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"Yes, Ms. Flynn. I'll let her know straight away."
Pretty Maria Rozario disconnected, then
speed-dialed Vivienne Wu's cell phone from the


"Hello, Mrs. Wu. It's Maria."

"Hello, Maria. Is everything all right?"

"Yes, everything's fine. Mr. Wu said he'd be late
for dinner tonight, and Ms. Flynn from the library

"Ms. Flynn called for me?" Vivienne was
surprised. What could be going on at the library
that would warrant a call?

"Yes, she said it was important."

"All right; thanks, Maria. Why don't you go on
and take the rest of tonight off? I'll look after

"Thanks, Mrs. Wu!"

Vivienne had been running errands all afternoon.
She'd been to the post office, picked up dry
cleaning, returned videotapes and made her
dentist's appointment. The petite Chinese woman
had just picked up the ice cream when the cellular
telephone had rung. Since the library was on the
way home, she decided to see if she could still
catch Ms. Flynn.

As she pulled up, she saw the lights of the Willow
Lakes Library go out. Grabbing her purse, she
snagged the paper sack from "Chocolate Dreams"
by mistake. In her haste, she didn't notice she had
it until she was rapping on the window.

"Vivienne - I was just trying to reach you!"

"Hello, Jessica. I hoped I'd catch you before you
went home. Maria said it was important."

"Come on in," invited the statuesque redhead,
opening the door wide. "I saw something today I
thought you'd want to know about. Come on
over here to the computers and I'll show you."

"Oh, I'm sorry - do you have a freezer? I
grabbed this by mistake." Vivienne held up the
lavender-and-pink bag holding the ice cream
container. "I guess I've just been running
around too much."

"This won't take a moment. Our fridge doesn't
have a freezer, but you can just set it over here.
I don't think a few minutes will do it any harm."
Jessica said, as she disabled the family filter

The beautiful Chinese woman set the bag on the
indicated desk. She sat down before the monitor
as Jessica opened a website.

As the screen loaded, Jessica searched her mind
for the right words to say. She watched
Vivienne's face intently for her reaction.

Vivienne watched with interest as the screen filled.

"'Teacher's Pet'?" she asked. "Why did you want
to show me this?"

"Let me get past the legal warning, and you'll
see." Jessica said. "Now, this is going to be some
pretty strong stuff." She continued to regard the
smaller woman with some concern. Vivienne Wu
was not only a generous patron of the library, and
an influential member of its board, but a valued

Vivienne sat bolt upright as digital images loaded.
It couldn't be - but it was!

The two sat in silence for a moment. Then
Vivienne seized the mouse, and clicked a few
times, as she'd seen her companion do.

"I'm sorry, Vivienne; I thought you should know,
and I thought it would be better coming from a
friend -"

There on the screen were pictures of Karen Wu,
Vivienne's daughter. The pretty girl was posed as
a flight attendant, a nurse, a cheerleader, a nun, a
businesswoman and in graduation robes. The
thumbnails showed the pouting Asian beauty in
states of increasing deshabille. Karen's images
alternated with those of a pretty fair-skinned
brunette girl, of about her daughter's age.

"There's more," Jessica said, gently. She opened
another page.

There, pictures showed the two young girls
dressed in prom gowns. The series of
photographs progressed until they showed the pair
having explicit sex.

Jessica reached over to switch off the terminal,
but Vivienne reached a quick hand out to stop her.
She was still unable to speak.

"I can't believe it," she said, finally.

"Oh, Vivienne; I'm so sorry."

The beautiful Chinese woman looked up at the
buxom redhead. A rueful smile pulled at a corner
of her mouth. How could her curvaceous friend
know that the lovely Asian's entire outlook on sex
had changed, decidedly for the better? Just a few
weeks ago, Vivienne had made passionate lesbian
love not only with her daughter's classmate, but
with a female deputy as well! Her smile
broadened with the memory.

"Don't be sorry, Jessica. Karen is entitled to her
own life; it looks as though she's enjoying herself,
at least!"

It was true. In every picture, the girl's expression
bore a rapt look of enjoyment.

The gorgeous redhead was shocked. Here was
straitlaced Vivienne Wu, pillar of the community,
devoted housewife and mother, casually
remarking that her daughter was entitled to a
hard-core website. Jessica couldn't have
been more surprised if the earth had opened up
under her feet.

Vivienne regarded her friend thoughtfully. The
recollection of her night of wild sex with two
women made her suddenly excited. She'd
always known Jessica was openly gay, but had
never dreamt of acting on the knowledge herself.
The thought of her own daughter engaging in such
activity for all the world to see somehow aroused
her all the more.

"Jessica, do you think you could print these for

Puzzled, the redhead thought for a moment.
"Sure, Vivienne. I've got a color printer in my
office. Let me just enlarge these. Are you sure
you want them?"

Vivienne nodded decisively. "Yes, all of them,

"This will take a few minutes."

"I'll wait. Jessica, I'm touched that you were
concerned enough to tell me about this. You're a
real friend!"

