The long awaited fourth installment of Mr K forcing Lee and Jen along with a few of their friends into sex machines which force them to choose between two belittling sexual experiences. The situation only grows worse...
Please read the other instalments first by clicking on my username. Hope you like it, and for those of you who have forgotten, each paragraph is from a different point of view; there are quite a few characters in this version and some of the comments said it was a little hard to follow so I’ll put the name in brackets at the start of each paragraph.
We drove my mum’s car to the location we’d been given, Aldern Avenue, I’d never heard of it but we’d stopped to buy a map and after 20 minutes of looking we found it, a little street coming off the main road in the middle of nowhere; fantastic. Jen and I talked about Mr K’s skills in kidnapping; he seemed to know exactly what he was doing and whilst his connection to the mafia seemed clich?et plausible, it didn’t quite fit Mr K. I mean sure he could have been pretty well formed in his youth, he must have ridiculous amounts of money to buy or make those sex machines so what other explanation was there? To be fair, I don’t think I could have possibly imagined the reality of Mr K’s background, especially at that point in time, I barely knew anything about Mr K back then.
When we arrived at Aldern Avenue we stopped. I suggested Lee call because I couldn’t stand talking to the man. The guy had stolen some of my best friends, Amber and Kayleigh we’re such nice innocent girls and… well, Suzie was nice she just fucked everything in sight. Louisa I didn’t know that well but she was stunning and she seemed nice; I doubted she even knew how sex worked she was so fucking dumb. It was then a problem arose, the two of us were so used to having our mobiles on us that we hadn’t even taken a moment to think through how we were gonna call Mr K. Lee ran across the street to a random house and knocked on the door, a nice old lady answering and whilst I couldn’t hear what was being said, I could see his charm worked perfectly. He called me over with a hand gesture, as I got out of the car realising I was wearing nothing but lingerie and Lee’s jacket over it, I had no shoes or trousers on, so quickly sat back down and shook my head.
I remembered Jen was only half dressed and went into the house alone, calling the number from the nice old lady’s house phone. “Hello?” I spoke.
“Hi there Lee, you here?” asked Mrs K from the other side as the nice old lady offered me a cookie which I accepted politely with growing hunger from the long journey.
“Yes I am, now what do we have to do to get you to release our friends?” I whispered, not wanting the lady in the other room to hear.
“Slow down Lee! One thing at a time!” She said “It’s when you rush that you forget to think things through properly, for example, leaving Jen in the car alone wasn’t exactly a genius move…” his sentence trailed off as I dropped the receiver running to open the door and seeing Mrs K on her mobile in the car, Jen unconscious sitting next to her. As I ran after the car I realised Mrs K was right, I needed to slow down and think through everything before acting out because as I ran I tripped. I was starting to feel dizzy and weak, Mrs K reversed to come pick me up, opening the door and getting out the car, “You scared me for a minute, I thought you might not have eaten the biscuit!” She crouched next to me; mocking me with her words. “Come on, why would I send you to this particular street if I didn’t have someone here to take care of you? Don’t worry, the house is just down the street…” she explained, pulling me across the floor and dumping me in the back of the car as she waved to the “nice” old lady.
“Morning Amber…” I heard a voice call, a familiar male voice which I couldn’t put my finger on. It only took a few seconds to realise I was naked and tied up. The room was pitch black as I called into the abyss “HELLO?” my voice echoing as a reply came in the form of a groan of desperation. “Who’s there?” I asked as the groaning continued. “Amber? Is that you?” came another voice, defiantly Suzie’s.
“Yes! Yes it’s me, thank god Suzie are you okay, can you see anything?” I asked loudly.
“No, it’s pitch black, but I’m tied down… Oh shit I can’t move! And I’m naked, holy shit where are we Amber? I can’t remember a fucking thing!” she cried as another voice joined in over the groaning.
“Suzie, Amber? Is that you?” Spoke Kayleigh as the three of us spoke, another girl groaning in the background before lights came on, the bright glare causing us to wince in unison. Mr K stood in the corner of the pale brown room, the floor was wood.
“Hello girls, I’m sorry you had to get wrapped up in all this…” Mr K spoke, “You see your friends Lee and Jen have been very, uncooperative and so I’m gonna use you four as a little bargaining chip…” he explained as we all turned to see Louisa gagged in some crazy table-like contraption. Screaming as we saw our own predicaments. I was on my hands and knees on the floor, my hands held down my metallic bonds that were screwed into the ground, there were two huge curved pink and orange dildos in my pussy and ass. If I was removed from the equation the dildo’s would have been like an inch apart so each was deep inside me and felt reasonably comfortable until I tried to move at all. My legs were spread out, similar metal ties around my ankles. I saw I seemed to have the best machine as I saw the beast of a device Amber was in. It was so complex I could hardly work out what it did until a few minutes of analysing gave me the answer. A thick, 20 or so inch long dildo pointed straight up towards her cunt. As I took a moment to admire my friend’s magnificent naked body, she stood about 5ft3 with cute brown hair and a button nose with amazing hazel eyes and the greatest smile. Her figure was petite, with A-B cups and a nicely shaved vagina. She was much tanner than the rest of us being a little Latina. Her legs were attached to leather straps which firmly held her feet down onto these pink plastic boards which rested on a metal pole running along the floor, it seemed she could move her foot back and forward as she wished, as she moved them back I could see they tilted forward, forcing her to her knees. Around her wrist was this metallic harness which gripped her toned abdomen securely, and linked into two poles either side of her. This harness meant she could only move her waist directly up or down so that if she lowered herself she would be forced to allow the dildo to enter her as she was pushed to her knees. But the next bit was the really clever bit. You know those huge dumbbells you see in the movies? Well positioned above her head was one of those. It was attached to the same two poles as the harness so it could only fall directly down and Amber’s dainty hands were taped tightly to the dumbbell so she had to hold it up. At the moment the dumbbell was being suspended by a few metal rods that it rested on.
