A fanciful tale of how a teenager progressed from comforting his grief-stricken mother to becoming her lover.
My dad had been killed in an industrial accident at the Greensboro textile plant when I was thirteen and in the seventh grade. We were living in a nice, comfortable house on Walnut Street at the time of his death. The loss of my dad was not a financial burden, since the accidental death benefits ensured that my mother and I would not be destitute. However, although his death had been very difficult for me, it was devastating for my mom.
At the time mom was only in her early forties and quite attractive, at least I thought so. She was a relatively small woman, only about five foot three inches tall with a slender build and weighing only about 110 pounds. Her breasts were quite small and although she had a taut tummy and always looked wonderful in shorts or slacks, her hips were fairly full. Her hair was a warm, dark brown that she kept trimmed to just shoulder length. At that time she had begun to fret over the fact that she was beginning to get streaks of gray in her hair. Her face, though not stunningly beautiful, was quite attractive with a gorgeous smile, bright green eyes, and full lips. I had always considered her to be beautiful.
My mother had been very affectionate as I grew up, always giving me lots of hugs and kisses. Although normally quite outgoing, it was no small wonder that over the months following my dad’s death that mom nearly became a recluse, preferring to stay around the house. She rarely invited anyone into our home during that first year and other than going to work at the insurance agency, where she was the office manager, she only went to town to do her grocery shopping. When she was home, she spent most of her days in her nightie and dressing gown. She would sit on the couch for hours, quietly sip coffee, and sadly stare into space. I tried to help her out when I got home from school and on the weekends. I’d always volunteer to help her to clean the house, do yard work, and run errands. I tried to keep her company even when she was watching awful “girl” movies on TV. She would often cry, especially if something reminded her of my dad. I would embrace her and assure her that everything was going to be just fine. I’m not sure how comforting a thirteen year old kid could be, but mom clearly cherished my concern and attention and eventually seemed to depend on it.
I had passed through puberty when I was twelve and was right in the middle of a growth spurt about the time my dad had been killed. I had been just under than 5 foot 3 inches when I turned thirteen and was over 5’ 7” and weighed 150 pounds by the time I was sixteen. I had experienced all the usual adolescent changes, but the one that I was most embarrassed to me was my penis growth. My dick was exceptionally large and was something that I was unmercifully teased about by the other boys, particularly when we showered after gym classes at the junior high. They called me “baloney dick” and I guess that the name was appropriate, when compared to the size of my classmates. In later life it was something to be proud of, but to a self-conscious teenage boy it was an embarrassment. Anyway, once I passed through puberty, dramatic changes started to take place and I seemed to be in a constant state of horniness. I had frequent wet dreams and virtually any situation or incident at school, in the neighborhood, or at home would prompt me to get excited and my dick to stiffen. Not surprisingly, I focused a lot of my fantasies on the woman that I had the most contact with: my mother
The potential for difficulty began after one particularly awful crying session about six months after dad died. I was concerned, since it stretched out over several days and affected her so much that she called in sick rather than go into work. On the third night, my mother asked me if I would sleep with her and I said that I would. We cuddled and hugged before going to sleep. Although my mother was only being her affectionate self, I found that I was getting terribly excited by the closeness to her and her loving caresses and kissing. I was shocked and somewhat embarrassed, realizing that I had a full throbbing erection after just a few minutes. Now, I was barely sixteen
and should not have been surprised by that response. Although I was trying to be careful I was afraid that my hard dick may have touched my mother. As it was, that didn’t seem to have occurred and I eventually fell asleep.
I assumed that sleeping in my mother’s bed would only be an occasional thing but I soon realized that mom was comforted by my being there. The result was that I ended up sleeping with her virtually every night. The potential for something further happening was obvious, but at age sixteen I just didn’t realize what was going to transpire over the next few months. I did enjoy drifting off to sleep beside her and waking up in the morning to find her sleeping next to me. I had begun to masturbate before I’d even reached thirteen and realized that the closeness of my mother would excite me terribly. If I had an erection while lying next to her and she had fallen asleep, I’d carefully slip out of bed and go quietly into the bathroom to masturbate. I would imagine kissing my mother and fondling her tits while I jacked off sitting on the toilet. Initially that was just about as far as I let my imagination go. Even though I was careful, I was always afraid that my mother would somehow catch me masturbating. It would be particularly bad if she somehow deduced that I was thinking about her when I did it. Oh boy! That would be awful!
