Julie has intimate relations with husband, son, girlfriends, boss, female store clerks, dogs, son's friend,etc.
Part I
Chapter One
Harry and Julie fell in love their senior year of high school, they couldn't wait for graduation and as you can imagine one month before the big day Julie
discovered she was pregnant. Luck was on their side and no one could tell by looking but eight months after graduation and seven and one half after marriage they had a son, who was the image of his father.
They had moved several states away and Harry had a good job with a company installing HVAC systems. They had purchased a house and furnished it, so money was tight along with the cost of a new addition to the family, but they were happy and in love with each other and their son. Julie was using the pill as they didn't want any more surprises until finances were improved.
Sex was their main entertainment and they enjoyed it constantly, evenings, many times twice, as soon as the baby was asleep and again after going to bed. Weekends they usually tried new ways and some kinky things such as light bondage, spanking, and some small and cautious exhibition. Julie was always on the receiving end as she was submissive and enjoyed being made to perform
sexual acts or have them performed on her.
One night after putting their son, Jimmy, who was now six, to bed they began to play around on the couch, shedding clothes until both were naked. Harry began to pinch Julie's nipples and rub her clit and cunt slit until she was breathless, hot, and wet. Laying her across his lap he began to lightly spank her beautiful butt and then kiss and lick it followed by more spanking.
Unknown to them Jimmy did not go directly into a deep sleep and woke up, hearing strange sounds he got up and wandered into the living room and not understanding stood and watched for a short while and then walked to the couch and asked why daddy was whipping mommy. Somewhat taken aback Harry told him that mommy was not being whipped because she had disobeyed, but that she liked the warm feeling that it gave her butt and he always kissed the hurt away. Imagine their shock when Jimmy asked if he could spank mommy and kiss the hurt away.
Julie had her face hidden as she lay exposed with a flushed ass and wet cunt and tried to sink into the couch as she heard Harry say "of course son " and then the soft hand lightly hitting her and causing her to shake all over when the small lips begin to kiss her ass.
This became a once a week practice every Friday night and was considered harmless by the parents. But they impressed to Jimmy that this must be a secret that only they would know.
As time went by, months turning into years, the game progressed also, with Jimmy mimicking everything that he saw and so when the family was watching TV and Harry would reach over and place his hand on Julie's leg a little hand would soon claim the other leg. And if in passing in the kitchen with Julie at the sink Harry would casually rub her ass then Jimmy would also rub it. They all laughed at these little things. Harry began to instigate Jimmy to do other things, take further liberties with his mother's body by going further and then watching Jimmy follow his lead. Harry had taken advantage of Julie's submissive nature ever since they had started dating, and he had continued a
slow progress of moving her to complete control. He had convinced her to not wear bras when she was at home and then moved towards a ban on panties. Julie found that this pleased him and that he could not keep his hands off her which also pleased her. Now that Jimmy was part of these "little games" it seemed natural that he also got to see flashes of her tits and soon it was normal for two sets of hands to be rubbing her tits and ass outside her clothing.
Harry convinced Julie that she should always wear tops that had buttons on front which he at first opened the first two and later cut three off which put her tits on display at all times. Harry began kissing Julie in front of their son and telling her loved her and of course Jimmy would follow and Julie would certainly enjoy the attention. Soon this had moved to french-kissing and later to kissing her partially exposed breasts.
Jimmy was becoming more aware of the happenings around him and came to realize that there were other games being played after he was asleep, he had went to bed early one night as he had played hard that day and was
falling asleep cuddling his mother but woke up after four hours. Hearing sounds that intrigued him he got out of bed and went to investigate.
Once again he found his parents playing but this time she was on her knees with him behind and as he moved back and forth she was moaning and hunching back at him. As Jimmy watched from the dark doorway he somehow knew this was not the time to approach his parents, as both were totally immersed in their enjoyment. As they shuddered to a climax and spent some time rubbing, caressing, and kissing Jimmy saw his father's penis slide from mom's cunt and he realized that was what had brought her such joy. He decided that he also wanted to give her that joy.
Julie worked at a part time job at the school compiling records of grades and attendance and worked 8 to 12 on week days. At noon Harry was usually waiting outside and they would hurry home, eat sandwiches prepared the night before and have 15 minutes of hot sex before Harry had to return to work. This was a normal day's activity since Jimmy started school. Julie's afternoon was spent cleaning, cooking and normal housework.
Jimmy rode the bus home and usually arrived about 3:15 and his mom would give him a snack and they would talk about his day at school and any homework he had. One day, during the daily reading in which Julie made him read aloud so she could help him with the unfamiliar words Jimmy had trouble.
Julie leaned over to see the word and then repeated it for him. Turning to look at her Jimmy saw that Julie's top had shifted and he could see all of one breast, Julie repeated the word and looked to see why he didn't respond. Seeing where his eyes were looking, she realized what had happened but not wanting to make a big thing of it she did not move and finally he looked up and said, "Mom you have beautiful breasts can I kiss you and them?" Thinking quickly Julie told him that they could not play games until he had finished his reading. Jimmy began reading again and she returned to setting out the items she had decided to prepare for dinner.
Reaching onto a low shelf in the pantry and turning while still bent over Julie could see under the table where Jimmy sat and was surprised to see he had an erection which had tented his pants. She was partly shoked, amused, and excited all at the same time and thought how much he was like his father. Wanting to see if he really was horny after seeing her breast, she moved to his side, pulled a chair close and leaned forward with one shoulder lowered allowing her breast to slide out of the open top. Looking at the book she told him to read slower pausing at the commas and stopping completely at the periods. Glancing at him she saw he was looking at her breast and waited for him to have time to get a good look before saying to continue. As he continued she looked at his lap and saw that indeed his erection was growing and his reading was labored.
She smiled to herself but remained in this position as she knew he would be finished reading soon. Jimmy completed the assignment and closing the book looked at his mother who smiled and told him that he had done very good. Jimmy asked if he could have his kiss now and Julie leaned forward saying of course, sweetheart and was going to kiss his cheek but he also leaned and placed his lips directly on hers. Julie was taken by surprise with the intenseness of his passionate kissing and thought that she had never been kissed this strongly by anyone other than Harry. She was further taken by surprise to feel Jimmy's hand grasp her breast and begin to lightly caress it at the same time as his thumb rubbed her nipple which hardened immediately.
Julie felt a stirring of her emotions as the kiss continued and the caress of her breast plus rubbing of
its nipple made quivers start deep in her stomach. Just as she began to think that she should stop Jimmy she felt his tongue begin to slide between her lips and without thinking she opened her mouth slightly and let it enter, automatically her tongue begin to rub his. Oh, thought Julie we are French-kissing, this should stop and then she wondered where did he learned these things. The kissing and playing with her tits came from his father, of course she reasoned and if she made a big deal it would certainly confuse him.
Moving his other hand up as he rose from the chair and stepping closer to his mother who caused her to straighten up, Jimmy placed it on the unoccupied breast and caressed it through her loose top. To Julie's amazement she realized that she was responding as if to a lover, her mouth was suckling his tongue and her breasts were expanding and pushing against his hands. She raised her hands and placed them on his, meaning to remove them from her swelling breasts with nipples growing longer and harder with each breath, but Jimmy stopped caressing and squeezed tightly. This brought a gasp from Julie as she had always been easily turned on by this action as it made the blood flow into her breasts and become highly sensitive. Her hands reached his but did nothing but rest there.
As the passionate kiss continued Jimmy slowly relaxed his grip on Julie's breasts and began to rub them again while squeezing occasionally which felt so good that she began to relax letting the mounting passion rise and her body respond to his loving caresses. Suddenly both his hands stopped rubbing and squeezing and he grasped both nipples between thumb and finger and applied pressure gently at first but steadily increasing. Julie marveled at how good he was at knowing to do things that increased her pleasure but as the pressure increased she began to lose her self control and was squirming her upper body slightly and sucking harder on his tongue. Julie was getting horny fast.
Again, Jimmy changed by moving both hands to Julie's shoulders and grasping her top moved it off her shoulders down to the bend of her elbows, her hands had started up with his but then had fell to her lap. Julie was now bare to the waist with her breasts thrusting out topped by nipples that were a deep pink almost red from the rubbing and squeezing and tingling like mad with passion.
Jimmy immediately moved to his knees between his mother's legs and placing his hands back on her breasts began to caress them again, bringing a soft sigh from Julie, followed quickly by his mouth that went directly to her nipple and sucked it in with his tongue moving over it. Julie moaned and said, oh baby that feels so good, then laid her head back as far as it could go and placed both hands on his shoulders.
Jimmy would suck and knead her breast while squeezing the other, pinching the nipple and then switch, going from side to side. Julie's head was rolling slowly from side to side and soft sighs were coming from her lips, she moved her hands from his shoulders placing one on his neck and the other on his head and gently pulled him harder against her breasts.
This went on for a little more than ten minutes, with Julie realizing that she was nearing a climax and really wanting it to happen. Suddenly, Jimmy sucked as much of his mother's breast into his wide open mouth as he could and held it with pressure while squeezing with his hand and the other hand grabbed her nipple and pinched while twisting it. Julie's back arched pushing her breast against his mouth and pulling his head forward, she rocked through a giant climax with moans and oohhhs coming from her lips. Slowly she relaxed and sank into the chair rubbing Jimmy's neck and head with a smile on her lips, but Jimmy continued to softly suck, lick, pinch, caress, squeeze, and kiss her breasts and nipples.
Julie was in a dream like state with the only thing registering was how great she felt and how good it was to be loved like this. Her early morning fucks with Harry had to be rushed and there wasn't time for foreplay or after play and lunch sex was like a fifty yard dash not even time to undress. Now she felt as though she was satisfied and relaxed and mused that this could become habit forming and a perfect way to relieve the stress and tension of life, in fact she could feel that gentle throb that always began in her breasts as she would build towards a climax.
That thought snapped her out of her sex coma and she placed her hands on Jimmy's shoulders and gently moved him back away from her breasts and kissed him lovingly on the lips a number of times and told him that he was wonderful and she loved him and was happy that he loved her enough to kiss her breasts but they should stop as dinner needed to get started. To her surprise he simply said Ok mom. Then he told her that he loved her and loved kissing her breasts and how beautiful she was, how good her skin felt and that he hoped they could do it again. To her surprise she hear her voice say of course, baby, then she added with a smile that he must let go of her breasts before she could start dinner and they both laughed as he did.
As they rose Jimmy placed Julie's top back on her shoulders and gave each breast a quick kiss as they were partially hidden again. As he turned to go towards his room Julie saw that the front of his pants was wet and realized that he had climaxed also. She thought that they both should shower before Harry got home and remembered she should mention to Jimmy that this must be a secret between them.
Julie showered hurriedly and dressed quickly, brushing her hair and checked her makeup then dressed in the same shirt top with fresh shorts and on her way to the kitchen told Jimmy to bring his shorts for the laundry.
He appeared shortly with them balled up and started to put them in the washing machine even as she was reaching for them. Julie told him that it was okay that they had become soiled and not to be embarrassed, that it had happened to her also because they loved each other so strongly. She said perhaps they should not mention this to any one not even his father and Jimmy agreed; he suddenly hugged her and told her she was the best mother in the world.
After dinner Jimmy helped with the dishes and the family watched T.V. for a while on the couch. They watched situation comedies most of the time even though some had a lot of sexual comments and usually they would do a lot of laughing and touching of each other and many times Julie was pulled across Harry's lap with her legs across Jimmy's lap. At this point both husband and son would tickle, pat, and rub her to her enjoyment, but tonight Harry urged her to lie on her side with her head on a pillar on the couch arm. His arm was under her body and his hand cupped her breast and gently massaged it and occasionally pinched the nipple. Julie knew that this action was partial hidden from Jimmy but asked that the lamp be turned out because it glared on the TV, for if he leaned forward he could see plainly. She could feel Harry's cock pressing against her side and this brought a smile to her lips.
Soon she felt Jimmy's hand which had been rubbing her leg, move down to the bottom leg and slide up the back of her thigh and under her shorts to rub her ass cheek. Her shorts were tight so he couldn't get very high but enough that he was thrilled by the feel of her bare skin and she was pleased to be receiving pleasure from her two loves and then she felt his cock also rising against her leg. Julie was also becoming turned on from the two actions and the realization that she was making two men horny and they both wanted to make love to her. She felt sure that Jimmy would want more kissing and playing with her breasts tomorrow and she had promised so it would happen and would progress to where he would want to fuck her some day. She would have to think about that and decide what would be the best way to handle the situation but right now she just wanted to bask in the attentions of both.
They played around like that for two hours and then
Julie announced it was time for showers and bed and
while Harry and Jimmy headed for the showers, she went
to the kitchen and got everything organized for school
and work tomorrow. Heading for her bedroom she met
Jimmy coming in to say goodnight and followed him down
the hall where he paused at the master bath and yelled
goodnight dad. Harry yelled back goodnight and finished
shaving then started for the shower. Jimmy took his
mother's hand and led her into his dark bedroom and
turning to her remarked that she was beautiful and had
the smoothest skin he had ever felt and asked if he
could touch her as they kissed goodnight.
Before Julie could reply he hugged her tightly moving
towards the bed and when her legs hit it they laid
across it. Jimmy immediately moved to her and began to
kiss her lips as they had earlier and slide his hand
inside her open shirt and began to rub her nipple.
Julie's first thought was that he was going to rape her
as she had felt his hard cock brush against her but
rationalized that he just wanted to continue this
afternoon's action. She kissed him back and moved away
telling him that they shouldn't be doing this his
father would be coming out of the bathroom shortly.
Jimmy said yes he knew but that he could not to sleep
unless he could relieve some pressure and could he kiss
her breast until he came like this afternoon.
Julie realized that he was excited from playing with
her ass and it also excited her to know he was so
turned on by her body. Reaching towards him she laid
her hand on his cock and could feel the heat and
stiffness, like a chunk of hot iron. "Oh baby, I'm
sorry. Take off your PJ's so they don't get stained, we
need some tissues I'll be right back." She hurried to
his bathroom and yanking tissue from the box returned
to him. Jimmy lay on the bed with his cock standing up
like a flagpole. Julie was amazed at how long it was,
not yet big in girth but almost six inches in length.
She opened her shirt and bared both breasts, paused for
a moment to let his see her again as he had this
afternoon and lay beside him on her side moving her
nipple to his mouth and said here sweetheart.
Jimmy immediately suckled the nipple into his mouth and
placed both hands on her breasts massaging them gently
as he kissed and sucked. Julie could not suppress the
soft moan that came from her upon the contact and
placed her hand under his neck to support his head and
pull him closer. She also reached with the other hand
and softly enclosed it around his straining cock
rubbing the head with her thumb and began to tighten
her grip slightly then to move up and down slowly.
Jimmy began to make strange noises in his throat and
she could feel his cock begin to throb and swell in her
hand. Julie also felt her stomach begin to ache and her
breasts to throb as passion grew in her. About a minute
later Jimmy's body stiffened and he moaned sucking hard
on her nipple and as Julie grabbed for the tissue,
spurts of cum began to jet from his cock and continued
until he was empty and begin to relax, still holding
her nipple in his mouth and breasts in his hands.
Julie bent her head down and kissed his forehead
several times as he slowly went limp and let her nipple
slip from his mouth, telling him that she loved him.
She became aware that she still held his cock in her
hand and it was coated with his ejaculation. She
straightened her body to a sitting position and began
to clean him with the tissue, wow she thought, what a
load and it was the second one!
Julie quickly ran to the bathroom disposed of the
tissue and grabbed a wash cloth to finish the clean up
and went back to Jimmy. Holding his cock again she
carefully wiped him clean and marveled as it began to
slowly regain some stiffness.
She kissed Jimmy and told him to put 'that beauty away
before we get caught' and bid him goodnight. He told
her he loved her and again that she was the best Mom in
the world and he could hardly wait until tomorrow.
Julie smiled and blew him a kiss as she closed the door
behind her. She thought as she moved towards the master
bath that she could guess what he was looking forward
to after school, more of her, and her nipples harden at
the thought.
Julie opened the door to the master bath and found
Harry in the shower rinsing the soap off of his body.
Hearing the door open and shut, he said: "What took you
so long? I am almost finished?"
"Jimmy wanted to talk about the comedy show and I
couldn't just say shut up and go to bed."
"Get in quick I'll soap up your back and front and many
other places."
Julie stripped off her clothes and noticing that her
shorts were damp threw them in the wash hamper.
Entering the shower she told Harry not to wet her hair.
He answered baby I'm not looking to wash your hair
there are other parts much more appealing. She smiled
and called him a horny bastard, they spent the next
fifteen minutes soaping and washing each other and of
course talking. Harry was laying on the compliments
about how sexy Julie was and how she kept him turned on
all the time as he rubbed her breasts, ass, and cunt.
Julie washed his cock and just held it as she washed
his chest and everything else she could reach without
turning it loose.
Julie mentioned to Harry that Jimmy was doing
everything that he saw Harry doing and asked if he
thought that was ok. Harry smiled and nodded yes, "He's
growing up fast isn't he, I noticed tonight that he was
playing with your ass while we were on the couch and
not kid's play either. Several times I see while we're
playing around that he gets a hard on when spanking
your ass or kissing it and also while kissing you tits.
I think he loves your body as much as I do and he
adores you, it shows in his eyes when he is just
looking at you."
Julie asked, "But do you think that it's okay for him
to play with my breasts and kiss them? I don't want to
scold him and make him feel guilty all of a sudden,
we've been allowing perhaps encouraging openness since
he was a baby."
"Sure," said Harry, "I think it is better that he learn
sex should be tied to love not lust and shared with a
loved one, not something done just to relieve an urge
of the body, don't you?"
"I think I do, I'm a little confused by my own
emotions, I see him looking at my breasts and wonder if
I should cover them more and is it my fault when I see
him become aroused plus I'm a little excited that he
desires me but a little guilty also." Julie kissed
Harry's nipples, "Tell me what I should do if he wants
to go further than looking, he knows that you go
further and he always wants to do everything that you
Harry grasped Julie's nipples and twisted them slightly
bringing a moan from her, "I think we should let him, I
will take our games a little further and we'll see what
his reaction is but you must go along and submit
willingly and cheerfully or it would get all messed up
in his mind, we need to remember to tie sex and love
together and who better to teach him about love than
the person he loves the most, you. Can you do it?"
"Yes, I can do anything for the two of you because I
love both of you more than anything else on this
"Good and we love you the same, it will be loving,
relaxed, and satisfying for all of us and maybe we can
just do away with your clothes forever and keep you
naked and hot. Now let's get to bed and me fuck your
brains out.
And they did.
Chapter Two
The next morning was normal, wake up, quick trip to
bathroom, turned on the coffee, back to bedroom for a
morning quickie, and then Harry hit the shower while
Julie laid out breakfast. Harry would eat after waking
Jimmy and Julie would shower and dress for work then
she and Jimmy ate as Harry left for work. Jimmy dressed
for school when he got out of bed. Julie would do her
makeup and hair and she and Jimmy would do the dishes
if they had time before Mrs. Johnson picked them up,
she was a teacher and had volunteered to let them ride
to school to save money on gas as she lived in the
In nice weather they waited at the front entry of their
house so not to cause needless delay, but this morning
as they were finishing cleaning the doorbell rang and
when Julie answered it was Mrs. Johnson.
"Good morning, are we late?"
"No I'm early, I had to run an errand this morning and
it took less time than I imagined so I came on," said
Mrs. Johnson. "You finish and don't hurry, no need to
get there before the buses start arriving."
"I hate for you to wait we can go in our car, it so
nice of you to go to all this trouble and you won't
even let me help with the gas. Would you like a cup of
"I would love one, just point me to a cup and go on and
finish what you are doing."
"Cabinet on the left, sugar and cream on the counter
beside the coffee pot."
Julie headed to the bedroom to check her hair and
lipstick asking Jimmy to let the dish water out and
then get his books. She went to use the toilet and when
she came out found Jimmy coming in the bathroom, he
quickly hugged her and looking into her eyes said, "I
love you mom and can't wait until school is over so we
can love each other like last night again, wear your
blue shirt please it looks great on you." He turned and
headed for his room.
Julie was taken back by the intensity in his eyes and
did not know what to say and then he was gone. She sat
down at the vanity and with some what shaken hands
started putting on lipstick. As she combed her hair she
heard Mrs. Johnson asking if she was dressed as she
came to the door. Julie answered yes and turned as she
reached the door and leaned against it.
"I can't help but notice how fast Jimmy is growing up,
he is about six inches taller than most and seems so
much more mature, hard to believe he is 15 years old."
said Mrs. Johnson.
"Oh don't say that, he will tell you quickly that he is
16 next month, Mrs. Johnson. But you are correct he is
growing up fast, he was my baby then my little boy, now
I guess he is my little man."