Amber’s mechanism was pretty hardcore and scared us all a lot, but she seemed terrified. I studied Suzie’s machine too, not able to concentrate due to the size of her tits. The things must have been C cups because the fell perfectly and were huge. It was clear Suzie was pretty turned on as moisture that could have been loob dripped down her thighs and her nipples were rock hard. She had great legs but was quite pale with a nice frame which was a little tubby but only enough to give her a sexy curvy figure for her soft blond hair to trail down. My contraption was the hardest to work out. I could feel a dildo deep within me, attached to the cold black metal box I was draped over. My body was pressed firmly to the top of it, small metal rings on the side of the box for ropes to run through which held my back and arse down so I couldn’t move. My hands were also tied down to the metal but I felt a small remote control in my right hand. My legs were free to move but my ankles were handcuffed together. It was then Mr K left, pressing a button on each of the contraptions before leaving.
Suzie was first to scream, as the huge dildo’s inside her began to vibrate wildly. She was tied down pretty tight but her hips had been deliberately left pretty free. As the dildo began to hurt her ass, Suzie lowered her waist, pushing more plastic into her cunt but sliding the cock out of her ass, a move which soon had her screaming as the dick went too deep and she was forced to ascend, pushing more into her ass to stop her crying. It hurt so much because she was so tight and the vibrations so strong. She began to shake as an orgasm washed over her screaming. She wriggled crazily as she watched Kayleigh next to her; the girls fantastic legs stretching fully as she cried out. The girl had such a slim build and was quite tall, she had a kinda big ass which meant she didn’t look as stunning as some other girls but still pretty goddess-like. She shook the brown hair away from her face, drawing my attention to the weird looked blue bra she wore. The sex mechanism I was in was much more dangerous than the others. I had tape over my mouth so I could only breathe through my nose, problem was there were soft pads on either side of my nostrils which began to close. I had no idea what to do, squirming as I tried to release my hands and ankles from the restraints. The only thing I moved in the process was my waist, as I moved it upwards, the metallic dildo inside me was removed causing the pads stopped for a second giving me time to breathe before they began to starve me of oxygen once more. I moved my hips again, fucking the dildo slowly as the pads moved apart with the same pace. I quickened my motions, fucking the cock with such speed the pads opened fully, my body falling limp as I got my breathe back, the pads immediately starting to close again,
Louisa looked ridiculous, fucking a metal dildo which perturbed from the table; except I couldn’t understand why she was doing it, she didn’t seem to be forced into it like we were. I couldn’t work out my machine. Seeing Suzie’s I though it had to involve some kind of cruel choice which meant choosing between the less of two sexual evils but mine didn’t seem to complicated, the plastic cock darted in and out of my cunt, slipping into the metal container then darting out again with lightning speed. The weird looking bra I had on pinched my nipples and massaged my tits roughly which turned me on. As I prepared to cum I stretched out my long legs and separated my knees, cumming hard all over the floor. It was then I grew sensitive and the dildo began to hurt, the sting caused me to wince. It was then I remembered the button in my hand and pressed it. The dildo instantly stopping then pushing deep inside me. This didn’t seem too bad. It was then I realised what the humming metal box below me was; a refrigerator. As liquid shot into my pussy it took me a second to work out what it was before I screamed, tears rolling down my cheek as I felt the sperm sink into me, I click the button madly trying to make it stop as the bra continued to sooth my tits. I attempted to wrestle my arms and legs from their constraints with no avail. Watching as Louisa did much the same, her bubble butt wobbling as her sexy legs and thin smooth arms tried to escape. Her face twisting into pleasure as she came forcefully onto the cock beneath her; tears rolling down her cheek. The liquid stopped, the dildo continuing to fuck me once more as my attention was diverted by a loud clang and a scream.
The rods holding up the weight above me released and I was forced to hold up the heavy load by myself. It wasn’t too much; enough for me to handle. I used to do a bit of martial arts in school so I wasn’t exactly a weakling but I couldn’t hold this long. It seemed the only other option was to push my feet back, lowering myself to my knees. There as a little spongy pad on either side of my cunt where I could lay down the dumbbell, but by then the dildo would be deep deep inside me. The pink cock began to vibrate wildly as my body shook, dropping a centimetre, as I eyed up the shaking dildo below me, knowing with certainty that once that thing touched my clit, any strength I had was lost and about 8 inches would be forced inside me in seconds. I watched as Suzie same all over the floor, rocking between the two thick dildos whilst screaming and dribbling all over the place. Cumming once, twice, thrice in quick succession as cream filled the floor.