As the weeks passed, whenever she hugged or kissed me, I quickly found that I would get a powerful erection. After several months I also found that whenever I’d slip away during the day and jack off, I was constantly fantasizing about my mother. I never considered actually doing anything about my fantasies, but that was soon to change. One night, as I lay there in the dark along side of my mother, I had my first wild thoughts of actually fondling her while she was sleeping. She was softly breathing and lying on her back. Her head lolled to one side, facing away from me. I carefully rolled to my left side and faced her. She was wearing her favorite soft cotton nightgown and I could just make out the shape of her breasts in the dim glow of the bathroom’s night light. Warily I slid my hand over until I gently touched her. I was dreadfully afraid that I would somehow wake her up. Regardless, I softly fondled both of my mom’s breasts for several minutes. My dick had quickly become rigid and throbbing. Emboldened, I cautiously slipped my hand inside her nightie and I felt her hard little nipple. By now I had one hand on her tit and my other hand was on my dick. In my agitated state, it didn’t take long and before I could control it, I’d reached an orgasm and began cumming. Oh man! I shot out a series of quick squirts. “Oh shit!” I thought, “What a mess!” I realized that I had shot my load all over the sheet between me and mom. I was so afraid that I’d awakened her, but looking at her face and listening to her steady breathing, I realized that she was still sound asleep.
I slipped out of bed and quietly went to the bathroom to clean myself up I took a hand towel back to the bed, so I could carefully wipe up the cum from the sheet. Once I had cleaned up the wetness as much as I could, I returned to my own room and carefully hid the towel in my dresser drawer, realizing that I’d have to wash it out and put it into the laundry hamper in the morning. Satisfied that I’d been careful, I finally fell asleep beside my mother. That next morning I wasn’t sure what my mother’s actions would be. I was still concerned that I hadn’t been as careful as I should have been and there was also the residue of my cum on the sheet. However, she seemed perfectly normal and kissed my cheek as I left for school.
The following night I couldn’t fall asleep, as I began reliving my earlier experiences. After assuring myself that she was asleep, I began to fondle her again. I was more careful and prepared this time. By the time I was approaching orgasm, I slipped out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. As I pumped my dick and got closer to orgasm, I took out a wash cloth to contain and absorb my sperm. I finally stroked myself into orgasm, cumming into the wash rag. I followed the same routine for several weeks, fondling mom’s tits for ever longer periods of time. After my earlier successes, I eventually got so bold as to slip my hand down between her legs. She didn’t wear panties to bed, so I was able to slip my hand under the hem of her nightie and carefully began to touch and caress her pussy.
Within weeks, I became obsessed with thinking and fantasizing about my mother. I’d come home from school, go straight into the bathroom, and pump my dick to orgasm as I focused my thoughts upon her and her body. By now I fantasized about more than just feeling her breasts. I began to dream of actually putting my dick in her pussy and fucking her. I also began to visualize slipping my dick in her mouth and having her suck me off. Then one day I think the memories of the loss of my dad totally overwhelmed her. She spent the entire day alternating between crying and staring out into space. She didn’t prepare dinner that night, but just set out a meal of soup and sandwiches for me and went to bed early.
I finished my homework, finally went to bed, and crawled next to her. Mom rolled toward me and intensely hugged me. She cried for quite some time then said, “Tommy, I miss your dad terribly.” In due course her tears ended and she slipped into a fitful sleep. I’d decided that I wouldn’t fondle her or beat off that night. However, I once again found out that I couldn’t go to sleep. I just lay in the darkness, conscious of my mom next to me, lying on her side and facing away. Listening to her softly breathing, I realized that I just couldn’t resist the temptation. I rolled to my side facing her and pressed my body against her back. I reached around her and began to gently fondle her breast.
