My sister and I were never very close. Heather and I were born five years apart, with me being older. I went away to college when she was in seventh grade. When I graduated from college, I got a job 100 miles from home. She graduated from high school, got married and pregnant, not necessarily in that order. So the only time we were close was when I was in high school and she was a young kid. I guess that's why I still think of her as that young kid, even though she's 38 years old.
The guy she married was a real jerk. My parents didn't like him, so the only way she could marry him is to get pregnant, which is what happened. He couldn't hold a job and was unemployed most of the time. He didn't care as long as he had money to go hunting and fishing. They eventually moved away from my parents, although they relied heavily on support from them. My father bought houses for them to live in and sent money for them to live on. Their child was the only reason my sister stayed with the jerk.
Finally her son graduated from high school and enlisted in the navy to get away from his father. That was all my sister needed; she packed up her bags and moved back in with my parents. She tried to get a job, but she wasn't having any luck. My parents wanted to sell their house, move to Florida and retire to the warm climate. However, with my sister living with them, they felt an obligation to stay until she got back on her feet.
Here is where I enter the picture. I have been divorced for five years and I live alone in a fairly large sized house, so I invited my sister to come live with me. Jobs were more plentiful where I lived, so she would have a better chance at getting a good paying job. Also, I would have someone to live with me and I could get to really know my sister.
Everyone agreed with my suggestion and I went up to my parents' place to help her move. She didn't have much, some clothing and a few other personal items. The clothing she had was out of style and well worn. So, after I got her settled in my house, we went shopping. She didn't want to take any money from me, but I convinced it was just a loan until she got a job and then she could pay me back.
I took her to some of the nicer women's clothing stores. Thank goodness I went with her, she's a very pretty woman, but insisted on trying on clothing that made her look matronly.
She's about 5' 8" tall and weighs around135 pounds. She has a very good figure, nice bust, small waist and well formed hips and ass. She didn't have much fat on her. She said they didn't have enough money to buy enough food for her to get fat. I finally convinced her to try on clothing that showed off her figure. I picked out some dresses and blouses that had a neckline that accentuated her boobs. I made her try on dresses that were cut above the knee and showed off her legs. She was modeling the clothes for my approval. I started to realize that I was getting aroused by my sister.
I then took her to a hair stylist and had them change the way she wore her hair. She had long straight hair; she said her husband wouldn't let her wear it any other way. When they were finished with her she looked beautiful and sexy. All of a sudden I started to look at my sister in a different way. After all, I had not had a date in over two years and the closest thing to a sexual experience was one that I shared with my hand. However she was my sister, my kid sister, I told myself to put those thoughts out of my mind and just be happy to have her for company.
She kept my house clean, cooked for me and did my laundry. I was in heaven. It was good to have someone to talk with, when I came home from work. We spent many evenings catching up on lost time. The more we talked about our adult lives, the more we found out we had similar unhappy marriages. Our spouses were people who weren't happy with their lives, so they made sure we weren't happy with ours.
Heather's husband, aside from being an unemployed bum, was also someone who berated Heather constantly, telling her she was stupid, ugly, a poor cook, too skinny They had no sex lives, he was either drunk or out screwing the town slut, leaving her home alone to raise their son. If they had sex, he yelled at her and told her she was rotten in bed.
She was a person who had a very high sex drive, so this lead to her having to please herself. She was too afraid of him to have an affair. I couldn't understand why she didn't leave this creep earlier.
My wife was not interested in sex either. If I suggested anything other than the missionary position, I was label a pervert. When we were first married, we had sex once or twice a week. That soon trailed off to once or twice a month and then it just stopped completely. The last three years of my marriage, my wife and I lived in separate bed rooms and barely communicated. It was only when her parents became ill and a prospect of inheritance came into the picture, that she agreed to a divorce.
Friday, I came home from work and was greeting by my sister wearing one of her sexy new outfits. She ran to me, gave me a big hug and a big kiss on the lips. I was told she got a job and I was taking her out to celebrate. She had made reservations at a fancy restaurant. The food was good, the setting was romantic and the wine was excellent. I hadn't had such a good time in years and years, she hadn't either. We went to a pub, close to my house, had a few drinks and talked for about an hour. She was so relaxed and happy. She didn't believe how good her life was and she owed it all to me. She almost started to cry when she thanked me.
The alcohol was having an affect on me, so I suggested we go home to continue our celebration, she agreed, but when she got up, she was unsteady on her feet. Walking to the car, she was a little tipsy and she started to fall. I reached out to prevent her from falling, and grabbed her right in the boobs. I immediately started to apologize, but she just giggled and said "I was the first person to gab her tits in a long time and it felt good". I replied "that it was a long time since I felt a woman's breasts and I enjoyed it too."
We were still laughing about our little incident when we got home. I told her "it's a good thing she was my sister or she wouldn't be safe in the house tonight." Heather looked at me with a kind of sexy mischievous look on her face and said "What would I do if she wasn't my sister."
I though I'd play along with her, so I replied. “I’d first take you in my arms and kiss you. Then I'd kiss your neck and nibble your ears, while I unbuttoned your blouse. When you blouse was undone I'd take off your bra and kiss and your boobs."
She came close to me and said "Oh John, I'd like that very much. You have given me so much happiness; you've been everything a sister could want in a brother. Now, I want more, I want to feel like a beautiful, sexy woman. Please, help me feel that way. I love you very much and I know you love me, so what is the problem? Please make love to me, tonight.
With that I picked her up in my arms and carried her to my bed. I looked her in the eyes and said "Heather, your right. I love you so very much. I want this as much as you do, but before we do anything, that we'll regret later, are you sure you want this to happen?"
She looked me in the eyes, grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down until my lips meet hers. She gave me a hot wet kiss, our tongues intertwining, probing, touching each other's. We both hadn't had sex in a long time and we were not being gentle. I quickly unbuttoned her blouse and unsnapped her bra. As I pulled the loose bra from her breasts, I stopped and stared at the creamy white mounds of flesh. God, how I love tits! Her nipples were hard and erect. They weren't much bigger around than a nickel, but they stood out a good half an inch, just the way I like them.
I grabbed a tit in each hand and started to massage and knead them. Nothing feels as good as a handful of tit, except maybe two hands full of tits. I lowered my lips to those red, luscious nipples. I couldn't believe the feeling of ecstasy. I experienced as I sucked those nipples. As I started to gently bite them, I heard my sister start to moan. I looked up at her face, her eyes were closed, her lips were slightly open and her tongue was tracing her lips ever so slowly. She had the look of an angel, an angel in heat.
i hate writers that repeat stories and just change the name total waste of our time and the sites space delete one of them and use your head before posting again
Let us know when you finish the story. It started pretty good but then you just stopped. Why?
Finish fucking her and tell us what it was like and how much better she became, under your sexual tutoring and how wrong her asshole husband turned out to be.
Let us know when you finish the story. It started pretty good but then you just stopped. Why?
Finish fucking her and tell us what it was like and how much better she became, under your sexual tutoring and how wrong her asshole husband turned out to be.
anonymous readerReport
anonymous readerReport
Anonymous readerReport
Finish fucking her and tell us what it was like and how much better she became, under your sexual tutoring and how wrong her asshole husband turned out to be.
Slippery Saddle BumReport
Finish fucking her and tell us what it was like and how much better she became, under your sexual tutoring and how wrong her asshole husband turned out to be.