The door then swung open, Lee and Jen tossed onto the floor as they lay half conscious. Mr K walked in after them, shutting the door. Amber cried out as she dropped another inch, squealing in pain from the heavy weight as Kayleigh began to wince; begrudgingly clicking the button again and letting cool cum flow within her as she sobbed. Mr K then pushed a small thick dildo into Jen’s ass, it had a bulbous tip which un-inflated with the click of a button so he could ease it into her ass then inflate it again, holding it firmly in place. At the end of the dildo were handcuffs which he used to restrain Lee’s arms behind Jen’s back. He then did the same again, pushing a dildo into Lee’s ass and inflating the tip to make it immovable then attaching Jen’s hands. That way their bodies were held together so they could fuck easily. Jen looked simply amazing naked, great breasts that looked firm yet large and the cutest bubble but you ever did see with long shapely legs beneath it. Her wet cunt was trimmed nicely and she looked beautiful. I had another powerful orgasm, screaming as I pushed more of the dildo into my wet cunt as the sight of Lee’s huge cock turned me on and let my ass rest for a while, the light vibrations against my anus becoming quite sore.
Seeing Lee’s big cock made me wish I was with my boyfriend. In fact, no… I wanted Lee inside me! His big dick just turned me on so bad I couldn’t wait for the dildo to start fucking me again. It did so suddenly and I remember actually screaming, “OHHHH YEAH! YES! YES!” As Jen’s fantastic legs were tied behind Lee’s ass I noticed the two of them stirred. “The rules are simple. All your friends here are being fucked, or are about to be…” he said looking at Amber, “In two minutes, Amber and Suzie’s vibrators will speed up, the dildo shooting in and out of Kayleigh will speed up and that cock Louisa is fucking will also start to vibrate. Now the four of them are finding it tough enough as it is; so the only way to help them is to start fucking. I’ll leave you lot in her for an hour; the faster Jen and Lee fuck, the slower the vibrations will go. If you two ever stop shagging, everything will go up to maximum on their machines and will be mighty painful I’m sure…” He announced, heading out the room.
“How the hell do you think you’re gonna get away with kidnapping 5 teenagers?” screamed Suzie at Mr K. “Yeah you think just because you were part of some mafia in Russia you’re gonna get off Scott free?” I asked; Mr K chuckling in response.
“You think I’m part of the Mafia?” he laughed mockingly,
“Well how else would you have the money to make these machines!? You’re a fucking school teacher… and how else could you be so good at kidnapping huh?” I cried
“And you’re supposed to be the smartest girl in the class…” Mr K shook his head in disappointment, “I’m gonna get away with it; because you’re all gonna let me.” He told us. “I’ve done this a million times so no-one’s gonna be able to track you here. Of course I’ll have to let you go afterwards, but by then I’ll have hours worth of embarrassing footage of you being fucked and if you wanna avoid all your family and friends seeing it, you’re gonna want to keep quite. I can disappear in the blink of an eye, I’ve done it before so if you think calling the police will help, it won’t; because all that will happen is I will hide and then release not just the person who called the police’s embarrassing footage; but I’ll release it all. The video will be on all the porn sites, it’ll go fucking viral till you won’t be able to walk down the street without someone recognising you and knowing exactly how you sound when you cum and how you look naked… Do you understand me, I can ruin your fucking lives!” he laughed, walking out the room.
Mr K turned back before opening the door asking, “And you wanna know about these machines?” Kayleigh screamed out Lee’s name before cumming powerfully over the plastic cock, her toes curling as she panted; imagining Lee’s thick cock ramming into her as the pleasure subsided with a stinging pain taking its place. Amber grunted as the weight fell 2 inches and her dripping cunt neared the vibrating tip of the rod. “I used to be an engineer before I was a teacher, a mechanic too… In my younger years. And a while back I built a machine for the wife and I to use in bed, make things a little kinkier. Anyway, long story short a neighbour of mine see’s us using it one day when we leave the window open and asks me to build him one. Before I know it I have people from all over the country sending me designs and paying me good money to design these things till I have enough to start my own business on the side. Using my own designs and utilizing my teaching job to pick off students to test them on from time to time. I always wore a mask and they never knew. Until one day when the wife and I decided we were ready to have a baby. Later finding that wasn’t possible, we tried adoption and all sorts of surgery, deciding we wanted to raise a baby from birth and call it our own; not have some birth-mother to keep in contact with. This baby’s gonna be ours! And so we picked a guy and a girl and I made a machine to force them to fuck several times so we could keep the girl and wait till she had a baby to let her go” he finished
“That’s me and Jen right?” I assumed.
“Hah! Not at all!” He chuckled, “No we tried about 6 couples before you found you two. We wanted clever, good looking, sports parents so our baby can be successful so we got a few couples in but unfortunately a few babies died, we had some miscarriages, a suicide from the mother and sometimes they just didn’t get pregnant. Remember that polish girl who disappeared from school one day and Ryan when he suddenly left, they couldn’t take looking at me anymore, knowing I could expose footage of them whenever I wanted!”
“Surely their parents would realise their kid was gone for 9 months!?” Suzie shouted. Mr K explaining how he targeted girls with single mothers then abducted that parent too, recording explicit footage of them to blackmail them with, that’s why it’s taken him so long to get a baby.
