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I remember the 1st time I saw him, I was walking in the mall with my two best friends Shantell and Jamieka. I was wearing pink blouse and a pair of Capri pants; my girls were as hoochie as ever both wearing mini skirts so shorts their mother would whoop them with a switch if she saw them. Jamieka was wearing a gold halter that gave anyone a full view of her DD’s and Shantell wore a backless halter that accented her booty. I could feel his eyes watching me as I walked. I knew he was watching so I turned my walk into a stroll as I continued my conversation with glee. My friends and I sat down to get a bite to eat, that was when he approached me and introduced himself as Eric and asked if I had a man. He had a radiant smile and the body of a Greek God, he was about 6 foot even, caramel complexion complemented by the most amazing hazel eyes. I quickly replied that I did indeed have a man and that my name was Dalila. He then told me you have a beautiful name and body, and he offered that my name meant “gentle”. He appeared a bit disappointed but not defeated, he slid me a card with his name, phone number and email address on it. He politely said goodbye and turned to walk away, but not before saying “I hope to hear from you again.”

It had to be about 2-3 weeks later, and I was at home alone my boyfriend of 2 years Jon, and at the time. He was away on a trip to Black Bike Week in Myrtle Beach. I was bored out of my mind, so I called my girl, Shantell to see what she was up to but she didn’t pick up. Jamieka was away for the weekend with her boyfriend and I really didn’t have any other friends to speak of .I then turned on my laptop and decide to explore the World Wide Web. After about 30 minutes of this I discovered that the World Wide Web wasn’t very entertaining at all but I could order a pair of Prada shoes I had my eyes on for about month for only $200, this was a bargain because in the mall they were damn near $500. I went to my purse to grab my credit card, when I notice the card from Eric. I flipped the card between my fingers contemplating my next move. I finished my purchase, and then decided what the hell; it wouldn’t hurt to email him would it?
I typed, I chuckled as I typed it in thinking to my self was it really possible. I have heard many guys make the claim but couldn’t hold up to the hype. I typed
“What’s up how are you doing, I met you at the mall, my name is Dalila, hit me back when you can. I’m curious to know if you really do have a thick dick” I hit the send button and my attempt at flirtation made its journey through cyberspace.
I then sat and waited for a response, I waited for about 20 minutes and nothing came, just as I was about to shut down and grab something to eat and a movie out of the massive DVD collection, I heard the infamous word “ You got mail”.

“Hello gentle one, I remember you. Yes as advertised, my dick is thick and long. I can show you whenever you’re ready.”

I sent him an instant message, and responded “I am ready

Thickdickeric: Ok check your email
Dalila: 4 what
Thickdickeric: cause you said you were ready
Dalila: HU

I checked my email he had sent me a picture of the most luscious dick I have ever seen. It was thick, the head was smooth, and the shaft was rugged and had vein pulsating through it. The size was nice too about 8 inches. Dalila felt herself getting moist just staring at the image. What was she doing this was so unlike her, She was no virgin but felt she was very modest about sex and sexuality compared to her friends, who were certified freaks in my book. Now this complete stranger had brought this strange flirtatious behavior. “I’m just bored.” she stated to herself “I will just play the game, for fun”

Thickdickeric: R U there
Dalila: Yes, Is that yours or does it belong to someone else.
Thickdickeric: It could belong 2 U if u want
Dalila: I have a boyfriend
Thickdickeric: Then where is he
Dalila: He’s out
Thickdickeric: I think u just saying that cause u scared to play with me
Dalila: Scared please, I could swallow u with ease
Thickdickeric: Show Me
Dalila: Watch Me, u got a web cam
Thickdickeric: yea let me turn it on

I grabbed a banana from the kitchen and turned on my web cam, and proceeded to seduce him with my skill. I was not sure how I would pull this off cause Jon my boyfriend was hardly as large as Eric or that banana I gagged every time I attempted to give him head. I slowly peeled the banana, licking it slowly

Dalila: u like that

Thickdickeric: yea, do it again

I licked the banana again, then put a little of it in my mouth, then I slid in a little more and started to choke, Then I removed the banana completely peeled it.

