Once again, I read the original and thought it could be a lot better by applying a little poetic licence...so I rewote it (well, apart from the last part which will be a whole new story - so there will be a bit of a delay while I compose it).
1 First Joint-Study Session
My step-sister and I are nearly a year apart in age but in the same grade at school. So we were both ready to graduate this year. One of the benefits of being in the same grade is that we are taking most of the same classes, so we were studying the same things. We also had the tendency to study at the same time in the evening at our dining room table instead of in each of our respective rooms.
Our parents are pretty conservative and very religious, and school is very important to them, and to us - just not quite as much. And they have tied our TV watching privileges to our school performance, including grades and spending time each evening at studies. Not that it’s a problem because we are both good students and neither of us are much into sports (she more than me). We aren’t what anyone would call popular, but we have friends and are not social misfits - we are totally normal, AND we get along really well for a brother and sister. Okay, a brother and step-sister.
The last year has been interesting though, in that my step-sister Rachel has caught up to the rest of the girls in the “physical” department, and actually gone way past them as well. She was a slow starter in developing compared to the other girls, and had always been worried about ending up flat-chested. Sometimes she would even confide in me about it. But not this year, there was no doubt any more as she filled right out and now had really nice full breasts. She was pretty proud about it and started wearing a little bit more show-off clothes, though not too much. Like I said my parents were quite religious, and tended to be pretty strict about such things so they kept some tabs on her wardrobe. But she found ways to rebel, as you will see.
This evening we were doing math problems, had divided the assignments up (not exactly kosher but hey) and were working on each of our sets. We were sitting in the dining area of the big main room, like every other day, and our folks were in the lounge area watching TV. A normal evening. After about an hour and a half of study, my step-sister and I could watch TV as well. One thing caught my eye this evening though that was unlike any other.
Rachel was working away, her head down with her tongue poking in her cheek the way it does when she is studying. She was wearing a very loose white blouse, and a loose red skirt. But the deal was that she had left the top THREE buttons undone tonight with the result that the front of her blouse had fallen open completely. I could see quite a lot of her cleavage and lacy white bra. Cleavage and breast always catches my eye no matter what, like a visual magnet, even if it was my step-sister, so I really noticed her perfect white soft breast swelling so round beneath the fine lacy fabric.
At first I didn’t really know where to look, and I really couldn’t help myself from peeking. I was getting a mild woody - from my own step-sister. Pretty weird. At one point she looked up at me, caught my eye and smiled before looking back down at her work. Did she notice? I put my head down and kept trying to do the math - somehow it was harder now. I looked up and she was leaning forward again, but FOUR buttons were undone now and I could now see all the way down her blouse to below the bottom of her bra. I could see her whole breast wrapped in the thin fabric and a little bit of her belly. I even thought I could make out the swell of her nipple. Not much, but for me it was heaven. I was completely muddled now. She caught my eye again, and I went back to my figures. I kept my head down after that.
A moment later I noticed a small square white piece of paper sliding into my view. It was a note. I looked and could see my step-sisters’ hand pulling back to her books. She didn’t look at me at all. I looked back at my folks. They didn’t like us talking when we studied unless it was related to what we were doing, and Rachel had never done THIS before. I took the note and turned it over. All it said was: PEEPING TOM
I went crimson. Busted. When I looked up at her, she was quietly giggling to herself, catching my eye again and smiling. Her buttons were still undone, her lacy bra still visible, the swell of her breast in perfect view. But truthfully I was pretty mortified and stayed as focused on my homework as I could. After about another twenty minutes though, I began to think how it was that she had noticed I had been looking at her, at her breasts even, and still had not adjusted herself. I glanced again, she caught my eye again and smiled at me. She was still ‘exposed.’
I took the paper she had written the note on and turned it over, scribbled I CAN’T HELP IT on the back and slid it over to her.
She looked at me as she lay her hand over the paper, slid the note onto her notebook and turned it over. I watched her read it. She smiled slightly as she read it and looked straight at me, then waggled her finger at me: tsk tsk tsk.
I saw her scribble out her first note, then write something else - turn it over and let it sit there for a little while. What did it say? Now I couldn’t do anything, my heart was pounding. Was she blushing?