“But at least it has allowed me to come up with some cool new machines, you girls are testing out my new SOLO range! And now I’m upgrading to the interactive machines that connect via Bluetooth, so I can customize Jen and Lee’s machine to directly affect the others! Enjoy!” Mr K giggled, leaving the room and locking the door behind him as Suzie and Kayleigh screamed suddenly, Louisa’s body suddenly shaking as the trembling cock beneath sped up; Lee and Jen instantly laying down properly and fucking each other; Jen’s fantastic legs thrusting Lee inside her as they grunted and kissed. I couldn’t hold the weight much longer; and seeing all my friends cum like that, Jen and Lee fucking it just made me almost want to give in and have an amazing orgasm. I fell another inch, feeling the cool vibrating air against my clit I dropped till my snatch was practically touching the tip, forcing myself to hold on as tears rolled down my cheek, loosing my footing I fell abruptly; my clit smashing into the dildo sending lightning bolts through my spine as my body became instantaneously weak, 5 inches slipping inside me at once causing me to cum powerfully, screaming for help as I arched my back. The orgasm gave me a sudden unexpected burst of energy; pushing myself upwards to try and re-gain my position. I soon realised that removing such a huge cock from my pussy so quickly felt too good and simply caused me to quiver and feel weak again, another 2 inches sliding into me. By now the weights were so close to the point I could set them down to free my aching arms that I wriggled another inch of dick inside me and set down the dumbbell; my reasoning being that I could rest my arms to get enough strength to get back up again. Little did I know that as soon as I dropped the dumbbell they would lock into place and I would be forced to stay impaled on the dildo.
Amber had now lowered herself onto the dildo; about 9 inches must have been inside her as her face twisted into unimaginable pleasure as cum squirted all over the floor and dick. I could feel the dildo I was fucking slow down as the vibrations subsided; it seemed Mr K was telling the truth and as Lee and Jen fucked relentlessly the speed of our fuckings slowed. I screamed into my gag as I had the biggest orgasm yet, wishing I had a juicy cunt to lick as I remembered how fit my secret girlfriend was and how she tasted; not even Lee knew I was a lesbo! As I rested, the pads around my nose closed and I began crying, I was so exhausted from the orgasm and fuck that I needed to breathe and take a break but I couldn’t and feared I would soon die of lack of oxygen. I started thrusting again slowly, my snatch sore and in pain as I forced myself to go on. Wishing Amber could come over to suck on my rock hard nipples, or Jen could run her fingers over them.
I rocked my hips back and forth, watching Lee who I’d always fancied get fucked was so sexy. I could see him getting really into it as he passionately kissed Jen before she rolled over, sitting up on him and riding him fast as her battle cry echoed around the room; a manoeuvre I’d always wished I could use on Lee. I enjoyed getting double penetrated as I watched, my juices flowing down the plastic cocks as my huge tits bounced. I watched Amber’s face as she came powerfully in unison with Kayleigh, the two of them desperately trying to stretch their legs as pleasure washed over them, Amber having multiple orgasms as more of her cream splattered the floor, I wished I could squirt like Amber did, realising just the sight of her messy orgasm made me cum, my anal and vaginal walls contracting around the vibrating rods as I arched my back and spread out my fingers and toes as an outlet to channel the overwhelming bliss I endured as cum dripped down the cock beneath me. “Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!” screamed Jen as she visibly came with Lee inside her. Lee sat up abruptly as Jen went weak, pushing her into the ground he started fucking her with force as he grunted, filling her with sperm before collapsing on top her in heavy breaths. Instantly, the vibrations of the dildo intensified, Amber, Kayleigh and I suddenly writhing helplessly with increasing speed as Louisa did the opposite, slowly decreasing her movement before calling flat, she sounded as if she was being strangled. “I’m so sorry you guys, just give me one second!” whispered Jen through exhausted breathes, fucking without the full use of your hands must really take it out of you.
The sudden speed of vibrations caused me to cum powerfully, to the point I became to weak to move, my nostrils being forcefully blocked once again, except this time I lacked the energy to fight back. Mr K then came storming into the room, “No fucking way, I’m not disposing of another body…” he muttered under his breathe before removing the metallic ring from my head with the press of a button and allowing me to breathe, he then ripped off the duct tape gag before injecting me in the back. “I got something new for you to try!” he chuckled, releasing me and throwing me over his shoulder as the drug within me stopped me from fighting back… my eyelids became heavy…
As cold wet cum inundated my insides (The increased vibrations were too much, I had to hit the button) I saw Amber scream as unlike myself; she was forced to stay put and had another immense cumming session, her face was indescribable, twisting into this forced mix of painful and pleasurable emotions. It was then she seemed to think she’d got her strength back, pushing back on her feet she attempted to stand up; not realising that once the dumbbell was placed on the rests, that it locked into place and she could no longer get up. Amber screamed the roof down as she realised the pain of having a cock vibrating powerfully deep inside her could be ongoing for the next 45 minutes. She panted as her arms tensed and attempted to push the dumbbell up to no avail. Tears began streaming down her face as she sobbed, gasping suddenly as she came. I flinched as the cock began fucking me again, the speed so immense I came instantaneously, quickly clicking the button. Nothing. It seemed there was some kind of time period I had to wait before I could click the button again but my pussy was so sore it was stinging and I didn’t know how much I could take. The dangers of becoming pregnant became less and less important as I considered the repercussions of permanent damage to my vagina.