Thickdickeric: Slowly, take your time

I slid the banana back into my mouth; this time even more went in. Then I did it I swallowed the entire thing and didn’t gag one bit.

Thickdickeric: Damn, that was sexy as hell
Dalila: U R next
Thickdickeric: is that so,
Dalila: yes
Thickdickeric: r u wet
Dalila: what
Thickdickeric: Taste it
Dalila: no
Thickdickeric: taste it
Dalila: No, that nasty
Thickdickeric: It tastes good trust me.

This was too much for me I had never touched myself down there. My mother always told me that a proper young lady does not do those types of things.

Thickdickeric: Ahh I thought we were having fun
Dalila: we were til u came up with your nasty request.
Thickdickeric: touch it very gently, just like your name gentle.

I thought again what the hell; I had already performed fallatio on a piece of fruit.

Dalila: ok
Thickdickeric: rub it softly then put your fingers inside.
Thickdickeric: r u doing it, I can’t see.
Dalila: Yes
Thickdickeric: Now taste
Thickdickeric: yea that’s it, how does it taste
Dalila: Sweet
Thickdickeric: Can I have a taste
Dalila: Sure

We chatted for about another hour and a half with him watching me enjoy the sweet taste of my own pussy, and fantasizing. It was close to midnight and she decided to sign off

Dalila: Goodnight
Thickdickeric: Good night 2 u, Dream about me.

That I did, I went to bed dreaming about the beautiful dick sliding in and out of my candied walls making me scream in ecstasy. I woke the next morning with a smile on her face and a ringing cell phone. It was Jon and he was calling to say that he missed me. I got up and took a shower. I used the different heads on the shower to send my body into a climactic frenzy. I got out toweled my glistening body off. The phone rang again, this time it was Shantell calling me back . She said she had went to see her ,mother in Miami yesterday and was just getting back. I decided not to tell her about my encounter with Eric. We planned to go shopping later that day and then go to a local night club that night. I met her at Saks around 12 after getting a light salad from Sly’s . We were looking for a sexy dress to wear tonight . I found this little lacy , black strapless dress with a slit up the front that stopped just before my sweetness.

“ That dress is fly, you got to try it on” Shantell protested while dragging me into the dressing room.

She helped me to undress and seductively eyed my full C cup. She approached me from behind first grabbing my breast and fondling my nipples between her thumb and forefinger. Her hands slid down my waist as she began to make small kisses along my back. She then lick both my butt cheeks, which sent electricity through my pussy. For some strange reason I did not pull away from her. I am not a lesbian and had never thought about being with a woman before. She came around in front of me and kissed my lips. I let our tongues touch. Our lips parted and she kissed my neck, then took my breast in her mouth one at a time. First kissing them then sucking them, them biting them. I was on fire. She lowered herself to suck my pussy lips through the fabric of my silk panties. I grabbed her head and pushed her deeper into my pussy, She slid my panties to the side buried her tongue inside my folds. My juices began flowing down my leg. I let out a soft groan, and then put her finger inside me while she feasted on my clit. I lost control; my legs almost buckle under me when I came. Shantell got up and kissed my lips, I could taste my pussy on her lips, and the same delicious juice I part took of the night before. She said “Well I guess you’re going to buy the dress.”

I redressed and we left the dressing room. I went to find some sexy thongs to wear with it, but Shantell suggested that I go without them. After we left Saks, I walked her back to her car, and she deeply kissed me and grabbed my ass. I returned home to take a shower before it was time to get ready. I turned on my laptop and logged on to my instant messaging program. Within minutes I got an alert that Thickdickeric was now online. He sent me a message.