"Please call me Emily, Julie, I know it is a habit from
school but it isn't necessary here."
"Ok Emily, I'm ready sorry it took so long."
"No problem."
As Julie moved to the door Emily said let me get that
string on your collar and stepped closer, reaching with
her empty hand she picked at something and then
smoothed the blouse collar and the back of her hand
with the coffee cup brushed lightly across Julie's
nipple and lingered for a short moment. Got it, she
said and turned towards the kitchen.
Julie was stunned by the contact and what she saw in
Emily's eyes, also by her own reaction as she realized
that her nipples had stiffen, but quickly recovered and
grabbed her hand bag and headed out the door locking up
as she left. Jimmy was already in the car and Emily was
getting in when she finished and she hurried to the car
getting in and showing a lot of shapely leg with the
short skirt, she glanced at Emily and saw her looking
at her thighs. Twisting to fasten the seat belt she
knew the skirt was riding up but decided not to pull it
down and observe Emily's reaction.
Backing out the drive Emily had a good observation of
Julie's thighs with about eight inches showing above
her knees and on the way to school took many quick
looks and on several occasions as they discussed school
she would place her hand on Julie's knee to make a
point in the conversation. Julie was smiling to herself
and one occasion twisted in the seat to talk to Jimmy
bringing her knees closer to Emily and felt the car
serve and saw Emily gripping the wheel tightly, she
kept that position and waited to see if she would take
advantage of the position at the next red light.
As soon as the car paused Emily turned and started
telling Julie about a sale at a store and placed her
hand on her knee, patting and rubbing as she talked.
When the light changed they continued on but Julie kept
her position wondering if this was just two friends or
was Emily perhaps hitting on her, no matter thought
Julie but it was amusing and exciting.
Arriving at school they parked and started inside, when
they reached the entrance they paused and Julie said
thanks for the ride, see you tomorrow to Emily, who
responded with thanks for the coffee and added we don't
drink coffee at home and I really miss it. Julie said
stop by any morning we always have some and Emily said
she would probably do that. Julie turned to Jimmy as
Emily walked away and said have a good day, I'll see
you at home, Jimmy said don't forget the blue shirt
please mom, she answered I won't baby.
Jimmy went to class and Julie went to the Admin.
Building and went to work, however she kept thinking
about the blue shirt and Emily's sudden interest in
getting closer to her and found both to be exciting and
could guess what the blue shirt would lead to and
discovered she was looking forward to the bus arrival
She also noticed that the principal and vice principal,
both male, came by her cubby hole and spoke to her and
lingered making small talk. She didn't think much about
it until she went to the coffee pot and got a cup, when
she turned to go back to her desk she realized that the
modesty panel on the front of the desk was missing. It
was there yesterday she thought, at least she believed
it was. She knew that anyone standing at the coffee pot
could see under her desk and look at her legs and other
parts if she was careless. At first she was annoyed and
started to complain to the principal, but after
returning to the desk she decided what the heck no harm
done and maybe I can have a little fun teasing them,
who ever it is.
As she continued her data entry she also kept an eye on
the coffee area and noticed that the other girls would
get some coffee and talk for a minute then return to
work without looking her way or if they did only a
glance. However next time the men came out they leaned
on the counter looking in her direction and talking
only glancing at each other occasionally. She smiled
and thought, well now we know who the likely culprits
are, lets give them a little high blood pressure.
Julie rose from her desk and turned to the file cabinet
opening the bottom drawer, bending over so her rear was
protruding, she pretended to look thru the files, until
she found one and sat back at her desk making sure her
skirt rode up her bare leg then crossing one leg over
the other. She started entry in the computer and with
lower head glanced towards the coffee pot. She almost
burst out laughing at the strained look on their faces
as they tried to appear not to be looking.
After about five minutes they left to go to work or
something but returned to get more coffee regularly.
The rest of the morning went by quickly and Julie
closed down the computer at noon and went to meet Harry
in the parking lot. She was a couple of minutes late
but Harry's truck was nowhere in sight. She waited by
one of the columns at the steps and heard someone call,
"Mrs. Cole, do you have a minute?" Turning she saw the
principal coming towards her, "Of course Mr. Hale," she
Walking up he told her he just wanted to tell her how
much he appreciated her diligence at her job and the
atmosphere that she created with her positive attitude
and cheerfulness.
"Why thank you, Mr. Hale, that very nice of you," Julie
said taking a step closer and laying her hand on his
arm, "I really enjoy my work and it is so pleasant
working with you, the vice principal and all the
Smiling broadly and turning slightly to bring himself
closer, Mr. Hale said, "Please keep this in deepest
confidence, I am going to ask the board to grant me
permission to authorize a raise of twenty cent per hour
for you and I am sure I can convince them. But they do
not meet for another two weeks so I must ask your
"Oh, thank you sir, I am flattered that you would go to
bat for me like that as I am only a part time employee
and I am very gratefully." Julie wanted to release his
arm and step back but hesitated not wanting to seem
The principal quickly raised his hand, grasped her
upper arm and squeezed it lightly. "Well you should
know that I would love to make you full time any time
you wish. I expect to have an opening next school year
due to retirement and if you would promise to consider
it I would be ready to start preparing the paperwork."
"Thank you again, I will keep it in mind but presently
I still feel it is best and the proper thing to do to
concentrate on our family and a full time job requires
a lot of time."
"Yes I understand, I agree with you and admire your
wisdom but don't be surprised if I come into your
office everyday and try to woo you into changing your
mind. I know a good thing when I see one. Have a good
evening and I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye Mr. Hale and again thanks."
"Don't mention it, and you can call me Charlie."
"Charlie, I can't be that familiar in the office Mr.
Hale, what would the other girls think?"
"Call me Charlie when we are alone, bye."
As he turned and headed for his car Julie turned and
checked the driveway, no Harry yet. She was thinking;
wow my heart almost stopped when he said he would love
to make me and paused like that, I thought, raped right
here on the entry steps!!! I bet he would like to woo
me into bed and a full time job, what is it about these
men, they can't keep their hands off me! Four dollars a
week wow in fifty years I can buy a mink scarf! I
wonder if this short skirt had any thing to do with
this. Maybe I could wear a pink thong tomorrow and
flash a little a of it and go for twenty five cents,
she giggled. Where is Harry we're going to have to rush
to get lunch now, hope he didn't have a fender bender.
There he comes down the street!
Harry pulled up to the entry and Julie hopped in and
they exchanged kisses, then Harry started telling her
why he was late. The boss had asked him to come to the
office and he and his crew chief had went in together
wondering what was happening. The company had bid on
three large jobs hoping to get one of them to increase
business. The boss told them they had opened the bids
on one this morning and they got it.
Then the next one to have an opening had called and
said they only received three bids and one bidder had
asked his bid to be withdrawn as they had made a
mistake on calculating the cost. They were informed
that the other bidder usually bid very high because
they had a lot of federal business and really didn't
want low profit contracts and when they opened the bids
they were expected to win. But, Harry went on, the bid
laws stated that the low bidder must be able to show
proof that they could complete the job on time and had
the capacity to handle along with their regular work
Harry's boss said he was going to hire three more HVAC
men and split the work force into two crews and wanted
Harry to be the crew chief of the second crew. They
would work on completing the jobs they had going and
then one crew would start the bid job just awarded and
the second crew would be available for the new award.
Harry and Julie had reached home by now and Harry
jumped from the company truck and ran to the house
telling Julie that they had to hurry and eat as he had
to get back to work. Julie yelled, "What did you say?"
Harry yelled back, "I said hell yes I'll take it,
they're going to raise my salary one dollar a hour."
"Hurry, I'm starving."
Julie almost fainted but ran to the refrigerator and
grabbed the sandwiches and drinks while Harry found the
chips. When she set them on the counter Harry grabbed
her and began to kiss her mouth, chin, eyes, nose and
anything else available. She laughed and said you are
excited! Harry told her he was, that this was what they
needed to get ahead and have some extra money for
things they were unable to afford. Julie asked as they
ate what were the jobs and where. Harry said the one
they got was an addition to a school about fifty miles
away and the potential one was an additional annex to a
factory two hundred miles west.
Harry said that he would learn more in the next few
days as they were going to meet with the school and the
building contractor and learn about the construction
"Baby, I've got to brush my teeth and go and might be
later than normal getting home as we are going to try
and finish the installation we're working on unless it
takes to much time. Sorry but we won't have time to
make love."
Harry finished his sandwich and gulped down his drink
and said come with me to the bathroom. Julie finished
her lunch and went after him arriving just as he was
"You haven't had time to get any sun lately and your
tan is fading, why don't you relax until time to
prepare dinner and lay in the sun?"
"Harry I've got a lot to do, cleaning and washing
"That can wait one day, you need the sun and you work
to hard any way, so you relax today and tan that
beautiful body for me, ok, please."
"Ok master, I'll do it just for you and I assume I
should be naked."
"Of course, no one can spy on you because of the fence
and if they could wouldn't hurt anything except a few
heart attacks maybe. Take off your blouse and bra, baby
let me feel your tits I need you right now but don't
have time except for a quick kiss or two."
Julie hurried and as she was removing the bra Harry
already had both hands on her breasts and was massaging
them and rubbing the nipples with his thumbs. Harry
pulled her body tight against his and sought her lips
rubbing his chest against her breasts, Julie arched up
against him as his hands moved down and cupped her ass
squeezing and rubbing. Breaking away he said take off
the rest I want to see your beauty hidden by those
clothes you were made to be naked and I am the luckiest
man alive to be able to see it all.
Julie was almost panting as she quickly removed the
skirt and panties and then stood proudly with
smoldering eyes in front of Harry, taking a quick step
she again arched her now naked body against his. Harry
immediately began to kiss her moving from her lips to
her throat, shoulder, eyes, and back to her lips, Julie
was moaning softly as his hands roamed her body.
Suddenly Harry bent his head and engulfed a nipple in
his mouth making her gasp in passionate delight and
moved one hand to her ass rubbing up and down the
crevice with the other hand going to Julie's cunt and a
finger rubbing over the clit and down into the slit.
Julie felt the ache start in her stomach and knew she
was secreting lubricating fluids and began to get that
weak feeling in her quivering legs.
Harry started kissing down Julie's body and turning her
until she was backed against the vanity top and then
went to his knees quickly licking her clit which was
protruding from her slit covering with a finger sliding
into her ass cheeks crevice and touching her anus.
Julie again moaned and leaned back thrusting her hips
forward to give him better access to her clit and
holding to the counter behind her as her legs opened
and bowed out at the knees. She had never felt so good
so weak so helpless so vulnerable so alive in her life.
"Oh Harry! Baby kiss me! Oh no... we should stop you
are going to make... Me... Come... Harry... oh yes...
sweetheart... oh oh... oh ohhhh."
Julie began to thrust forward for Harry's tongue and
back for his finger, shaking, quivering as a massive
orgasm tore through her. Harry continued to lick her
clit and rub her anus until she began to slump and then
raised up and gathered her into his arms giving her
deep kisses and holding her body against his by her ass
and rubbing her back and neck with the other hand.
When Julie was finally able to hold her head up and
smile at him and return his kisses Harry asked her if
she was ok and Julie nodded smiling.
"Will you do me a favor sweetheart."
"This afternoon shave all the hair around your slit and
trim that above until only enough is left to be hidden
by a thong. I want you hairless, smooth, and very
sensitive tonight so I can finish this job that I only
have time to start now. Will you do that for me,
"Yes, baby I'll do anything for you, anything and
anytime, you know that."
"Remember that for I may hold you to it, you know that
I adore you and will do anything to you that makes you
happy. Walk me to the door I've got to get out of here
before I lose my senses and take you to bed, job or no
They walked with their arms around each other to the
front door and kissed saying bye.
"Stand here in the door while I back down the drive and
until I pull away I want the image to last until I get
"But Harry I'm naked."
"All the better to see you my dear, said the big bad
"Get out of here, you're insane, they need to lock you
As Harry was walking to and getting into the truck
Julie peered cautiously out the door up and down the
street thinking I'm so glad we don't have any close
neighbors and not seeing anyone stepped in the doorway
as Harry backed ever so slowly into the street and then
sat there looking at her and grinning. Julie waved,
waited then motioned for him to go and Harry slowly
begin to pull away. Julie quickly shut the door when he
was out of sight, locked it and leaned against it. She
could feel her moisture running down her leg and
realized she was secreting as she stood exposed in the
doorway. Doesn't take much to turn me on she thought as
she slowly pushed away and started to the bathroom.
Gathering up a razor, soap, scissors, and water she sat
on the edge of the tub and began to trim the hair at
the top of her love mound in the shape of a vee and as
close as possible around her slit. Then she soaked it
for a while and began to shave the excess, unable to
stop from giggling occasionally. Also she began to feel
that tightening in her stomach that preceded the ache
and watched in awe as her clit stiffened and rose from
the hood covering it as though looking for a tongue to
lick it.
Julie could not resist the temptation to reach down and
rub it which brought a shock to her whole body as if
she had touched a live electric wire. But she continued
and put the razor down so she could also grasp the
nipple of one tit and roll it between her fingers.
I've got to stop, she thought, here I am playing with
myself like a hot teenager and I just had one of the
best cums in my life. Reluctantly she slowed down,
finally stopped, and sat looking at her clit as though
it had her charmed, she began to wash away the soap to
inspect her progress. If I can keep my hands off you I
can be finished in another minute she thought, so
behave yourself and stop growing you never were that
long before.
She made it to completion, put away the stuff and
jumped in the shower to wash away the soap and cool
herself down. Patting herself semi dry she hastily
rubbed on lotion so it would soak into her damp skin
and grabbed a towel heading for the chaise lounge on
the back sun porch where she lay on her stomach to tan
her back but jumped back up and ran to get the small
clock in the kitchen.
As she lay in the warm sun she expected to relax and
sometimes would doze but today was different as her
clit rubbed the cushion and immediately seemed to get
harder. Julie groaned and tried to shift her body but
it didn't help and she almost cried, as she felt her
nipples begin to swell as they filled with blood. What
is wrong with me, she wondered, I got excited this
morning when Harry made love to me, when Jimmy told her
he couldn't wait for them to love this afternoon, when
Emily touched her knee and thigh, the men looking at
her legs, when Mr. Hale touched her arm, and Harry
licking her to orgasm plus making her stand naked in
the doorway. It's like some one turned on a switch and
forgot to turn me off, I'm hot and horny and about to
Julie kept looking at the clock and finally thirty
minutes passed, thirty minutes of squirming against the
cushion in frustration, she turned over to her back and
swapped ends and after settling down looked around to
check that no one was near. Then looking down at her
body she saw that her nipples were extended to almost
an inch long and stiff, pointing to the sky.
She moved her hand to her cunt and felt the wetness
plus the projectile like clit which throbbed when she
touched it. Oh no I'm dripping like a bitch in heat, no
wonder all these men hang around me they can feel the
heat rising from me, dogs will be howling around the
house soon she was thinking. Sinking back on the lounge
she wanted to cry but knew that what she really wanted
was for Harry to come back and fuck her into a coma.
As she lay there waiting another thirty minutes to pass
she could hardly keep her hands off her tits and cunt
finally sliding a finger in and wiggling it as she
rubbed and squeezed one tit. The wetness continued to
run from her cunt and wet the cushion beneath her ass
seeping into her anus crevice until finally she came
and reached a little satisfaction. She lay there
breathing hard and tears streaking her cheeks because
she was shamed by having to finger fuck herself and
also knowing that the small relief wouldn't last for
her stomach still quivered and her nipples and clit
were erect and throbbing.
She rolled over and saw that the time had passed and
jumped up grabbing the towel for the washing machine
and rushed to the shower. Julie ran the shower as cold
as she could stand it, taking the hand spray she washed
her cunt and held the lips open and sprayed cold water
inside as though she could put out the fire burning in
Patting dry and applying lotion again, Julie grabbed
her short bathrobe, which barely covered her ass, and
rushed to the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of
juice and drank half without stopping and started
getting the meatloaf mixed putting it in a loaf pan and
inserting in the refrigerator. Next she got the instant
mashed potatoes ready to put on the stove, opened a can
of string beans and placed in a pot, and prepared a
salad returning it to the refrigerator. Rolls could be
heated just before eating and dinner was ready to cook
so Julie started setting the table so every thing would
be ready as soon as Harry got home.
"Oh no," she said looking at the clock, "Jimmy will be
here in twenty minutes and I have to change into that
blue shirt and better do something to my hair, as she
went to the bedroom."
When she removed the short robe she noticed a wet
streak on the inside of her thigh. Grabbing the wash
cloth she wiped it away and inspected the shaved area
of her cunt and decided to put more lotion on it to
keep it moist and smooth. That was a mistake as soon as
she touched it the tingle started again and she moaned
her frustration. Better wear some dark shorts or wet
spots will show through was her thought as she opened a
drawer and found a pair of denim cutoffs and slipped
them on feeling them pull up into her cunt slit. But
all her shorts were tight and this was the first time
she had wore any with her cunt shaved so better get
used to it was her reasoning.
Julie went to the closet and the found the blue shirt
which had a bare midriff with a band bottom held in
place by two buttons and fit just under her breasts.
With the low riding shorts she was showing about
fourteen inches of her mid section and that always
drove Harry crazy and must do the same to Jimmy. The
shirt had buttons up the front but Harry had removed
the top three so she would show lots of cleavage and
his hand could roam around unimpeded.
Julie slipped the shirt on and started to button the
remaining buttons but couldn't find any, she went to
the mirror and looked closer and realized that they had
been cut off as the thread was still there. Jimmy, you
little imp, she thought, now I know why you wanted me
to wear this shirt.
She tried to smooth the shirt down over her breasts but
it was made of a stiff material and would flare open as
soon as her hand left it. Julie looked in the mirror
and turned to see how much would show and bent over at
the waist gasping when her breasts came out into full
view and she had to tuck them back in when she
straighten other wise they would be in full view all
the time.
As Julie twisted looking in the mirror and seeing that
almost all her breasts could be seen and from the side
all of one was in view, she realized that the tingle
was getting stronger and she liked the feeling of being
exposed and remembered standing in the door nude waving
to Harry and the excitement of thinking someone might
see her. She decided to try it for a while and see if
she could cope with the shirt at least until Jimmy got
home and she told him that she had to change.
Going back to the kitchen she stopped to unlock the
door and heard the school bus grinding along the
street. Well this will be interesting she giggled and
opened the door just as the bus stopped in front of the
Standing back with the door partially open she looked
out and saw the bus door open and the driver looking
towards the house and all the kids looking out the
windows and yelling goodbyes to Jimmy as he got off.
Trembling she stepped behind the door afraid to be seen
even from that distance and then leaving the door only
partially open she went to the kitchen, still shaken
not sure if from fear or excitement.
Chapter Three
Julie felt her nipples rubbing against the shirt as her
breasts swayed and jiggled as she walked and the tingle
became stronger and her clit was hardening again and
beginning to protrude from touching the crotch of the
shorts. When she reached the kitchen she immediately
went to the sink and leaned forward on the counter
which hit just above her cunt and as she cleaned the
sink she was rubbing against the counter.
Julie heard Jimmy enter the front door.
"Mom where are you?"
"I'm in the kitchen, sweetheart."
"Gotta hit the bathroom, be there in a sec."
Julie wiped the sink dry and wiped the counter top,
placing the cloth away underneath the counter, as she
raised up she suddenly felt very dizzy.
She turned and leaned back on the counter placing her
hands on the edge, looking down she saw that the shirt
was gaped wide open and both nipples were extended and
rigid. Reaching for them she tried to insert them back
inside the shirt and realized her breasts were hot and
the nipples were beginning to throb, she couldn't stop
her hands from squeezing them which made her groan.
She heard the flush from the bathroom and quickly
removed her hands and pulled the shirt together hoping
it would stay. She felt of her face and realized it was
also hot, I must have caught a virus that explains why
I'm feeling so weird, I'd better take something, she
reasoned. Leaning back on the counter she tried to
relax placing her arms across her stomach to help hold
the shirt in place.
Jimmy entered a few seconds later, stopping at the
entry he looked at Julie leaning against the counter
with her legs slightly apart and her wedge heels making
her legs look fantastic with muscles tight and those
low slung shorts accenting her mid section and he
"Mom, you are absolutely ravishing, I missed you
meeting me at the door," and he rushed forward and
wrapped his arms around her.
"Well, I had a slight problem with this blue shirt I
was requested to wear as it seems to have lost a few
buttons making it like walking around naked, do you
know anything about what might have happened to them?"