“UHN! UHN!” screamed Kayleigh as she came again and again, the bra contracting around her tits and massaging her softly. Amber and Suzie were now crying as the increased vibrations caused them pain, I began slowly fucking Jen again, who was slowly becoming less horny as the pain in her ass became more noticeable. “Shit Lee stop!” she whimpered.
“I can’t, look at what’s happening to them all and it’s all our fault!” I explained.
“I know… but I just can’t Lee. I can’t…” She cried, her eyes welling up. As I looked her firmly in the eyes, “Come on, you can do this I know you can; we’ll take it nice and slow if you want but we can’t just do nothing!” I told her, sliding my rigid cock in and out of her as I spoke. She nodded as I kissed gently up her neck. Visualising what it would be like to fuck all the other fit girls in the room; thrusting into their soft tight smooth pussys.
I was being held down and couldn’t get up, I tried stretching out my legs, pushing the soft pad of my foot hard against the plastic to try and break it and pressing hard against the metal of the dumbbell. “FFFFFFUCK!” I screamed; partly from frustration but partly from my building orgasm which I could tell was gonna be big. Usually these left me feeling so satisfied but here it all felt too manufactured. Without the warmth, the breathe, the touching, it all felt so plastic. I wished someone could suck on my nipples and cup my young smooth breasts as I came in their lap. I longed for Lee to come over and caress my titties, even an offer from Jen right now would be carefully considered. As I began to shake, I pushed down, slipping just another centimetre of cock inside myself before curling my toes and screaming in pain as fluids sprayed everywhere including onto my own slender stomach, forming a continuous flow for several seconds as my orgasm cascaded into the next creating two immensely powerful cumming sessions before I fell limp, the sharp vibrations causing me to wince as I shuffled uncomfortably.
Just then, a projector concealed in the ceiling cast a video onto the blank white wall. The image became clearer as the lights dimmed slightly, revealing a dazed Louisa coming to on the floor. To our surprise she was fully dressed in a dark maroon coloured room. As she stood we could see she was wearing a cute yet modest outfit, she had been cleaned up a bit, a little make-up administered to give her stunning face the justice it deserved. She seemed to be wearing a white short sleeved top with a trendy black waistcoat on top, buttoned up. She wore a cool denim jacket over it to which fit her well. She was also wearing a hip-to-knee denim skirt with frilly white bits at the end, black tights underneath with the most adorable grey cloth mini-boots. She suddenly began screaming loudly before quietening down, “What the fuck was that!” She yelled, Mr. K’s voice speaking in response from off-frame.
“Another little invention of mine, the remote controlled expanding dildo! It’s made of a special stretchy thick rubber that can be manipulated by a series of motors; making it bigger or smaller, thinner or thicker at the users will. This particular one is shoved pretty deep into your ass and at the moment is pretty tiny; about 3cm’s long and not easy to get out without my help. On the screen in front of you Louisa, the name of an item of clothing will appear, without hesitation you will remove it and/or do as it says or the dildo will become thicker; causing you severe pain, do you understand?” he spoke condescendingly.
“Uh, Yes…” She replied hesitantly. Instantly; despite hating ourselves for it, the atmosphere in the room changed as our curiosity got the better of us, not taking our eyes off the screen and growing quite excited, all complaining and crying stopped as we all began to enjoy being fucked as we watched the stunning brunette undress herself, slowly yanking off either boot and tossing them to the ground. We couldn’t see the screen she was looking at, only her reactions, but we could guess the instructions as she sat on the floor, pushing her cotton covered feet towards the camera and wriggling her toes for several seconds; Lee suddenly seemed to speed up his pace, fucking Jen with bigger thrusts as his eyes never left the screen.
I was then instructed to remove the cotton tights, rolling them gently down my legs; in no hurry to undress as I felt the tight corset around my body. In front of me was a blank white screen which occasionally displayed orders and a tiny black camera concealed in the wall which I assumed sent the video back to Mr K to confirm I was undressing. As I pulled the tights off and threw them aside, I was told to wriggle my toes for the camera again; this made little sense to me at all. Next I stood and slipped off my denim jacket; even in this time of confusion and fear I had a second to admire the sweet little jacket I wouldn’t mind owning. As it fell to the floor I realised the modest outfit was slowly becoming quite slutty as the frilly denim skirt on bare legs and tight waistcoat showed off my figure more and more. I then unbuttoned the waistcoat as I was requested and let it slide off my bare arms before I saw the order to remove my skirt. I froze for a second, gulping as I looked down at my diminishing outfit for a second too long. I suddenly fell forward onto my hands and knees as this thing expanded in my ass, never growing longer but just thicker as my tight anal walls were stretched to their limits as I screamed, pushing my ass into the air in some odd-looking attempt to get it out but it wouldn’t budge. I rolled onto my back, ripping my skirt as I pulled it off of me, the moment it hit the floor the dildo contracting. “FUCK!” I shouted, pulling myself to my feet as I read the next instruction.
