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as i was writing this story i realised how hot i had made it warning: YOU WILL SHOOT YOUR LOAD
and for all the people saying these are not my stories stfu....unless you can show me a site where these are from then just shut the hell up and enjoy and btw i have a lot of people coppying my stories and posting in other places (please stop & i will be making a second simpsons porn story soon).

Note to readers this starts half way through the last story when Bart was watching through the window from the treehouse

Bart quickly put his dick back in his shorts. Stuck in the treehouse Bart had watched enough of the action through the window and had decided it was time he got a piece of it. Climbing down from the treehouse and running around the side of the house and head long in to his friend Milhouse crashing to the ground on top of him.

Bart quickly picked himself up dust himself down then noticed where milhouses eyes where fixed looking at the huge bulge in Barts shorts. ” not now Milhouse come with me” Bart said and the 2 of them walked in side the house. Seeing that no one was in the livingroom Bart told Milhouse to wait their with his sister Maggie as he knew where the rest of his family where they where all in his parents room fucking each other and he was still wanting in on the hot action and his cock was still rock hard. Bart left Milhouse looking after Maggie and headed up the stairs to his parents room.

On his way to his parents room he had to pass by Lisa’s bedroom and the door was ajar just enough for Bart to see Sherri as he walked past the room. The sight of her naked stopped Bart dead in his tracks Sherri had her back to the door and was banging away on Terri tight round ass jiggling to the beat of the radio . Bart watched from the door way and just staired. Fortunately for Bart Sherri and Terri had not noticed him stairing at them as they had thought Lisa had shut the bedroom door.

Quickly Barts mind went back too the first time he had seen Sherri and Terri. The sight of her still sticks in his mind she had her back to the door banging away on Terrie’s tight round ass jiggling to the beat of her radio just like she was doing now. Just like now he had stopped dead in his tracks in the door way and just staired. Fortunately for Bart no one really noticed what it was he was stairing at. Then Sherri turned around Bart didn’t realize what a smokin’ body she had from there as she always wore baggy flannel shirts and loose jeans. In school that day she was wearing a tight skirt and equally tight sweater that showed off her huge tits. I don’t mean huge for a ( ) year old. I mean huge! These tits were big by ( ) school standards! He found out later they were a ( ) and sat high and firm on her chest with very sensitive nipples that were a dusky tan a couple of shades darker than her skin….
Within the week they were going out. Then they hung out at the church first during Sunday school then later Bart talked his and Sherri’s parents in to letting him walk her home. That was when they shared their first kiss under the tacitly-watchful eye of her twin sister Terri. The fallowing week Bart walked her home every day. Her mom didn’t get home until at least an hour after school shut. So Bart and Sherri could get to her place in 10 minutes which left almost an hour alone on their own making out and getting sweaty and heavy on the couch. They stopped only when they heard the front door opening signaling her mother was home. That went on for most of the next week until finally Bart got brave enough to run his hand up her side during one particularly hot make out session bringing his hand to her firm right tit. Sherri immediately cupped her hand over Bart’s but didn’t stop him. Instead Sherri squeezed Bart’s fingers tighter around her tit moaning as she did so.

“ God that feels good ” she said. “ I feel so naughty letting you touch my … touch me there.”

From Bart’s point of view the sensation wasn’t very satisfying due to the bra her mother made Sherri wear. But from an emotional point of view Bart was going absolutely nuts with his hand on a girl’s tit for the first time. As they continued making out Bart ran his hand back down to her waist and under her shirt feeling the naked skin of her stomach. Still Sherri didn’t stop him. If anything Sherri cooperated but they where cut short again when just as he had started moving his hand up her side toward her tit they heard the sound of the key in the door. Sherri scrambled to adjust her shirt and wipe the sweat off her face and Bart adjust his rock hard cock in his shorts so it wouldn’t advertise what they had been up to. By the time Sherri’s mom got in the house they were the picture of youthful innocence despite the fact Bart’s cock felt like it was about to snap off inside his shorts.