Thickdickeric: Did you dream about me
Dalila: Yes
Thickdickeric: what did u dream
Dalila:: About you fucking my brains out
Thickdickeric: can I
Dalila:: Certainly
Thickdickeric: What r u doing 2nite
Dalila:: going to the Chocolate club with my friend Shantell.
Thickdickeric: The one with the big tits
Dalila:: No the other one
Thickdickeric: I c, so how was your day
Dalila:: Sexy
Thickdickeric: explain
Dalila:: My girl Shantell just feasted on my Pussy
Thickdickeric: Word, U get down like that
Dalila:: No, never, that was the 1st time
Thickdickeric: 1st time huh, well I’m glad you enjoyed.
Thickdickeric: Can I watch next time
Dalila: There won’t be a next time
Thickdickeric: Right!
Thickdickeric: Well C Ya 2nite, bye

Then he signed off before I could reply. I laid down on the couch, just thinking about the things I had done in the last day and a half , all of which I have never done before. I masturbated for a complete stranger, I had a lesbian encounter with my best friend. I could not figure why. I fell asleep pondering that very question why. This time when I woke it was damn near 9:30 at night . My cell was chirping indicating a missed call. Before I could dial the number back the phone vibrated in my hand. I answered it was Shantell and Jamieka on 3 way. Jamieka had come home early from her trip because she and Ali had yet another one of there ridiculous fights. Jamieka quickly stated, “ Don’t ask.” ,and “ What time you gon be ready to go to the club ?” in her most southern tone. I let her know to pick me up in an hour.

I began my preparation ritual of applying make-up, curling my hair, picking the right pumps to wear with my ultra sexy dress. The girls arrive about an hour and half after I hung up with them. They were dressed as hoochie as ever, leaving nothing for the imagination. Then again who was I to talk, with a slit that stopped at ,my pussy and no panties on. We arrived at the Chocolate club , which was this quarter’s hottest hip- hop club. Jamieka and I headed straight to the bar as Shantell was carted off by some dreaded up Lil Wayne wannabe. Jamieka order Hennessy straight up no chase, and I order a slow screw up against the wall , which consists of Vodka, Sloe Gin, Southern Comfort, Peach Schnapps, Orange Juice, and Galliano. After downing 2 of these we joined Shantell and Lil Wayne on the dance floor. I usually don’t dance or drink but this weekend I discovered was all about trying something new. I got into my own groove, a guy came up behind me and started grinding on me. I could feel his dick through my dress. He was already hard . I was so zoned that I grinding him so hard, if you didn’t know better you would’ve thought we were fucking. Cuz was grabbing on my tits and playing with my kitty kat under my dress. First he inserted one, then two. His fingers were penetrating my throbbing pussy. He curve his long fingers as if gesturing for someone to come here. He kept going as drawing me deeper into his fingers. Then it happened. I felt as of I was going to pee, then it was pleasure all over again. He whispered into my ear “ let it go” and I did I came all over his fingers, and the floor. It was like a shower. “ That’s it” . Before I knew it I felt his finger playing with my asshole. I tried to pull away, but he pulled me back. He started kissing my neck as he pulled me deeper into the dark shadows of the club. How could he have known that was my hot spot. I melted. He slid his index finger in my ass, this was a totally new experience for me. At first I felt awkward then like before the pleasure subdued me. His friend now joined us. Grinding at my front, he passed a golden packet to his friend at my back, which I soon figured out was a condom. The guy, # 2 we’ll call him, at my front lifted my leg and parted my pussy lips with his girth in one single motion. While the guy #1 held my back. I started riding his dick. Then they lifted both my legs and guy #1 slid his dick in my ass. They were inside me at the same time. This was surreal. Frightening but full of excitement I didn’t care who else was in the room, who was watching, what anyone had to say at that moment. As one pulled out the other pushed in, our rhythm was magical. #2’s knees began to stiffen and I knew he was about to cum. He grunted then fucked me faster, until both I and # 1 were also exploding. Like I said it was magical. They let me down and slid out of me .I walked away as if the mountain of pleasure I had just experienced didn’t happen. I didn’t say a word to either one. I made my way to my friends at the other end of the room. By then Jamieka had gotten pissy drunk and was on her cell screaming at Ali. I grabbed her and found Shantell and we proceeded to leave. I dropped Shantell off at her spot then drove Jamieka home. She asked me to stay with her because she did not want to be alone. I said sure hoping what happened with Shantell would not happen again, not that I was complaining. I put her to bed then grabbed an old night gown from her room , took a shower then went to her guess room to sleep. Again dreams of me and Eric took over my dreams, along with the thoughts of Shantell eating my pussy intertwined with # 1 and #2 fucking in both holes at the same time.