Jimmy looked at her with a big grin on his face and
said," No, let me see if I can determine what
happened." He took the lapels of the shirt and pulled
them forward looking closely at the place where buttons
should have been, "Must have come off in the washing
machine." Leaving the front open he again wrapped his
arms around Julie and said, "Thanks for wearing it
anyway, you are the greatest, Mom." Then he kissed her
chest between her breasts and squeezed her tightly.
Julie put her hands on his back and slid one around and
up to his face rubbing it gently.
"I love you Mom, you are the best, the most beautiful,
most understanding, and loving mom that there ever was
or will be."
"Oh thank you sweetheart, I love you deeply and am so
proud of you."
They broke the hug and Julie slid down by bending her
knees slightly and Jimmy stepped between her legs and
they began to kiss, Julie holding his face and shoulder
and Jimmy rubbing her breasts through the open shirt.
This was not a mother and son kiss this was two lovers
kissing and Jimmy was dominant with Julie a willing
submissive and Julie began to weaken as her nipples and
tits were now throbbing with need. She began to lean
back taking her hand from his shoulder to place on the
counter for balance but continued to stroke his face
and neck with the other.
However as she leaned against the counter Jimmy moved
forward to press his lips harder against hers and
caused her to slide ever further down until his jean
covered cock was pressed tightly against her erect
clit. Julie froze as she knew that the shock she
experienced earlier was coming and it did causing her
to quiver and shake and her legs almost gave way
causing her to press harder against his hard cock.
Julie whimpered and tried to hold herself still hoping
to gain back some strength but their lips were still
glued together with Jimmy's tongue in her mouth and she
realized that she was sucking it with passion.
Jimmy broke the kiss and as Julie opened her eyes she
saw things as though a thin cloud covered it. What she
saw was like a slow motion: Jimmy's hands left her
breasts and moved to grasp the lapels of her shirt,
moving the shirt over her shoulders and downward
freeing her breasts from any covering, his head turning
slowly towards her left breast and then moving for the
nipple, his tongue licking the nipple all over and then
his mouth engulfing the nipple and sucking it hard
against his tongue. Julie began to moan although she
did not realize it, and to speak without knowing what
she was saying.
"Oooooooohh yes yessss suck suck suck it... oooooooh...
so good good... ahhhh ooooh."
Her left hand was behind his head and she pulled him
harder against her tit as she rotated her shoulders
mashing and grinding her breast against his mouth, her
body was on fire with her need to reach a climax.
"Yes yes baby I love you suck harder, the other one
pinch the other nipple pinch it hard."
And she saw his left hand move up her right breast and
the thumb and forefinger close on her nipple and mash
it together twisting at the same time. She closed her
eyes and let her head fall back as she felt the
pressure building in her lower stomach and suddenly it
hit her like a fist to the mid section and she gushed
her secretions as the climax started.
Julie's legs hooked behind Jimmy's knees and she began
to hump and grind against him banging her clit against
his cock, her head rolled from side to side and her
hair swirled about. She began to lose all sense of
balance and things began to spin and she was getting
limp but the climax kept building.
"Cumming it so good fuck me fuck me keep fucking me
oohh oohh oh."
Jimmy had stopped sucking Julie's nipple when she
started to hump his cock through her and his clothing,
and as she began to go limp he had put one arm around
her back and the other around her shoulder and was
supporting her body as she was in the throes of climax
and he thrust his tongue in her mouth which she
passionately accepted and sucked.
Julie was near unconsciousness as her last pulsations
waned and felt like she was floating as Jimmy carried
her with her legs still wrapped around his to the couch
and lay her down. She felt him putting pillows
underneath her head and she slowly began to return to a
state of dazed consciousness, feeling her arms being
freed from the shirt and hips lifted as her shorts were
removed and a towel inserted beneath her ass.
"Relax mom, and breathe normally, keep your eyes
Julie reached to feel her face and it was hot, she slid
both hands down over her breasts and they were also hot
and felt swollen her nipples were still hard as rocks.
She sighed as she rubbed them then slid one hand down
to her cunt and found the clit still protruding and
tingling and she rubbed it also. She realized she was
naked and it felt good to be exposed and pleasuring
Jimmy was again at her side with a wash cloth and was
amazed to see her rubbing herself and her head slowly
moving from side to side. With her eyes closed Julie
didn't realize he had removed his clothes and was naked
also with his cock hard and standing straight from his
"Mom, let me do that for you, just relax and I will dry
you and rub your breasts." he said as he moved her
hands and arms above her head. Then he leaned to her
tit and kissed the nipple going from one to the other
and licking them all around kissing some more, gentle
loving kisses. Julie continued to sigh and occasionally
moan softly.
Jimmy moved to her hips and raised her leg putting it
bent at the knee against the couch back and lifting the
other slid under it and let it rest on his thigh as he
turned toward her. He began to lightly clean her cunt
slit with the warm cloth and each time he touched her
clit she would jump, twist, or lift her hips as she
continuously rolled her head.
"Is that better now."
"Yes baby that feels so good, you are so good to me I
love you so much."
"I love you also, Mom, it makes me feel good to make
you feel good like this."
Jimmy placed the cloth on the coffee table and put his
hand on Julie's cunt inserting his middle finger
slightly in the slit and his thumb on her clit
beginning a circular motion. Julie moaned louder and he
could see her neck muscles strain as her body went
rigid and he felt her clit jump and hardened even more.
He moved to his knees between her legs and positioned
himself over her and let his cock rub against her mound
as he again kissed her nipples and moved up to kiss her
lips and thrust his tongue into her mouth which she
opened willingly sucking it and making mewing sounds.
Jimmy raised up so he could rub his cock against her
clit and the smooth shaved cunt lips. Julie cried out,
"Ohhh baby so good... we must not let your father know
we play like this but it's heavenly."
"Yes Mom, it is our secret, Dad will never know we are
Julie, in her dazed state took a good twenty seconds
before his words sunk in . In a small voice she asked,
"Baby are you going to fuck me? Are you going to fuck
me now?"
"Yes Mom, I want to fuck you and I have been wanting
you a long, long time. I love you and want to make you
happy like daddy does, make you cum as you just did and
cum inside you. I going to fuck you now. "
Julie opened her eyes and raised her head, seeing his
hard cock rubbing against her clit and now knowing that
it was what was giving her so much pleasure she just
looked at it and him not knowing what to say. Finally
she spoke, "Baby you're much bigger than I remembered
from last night, oh it's so handsome and feels so
good." She moved her hand down and touched his cock
with her fingers and saw it stiffen.
Jimmy slid his index and middle fingers into Julie's
cunt bringing an oooohh from her and her eyes hazed
over as her passion began to soar, she began to rub his
cock against her clit, opening her eyes and staring at
his hand and cock as though transfixed by the sight and
Jimmy felt her cunt lubricant wetting his fingers and
running into his palm, he pulled them out and looked at
the abundance of fluid and put his finger to his mouth
and tasted it and looking at Julie saw she was staring
at his action. He moved his middle finger to her mouth
and rubbed her lips, Julie opened her mouth still
looking in his eyes and waited until he dipped it into
the puddle in his palm and slid it into her mouth
before closing it and sucking the juice off it. She was
still rubbing his cock on her clit and up and down her
cunt lips.
"Mom I want to fuck you now. I need to fuck you."
"I know, sweetheart."
Jimmy leaned forward and kissed her lips tasting again
her cunt fluid on her lips and mouth with his tongue.
"Mom, I need you to ask me to fuck you so I will know
it is alright to fuck you. I need to know that you want
me to fuck you, that you need me to fuck you, I love
you to much to take you."
"Ooohhh baby, I love you too, I want you too, I want
you to fuck me, I need for you to stick your cock in me
and fuck me until I cum and I want you to cum in me and
fill me with your cum, please baby, fuck me now,
Julie suddenly knew that she really did want him as a
lover and that she had kept it hidden from herself for
a long time.
Jimmy moved his hips forward and Julie still holding
his cock guided it to her slit and the entrance to her
cunt and it slid in easily due to all her lubricants
and previous cum, as though it had always belonged
there. The feeling to her and him was so wonderful that
they both moaned at the same time. Jimmy thrust forward
sinking his cock as far as it would reach into her and
began to move it in and out getting faster, but Julie
grasped his arms and told him, "Take it slow and easy,
sweetheart, we got time and let's enjoy just loving
each other like this until we can't take it any more."
She pulled Jimmy down to her body and he squirmed
against her tits feeling the hardness of her nipples
digging into his chest, they began to kiss, wiggle,
squirm, and push their bodies against each other,
feeling that they would never get enough of this
blissful feeling. Breaking their long tongue kissing
they both gulped for air.
"You're hot Mom, you're almost burning my cock off."
"You make me hot baby, I been hot all day and know it
was you this morning that started it. I didn't think we
would fuck today but I knew we wanted to and it would
happen and it is so good. Why didn't you throw me down
and fuck me long ago?"
"I wanted to for ages but didn't think you would go for
rough stuff. Oh Mom this is so good, I want to fuck you
again tomorrow, please."
"Yes, baby, please."
"I would like to fuck you everyday and any time that
dad is at work or we are alone."
"Yes, sweetheart."
"I want to keep you naked and hot, feel your body
against mine like we are now."
"Oh yes, I'll be your lover anytime we can, oooohhhh
stop talking like that you're making me cum."
"Me too, hurry I can't hold it much longer."
"Cum with me baby, right now yeeessss I'm cumming
With a lot of oooohhh and ahhh's Julie began to buck
and hump her hips trying to get more of his cock into
her as she reached the peak of passion and Jimmy began
to spurt his semen into her willing cunt with a lot of
grunting and groaning as he felt as if his cock head
was bursting. Slowly they began to slump and lay a time
plastered together, Jimmy occasionally kissing Julie's
cheek, neck, shoulder and licking her like sugar with
Julie kissing him also and both hands grasping his firm
muscular ass cheeks as though she was afraid his cock
would escape her still sucking cunt.
"Mom am I hurting you, you're breathing hard."
"Partially from your weight and partially from
exhaustion, sweetheart. Let's lay on our side and see
if that helps." Julie said unwilling to break their
embrace this quickly. She twisted her upper torso as he
raised up and put her back partially on the couch back
and partly on the cushion giving him half the couch
pillow, holding his ass with her hand and his legs with
her legs she moved both of their lower bodies onto
their sides and now they were lying facing each other
and their lips only inches apart.
Julie kissed Jimmy on the lips and moved her mouth
around on his, opening hers and accepting his tongue as
far as it would go, sucking it like it was a cock.
Jimmy began to massage her breast with the hand on top
with his other arm under her body and hand cupping her
ass. Julie would pull him into her by his ass and with
her legs and was experiencing a mini fuck as his cock
was smaller than before he came but still half hard.
Like lovers that hadn't seen each other for months they
kissed, rubbed, and squeezed for five minutes before
breaking the kiss and lay looking at each other with
adoring eyes.
"Mom, did you really mean it when you said we could be
lovers and have sex all the time?"
"Yes lover, I meant it. We love each as mother and son
and also now as lovers, I could never turn you down if
you wanted to have sex with me because I also want to
have sex with you. But we must be careful and not take
chances that would give us away to any one so we must
make sure that our love as mother and son is all that
any one sees. Can you do that?"
"Yes lover, I can and will. You are my mother and I
will always do what you tell me and call you Mom when
we are around other people but when we are alone I want
to kiss you, undress you, suck you, and fuck you. Can
you agree to that?"
"Yes baby, anytime you want to fuck me I will want to
fuck you. But you must not ever get jealous of your
father, he is my husband and I love him and when he
wants to fuck me I will want to fuck him also."
"I understand maybe someday we can both fuck you at the
same time, would you like that?"
"I think that would be heaven on earth. I feel your
wonderful cock growing in me and getting hard, do you
think you could fuck me again?"
Jimmy didn't answer instead he kissed Julie with
passion and began to move his hips back and forth while
his hand on her tit started squeezing and his fingers
closed on her nipple. Julie matched his movement with
her own and returned the kiss with matching passion.
Jimmy's finger found it's way to her ass crack as she
moved with him back and forth and she moaned in his
mouth when it touched her asshole. Julie tore her mouth
away from his and said in that small shaky passionate
voice. "Oh baby, you can play me like a violin, you
know what it takes to turn me into jello, fuck me, I
will never get enough of you and your wonderful cock.
Fuck me.... I am yours to do with as you wish you can
kiss me, spank me, tie me up, make me suck your cock,
any thing just fuck me like this every time we are
"Can I fuck you from behind like a dog, would you stand
in door naked for me, Mom."
"Yes baby anything anytime I will be your fuck slave,
can you cum I am almost there."
And they continued for a few seconds longer and Julie
began to moan and strain her body against Jimmy as she
came for the third time with Jimmy stiffening and
adding more hot cum to her already overflowing cunt.
This time they lay still and limp completely drained of
sexual energy.
After a time to regain their strength they got up and
using the towel Julie wiped the excess cum from Jimmy's
cock and wrapped the towel under her like a diaper and
told him to come take a shower with her. They showered
and played around with each other's body and then
dressed.. Julie told Jimmy to do his homework and she
gathered up all the messed up clothes and the drenched
towel and put them in the washing machine.
Julie checked her hair and makeup, sprayed air
freshener through out the house and set down to think
about the fast turn of events. She remembered that she
promised to be Jimmy's sex slave, that he could fuck
her anytime, and anyway he wants. And she knew he would
want her everyday, she thought, he wants to fuck me
from behind and I go crazy when Harry fucks me from the
rear, and why does he want me to stand in the door
naked. Does he want me to prove that I will do anything
as I said? And will I?
She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts and
then realized that her nipples were beginning to
tingle, oh no not again I've got to get busy and forget
about sex. She jumped up and went to check the laundry
and then checked the clock and knew she should start
the meatloaf in the oven and let it cook slow so it
would be moist. She asked Jimmy how the homework was
coming and he replied only about ten more minutes to
Julie turned the oven and put the meatloaf in, started
the beans and water for the potatoes heating and got
every thing else ready. Jimmy came in the kitchen from
putting his homework and books away and walked up to
Julie who was at the stove stirring the potatoes,
placing his arms around her and his crotch against her
ass he reached around to her breasts and began to rub,
her nipples responded immediately starting to enlarge
and protrude.
"Oooooow sweetheart, you shouldn't take advantage of me
like that, you know that I can't resist you when you
play with my breasts and ass. A big strong man like you
makes an innocent girl like me get weak in the knees
and swoon as he ravages her body."
Jimmy recognized the humor in Julie's answer and
responded in the same playful mood.
"But Princess, no man can resist the beauty of your
face or your sexy body, even a glance of your perfect
legs would drive a normal man wild and the chance to
feel your beautiful breasts would be reason enough to
start a war."
"Well I can see you will be not have many problems
charming young girls out of their clothes and offering
their bodies as tribute."
"Can I charm you out of your clothes now, Mom?"
"Sweetheart, we don't have time, Dad will be here
shortly and dinner is almost ready and pinching my
nipples won't stop time and rubbing your cock on my ass
won't keep dinner from burning."
"Then I guess we will need to wait until I get home
from school tomorrow and start again but I sure am
going to miss it."
Julie started to reply but decided that was a dangerous
commitment and she should keep some measure of control
and mystery so instead she just smiled as she turned
and kissed him on the lips. At that precise moment they
heard Harry blow the truck horn as he turned into the
"There's your father, get out of here, run to your room
and don't come out until you have lost that hard on,
"Ok, meet me at the door tomorrow in the blue shirt."
"I might as well be naked, at least topless."
"Ok that would be fine."
"Oh no you pervert I'm not falling for that, get out of
Julie had to smile at Jimmy's attempt to box her in and
how fast he could come up with solutions to make things
work his way. She checked the dinner and headed for the
door, opening it just as Harry started in the entry.
They didn't speak just put their arms around each other
and kissed, long and passionately with Julie arching
and pressing her body against Harry from knees to lips
and squirming slightly. When they broke apart Harry
said, "Now that's the way I like to be welcomed, think
I stay here awhile if you got room in your bed-lady."
"Sorry it's all filled up with a horny husband but I
will offer you a bite to eat and a shower, looks like
you could use both."
"Throw in a short beer and you got a deal."
They kissed again and Julie told Harry she would bring
the beer to the bathroom and that dinner would be on
the table in twenty minutes.
During dinner Harry told Jimmy about the changes at
work and then said he had additional information and
some was good and some bad. Give us the good first they
said. Harry was going to turn the work truck with all
the tools over to one of his crew and the company would
buy a new crew cab for him since the crews would be
bigger. This means that our car will be here for you to
use and you won't have to worry about picking me up or
a way to get home after work. And they wouldn't have
buy another car.
The bad news was that he and his crew would have to
start on the school tomorrow as they had added an
addendum to the contract to replace the entire HVAC
system with one chill water and steam system that would
provide the entire complex rather than one for each
building. The lines must be dug and laid now so the
conversion could be done during the summer when the
buildings were not in use. The school was in another
city fifty miles away and Harry said that he would not
at home for lunch of course so Julie would have to take
the car to work each morning. Also he would be late
arriving home in the evening due to the long drive.
He added that they would be paid for the travel time
and a cell phone would be provided that he could use to
call if he was going to be really late.
When dinner was over Julie told Harry and Jimmy to
watch the game and she would clean up the dishes but
both insisted that they would help, however they were
playing around and in the way most of the time. Finally
they got every thing finished and Julie started getting
breakfast lined up so it could be prepared quickly and
Harry and Jimmy piled on the couch to watch baseball.
Julie decided to call Emily and tell her that she would
go to work in the car so she would have a way home at
lunch. She explained that Harry would be working out of
town for a while and she would need to go in the car
each day.
"Oh Julie, I was looking forward to that coffee in the
morning and the chance to talk to you."
"Well Emily you can still stop for coffee it will be
here but you will think we are crazy the way we run
around getting ready. But if you can stand it come on
Ok, I will, and I promise to not think you're crazy, oh
I have a few things to do tomorrow so I am going to
leave after my first three classes and thought I would
just take the rest of day off. Why don't we meet for a
light lunch and save us both from having to make
"Sounds great as long as it's light where do you have
in mind?"
"There's a deli in that strip mall we pass just before
the school and they have great coffee and sandwiches,
not very crowded at lunch either, how about there?"
"Ok see you right there and I'll keep the coffee hot in
the morning, bye."
Julie went to the master bath and checked her makeup
and brushed her hair and returned to the living room
settling on the couch between Harry and Jimmy. They
watched the game a little but Harry and Julie also
talked about him working out of town and that it might
last a long time but Harry said that there would be
times when they wouldn't need to be there until the
builder completed additional construction.
Harry stroked Julie's arm and face as they talked and
occasionally would rub against her breast with the back
of his hand. Julie enjoyed the attention and looked
forwarded to moments like this when they could show
their love for each other in ways other than sex, but
with sex not far away. Jimmy had put his hand on
Julie's thigh when she sat down and rubbed it lightly
but she became aware that he had stopped and his hand
just lay there.
She looked and found that he had gone to sleep with his
head back on the couch.
"Jimmy's gone to sleep, he must have been tired, do we
wake him to go to bed or wait," she asked.
"I'll wake him you go turn his bed down, I want to go
to bed also but not to sleep right now, I want to check
out a certain place that got some sun today."
"Well I wonder where that might be, and what makes you
think that certain place might be open this late at
"If it's not open then I'll just have to go around back
and try the back door."
"Harry! You dirty, dirty man it's soap for your mouth."
Julie got up and headed to Jimmy's room and Harry
turned down the TV and shook him saying, son get up and
go to bed, mom's turning down your bed. Jimmy raised up
and looked around dazed and murmured good night and
headed to bed. He went to the bathroom and then into
his room, Julie was sitting on the edge of the bed. He
walked up to her and started removing his shirt, Julie
reached and unbuttoned his shorts and after he removed
the shirt she pulled them down his legs and removed
them from his feet. Julie was looking directly at his
cock which hung down and was a good size even soft,
Jimmy stood in front of her knowing what she was
looking at and waiting to see if she would touch it.
Julie wanted to touch it, she wanted to pull him
forward and take it into her mouth, she could feel her
nipples hardening. Finally she asked him if he wanted
his pj's and he said no, without taking her eyes off
his cock she pulled the covers back and told him to
slip into bed, he did not move. She looked up at him.
"Kiss it mom."
Julie looked at him and wondered if he was reading her
mind or if the lust was showing in her eyes.
"You'll have to go to bed, baby."
"I know," he said and took his cock and held it out
straight towards her lips and moved closer to her,
"kiss it."
Julie looked at the head which was only six inches from
her mouth, then at his face and back to his cock, she
slowly leaned forward and kissed the head leaving her
lips on it, fighting the desire to open her mouth and
take it in. Slowly she broke contact and looked up at
"I love you Mom, tomorrow when I get home from school
I'll kiss you down there and let you kiss my cock as
long as you want." Then he slipped into bed and Julie
rising up tucked the covers and kissed him on the lips.