After a short passage of time, I gently pulled up the hem of her nightgown. I slipped my hand down to tenderly caress her pussy, as well. I got to the point where I had realized that I needed to slip out of bed and to seriously jack off. It was then that things began to radically change. As I turned on my back and gave my dick a few quick strokes, I realized that my mother had reached back and slipped her hand over my hand. I froze in fear as her fingers gripped and she quietly began to masturbate me. I pulled my hand off and mom continued to caress and carefully stroke me. She briefly stopped and rolled over so that she faced me, resuming her ministrations as her hand slowly moved up and down my shaft. It was the most overwhelming sensation that I’d ever experienced. In the dim light I realized that my mother’s eyes were open and that she was staring intently into my face. In less than a minute, I was bucking my hips and achieved the most massive orgasm that I’d ever experienced in my young life. The hot milky squirts spurted out, splashing on my stomach.
“Did you like that, Tommy?” my mother whispered. “Did that feel good?” she asked, looking directly in my eyes. “Oh mom, it felt great!” I gasped. I put my hand over hers as she continued to gently masturbate me. “I’m so pleased,” she continued, “I wanted to make you feel good because you’ve been such a wonderful son.” After a short time she stopped and said, “Well, now, let’s get you cleaned up.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed and helped me to my feet. Quietly she led me to the bathroom, slipped off my pajamas, and moistened a wash cloth. She began to gently clean up the sticky sperm that soaked my pajamas and covered my skin. I noticed that her small tits wiggled to some extent under her cotton nightie as she cleaned my stomach.
“I should tell you, Tommy,” mom said as she continued her cleaning, “I’ve been awake while you touched me the last few weeks. I loved the way you gently caressed me. I could just imagine your father touching me. I want you to keep doing it. Would you like to do that for your mother?”
“Oh yes, mom. I want to do it,” I quickly responded. Once mom finished her cleaning, she got me a pair of clean pajamas and led me back to bed. We cuddled for some time as I hugged her. My dick pressed against her stomach and in no time at all it was hard again, but in spite of my becoming hard, we both quickly fell sound asleep.
The next day was certainly a strange day. Mom was cheerful and happy, a far cry from the somberness that she had portrayed for weeks. As for me I spent most of the day in an apprehensive stupor. I was unable to believe that what had happened the night before had really happened and yet, I knew it had. My mother had jacked me off! She didn’t mention it and gave no overt indication that she even remembered what she’d done. Then that evening, everything escalated to a higher level. Just after I finished brushing my teeth and putting on my pajamas, I was surprised by a question mom asked. “Tommy would you like it if we both went to bed naked tonight?”
Stunned, I quickly said, “oh yes, mom!” I guess my enthusiasm was ridiculously obvious. She smiled and watched as I quickly stripped my pajamas and scrambled into her bed. Once there I watched her intently as she slowly took off her housecoat, bra, and panties. She turned the light on the nightstand to its lowest setting. I was extremely excited as she pushed the covers off of me and carefully folded them at the foot of the bed. I was further excited by the swing of her breasts as she climbed into bed completely nude and snuggled up to me.
She smiled and whispered, “Tommy, I want you to touch me now. Would you like to do that?” I quickly nodded in response and began to caress her, running my hands gently over her breasts. After several moments mom asked, “Why don’t you suck my nipples. I know I’d love to have you suck them.” I eagerly nodded my head and immediately began to suckle at her breasts, feeling her nipples hardening in my mouth. After I had done this for few minutes, she grasped my hand and gently guided it down her stomach to her pussy and showed me exactly how she wanted me to touch her. I began to caress her and very soon slipped my fingers into her already sopping wet slit.
Within a very few minutes her body was writhing and she thrashed her head from side to side as she reached an orgasm. At first I was somewhat frightened, afraid that I’d done something wrong. Her body stiffened and trembled as her pussy soaked my fingers. This was a powerful feeling for me watching as my mother achieved an orgasm and realizing that I’d helped her in reaching her climax. Moments later mom lay back as her stomach quivered and she began to come down from her powerful orgasm. When she had sufficiently recovered, she pushed me on my back as she began to stroke and masturbate me.
