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Two weeks after graduation Jean Rogers packed her bags
and headed for Detroit and a job with General Motors. A
relative who works there had put her name in for an entrance
level position as a file clerk. Needless to say it was a very
nervous little girl who showed up at 7:30 AM that first day.

Jean was a average 18-year-old white female. She had
been born and raised in a mostly white middle class suburb and
was naive of the various life styles to be found in the big city.
Her teen years had been pretty much as you would have
expected. She was active in various plays and clubs at school.
She dated several boys but never formed anything like a love
relationship with any of them. They were all right to date
because they took her to the dances and parties that all of her
friends were attending.

Her sexual experience was limited to the usual kissing
and petting and on one occasion, during a sleep over with
several other girls, witnessing a brief oral sex encounter
between two of her teen aged friends. There was a truth or dare
game going on and one girl was made to kiss the exposed
vagina of another girl. It was very racy stuff for an
impressionable fourteen-year-old. All the other girls said things
like "UGH", "GOSH", or "OH MY GOD" but to Jean it looked
almost beautiful. For some reason that she could not explain
she wished it had been her that lost the dare. Seeing the winner
pull the crotch of her panties to one side and thrust her tender
young crack up to be kissed sent a thrill through Jean that she
carried with her for a long time.

Her only other exposure to sex was the discovery of a
"dirty book" hidden away in her father's underwear drawer. It
was 5x8 paperback containing a story of a young girl's
introduction to prostitution in a Paris brothel. The text was
very arousing and the black and white pictures were shocking
to say the least.

Jean read and re-read every word and stared at the
pictures in awe. The men's penises were huge to her eyes and
the women were all so beautiful. In one part of the story the
girl was made to go down on the house's madam as part of her
training. Jean loved to reading about how the older woman
pushed the little girl's face between her legs and mashed her
smelly old cunt into her face. Telling her what a sweet thing
she was and how good a little cunt sucker she would become.
All the while rubbing her self on the trembling girl's mouth and
tongue. Jean had been masturbating for about a year prior to
finding this material. After that time, masturbation became at
least a twice-daily activity.

When she started work at the Detroit plant things went
well the first few weeks. Jean was able to fit in with her fellow
employees in no time. She didn't socialize much outside of
work because of her limited finances, plus the fact that she
really wasn't into the things she heard them talking about. Pot
smoking and free sex weren't things she knew much about.

About six weeks into her employment Jean was
transferred to a new department headed by a very striking
looking black woman of 45 to 50 years. When she was
interviewed about the job she couldn't help but admit to herself
that she was attracted to her new boss. The woman wasn't
beautiful in the ordinary sense of the word. Her figure was
somewhat on the plump side. Still, she carried herself in a
manner that said in no uncertain terms, "I am in charge and you
are not". Jean loved that and respected the power she

The longer she worked for Mss. Andrews the more the
feeling of attraction grew. Jean tried to shake it off but it was
there and she knew it. She went out of her way to be close to
her and, whenever possible, to be alone with her. Finally one
day Mss. Andrews called her to her office closed the door and
confronted Jean.

"I've been watching you girl and I know you have been
flirting with me! Do you have any idea what you are getting
into by coming on to me? I'm not only a dyke. I am a
Dominatrix Mistress. I enjoy doing things to little girls like you
that most women would find disgusting."

Jean was so surprised she was speechless for a moment.
Before she could answer her, Mss. Andrews bent over and
kissed her full on the lips. Jean's head was spinning. The kiss
had sent a thrill through her body and she wanted more.

"What should I do Mss. Andrews?"

Her boss replied, "If you will be at my apartment at
about nine this evening. I suggest you drop in and we can talk
some more. Not a word about this to anyone or you will be
fired so fast you won't know what happened."

The hours from that moment until nine that night dragged
by. Jean had never known such a feeling of excitement. She
was about to "COME OUT" as the saying goes and admit to her
self and the world that she was gay.

She was unsure what to wear and settled on a casual skirt
and blouse. Her undergarments were some of her best. A half-
slip, wire cup bra and high thigh panties. She did and re-did her
hair and make-up before boarding a bus to the area of Mss.
Andrews' apartment. Several times she thought of backing out
and rushing home. She even stood at the woman's door for
several minutes before she pressed the doorbell.

Mss. Andrews was dressed in a full-length dressing
gown. She greeted the frightened girl and led her inside to a
sitting room.

"I am so happy you decided to come by my dear", said
the older woman. "I've had my eye on you for sometime and
was hoping to get to know you better. Now come over here and
kiss me."

Jean was trembling as she approached Mss. Andrews.
She pursed her lips and placed them against Mss. Andrew's
much larger pair. The way Mss. Andrews tongue instinctively
shot out and slipped between Jean's lips was like she was trying
to swab the inside of the girl's mouth. The poor girl couldn't
believe she was doing this to her. She wasn't a racist in any
way but to be surrendering to a black woman was something
that had never before entered her thoughts.

Mss. Andrews' kiss became more and more demanding
and her hand began kneading and rubbing the girl's flesh. Her
hand went up under the blouse and Jean's bra was suddenly
falling away from her breasts. One button and a zip and the
skirt followed suit as did the five-button blouse. With their lips
still locked together they jointly eased the slip and panties from
her hips and she stood naked in front of her first lover/mistress.