"I love you also Jimmy, goodnight."
"Goodnight Mom, will you be waiting at the door?"
"Yes sweetheart I'll be there, walk slow so the bus
will leave while you still walking up the drive."
Jimmy smiled.
Julie tuned out the light as she shut the door and went
to the kitchen checking to make sure everything was
ready for breakfast and making a check of all the
doors. She continued to the master bedroom and bath
where Harry was just finishing shaving and starting to
brush his teeth. Julie went to the toilet and then got
her tooth brush to do her brushing, she finished as
Harry was heading for the bed. Julie removed her
clothes and used the wash cloth to make sure she was
clean and put a dab of cologne on her body, checked her
hair and the small amount of makeup she had on.
Entering the bedroom she partially closed the bathroom
door leaving a little light to see and went towards the
bed where Harry was sitting after turning it down.
Harry looked at her and gave a low whistle.
"Babe, you get more beautiful everyday, come over here
and let me see you up close and personal. I want to
lick and kiss every inch of that sexy body, I've been
thinking of you all day."
Julie walked over and stood between his naked legs and
saw his cock was already stiff and standing out so she
rubbed it with her knee. Harry put his hands on her
hips and pulled her closer and began to kiss her lower
stomach as he rubbed her hips and moved his hands to
her ass rubbing the cheeks. Julie felt the tightness
start in her stomach and her nipples begin to ache as
they stiffen even more, she put her hands on his
shoulders and slid them up his neck and back down. She
knew that a climax would not be far away as moisture
was beginning to coat the outer lips of her cunt.
"You look and taste good enough to eat and I intend to
do just that but first I want to see that beautiful
cunt, lay here on the bed and give me a few minutes to
just look and feel."
Julie lay down across the bed on her back and watched
as Harry kneeled on the floor and pulled her closer to
the edge. He turned on the lamp took her legs at the
knees and spread them apart pushing one knee down on
the bed as he pulled the other up which caused Julie to
shift to one hip and gave more light on her cunt which
was slowly opening.
"That is beautiful baby, I should have asked you to
shave long ago, thank you for doing this for me, is it
okay did it hurt is it sensitive?"
"It didn't hurt but it is sensitive, my shorts rub
against it more or I can feel it more. It makes me
horny and aroused and I thought of you all afternoon
and wished you here."
Julie watched in fascination as Harry slowly moved his
hand along her thigh until his thumb reached her cunt
lips and began to rub them. She immediately began to
tremble and felt the knot start in her stomach, she
sighed as he rubbed with both thumbs and could feel her
clit rise from the protective covering. Harry leaned
forward and licked her cunt from the bottom up to the
clit and licked it several times repeatedly. Julie
moaned and jerked, her body stiffened as the pleasure
was almost like a pain shooting through her.
Harry spread the cunt lips open and placed his tongue
inside and again licked deeply up to the clit and
repeated the process. Julie was shaking and raised up
placing her hand on Harry's head and along his face not
pushing or pulling just caressing.
"Oh Harry... oh oh no you better stop Harry ooooow...
Oooooooh oh please... please... it's so good... I'm
about to come. Stop Harry ooooh ooooow... it's to late
it's to late... yes yes Harry now .... Ooh yes yes
Just as Julie reached the point of highest ecstasy
Harry moved up and captured her clit in his mouth and
sucked furiously, sending her into a prolonged series
of climaxes that kept coming like waves to the beach in
an angry sea. Once again this day Julie subsided into a
almost unconscious state where she was vaguely aware of
things happening but had no will to help or hinder. She
felt wonderful and only lay waiting as she slowly came
down from her heavenly bliss.
Harry gathered up a mouth full of Julie's cum juices
and then rising straighten her on the bed and placed a
pillow under her head. He spread her legs and moved
between them placing the head of his cock at the
entrance of her cunt then slid slowly into her as she
moaned .
"Oh Harry, you're so wonderful, take me baby, your cock
feel so good in me. Fuck me slowly I can never get
enough, sweetheart."
Harry went in easily as she was dripping wet, he could
hear a squishing sound as some of her juice came easing
out as his cock hit bottom and his balls rubbed into
her ass crack. He moved her right leg up and lay on it,
rolling her slightly to him and pulling her other leg
over his hip with his hand on her ass pulled her
tightly against his cock. Julie was sighing and moaning
as she felt his cock reach deep into her cunt, hard and
hot, then he moved up which placed his pelvic bone
against her clit and she knew she would come again
shortly as the ache in her stomach begin to increase
Harry ran his arm under her body and pulled her upper
torso hard against his chest holding the lower tight
against his cock. Placing his mouth against her lips he
waited until she opened hers to accept his tongue and
then plunged his tongue coated with her cunt juices
into her mouth. Julie began to suck his tongue and
realized she was getting her own juice, she tasted it
and found it to be good and so erotic then Harry opened
his mouth and let her juices run into hers. Julie
whimpered and sucked harder as she swallowed the juice
and when it was gone she broke the kiss and began to
lick Harry's lips and face until she had cleaned and
swallowed all that was there. All this time her cunt
was squirming against his cock and she was rubbing her
breasts against his chest.
"Did you like the taste of your cum baby?" he asked.
"Would you like some more, there plenty running out of
your hot cunt."
Harry, using the hand on her ass reached down and
cupped her cunt which was sopping wet and pulling his
cock partially out let the juices run onto his fingers
and pool in his palm. Pushing back into her, more ran
into his hand, and he raised his hand to his mouth
first and dipped his tongue into the juice and leaned
to her. Julie watched in fascination as if mesmerized
and opened her mouth taking in his tongue and sucked it
clean still looking into Harry's eyes, he repeated this
action twice again. Julie taking his tongue the third
time moaned aloud and began to lick his lips. Harry
moved his mouth away and offered his still wet hand to
her lips, she moaned again and licked it clean sucking
each finger until all traces were gone.
"Fuck me Harry, fuck me hard and make me cum, I'm on
fire inside I need your cum in me."
"I'm trying to make it last baby. You make me so hot
I'm about to pop, can you cum again now?"
"Yes now, fuck me."
Harry started banging at Julie's cunt and heard her
squeal, she was meeting every thrust with thrusts of
her own. They went this way for almost two minutes and
both suddenly stiffened and poured out their cum juice
in unison. Slowly they slowed down and holding
themselves together at the hips were kissing and
caressing, finally stopping and lay holding each other.
"You're so sexy baby, I've been thinking of how you
looked standing in the door naked all afternoon. Thanks
for doing that for me."
"Harry I love you so much it scares me sometimes, I
will do any thing you want me to. I go around the house
half naked to please you and I have come to love the
feeling that I get knowing you will come home and lust
after my body. I am becoming whatever you want me to
be, the few times we get to go out and you make me walk
around other people without panties I get so wet and
excited that my heart beats like crazy. I will do any
thing you want to because I love you and want to make
you happy."
"You do make me happy sweetheart. And I am glad that it
makes you hot and wet to do those things for me, would
you stand in the door naked next time we get the
"Would you flash your tits at people in the mall
bending over without a bra?"
"Would you suck my cock while riding down the street?"
"Would you turn your ass to me to be fucked when I want
"Oh Harry yes. Any time you want. We haven't done it
like that for a long time and I love it when you fuck
my ass, I turn into jelly when you stick it in me."
"Would you let me undress you in front of Jimmy and let
him fuck you and cum in your cunt while you suck me and
then turn around and suck him while I fuck you and let
both of us fuck your ass any time we want?"
"Do you want Jimmy to fuck me, Harry? Do you want him
to be my lover as you are? To make love to me and cum
in me, I need to know if that is what you want."
"Yes baby I want you to be submissive to Jimmy as you
are to me and when ever he wants your cunt to fuck or
your mouth to suck his cock you will be there for him
naked and hot. Will you do that?"
"Oh yes yes yes, you and Jimmy are my whole world I
will do anything for both of you, my body belongs to
you and if you want Jimmy to have me as a lover I will
do it for I love him also."
"Thank you baby, for your love and willingness to
please us. I will show him your body and tell him you
are his the same as you are mine as soon as we have
time to do it slow without rushing, this weekend will
be best. When I do you must be submissive, just lay
quiet with your eyes closed and let him explore, ok?"
"Yes, but Harry what if I like it, what if I get
carried away and cum?"
"Sweetheart I expect you to like it, I expect you to
cum, in fact I think you will love Jimmy fucking you.
It would be terrible if you didn't. I want you to cum
and you will because you love Jimmy and his cock should
excite you just as mine does."
"Harry thinking of all this is making me excited. why
would I get excited just thinking of Jimmy fucking me
and you telling him that I am his sex slave, for that
is what I will be just as I am to you."
"Because you are the most sexy person I have ever seen
and want and need sex constantly, there is an aura that
surrounds you that attracts men and women. They look
and then they want to touch and then they want to fuck
you. You must be aware of the way men follow you with
their eyes even when their wives are with them. There's
something about you that says I love to fuck, you most
likely aren't aware of it but it excites you to know,
want or expect to get fucked."
"I get hot when people stare at me, I know they want my
body, sometimes I see men looking at my legs or ass and
they have a hard on, it excites me but I never
encourage them or let them know that I noticed. I
belong to you, I would never flirt intending to be
unfaithful but I do flirt sometimes when I feel it is
safe and harmless. Is that okay with you?"
"Yes you can flirt, it makes me feel good to know other
men desire you and women also I would like to see you
naked with another women especially. If one comes on to
you I would like for you to encourage her and see how
far it goes and I would want to see her caressing your
body and sucking your cunt. Also it is okay to show men
your legs and glimpses down your top even if I am not
around, are you okay with all this?"
"Yes Harry as long as that is what you want but if you
ever decide that you are unhappy with it just tell me
and I will stop it immediately."
"Lets turn out the light and go to sleep sweetheart,
it's late and we have to get up early."
Julie wasn't sure that she would be able to go to sleep
as she had a lot to think about. First was the things
she had promised Jimmy and how they could keep it
secret if she was to be his lover and fuck slave as she
had promised. Next she was excited and stunned by
Harry's revelation that he wanted Jimmy to fuck her and
soon also the thing of flirting with men and
encouraging women was entirely unexpected and had
stirred her sexually. She knew that Harry liked to show
her off in public but it never went very far but could
be things were changing.
Julie got up and went to the bathroom to clean up,
grabbing a cloth she wet it and scrubbed her face
thinking my mouth is all sticky then washing her cunt
as she sat on the toilet letting the sperm run from her
and then finishing at the vanity. Harry came in and
used the toilet and when he came out she used the cloth
to wash his face and then slowly washed his cock as he
stood with a smile on his face. She told him that she
needed to use mouth wash as she had a funny taste in
her mouth and did he need some, he said no he wanted to
keep that taste for ever. Yuk she said.
Harry went to bed and Julie was not far behind.
Chapter Four
Julie awakened and rose up to see how much longer she
could sleep before the alarm went off, she jumped with
a start as she saw it was fifteen minutes pass time
when the alarm should have sounded, she realized they
had forgot to turn it on last night.
She shook Harry and told him they were fifteen minutes
late and explained why, jumped out of bed and hurried
to the kitchen, turned on the coffee, turned on the
stove top where the pan was and put four sausage
patties in it. She got the toast ready but did not
start it yet, broke four eggs in a bowl and scrambled
them with salt and pepper.
She realized she was naked and ran for the bedroom
looking for her short robe, finally discovered it was
under the covers and pushed all the way to the foot.
She thought the bed looked as if a war had taken place
in it and started to straighten the covers, seeing a
large stain in the middle she groaned as memories came
flooding back from the night before.
"I really promised all those things, I can't believe
it, every time I get a hot cock and cum I can't say no
to anything. Harry and Jimmy made me promise to do
those things, well they didn't actually make me, and I
know I'll do them because they asked me, really Julie
you know you will do them because you really want to."
she muttered to herself as she rushed back to the
"Now I'm talking to myself and answering also, time to
lock me up to protect the public good."
Breakfast went off without a hitch although somewhat
hurried, Julie started stacking the dishes and Harry
was washing with Jimmy drying and putting away. She
kissed both of them and thanked them even though they
did it every morning and headed for the shower.
As she was drying off and sitting down to blow dry her
hair Harry came in, kissed her, and rubbed her tits
saying he was off to work. She told him to remind Jimmy
to review his home work and to get out of here before
you get into trouble, at which he smiled and left.
Julie dried her hair, combed, and styled it, then did
her make up. She chose a demi-bra and put it on and
opened her panty drawer looking for a pair and decided
to wear a light blue thong.
Jimmy came to the door and said that Mrs. Johnson was
driving up the driveway and he thought that they were
going to go in their car. She said we are, she just
stopped by for coffee.
"Mom, I finished reviewing my homework can I sit in the
car and listen to the radio?"
"Yes dear, get the keys from my bag and take all your
stuff so we don't forget anything and let Mrs. Johnson
in please."
Julie put her short robe on and went to the kitchen to
get Emily a cup and was pouring it as she came in the
kitchen. They exchanged good mornings and Julie told
Emily that she should help herself that she needed to
finish getting ready. She went to the bedroom and chose
a skirt and blouse to wear, lay them on the bed and
went to the vanity for lotion to put on her legs.
Emily appeared at the door and asked if it was okay to
come in.
"Sure but there no place to sit."
"No problem, I love your bathroom it's so big compared
to mine. That lotion makes your legs look fabulous, the
men will go crazy today."
"Thanks, the oil soaks in your skin and makes them look
shiny and it lasts until lunch. That's a nice outfit
you have on I don't think I've seen it before, is it
"Well I've had it a couple of months but I haven't wore
it to school before."
"The skirt is just the right length to make your legs
look great and it accents your hips and waist but still
looks professional. You have a talent for choosing
clothes that always add to your natural beauty."
"Can you see my head swelling, keep on I love
compliments that's one reason I like to be with you.
You are always cheerful, kind, and build people up."
Julie had finished the lotion and replaced it under the
counter, as she bent over she felt the robe shift and
knew her ass was in view, as she rose up she leaned
towards the mirror to inspect her lipstick and the robe
stayed up. She glanced in the mirror at Emily and saw
her eyes were looking straight at her exposed rear and
the thong, remembering Harry's instructions she decided
to see if this would go a little farther.
Turning to Emily she saw her face was flushed and said,
"This bra is tighter than I remember, either I am
getting fat or its drawing up."
"Baby there's not a ounce of fat on you, your body is
just perfect, maybe the straps are to tight."
"Well, it's in the last notch but maybe if I loosen the
shoulder straps that would feel better."
Julie loosen the belt holding the robe and slid it off
her shoulders, looking at the straps by glancing in the
mirror she said, "Oh they're in the back could you give
me a hand and loosen them just a bit?"
"Sure, no problem."
Julie turned to face the mirror and let the robe slide
down to her waist as Emily approached setting her
coffee cup on the counter and reached for the straps.
Emily pulled the strap up and held it as she began to
slide the adjusting buckle to lengthen the strap which
lifted the bra cup in front causing Julie's breast to
lift and budge above the top as it only covered half of
the breast. Julie watching in the mirror saw Emily's
eye were fixed on the mirror image of her breasts.
Emily moved to the other strap and repeated the
procedure taking her time adjusting.
Julie thought to herself that this was unbelievable but
that Emily appeared to be turned on and fascinated by
her breasts and touching her. Also Julie felt
excitement rising causing her to breathe deeper making
her breasts rise and fall. She thought maybe I should
stop this now, but she was reminded of Harry's words
and her promises and decided to let it continue for a
Emily finished adjusting but not looking at anything
other than Julie's breast so Julie let her hand move
down and pull the robe apart below the counter to the
side of her hips and waited.
"Turn around," Emily said with a strained sound in her
Julie turned keeping her eyes on Emily's face placed
her hands on the counter behind her. Emily moved a step
closer and took one strap in the fingers of both hands
and smoothed it across Julie's shoulder then down to
the bra cup causing the back of her fingers to brush
the top of Julie's breast. She did this twice and then
moved to the other strap and did it the same also.
Finally stepping back she said, "Does that feel
better?" Her eyes widen as she saw Julie standing with
her hands on the counter behind her the robe now down
to her hands and gaped open in front with only the belt
across Julie's flat stomach and her thong in full view.
"I think so, if we loosen it any more it will be
flashing my nipples at you."
Emily laughed and the tension was broken. She looked at
Julie and said, "You look absolutely ravishing in that
half bra and the thong, do you always wear them?"
"Oh no, only when I wear a skirt that would show a
panty line, the thong doesn't show and makes the men
guess, is she or isn't she. I'd better get dressed or
we'll be late."
Julie went to the closet and got her strap heels and
went to the bedroom and sat down on the bed to put them
"Do you want some more coffee, Emily?"
"No, it is delicious but I don't need too much before
facing that first class."
Julie dressed quickly putting the blouse on first and
then the skirt.
"I'm ready believe it or not, do I look okay?"
Emily stepped up to her and pretended to check the
clothes but was looking mostly at Julie's face, walked
behind her and brushed at an imaginary speck on her
butt and announced, "Magnificence even better perhaps."
"Then it's off to work we go, hi ho."
Julie cut off the coffee pot, checked the back door and
they headed to the front, reaching the door Julie
paused, looked at Emily and suddenly hugged her.
"I'm glad you came by this morning it made me feel like
a teen again, you know, having a best friend to talk
to, share things, and giggle together."
Emily hugged her back, Julie's arms were around Emily's
shoulders whose arms were at Julie's mid section one
hand in the small of her back and the other on the
upper swell of her ass. They both looked at each other
smiling and then Julie moved her arm and hand down to
Emily's ass and gave it a few circular rubs. Emily just
looked into her eyes and softly let out a whisper of a
moan. Then Julie released her and stepped back opening
the door and said see you at lunch. Emily nodded and
went to her car very slow and unsteady.
On the way to school Jimmy asked his mother what took
them so long to get ready, Julie told him that they
were talking about clothes and stuff. They rode in
silence for a time and then Jimmy reached over and
rubbed Julie's knee and asked if she remembered her
promise, Julie answering yes baby I won't forget.
Arriving at school just before the bell rang for class,
they hurried on their separate ways. Julie entered the
office and spoke to all the other ladies as she went to
her little enclosure in the back corner and put her
handbag away and turned on the computer. She went to
the coffee area and got the last cup and made another
pot returning to her desk. As she started to set down
she looked straight ahead and saw that the blind in the
glass of the principal's office was open and she could
see Mr. Hale standing looking in her direction. Seeing
her look up he quickly looked away.
Well, she mused, so the plot thickens, those blinds
have never been open before, I think I'll keep an eye
on this. She wondered if any of the other girls had
noticed and what significance they would place on it.
Not very cool Mr. Hale. She went to the outer officer
and collected the grade assessments that were already
in the basket and returned to her desk and began to
enter into the computer. She worked about an hour
occasionally glancing with her eyes only at the open
blind and a few times saw the principal standing where
he could see into her area. She was careful not to
separate her knees knowing that she would get an
opportunity to blow his mind later. Let him stew a
little she thought with a smile.
She continued the data entry and realized that she was
almost finished with the daily reports from each
teacher and was ahead of the usual necessary time to
complete. Great she thought, I can take a break and
saved her data then went to the coffee pot. While she
was stirring cream and sugar in the coffee Mr. Hale
came out of his office and came to the coffee pot with
cup in hand.
"Good morning Julie, how are you today?"
"Good morning Mr. Hale, I'm fine how about you?"
"Okay, except I need a cup of coffee and your help, do
you have a minute?"
"Let's go to your office and discuss it."
Puzzled Julie waited until he had poured his coffee and
then as he started walking she went by his side to her
office. Reaching it he waved her behind the desk and
said sit down and pulled the extra chair around to the
end of the desk and sat looking directly at her. Julie
had put her hands on her skirt as she was sitting and
smoothed the bottom of the skirt and pulled it slightly
up exposing a extra two inches of her legs above her
knees. Mr. Hale's eyes automatically went to her legs
when he sat down and up to her breasts before making it
to her eyes, he took a deep breath.
"Julie, Mrs. Coan, Al's mother called me just now
concerned that Al's grades seem to be dropping and she
and Al's father are coming at 10:15 to discuss this and
I need some data to look at to see if there a plausible
explanation. Can you run a report on just Al and see if
there is something that points to an area that we could
concentrate on and/or comments by teachers. You know
more about our data programs than I do, tell me what
you can do."
Julie could see that Mr. Hale was agitated and nervous
with a problem blind siding him and sought to provide
him some comfort.
"Yes, Mr. Hale, I think we can put together a report
that might tell us if there is a problem, I think we
should look at the entire picture and then perhaps each
individual subject and see what is revealed. I will do
that as quickly as possible."