Oooo, OOo, ahh, ahh is what I heard when I woke up. Startled I jumped up from the bed. I remembered that I was still at Jamieka walked over to the door of her bedroom to check to see if she was ok. The door was slightly open. What I saw was Jamieka, with her legs pinned to the back of head and Ali was driving his long dick into her like he was digging for black gold. I was entrance at the way he was fucking her. He then turned her over and was fucking her doggy style all while aggressively grabbing her neck and choking her . She was panting as if she was on her last breath. This shit turned me on. He pushed her face into the pillow and started driving harder into her pussy. He looked back. Damn he saw me, but he didn’t stop. It was as if it gave him more prowess, knowing I was there watching, lusting. I was now playing with me clit, the more I rubbed the harder he fucked her. She got up on top and rode him for all there was. You could hear her juices sloshing around between them. He began to groan loudly as she rode him, he was nearing his climax. Right before he came she got up and put his 10 inch cock between her DD’s and fuck his dick ,until cum was spilling all over them. Then she did something amazing she licked every drop of his cum of her own tits. I slowly went back to the guess room and pretended to get some sleep. Make up sex, damn.

The next morning, I told the couple good bye and went home to rest. Jon would be home later and I missed him dearly. When I got home I found that I left my computer on. I received another IM from Eric,
That said you looked very sexy in that dress last night. How did it feel to have two dicks inside you at the same time. I was flabbergasted. He was really there, watching me. I wrote back that I had an amazing time. He responded that I like watching you. Do you like watching people fuck. Before responding , I thought about the night before, I liked watching Jamieka and Ali fucking, I liked being fucked while others watched. I sent my response “Yes”
Can I watch you fuck again sometime.
Again my answer was “ Yes”

I thought to myself how about tonight.

Jon arrived home about 5PM that evening carrying a dozen white roses, my favorites. He kissed me passionately and without pause. We ended up in our bedroom as I had planned. I left the laptop on with the web cam running. I quickly pulled Jon’s close off , nibbling on his ear and neck while doing so. My aggressiveness threw him off guard but did not deter him one bit. He grabbed me and pushed me on the bed and began licking and sucking my nipples, I thought about how Shantell had devoured me the other day at Saks. I was lost in lust, Jon kissed licked his way down to my pussy, softly parting my pussy lips with his tongue. First he licked both sides of my pussy then nibbled on my clit, before darting his tongue in and out of my pussy. Then back up all over again. He did this about three times. This drove me insane. He kissed my pussy deeper, then licked his way to my asshole. Jon Licked around the hole until I gave him access to my ass. I laid him down on the bed, now it was his turn for me to torture him with my tongue. I kissed his neck, and ears, took both his nipples, down his stomach stopping just before his cock. ,then went back up again. Then I licked the head of his penis. Slowly taking it in as I had done with the banana for Eric. I got Jon’s entire dick in my mouth for the 1st time . I started rubbing my clit while I was sucking his engorged penis. Thoughts of what Eric had taught me gently . I then kissed the skin in the crevice between his thigh and his shaft. This applied even more pleasure and torture. He pushed me away because he could not take much more and would cum too soon. I climbed up and guided his shaft into my candied walls. I was soaking wet. I rode him and kissed him. I started to tighten my muscle around his dick. He struggled to hold back. He grabbed at my neck as I was riding him, choking me. This gave me the greatest excitement .I started to reminisce about Jamieka and Ali fucking last night , which drove me wild. I was bucking and I came once again. To stop himself from coming to he pushed me off of him , and pushed my face into the pillow. He plunged deeply between my thigh, then pull out, then again he plunged in. This night was crazy. He took his finger and began playing with my asshole. I didn’t stop him at all. Jon pulled his dick out of my pussy and penetrated my ass. I pulled back, then slowly eased myself onto his dick. I fell in love with this new feeling, of anal sex. I kinda missed the double penetration I got from #1 and #2, so I put my fingers inside my pussy while Jon was in my asshole. This experience was also magical. I felt Jon’s dick harden in my ass and I knew he was about to cum. I dropped down to my knees and open my mouth so Jon could shoot his load. He did and I swallowed every drop. “Wow” was all he could muster. He looked at me before collapsing and asked “what got into you”. I replied, shyly saying “Nothing I just missed you”.3
Jon then got up to run the shower. I ran over to the lap top and sent an IM to Thickdickeric that said did you enjoy me then signed off before he could respond.