Pleased, the redhead smiled for the first time that
evening. She'd been updating the library's college
tuition database, and had been stunned to chance
on this site. Apparently, it was a hot one with the
most banners she'd ever seen. She wasn't into
cybersex, instead preferring the real thing. The
thought of little Karen Wu suddenly becoming an
X-rated website mistress disturbed her, though.
Was it that she
was getting old? Or was it .. something else?

"What does this do?" Vivienne asked curiously.

"I think that's an mpeg file for video."

"How does it work?"

"Click on it." Jessica did so.

The screen blanked, as a large dark frame popped
up. The transfer rate cranked up toward 100%.

When the file had downloaded, the two women
watched silently as Karen kissed the pretty
brunette. As the action heated up, both women
became increasingly agitated. They were both
quiet as the clip ended.

"Well, I'd better see about those prints," said
Jessica. She self-consciously smoothed down her
dress as she got to her feet.

Vivienne noted the tall woman's discomfiture with
amusement. She, too, was feeling unusual
warmth, but was oddly at peace with herself and
this intriguing new aspect of her own daughter.

When Jessica returned with the printouts, she was
surprised to see Vivienne had removed her jacket
and shoes.

"I hope I'm not keeping you from anything,

"Just my empty house, dear."

"This is all so sudden, I'm afraid I need someone
to talk to."

"Well, you know I'm always good for a shoulder
to cry on, Vivienne."

The aristocratic Chinese woman was looking for
more than a shoulder that evening.

"Let me see those," she asked without inflection.

The gorgeous librarian handed the printouts to
her friend.

"Hmmmm. Not bad." Vivienne heard herself say.

It was true. The images all had a highly
professional, yet spontaneously sexy look to them.

Vivienne impulsively clutched the colored
printouts to her, looking Jessica straight in the

"What do you think, Jess?" she asked, gazing
pointedly at her friend.

The tall redhead was flustered. She'd known
Vivienne for as long as she'd lived in Willow Lake,
and had always known her friend to be straitlaced.
This was a side of the trim Asian woman she'd
never suspected existed. What was going on?

The Chinese woman was wondering that herself.
What had gotten into her?

"I .. I think they're very nice." Jessica managed.

Vivienne got up and slowly, seductively
approached her old friend.

"Only .. 'nice,'?" she purred, fanning the pictures
in front of her red-faced companion.

Jessica backed away nervously.

"Why .. yes, they're .. nice ..." she faltered. "Oh,
look, your ice cream is melting. You'd better get
this home, Vivienne."

"But Jessica," the demure Chinese woman
murmured. "I haven't begun to thank you
properly yet." She picked up the dripping bag. It
gave her a wickedly decadent

She opened the bag and lifted out the container,
moist with condensation. Still advancing on the
retreating Jessica, she opened the top and scooped
out a generous fingerful of the chocolate ice
cream within. It was soft and icy-cold. Perfect.

Vivienne dipped the generous fingerful into her

She closed her eyes as she savored the confection.

"You've been so sweet to me ... let me thank you
with 'sweets to the sweet.'" Vivienne stopped,
inches from the panting Jessica. The tall redhead's
back was now to the wall, her magnificent chest
heaving. What had gotten into her friend?

The elegant Chinese woman again dipped her
finger into the cool gooey dessert. This time, it
was Jessica's mouth to which she brought the
heaping mouthful.

Jessica gaped at the profferred offering. She
licked her lips slowly. Then, under Vivienne's
watchful gaze, she opened her mouth and took the
ice-cream. She moaned throatily as the cool,
sweet mouthful slid down her throat.

"That's my girl," encourage Vivienne in a hoarse
whisper. Her tits had been warming since she'd
first seen the pictures of Karen in costume. Then
the nipples had caught fire when she saw the stills
of her daughter with the other girl. But the video
- the video was the reason her pussy was dripping
like a leaky faucet!

"Mmm..." husked Jessica. She didn't know what
had possessed Vivienne, but she approved.

Content to let her friend be the aggressor, the tall
redhead continued to follow the smaller woman's

Setting down the container, Vivienne stood tall to
bring her mouth to her friend's waiting mouth.
The two women intertwined tongues sweet with
chocolate and passion.

Her hands unbuttoning the redhead's blouse,
Vivienne whispered to Jessica. "Now you can
compare Karen with my spread. Undo me!"

Jessica was happy to comply. Her fingers found
the zipper in the back of Vivienne's dress.
Practiced hands undid the lacy brassiere, while the
Chinese woman's more inexperienced fingers
fumbled with the unfamiliar strap of her own
straining bra.

"It fastens in front," she got out just before
Vivienne clamped her mouth again to her lips.

Her insistent tongue probing, the smaller Chinese
woman managed to get her stacked lover's bra off,
despite her closed eyes. She opened them to
inspect her handiwork and widened them still
more at her first sight of those magnificent

"Ohhhh..." she moaned in abandoned lust,
admiring the lush view. Beautiful milky-white
orbs stood out for her inspection. Flattered,
Jessica couldn't help standing a little taller and
thusting out her chest slightly.

Vivienne broke off and bent at her knees. She
buried her face in Jessica's crotch. Groaning, the
redhead leant on the wall for support. She
clutched her breasts in wanton heat, as the
Chinese woman nuzzled her damp panties.