Lee was fucking me so hard, I could tell the feet stuff Louisa was doing was really turning him on, and as he came in me I began thinking about how normal couples spent their days, Kayleigh and her boyfriend for instance were constantly having to find new places to shag because of their strict parents and it must really suck to have to use condoms constantly. But here we were, Lee and I fucking more than daily without a care in the world, sure the situation was a nightmare but being able to kiss him and feel his naked body on mine whenever we wanted did just make me feel like a new person to who I used to be just a few weeks back. I watched as Louisa took off her skirt, revealing in full; her amazing skinny legs to the point where her sexy pink panties were visible. Surprisingly she had no tan lines on her beautiful brown legs and proceeded quickly to pulling off her white shirt to expose a tight pink corset with white straps running up and down it, she seemed shocked at her own appearance as she looked down at herself, obviously not fully conscious when she was being dressed. Lee began pounding his now rock solid cock into me as we came together, a little whimper escaping my lips as I dreamed of wearing such clothing for Lee some day; wrapping my legs around him as we continued to fuck.
Lee and Jen were now fucking so fast the dildo within me was barely shaking at all. Too speechless and dazed to complain I continued watching Louisa as I humped up and down on the rubbery stick, fucking it as a groaned and wiggled my toes in preparation for the brewing orgasm. The pretty pink corset matched her wispy pink satin panties, a tiny little bow at the top of either undergarment confirmed they were a set. Louisa ran her elegant fingers down her petite body, exploring the soft texture of the underwear in quiet awe before jolting forward suddenly as the thing in her ass expanded causing her to scream, and bend her knees before falling back to the floor. The 5 of us tried to guess which of the garments was next to be removed but I’m pretty sure we all got it wrong from the sense of shock and stimulation in the room. Louisa slipped her dainty long fingers under her thong in a fury, slipping them into her cunt and pleasuring herself rapidly as the pain visually decreased. Louisa closed her eyes and began moaning as she began to build up her orgasm, occasionally opening her eyes to peer at the screen; she remained almost motionless as occasional groans and curses were muttered, Kayleigh beginning to moan aswell, “OH YEAH!” She cried as she came over the black device she was humped over, “Slow down you two I want to be fucked faster!” Kayleigh told Jen and Lee who stopped suddenly, as the 3 of us abruptly screamed, Jen and Lee beginning to fuck at a moderate speed once again. Suzie was now screaming and swearing as she rocked up and down between the two dildos, cumming all over the place but not stopping. “Come on, yeah! Yeah! YEAH!” spoke Louisa, rocking her hips slightly before opening her eyes innocently, then a look of shock spreading across her face before she stopped unexpectedly.
The screen told me to taste the fingers that had been inside me before continuing to fuck myself. I was kinda horny so whilst a part of me told myself to just get it over with, I starred at my gooey fingers, thinking about just how gross it was, my craving for an orgasm slowly fading which frustrated me as I knew I was gonna cum hard… The aroma of my own juices filled my nostrils, the sweet smell disturbing me a little. A shooting pain then hit the inside of my ass, the device once again stretching my anus and causing agonizing pain, I quickly shoved the fingers in my mouth without thinking, licking the seemingly tasteless liquid off before removing them and plunging them back into my cunt. “REMOVE CORSET” read the monitor; my spare hand instantly reaching around to my back as the device in my butt shrunk back to size, the sting remaining. I pulled on of the loose ties on the bow until I felt my breasts bounce free, the corset coming loose and slowly falling off my hot body as I shook. “REMOVE ALL CLOTHING” was now displayed, I shook my head, at the same time yanking them down my legs as I continued to finger myself, getting ever closer to cumming. I pressed the balls of my feet to the floor, pushing up my hips and parting my knees to channel the immense pleasure building in my groin as I yelped, cumming as a little fluid ran down my thighs, mixing with the beads of sweat. “CONTINUE” read the screen. I stood abruptly, pleading for him to let me stop as I fingered myself, the sensitivity causing it to become quite painful. “Ah! AH!” I cried as it stung me but I was forced to go on.
“Holy shit…” I muttered, my eyes never leaving the immense beauty on screen, even when she came, even when in excruciating pain Louisa always looked radiant, oh how I wished I could cum like that; my whole body tensing up as I slid her fingers in and out of my own pussy. I could feel a small orgasm ready to wash over me, so I decided to try this, tensing up my leg muscles to pull hard against the restraints… doing the same for my arms I forgot that one arm was quite freely movable; in the process, accidentally pressing the button to stop the dildo fucking me, “NO! NOOOOO!” I yelled as the orgasm became all the more elusive, sperm bursting into me as I was deprived of pleasure, “FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK!!!” I screamed, cursing my own stupidity as I watched Amber spray her cum all over the dildo and floor.