Part 2
On the following Friday Jon mentioned that his former college roommate had recently move into town and he wanted me to meet him. Jon said that he would cook his world famous gumbo and fried chicken tonight for dinner. I agreed to dinner then, went work. I work at SG incorporated as the Vice President of Marketing. The work was tedious, but I had an office to myself and the pay wasn’t that bad.

Once I got to work my assistant brought me a cup of steaming coffee and my schedule for the day. Good I said between sips, My schedule was clear, other than a meeting with Mr. Quinton Watkins , sales manager and Veronica Phillips, CEO from Skimpiest’ Lingerie at 11:30 . I have been trying to land that account for over three months. It was worth 10 million to my company and a fat bonus for me. This meeting was the one were they would give their decision. I had to meet them at their office which meant I had about an hour and a half to get ready. I sat thinking about last weekend events then. I booted up my computer and sent a message to Eric.

Dalila: hey wasp what did you think about last week.
Thickdickeric: I loved it

He quickly replied.

Dalila: r u at work
Thickdickeric: I own my own company web designing for different companies.
Dalila: so what did u like about Friday night
Thickdickeric: ur ass in the air
Dalila: like that huh,
Thickdickeric: yea, and the way you were screaming when he had his face between your legs.
Dalila: I can still feel his tongue.
Thickdickeric: can I put my tongue inside your pussy
Dalila: no, I don’t even know u
Thickdickeric: but let dudes at the club hit and you don’t know their names

He had a point, She had straight up let them fuck her.

Dalila: but that was different
Thickdickeric: just admit it you don’t like me
Dalila: I don’t know you
Thickdickeric: what ever

He signed off. I sat back in my chair thinking he had a lot of nerve. Well I had about 15 minutes before it was time for me to leave. I review my documents and prepared for my meeting. I said to myself do what ever it takes to get this account.

I arrive at the office for Skimpy’s about 20 minutes early, the receptionist greeted me then offer me coffee and showed me to the office of Quinton Watkins. Quinton was a fairly handsome man he stood about 6’8, 215lbs of solid muscle. He was butter pecan, with smooth skin, I had been admiring over the past month or so. He shook my hand and offered me seat. “You’re early” “I like that, and I know Veronica really likes that”.

“That information is good to know, Will she be joining us, I asked in my sexiest voice.
He replied that she would be there in a moment. Instantly Veronica appeared in the doorway. She extended her hand, and I couldn’t help but get glance at her gorgeous cleavage. She didn’t have as much as Jamieka but she carried them well. I wondered what it would be like to take her mounds into my mouth. What was I saying; I had completely turned into a freak. Damn! After our salutations and small talk we got down to business. Veronica and I sat side by side on a lounge chair in Quinton office. Veronica spoke first saying “We have not completely made a decision on which firm we would like to represent our company. All of the companies are fairly comparable, yet you seemed a bit more eager than the others. In light of this I set up this meeting to see what attributes you truly have to offer.” She stated this while caressing my thigh.