She leaned in and rested her head on my stomach, watching as she purposefully jerked me off. After the excitement of bringing her to orgasm it didn’t take long before I was bucking my hips, fucking her hand as hard as I could. Soon I was spewing out globs of my hot creamy sperm all over my stomach as my mother murmured in delight. “Cum for your mommy, Tommy,” she whispered, “I want you to shoot all your cum for me!” Once she was sure that she’d squeezed out every last drop of my sperm, she cleaned me up and hugged me. By the time I drifted off to sleep that night I was no longer anxious and concerned with what my mother and I were doing. It just seemed so natural. For several weeks we would go to bed each night completely nude and followed a similar routine. We would kiss with increasing passion and then caress as we used our hands to satisfy each other. I was only sixteen years old, but I soon realized that I was receiving a tremendous sexual education from my mother.
On the mornings following our nightly escapades, I found it was difficult for me to go to school without dwelling on what my mother and I had done just hours before. I was trying to go about my normal routine at the junior high, pretending that there was nothing unusual going on in my life. It was awfully difficult to do that while my thoughts throughout the day were always on my mother. I guess that maybe three weeks had passed when there was another change in what had become our custom. On that night I had been sucking her tits and caressing her pussy when she achieved her first orgasm. After a few minutes mom started to stroke me as usual, her head on my chest and staring at my dick. But, after a short while, she paused for a moment. “I want to do things just a little differently this time, Tommy,” she whispered. “I think that you’ll like it.”
She leaned down over me and kissed the end of my dick, then lowered her head further and took my cock into her mouth. As my mom started to suck me, her warm wet mouth began to slide rhythmically up and down on my shaft. I moaned in sheer pleasure, “Oh mom! Oh mom!” I groaned. I was in a state of shock and surprise as I watched my mother licking and sucking on my dick. The sensations I felt were unbelievable. My whole body literally quivered and shook as her tongue caressed my throbbing shaft. She continued to lick and suck on the head and soon I began to rock my hips upward, driving my dick between her lips. Oh man, my nuts felt as if they were on fire. It didn’t take long until my dick felt as if it would certainly burst and I quickly reached the point of no return. My mind began whirling about as I reached a tremendous orgasm and started groaning and squirming on the bed. I finally howled and squirted a massive load of my hot sticky cum straight into my mother’s mouth in a long, powerful orgasm. There just seemed like no end to my orgasm as I continued to shoot cum past her gulping lips.
My orgasm eventually did come to an end and I was completely overcome, my stomach was trembling and twitching in excitement. Mom didn’t stop her sucking until she had drained every last drop and was quite sure that my supply of sperm was exhausted. Her eyes were closed in ecstasy as she swallowed the last of my load deep into her belly. I just lay there staring at my mom with her lips still tightly clamped around my dick, her eyes closed, and her throat working as she savored the last of my semen. After a few more moments she allowed my flaccid dick to slip out of her mouth and gave me a satisfied smile.
She settled back on the bed and sighed. “Umm, Tommy, that was just yummy!” she said. “Thank you for giving it to me.” She smiled and continued, “I think that you might have enjoyed it just a little bit too.”
“Wow, it felt great, mom!” I whispered. I had never felt anything like that ever before, even when she jacked me into an orgasm.
She smiled as she wiped her mouth. “Oh, it’s tasty,” she giggled, “and the nicest thing about it is that there isn’t any nasty, sticky mess to clean up!” She cuddled up to me her eyes closed and a warm smile traced her face. After several minutes of quiet reflection she grasped my dick again. “Do you know something, Tommy? You squirted a lot of your semen in my mouth and it was just like your father used to do. Oh, he loved for me to suck him off! He would fill my mouth and it always tasted so good! This is wonderful! It’s just like having your father back again.” She just held me tight for a few moments, obviously remembering back to those wonderful times that she had shared with my father. I cuddled up next to her as we held one another and both drifted off to sleep.
Several nights later mom and I had fondled one another and then she had sucked my dick until I reached a tremendous orgasm. She held me in her arms afterwards enjoying the moment then she look intently at me with a serious expression. “Now, I want you to do something for me,” she whispered.
I looked at her quizzically. “Sure, mom,” I said, “what do you want me to do for you?”
“I want to teach you how to lick and suck a pussy. Would you like to learn how to do that?
“Yes, mom,” I quickly replied, “If that’s what you want me to do. But, you’ll have to show me how I should do it.” “Oh yeah!” I said to myself, visualizing the experience and anticipating this new experience.