"Great Julie, I knew you could help, when you get it
come to the office and we'll review it together if time
gets short and they arrive before you finish I will
delay as long as I can and you burst in when ready,
"Shouldn't be a problem unless the computer main server
get bogged up."
The principal rose from the chair and left for his
office, and Julie started finishing her data entry as
swiftly as possible. In fifteen minutes she was though
and after saving her work she clicked on the reports
menu and entered the proper report type and then
entered Al Coan. After the record came up she leaned
forward and studied the data but could not see any
trends so she quickly added a column and entered the
formula to compute averages by month. When it finished
she could see a slow downward trend, she printed two
copies and then she compiled the data by subject and to
compute averages and sent to printer.
As the printer clopped away at the pages of data Julie
glanced without moving her head out the door and saw
the principal standing at the window where the blind
was pulled up looking directly at her. Why not she
thought, she slowly raised up from the desk leaned over
to get some papers from a basket on the end and placed
them on the desk. Still leaning she placed her hands on
the desk wide apart and studied the papers which made
her breasts budge against the blouse and show
additional cleavage. She stayed in that position for
about a minute and then straighten up looking directly
at the window, he was still there so she smiled and
waved and he smiled and waved also. Turning to give him
a side view she took a deep breath and looked at the
printer as she held the air in, turning back she
flashed Mr. Hale her hand with five fingers wide three
times and mouthed to him fifteen minutes. He smiled and
mouthed the word great.
Julie sat back down and slide forward in the chair
causing her skirt to ride up her legs and let them
spread apart a little. She went to the chart menu and
keyed the average data for a line graph on total
subjects and individual and looked as those as they
appeared then sent them to the printer.
Finishing she looked down at her skirt and thought well
that is a little more showing than I realized and
looked up at the window. To her surprise the principal
was at the coffee pot trying hard not to be seen
staring at her office. Julie put her hand down on her
skirt and pulled it turning the hem back to inspect it
for loose threads and looked directly down so he could
have a good look and held that for a while then
smoothed her skirt back to her legs.
Julie felt her heart beating rapidly, wow I'm getting
excited she thought and realized she enjoyed this small
bit of exhibition even though it was on her own but
just as exciting as when Harry made her wear revealing
clothes in public. She checked the printer and saw it
was printing the graphs and would be finished soon so
she gathered the reports and begin to sort them in two
piles in the order that would best show the results.
She checked her watch and saw that there was plenty of
time, she sat back down and kept her knees together in
a ladylike manner then slid forward in the chair to
reach the keyboard as if she was going to type but just
to look busy really. Looking down she checked her skirt
as she knew it didn't slide with her body and saw she
was exposing about half of her upper thighs. Glancing
to see if Mr. Hale was still watching she saw he was
and no longer was trying to pretend that he wasn't in
fact he appeared to be in a trance. Julie spoke to her
inner self, oh you are a bad girl, Harry will have to
spank you tonight, no that is fun not punishment, I
want to open my knees and give him a look at my thong
but better not, got to save something to use in case
the raise is slow in coming.
The last graph fell into the printer tray and Julie got
up managing to keep her thong a secret and finished
sorting the report. When finished she started towards
the outer office and Mr. Hale met her half way, she
smiled and told him it was ready.
"Great, let's go to the conference room and lay it out
and you bring me up to date, that's where I will meet
with them."
They proceeded to the conference room and Julie put one
copy in front of the principal and the other in front
of her as they stood at the table.
"The first page is a record by week of all subjects and
the grading by teachers averaged. The second is a line
graph of those averages showing a slight downward trend
but not any thing to be concerned about." She paused to
allow him to look at those then continued. "Next five
pages are individual subjects with graphs of each,
math, science, and English all show a steady and
constant average indicating no problem. Computer
science shows a steady start increasing to a higher
average for the last two months but history shows a
steady start but falling slowly after mid year and
rapidly for the last two months, enough to bring the
combined averages down only slightly when CS is
factored in. So history is where the bad grades are and
that is where you need put your attention."
It was silent for a while as the principal pondered
this information and looked at the sheets. He said,
"Let's look at the history report."
As Julie removed all the others sheets and laid the
report and graph side by side in front of them, he
moved closed and put his hand on her back and leaned
forward placing his finger on the graph and following
the line across the page and then the same with the
"Hummm, plain as day, but not a failing grade, hummm,
but if you intend for your child to go to Harvard even
a B minus could sink the whole ship, normally nothing
to worry about but in this case I can understand the
concern of the parents and guess we need to offer some
Julie waited for him to continue when he didn't she
turned her head and looked at him, he looked at her.
"What would you suggest, Julie?"
"I would discuss it with Mr. Simmons and see if he had
an observation, he mentioned in his report that Al
appeared to be preoccupied perhaps he might have a idea
"Excellent suggestion should have thought of that
myself, I will do that immediately."
Mr. Hale slid his hand down from her back to her waist
and asked her to put the reports in folders and place
them on his desk and he would pick them up after
returning from Mr. Simmons room. The he began to tell
Julie that her work on this was excellent and he really
had high regard of her and her proficiencies. As he
spoke his hand slid down to rest on her ass, Julie
gathering up the papers and keeping them sorted, looked
at the open doorway to see if anyone was in the hallway
and wondered what she should do.
"And I shall not forget that you quickly came to my aid
and provided a solution and did so calmly and without
Julie again turned her head and looked at him, and
said, "Thank you Mr. Hale, I enjoy working with you and
the staff here. I am always ready to do anything within
my ability to help this school run smoothly and
accomplish the task of educating the students." She
paused and with a smile said, "Mr. Hale, we really
shouldn't be doing this. Someone might get the wrong
He quickly removed his hand, "I apologize Julie I
forgot for a moment where we are, I must confess to you
that I am drawn to you and am pleased that you are so
understanding and forgiving. I constantly must guard
against following my desire to be near you and touch
you and the few times that you have touched my hand or
arm floods me with teenage like feelings. This was a
lapse, again I apologize and hope you are not
Julie smiled brightly showing her boss that she was not
offended and said, "Why Mr. Hale, to borrow a teenage
expression I do believe you are coming on to me. I am
flattered that a man of your statue would find me
attractive and it is exciting to be flirted with again,
but we can't allow people to suspect that we are
anything other than employer and employee, don't you
"Yes, most certainly, Julie. Perhaps we will get an
opportunity to explore our relationship under more
favorable circumstances at a later time."
"You know I can't answer that, besides you need to run
or your meeting will be here before you are ready."
"Of course, right again."
Julie took the report and went back to the office area,
as she went behind the divider Mr. Hale's secretary
Mrs. Lucas rose from her desk and said, "Did you help
him with the complaint, is everything alright, your
face is flushed."
"Yes everything is fine, we have good data, Mr. Hale
has gone to gather insight from Mr. Simmons, he wants
the reports in two folders on his desk, and then I've
to run to the powder room, been needing to go for
thirty minutes, that why my face is flushed."
"You poor dear, men are so inconsiderate, give them to
me and I will put them in folders and on his desk. You
run to the teachers lounge and while you are there take
a break you deserve it!"
Julie did as she was instructed, the lounge was
deserted so she got a coke from the vending machine and
sat down to enjoy it. She wondered if she had made the
right decision in the conference room as that had left
the door slightly open for future advances by the
principal. But it was to late now, she would have to
deal with that if it happened. Every body seems to
think I am a push over, she thought, just touch my ass
and I'll fall on my back and spread my legs, then she
smiled as she remembered Harry and Jimmy and had to
admit that maybe she was. Haven't had a lot of
experience maybe there's a slut inside me just
screaming to get out and I've been feeding it Harry's
cock to keep it quiet.
As she sat pondering all this Emily walked in and
seeing her came straight over, "I'm glad you are here,
I was going to come by your office and make sure we
were still on for lunch before I left."
"Sure, looking forward to it, was sitting here thinking
how good a cheese, ham, turkey, chicken, and beef
sandwich was going to be."
"Wow, you must be hungry, can you stay a minute, I've
got to hit the bathroom before I burst?"
Emily ran to the bathroom and as Julie waited several
other teachers came in and spoke to her and all piled
in the bathroom. Emily emerged and grabbed a cup of
coffee returning to sit by Julie and whispered to her
that she had a story to tell her but it would have to
wait until lunch since they might be over heard. Julie
said okay, is it a funny story or sad one? Emily said
wild and rolled her eyes. Julie told her that she
should get back to work and she would meet her at a
little after noon.
When Julie arrived at the central office Mrs. Lucas
asked her did she feel better, and could she do a memo
for her about the in service day on Friday to all
teachers reminding them and stating attendance was
mandatory. Julie said of course and realized she had
forgotten that there wasn't school that day and thought
maybe she could catch up on her housework and replenish
the food shelves. She finished backing up the computer
and then did the memo and took it to Mrs. Lucas for
approval and started the printer on making copies.
Mr. Hale came out of the meeting and gave her and all
the ladies a big smile and a thumbs up. Julie finished
the copies and put them in the teachers' information
slots and then helped everyone with filing until lunch.
She clocked out and went to her car heading for lunch
at the deli to meet Emily.
Emily was already there waiting outside and they went
in and chose sandwiches and some chips then found a
table away from entrance tucked in a corner almost
hidden by a divider with plants in it. The table was
small and the fixed seats were close, when they sat
down their knees were jammed together and they had to
twist so their left knees were rubbing and overlapped
by about four inches.
As they ate they made small talk and then Julie asked
about the wild story Emily had mentioned. Emily became
animated as she talked.
"You won't believe this, during P.E. this morning the
cheerleaders had a short argument and got upset and all
were either crying or mad"
"What happened."
As Emily began the story she got excited leaning
forward and placed her hand on Julie's knee under the
"It seems one of the boys on the football team who goes
steady with one of the cheerleaders had called another
cheerleader and asked her for a date, can you believe
Emily was patting Julie's knee for emphasis and resting
her hand on it with an occasional rub.
"Well the cheerleader he asked said no that he was
going steady with her friend, he said they had broken
up and they both were free to date but she said she was
busy. Well she asked another cheerleader if she knew
that they had broken up and she said no, that he had
called her also with the same story. This sounds like a
soap opera, doesn't it?"
Emily took a couple of bites of the sandwich and a
swallow of coke, Julie waited as the two were eating
and looking at each other intently.
"I don't want you to starve but if you don't tell the
rest I'm going to strangle you."
Emily laughed and leaned forward and Julie leaned
closer also and felt Emily's hand slide to the inside
of her leg and forward pulling her leg tight against
"The two discussed this and decided to check with the
first cheerleader and just asked her if they were still
steadies. Of course she said yes and wanted to know why
they asked, they tried to make it sound like just
casual inquiring but she insisted that they come clean
so they told her and she got mad, called them a liar,
trying to cause problems between them. When they backed
each other up she lost it slapped one girl then
starting crying and hugged her saying she was sorry
soon all three were crying and then the whole squad
learned what was happening and they are all crying and
Emily paused as a diner walked close looking for a seat
and continued as he moved away and they both leaned
across the table and slid forward in the seat to talk
lower, Emily's hand slid a little farther up Julie's
"The cheer coach comes in and finds the squad an
emotional mess when she learns the story she tries to
comfort them and she is crying too. Last I heard before
I left they were all huddled in the gym trying to get
everyone calm enough to get back in class. I told you
it was a wild story."
"I can't believe a guy would be that stupid he must
have known that he would get caught, you know
cheerleaders are a like a clan of bears they may bicker
among themselves but someone else say something about
one and they all jump on them like hornets." Julie
Julie looked at another customer approaching and
straighten up, Emily snatched her hand from under
Julie's dress where it had wandered and looked down at
her plate. The diner passed by looking for a seat and
Julie took a bite of her sandwich and looked at Emily
and saw she looked strange bent over hiding her face
from Julie.
"Emily are you okay?"
Emily looked up with her lips quivering and eyes
brimming with tears.
"Oh Julie, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize what I was
doing, you're my best friend and I messed it up, I
always mess up please forgive me, please. I will die if
I lose your friendship, you're the only friend I have
and I love you and now you will hate me."
Julie was stunned and just stared at her seeing a tear
starting to roll down her cheek. She thought, what
"Emily what are you talking about, why would I hate
"I always get to close to people, I always want to
touch them and I forget that they don't want me
touching them, smothering them with affection but I do
it every time I've just about ruined my marriage, and
now I have done it to you, my best friend, my only
"Emily, you haven't done any thing wrong, you haven't
messed any thing up, I'm still your friend now just as
I was five minutes ago. I don't understand, are you
talking about your hand on my leg is that what you
think you messed up on?"
Emily nodded her head as another tear slid down the
other cheek, "I'm sorry."
"But Emily there's nothing wrong with that, putting
your hand on my leg only told me that you liked me and
that's a good feeling. I didn't feel violated, I liked
it, I liked it this morning when you helped me with my
bra. Your hand on my shoulders and back felt good
because you are my friend and it's like having a sister
that you can be yourself around. When I realized that
my robe had fallen opened I didn't feel ashamed or
embarrassed that you looked at my bra and thong because
you weren't critical and turn away, you complimented me
and that made me feel good."
Julie paused and watched to see if Emily was getting
control of her emotions and then she decided to take a
chance and hoped it would work.
"Give me your hand, no under the table, go on, now put
it on my knee."
"Julie I don't want people thinking we are lesbians and
ruin your reputation."
"Emily, our friendship is much more important than what
a bunch of strangers think, isn't it?"
"Yes much more."
"Then put your hand on my knee."
Julie put her left hand under the table and placed it
on Emily's left knee on the inside and pulled her leg
tight against her own. She heard Emily let out a soft
sigh and moments later felt Emily's hand on her knee
and it slowly moved to the inside and slide up her
thigh .
"I like to feel your hand on my leg, it makes me feel
good, do you like my hand on your leg does it feel
"Yes oh yes."
"See there's nothing wrong, there's nothing messed up
is there?"
"Okay leave it there and let's eat our sandwich."
"I can't eat anymore my heart is pounding and I feel
funny my stomach is aching."
"I don't understand, tell me what's wrong. Do you want
to move your hand?"
"No, I... I'm not a lesbian, I... I'mm... I'm just...
just horny."
Julie looked at Emily and saw a woman struggling to
keep her problems inside but needing to let them out at
the same time. She decided to try and bring in a
brighter note to the situation.
"Yeah these aren't the best sandwiches I ever ate so
what say we get out of here and go to my house and I'll
make you a good strong cup of coffee and you can try on
a black thong and see what you think, it might make you
talk a little higher but I think you will like it."
Emily giggled and said, "Sounds good to me and we can
get you out of that bra so you can relax."
Julie said in return, "Like we used to say at pajama
parties, I will if you will."
"You got a deal."
Chapter Five
Arriving home Julie is exiting the car as Emily as
stopping behind her, she waits until Emily is getting
out and tells her to hurry in as she is going to start
the coffee and rush to the bathroom. She is already
filling the pot with water and coffee grounds when
Emily comes into the kitchen area. Telling Emily to use
the master bath if she needs to that she will be there
in a minute and finishes the coffee and turns the pot
on. Entering the bathroom just as Emily is adjusting
her clothes she says, next, and goes in.
As she finishes and comes out Emily is waiting at the
vanity checking her make up.
"Emily, you can't improve excellence, make up will only
hide your beauty, you always look so clean and fresh."
"Oh keep it up, make my head swell even though I know
you are lying, I love it."
"Coffee should be ready in a minute, we can sit and
relax while we wait, let's go to the living room."
"Great but first we need to get you out of that bra so
you can breath, I'll help you."
Emily stepped to Julie and reached to her blouse and
started unbuttoning it down the front, pulling it from
the skirt she slid it off Julie's shoulders and before
Julie had time to even think about it she stood before
Emily in her half bra for the second time that day.
Emily looked into Julie's eyes and told her to turn
around, Julie slowly turned watching Emily in the
mirror and saw her hands reaching for the catch on the
back of the bra, her hands trembled slightly but the
hooks came apart easily and the bra straps slid off her
shoulders and Emily removed it placing it on the
counter with the blouse.
Julie watched the mirror reflection as Emily began to
rub her shoulders where the straps had left marks.
"Oh, that feels so good, I hope you don't charge much
an hour I need about an hour of that."
Emily continued to rub her shoulders, back, and ribs
where the bra straps and band had been, and then she
also looked in the mirror at Julie as she watched.
Stopping rubbing she said in a low husky whisper, "Turn
around." Julie hesitated and then slowly turned to face
Emily whose eyes were riveted on her breasts.
"My god, they're beautiful," she whispered as if
talking to herself, then she looked directly into
Julie's eyes, "I've got to touch them."
Julie wasn't sure if Emily was waiting for her to give
permission or just making a statement and she didn't
know if she should or not, so she decided to let Emily
make the choice and she closed her eyes and just
waited. Emily watched Julie's face and then reached
with one hand for a breast and put the other on her
waist just above the hip. As her hand closed on the
breast cupping it with her thumb near the nipple she
heard Julie expel her breath in a long sigh and
realized she had been holding her breath at the same
time realizing she was also holding hers.
Emily began to lightly squeeze Julie's breast and rub
at the same time and saw the nipple begin to stiffen
and enlarge. She took her thumb and forefinger and
grasped the nipple rolling it and squeezing, Julie
moaned, she whispering also, said, "Oh yes that feels
so good Emily."
Emily brought her other hand from Julie's waist to her
unoccupied breast and began to rub, squeeze, and excite
the nipple with her fingers as Julie moaned and began
to twist her torso against her hands. Finally Julie
straightened and put her hands on Emily's hand to stop
"You're making me horny also Emily. But you promised to
remove your blouse and bra, remember? Put your hands at
your side, I'm going to strip you naked and torture you
like your doing me. And you have to stand there and
take it like a slave, a sex slave. Don't say anything,
don't touch me, you have to ask permission to move,
Emily was in shock, no one had ever treated her like
this, but also she was excited and wanted to see how it
felt to be dominated. Also she wanted Julie to strip
her and play with her body, oh she wanted that badly.
She nodded her head with shining eyes and dropped her
hands to her side.
Julie began to unbutton Emily's blouse which had
buttons down the back requiring her to reach around
Emily with both hands making her nipples touch the
front of Emily's blouse exciting both of them. She
pulled the blouse open and undid the clasp of Emily's
bra and then pulled both of them off her shoulders and
out of the skirt placing them on the vanity. She began
to unbutton the skirt waist and unzipped the zipper on
the side placing her fingers in the skirt she slid
skirt, slip, and panties down to Emily's lower stomach
and stopped just as the hair of her cunt began to show.
"Emily, I think some of your problem is due to you
feeling that you have to meet everything over half way,
do more than your share, give more than you receive and
never just wait and let someone give to you. For
example, imagine you giving someone a gift because you
want to please them and seeing them happy makes you
happy, but they always give you a bigger gift and more
gifts than you give them. Soon you stop giving because
they destroyed the happiness of you seeing them happy,
and they always top your gift so that you feel your
efforts are inadequate. You begin to wish that you were
not around them a lot anymore and try to ignore them
whenever you can. Are you listening? Do you
"I'm not sure, I think I do."
"Ok another example, when you are explaining to
students how a math procedure, like equations, works
and you see them grasp the concept and discover how to
apply it, you get a rush like taking a drug as they go
from confusion to joy of solving problems and enjoy
working equations, right?"
"Then think how you would feel if they couldn't enjoy
your gift of learning for wanting to give you a bigger
and better gift, soon you would tire of trying and get
frustrated and want to just quit teaching. Don't you
think that could happen?"
"Yes, that happens with a few students every year and I
feel like I failed them somewhere."
"Then try to understand how a man feels when he wants
to give his love to a woman though sex and she tries to
match him and give back more than he gives until he
feels that she is unsatisfied and he is inadequate in
giving what she needs. He begins to feel less masculine
and would rather not have sex than be reminded, at
least in his mind, that he can't satisfy the person he
loves the most."
"You're telling me that I'm driving my husband away
because I try to love him to much?"
"Almost right Emily, it's hard to understand because
all men are different as are women. But all men have
one thing in common just as women do, to women sex is
an emotional thing, it's a sharing of love, expressing
your deep feelings, and giving of yourself to another.
To a man sex is a mental thing and a visual stimulate
can get him in the mood but if he isn't stimulated he
doesn't, no can't is a better word, have sex. Women can
anytime although it may not be enjoyable but not men.
And the biggest thing that will destroy his mental
capacity is when his masculinity is threatened or
humiliated, take away his masculinity and you no longer
have a man just a wimp."
"I understand that but Julie what should I do to change
"Well, I'm not an expert that's for sure but I will
give you a suggestion that you can try if you wish and
see if it helps. But first get out of those clothes and
come in the bedroom, we're still got to try the thong
on you."