“I am willing to do whatever it takes” as I slid my skirt up to expose my satin covered pussy.
She smiled indicating she was pleased. Quinton then said “Veronica is the boss so we must do as she asks.”
I understood completely. Veronica instructed me to kiss her lips. I leaned over and kissed her lips, forcing her to part them with my tongue. Her tongue tasted like peppermint. I continued to devour her luscious lips until she pulled away and gave her next instruction. She told me to get down on my knees, to remove her blouse so I could suck her nipples. I happily did as I was told. In the corner of my eye I could see that Quinton had begun to undress as well. I lapped at her sepia nipples, which reminded me of morsels of chocolate chips. Suckling them and massaging them at the same time. Her I alternated from her right then left, and back again. Her eyes were slightly closed then I heard her moaning with pleasure. I reached in to touch her thighs and then she snapped “Since you can not follow direction you must be punished. Go get it. ” Quinton quickly grabbed a paddle from one of his desk drawers. “ You punish her” she ordered then told me to remove all my clothes except my panties which were actually soaked by then, and get on all fours. I quickly did as I was told. Quinton took the paddle. Whop! Was the sound I heard as the paddle made contact with the skin on my ass? It stung greatly, then he did it again and again, by the fourth time he had spanked me I was dizzy, with pain and pleasure. This was another new one for me. “Lick my pussy “she order while I was still down on all fours. Veronica also got on her knees and bent before me. I could smell the strawberry scent of her pussy. There is was in front of me. I could see her pink slit. I cautiously grazed her opening with my tongue tasting another woman’s pussy other than my own for the 1st time ever. I was amazed that she also sweet tasted. I continued to push my tongue between her pussy lips, exploring inside folds, I darted my tongue in and out as if it were a dick. I always like when it was done to me so I returned the favor. The more I licked between her pussy lips the more she began to squirm, push in her pussy further into my mouth. . Her juices entered my mouth and I was in heaven. It was intoxicating; I began ferociously sucking on her clit. , she let out a great wail of pleasure releasing more of her cum on my face and lips. She pushed me away then ordered Quinton to take my panties off. Then she grabbed the paddle from his hands and started to spank my ass until my cheeks were on fire. Quinton then stuck his long index finger into my pussy, he fucked me with it. Then he inserted two fingers, then three. He continued adding digits until he had managed to insert his entire fist. He fist fucked me .The muscles of my pussy contracted on his hand, then I came all over his hand. When he removed hand it was covered with my essence. Quinton allowed me to suck each of his slender fingers until every drop of my cum was gone. He kneeled in front of my face, rubbing his long dick in front of my face. He cock was about a good 9 ½ to 10 inches, and he had girth. I opened my mouth to allow him access. He shoved in into my throat. I sucked and licked his dick. Slurping every bit of precum he gave. Then I felt a something hard at my pussy opening. I looked back and saw Veronica with one of the strap-on things, getting ready to plow into me. She entered me from behind, I gasped from the intensity. She pulled out, and then pushed in. She fucked me gracefully at first. I continued to orally pleasure Quinton’s 10 inches. We were all moaning. Veronica quickened her pace, lifting my leg to further access. She was incredible. I came at least four times while she was inside me. Quinton removed his dick from my mouth, and went around and kneeled behind Veronica. Veronica was now attacking my clit while she fucked me. Quinton lifted Veronica’s leg which pushed her deeper inside me, as he entered her from behind. Every time he pushed deeper to her she did the same to me. It was like a domino effect. We were overwhelmed with ecstasy. Quinton pull his dick out of Veronica and she pulled out of me, I started suckling her beautiful breast again. Quinton jacked his dick, until he came all over Veronica’s face, and tits. I licked her face and tits clean. There was no remaining evidence that he had just showered her with his ejaculate.