“Oh Tommy! This is going to be so exciting for both of us. Your dad was so good at caressing my pussy with his mouth.” She then described in detail exactly what I needed to do to satisfy her. After she finished her explanation, she said “Tommy, if you just do what comes naturally, you’ll do just fine. Well, are you ready? Your mother certainly is!”
She rolled over on her back, spread her legs and pulled me between her thighs. I got on my knees and crouched between her legs, my head over her pussy. I was still hesitant at first and not exactly sure what I should do, even after her instructions. Seeing my uncertainty, mom said, “Its all right, Tommy. Just start licking between my pussy lips. Oh, Tommy, your father just loved to lick my pussy. He was always so proud when he could make me come strictly with his tongue.” She gently guided my head toward her pussy lips. “All you need to do is to start by kissing it and then just do whatever comes naturally.” In my kneeling position I grasped mom’s hips and brought my mouth down to her moist pussy. I hesitantly began by kissing her lips and letting my tongue sweep across her soft brown pubic hair and velvety skin. After a few moments I felt mom’s hands grasping the sides of my head as I alternated my licking with thrusts of my tongue between her lips. It wasn’t long before mom was moaning with pleasure.
Her moaning increased whenever I intensified the probing of the soft skin between the lips, pushing my tongue in as far as I could. “Mom was right,” I thought to myself, “I know exactly what to do!” I began to savor the experience and the way her warm flesh felt against my tongue as I caressed her. I continued to probe her slit and was not surprised when she started gently rocking her hips upward and began to thrust her pelvis against my face and tongue. As my tongue traced back and forth, carefully probing and then withdrawing, I could feel mom shifting her body back and forth on the bed. I altered my oral attack and gently began to focus my attention on her clitoris. She quickly responded, as her thrusting movements became stronger and more rapid against my mouth. She began to loudly moan in lascivious delight as her juices poured from her. Oh man, I was thoroughly enjoying what I was doing and I was delighted in the pleasure that I knew I was giving my mother.
Her pussy lips were now enlarged as I gently separated them with my tongue and resumed my licking and sucking of her clitoris. Mom continued moaning and was thrusting her pussy up and down in an ever increasing tempo. “Oh Tommy! I love this!” She moaned. “Oh, I love having you eating me! Tommy, oh please, oh please, don’t stop!” I thought to myself, “Not a chance, mom, eating your pussy is just too much fun!”
After a few moments working the clitoris, my tongue resumed probing her slit, fucking in and out. “Oh … yes!… yes! … yes! Oh, that feels so good!” she squealed in lewd delight. It felt good to me, as well, as I realized my dick was rock hard and quivering. Mom was tossing her head from side to side on her pillow, while her body quivered and writhed. I knew that she would soon reach her climax and be cumming. I guess mom sensed it too “Oh … yes! Keep eating my pussy, Tommy!” she begged “Oh … yes! … yes! … yes! I'm going to cum!” I continued alternating between licking and probing her and sucking at her clitoris. “Yes! Yes! Oh, just like that!” Mom’s whole body was now thrashing about on the bed, rocking back and forth as she bucked and thrust toward my mouth. While her pussy fucked my face, she wrapped her legs over my shoulders, trapping my head between her thighs as she beat her heels against my back.
My mother was in a complete frenzy by now. Her thighs squeezed my head as her hands clutched the back of my head pressing my face against her pussy. It was just then that she achieved a towering climax. She shrieked, “Oh! I'm cumming, Tommy! I’m cumming!” Her legs tightly gripped my head, while her writhing body bounced up and down on the bed. I kept my mouth firmly clamped on her slit as I continued to work her sensitive clitoris with my tongue. Moments later her body made one final violent shudder before she collapsed back into the bed. Her legs gradually began to relax, but were still wrapped over my back as her hands unwillingly released my head and dropped to her sides. I finally slipped my mouth from her pussy and looked into her face “Did I do all right, mom?” I asked. “Did I do it like you wanted me to do?”
“Oh yes Tommy you were wonderful! Your father would be so proud of you!”
We spent the next few months experimenting and sexually enjoying one another. My mother continued with my education during this time, teaching me how to sexually gratify her and helping me learn the techniques so necessary to being a rewarding lover. We were having sexual contact nearly every night and occasionally would have an afternoon or morning session, as well.