Bart quickly made and excuse and all but bolted out the front door giving Sherri a deep tongue kiss and a squeeze her on her tits as a parting shot. Bart found it was tough walking with his cock still hard and throbbing in his shorts so he stopped off in the men’s room at Moe’s as it was on his way home. It only took about three strokes before he was painting the interior wall of the bathroom with his massive load of teenage cum.
The next day Bart progressed from their to touching Sherri’s naked tits too her giving Bart his first hand job from a girl while he stroked her pussy with one hand down the back of her panties and his other hand caressing her tits and pinching her nipples with her shirt and bra up around her neck.

“God Bart I want you to fuck me” Sherri said.

“I do too want too fuck you so badly ” Bart moaned as his cock throbbed and sprayed cum across her bare arm and onto her naked chest.

“I want to fuck you right now” he said trying to maneuver Sherri onto her back and pull her pants down at the same time. Sherri stopped him.

“My mom will be home in like 10 minutes Bart” she said pulling her bra back down and smearing Bart’s cum across her tits with a wicked little grin on her face.
“We can’t Bart Not today. Tomorrow.”

Bart pulled his shorts back on seeing the logic of Sherri’s argument despite his lust filled brain. As soon as they were both dressed again he kissed her goodbye and headed out the door for home making plans for the next day after school. The next day at school a power failure got them out of class almost two hours early. The problem didn’t affect any of the other buildings in the district especially not the building where Sherri’s mom worked so she wouldn’t be home until her regular time. When the early dismissal was announced Bart headed towards Sherri’s locker only to find her there with her twin sister Terri who was just as cute as Sherri but built more in line with her age in other words slim boyish hips and almost no tits beyond an obvious swelling of the nipples. Sherri greeted him with that same wicked grin she’d had the day before when she redressed her tits still dripping with Bart’s cum.
“Hey Bart” she said throwing her hand around the back of Barts head and pulling him down for a kiss spearing her young tongue deep into his mouth. “I’ve missed you all day.”

Bart returned the kiss which was strictly against the rules in the hallways and could earn a week of detention while keeping an eye open for vice principal skinner. He was no where to be seen thankfully. But as Bart scanned the hallway his eyes fell on Terri. The look Terri had on her face could only be described as pure lust! But she wasn’t looking at their faces as they kissed. She was staring straight at Bart’s huge bulged in his shorts. Terri’s eyes almost popped out of her head and she licked her lips when Sherri ran her hand over the front of Bart’s shorts right under her gaze and gave his semi hard dick a quick squeeze and jerk.

“Come on” Sherri said releasing Bart’s lips and cock at the same instant.

Bart had thought they were going to have almost three uninterrupted hours to explore Sherri’s young body to the fullest. Instead he was being asked to walk Sherri and Terri home.

“Yeah” Terri said with a twinkle in her eye. “our parents are still at work so we’ll have the whole house to ourselves.”

Bart smiled. Things were definitely looking up.

As they stood there Terri undid about half the buttons on her blouse leaving it open so it was showing off her naked chest and more than a hint of swelling roundness. Terri looked around then pulled her shirt open for just an instant revealing her small tits. While they where no where near as large as Sherri’s they still looked nice on her slim frame. Somehow they managed to make it out of the school without getting stopped. Terri left her shirt undone and gaping slightly catching more than one set of eyes on the way out but luckily none of them belonged to teachers. More than one belonged to guys Bart knew both in his class and grade. They just gaped in awe as he walked out with Sherri and Terri with Terri flashing her bare tits whenever she had a chance. As soon as they were out of the building Sherri and Terri snuggled up under an arm. Sherri pulled Barts left hand down and stuck it in the back pocket of her jeans so he was playing with her ass. Terri meanwhile pulled Barts right hand around and into her shirt so that he was now cupping her naked tit. They made it the five blocks to the house in near record time. Once inside the house Terri pulled off her blouse Sherri and Bart walked in a little more slowly and she came immediately into his arms Barts hands where running down her back to cup her young ass as they kissed.

“You guys can fuck here if you want to” Terri said “But I wanna watch.”

Sherri broke away.

“You promised to show me how to give a blow job” she said.

Bart’s ears perked up at that statement. And they weren’t alone.

“OK” Terri said. “Bart come here.”

The two girls took Barts hands and pulled him into the living room and pushed him down in the center of the sofa. Terri quickly unzipped the little skirt she was wearing as Sherri started removing her clothes. Bart could just sit there and watch as Terri was now in just her panties and knee socks and tennis shoes then she started working on Bart and stripped his shorts down his legs followed by his boxers. Barts hard shaft sprang upright.

