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Tina in the Woods
Tina rode furiously through the woods on her old ten-
speed. The chill autumn air blew hard against her
face, blowing away her tears. She made a sharp turn
down a random trail, not caring where she was going
until she reached the top of a hill, where she

Sniffling softly she dismounted her bike. She grabbed
her purse and pulled out a cigarette, lit it, then sat
down at the base of a tree. She inhaled a deep breath
of smoke, exhaled slowly, then gingerly touched her
right cheek.

It stung. She pulled out her rarely used compact (she
didn't usually wear make-up) and examined her face in
the mirror. It was hard to tell, since her face was
red from the cold, but it looked like her cheek was
already beginning to swell.

Her fingers trembling, Tina put the compact away and
took another drag from her smoke. She couldn't believe
he'd actually hit her! She hadn't seen her father so
angry in years, and though he was prone to giving her
a swat on the butt when he was mad, he'd only rarely
hit her before. He'd certainly never punched her like
this before, that was for sure.

Tina couldn't understand how such a little thing had
set him off. Two days before Tina had found out that
her semester grades had been high enough to keep her
on the honor roll so to celebrate, she had drank a few
of her dad's beers with Michelle. He'd been out of
town for the weekend at the time, busy now that the
holidays were over. He had returned while she was
attending her first day of the second semester and
found his fridge empty.

When she'd gotten home he'd immediately started
screaming at her. She'd been shocked at his temper,
and had tried to calm him down, but he was having none
of it. Eventually she'd run to her room and locked the
door, only to have him kick it in, demanding $150 for
all the beer she'd stolen over the last year. She'd
pleaded with him to calm down, but instead he'd hit
her close-fisted right in the face.

He'd left her alone after that, storming out of the
room while she cried pathetically on her bed. When she
regained her composure enough she'd run out of the
trailer, unlocked her bike, and taken off.

Now she sat underneath a large, leafless tree, huddled
against the sudden wind which had picked up. It was a
bright sunny day but unusually cold for South
Carolina, even for this time of year. She smoked her
cigarette quickly, then lit up another.

I need to get the fuck out of there! she thought
angrily to herself. I should tell a teacher, get him
locked up...

Suddenly there was a loud, high-pitched scream in the

Tina jerked up and glanced around. It sounded like the
scream had come from the other side of the hill.
Standing slowly, she listened for more.

She heard rustling in the trees a good ways off, and
the sound of sobbing. It sounded like a girl, Tina

Deciding to investigate, Tina mounted her bike and
took off quietly down the hill. When she reached its
base she listened again, then turned right, towards
the river. Tina was familiar with these woods as they
backed up onto the trailer park. She'd ridden through
them ever since she was little and knew there was a
crude "fort" constructed by the boys down near the
river. She decided the screams must be coming from

As she approached the screams became more like a
persistent crying. Tina's heart raced: either the boys
were playing games or they were hurting someone.
Neither would surprise the 16-year-old girl.

She cleared another rise in the land and could see the
fort. She was right: about eight or nine boys from the
surrounding trailer parks (hers and the other two near
the woods) were gathered in a semi-circle. They ranged
in age from 10 to thirteen, Tina figured, though she
didn't recognize any of them specifically. They
appeared to be laughing and tormenting someone.

Suddenly that "someone" came into view. To Tina's
surprise, it was a little girl!

She was probably 10 or eleven, Tina thought, and was
definitely the source of the screaming. Her bright
yellow hair was disheveled and one of the straps of
her pink overalls had been unhooked. One of the boys,
the largest in the group, was holding her as she tried
in vain to get away. It looked to Tina like the boy
was trying to get the other strap of the girl's
overalls unhooked as well.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?!" Tina screamed in
shock before she could think.

The boys jumped in surprise, and looked over at her.
One of them took off running at the very site of her,
and a couple more looked like they were ready to.

The boy holding the girl, however, didn't look phased.
"Mind your business!" he yelled back.

Tina peddled closer to the action as the little girl
squirmed against the boy.

"What're you doing to that girl!" Tina yelled.

"Gonna get a peak at her pussy," the boy yelled back.

"NO!" the little girl cried. "I changed my mind!
Lemmie go!!"

Tina stopped. She was a good twenty yards away from
them, and could tell the boy was serious. He looked
like he was 12 years old or so, roughly Joey's age,
and probably the group's leader. The other boys were
looking suspiciously at Tina but seemed less
intimidated already, their leader having displayed so
much defiance.

"I'll go get the cops!" Tina shouted. "You'll all be
in a world of trouble!"

"Go ahead," the boy shouted back. "We'll be gone
before they get here!"