Next thing I realized, the note came back into my view. I turned it over:
My heart was pounding now, my face red. She was teasing me. Flirting even. I took a chance as this was fun, I was going to flirt back.
When she saw that one, her head went back and she looked at me her eyes wide and her brows went up, sort of like “Wow. I can’t believe you wrote that”. And then her head went down, she grabbed another sheet and started writing quickly:
I read the note. Absorbed everything in it. We were close, but I had never ever made any kind of physical reference to her body before, and I had no idea how to respond to this...where it had gone. She glanced at me a little shy this time, her cheeks were red, and damn her blouse was still open and she was LETTING me see, smiling at me when she noticed me noticing. My eyes were blinking because my face was getting so hot.
I just wrote back: I THINK THEY ARE PERFECT
She took the note when she got it, and gave me a big smile. She folded that one in half and put it in her pocket - right over her right breast. Our studies were done and now we could watch some TV. Tonight was CSI, and everybody in our family liked that show so we usually watched in the living room.
‘Get everything finished up?’ Dad said.
‘Yeah, they weren’t very hard,’ my step-sister volunteered.
‘Good. Good. You two were working pretty hard tonight.’
‘Uh, huh.’ I nodded my head.
I barely got done with them, with my mind swimming the way it was. My step-sister sat on the couch and tucked her legs beneath her, grabbed a pillow, looked at me and smiled. She had these cute full cheeks (which were still a little red) and lovely dark almond eyes, very feminine. I was noticing her long light brown hair that fell to the middle of her back and was hanging around her shoulders now. She was playing with her hair. I knew she was pretty. She was barefoot and I looked at her feet, and up her legs past her knees. I noticed the soft swell of her breasts beneath her blouse, the fabric still pulling tight across her chest. Never before had I felt the kind of energy that was between us tonight. Whenever she caught my eye she just smiled tossed her hair back over her shoulders, and I was tongue tied for the first time in my life with her.
I kept thinking about that note - I THINK THEY ARE PERFECT - which lay in her breast pocket.
I could see the outline of the paper in her pocket. 2 Second Joint-Study Session
Our schedules did not allow for an evening study at the dining room table for quite a few nights, almost a week, and I totally settled down from before. But on Monday at school I realized as we were getting our assignment that Rachel would be getting the same one and tonight we would probably be at the table together again. It would be one of our study nights. I could actually feel myself getting an erection as I got the papers. In fact I had to sit a little while in class to let it go down.
When we settled in for the evening, mom and dad were doing stuff around the house, not watching TV like last time; but there was Rachel now in a different blouse. It was loose, no buttons, but then I noticed it had totally fallen forward when she leaned over her work. The first time she did it, and then raised herself back up again, she looked right at me.
I pretended that I had not noticed - but I had.
She did it again. The bra was lacy again, smaller than before, almost see-through. I could see the whole curve of one breast, and definitely the swell of her nipple. We were filling out a questionnaire and then had to write a short paper. What was she doing to me? I could NOT concentrate.
Then the first note appeared:
At that moment my folks came in the room and sat at the couch. I curled my hand around the paper to hide my words. I could be busted big time. I could barely breathe.
I responded:
When she got that note she threw her head back and preened her long hair, twirling it in her finger as she wrote:
I turned the note over after I read it, and feeling very brave this time I wrote:
Her eyes got wide again when she read that one, giving me a sideways glance. I laughed this time, and looked down at my work. In no time I was reading her response:
Now I was being invited to look. So I peeked a few more times, and wrote:
Her response:
And she got up from her seat and ran upstairs. Now what? I was really confused at this.
When she got back I could not believe my eyes. My step-sister was now sitting next to me in a different blouse. It buttoned up the front and it was much looser - and it had the top FOUR buttons undone.
She sat there and I could see her repositioning the fabric of her blouse so that now when she leaned forward I saw her whole left breast...and it was bare.
She had taken her bra off.
Her breasts seemed smaller now, but they were bare, and I could see her nipple puff out as her breast held this perfect shape. Round like a rain drop. Full and swelling out beneath her blouse which had completely fallen forward and open. The nipple was totally puffy like a small ball on a bigger round ball. Perfect. Perfect. I was totally hard now and beet red. I looked at her, stared down her blouse. I could NOT help myself. She just kept working on her paper, ignoring me this time, but I knew she knew I could totally see her.