“Oh!” Terri exclaimed as she got her first look at Barts massive hard cock.

Not to brag but even at ( ) Bart already had a 6.5, almost 7 inch cock with a fat helmet head and massive thick shaft.

“That’s a nice one” Terri said as she wrapped her hands around it.

“Hey that’s mine!” her sister Sherri said naked now she climbed onto the sofa next to Bart.

Bart’s hand immediately sought out Sherri’s leg sliding it slowly up to find her pussy. This was the first time Bart had seen her completely naked and he wanted to take a minute to enjoy the view. Terri though had other ideas remembering her promise to teach her sister Sherri how to suck cock she said

“Watch this Sherri.”

Bart was watching Sherri’s face when Terri said this and before he could turn to see what she was talking about Sherri’s eyes grew huge as Terri’s mouth that was now engulfing about half Bart’s massive member in her hot mouth and in one go. Bart didn’t see anything for a few seconds after because his eyes were rolled back in his head reveling in the wet heat of Terri’s sucking mouth and throat. By the time Bart could open his eyes again Sherri was bent over on the sofa next to him intent on watching Terri’s mouth slide up and down Barts massive shaft. Bart ran his hand down Sherri’s naked back to her round tight ass and gave it a squeeze making her moan in response.

“Let me try it Terri” Sherri said. Terri looked up at her twin sister with her mouth still stuffed with Bart’s rock hard cock.

“Mmmph” she said. Sherri and Bart laughed.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full Terri” Sherri said. “It’s not polite.”

Terri tried to grin then popped Barts cock out of her mouth.

“Sorry” she said pointing Barts massive cock toward her sisters mouth.

Sherri licked her lips and looked up at Bart then stuck her tongue out to taste his cock. She swiped a droplet of precum from the tip and pulled it into her mouth. Sherri then ran her tongue around the inside of her mouth tasting Barts juices for the first time.

“Mmmm” Sherri said then jammed half Barts massive cock into her mouth making her gag as the tip hit the back of her throat.
“Easy Sherri” Terri said. “Not so fast Sherri take it a little bit at a time.”

Terri proceeded to coach her twin sister on how to suck Barts massive cock using him as a training tool as they were working on his cock he returned to rubbing and stroking their pussies one in each hand. Both girls were dripping wet. To her credit Sherri learned quickly and was soon able to take about three-quarters of Barts massive prick into her mouth. But she just couldn’t get the last inch or so in without gagging.

“Relax” Terri said placing her hand on the back of Sherri’s head. “When I tell you too swallow Sherri swallow.” Terri said.

Bart watched as Terri pushed down on her sisters head forcing more of his thick shafted cock into Sherri’s mouth. As Sherri started to gag Terri said “Now Sherri” and pushed her sister down the rest of the way onto Barts massive thick cock.

Bart couldn’t believe it Sherri had all of Barts massive dick in her throat and he was sure enjoying it.

Terri kept pumping and Sherri kept swallowing taking the whole of Barts massive thick cock deep into her hot wet throat as she sucked on his cock.
It wasn’t long before Bart felt the familiar tingling in his balls but it was somehow different this time more intense and it signaled an impending orgasm.

“Sherri” Bart moaned “I’m going to cum in your mouth.”

“Mmmmph” she mumbled around Barts shaft.

Terri cuffed her lightly on the back of the head.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full Sherri” Terri said with a big grin on her face. “It’s not polite you told me a minute ago.” Terri added

Sherri started laughing and moaning around Barts cock at the same time. The sensation can’t really be described but it drove Bart over the top just that bit faster. Bart blasted volley after volley of hot tasty steaming globs of cum deep into Sherri’s throat. Sherri gamely struggled to swallow it all but the intensity of Barts orgasm was just too much for her. As Barts cum overflowed from Sherri’s mouth and was dripping from her lips to pool on Barts stomach. Terri quickly leaned in and started kissing her twin sister on the lips as she released Barts thick cock then leaned down to clean up the spillage from Barts stomach. Bart collapsed back on the couch his hands falling limp from the girl’s asses. Amazingly though as Terri gently teased and stroked his massive cock and balls they remained hard as stone.