The boy seemed to be losing what little interest he
had in Tina. He was back trying to unclasp the little
girl's overalls.

The scene before her was beginning to make more sense.
The little girl had probably joked that she would show
her pussy to them if she could join their group, but
had lost her nerve on the way to the fort. Tina
spotted the girl's bike stuck in a bush: that, and the
girl's dusty appearance, suggested she'd tried to get

The girl looked desperate. She'd gotten in over her
head and needed help. Tina could relate.

"I'm serious!" she tried again. "Let her go!"

None of the boys were paying attention to her anymore.
The only person looking at her at all was the girl,
her eyes wide and pleading for help. Tina felt
frustration verging on hopelessness at the sight.

How could these boys be so MEAN?!? she thought. It
occurred to her that the only boy their age she knew,
Joey, would never participate in such a thing...

The thought of Joey suddenly gave her an idea. Before
she could think she yelled, "I'll show you mine

The boys stopped again, and looked at her. Tina
swallowed, her heart racing. The boys watched her.

"You'll show us your pussy?" the lead boy shouted,
obviously intrigued.

Tina nodded. "Let her go... she's too little, anyway!
I got a real one!" To illustrate the point, Tina slid
her left hand down to the bike seat, right over her

The boys spoke softly to one another for a moment.
Tina watched the girl, who suddenly looked hopeful,
though her eyes still streamed with tears of
humiliation and fear.

"Okay!" the first boy shouted back, putting his arms
around the girl's chest to hold her tight. "Give Tommy
your bike, then we let her go!"

One of the boys, Tommy, stepped toward her.

Tina slowly got off her bike, unsure of what she'd
gotten herself into. When Tommy was close enough she
held the bike up for him, and he ran back to the other
boys with it.

"Now get over here!" the lead boy ordered. For the
first time so far he seemed unsure of himself, almost
as if he were afraid of a set-up.

Tina walked toward the boys, aware that all of them
were watching her closely. She was modestly dressed
today, thank god, wearing a pair of loose fitting
jeans, a blue wind-breaker jacket, and a black "Limp
Bizkit" t-shirt. Her hair was tied back with a hair-
tie, a few strands dangling in her face.

She studied the boys again, now that she was closer.
Tommy and the lead boy appeared the oldest, probably a
little older than Joey, while the rest appeared to be
a year younger. They all wore jeans and t-shirts, no
jackets despite the chill air, and were dirty from
riding in the woods.

"Well? Let her go!" Tina said, trying to sound

The lead boy grinned at her nervously, then let go of
the little girl. She stumbled forward then paused, as
if she wasn't sure what to do.

"Go home," Tina said to her, kindly. "It'll be okay."

The girl nodded and backed away. Tina watched as she
picked her bike out of the bush, mounted it, and took
off riding.

"Okay," the lead-boy said. "Now it's your turn!"

Tina nodded. She walked past the boys toward a fallen
tree. She said, trying to sound casual, "You boys
never seen a pussy before?"

Most of the boys mumbled "No" excitedly, as if they
couldn't believe their good luck: they'd expected a
little 10-year-old to give them a peak, now they had a
16-year-old about to willingly show them!

The lead boy, however, said, "Yeah! I seen plenty

Tina nodded as she sat down on the log. "Besides your
little sisters, I mean?"

The other boys giggled. The lead-boy, looking angry,
responded, "Yeah! Plenty more!"

"Okay," Tina said, grinning as she lit up a cigarette.
"That's cool. But you're gonna see a real one now!"

Tina was surprised at her own words, but was excited
to be in control again. She unbuttoned her jeans as
she took a hit from her cigarette, and unzipped the

The boys gathered in close. There were eight of them,
all vying for the best position to watch. A couple
shoved at each other.

Tina stopped. "Everyone will get a look!" she said
sternly. "No fighting! You, what's your name?" she
said to the lead-boy.

"Uhm... Frank," he replied. He still seemed
suspicious, unprepared for this turn of events.

"Help me with my shoes, Frank," Tina ordered. The boy
quickly obliged, bending down at her left to begin
fumbling with her shoe.

"You, Tommy, get the other one," Tina said. She sat
and smoked as the two kids busily untied her shoes.
She WAS in control again!

She grinned slyly at the other boys. "Who wants to
help with my pants?" she asked.

The boys' hands shot up as they yelled out, "Me, me!"
in excitement. Tina pointed to one of the younger
ones. His round face flushed and he grinned stupidly
as he stepped forward.

Her shoes off, now, Tina gestured for the boy to grab
her pant legs, which he did. She lifted her butt off
the log with her hands, cigarette dangling from her
lips, and the boy pulled.