I remember one new and exceptionally exciting experience during this period. On that particular night her pussy was already sopping wet and sticky from our foreplay. I was crouched between her legs and started to lick her slit when I felt a powerful trembling coursing through her body. This time, however, she pushed me on my back wriggled around and straddled my head her pussy in perfect position for me to caress. She started to softly moan as my tongue resumed licking around and between her pussy lips. I soon was anxiously pushing my tongue deep into her, thrusting and probing. At this time I felt her as she hungrily took my cock in her mouth and started sucking me, her lips working their magic.
Mom’s bedroom was quickly dominated by our sucking and slurping sounds as we mutually orally satisfied one another. Her response to the probing of my tongue was immediate as she began to thrust her pelvis up and down in tempo with my licking. Her breathing was becoming ragged and loud even though it was muffled by my dick stuffed in her mouth. After a few moments she interrupted her avid sucking of my cock to squeal in delight as she enjoyed my sucking, licking and probing. Her pussy was gushing now, flooding my face with her juices as I continued to suck her clitoris and my rigid cock was throbbing in her insatiable sucking mouth.
I knew that I wouldn’t last too long as I tried to use the distraction of sucking of her pussy to control my own climax. I began to furiously lick it with my tongue continuing to get her more and more excited until she finally reached her orgasm. Suddenly she took her sucking mouth off my dick and shrieked, “Oh Tommy! Mommy is going to cum! Oh I’m cumming! Oh I’m cumming!” As I felt that I was about to cum I tried to reach back and grab the back of her head and force her mouth back down on my cock. She seemed to realize that and once again began frantically sucking me. I started bucking my hips as I began forcefully fucking her mouth.
By now she had slipped her hands under my ass and firmly pulled my hips toward her. I was fucking her mouth in wild frantic thrusts as I quickly approached my orgasm. I was groaning as my body thrashed about, but mom held me firmly as she sucked. I reached my climax and exploded in a massive orgasm, flooding my hot sticky semen into my mother’s mouth. She gagged a little, then murmured with satisfaction as she felt my cum gushing down her throat. Her murmuring was almost musical. She slowly reduced her milking of my cock with her mouth until it was totally limp. Only then did she finally release it from her sucking lips. I momentarily turned and crawled up to stretch out beside her. She immediately began to cuddle and hug me. “Oh Tommy, you gave me such a wonderful orgasm! Oh, you certainly are so much your father’s son! I want you to do that to me all the time. Can you do that for your poor mother?
I knew that it would only be a matter of time before we actually fucked. However, we spent several months just enjoying oral sex, not every night, but nearly so. Then the night finally came. I had been avidly kissing and sucking on her tits for some time. As I mentioned before, mom breasts were small, but she thoroughly enjoyed my mouth suckling on them. She heaved a loud sigh and was sensuously running her fingers through my hair as I suckled at her breasts. Encouraged I gradually moved one of my hands down to her pussy and started gently rubbing and fingering her pussy. My fingers slipped up and down through her soft pubic hair, tenderly probing her slit while my thumb massaged her clitoris. She had indeed taught me the appropriate techniques well. Momentarily I began finger fucking her, thrusting my middle finger firmly deep inside of her pussy.
After a few moments she moaned as she reached her orgasm and her warm juices began gushing and flowing around my fingers. I then slipped down, positioning myself on my knees between her thighs and begin to suck on her pussy. After several minutes I was surprised when she pulled me on top of her and began to hug and kiss me. “Oh Tommy, you are such a wonderful son. You have made me as happy as I been in months!” Her breasts were crushed under my chest and my pelvis was resting directly on hers.
My dick was rock hard and I know that mom could feel it throbbing and pulsating against her slit. “Well! Oh my! What is happening down here?” she giggled as she reached underneath me and wrapped her fingers around my cock. “Well, I think that your mommy can find some useful purpose for this nice fat penis!” I started to roll on my back so she could suck my dick, when she stopped me. “Oh no, Tommy,” she said, pulling me back on top of her. “I have a much better idea. We are going to do something a little different tonight.” I lifted my hips a little as she started to rub the head of my cock against her moist pussy lips. She then startled me as she vigorously grabbed it, firmly guided it right up to her pussy lips and then slipped my cockhead in. I instinctively knew what to do. I pushed forward and slid my dick completely into her. Oh man! The sensation was unbelievable! I was actually fucking a woman for the very first time and it was my own mother!