Julie walked into the bedroom, Emily waited a few
seconds then slid her clothes to her ankles and stepped
out of them, picking them up she entered the bedroom
and put all her clothing on the bed. Julie was
straightening up from the dresser, where she had been
looking in a drawer, with a pink thong in her hand.
"This one is new and will look nice with your skin
tone, try it on."
Emily reached for the thong and hastened to put it on,
pulling it up but not sure how high the sides should
go, looked at Julie.
"It's french cut and the sides straps should be pulled
over your hips, come to the dresser mirror."
Emily stepped to the mirror and looked at her almost
nude reflection and gasped. "Oh heavens, Julie you can
see right thru it."
"Yeah, wow you look hot that way, don't you think that
is a great improvement over those granny panties? All
you need to do is trim some hair and shave your bikini
line a little further and all the hair around your lips
and you will be ready for listing as world's most
"Shave my lips?"
"Don't play innocent with me, those lips between your
Emily giggled, "Do you shave yours?"
"Of course, come on our coffee is getting old in
"But Julie, I'm almost naked and this thong doesn't
hide anything."
"There's no one here but you and I and I like looking
at you, and the way your eyes are shining I think you
like the way you look also. Here I'll take off my skirt
and we'll both be almost naked."
Slipping out of her skirt Julie took Emily's hand and
pulled her towards the door and to the kitchen. They
got coffee and went to the living area, settling on the
couch. They sipped at the coffee and looked at each
other, Julie smiling, Emily giggling.
"Are you okay, Emily?"
"Yes, I'm just slightly embarrassed."
"Me too. I'm going to try to give you an answer but be
patient if I jumbled it up, ok?"
Emily nodded and Julie took her coffee cup along with
Emily's and put them on the end table, she moved closer
until her hip was against Emily's then made her turn
her upper body slightly and lean against the couch. She
took her finger and closed Emily's eyes.
"Now listen intently and remember what we just talked
about. Guys seem to be born with and are encouraged by
their parents and society to develop a role as master
of everything in life, but strongly in home life. They
are expected and expect to be the major provider for
the family and all the things that go along with that.
In the sex side of things, from a young age they become
aware of what people call penis envy and grow up
thinking that all girls want a penis. They are proud of
theirs and believe if they can just show it or get a
girl to touch it she will be enslaved and do any thing
just to see or touch it again."
As she spoke Julie slowly put her hand on Emily's
stomach and rubbed upward to the bottom of her breasts
and back down to the thong top.
"Relax, let the tension out. This penis envy thing
might be partially true, I know I sure like them, they
can bring a lot of pleasure to you. I see you smiling
so you agree. Anyway while all men are different the
majority of them feel that they are required to be
masculine in sex and that the woman is weak and
vulnerable. If they find a woman that is aggressive,
and takes the lead in sex they are at first overjoyed
but quickly become uneasy and feel that their
masculinity is being taken from them."
Julie's hand had worked itself unto Emily's breast and
she was massaging it softly and rubbing the nipple with
her thumb and she was amazed at how hard it was.
"If that appears to be the case in your life then
perhaps you need to introduce a little more
submissiveness into your relationship. Men don't
normally read romantic novels but they think that way
in that the hero is always strong, not given to a lot
of chatter, and always takes what he desires or walks
away from it. The woman is always overcome with her
desire to be loved and belong to a strong man and she
swoons whenever he removes his shirt and presses his
hard muscular chest against her heaving bosom. Sounds
corny but in real life that is what each desires. Sure,
in daily living when working, playing, cleaning, buying
groceries, and mundane life they may be equals and
enjoy being together as partners but when it's comes to
sex they fall into the expectant romantic novel roles.
Or else there will be problems."
"Julie, your making me feel so good, I understand what
your talking about but how and what should I do to be
more submissive?"
"If your husband, Kurt, was massaging your breast and
nipple as I am now what would you be doing?"
"I would be undressing him, kissing him, rubbing his,
his err, penis."
"Why aren't you doing that now?"
"Because you told me not to touch you, I want to badly,
to give to you the same pleasure as you are giving me.
Oh no, that's what you just got though explaining to me
that causes problems, role reversal and that giving
back a gift is the same as refusing it."
"Emily, you darling, you just said it better than I
could so I know you understand, all you need to do is
practice, practice, practice. Now we have one last
thing to do, a practical demonstration and you must
yield your will to me. I am your husband and we are
warming up on the couch before going to the bed for
some hot love."
Julie continued to massage Emily's breast as she leaned
forward and kissed her on the lips, with her eyes
slitted she watched her reaction and saw Emily's eyes
open and her hand start for Julie's body but stop and
go back to beside her as her eyes slowly closed. Julie
slid her tongue between Emily's lips and heard her
whimper as she opened her mouth to take it in and then
Emily started to suck the tongue gently and rub her own
tongue against it.
Julie put her other hand and arm under Emily's
shoulders and slightly turned her and slid her bent leg
behind Emily's back which placed Emily in a reclined
position with her shoulder pressed against Julie's
breast and her arm and hand on Julie's leg. She removed
her tongue and lips from Emily's mouth and kissed her
nose and eyes then licked Emily's lips as she continued
to massage her breast and rub the hard nipple.
"Your husband is giving you a gift of love and just as
you have to reach out to receive a gift with your hand
you must reach out with your body and accept his
attention. Just react to whatever he does to you, let
him take the lead and don't deny him anything or any
part of yourself. You belong to him and he wants to
protect you, provide for you, love you, and give you
pleasure while taking his own pleasure with your body
and he wants to hear you so he will know that you are
enjoying sex and will know that you reached climax."
Julie returned her lips to Emily's and found her mouth
opening and ready for Julie's tongue sucking it deeply
into her mouth. Julie rubbed her thumb over Emily's
nipple and then grasped it with her thumb and
forefinger and squeezed it steadily increasing the
pressure as Emily moaned and began to arch her back
thrusting her breast upward as she surrendered herself
to the slight pain. Emily's hand on Julie's leg began
to rub and slide the fingertips against the skin and
Julie recognized from her own experiences that Emily
was nearing a climax and losing control.
Realizing this, Julie removed her tongue from Emily's
mouth and shifted her head down and engulfed the nipple
she was squeezing in her mouth and sucked it as she
rubbed her tongue on it. At the same time she moved her
hand to Emily's cunt and rubbed from top of the mound
downward until she had it cupped in her hand and
applied pressure pressing inward. Emily's breath
exploded from her lungs at contact and she arched her
hips upward from the couch, Julie grasped the thong and
pulled it down Emily's legs to her ankles and as she
moved her hand back up Emily opened her thighs giving
full access to her hot and now very wet cunt.
Julie pulled Emily higher by placing her hand on
Emily's crotch and lifting there and with the hand and
arm under her back, Emily assisted pushing with her
feet until she was in Julie's lap with her head laying
on the couch back. Julie rubbed her finger over Emily's
clit and then between the lips of her cunt, repeating
the movement.
Julie felt a odd sense of power that she had never
known before as she continued to tease Emily's clit and
cunt with her finger.
"Are you willing to submit your body to me, to do with
as I wish, anytime I wish?"
"Yes, please."
"Will you strip naked and stand proudly knowing that
you are beautiful and sexually desirable as I caress
you, kiss you, and make you cum until you faint from
"Oooohhh yes Julie, I love you, I'll be your sex slave
if you want me to, I'll do anything at anytime all you
have to do is tell me when you want me."
Julie realized that she had gone to far and Emily was
expressing things that she would not have told except
at a moment of extreme desire. She turned Emily's head
towards her and saw that her mouth was open and ready
to accept her tongue, she kissed her and slid her
tongue in as Emily began to suck it. Julie thought, how
submissive she had become, this quick could only mean
that she really wanted to be submissive but it was
hidden inside all this time.
Julie slid her index finger into Emily's open cunt and
felt moisture trickle out and run down her crack and
onto Julie's mound and to her cunt. She moved the
finger slowly in and out and Emily began to moan softly
and roll her head from side to side and murmur yes yes
and please please, over and over between moaning into
Julie's mouth and around her tongue. Julie pulled her
finger almost out and added her middle finger as she
slid them back in and Emily immediately raised her hips
to meet them and began to pump against them. Emily's
head was moving faster and rolling to far for the
kissing to continue and Julie lifted her head and
watched Emily's face.
Emily's hips were pumping faster and higher and Julie
realized she was cumming and she pushed harder against
the wet cunt moving her fingers in to the knuckles.
This caused her ring finger to slide down to Emily's
asshole and as Emily raised her hips thrusting against
the fingers that finger touched the entrance and
pressed against the pucker. Emily feeling this moaned
louder and raised her hips holding against the finger
and rotating her ass.
Julie was amazed and knew that Emily wanted it badly,
she wondered if she had been fucked in the ass before
as she slowly applied more pressure against the
passage. Just as her fingertip began to enter Emily's
ass, which was soaked by her secretions, Emily hunched
three times hard causing the finger to slide in about
half of an inch and Emily froze her movements pressing
upward as hard as she could. Julie felt Emily's cunt
milking and grasping at her fingers and also her
asshole was squeezing the invading finger as if trying
to suck it in further, Emily was gasping for breath and
Julie knew she was still cumming.
Julie held still as Emily's head thrashed from side to
side until finally she began to sink down and the
upward thrust began to diminish. Then Julie slowly
began to move her hand causing the ring finger in
Emily's ass to slide deeper in and she began to thrust
in and out. Emily's hips rose again to meet the fingers
and she rotated her ass and humped upwards.
"Do you like it sweetheart, do you want it deeper, tell
me what you want."
"Yes ooooooww yes I love it, you are making me feel so
wonderful, do it please, I want you to do it to me."
"Do what baby, do what to you, tell me what you want me
to do to you."
"Fuck me Julie, fuck me with your fingers, fuck me with
any thing, fuck my cunt, fuck my ass. Do anything you
want to me, I never felt so good in my life, I am
yours, you can have any thing and do anything to me.
Ohhh I can't stop cumming, my stomach hurts and I'm
getting dizzy, but I keep convulsing and cumming, I
love you, fuck my ass as far up as you can, I never
been fucked in the ass it's wonderful, ooohhh yes yes."
Julie slid her fingers as far as she could get them
into Emily's cunt and ass wiggling them and moving in
and out. Emily immediately stiffened and began to
thrash her head and pump her hips moaning and cumming.
She began to slow down and finally slumped her head
rolling to the side and was lifeless. Julie fucked her
fingers into Emily a few more times but realized that
she had fainted and pulled her finger from Emily's ass
leaving the two in her cunt. She called Emily's name
twice but did not get a response, she eased Emily down
on the couch as she got up and put a cushion under her
head. She went to the bathroom and got a hand towel and
wash cloth wetting it and returned beginning to wash
Emily's face as slowly the color was returning to her
As Emily began to stir and moan Julie slid back on the
couch and placed the hand towel under Emily's ass and
returned her fingers to Emily's cunt sliding them in
all the way. Emily opened her eyes and smiled at Julie
who put her arm under her and pulled her body against
her own and kissed her inserting her tongue in the
automatically opening mouth and holding the kiss for a
long time.
"Are you okay Emily, how do you feel?"
"I feel wonderful, I haven't felt this good in a long
time, you gave me a wonderful present and I will love
you forever for that."
"Isn't it good to just relax and let yourself be given
pleasure without trying to make sure you do your part?"
"Yes it is, I understand what you are saying, to be
fucked without trying to earn it."
"But what about you, can I do the same for you that you
did for me?"
"Not today Emily, you need to rest and build up your
energy for tonight, besides I can get satisfied
tonight, some other time, ok."
"Emily do you really want to? Your don't have to repay
me it is a gift remember."
"I really want to, really, really want to make love to
"Ok, I promise, I'll find another time when we can get
Emily's face brightened and she leaned the four inches
that separated their lips and kissed Julie opening her
mouth. This was not a passionate kiss rather a kiss of
love and Julie gave her tongue to Emily's mouth to be
sucked as she slid her fingers in and out again of the
sopping cunt of her female lover's cunt, Emily moaned.
Julie felt the cum of Emily's cunt covering her fingers
and she pulled them out and brought them to their lips
and removing her lips from Emily's she waited until she
opened her eyes and showed her the cunt coated fingers
and then licked part of one finger. "Mmmm, you taste
good baby." She then licked some more, coating her
tongue and leaned towards Emily's mouth which opened
immediately and placed her tongue on the lips, Emily
sucked it in opening her mouth wider and Julie licked
around her mouth and tongue and as she pulled it out
felt Emily sucking trying to get all the cum.
They looked into each others eyes as Emily swallowed,
then Julie raised up and coated her nipple bringing it
towards the hungry mouth which parted and leaning
forward sucked the nipple, Emily began to breathe hard
and make small whimpering sounds in her throat. When
she finished Emily looked at Julie's fingers which
still had a coating of cum.
"Do you want it, lover?" Asked Julie, as she moved the
fingers closer to the now shining mouth. Emily nodded
and looked at Julie as she first brought a finger to
her mouth and licked it and then to Emily's mouth and
let her suck the fingers until they were clear of any
cum. They continued to look at each other and then
"I think we both could start all over again but we are
running out of time. If Jimmy comes in and finds you
lying here hot, horny, and naked you will have a cock
in your cunt in a flash. These teenagers are horny most
of the time as you know and you are sexy as hell with
your clothes on, naked you wouldn't stand a chance of
getting to your feet without a load of cum in you."
Emily smiled, "Right now I feel so good I wouldn't put
up a fight and you couldn't make me stop with a
bullwhip once he got his cock in me."
"Here's a wash cloth to clean up with and you know
where the bathroom is, I'll bring you a cup of coffee."
Emily swung her feet to the floor and raised to a
sitting position seeing the hand towel beneath her ass
she looked at Julie and asked, "Did I pass out? I
thought I imagined it but you went for a wash cloth,
hand towel, and washed my face without me knowing it.
Oh my, I'm embarrassed."
"Maybe you didn't faint perhaps you just moved to a
different dimension for a short time, maybe you swooned
like in the romance novels."
"No I passed out, I remember getting dizzy and the room
spinning and then something hit me in the lower stomach
and next I knew was we were lying on the couch. You
said you were going to make me cum until I fainted and
you did! God, I love you, Julie!"
"Need any help?"
"No I'm okay, oh I messed up your thong, I buy you
another to replace it."
"It's your thong, I gave it to you and you can't refuse
it or give me another, remember?"
"Yes ma'am."
Julie smacked Emily on her bare ass and squeezed it,
"Get your beautiful butt in that bathroom and stop
enticing me with it, we both got dinners to fix and no
time for licking and kissing beautiful naked asses."
Emily laughed and kissed Julie's lips and quickly
walked to the master bath swinging her butt and
glancing over her shoulder at Julie with a smile. She
cleaned up and dressed sipping the coffee Julie brought
her and ran to the kitchen to say goodbye and see you
tomorrow at school. Julie was getting things from the
refrigerator to prepare dinner dressed only in her
"Want to walk me to the car?"
"Sure, but call 911 first as there will be strokes and
heart attacks up and down the street."
"But what a way to go! Bye see you tomorrow, love you."
"Love you also, call me and let me know how it goes,
don't forget to shave and no bra."
"Yes mommy, may I kiss your nipples?"
"No my lips only, ohhh you demon, you disobeyed now
look at them, get out of here."
Chapter Six
Julie hurried to get things ready for dinner so she
would only have to turn on the stove, when it was all
prepared she poured herself a cup of coffee and went to
the bathroom. She drank the coffee as she got ready to
shower, removing her thong she was not surprised to
find it wet and as she checked to see if she had a
stubble of hair around her cunt lips she could see and
feel more seeping out. She had been aroused most of the
day, first Harry, then Emily rubbing her tits as she
adjusted the bra, then Charlie Hale's hand on her ass,
Emily again at lunch and here.
Now she had to shower before Jimmy got home and be at
the door naked, that really had her excited both being
naked and exposed at the door and what they would do
after she was safely inside. She grabbed her razor and
touched up around her cunt so it would be smooth and
shaved her legs as they would need it by morning. As
she showered, being careful not to wet her hair, she
was thinking about what Jimmy said last night. Would he
want her to kiss his cock? Would she if he told her to?
Was he going to kiss her cunt and how, just a peck or
stick his tongue in? Did she want him to?
Julie realized that the shower spray was stinging her
nipples and she looked down at them, they were sticking
straight out looking swollen and she realized her tits
were feeling as if they were swollen and tight against
the skin. She washed her cunt and ass to make sure they
were clean and would smell fresh and saw that her cunt
lips were also puffy and the clit was sticking out from
the hood that normally covered it. She turned off the
shower and begin to dry her body with the towel,
walking to the mirror she turned on the vanity lights
and surveyed her body, even through her medium tan she
could see that her tits, chest, and stomach were
flushed pink. She dried her legs and then her ass, she
dreaded to dry her cunt as she was afraid to touch it
and start it dripping again. Finally she placed the
towel against it and gasped as a shock sent through her
body and the ache started in her lower stomach.
She gasped as she looked at herself in the mirror, the
person she saw was almost a stranger, eyes clouded with
lust and her body flushed pink with nipples extended
twice the length normal. She suddenly was hit with the
realization that she wanted, no needed and had to have
a cock. With that thought her cunt twitched and she
could feel her clit slipping out of its hood and she
spread her legs and watched as the tip slowly came into
"Oh no, I'm nothing but a slut wanting to fuck all the
time, I wasn't like this, what has happened to me?
Hurry Jimmy, I need your cock now, I'm going to explode
if I don't get fucked I can't wait for Harry to get
home it is way to long."
As she murmured to her mirror image she came to the
truth about her questions, and the answer was yes, yes,
yes. She wanted Jimmy to tell her to kiss his cock and
she would, she wanted him to kiss her cunt, lick it,
and put his tongue in it. And she, above all wanted him
to put his cock in her and fuck her until she could not
hold her head up and just lie lifeless as cum after cum
rocked her body.
She reached up and cupped her tits finding them hot and
feeling swollen. Slowly she smiled as she looked in the
mirror and thought, it won't be much longer Jimmy will
be home and we can do all the things we want to, we
will have a least a hour and a half to make love. I'll
be at the door naked and hot, we won't waste any time
I'll kiss his cock and suck it in my mouth, lick it,
take it down my throat, and let him cum his first load
and swallow every last drop. Then he can love my cunt
until he is hard again and we will fuck and cum and
Julie squeezed her tits and grabbed the hair brush
using it on her hair until it shone, then she quickly
applied a light coat of pink lipstick to her lips,
nodded ok to herself in the mirror, went to the closet
and got a pair of black strap heels and put them on.
She grabbed the towel and took it to the living room
couch just in case they continued their love making
there. Checking the clock she saw she had a few minutes
before the bus came, but went and opened the door
cautiously peeking out but she didn't see anyone so she
stepped out to the end of the entry looking up and down
the street. There was not a person in sight and she
could not see any houses as most on this street were a
least two hundred feet apart and you had to walk down
halfway to the street to be seen. However it was
thrilling to stand at the entry naked and she was
beginning to quiver with excitement.
Julie returned to the kitchen then remembering she had
left her cup in the bathroom she retrieved it and
poured the last of the coffee in it, sitting at the
counter she sipped coffee and absently rubbed her
nipple against the warm cup. Glancing at the cup she
was surprised to see a sticky substance on the cup and
her nipple, it was not milky nor was it clear, cloudy
or murky maybe, but she knew that in her excitement she
was lactating a substance. Rubbing her finger against
her nipple she placed it in her mouth and thought, it
doesn't taste bad, Jimmy is in for a surprise when he
sucks my nipples today, hurry damn bus.
After another five minutes she heard a straining motor
and knew it was the bus, she downed the last swallow of
coffee and smeared the lactate around her nipple,
squeezed the other nipple and took her finger and
smeared the drop that appeared on the end around that
nipple and started towards the door. Each step she took
made her breasts bounce and hurt as they were tight
with desire and her heart was beating rapidly, as she
neared the door she was mumbling to herself that she
was a slut, a horny, hot, fucking, insane slut and she
felt moisture from her cunt running down her leg.
Stopping just short of the door she waited as the motor
noise grew closer, then she rushed to the door and
stood behind it peering around it and watched the bus
stop at the driveway. The bus door opened and in a few
seconds Jimmy bounded down the steps and was looking
towards the house. He turned and waved to some friends
as the door closed and the bus moved slowly away and
down the street, Jimmy waved one last time and turned
his attention to the house.
Julie waited until the bus pulled past the entry and
out of her sight and taking a deep breath stepped
through the door and out onto the entry, walking as far
out as she knew she could without being seen, Jimmy had
not moved from the spot he was in still looking
intently at the house. Julie stopped and raised her
hand and waved at Jimmy, he waved back but did not move
just looking, Julie didn't know what to do with her
hands and finally just put them on her thighs which
were slightly parted.