After a little while she wrote another note and slid it to me:
Was all I could think to say.
She quickly wrote back:
And I just turned the note over and wrote on the back of it:
She laughed, looked down at her own chest and then at me before finishing the last of our work.
When our “studies” were over we got up, and Rachel said, ‘Mom, we’re not quite done yet. I need to look some stuff up on the internet. Jason and I will be at the computer for a while. Is that ok?’
She looked at us, not having any idea of our entire “conversation” of the past half hour. ‘Yeah, that’s fine. I think I left it on.’
The computer is in the spare room upstairs, and she looked back at me. We didn’t have anything else to look up. When we got to the top of the stairs, she took my hand and pulled me along behind her into the room. She left the light off and there was only low slanting sunlight coming in through the window. She stood behind the door and turned toward me, closer than she ever had before.
‘Jason...You can unbutton me.’
She was blinking at me now, still holding my hand, breathing hard.
Then she continued, ‘To check, I mean.’
I looked at her, put my hand on her blouse right between her breasts to the first button. My hands were trembling and I started to undo the rest of the buttons. Then I opened her blouse all the way and looked at her bare breasts. She just swallowed, and I looked into her eyes and then at her chest.
‘You can touch them...to see if you think they feel the same as well.’
I put one hand on each breast and cupped them in my palms, drew circles around her nipples and which I then squeezed as well. I was breathing in ragged gasps. We were both hot, red. I was completely hard in my jeans and had no idea if she could see, but it was so obvious. Just the two of us standing close, both our heads bowed over her breasts. Our warm breath between us mixing with my step-sisters perfume and the smell of her hair.
‘They’re completely even,’ I said (the pretence for this escapade). And we stood there a little while longer, I even let my fingers trace a line down towards her belly button.
‘Ok. . . That’s enough,’ she said as my hands approached her waist, and pushed my hands away from her. ‘We’d better go on the pc for a while.’ And then she started to close up her blouse again. ‘Thanks.’
And we sat and looked up some sites for a little while, not saying one word. I sat very near her, and could feel the heat coming off her body. I could smell her hair. I could hear her every breath.
I sat so my cheek brushed the hairs at the side of her head, and for a brief moment put my hand on her leg, feeling bare skin. She sighed when I touched her and looked at me, but we said not a word.
That night I kept looking at my hands which had touched my step-sisters bare breasts. 3 Proposal
After breakfast, when we were both downstairs filling up our backpacks, Rachel stood nextto me and whispered, ‘I was being kind of stupid yesterday. Sorry.’
I looked at her, ‘Yeah. I mean, I liked it though.’ I was openly staring at her chest again as I said that.
She just whispered, noting where my eyes were, ‘I bet you did. Thanks for all the compliments,’ and followed my eyes with a sidelong glance as she went into the kitchen. We never paid this much attention to each other before school. She was being really weird this morning.
I followed her into the kitchen and wanted to continue, ‘They . . .’
And she quickly went, ‘sh..’ real quiet, and then I heard mom. Oh man, that was close. I was going to say they were really soft. Oh my God. If mom had heard.
Just as I left, she took my hand again and said, ‘I put a note in your backpack. Read it and then throw it away.’
The whole way to school I was in a complete fog. I couldn’t talk with my friends because I kept looking for a place to read this note. It’s not like there is anyplace you can go in school where it would be like private enough to read a note like that. I finally checked out a media room for myself and sat inside and pulled all the shades. I rummaged around in my backpack until I saw a pink piece of paper:
My eyes went blurry for a moment. It was like the room closed in, the floor was moving.
Usually in Geography class I tend to totally ignore my step-sister - because she is my sister. But today I could not stop stealing glances, and I got another erection. I was so embarrassed. I was even blushing. I had to set my notebook on my lap for a while. She was acting completely normal. And I like did not even believe the note after a time. I heard nothing of the lecture. I took no notes. I only hoped that Rachel took some notes today.
When we left I walked out of the room so that I ended up next to her. I had to talk to her.
She looked at me, and just nonchalant said, ‘Did you read the note?’
‘Uh, Yeah.’
