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This is dedicated to anyone who has made love outdoors, under the stars
Unfathomed Night, thou conduit of dreams,
Veiled sister of the lucid Day,
For thee I long, for thee I wait
And for thy favour pray.
Come and spread thy silken cloak upon me,
No other raiment will I wear
But thy aethereal garment
Of darkness and sweet air!
O goddess of soft unhurried hours,
Mistress of warm and whispered love,
Guardian of peace unsullied,
Thy silver orb above
Solemnly proclaims thy reign established
Under the stars’ eternal light,
An empire devoted to
The revelries of Night.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-09-09 04:53:16
Well as a female allow me to say if you were hvnaig raw sex with her the wetness can cause you to ejaculate with in seconds. Also if her vagina is tight enough the pressure added to the stroke of your penis can cause extra stimulation especially if the head of your penis is very sensitive. Try entering her completely and not coming completely out with each stroke make sure your deep inside her.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-05-31 04:52:49
Milagrosa:Confio en ti mi Dios,Padre,Hijo y Espirutu Santo mi Senor Jesus mi unico Salvador con todas las fuerzas te pido me coaendcs la gracia que tanto deseo (pide el deseo)Amen. Oracion a Santa Marta La Dominadora:Santa Marta Virgen por Caramanchel vas a consumir hoy por la llama con que se enciende esta vela y por el algodon con que se limpiaron los santos oleos.Te enciendo yo esta vela para que remedies mis necesidades,socorras mis miserias y venzas todas las dificultades como vencistes la fiera brava que tienes a tus pies,para ti no hay imposibles,dame suerte y dinero para cubrir mis miserias y necesidades.Asi Madre Mia concedeme que ..... no pueda estar ni vivir tranquilo hasta que a mis pies venga a parar,asi Madre Mia concedeme lo que te pido para aliviar mis penas por el amor de Jesus,Santa Marta Virgen que al monte entrastes,las fieras bravas espantastes,con tus cintas las atastes y con los hisopos las amansastes,asi Madre Mia si esto es verdad concedeme que ..... regrese a

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-10-15 19:40:34
well written

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-10-15 16:55:10
Most people don't understand or even know what makes good poetry. I used to post on one site. Then it was taken over by people who didn't have a clue to what poetry was. All the better poets moved on

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-02-11 23:39:17
Unfortunately, I can't write poetry. The wordplay in this poem is wonderful though, It deserves a way higher rating than it's getting. Probably they just saw it was a poem and gave it a negative rating >:( Jerks.
Beautiful writing. 10/10 :)

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