Taking my eyes off Louisa for a second, I tried to work out what the hell Kayleigh’s sex machine did, most of it was covered by her body so it was hard to work out, whereas Suzie’s and Amber’s seemed pretty clear. Suzie was forced to choose between pushing a cock into her ass or pussy through moving her hips up or down, and Amber had to hold up the weight for as long as possible, or suffer being locked down with a dildo pushed deep within her, vibrating at ridiculous speeds, much like the dicks on Suzie’s thing. It was only looking at them now he realised how fit they all were, he couldn’t fault Mr. K’s taste. Half the people he knew wanted to see one if not all of these girls naked, and here I was seeing it all. Thinking about it, how many guys would kill to be able to just take the condom off and fuck a girl skin-to-skin. Most people won’t experience that till they’re in their late 20s… but here we are, me and Jen, fucking constantly without having to worry about adoption, looking after a baby, finding somewhere to live, maybe playing along with Mr. K wouldn’t be that bad. How the hell could I talk to Jen about something like this though, after all, she’s gonna have to push the screaming monster out her vagina. Who knows, we might have one of those for ourselves some day…
“Use your spare hand to flick over your clit” I was ordered, doing so standing, sliding my feet across the cold floor to bring my legs apart. Ready for a somewhat smaller and less satisfying orgasm. I came without even noticing, the only reason I knew was because I could feel the cum between my fingers and shortly after I was told to stop. I fell to my knees, my wrists aching. Stretching my fingers in and out I looked up at the screen where a video of me cumming was shown on the left, and various pictures of me undressing were shown on the right. Seemed that camera was for more than CCTV I thought, before the monitor changed, displaying my facebook page, my YouTube, Bebo and MySpace profiles, the pictures and videos uploading one by one, being sent out through emails, submitted to porn sites and forums. My whole life was falling apart in front of my eyes. Within 20 minutes, nearly everyone I know would know exactly what I look like naked, my parents, even pervs around the internet I’d never met. “NO! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!” I screamed.
“Don’t worry…” Came a voice over the intercom, “I haven’t done all that just yet, I was just showing you what I’m capable of. If you don’t comply with what I ask of you all today then that could happen to everyone of you!” Mr K spoke, I assumed the other 5 could see and hear all of this. “I thought we were just here so you could get Jen and Lee back, they’re here now, just let us go!” I screamed into the wall.
“Seems my computer has learnt quite a lot about you over the last 45 minutes, more than I thought it would. It knows what facial expressions and movements occur when you cum, assumed fetishes, and can predict the strength of your upcoming orgasm with quite some accuracy. So I think I’ll try a few more of my inventions out…” he chuckled.
“I can’t take any more of this you sick bastard!” I screamed, silence filling the room for several seconds before he spoke again, “For that I’ll upload; just the pictures… just to facebook.” He announced, showing the 37 pictures being uploaded over two albums labelled “XOX 1” and “XOX 2”. My stomach churned as I watched in horror as comment after comment popped up below my pictures.
We could now see two angles, the screen had been split in two, on one side we could see Louisa, on the other what the screen was displaying, at the moment 37 of her nude/slutty pictures were being uploaded to her somewhat innocent facebook profile. She hadn’t put a new picture on there in months so all the guys had clicked on them as soon as they’d been uploaded, even a few of the girls were posting winking emoticons in the comments. “What do you want me to do!” screamed Louisa, the door unlocking next to her. For a moment she disappeared off frame, a few seconds later opening the door to our room and walking in nude, she peered down the corridor before entering, almost thinking about escaping before remembering the thing in her ass and the videos and pictures. Louisa had a note and a remote in either hand, reading it, she threw it down, pressing the remote and releasing the dildo’s from Jen and Lee’s asses. The bulbous tip was inflatable on the rubber cocks and it seemed Louisa’s remotes deflated it, allowing them to stand up. “I have to shag you…” Louisa mumbled nervously. I suddenly screamed, Amber doing so with me as Jen and Lee’s freedom had resulted in our vibrators suddenly speeding up and fucking us to the point we came instantly “AHHHHHRRRR!” I growled, know Lee and Jen’s fucking had slowed down the vibrators before and now it was all down to us. Kayleigh seemed unaffected, looking at us in fear. “HOW ARE YOU NOT FEELING THIS!” I screamed to her. “There’s this button in my hand, if I press it, this sperm goes in me but I get like a 20 second break before…” she was cut off as she screamed, whatever was inside her had started to fuck her at immense speeds.
No-one seemed to notice that on the projected screen, an order had been given; “Louisa give Jen oral”. I noticed Lee lying down and Louisa lying on top slowly, pushing his thick dick into her and fucking it. She jumped up and down on it crazily, closing her eyes and bouncing her tits for a while before seeing the command on screen. She grabbed Lee’s hands, pulling him up to his feet with his cock never leaving her snatch. She turned as she stood, pushing her bubble butt into his abs to let him fuck her doggie style. I positioned my vagina lips in front of her face, seconds before her tongue delved inside me. I fell back in shock, my ass landing on the cold surface of a metal table – the one Louisa had once been strapped down to, I sat on it, Louisa burying her face in my cunt as Lee thrust into her again and again.
I sucked her like I wanted to be sucked, loving having proper lesbian sex, flicking her tongue over the enflamed clit before pushing it deep into her velvety pussy to taste her sweet cum. Feeling Lee’s dick in me was so weird, I’d only ever felt my own fingers or a plastic dick in there, but despite having no attraction to Lee; it felt fucking good. I groaned as I realised sperm was gonna shoot inside me but I didn’t really care. Jen’s snatch enveloping my tongue as her muscles contracted before spurting a little cum over my face. As Jen screeched, squashing my head in her soft smooth thighs, I could feel Lee speed up, my cunt grasping the hard rod as I too came, my toes wriggling as I bent my knees slightly, Lee’s last thrust deep inside me before releasing sperm into my body. With that, the lights came on fully, the machines around us quietening down as they turned off, the restraints coming free as all 6 of us stood, together, naked for the first time. The door swung shut, the air filling with a pungent scent.
