smoke Dear brother?? I need A Smoke NOW!".We laughed as we lit up a marlbouro ,because we had heard Mom say this very thing to dad after a particularly roudy sex tussel. The louder she yelled, the harder and faster dad and uncle Dan worked her over, We weren't susposed to know that Uncle Dan was in their bedroom, but we weren't dumb, even at ten years old. Mom denied he ever touched her as a girl growing up, but they sure learned to make the most out of dads temporary disability,after stradeling the tow hitch on the stock trailer one icy morning in november Uncle dan stayed with us untill his own chores were behind a home in the spring.
The summer wasgoing to be so short, Evan and I took advantage of every days little clouds, to jump in to cover some where.then proccede to rip each other apart. I bought my own supposetoties,for birth control and we learned fast, not to use them First if we wanted to Go Down on each other, They made your tongue numb and tasted nasty. So we'd have oral in the morning when I first woke him up, then go for the works during the afternoon break from the 97%humidity and 89 degrees of heat.In fact, we had a deal, when ever the radios we carried said 97% humidity we would head for the nearest shady spot and get a 69er going while we were so sweaty it nearly drownded us. But we didn't even slow downto cool off.One day in August I got thirty-four orgasms from 4;30 am till 9;30 that night, and went to sleep with my hand stuck up me trying for thirty-five. Evan made it to eight several different times, but the record was eleven, two by my expert lips and one by his own hand.The rest, he unloaded up in me so far I leaked all night long, from both holes, the sheet was soaked corner to corner.

Football season started in august late. as did Cheer. So dad let us take the old van and drive the two miles thru our fields to schools back fence. It was like a day off for us. We got to sleep in till 6:15 and then nothing to do from 9:30 untill 3:00 when evening practice started and home at 6:00. We were in great shape Toned Tanned Tight, Alert and happy as hell. I was so agile after Evans acrobatics in my pelvis I was the only one who could do splits and rise out of them with leg muscles only.I never got spooky about hands being in the wrong place, in fact when Billy Shoust our cheermaster, was supposed to raise me over his head in a butt press, Evan gave him permission to do it backwards and let me get off while up in the air. Billy was embarassed about it until I took off my tights and had him do it five times in a few minuets and I squirted down his arm so bad it dripped off of his elbow. Evan was there and assured Billy it was ok for the Cheer team. But Billy wanted more, and pestered me for weeks until Christmas Break I accepted his date for the Snowball. and I Went with Evan and his girl Regina, (A dyke that needed an arm piece). He was certainly all that, and a bag of chips. Billy hung on my arm all evening like a leach. I told Evan I wanted to dance a few with him and he was all for that because we got wild and crazy on the dance floor. My cheerleader knowladge, and his natural rythem and atheletics, we blew the locals away in dance contests. I danced three with Evan and came on the last one, When I got to the table I made a deal of telling Regina and her Gal Pal and even showed them the gooy running under my skirt, right in front of Billy it did'nt soak in to his thick skull. So When Evan got done with his set with the band on trumpet, he came to our table and hit on a beer then I ask him if the Relative Humidity was about 96% and he drew me to him and French kissed me like a stranger."thats 97% mam" we sat next to Regina and I spread my legs and hiked my skirt up to my tits ,Regina on one side Evan on the other pushed my panties down and three hands went into me. Mine included. I got off in two minuets, and shot cum up on to the table cloth. Billy left and never called me again. But Regina did, I told her no,that Evan was perverse enough for me right now,maybe later.
The years in high school were lots of fun no matter how a date went, at 4;30 am I was in EVAN's arms snuggled close and full of his jizz or fixin' to get that way soon. Mom caught us in junior year ,She told us it could become habit forming, but never told dad, nor, did she ever interupt us again. If my door was open and Evan's was closed she just went and made coffee and toast for us and grinned a lot.
I was chosen Spring Cotillion Queen in senior year and Evan was my King. We went right thru the whole stage thing like we wern't bro/sis. We kissed for the camera, danced all night, snuggled up like lovers. In the morning we woke up naked on the floor of my room wrapped so tight, His semen and my juice had congelled and stuck us togeather and I had started some time that night we had it all over us. He walked with me on his Dick down the hall, into the shower, to soak us up and clean up our mess. Mom took a picture of that unbenownst to us. And had copies framed for us. "keep It private, but never denigh your love, it will hurt you both intirely to Fuc-king deep." Evan had his crown on, and I had my beautifully jeweled teairea.
We each went to collage and married, He lives fifty miles away and visits mom and dad twice a month. Me, he visits four times a month mostly the week of my period. Because he knows what a wild and crazy bitch i am, those two days before. andMy handsome Steven's never figured it out. So he leaves me here with my brother sitting at the breakfast table. Evans still here for supper when he gits home. My pussy sloushes, makes strange noises when I walk and there is a wet spot on the sheets like a bushel basket.Also ,I have whisker rash from my ankels to my hairline,and Evans got a h.o. when I kiss him as long and deep of a good bye as the law will allow on the street. sometimes it gets to be a good night out at the car. Fourty years and he can still pop my cookies from the dance floor back to the table. Mom knows all about us, and has us come over and do things for them ,as a team, so we can sleep together unInterupted thru a whole night in his old bed. Dad figured it out when we were seniors and spent most date nights sitting in the old van next to our back forty fence, watching a drive -in picture show a 1/4 of a mile away. Repeat after me "Incest is bad -incest is bad- incest is bad-, IS that enough yet decon Harris,?"


2008-03-09 03:00:14
My Fuckingeyes are bleeding!


2007-04-07 18:12:33
it is sppelled " grammar. and fuck u all. if someone is going to write a story, yhey should at least use "spell check", if they refuse to proof read. i quit reading halfway through, i got so disgusted with the illiteracy problem here the the good-ol USA. stay in school boys and girls or u will end up writing like this.


2007-03-10 13:13:07
nice but need more incest like making ur mom do it with u like she didnt
she is also a whore and i am sure cause like mother like daughter hehee..... nice way still goood gob


2006-10-11 18:22:56


2006-04-18 20:34:45
that was so fucking poorly written i could understand any of it

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