She was being kind of shy and I was totally tongue tied, but we were trying to be totally ordinary, which was already not the case because we were talking to each other in the hall which we never did. She held her books down in front of her, standing with her feet apart turning her hips back and forth in front of me as I just looked at her legs and tried to think of something to say.
She kept looking at me, a sly smile on her lips, ‘We can watch TV then? Like I said?’
I just said, ‘Yeah.’
She smiled, ‘Ok then,’ and started to walk away.
I went up behind her and whispered, ‘Is it true.’
‘That you will do what the note said?’
She just smiled and turned her head and walked away, her hips swaying lightly. Do they always do that?
Damn. I had a total woody again. 4 The Basement
We worked side-by-side on our homework as soon as we got home, to ensure that we would have the entire evening to do “whatever we wanted”, and we both knew what that would be...you could cut the air with a knife as the sexual tension between us was so palpable.
After our evening meal, we adjourned to the basement where we knew we would have plenty of warning for when our parents got home later. We had rented a couple of videos (both approved by dad of course), though we knew that saying we would be watching them was just an excuse so that we go somewhere we would be together and were sure to be undisturbed. We went downstairs after supper and I immediately sat next to Rachel as we got ready to start the first movie, speculatively eyeing her breasts, and the hard nipples now visible without the jumper she had just removed.
She looked at me and nudged me with her elbow as she pointed and said, ‘Go over there, don’t sit here.’
I was forlorn, until she added, ‘I mean, not yet silly. It’s 8:00, THEY’RE still up there,’ and she held a pillow over her chest, concealing her obvious lack of bra.
And so we lounged and watched our first movie, though I don’t think I retained a single storyline of the entire show because I kept glancing over at Rachel who was sitting on the sofa with her legs curled beneath her the way she does. But now she sat with her skirt up around her thighs, and I couldn’t help but think about what it covered.
I gradually found myself staring at her soft creamy legs and, when she had lowered the cushion, at her blouse stretched tight across her largish breasts. She was leaning her head back against a cushion, and I sensed a sort of satisfaction.
When the first movie finished, at half past nine, she suggested that I go put my dressing gown on, ‘Without your pyjamas.’
As I came back down the stairs to the basement, I commented, ‘Mom and dad are out now.’
Her immediate response was to say, ‘This movie is kind of scary. Will you come sit next to me?’
I sat down and then looked at her chest as she lowered the cushion, which she had held in front of her when I went upstairs just in case, to see that she had undone all the buttons...and she was not wearing a bra, as promised.
She smiled, turned to sit sideways on the sofa, and moved her foot so that it was in my lap and pressing against my cock.
‘It won’t be so bad.’ Then a pause followed by, ‘When we got popcorn.’
I looked at her skirt, and asked again, ‘Is it true? ALL of it?’
She laid her head back on the cushion and relaxed with her arms by her side. Then she gave a little grin as she lifted her hands up to hold the edges of her blouse.
‘You can see I’m not wearing a bra,’ she said, and pulled the sides apart, almost fully exposing her nipples, to prove it. ‘You can check to see if my breasts are still equal.’
I put my hands on the skin of her stomach under her blouse and slowly moved them upwards until I was cupping her breasts, my thumbs flicking back and forth over her nipples. Then I moved my hands higher, stroking up over her breasts, until they were on the top of her shoulders, and I eased the sides of her blouse down her arms.
She sat up, leaning forwards so the blouse wasn’t trapped behind her. Then she arched her back, pushing her breasts out, and her right nipple approached my mouth.
What else could I do when presented with such a perfect opportunity but lean forwards a little more, take it into my mouth and suck.
‘Oooooh, that’s nice. But why don’t you check the rest?’
She laid back, her arms now trapped at her sides by her blouse as she hadn’t undone the cuffs so her lower arms were still in the sleeves, and just sat there not moving.
I paused for a moment as she undid the cuffs of her blouse before she looked at the tv, returning her attention the movie and giving every appearance of watching it. Did she say what I thought she did?
I kept looking at her, but she was watching the movie, not moving at all and occasionally putting a little popcorn in her mouth.
Finally, I put my hand on her leg, just as I had at the computer the other day. She didn’t react at all, but was letting me sit close with my hand on her thigh.
This time I started to stroke her leg and moved my fingers a little way up beneath the hem of her skirt.