Abruptly, the shorter woman stood again. Jessica
just had time to wonder what she was up to when
she felt the icy shock of Vivienne administering
ice-cream to her already stiff nipples. She gasped.

Both hands covered in the sticky half-melted
sweet, Vivienne was working her friend's tits in
earnest now. Jessica writhed in delicious pleasure,
as she felt the lascivious lubrication of Vivienne's
coated fingers, tongue and lips on her sensitive

Eagerly, she continued to undress her companion,
while the Chinese woman held her chocolaty
hands away from their clothing. When both were
entirely nude, she too bent to gather a handful of
ice-cream to share.

Vivienne gave a quick, sharp intake of breath as
Jessica's cold fingers found her breasts. She
squirmed with delight, as the tall redhead applied
the gooey sweetness to her entire body.

Jessica drew Vivienne to her. Together, they
reveled in the glorious sensation of both bodies
covered in the melting ice-cream. Breast to
breast, belly to belly, they embraced and stroked
each other, moaning feverishly.

The beautiful redhead broke their embrace to
sweep the Chinese woman off hre feet. Giggling,
Vivienne playfully kicked her legs as Jessica
carried her to her office.

She lay her lover on the full-length couch.
Vivienne cooed as she touched herself. Her cunt
was oozing lovejuice that mixed with the sticky
ice-cream. She pouted as she observed her lover
bend to her. The pussy fluids trickled obscenely
down her thighs as Jessica gave her another
French kiss. The redhead squeezed her friend's
tits as their tongues battled for more and deeped

Holding Vivienne's gaze in her sultry eyes, Jess
straightened and langorously licked her fingers.
The Chinese woman couldn't believe her eyes as
Jess dipped three fingers into her own sopping
pussy while sucking at the the hand that had
wiped ice-cream from Vivienne's sticky tits.

She watched avidly as Jessica worked herself.
Vivienne busied both hands at her hot, throbbing

Again, the red-haired beauty approached her
Chinese friend. Wordlessly, she offered her
fingers slick with girlcum to Vivienne. Eagerly,
the Asian licked her lips and lapped at the shiny
hand. The saltiness of Jessica, mingled with the
sweet of the ice-cream, tasted divine to the
lust-crazed woman.

The reclining woman was positively oozing now,
her cunt spewing a rich flow of fragrant nectar.
Jess clambered over to afford herself a closer
look. Her knees astride Vivienne's torso, Jessica
supported herself on her elbows as she probed the
Chinese woman's cunt.

Jess's twat was equally as wet as Vivienne's,
the Chinese woman discovered, as she thirstily
licked the slick love-tunnel with a long extended
tongue. She started as she felt the redhead part
her swollen lips with practiced ease, thumb puling
back her hood to reveal her hardening clitoris.
She squirmed again and did the same. Her
activities were rewarded with a muffled "ooh!"
from Jess.

She redoubled her efforts. Faster and faster they
licked and sucked, twiddling each other's pulsing
clits with one hand, other hand tweaking a nipple
to ever-increasing hardness. Overcome by the
sensations, the tastes, the fragrances, Vivienne
felt her senses whirl.

"Yesss..." she hissed between clenched teeth,
"that's it!" Jessica had begun plunging her fingers
into her inflamed vagina. "Faster, faster ..." she

"Do you like it? Do you?"

"You know I do .. give it to me .. give it to me,"
hissed Vivienne. "Fuck me! Fuck me with your

Jess rammed her fingers into Vivienne's furry
pussy, steadying herself by placing one palm on
the Asian's inner thigh. With each thrust, she felt
her own orgasm mounting. The Chinese woman's
persistent attentions were beginning to take their
toll on Jessica's pussy, as her own activities were
exciting her beyond belief.

Absently, her peripheral vision caught the fine cut
of the older woman's calves, accentuated by the
dark stockings and black heels.

"Oh! I'm going to ..." Vivienne's mouth worked
spasmodically as she gasped, unable to continue
aloud. Jess felt the Chinese woman contract
around her fingers, then grunted aloud as her own
climax struck her.

"Unhhhh!" Jessica punctuated her cum with a nip
at Vivienne's distended clit, sending her way over
the edge.

"Ahhh! Oh!" The Chinese woman cried out as she
came, her juices spilling over Jessica's face.

I love this job, Jess thought to herself, as she
kissed Vivienne's bottom tenderly.



2008-03-09 03:00:38
it was hott


2007-03-03 13:43:00
my girlfriend asked me to read this story and halfway through, i had a couple of fingers in my pussy and we came hard together :oo))))


2005-10-04 10:32:33
like the story and had a hard on. it was like my chinese girl friend having the same scenario with a mutual friend.


2005-03-07 12:09:55
I have had Chinese pussy before and American but to eat Chinese pussy is the best pussy of my life. I could die with my tongue stuck in it sucking and die happy. I jerked off as i read this. It was awesome.


2004-08-29 19:04:56
I liked it, i'm not into lesbians much, but I liked it, keep up the good work

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