She wanted to yell at him to come on but fought down
the desire and just stood waiting, in what seemed to
Julie to be an hour, Jimmy began to walk towards the
house getting a little faster the closer he got. Julie
legs began to quiver and she could feel the strength
starting to leave them, as he got close to the steps up
to the entry she turned and backed to the brick wall
and putting her hands behind her leaned against it for
support and spread her legs a little more for balance.
She could not tear her eyes from his crotch as his cock
was bulged against his pants, her lips parted as she
remembered the feel of the velvet head against her lips
last night. She wanted it!
Jimmy peeled his book pack from his back as he
approached her and dropped it on the floor of the
entry, he walked up to Julie and place his hands on her
hips and leaned forward and kissed her lightly on her
parted lips and let the tip of his tongue run across
them. He looked at her and said, "You're beautiful mom,
thanks for being here for me." Then he dropped to his
knees and looking at her cunt leaned slowly forward
towards it, Julie was mesmerized she could not move or
speak and just watched as his mouth grew closer.
Jimmy opened his mouth and his tongue extended and
licked Julie's clit which was extended from her cunt
lips, at contact she moaned a low throat groan and
began to shake. He licked the clit a few times as Julie
spread her legs more and bowed her back offering him
her cunt, Jimmy licked and kissed her cunt lips then
back to the clit and suddenly sucked her clit into his
mouth sucking and licking at the same time. Julie was
fast losing all control of her body and began to sag
into him and he was holding her hips to keep her from
falling, she had completely forgotten that they were
still out in the entry in full view should a car come
by, all she was aware of was that his mouth on her cunt
was wonderful and she was cumming!
Jimmy rose up and held Julie plastered to his body and
placed his wet mouth on her lips which she parted and
licked and then accepted his tongue inside and tasted
her cum. Jimmy broke the kiss and said to her. "Do you
want to suck my cock, mom?" Julie nodded and he began
to help her walk to the door placing his arm around her
waist and holding her tight as she walked on wobbly
legs back into the house. Jimmy shut the door and
locked it as Julie still dazed stood looking with her
eyes focusing slowly on his cock, he turned to her and
stepping closer began to remove his shirt. Julie sank
to her knees and began to undo his belt, unfasten the
slacks and pull them down, she looked at the bulge in
his shorts and placed her hand on it and rubbed slowly.
Jimmy knelt down and untied his shoes slipping them off
along with the socks kissing Julie at the same time,
when he finished he arose and removed the slacks and
his shorts. Straightening he stood in front of Julie
with his cock which was stiff and pointing up slightly
only six inches from her mouth, for a long moment she
looked at that which she had lusted for all day and
finally spoke.
"It's beautiful baby, I've been wanting it all day, I
could hardly think of anything other than your
beautiful cock and how good it makes me feel. I admit
that I am enslaved to it and the pleasure it gives me,
you can make me do any thing that you desire for I can
not resist you but please let me love it and never keep
it away from me, please baby."
"Yes mom, it is always yours and I will give it to you
any time we are alone. I will make you do things for
me, wear sexy outfits, go naked in the house, tie you
up, spank you and others. If you do those for me I will
kiss, suck, and fuck you until we both can't walk in
any part of your body, can you go with that?"
"Yes baby, any time."
Julie leaned forwarded and kissed the end of Jimmy's
cock as though to seal a bargain. The tip was wet with
thin fluid and she licked it and marveled that it
tasted like his father's, placing her lips over the tip
she lightly sucked and was rewarded with more, then she
licked the head and moved her lips over the crown
taking it into her mouth until her lips passed the rim.
Holding there Julie sucked just enough to provide
pressure and placed the palm of her hand under his
balls cradling them and massaging slightly. Jimmy was
gasping and moved his hips forward so she took another
two inches into her mouth and raised her chin to align
his cock with her throat opening. Slowly she began to
allow more into her mouth and was rubbing her tongue on
the underside of his cock. Finally she had all of it in
her mouth and throat and she began a swallowing motion
in her throat, Jimmy stiffened and pushed his cock
against her throat and began to shake.
"Oh mom, stop stop quick stop I'm going to cum."
Julie slowly pulled her head back until his cock came
out of her mouth. "It's alright baby, I want you to cum
so I can taste you and swallow your cum. Fill me with
your wonderful cum, squirt me and let me feel it
spurting in my mouth."
Julie slid her mouth back over Jimmy's cock running her
tongue over the head as it returned to her throat and
she began to swallow and suck on it, cock fluid was
running in her throat almost constantly, she backed
away to get it in her mouth so she could taste it and
thrilled at the taste and the warmth. She sucked gently
so as not to hurt her son's cock and was rewarded with
a copious amount which she let flow across her tongue
and into her throat trickling into her stomach. Jimmy
stiffened and his cock seemed to swell in her mouth
signaling he was fast approaching cumming, Julie moaned
in anticipation of being filled with her son's sperm
and the vibration in her mouth sent him over the edge,
she moved his cock head to the front of her mouth and
clamped her lips firmly around the head placing her
tongue on the underside of it and rubbing. The first
spurt hit the roof of her mouth with force and cascaded
into her throat followed immediately by the second with
almost the same force.
Again Julie moaned as she tried to hold the cum in her
mouth and she moaned almost a humming sound, a sound of
great pleasure and satisfaction, which increased
Jimmy's sensations in his spurting cock as he continued
to fill his mother's mouth with hot and pungent sperm.
Julie felt the intensity of his spurts begin to
diminish and finally stop with the young cock twitching
in her mouth. She looked up at her lover son and saw he
was swaying in the aftermath of his passion and with a
smile on his face. She let the cum from her lover's
cock slide slowly down her throat swallowing it in
small amounts savoring the favor and the satisfaction
of having given Jimmy his first and possibly the best
oral sex he would ever get. Also she came to the
realization that she had cum as she was wet between her
"I love you mom, you are the best that there will ever
be, I was thinking of you all day and hoping you would
suck my cock but I didn't know it would be that good."
"I love you also Jimmy, I love sucking your cock and
I'll suck it any time that I can and you want me to.
But please fuck me, I'm so hot for your cock in my cunt
that I can hardly breathe. I've been waiting all day
for this moment so you could fuck me again and make me
"You've been hot and horny for my cock, mom?"
"Yes baby."
"Are you my slut anytime I want to fuck you?"
"Yes baby."
"Tell me like you did yesterday so I will know you
really want me to fuck you, that you really are my
slut, so I will know that it's okay to fuck you, make
you suck me, and do anything I want to, beg me if you
are my slut."
Julie looked up at Jimmy from her position on her knees
holding his cock and balls in her hands and
instinctively knew that if she did as he asked she
would not be just giving permission to fuck her today,
she would be committing herself to be her son's sex
slave, he would become her master just as his father
was in all things sexual. She looked deep into his eyes
and searched them for any sign of gloating or power
struggle but all she could see was love and need to
love shining there.
"I am already your father's sex slave as you know, I
would love to be your sex slave also if you can share
with him and he with you because I love both of you. I
want you to fuck me now and anytime we can, I will give
my body to you anytime you want it, you can use me any
way you want to, fucking, sucking, or anything, I will
be your slut always ready to please you with my cunt,
mouth, tits and any other way you wish. Please allow me
to be your slut, please say that you will accept me as
your sex slave, please fuck me, please let me be your
lover, please let me cum before I burn up."
Jimmy didn't answer her instead he reached down and
taking her wrists helped her to her feet and kissed her
on the lips, Julie pressed her body against her young
lover rubbing her breasts against his chest and opened
her mouth in surrender for his tongue. Jimmy slid his
hand down to her ass and inserted his finger into the
crevice between her cheeks rubbing as it slid closer to
her asshole. He put his other hand on her shoulder and
turned her body freeing one tit from his chest and
grasped it with his hand squeezing the swollen globe,
Julie bent her back thrusting the breast out for him
and felt his finger reach her asshole and gently rub it
causing her to moan and arch her back so the tit and
her ass both were available for him to use as he
Jimmy kissed Julie with his tongue in her mouth as far
as it would go then broke the kiss and kissed both eyes
her nose and cheeks. He continued to squeeze and fondle
her breast as he probed her ass, then realized he
needed some lube for his finger so he brought his hand
around to her lips and touched them. Julie opened her
eyes and looked at his finger on her lips and then into
his eyes, as they looked at each other silently he
moved his hand from her tit to the nipple and began to
pinch it between his finger and thumb steadily getting
Julie began to quiver as the pressure became painful
and she whimpered in her throat and her eyes began to
glaze and lose focus, when she began to shake she
opened her mouth and moved it over his finger sucking
it and coating it with her tongue and the moisture in
her mouth. Jimmy eased the pressure on her nipple and
began to roll it between his thumb and finger. When it
was as wet as she could make it she stopped and opening
her mouth let it rest on her tongue until Jimmy removed
it and as he moved his hand and wet finger back to her
ass she stepped to him and put both arms around his
neck placing her body in complete surrender against his
and laid her head on his chest rubbing her forehead on
his neck.
When Jimmy's finger began to move between her cheeks
Julie spread her legs and raised up on her toes, when
he touched it to her asshole she whimpered and raised
her head and opened her mouth for his tongue kiss.
Jimmy slowly moved his finger in a circle wetting the
opening and then pushed it tight against soft tissue
which slowly began to give way then he stopped! He
moved his pelvic area away from Julie's body and placed
his cock between her legs and along her very wet cunt
lips and moved his pelvic area back against her. His
hard cock was fully recovered and fully aroused. As it
slid along Julie's cunt lips she sighed and sucked his
tongue as her stomach began to ache once again.
Jimmy moved his finger forward and it went in to the
first knuckle, he broke their kiss and looked into
Julie's eyes until she opened them and asked her, "Are
you ready, for this?"
Julie answered, "Take your slut, lover, fuck her until
she passes out, she's yours."
Jimmy pushed into her ass slowly as far as he could get
with his middle finger, because of her beautiful ass
cheeks he could only get in to the second knuckle a
little more than two inches. Julie with her body
pressed against him her legs spread and on her toes
still looking into his eyes sighed, "Oh yes lover yes
fuck my ass, it's feels so good, you know how to turn
me on and make me weak as a rag. Treat me like the slut
I am, put your finger in my ass it is yours anytime. I
love anything you do to me, oh I feel oh... oh... oh...
a climax building you haven't even put your cock in me
and I'm going to cum already."
Julie let her head fall back and let the wonderful
sensation of a building climax overtake her. Jimmy bent
down to her lips and licked them, "Cum for me, I want
to watch you as you squirt your love juice on my cock
as it slides along your cunt and when you are finished
I will put it in your mouth and let you suck and lick
your cum from it. Then I will fuck your beautiful cunt
and make you cum so many times you won't be able to
hold your head up. Cum for me, slut."
Those words were the push over the top for Julie and
she began to shudder and whimper as Jimmy kissed her
and slide his finger in and out of her ass, she tried
to pump her hips sliding her cunt on his cock but was
to far gone and only managed a couple of jerks before
she exploded and could only grind against him as she
came yet again. Her legs were hurting from the strain
she was in and losing strength, as she reached the end
and began to come down from the high she slowly melted
and sagged to the floor with Jimmy holding her and
easing her down, putting her head on his thighs as he
knelt with his arm under her neck and supporting her
Julie smiled and said, "Thank you baby, that was
wonderful, I love you."
"I love you too sexy slut mom."
Jimmy grasped his wet cock and placed the dripping head
on Julie's lips, she automatically opened her mouth and
turned her head and began to suck and lick it, he
pulled her farther up on his thighs and more cock went
into her mouth until she had it all. She was humming in
contentment as he rubbed her breasts with his free
Jimmy could wait no longer, Julie seemed to be content
just to lay in the afterglow of her cum and suck his
cock but he was anxious to get her to bed and fuck her
properly and fill her with his cum. He eased his cock
back out of her mouth with her sucking harder trying to
keep it.
"Please lover, please just a little more I love it."
"We are going to my bed so I can fuck you, let me help
you up."
"Oh baby I'm dizzy, I feel like I've been drugged hold
me ."
"You're drugged on fucking and I don't intend for you
to ever get over it, I want you hot and begging me to
fuck you every day, I want you to take off your clothes
and come to me naked when I get home, I want you to
come into my room every night and ride my cock before
you can go to sleep. You are a sex starving slut and
you want to be fucking a cock, sucking a cock or
begging for a cock to fuck you. You can never say no to
a hard cock, just the sight of a cock makes you get
horny and wet and you will want it in your cunt. You
can't live without a cock fucking you."
Jimmy talked as he helped her walk to his room. He was
hoping to keep her horny and in the mood for fucking as
he needed to relieve the pressure building in his
balls. Julie in her dazed state heard the words and
thought yes I want that also, yes I'll do that, yes I
am a slut I fuck my son, I must have a cock, I want a
cock, no I can't say no to a cock, I can't live without
a cock.
As they neared his bathroom Jimmy stopped and moved
Julie against the wall and reached around the corner
and grabbed a towel from the rack, thinking we
shouldn't mess up the bed she would get upset. They
continued to the bedroom and he turned her with her
side to the bed and spread the towel across the bed.
Jimmy kissed the dazed woman's lips and she opened her
mouth expecting a tongue or cock to be inserted.
"Slut are you ready to be fucked? Feel this hard cock
that is going to bring you so much pleasure, are you
ready, put your hand on it, tell me how much you want
"Yes I'm ready, ohhh it's hard, yes I will love it
fucking me, yes ready, ohh lover give it to me I can't
live without it."
Jimmy pinched both of Julie's nipples and she became
more confused but she remembered when she felt pain
before it bought her great pleasure, a finger in her
ass and a wonderful cum.
"Do you want this cock in your hand to fuck your cunt
or your ass or both?"
"Oh yes, I want you to fuck my cunt with it, I need it
deep inside me, please fuck my cunt and put your finger
in my ass again, pinch my nipples I'm going crazy, I
need to feel you in me, I'm a slut, I need to be
fucked, please fuck me and cum in me I need your cum in
me I feel empty without it, let me be your lover,
As Jimmy helped her on the bed he was thinking how
confused she became when she was hot and had cum, how
submissive she was and how easily she believed the
things he was telling her. Maybe he could suggest that
she must submit herself to anything he wanted, and it
would be great to have a sex slave at his command. He
eased his body between Julie's legs which opened and
invited him to her cunt that was wet with the clit
protruding. Julie still held his cock in her hand and
her eyes were looking at it with lust and anticipation.
Jimmy looked at her nipples, hard and stiff, he took
one in his fingers and began to pinch it hard.
"Look at that cock, slave, it is going to fuck your wet
hot cunt and make you cum. Rub it on your clit. You
want it, you will do anything to get that cock in your
mouth, ass, or cunt, anything that I tell you to do you
will do because that cock will bring you great
satisfaction and you love it."
"Yes oooohhh it feels so good, yes anything yes
anything, I love it, please fuck me."
Julie centered the cockhead, after rubbing her clit, at
the opening to her cunt and again said please as Jimmy
moved the head just inside her, he paused and said
again, any thing I tell you to do, and Julie answered
immediately, yes anything anytime, and he slid it in
another inch and said, you are my sex slave now, she
answered, yes your sex slave. Jimmy pushed his hard
cock all the way in Julie's wet and hot cunt and ground
his pelvic bone against her clit, she moaned and began
to cum immediately wrapping her legs around him and
humping to meet his thrusts.
As soon as Julie's climax would begin to descend
another would start and she came constantly as Jimmy
fucked her moaning, whimpering and grasping at the
height of every climax. Finally Jimmy could take no
more and he came with a rush filling her with hot cum
and they lay still and limp. Jimmy rolled to the side
to get off of Julie and turned her with him, he kissed
and she kissed him smiling a small satisfied smile. He
rubbed her tit and nipple gently and kissed her eyes,
nose, and cheeks as he slowly moved his cock in and out
of her slopping cunt as his cock slowly deflated. He
whispered in her ear telling her how beautiful she was,
how much he loved her, how hot and horny she made him,
and how glad he was she was his slut, sex slave, and
that she had promised to let him fuck her and anything
else that he wanted to do to her.
Julie lay quietly, almost asleep, and listened as he
kept on talking convincing her that she must have a
cock all the time and she could not ever refuse to fuck
if she saw or felt a cock, that she would be submissive
any time that she was told to undress and suck a cock
or fuck a cock and would beg to be fucked any time she
had an opportunity. Each time Jimmy kissed her lips or
close to her mouth she would open it waiting for him to
put something inside.
Jimmy's cock had returned to normal size and he was
satisfied so he slipped out of bed and kissed Julie
telling her to rest that he would wake her in thirty
minutes. He got a blanket from the closet and spread it
over her, he took her heels off and covered her feet
and kissed her but she was already asleep, content and
with a smile. Jimmy went and gathered up his books and
clothes and put them away and washed his cock and used
the commode, got a pair of shorts and a T shirt and
dressed, then he went and checked his homework and saw
he only had to read one chapter in history so he sat
down and did it.
After Jimmy finished reading his history chapter he
checked the clock and went to the master bath and drew
a tub of hot water putting some of the bubble bath in
it and then he went back to his room to wake Julie. She
was still in the same position he had left her in, he
kneeled by the bed and uncovered her and began to rub
her shoulders, back, and arms gently.
"Wake up beautiful, wake up I have a nice warm bath
ready for you to soak your beautiful body in and relax
for a while."
Julie stirred and opened her eyes looking around to see
where she was and smiled at him. "Why am I in your bed
baby? What time is it?"
"It's not quite four thirty yet you have time for a tub
soak, you were resting so good after we made love that
I just covered you and let you rest. I wanted to lay
with you and cuddle but was afraid that we would over
sleep so I did my home work and kept an eye on the
clock. How do you feel?"
"I'm okay, a little groggy and sleepy headed, that
feels good rub my back it itches a little, oooo, yes
that's the spot."
Jimmy was surprised that she was not upset, if she
didn't remember why she was in his bed did she remember
what had happened, he decided to talk to her after
getting her in the tub.
"Come on, I'll help you get in the tub before the water
gets cool."
He pulled the blanket from her and took her hand
helping her to sit up, Julie realized she was naked and
memories began to flood her mind. She looked at Jimmy
and saw he was looking concerned so she smiled and he
smiled back.
"Wow, you are beautiful I wish you could go naked all
the time so I could just look at your beautiful body
and face. Your breasts are perfect and your skin is
also there's nothing about you that isn't beautiful."
"Thank you baby..."
"Lover, I'm your lover."
"Thank you lover, but you shouldn't lie, I'm a mess, a
sticky yucky mess. My breath must be horrible and my
hair is everywhere. But, thank you it makes me feel
"Come on I'll wash your back after you have soaked for
a while."
Julie took his hand and let him help her up, Jimmy put
her arm over his shoulder and his arm around her waist
with his hand low on her hip and they went to the
master bath and she eased in the tub.
"Ohhhh, this does feel good don't let me stay to long,
dinner needs to be ready by five forty five, and the
pork chops will take about thirty minutes."
"Tell me what to do and I will get everything ready."
Julie told him what few things needed to removed from
the refrigerator and how to start water heating for the
veggies and he went away to start them. As she lay in
the water Julie wondered again what was happening to
her, she hadn't been so horny and excited in years as
she had been in the last week. She had grown accustomed
to the playing around that she, Harry and Jimmy did
after dinner, the playing with breasts and kissing but
since Harry had told her she should let Jimmy go
further even to extent of fucking she was hot all the
time. And now she was going crazy just thinking about
what would happen when they were alone and Jimmy had
suddenly taken over as if he knew she wasn't going to
say no to anything he did to her. And she loved every
minute of it, twice now she had cum so hard and
multiple times that she was lifeless and almost passing
out from passion.
She remembered the time and grabbed the wash cloth and
begin to clean her body paying close attention to her
cunt. She washed and then let the water drain and as
she was drying Jimmy entered the bathroom.
"Do you feel better after your soak."
"Yes sweetheart, and I feel a lot cleaner."
Julie sat down on the side of the tub and began to dry
her legs and feet, she asked him to hand her the lotion
from the vanity and he got it and squirted some in his
hand and began to rub it on her legs. Jimmy rubbed her
feet and she leaned back picking her feet up so he
could do the bottom, and then he began to rub higher on
her legs until he got to her crotch area and was
rubbing lotion on her upper thighs.
"Open your legs lover"
"Oh no sweetheart, not there."
Jimmy pushed her legs apart and moved between them,
getting more lotion he rubbed her cunt tenderly with it
and parted the lips rubbing along the inside. Julie
closed her eyes and leaned her head back enjoying the
sensation of having her cunt played with for that was
what was happening and she had not resisted. She could
feel the excitement rising in her and the hardening of
her nipples plus the ache starting in her stomach.