In one swift motion her jeans came off, and Tina was
naked from the waist down. She shivered as she sat her
butt back onto the log, the cold causing goose-bumps
to form on her naked thighs.

"Whoa!" the group gasped as one.

"She ain't wearing underwear!" one of the boys pointed

Tina blushed slightly, having forgotten that it had
been a school day which, according to her bet with
Michelle, meant no panties.

"Okay," Tina said, trying to remain casual and in
control despite her sudden nudity. "Form a line!" she

The boys immediately complied. There was some shoving
as the stronger boys made their way to the front, but
soon a line was in position right in front of where
Tina sat.

"Okay," Tina nodded to Frank, who was the first. "Get
closer... okay. Now get on your knees!"

The boy eagerly did. He was kneeling before her, his
nose nearly touching the space between her closed
knees. The older girl looked around at the other boys,
attempted to make her nervous smile coy, then slowly
spread her legs apart.

She studied Frank's face with interest. It was as if
he'd just discovered the Lost City of Gold: his
innocent eyes widened at the site of her lightly
fuzzed pussy.

Tina reached a hand down to it, suppressing the rush
of excitement she felt, then used her first two
fingers to spread apart the labia. The boy made a
gasp: he'd obviously never seen a real vagina up close
before. She smiled at the look on his face, not caring
about how perverse the situation must look: a 16-year-
old girl showing a little boy her privates.

After a few seconds Tina declared, "Okay, next!"

Frank reluctantly got up after Tina shut her legs
together again. She got a similar reaction to the next
boy, Tommy, after she was done showing him.

She moved straight down the line: each boy getting
about 30-seconds to stare at her naked pussy. It gave
Tina a perverse thrill to show these boys herself so
crudely, especially when they made their little gasps
of astonishment and disbelief.

Her teeth began to chatter from the cold air and, try
as she might, she found herself unable to prevent
herself from growing damp. She decided she didn't
care: first of all, these inexperienced boys probably
wouldn't notice, and second of all, she was way too
turned on to care about much anything!

One of the younger boys, during his turn, tried to
reach out and touch her. She slapped away his hand,
mostly because she figured it was unfair to let this
one get a feel when the others hadn't. The boy had
grinned at her, leaned in closer instead, and
whispered something.

"What'd you say?" she asked, finding her voice

"Nuttin'," he grinned sheepishly. "I just think it's
real pretty!"

When the last boy was done Tina found herself not
wanting it to be over. Emotionally, she felt like
she'd just had sex but hadn't cum.

The boys were still standing around, watching her, as
she lit up another cigarette. She made no move to put
her pants back on. In fact, she found herself eyeing
them playfully when she noticed that most of them
sported little erections in their pants.

"I got an idea," Tina said, her heart suddenly
pounding in her chest. The boys all froze, listening
with interest.

"I want to see what you got, too," she smiled.

The boys looked uncertain, probably too embarrassed to
get naked in front of each other.

"I'll tell you what," Tina said. "Whoever has the
biggest one can touch my pussy..."

A couple of the boys, looking too embarrassed, shook
their heads and made excuses, then left. The other six

"How will you tell whose is biggest?" Frank asked,

"A girl can tell," Tina grinned. "Come on, don't be

The remaining boys looked at each other nervously, but
had begun unzipping their pants already. They made
stupid, nervous jokes to each other, then stood
awkwardly with their pants around their ankles.

Tina watched excitedly: most were lightly fuzzed with
the beginning of puberty, but a couple were still
completely bald. All of them were small compared to,
say, Leon, but Tina didn't care. She found herself
growing wet at the site of the six young cocks hanging
out before her.

Tina stood up and walked up and down the row of boys.
She bent over to more closely examine a few, something
she found exhilarating! She'd squat slightly, not
caring that her pussy widened when she did, and say
things like "Hmmm..." and "I dunno...".

The truth was, she wasn't really paying much attention
to the sizes. She was just enthralled!

Finally she stopped at Tommy. "Yours is definitely the
biggest!" she declared.

The other boys made sounds of disappointment,
especially Frank. She turned to him and said, "... but
yours is close, though." Frank looked hopeful. "Tell
you what... can you boys share?"

"Yeah!" Tommy nodded.

"Sure," Frank shrugged.

"The rest of you better leave," Tina said. "That girl
might send cops, and they'll be lookin' for a group!"

Frank nodded his agreement, and soon most of the boys
had filed away in disappointment, mounting their bikes
and riding slowly away. The truth of the matter was,
Tina didn't really think that little girl would send
anybody: she just felt she could be more "exploratory"
if the boys didn't have their friends in audience.