Her tits were firmly pressed against my chest as she wrapped her legs and arms around me, hugging me to her body. Her hips were thrusting upward, bucking her pelvis into me. I began fucking her enthusiastically, but all too clumsily. I thrust awkwardly in and out of her and quickly realized that my tempo was way too fast. Mom had already established her own rhythm and was gently rubbing my back. Her calming actions allowed me to gain control of my actions. I soon was able to slow down my thrusts and began to attain a more regular rhythm. Once I was able to do this I began to enjoy what I was doing much more than my earlier uncontrolled ramming.
My mother rocked her body in concert with mine, thrusting her hips up and down to meet my own thrusts. She moaned and whispered, “Oh yes, that feels so good, Tommy! Oh yes, that’s so wonderful! Oh yes!” I knew that I was quickly approaching my orgasm and sensed that mom was reaching hers, as well. Her upward thrusts were becoming faster and faster as her moans became louder and more frequent. It was then that she started to shout. “Oh, fuck me, Tommy! Fuck me! Argh! I want you to cum inside me! I want to feel your dick shooting into me!”
All those expressions coming from my own shy, sweet, mother sent me over the edge and into my own climax. I experienced an incredibly satisfying orgasm as I spurted my milky semen deep into my mother’s pussy. She grasped me tightly and screamed, her head firmly pressed back against the pillow as her body trembled beneath me. It took us several minutes for us to return our breathing to normal as I lay on top of her. My mother held me as she whispered in my ear, “Oh, thank you, Tommy! Oh, that was wonderful!” My slowly deflating cock eventually slipped out and I gently rolled off of her. I marveled at this most recent experience. I had just fucked my own mother.
We rested for quite long time and I expected that we’d eventually drift off to sleep; but, then my mother surprised me as she took my cock in her hand and said, “Tommy, I want you to cum inside my pussy again. You’d like to fuck me and cum again, wouldn’t you?” She began this new encounter by masturbating me for a short time and then she began to suck my cock. It wasn’t long before I was rock hard again, excited by the lewd sight of my own mother enthusiastically sucking on my dick and the thought that I’d soon be fucking her again.
Moments later, she rolled on her back and urged me, “I need you to fuck me again! I want you to fuck me now, Tommy! I want you to fuck your horny mother!” By the time I scrambled between her thighs I was so excited that I immediately shoved my throbbing cock deep inside her drenched pussy, full of my sperm from before. In her own agitated state, mom was soon at her climax, ramming her pussy up to meet my thrusts. “Oh, Tommy! Oh! Oh! Oh, that feels so wonderful! Fuck me! Fuck me!” mom squealed, “Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! Just keep fucking me! Oh yes! Oh, that feels so good!” She reached her orgasm and continued until she finally collapsed in complete exhaustion. By then I was more than ready to shoot another load. I immediately climaxed and started squirting my sperm in yet another mighty orgasm.
Over the succeeding weeks I came to realize that my mother was obsessed with sex and had become addicted to having sex with me … and I was fully willing to accommodate her. In just a few short months I had progressed from just comforting my grief-stricken mother to becoming her lover.
Great story! Well written and with good character development of son and mother. I had a similar experience, but it was with my aunt. She was a lonely widow and I was a typically horny teenager. My parents never found out that we fucked and sucked for all my teenage years. Good memories. Thanks for a great story! Denny
I am the youngest & my sister the next youngest.My two older brothers had the one bedroom and I slept with my young sister.It wasn't long before she has my dick out rubbing it like crazy & squirting cum all over the place.So I suggested we fuck and wouldn't leave such a mess-She liked to have me suck the cum out and got so fucking horny we would fuck again.I remember fucking her five times when we had to stop exhausted . There is nothing more delightful than sucking creampies and swallowing it all.Of course there is just much one can suck and fuck when you have to stop.But when my sister cmes to visits my cock is the first thing she goes for & when she leaves I can't wait for her to return.!
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