I remember learning about sleeping gases in science, whilst in most fiction they were completely harmless, in the real world every inhaled sleep inducing anaesthetic had terrible side effects. The cheapest and least harmful being Isoflurane, an extremely pungent and usually administered through a pipe directly to the mouth though I’m sure it could be administered through the air somehow. Who knows, maybe Mr K made his own sleeping gas. All I know is that we all fell to the ground, and woke up somewhere very different.
Just when I thought it was all over and we’d all awake in some forest without Lee and Jen; we wake up in this dark cylindrical room. Each one of us were strapped to the wall, spread eagle with our arms and legs restrained by metallic grips. The wall around us was metal bronze, the floor a silver metal with an odd pattern of lines on it that didn’t match properly. One of the bronze plates swung open and Mr K climbed inside. “Come on… wakey wakey!” he spoke gleefully, slapping those still coming to lightly on the cheek. “I figure, why bet on Jen and Lee when I can have him cum inside all of you! I haven’t had the time to check if Jen went for that abortion yet so until then I might as well put a few more eggs in a few more baskets if you catch my drift.”
“Fuck you!” I whimpered at him, still waking up. Mr K turned, grabbing one of my nipples and pinching it hard. “AHH!” I screamed waking up quickly and rattling my hands in the restraints. The other naked teens watched me as they awoke. “Premise is simple, Lee’s down there…” He said, never pointing to show us exactly where he meant, “one of you goes down at a time whilst the other watch. There are these tiny little invisible pads all over your body” He said, holding up a tiny coin shaped object between his thumb and forefinger, we could only see it in certain angles of light as it was see-through. “These are stuck all over your body, the ones on your nipples are constantly vibrating, the ones on your clit, g-spot, anus, pussy lips and inside you are interchangeable, the remote in your hand allows you to stimulate all the areas or just one, but no matter what you choose, these nipple ones will keep on vibrating. When you’re in the room with Lee they’ll all stop, a little alone time with you and him; but don’t bother trying to remove these little things, they’re stuck on through suction and can only be released with this thing.” He explained, holding up a metal gun thing which clearly didn’t shoot anything but seemed to remove and administer the little vibrating pads.
“See in Florida, there’s this huge Sex Centre, used mostly for Hen Does, and certain adventurous couples, they charge hundreds, sometimes thousands for various amazing sexual experiences. It’s this huge white building full of various sex games, challenges and machines in different rooms. They’ve commissioned me to design a few systems, and since I’ve gathered so much information on you lot already, I figure, why not try a few out. This one’s just a prototype but it’s all paid for by them so I don’t care what you try and do to it…” I looked around at everyone, all the girls were here and it seemed we’d all been cleaned. You couldn’t make out the little pads Mr K was talking about, I couldn’t even feel them on me but I suppose they hadn’t been activated yet. “Don’t get too worn out, I’ve got a load of stuff for you to try out, dissolving clothing, and this A-Vib I created which is like a vibrator but without the dildo, it literally aims vibrating air at your sex organs… pretty cool but I’m not sure how safe it is,”
“See it’s no coincidence that a couple kidnapping people in order to get a baby happens to create sex machines, see one of the main reasons we can’t have children is because of the damage we’ve done to our sex organs in rough sex, the same rough sex that inspired me to create all these machines and in fact the very invention you’re in now. Anyway, enough of me talking! Enjoy!” he said, walking out the whole in the wall and locking the panel behind him. Suddenly my nipples began to harden as they vibrated, suddenly feeling the small pads on me Mr K had talked about, as before I couldn’t feel them at all. By default I could feel the inside of my pussy and anus vibrating along with my clit, g-spot and pussy lips. It actually felt really good but know Mr K. I might be here a while and it could get pretty painful… So I switched the remote as Ass, feeling my body stop shaking as my ass began to vibrate pushed up against the wall, I watched as the other girls fought the restraints moaning. I now understood why the floor pattern was so weird, the floor was cut into 8 to form a spiral, as the spikes pulled apart, it revealed a padded room below us, Lee was lying asleep on what looked to be a floor made of… a mattress. I saw him stir as we all looked down on his naked body. I stopped vibrating abruptly as the restraints around my arms and legs released and I fell onto the padded floor, landing with my feet either side of Lee. There was a black harness around my waist linked to a bit of rope which led up and into a small hole between the bronze plates where I had just fell from, I assumed this would pull me back up when we were done. “What the fuck is going on?” Groaned Lee, drops of cum falling on my naked body as I knelt, pushing his soft cock in my mouth.
i think that when lee finds out what is happening he secretly hides from Mr.K and he knocks him out. He steals the machine from Mr.K's hand. Lee releases the girls who attack Mrs.K and knock her out. Lee finds Jen and their child turns out healthy and happy. That is what I would write.
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I cummed five times!
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