No reaction, she just sat there, perfectly still, watching the movie, though I know she was totally aware of what I was doing.
I kept stroking and sliding my hand on her thigh, going up under her skirt and back down to her knee. I could feel her thighs getting warmer as my fingers reached higher under her skirt and in between her legs.
She was letting me do whatever I wanted.
So I kept reaching higher...until I brushed into the thin, curly hair of her pubes.
It was true.
No knickers.
She was breathing hard as I traced my finger along the line of her damp pussy.
I stroked up and down between her labia, and she moved her knee further towards the back of the sofa, obviously to give me easier access.
My fingers slid up and down between the folds of moist skin until I suddenly pushed one finger deep into her pussy.
She looked at me briefly as I pumped the finger in and out, smiled lightly to acknowledge what I was doing, and then returned her attention to the movie. Her cheeks were bright red. Her dress had fallen down around her legs, looking almost ordinary except for the movement around where my hand was reaching under her skirt.
I whispered, ‘Can I see too?’
She said quietly, ‘Just keep doing that a little longer. It feels nice.’
I complied and stroked her labia softly, letting my fingers slide along her wet pussy, up and down. I was turning the folds of skin in my fingers, exploring her with my hand, occasionally pushing my finger deep inside her creamy wet vagina while manipulating her clitoris with my thumb. She was letting me do anything I wanted.
She moved her foot under my gown now until her toes were touching my cock...which was as hard as it had ever been in my life.
So that’s how we sat there in the low light watching our movie.
‘Let me, uh, can I see now,’ I whispered again as the second movie finished, and started to lift her skirt up.
She looked at me without answering...and moved so she was lying flat on the couch on her back with her head resting against the end cushion and her right leg now behind me.
I lifted her skirt slowly up over her thighs until it was around her waist and looked at her bare pussy. Her pubes were light brown, a thin strip of hair running up the middle from her pussy, but none on either side of her pussy lips. Her pussy was shiny wet where I had been caressing her and I stroked her absently, touching her as I stared down between her legs. I had never been so aroused and slowly pushed a finger deep into her pussy again.
When I took the finger out, both it and her pussy were glistening with moisture, and I licked her juices from it.
‘Well, what does it taste like?’
‘It’s hard to describe...but it’s quite nice though.’
I pumped my finger into her pussy a few times to get some more, took it out and licked it again.
‘You can lick it up straight from the source if you like, but only if I can suck your cock too. Wow.
She stood up and I laid flat on the couch, but when she went to lift her leg up to put her foot beside my head, I suggested that she take her skirt off so I could see what I was doing.
She did, dropping her blouse at the same time so she was now naked, and knelt over my head looking towards my feet.
When she lowered her pussy to my mouth and I started licking, she leaned forwards and undid the knot of my gown.
I stopped licking suddenly and mumbled, ‘What if mom and dad come home and check on us,’ through a mouthful of pussy.
‘What time is it?’ she asked, then grabbed my wrist to turn my hand so she could see my watch.
‘Nearly 11,’ she answered herself, ‘we’d better be quick.’
I started licking again as she finished opening my gown.
She wrapped her fingers around my cock, masturbating me gently as I licked some more, before dropping down and taking the head of my cock in her mouth. God that felt good, especially when she began sucking as well.
I pumped my tongue in and out of her pussy as she took my cock deeper into her mouth.
I mumbled, ‘Keep doing that,’ through a mouthful of pussy.
And she did, and I was so aroused that I felt myself start coming after a few moments of her steady sucking motions, and suddenly was spraying come up into her mouth.
She laughed around my cock, and pressed her pussy harder down onto my mouth.
‘Quickly. Make me cum.’
Just then, we heard the front door open. Rachel jumped up, her impending orgasm suddenly interrupted as it began, grabbed her clothes and scampered around the corner where she would be out of sight if mom came down the stairs.
We heard the basement door open as she pulled her clothes on, and mom called out from the top of the stairs, ‘It’s gone eleven o’clock. Wrap things up and come to bed.’
My eyes were wide as saucers as I heard moms voice, I looked at Rachel as she emerged fully clothed.
Rachel stood there laughing, pulling her jumper back on. ‘Ok, mom.’ 5 The Next Time
By Monday everything looked totally normal, like every other day. We went downstairs got breakfast and filled our backpacks - but nothing ‘felt’ normal anymore. We were glancing at one another smiling at each other, acknowledging that Friday night before with our eyes. This had to be our secret, and we knew that.