Mss. Andrews, "My but your flesh is like Carrara marble
child. I like that a lot."

With that she opened her gown and exposed her own
nakedness to the awe struck girl. How beautiful she appeared
to Jean. Her skin was the color of dark coffee. Her breasts, full
and slightly sagging. Her areolas were big and round. They
were an even darker in color than her skin. Her pubic mound
was covered with a thick mat of tightly meshed coal black hair.

Jean, "Oh Mss. Andrews tell me what I should do?"

"Well child, first of all, when we are together like this
you will refer to me as Mistress or Ma'am. Do you

"Yes"-said Jean.

SLAP right across her face, came the open hand of Mss.
Andrews. "Didn't you hear me bitch? I said its Mistress or

"I'm sorry Ma'am" replied a sobbing Jean. "It won't
happen again Ma'am."

The dressing gown hit the floor and the naked Nubian
took the girl by the arm and forced her to her knees. Standing
over her, legs spread wide enough to give her new student a
clear view of all of her treasures, she said, "What were you
dreaming of doing with me all those times I caught your
staring. I'll bet you have never even licked a pussy before have

"No Mistress I haven't. I don't deserve your attention.
Please forgive Me." was all Jean could say.

"Shut up you pathetic little cunt and lick my body
starting at my feet."

As Jean began licking between her Mistresses toes, the
woman picked up a cane and touched it to girl's buttocks. The
cane went tap.tap.tap.WHACK, right on the left cheek.
Jean screamed in pain and started to pull away.

Mss. Andrews, "Get back there you filthy little cunt or
I'll beat you until your ass bleeds."

With tears running down her face she began kissing and
suck once more. Trying to over look the flaming streak that
now blazed on her bottom. WHACK.WHACK.WHACK,
came three more blows. The girl reached out and wrapped her
arms around her mistress's legs for support. "Please, please,
Oh my God, Mistress please, no more."

"Come with me, I will help put the fire out." Said Mss.
Andrews as she led the girl to a large plastic sheet spread over
the floor. "Get down your hands and knees and lift your ass

Jean willingly complied and elevated her hot red bottom.
Her mistress straddled her buttocks and let go a stream of
strong smelling pee that splash against those burning stripes.
Blessed relief. "Turn quickly little one and drink" was the
order and Jean did just that. The last of the woman's urine fell
into the open mouth of this inexperienced girl before she

"You have done well. You may lick my slit dry now if
you wish."

Jean needed no other invitation and she pressed her
mouth to the wet crack hidden deep in the mat of wooly hair.
With a snake like tongue she drilled deep into the dark hole and
felt her mistress twitch as she found her clit. It was a very
special moment. She now understood what her place was in
this relationship and she loved it. She captured the woman's
clit in her mouth and sucked it like a miniature prick. Her
Mistress squealed in delight and pusher her over backward and
squatted over her face. "Suck you dirty little cunt, suck my
twat and eat my clit!" She grabbed the girl by the hair and rode
her mouth like a man rides his mate. "Yaaaaaaho" she
screamed "suck it, lick it, eat it, oh yes, yes, oh my god I'm
going to pop' "aaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

The spent Ma'am fell to one side and breathed heavily.
Sweat pored from her body causing her skin to take on a bright
sheen. Jean clung to her. Kissing her. Taking one of her large
bags to her mouth. Suckling like a baby. Kneading the fleshy
tit. Squeezing it and flicking her tongue over the nipple.

"Clean me bitch" was the next order and Jean went to
work licking away the effects of the strenuous activity. Her
tongue lapped away the sweat the covered the bulging belly
before working its way down to between those thick black
thighs. The smell at and around that pussy was strong but
nothing compared to what she discovered when she reached the
woman's anus. As with many heavy people it is difficult to
clean that area completely and Mss. Andrews was no exception.
Jean had never dreamed of doing anything so debasing as
tonguing another human's asshole but here she was and she
wanted to continue. Spreading the cheeks wide her tongue
flicked out and touched the puckered hole at which time her
lover/mistress jerked and moaned. Jean pressed forward and
opened her mouth wide. She covered the hole completely and
began sucking and licking. She made love to the woman's
nether hole as though it was her cunt. She pushed hard to cause
the sphincter to yield so that her tongue could enter into the
woman's bowel. There was no thought about what she was
doing other than pleasing her mistress. Whatever dried shit or
other matter she found in and around that hole she gladly took
into her body and she made every effort to please this woman
who she now felt bound to.

When Jean was finally home in her own bed she had time
to recall what this day had meant to her. She had found her
place in life and was anxious to dedicate herself to the pleasure
of her delightful black Mistress.


2006-07-09 05:37:17
Terrific story.


2005-12-26 01:12:30
10 out of 10...awesome.


2005-08-27 18:25:04


2005-07-19 17:55:39
love your stories. i like how you write. some teasing would be hot. keep them coming. thanks.


2005-07-12 11:57:17
well thanks and i will continue this story seires

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