This story is all about me getting invited to spend a weekend at my boss's ranch.I have always had a special love for farm animals.I just love the whole idea of waking up in the mornings and head out to do the daily task of feeding and making sure all is well with the animals.I grew up having a reasonable amount of exposure to farm animals.I once had a dog named Tim.I also did some Agriculture with my grandad as well.
I work only on weekdays and during the weekends I would spend a lot of time relaxing by either taking nature trips or just cooling out in my backyard.A few months ago my boss invited me to spend a weekend at his ranch along with the rest of the IT department.We agreed and so we went.His ranch covered almost 10 Acres and what beauty.I was so relaxed and had
a room all to myself.In total it was 9 of us and my stay was very refreshing.I got the opportunity to relive some of my childhood memories of working on a animal farm and I was loving every moment.Sunday afternoon I returned home and all was back to normal.Monday morning back to work and I was a little more relaxed than the past few weeks.About 6 weeks later my boss gave me an offer I could not resist.He wanted me to stay at his ranch for a weekend while he was out on a major business trip to France and after careful consideration I agreed to do it.
Friday arrived and was allowed to leave work at mid day so I can travel up North to get to my destination.Ofcourse I was driven there by the bosses own limo.I arrived at 5pm and the guy who normally leaves the ranch after taking care of the animals was about to leave.We spoke for a while and he left only to return the next morning.As I went to my quarters I unpacked and took a shower.I must mention the Mr.Solomon is a classy man and this house is well equipped to make sure anyone have a
ball of a time.I could not bring anyone by orders of Mr.Solomon.He has a serious trust issue.At around 10 pm I retired to bed and woke up early morning at 5 and Joe was already at work preparing food for the animals.Joe is the hired caretaker for the animals.I got dressed and joined him outside the main barn.Now my most favourite part is the area where thh horses
are and there was one particular mare that is so young,and looks very healthy.Her name was Lucy.All black and you can tell that she has never been fucked cause she was too young.Saturday night arrived and I had to make my final night go out with a
fun note.I cooked,showered and had dinner.I took one of Mr.Solomon bottle of Whiskey and went outside next to some almond trees with a large table and chairs.I got drunk about 11pm and came back inside.I soon realised that my cock was raging hard
and had the urge to masterbate.So I went online to look at some porn and eventually stumbled upon some beastiality,mostly dogs and horses.I got even more horny and an ida came to mind.I can't get a woman right now and my only option to fuck is to get meself an animal.
I was too overtaken by passion and I went across to the main barn.As I walked through I looked at my options,cow,sheep,goat,horse,chickens or donkey.My attention stopped at Lucy the young mare that is equal to a hot sexy woman in looks.I
stopped and went in her pen.Lucy is very friendly and I knew she was a virgin.My cock was dripping with pre cum and I was too drunk and nothing was gonna come in my way.I got a small box that was nearby and put it behind lucy and it gave me
the perfect position.I took off my pants and then my shirt and finally my boxers and my 7 1/2" rock solid cock sprang forth and I was horny as I can be.I was so focused as to what I am going to do.I have never had an animal before so I
wanted to make sure I enjoy this to the fullest.I started to rub Lucy's pussy lips and at first she was moving around a little. but something was strange,Lucy seem like she has some sort of experience cause she was so calm and after 5 minutes of rubbing
her pussy and playing with her,her pussy got wet and I can tell she was loving it alot.I then positioned myself and as I placed my cock head at the entrance of her pussy I can feel her pussy heat and the feeling I got was so hair raising.
I pushed my cock in her wet,hot,juicy pussy and boy oh boy,it was so out of this world.The pure thought of me fucking a horse was so intense.My cock fitted her pusssy well and I made love to Lucy with a passion I have never felt before.
With every stroke and minute it got more intense.Then finally I can feel my cock getting more hard and my orgasm was building so quickly.I started to fuck with speed and Lucy just stood there and took me in with ease.But I knew she was
loving my hot cock in her pussy cause her pussy kept juicing.After fucking her I finally shot my sperm in her pussy and then I just pulled out and I was tired and got dressed.Then while putting the small box back in place I noiced at the top
of Lucy pen roof there was something neatly tucked in a corner.Curiousity got the best of me and I took the box again and climbed up to get a look.What I found was a black box and in it was 2 condoms,horse lubricant,and a dildo.I was now wondering who this belong to and I carefully put it back in place and went back to the house.
Next morning I went back to the barn and met Joe there.We talked a little and then I looked at the box at the top and asked him
"whats that?"He acted surprised but went and took it down and as he opened it there was one condom,horse lubricant and a dildo.
He quickly closed the box and said "lets leave this alone cause it does not belong to him".Yea right I said in my mind
cause last night I opened that box and there were 2 condoms and now only one......I left joe feeling that I knew nothing
of what was going on..I believe that Joe is the one fucking Lucy that is why she was so submissive to my 7 1/2" cock.
so who really was the Animal in Need?Joe, myself or Lucy..You decide
Horses don't have pussy lips. And no matter how used to a horse is to sex, if you go behind a horse that hasn't know you for a while and touch it, it will kick you.
An "almost 10 acre ranch"? In Texas, our dog runs are bigger than that. You never refer to any place as a ranch unless it is at least a couple of hundred acres. The King ranch in Texas is over a MILLION acres. Now THAT is a ranch.
Very poorly written. If you insist on writing, at least have a literate person proof-read your stuff BEFORE putting it out for everyone to see. You have many misspelled words and improperly used words, as well as poor sentence construction.
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