What do you want? Bart was ( ). And everyone know boys could get wood in a stiff breeze.

“Oh goody” Terri said. “ He’s still got a stiffy Sherri.”

“Yeah” Sherri said back. “But Bart’s my boyfriend and he’s gonna fuck me first Terri so hands off right!”

Bart was amazed and a little frightened if he was to admit it by the level of tone in Sherri’s voice. Terri just leaned over and took hold of Barts massive dick in her mouth and sucking the remnants of his first orgasm of the day from the massive shaft then knelt on the sofa next to him and told her sister to climb on to Barts cook. Sherri then leaned across Bart and looking deep into his eyes locked her lips to her twin sisters Terri’s lips sharing what ever was left of Barts spunk between them. Terri still had Barts spit soaked cock in her little hand and as Sherri climbed over Barts lap Terri positioned the head of his massive thick prick in her sisters tight wet dripping cunt. Bart couldn’t believe it! He was just inside her tight pussy a little way and the heat was almost scorching the head of Barts cock! Sherri settled herself into position as Terri warned her to go slow to lower herself slowly down on just the head of Barts massive cock at first. Sherri looked Bart in the eyes and grinned then started to push down on to the massive dick. But Sherri pushed too hard and her grin turned into a grimace of pain as the bulbous head of Barts cock tore through her virginity. At the first stab of pain her legs gave out and she dropped taking all of Barts thick massive cock fully in her and the lips of her tight wet pussy lips stretched around the base of his thick shaft. And it felt like a gripping hand wrapped in a hot glove was holding Barts massive cock. He could feel every curve and contour of Sherri’s interior as she settled on to his lap.

“Damn Sherri!” her twin sister Terri exclaimed. “I told you to go slow!”

“I … tried ” Sherri gasped. “ but i Slipped.”

Sherri tired to rise but Bart put his hands on Sherri’s thighs feeling her muscles tensing beneath the skin and held her in place.

“Let yourself get used to it Sherri ” Bart said. “Just don’t move for a minute or two”

So Sherri sat still as Bart ran his hands up her body to cup her magnificent tits. This was actually the first time Bart had ever seen them completely naked. Bart was amazed at their size and firmness. They were absolutely stunning firm and perfectly round. Sherri’s nipples were rock hard and where protruding from the tan of her areola about a third of an inch as big around as the end of Barts little finger. Bart leaned forward and sucked Sherri’s left nipple into his mouth teasing it with his tongue and teeth until Sherri was moaning again deep in her throat. To Barts surprise he was joined by a smaller pair of female hands as Terri reached around and started stroking her sisters tits. Terri twisted and pulled the nipple that Bart wasn’t currently occupied with switching sides as he did one tit to another. With his free hand Bart reached around and found one of Terri’s smaller but no less perfect tits. She too moaned out aloud as he pinched and tugged her nipples giving her the same treatment she was giving to her twin sister Sherri. It took a few minutes but Bart could finally feel Sherri’s tight wet pussy muscles relaxing to the intrusion of his massive thick cock. Sherri started rocking her hips slowly at first then increasing the tempo until she was riding the full length of Barts massive cock moaning and groaning with each stroke of his cock. Bart was now guiding Sherri’s movements with his hands on her hips while Terri continued to maul Sherri’s tits. Sherri’s groans then changed from “Ungh ungh” each time she bottomed out on Barts massive cock too “ fuck me Bart, fuck me, for fuck sake fuck me Bart” every time her pussy lips contacted his groin for now she was like a wild animal in heat.

“Turn me over and fuck me Bart!” she cried.

“Put me on the sofa and for fuck sake Bart fuck me, fuck me!”

Bart did as Sherri asked of him and her sister Terri got out of the way and without ever breaking contact Bart picked Sherri up and rolled her over so that she was spread wide on the sofa. She then swung one leg up on the back with the other flat footed on the floor and with Bart in the middle kneeling between her legs. Bart then started again slow then started to picking up the speed until he was banging Sherri with all the force he could muster. Her tits were flailing around on her chest and no matter how hard Bart pounded her tight wet pussy Sherri kept begging for more.