We both left notes in each other’s backpacks:
When I got home, Rachel was sitting in my room with another note. She handed it to me and then went into the hall.
I sat and read the note over and over. ‘I can show you how...’ Friday meant waiting the whole week, but our parents would be out again. They would be gone for at least two hours. We would have two hours.
Our days were pretty normal, and we passed just a few more notes before Friday. Things like:
To which she replied:
On Friday morning I heard a knock on the back of her wardrobe, which was my wall, so I looked through a hole I had made so I could see into her room.
She was standing in the middle of her room, completely naked and stroking her pussy lips.
I knocked to let her know I was watching, and she picked up her blouse, put it on and did up the buttons. Then she put her skirt on as well as her socks and left the room.
I had a hard time concealing the fact that I almost had a woody all that day at school.
Friday afternoon arrived, finally, and at the last moment our parents said, ‘We feel you two are old enough to be left on your own for a couple of days so we are going away for the weekend. We will be back on Sunday evening.’ Then they left.
We were delighted at this totally unexpected good fortune, though we tried not to show it until they had gone.
The nervous anticipation between us when the front door closed was palpable.
‘Let’s put our robes on,’ was Rachel’s idea. ‘Then I’ll come meet you downstairs.’
We rushed to our rooms. I pulled my clothes off, put my dressing gown on and then went to the basement where I sat expectantly on the edge of the sofa, waiting. It seemed to take forever before she arrived.
What was taking her so long?
She finally appeared, in one of dads shirts, which was so long on her that it was almost a mini-dress. ‘I realise this isn’t a dressing gown but I wanted to look sexy for you so I borrowed this and something else from mum and dads room.’
I watched, wondering what she had in store for me as she undid the buttons and pulled the sides of the shirt apart to reveal a sheer bra and panty set.
‘This bra is a bit small for me, but I hope you like it.’
I nodded agreement.
She proceeded to do an incredibly sexy striptease until she was completely naked, and sat on the floor, her legs spread.
‘My turn, I guess,’ I said, and stood up in front of her.
I undid the tie on my dressing gown and slowly pulled it open, revealing my erect cock.
‘I have a friend who told me about this,’ she said as she got to her knees in front of me.
Without any further warning she leant forwards and took my cock into her mouth.
I had wanted her to do this again.
It felt so good as my cock went so slowly in and out of her mouth.
She drew her head back until just the tip of my cock was in her mouth, looked up at me and winked.
Then she suddenly took my cock all the way into her mouth and straight down her throat. ‘Ahhh. Ahhh...’
She kept a steady pressure, holding onto my thighs and pumping my cock in and out until now I could feel myself starting to come.
I held her head tight against my pubes, pushing my cock as far down her throat as possible, until I had finished spurting cum into her, and then withdrew.
‘Right,’ she said, ‘now it’s your turn to do me.’
She sat on the edge of the sofa, her legs spread wide, and said, ‘You give me an orgasm, and you can do a good job becsuse this time we won’t be interrupted.’
I knelt down on the floor in front of her as she laid back, then I crouched down so my mouth was level with her pussy and looked at her puffy wet labia.
Come on, lick me,’ she said, impatient with the delay, lifted her feet and pulled me towards her with her feet now behind my shoulders.
So I started licking her clit.
‘Aaaaaahhhhhhhh, that’s good.’
I pumped a finger into her pussy, getting an immediate, ‘Oooohh,’ in response.
She obviously liked that so I did it again, now sucking her clit into my mouth and flicking it with my tongue as well.
‘Wow. Oh yes...oh yes.’
I cupped my hands under her knees and lifted them up, pushing her legs wider apart. Luckily she got the hint and held her knees herself, enabling me to stroke along her legs towards her pussy as I licked and licked and sucked her clit some more.
And suddenly she was cumming, screaming out her orgasm as it surged over her, rising from her clit and, she said, pulsing through her whole body.
But I wouldn’t let up, now I knew the signs, and carried on licking and sucking to take her towards another orgasm.