We all redressed and Veronica had ensured me that I had indeed gotten the account. Before leaving I hugged and tongue kissed both of them. I was elated I had landed a 20 million dollar account, I just had multiple orgasms. I was on top of the world. I call my assistant and informed her of the good news and that I would be out for the rest of the day. I decided I would buy myself a sexy little dress, get my hair done in time for my dinner tonight with Jon and his college buddy. I went to Nieman’s and found a skin tight chocolate leather skirt reach my knee. It also had a split up the front. It had an embroidered floral pattern. I found a chocolate bustier to match. I got my hair done in a sexy up-do with waves of curls crowning my glowing face. I arrive home about 4 Pm. I turn on some Beyonce, because I was definitely a Naughty Girl. I ran the bath I would soak and relax while waiting on Jon to arrive. I pour honey and milk into the water to soften and moisturize my delicate skin. After my bath I toweled off, and then rubbed chocolate body butter into my skin. I slipped on a pair of butter cream crotch fewer panties for Jon’s pleasure after his friend had gone home. Jon arrived home about 5:30; carry a bag of groceries and a bouquet of orchids. Boy I love this man. He dropped the bags on the kitchen counter, and then we embraced and kissed my lips, the nape of my neck. I hadn’t completely dressed yet. I was still in just my panties. Jon stepped back in order to take in the full view of my body, my delectable lips, my pert mocha breast , the curve of my hips , the length of my legs. He saw all of me. He looked at me as it he devour me at any moment and I wanted him to. Since we were short on time, I decided to give him a little snack. We kissed again, our tongues caressing. He licked my lips. Jon kissed my neck again, descending to take my breast into his mouth, left then right. He bit gently on my nipples, I was on fire. He massaged my clit through the slit of my crotch less panties. My clit became hard, as I reached climax. He made a trail down my stomach, stopping at my bikini line. Then the phone rang interrupting our caresses. It was his Jon’s Brother Mike calling to again ask for money. Jon took the call as went to the bedroom to get dressed. My laptop was turned on sitting on top of the bedside table. It indicated that I had received an email; I access my email and saw that I had received a message from Eric; He sent an electronic bouquet of white roses, and a message saying I am sorry. I blushed and then sent him a thank you message.

When I returned to the kitchen, Jon was off of the phone and had started cooking. I sat back drinking a glass of wine. Then set the table. Our guest arrived at about 7:30 Bring a bottle of Merlot with him. Jon answered the door and greeted his old pal. He turned to introduce him and I froze. Jon’s college roommate was none other than Mr. Thickdickeric himself. I smiled and welcome him to our home. I went to the kitchen to get a few wine glasses. I joined the chums in mist of going down memory lane. Jon told me about some of the adventures that the two of them had gotten them selves into. Jon went to the kitchen to check on his meal leaving Eric and I alone in the living room. Eric smiled then whispered for me to letting me know everything was ok and that he would not tell Jon about last weekend. Jon announced that dinner was ready. I sat between the two guys at the table. The food smelled delicious. Eric slyly said “I smell chocolate, so I guess we are having chocolate cake for dessert.”

Jon quickly replied “No, that’s Dalila.”
Eric then winked at Jon saying “Then we will have Dalila for dessert.” I blushed at the notion. Jon laughed not knowing what to say. He served dinner they talked about old times and I announced that I had landed the skimpy account. “Then we will have you for dessert to celebrate your success.” Eric slipped in again.