Sherri’s groans of “ fuck me Bart, fuck me, for fuck sake fuck me Bart” filled the room

They were both now lost in each other their eyes where locked as they moved in unison. Her lips kept saying, “fuck … me … fuck … me,” in time with Barts long strokes as his massive thick cock slid in and out as her tight wet pussy which slid along Barts massive shaft. Sherri’s legs came up and wrapped around his waist pulling Barts massive shaft in to her tight wet pussy harder and harder with each long thrust like a piston rod hot and long.
Bart looked up momentarily and there was Terri sitting with her back against the arm of the sofa and her legs spread wide and with two of her fingers of her right hand buried deep in her tight pussy while she pulled and twisted her tiny nipples. A small part of Barts mind registered how small and round Terri’s tits were how tiny and tight her pussy looked despite the fingers plunging in and out and the look of sheer ecstasy on her face as she pleasured herself just inches from where he was fucking her twin sister Sherri was he really going to get to fuck the two of them today before their mother and father came home from work. That did it for Bart his body stiffened and he rammed his massive cock as hard as he could into Sherri’s tight wet cunt and held his massive shaft there the spunk boiling up in his balls and rocketing up the shaft of his massive dick to flow unchecked into Sherri’s tight cunt. As the first volley left the tip of Barts massive cock like water from a fire hose to splash against the entrance to Sherri’s virgin womb her eyes flew open and her tight wet pussy clenched and she let out a blood-curdling scream of pleasure.

“Oh shit Bart! I’m cumming!” she yelled. “You’re shooting your spunk in me and I’m cumming!”

The muscles of her unbelievably tight cunt tightened even further and started milking every load of spunk from Barts cock like a jerking fist with every muscle in her body. Sherri locked her cunt around Barts massive dick and she arched her back as her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave of pure ecstasy. As quick as it hit her Sherri’s body relaxed and she collapsed back onto the sofa. Bart followed her down and lay with sweat dripping from his body and with his chest heaving as he struggled to regain his breath as they both came down from the ecstasy of lust. Then it was Terri’s turn to scream through an orgasm of her own brought about by her own fingers then she collapsed against the arm of the sofa. There they all lay all three young teens sweating and panting. Then Terri began to laugh a strained breathless sounding thing at first then building strength as she caught her breath.

“Damn that was fun Sherri! ” she said as she pulled her fingers from her wet juice filled pussy with a loud squelching sound.
To Barts amazement she then brought her dripping fingers to her mouth and sucked her own juices with a look of joy.

Sherri moaned as Barts cock twitched inside her tight cum socked pussy.

“What?” Terri said around her fingers.

“His cock jumped” Sherri said.

Sherri moaned again as Bart slid his now deflated dick out of her pussy. Bart stood up and asked where the bathroom was. Terri pointed him toward a door leading to a hallway off the living room. As he was leaving the bathroom Bart heard a definite female moan coming from the living room. It sounded like Sherri. As Bart stepped out his dick which he thought had been completely drained went fully hard again so fast he got a little light headed from the shift in his blood supply. There on the sofa was Sherri who was up against the arm in the same spot her twin sister Terri had been when he had left the room. But Terri wasn’t there as she was in fact on her knees on the sofa cushion and her head was buried between her sisters wide-spread thighs as she sucked and licked Barts cum from Sherri’s wet pussy. Terri’s legs were spread as far as the cushions would allow and her tight little butt was spread revealing both her completely bald pussy and asshole. Her pussy was gaping slightly from the fingering she’d given it earlier and her entire crotch glistened with her juices in the dim light of the room. Sherri saw Bart through her lust shaded eyes. Her eyes gaped open as she looked at Barts renewed erection. She silently mouthed the words “Fuck her Bart” as she wrapped her legs around Terri’s back to hold her in place. Bart moved quietly into position behind Terri and in one quick thrust buried his massive hard cock in her dripping wet pussy Terri’s head flew up and a cry escaped her lips.

“Wha …?” she moaned. “Oh my fucking God!”

While she couldn’t move as she was pinned into position by Sherri’s legs wrapped around her back Bart started to set up a steady rhythm stroking her tight wet pussy with each stroke of his hard cock from it bulbous head to it thick base. She started out moaning No God Stop Bart! But she was soon begging Bart to keep fucking hard as he pressed her face back into her sister wet slimy pussy.

“Clean her up good you little slut” Bart said. “Lick every bit of her juices and my spunk out of her pussy bitch!”