My cock was unbelievably hard by now and, as the moment of her second orgasm approached, I suddenly surged up toward her head. My cock found her pussy and I thrust hard, meeting a small moment of resistance which disappeared as it went all the way in.
After a grimace of suprise at the sudden fleeting instant of agony, she didn’t have time to scream before her second orgasm started again.
But this time it didn’t stop, and the pulsing of her tight pussy around my cock coupled with the look on her face of lust crossed with desperation set my own orgasm off as well.
She cried out with the pleasure of it as my hot cum shot deep inside her, and she told me later that the feel of it sent her orgasm to incredible heights.
When our mutual orgasms were over, I slowly withdrew from her sated pussy, moved round and collapsed onto the sofa next to her.
‘Good, huh?’ I asked.
She propped herself up on her elbows again, looking down at her bush.
‘Incredible, but you just busted my cherry Jason.’
‘I’m sorry.’
She lay on her back, laughed and smiled at me. Glowing, ‘A little late for that.’ She cupped her pussy with her hand. ‘It’s ok. It’s fine. Hey Jason, you’re my first. Again.’
Then I suggested that we go have a shower, together.
‘Good idea.’ 6 Shower
She took my hand and pulled me upstairs with her to the bathroom, and we turned on the shower and both got in. I was hard again, still totally horny as I watched my step-sisters beautiful ass, her thin waist. I watched as she lathered herself up and cleaned between her legs, and started to nuzzle up behind her, my cock sandwitched between her legs.
‘No. Jason. No. That’s enough now. I’m totally sore. We’ve got the whole weekend.’
I persisted and my cock slid across her wetness. Then I heard her, ‘Mmmmm.’
In another moment she cooed, ‘God, oh that feels so good,’ as I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her nipples, before trailing my hands down to the front of her pussy.
Her resistance melted, and she turned to face me.
I guided my cock so that it started to press just inside her again, and she sighed.
‘You’re being so bad. Not very far though. It still hurts a little,’ and she gave me a little peck on my cheek.
So I slid my cock about halfway inside, and then almost all the way out again, resting right at the opening.
Again I pushed halfway back inside and then pulled back to the opening. The water was falling around us and I kissed her neck as she bent her cheek to me, fucking slowly, carefully again in the shower.
‘So good,’ she whispered in my ear.
I could tell how deep to go because of when she would start to tense up, and I WAS trying to be careful. The pleasure was really rising in her though and I could tell she really liked it, it was hurting less. She was starting to rock her hips and push against me. Until she was pushing against me so hard, trying to get me in as deeply as she could. I had my hands wrapped around her hips pulling her to me.
She was undulating her hips against me as my cock went deep.
Fucking her like this was incredible, her pussy got tighter around my cock too and I could feel myself starting to come again, I could feel it rising suddenly and then spraying inside her. I could NOT control myself. I could feel myself spasming as I came, my legs were weak.
‘You’re, aaaaaaaaaahhhh, you’re so bad, Jason. I can feel you coming inside me again,’ she gasped as her second orgasm from my cock finally overtook her.
I let myself slip out of her, still holding her hips.
She looked down at her bush again, ‘Now I’m a mess again.’ And she hit me with her open palm lightly. ‘Pervert.’
And I still felt totally horny, with my soaking wet step-sister standing facing me.
I said, ‘Here, let me, I’ll clean you up,’ and I soaped my hand and started to rub her pussy again with my open hand and was insinuating my fingers into her.
She backed away, but I kept moving toward her and grabbing at her, wrapping my hand around her ass.
She started playfully backing up, play fighting, hitting at me saying ‘That’s all...I. Oh. Oh...No.’
I just kept coming closer trying to wrap my arms around her now, struggling a little bit.
She kept getting louder as we wrestled, until my cock slid inside her again and she shrieked, ‘Ahh. Jason. Stop it.’
There we were in the shower - together. Fucking in the shower again. I could not believe what was happening.
Happy Birthday to your Mother-in-Law! My mother tuenrd 91 last week, and I agree with you about time spent with loved ones. They are from a generation of hardy stock. My mother's mom and dad died within months of each other when my mom was 9. She had to drop out of school (third grade) to help her older sister take care of 5 brothers. But she educated herself and can do math I can't do. lol I don't get to see as much of her as I'd like, but we do talk on the phone at least 30 minutes every day.
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