When the other boys were out of site, Tina took a seat
again on the log. "Okay," she said, "each of you sit
next to me."

Frank and Tommy quickly complied.

When she was settled, Tina took Frank's nervous right
hand and slowly placed it between her legs. "Go
ahead," she said softly, "feel it!"

She started at his touch, so inexperienced and unsure.
She nodded encouragement. "It's okay, that's good! You
ever feel a girl down there before, Frank?"

"No," he gasped, his eyes locked on the site of his
hand cupping the 16-year-old's pussy.

"You're doing well," Tina sighed. She relaxed and let
the boy explore her. She was very damp now, something
Frank quickly learned when his finger slid deeper
between the folds of her labia.

"Oh," Tina started. "Gently, Frank... just rub your
finger up and down the slit..."

"When can I go?" Tommy asked impatiently.

Tina opened her eyes and smiled over at him. "Okay,
you can go now. Just like Frank was doing... that's

"You boys learn quick!" she added, boosting their

The boys alternated their explorations of her teenage
vagina as Tina gave them instructions. Soon, she had
gotten the two boys to unwittingly get her to the
verge of orgasm.

She squirmed her naked butt on the rough bark of the
log, now, immense pleasure rolling across her young
body. "You can press it in," she gasped when Tommy,
whose turn it was, reached the hole of her vagina.

He quickly complied and Tina made a long, low mewing

"I wanna try!" Frank yelled, pushing his friend's hand
away from her.

Tina didn't care, as soon it was Frank's finger
squirming up inside her pussy. He was rougher than his
friend, but Tina didn't care.

"Oh God, yeah, you boys are good!" Tina panted. She
was having a hard time sitting still, her body
writhing in place as the boys penetrated her damp

Suddenly she noticed that Tommy was rubbing himself as
he watched Frank finger her. Without even thinking she
reached out to grab his hard little cock.

"Hey!" he gasped, jumping away.

"It... it's okay," Tina panted. "Let me do that for

Tommy swallowed and resumed his seat right next to
her. Again she reached out, this time gently wrapping
her hand around his penis. She shuddered at the
feeling of his little member in her hand, then slowly
began to jack him off.

Of course, Frank wanted that, too, and Tina complied.
She wrapped her other hand around his small shaft and
gently stroked him, too. Soon she was jerking them
both as the boys alternated their fingering of her

The boys definitely lacked experience, but the
perversity of it all (she'd never done anything with
more than one guy) made up for it: Tina felt herself
heading toward an unbelievable orgasm.

The boys, she quickly discovered, didn't take long.
Tommy was first: his boy-cum shot out of the head of
his penis without warning, and what was left dribbled
down her hand as she continued to jerk. Frank quickly
followed suit and his cum, too, shot out into the dirt
then leaked into her fist.

Right then she came, just as Tommy tried to pull his
finger away from her pussy. She stopped him, gripping
his hand forcefully with her cum-stained hands,
forcing his finger to remain up inside her. She ground
herself against his finger, practically masturbating
herself with it.

"Ughhhh!" she moaned. Her orgasm rippled across her
body until, finally, she too was done.

The two boys stood, suddenly looking embarrassed, and
pulled their pants back on. Tina just sat there
feeling sublime, and lit yet another cigarette.

"Thanks, boys," she said softly.

"Yeah," Tommy nodded to her.

Frank grinned. "Thank you," he said.

They headed over toward their bikes and got on. Frank
peddled over to her, and stopped. He looked at her
with a nasty little expression.

"So, you're what a slut's like, huh?"

Tina's eyes widened in surprise. Before she could
respond the two boys rode away quickly, their laughter
filling the air.

She shook her head in disgust. Fucking assholes!

What do you expect? she thought. They're just kids!

Tina sighed deeply, the usual feelings of guilt this
time being suppressed by the notion that she'd done a
good deed: she'd saved that little girl from those
little pricks.

Tina quickly dressed, then got back on her bike. She
didn't want to go home. She didn't want to stay in the
woods, or else she might start to feel guilty, and she
was in no mood for that: she wanted to feel sorry for
herself, for getting hit by her dad.

She rode off toward the other side of the woods, which
would take about a half an hour to get to. Once there,
she decided, she'd go over to Michelle's house. Maybe
even see if she could spend the night.

I'm not a slut, she thought to herself again. I'm a
hero! I saved that girl...



2015-10-07 22:06:10
Love all the smoking in this 1


2007-11-21 03:54:12
that was good very good u got tallent


2005-07-20 20:07:31
hot. loved it. i ike your story telling. give us some more. would love to see some ass licking.


2004-08-23 17:21:57
Good story, good writing.

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