Terri’s cunt muscles contracted with Barts words so he figured that she liked being talked down to as he was fucking her hard. What really surprised Bart was when he slapped her butt cheeks hard she immediately launched into a small orgasm as her tight pussy twitching and flexing around the thick shaft of Barts massive cock.

“Oh, jeez!” she moaned. “I’m a naughty little girl! Stick your cock in my ass Bart! Fuck me up my arse!”

Bart looked at Sherri and she shrugged with a “you might as well do it to her ‘cause you ain’t doing it to my ass”. So Bart pulled his slimy cock from Terri’s wet pussy which was dripping with her juices and lined the head of his massive cock up with her tight asshole.

“Go slow Bart” she moaned. “I’ve never been fucked up the ass before. Take my butt cherry but be easy please.”

Bart leaned in applying more pressure against his massive cock until he could feel Terri’s tight virgin asshole start to open around his bulbous head at the top of his thick cock. Terri had her face buried in Sherri’s wet pussy again and her groan must have vibrated her sisters clit causing a sympathetic moan to come from Sherri’s throat.

“You can’t imagine how that feels when she moans in to my pussy Bart” Sherri said. “That’s wild! Stick your cock up her arse Bart ram it in Bart! Give it to her reel good Bart!”

“Yeah Bart fuck my ass fuck it hard!” Terri said. “Fuck my little virgin ass Bart give it to me!”

What the hell Bart decided and he wasn’t going to argue with the two of them so he just laid into Terri’s ass giving her everything he had. Terri was going nuts as he pounded his thick cock in and out of her tight ass. She’d stopped eating Sherri’s wet pussy and was just laying with her head on her sisters naked lap as Bart plowed deep into her tight ass. Sherri was now wanting in on the action too so she slid out from under Terri leaving her ass-up on the couch to kneel on the floor beside her sister. With one hand she reached under and started playing with Terri’s tiny tits pinching and pulling her nipples. She slid one then two fingers of her other hand into Terri’s dripping wet pussy rubbing against Barts cock through the walls separating her two holes as she finger-fucked her sisters cunt.
They had probably been fucking for about 10 minutes and Terri was starting to cum with Sherri’s fingering her wet cunt and tickling her clit with her thumb and with Barts massive cock pounding her ass. Her ass muscles gripped Barts cock milking him as good or better than her twin sister Sherri’s tight pussy had when she came. That pushed Bart right over the top yet again and he pumped her ass full of his creamy cum. It was no where as big a load as the first two but her tight little ass was so small and tight his cock still forced some of his hot cum out as her small ass which was now filled up with Barts spunk Bart was fucking done again. As Barts orgasm wound down he fell to the side on the couch and slid to the floor his massive cock was completely drained and lying limp on his thigh. Sherri slid down next to Bart and snuggled up to his left side naked and sweating. Terri was still on the sofa ass up in the air and with Barts cum leaking from her asshole and mixing with her cum as it dripped from her wet pussy and down her thighs.

They all fell asleep or passed out from exhaustion right where they lay. Bart came to about 30 minutes later realizing they had been fucking for almost two hours including the time they lay asleeping and he had to get home soon. Bart woke up Sherri and leaving Terri out cold on the couch ass still up in the air. They made their way to the bathroom and climbed into the shower. The warm water revived them including Barts cock as they playfully washed each other down. Sherri didn’t feel like a full-blown fuck as her pussy was still pretty sore from the way she’d popped her cherry but she did suck Bart off and she managing to swallow all of the little bit of sperm he had left in his over worked balls. As they stepped out of the shower Terri was standing in the doorway. She asked if Bart had anything left for her and he told her he didn’t think so.
Terri said that if he was interested that she would be ready anytime he was. Bart just grinned and pinched her little tit and twisted her nipple.
Bart then told her that he would see them on friday at Lisa’s sleepover.

But that’s was another story.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-08-29 22:31:38
Oh shit I sauirted :0

anonymous readerReport 

2013-04-05 17:15:30
whats with the brackets
otherwise fuck ya

anonymous readerReport 

2013-01-08 00:00:45

anonymous readerReport 

2012-12-08 00:05:44
its a freaking story for cruing out loud

anonymous readerReport 

2012-12-08 00:05:17
wow alot of bad words o well who gives a crap

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