We had finished our meal and the wine was doing it trick so we decided to adjourn to the living room to continue our conversation. Jon turned on a movie called Monster’s Ball, we watched it and discuss Halle Oscar win for her role in the movie. Jon stated that he would have liked to fuck Halle. Eric stated that he would like to fuck me. I was stunned by his forwardness. Then again when I met him at the mall he was also forward then. Jon laughed again at Eric second mention of sexing me. Then it got kind of quiet. Jon looked from me to Eric then back to me. He rubbed my thigh sliding my skirt up, allowing Eric to see my butter cream panties. Within seconds, Eric dropped before my face licking his way up my leg. Jon began kissing my neck again. I was having difficulty concentrating on which felt the best. Finally after lick both my legs; Eric lifted my skirt above my waist. Jon had managed to remove my bustier as he had my left breast in his mouth. He opened his mouth wide to put most of it inside while his right hand massages my other. Eric had found the opening of my panties, and tasted me as he had requested earlier today. His mouth felt warm on my pussy. He licked around my opening. He darted his tongue in and out as if he were snake. Eric tongue was long and thick like his dick. My pussy responded by releasing its sticky liquid. He sucked and bit down on my clit. I had never felt anything like it. Jon had taken my other breast into his mouth. He kissed down to my stomach, Eric pulled down his pants and released his dick, and I was again amazed at the sight. His dick was hard as a rock. I wrapped my hands around it before taking it into my mouth. Jon then stood and removed his pants as well releasing his erect penis, I took his dick into my other hand, and I then alternated between both penises in my grasp, taking one in my mouth while massaging the other. This drove them wild. While I was sucking Eric he grabbed my head and pushed me further into his dick until I took the whole 8 inches, I then tried to take mouth dicks into my mouth I got them only half way. Jon removed his dick from my mouth while I continued to suck Eric. He lifted my leg and started fucking me. He took my breast into his mouth as he entered me. His dick seemed to grow inside of me. Fuck me harder I moaned; it was awesome. Then the boys switched places .Eric filing my soaking wet pussy while Jon fucked my mouth. I licked Jon’s balls, swallowing them into my mouth. I licked his asshole causing him to squirmed and moan, then back up to the head of his penis in one single stroke. He sucked his shaft to the depth of my throat. Eric was wrecking havoc on my pussy pounding me until my cum sprayed out on his chest and pubic hairs. Jon sat back in the chair jacking his dick. I squatted down on Eric’s dick. I rode his dick, squeezing his dick when I came up and down, letting go only when he hit bottom. He grabbed both my tits and I leaned back against his chest. He forced my legs back as he rocked his =hips to thrust himself further inside. I sat up and made a full rotation on his dick. I rode him as if we were in the Kentucky Derby and he was my prized stallion. I leaned forward to kiss his lips, and neck. Jon approached me from behind. He poured lube on my ass and massaged it into my skin. He licked my ass cheeks then smacked them, then kissed them. He licked my puckering asshole. He slowly inserted his finger in my ass; I could feel the tightness of my pussy. He removed his finger then rubbed his dick against my hole. Then Jon slid his erection in my ass. I moaned over Eric’s neck as he entered me. He fucked my ass and Eric fucked my pussy. I could feel them both move inside me at the same time. I yelled that I was cumming. I knew at that moment that without a doubt, I love to be double fucked. I humped the both of them. Jon pace quickened, I knew he was about to cum. He stiffened then emptied his cum in my ass. Eric told me to get up and he would fuck me doggy style. He leaned in and whispers to me that he like seeing my ass in the air. Eric entered my ass from behind. Jon’s cum was seeping out. Eric pounded my ass, until I then squirted again. He rubbed on my clit and I bucked back to match his thrust. He screamed that he was too cumming. He too came in my ass. Afterwards, we all headed for the shower, and washed each other off. Eric gathered his things and Jon and I escorted him out. I kissed him good night; He said to me again “I hope to see you again”.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-04-18 22:40:55
nF9uWf I really enjoy the article. Great.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-10-28 04:01:01
Pin my tail and call me a donkey, that really hleped.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-08-26 02:11:14
i love this story. every time i come on here i have 2 read it.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-07-06 23:47:24
There were alot of typos, but a really grabbing story.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-01-30 07:27:17
This is the best story ever!!!!! Made me fuck my boyfriend and his best friend. I love this story.

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