"Oh baby it feels so good but we mustn't start again,
daddy would come home and find us fucking like wild
beasts and no dinner."
"Just a little more, I love your cunt, and it would be
good for you to be hot and wet when he gets here maybe
he will take you on the couch so I could watch, I love
to see you come. Could we tell him tonight that I want
to fuck you so that we will know that's alright?"
As he finished saying this Jimmy slid a finger inside
Julie's cunt as far as he could go.
"Oooooo your fucking me, oh baby you must stop, please
stop don't make me cum again I won't have any strength
to fix dinner. Arrrooooh, don't rub my clit, it's so
tender and hurts, it's swollen and very sensitive."
"You love it don't you, tell me you love it, do you
really want me to stop? You need this don't you, you
need to be fucked, tell me why you need it."
Julie heard her voice responding without realizing she
was answering. "Yes lover, I love it and I don't want
you to stop, I need your finger in me and I need your
cock to fuck me, I'm a slut and that is why. But we
shouldn't, ohhhh you're killing me with your finger and
with your love I don't care anymore, do to me what ever
you want I'm your slut, baby."
Jimmy hasten to pull his shorts down with his free hand
and moved between Julie's legs moving them farther
apart, feeling him against her legs Julie opened her
eyes and raised her head looking at his cock which he
was holding and aligning with her cunt. As he touched
the head to her and rubbed it up to her clit and down
to her opening cunt a few times, Julie arched her feet
to rise up on her toes and slid forward on the tub
edge. Jimmy inserted the head into her cunt then
twisted to get the lotion and squirted some on her
breasts beginning to rub it in sliding his cock all the
way in until their pelvic bones were against each
He held it there not moving continuing to massage
lotion onto her tits and chest.
"Does it feel good, slut, to have my cock in you? Would
you like to have a cock in you all the time? I am going
to tell dad that I need to fuck you tonight and ask if
it is okay for us both to fuck you any time we can
because we both love you and want you and you need a
cock. You have to admit to him that you need a cock
fucking you regularly so he will know that you are
willing and want to fuck us both. Can you do that,
"Yes sweetheart, yes to everything, I will tell Harry
that you sucked my tits and got a hard on that hurt bad
and you wanted to fuck me and I wanted you to because I
needed it and he should talk to you about sharing my
body. Ohh baby I want you to fuck me now but we
shouldn't, I need you to be strong and stop because I
can't, please fuck me just a little it's feels so good
in my cunt. I shouldn't cum but I want to so bad help
me lover, fuck me until I faint make me a slut, cum in
me and make me cum, please."
"No you can't cum, you must promise and then tell dad
before you can cum, do you promise?"
"Yes, I promise I will tell him to let you fuck me and
that I must have his cock and your cock."
Julie was trembling all over her tits ached, her
stomach felt like a big knot was inside it, she had
lost all control again and would have promised any
thing to any body. Jimmy starting pulling his cock back
out of her cunt slowly.
"No baby, no, don't take it out." She reached down and
held his cock trying to slide back on to it. "Please
fuck me, if you can't at least leave it in me, it feels
so good and I need it so bad."
"It will be okay mom, we will clean up and finish
dinner and then we can fuck if dad says it's okay, let
me take it out and get you a wash cloth, you know
that's what we should do."
"Yes I know, I want it so bad it hurts, push it all the
way in and then pull it out, please."
Jimmy started forward and Julie released it and sighed
as it went all the way again, he stopped when their
pelvises met and leaned forward kissing her and giving
her his tongue to suck. Breaking the kiss he pulled his
cock out slowly feeling Julie's inner muscles grasping
and trying to hold it inside. Finally it came out
covered with her moisture and she stared at it as if
she might never see it again, as he rose from his knees
and leaned over the tub to get the wash cloth she
quickly kissed the wet head and tried to lick it but he
straighten quickly.
Jimmy looked at his mother as he cleaned his cock of
her moisture, she was looking at his cock with raw lust
not trying to hide her desire for it, she wanted it and
the pleasure it could give her. When he finished he
moved closer to her and as it approached her face she
parted her lips wanting it in her mouth.
"Just a kiss lover until later when you can have it
all, anyway you want it."
Julie moaned deep in her throat and kissed the head
running her tongue up the slit hoping for some cum.
Jimmy gave her the cloth and went to the closet and got
her robe laying it on the vanity.
"Wear this and your heels, nothing else for dad. Meet
him at the door and let him hold you and feel your
nakedness as you tell him, I will stay in the kitchen
and watch the food."
Julie nodded and Jimmy knew she would do it, he also
knew that she was his lover and would do any thing for
him just as she did for his father. Julie had given up
to her desires and was willing, in fact eager to be a
sex slave to both of them.
Chapter Seven
Jimmy went to the kitchen and started setting the
table, Julie came in about ten minutes later and she
got the chops from the refrigerator turned on the oven
and put them inside. She got all the other food ready
along with the rolls, started the rice and then went to
the counter to prepare the salad. Jimmy helped her as
much as he could, she told him that everything was
going good all that needed to be done was the salad and
that he should put on a tee shirt. When he went to get
one she leaned on the counter and took some deep
breaths trying to clear her mind as she felt dazed like
she was half asleep then went back to work on the
"Is this shirt okay mom?" Asked Jimmy upon returning.
"It's fine baby."
Jimmy walked to Julie and put his arms around her from
behind pressing his cock against her ass as he slid his
hands inside her robe and held her breasts.
"I love you mom."
"I love you also Jimmy."
He rubbed his cock against her ass and squeezed her
breasts gently, Julie stopped mixing the salad and
placed her hands on the counter arching her back to
stick out her breasts and push her ass against his
cock. They did this for a couple of minutes and he
could hear her breathing in gasps. He rubbed her
nipples with his fingers and found them stiff with
"Oooohhh lover, you're driving me crazy, everything you
do to me is so good but it keeps me hot and dizzy."
"Turn around and let me suck your nipples just a little
to keep them stiff."
"You're doing this to keep me horny," Julie said as she
turned around, "I shouldn't let you suck my nipples for
you know that it makes my breasts swell and I get wet,"
She pulled her robe open to free both breasts for him,
"But your mouth on them feels so good and I need it,
kiss them first and be tender when you suck, they are
getting sore."
Jimmy did as she requested kissing her nipples, the
sides, bottom, top, and licking then sucking them into
his mouth. Julie watched breathing heavily with her
hands on the counter top thrusting her tits forward for
his mouth and when he begin to kiss downward towards
her stomach she undid the robe sash and opened the robe
pulling it all the way around behind her hips baring
her body to him for whatever his desire would be.
Jimmy stopped at her navel and straightened up looking
her in the eyes, he placed his hand on her cunt and
pressed inward and could feel her clit throb each time
her heart beat. Julie looked back at him with smoky
eyes and parted lips, she had never been so mesmerized
in her life never so completely controlled by anyone,
never so willing to allow anything to be done to her
even wanting it to be done. She realized even more
fully than earlier that she was giving over her body
maybe even her life to Jimmy and she wanted to, she had
to, she felt as if she would die if it was denied her.
"I'm not going to put a finger in you mom."
"I know that you're not, your going to drive me crazy
so I will never refuse you any thing that you want, so
that I will be hot and wet and lusting for your cock
all the time, so that you can whistle and I will come
running to be fucked, so that you can snap your fingers
and I will fall to my knees and open my mouth to suck
your cock; well it's working."
"Will that please you mom? If not I can stop for I want
you to be happy."
"Yes baby it will make me happy if you are happy too,
all I want is to see you and your father happy forever.
I will do anything for either of you or both of you if
it makes you happy. And I love to be fucked and made
love to anyway you want, just tell me and I will do
"I have to fuck you again tonight no matter what dad
"Yes baby I want you too, I'll come to your room when
dad goes to sleep and you can fuck me. Baby you can
slip your finger in me now I wouldn't mind if you did."
"I don't think we should, look at the time, dad should
be arriving any minute and you need to be calm as you
can be but horny and wet when you tell him."
"Oh baby I know, but it would feel so good and I'm
going nuts with your hand on my cunt."
"Then we'd better stop mom, but I don't want to, I love
seeing you like this, hot and excited wanting to fuck,
willing to do anything to get a cock in you. Do you
like being this way?"
"Yes it is a great feeling to know that you are lusting
for my body and would fuck me and give me pleasure by
making me cum time after time and filling me with your
hot cum, I love being a slut."
Jimmy removed his hand from Julie's cunt and moved it
around to her ass and pulled her forward as he kissed
her lips which were parted and ready for his tongue. He
only licked her lips with the tip of his tongue and
rubbed her ass cheeks sliding his fingers up and down
the crevice, she shuttered as he moved away and looked
at her exposed body.
They heard the blowing of the truck horn.
Julie pulled her robe together and tied the sash
starting for the door she told Jimmy to finish the
salad and put it on the table.
"Don't tie the robe to tight mom, it needs to be loose
enough that it is accessible."
Julie nodded and continued to the door going out onto
the entry and closing the door, it was there that she
met Harry coming up the steps. She stopped and got
close to the wall hoping no one would come by and see
"Wow baby this gets better every time I come home, let
me put a hug on that beautiful body. I need a kiss from
those sweet lips and feel those boobs rubbing my
Julie put her arms around Harry's neck and plastered
her body against him and kissed him with her mouth
open, he responded with his tongue and his hands on her
ass pulling the robe up so he could get both naked
cheeks and press her against his crotch.
Pausing for breath he asked, "What brought on this
great welcome home and did Jimmy see you dressed like
this? I'm surprised that he hasn't already raped you."
"Oh Harry, it's been an awful day, I missed you and our
lunch loving so much, actually it was Jimmy that
suggested I meet you like this. He came home, the bus
was late and he was excited or nervous, I'm not sure
which, after home work he came in the kitchen and
started hugging me, I got kind of excited, he was
putting his hand inside my top and rubbing my breasts
and I let him and was enjoying the attention... Then he
started kissing my breasts and I, I let him, he opened
my top and was kissing my nipples and then sucking them
and I couldn't, I just couldn't say stop.
"Suddenly I realized he was trying to unbutton my
shorts, Harry, he was almost in tears, his, his thing
was about to burst his pants and must have been hurting
him bad. I told him we couldn't, couldn't make love. He
said he wanted me badly that he had always wanted me,
wanted to fuck me like you did, and Harry I wanted him
badly too, I couldn't tell him that we had already
discussed this and you wanted it to happen, and I
realized then that I wanted it too, to happen too. I
stroked his, his cock through his pants and he came a
quart, after he calmed down I told him that I had to
discuss it with you. Now he's nervous, a little afraid
and waiting, that's why he suggested that I wear this
robe and heels, to soften you up I guess so you won't
kill him."
Harry still had his hands on Julie's ass rubbing and
squeezing, she had her arms around his neck with her
body from her cunt to her tits pressed tightly against
him and her head back looking into his eyes. He leaned
forward and kissed her lips, a long lingering kiss, a
lover's kiss.
"You wanted him to fuck you? I have been afraid that
you wasn't looking forward to it, that you would do it
because I said it was the best thing to do but not
enjoy it and that would make it bad because once he
fucks you there won't be any way to stop him from
fucking you every day. You realize that don't you and
are you prepared to take him in your cunt every day and
most likely he will want to experience different things
like blow jobs and fucking your ass, do you want that
"Ohhh yes Harry, just thinking about it makes me ache,
I want to do with Jimmy just like I do with you, my
body belongs to both of you, if you agree but I belong
to you first and whatever you decide I will do."
"You want this bad?"
"Yes baby, real bad I've been refusing to face it and
admit it until today."
"If I give him permission you will have to fuck him
tonight, after I have you first can you do both? Do you
want it that bad?"
"Yes I would love both of you fucking me tonight."
"Ok it's settled then I will talk to him while
showering, come on I'm about to starve for some food
and some of your cunt, you sexy sweetheart."
"Thank you baby you are the best husband and father in
this world."
Harry grabbed Julie's hand and dragged her in the house
and to the kitchen where Jimmy was finishing getting
the table and everything ready for dinner. Jimmy looked
at them with a look of worry.
"Hi Jimbo, how was your day at school?"
"Great Dad, how about yours?"
"Rough son rough, working in and out a ditch, dirty and
hot; even I know I smell bad. Got to have a shower or
you won't be able to sit at the table for the stench.
Do me a favor while mom gets dinner ready, in about
five minutes bring me a beer I should be getting out of
the shower by then."
"Sure dad, count on it, five minutes."
Harry headed for the shower without another word
pulling his shirt from his pants as he went, Julie went
to the oven to check the chops, rice, and vegetables
seeing that everything was only about five minutes away
from ready. Jimmy watched his dad's retreating back and
then looked at Julie.
"I think Dad will talk to you after his shower and fill
you in, baby."
"Mom, can you give me a hint?"
Julie smiled at Jimmy and his face brightened
immediately. He rushed to her and hugged her so tight
that she grasped for breath, he was kissing her hands,
arms, robe, and any thing he could get to.
"Mom you are the greatest! You are my good fairy
godmother, you make everything turn out good for me, I
will love you forever."
"Thank you sweetheart, I hope it will be that way as
long as you and I live."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Only on the lips baby, we mustn't let dinner burn and
we can't lose track of time. You can't get aroused
either as I told dad that I jacked you off to give you
some relieve."
"Don't worry I've got my eye on the clock, I want to
suck your nipples and slide my finger in your cunt but
for right now kissing will be enough."
Kissing, Julie felt the desire building in her again as
she sucked Jimmy's tongue and she got excited when she
thought about being fucked by both Harry and Jimmy
tonight and she mused that maybe soon it would be both
at the same time. She wanted Jimmy to cup her cunt
again but knew that he would get a hard on that
wouldn't go down easily so she broke the kiss and told
him to be patience and wait for later that night when
they could be naked together.
Jimmy moved away and she could see the desire and lust
in his eyes and knew that hers were the same. He got a
beer from the refrigerator, opening it he headed for
the master bathroom.
Julie worked in the kitchen doing small things but she
was wondering what was being said in the bathroom. She
thought it was strange and it felt strange to have two
men discussing fucking her while she was preparing
dinner, it was also exciting then she wondered it she
could hold up as she had lost count of the number of
times she had already cum since lunch.
Dinner was getting finished and Julie checked the clock
realizing that Harry and Jimmy had been talking for
more than ten minutes maybe as many as fifteen. She
guessed that Harry was giving him some pointers and she
smiled thinking he don't need any he seems to know as
much as we do about sex. Finally she heard the door
open and they can out looking serious, she looked at
them questioningly.
Harry and Jimmy walked up to Julie and one on one side
and one on the other they put their arms around her
hips, she turned around and leaned on the counter
"How's dinner progressing, sweetheart?"
"Every things ready except the chops and they only lack
about three minutes."
"Good I'm hungry. Jimmy and I have worked out a
solution that gives him a more mature role to play in
the family, when I am away at work or what ever he will
assume my responsibilities as man of the house with all
the authority and benefits that it carries. He
understands that none of us are slaves to any other,
that we share benefits and duties and that a family and
marriage are partnerships and the things we do for each
other is out of love and respect for each other. He
will fulfill the duties of husband and enjoy the
benefits and you will be entitled to the same as wife
to him."
"When I am home we will revert to the same family
status as always which is sharing of duties in the
household and sharing of ourselves in love and respect.
Each of us will continue our activities outside our
home with the confidence of all that we are working for
the betterment of each other. If problems arise we will
work them out as we go. Jimmy will also begin to assume
more responsibilities around the house such as lawn
mowing and upkeep of the house outside."
At that moment the alarm on the oven sounded and Julie
said that dinner was ready in the silence.
Jimmy said, "Thanks dad, thanks mom."
Julie hugged them in turn and went to the oven removing
the chops and placing them on top on the stove: "Bring
me your plates and I will put one on it as they are
At dinner they talked about little things, Jimmy told
that baseball practice would start tomorrow with
tryouts and the coaches would evaluate players for
position, Harry brought them up to date on the
construction at the school and that his crew would have
to work Saturday, all day or at least most of it. Julie
said it was a normal day at school that she and Emily
had lunch at a deli and talked over coffee here at the
After dinner they stacked the dishes and Harry and
Jimmy begin to wash, dry, and put them away. Julie
started a load of clothes in the washer and they
settled down for a little TV time on the couch. Harry
sat at the end and Jimmy was in the middle, as Julie
approached Harry held out his hand so she would get
between them and as she sat down he twisted her so she
would lean against his chest and Jimmy pulled her legs
up and across his lap. Julie had to hold her short robe
down as she reclined to prevent it being pulled above
her cunt area. Harry asked Jimmy to hand him the throw
pillow for Julie's head and she settled in a reclined
position with her head and shoulders supported by
Harry's arm and the pillow resting on the couch arm.
Harry's free hand immediately found her breast covered
by the robe and squeezed it gently, Julie smiled at him
and then she looked at Jimmy still smiling as his hand
found her thigh and moved inside and upward slightly.
"Well son," Harry remarked, "this is the nearest thing
to heaven that we'll find here on earth. A wonderful
meal and the most beautiful woman on earth lying in our
laps that we can love forever."
"Gee guys, talk like that makes me giddy and my head
swell what do I do for an encore?"
"Just lay here, relax, and enjoy a moment of rest, a
well deserved rest by the way for you do much more than
your share. We are going to use you for a teaching aid
and all you have to do is just lie back and relax, you
can even nap if you want to."
"Hmmmm, so how, I don't think that will be possible but
I will try."
"Jimmy, most likely you have already studied anatomy in
school but maybe there are a few things that were
skipped over, if not, suffer your father to fumble
through some of the high points."
Jimmy just grinned. Harry gripped the edge of Julie's
robe and pulled it uncovering her breast and repeating
with the other side. Julie's breathing quicken, her
nipples were already hard and rising as if to point out
the way to the sky.
"You have noticed that you and I don't have these,
besides being beautiful and an source of amazement to
us, making us want to touch, rub, and kiss them, they
are a very sensitive area for all women. The nipples
are for sucking and they give pleasure to the man and
the sucking gives pleasure to the women. So when you
get the opportunity treat them with love, be gentle
kissing and lightly sucking them, as she becomes
aroused you can be a little stronger with pinching and
biting but be careful to not hurt her as they are very
Harry placed his hand on the breast furthest from his
body and massaged it, Julie closed her eyes and sighed
as she felt Jimmy's hand reach up and massage the
other. Harry nodded to Jimmy and begin to rub Julie's
nipple with his finger and Jimmy did the same, then
they both grasped the nipple and pulled it upwards
gently, Julie couldn't stop the moan from coming out of
her mouth. They continued massaging and rubbing and
Julie would occasionally grasp, sigh, or moan. Her body
felt as if it was catching on fire as the heat built up
in her and she began to slightly arch her back offering
her breasts to their hands.
Harry moved his hand down and pulled the robe apart
down to below her navel with only the belt across her
stomach, Julie still held the robe at the bottom. He
began to rub her from the breasts to her lower stomach
were the small patch of trimmed hair began. He nodded
to Jimmy again and Julie felt Jimmy's hand begin to
also rub at the same time his other hand on her inner
thigh moved up to within a few inches of her cunt slit.
Harry pulled at the end of the belt undoing the bow
that held it and moved it away, Jimmy moved the other
end and they both rubbed Julie's lower stomach sliding
under the remaining robe lower and lower towards her
cunt. Julie knew they were waiting for her to turn
loose of the robe bottom and she knew that this would
be the ultimate submission, a complete surrender of her
will, she whimpered, not because she didn't want to or
was afraid of the outcome nor that she had second
feelings on fucking her family. She whimpered because
she knew how badly she wanted it, actually how bad she
needed it and that she would need it time and time
again, as if it was an addiction to a powerful drug
that she was now hooked on.
Julie whimpered again and then she let go of the robe
and took one side pulling it open all the way and
repeated it with the other side, moving her hand and
arm away from her body she spread her legs as far as
the confines of the couch would allow exposing her
nakedness to Harry and Jimmy. She felt the moisture
wetting her cunt and her stomach begin to quiver along
with the ache in her breasts. Neither of them moved,
their hands still resting just above her cunt.
"Well what do you think son?"
"She's beautiful Dad, there's no words to describe how
beautiful she looks. She must be the most women in the
"You're right son, there aren't any more beautiful than
your mother and my wife." Harry slid his hand down and
rubbed Julie's cunt. "This is the called many different
things, commonly called a cunt or pussy, look closely,
this is the slit, the sides are called the lips, at the
bottom is the opening where you insert your cock. Put
your thumb there and slide it in slowly, slide it in
and out a few times and get the feel of it, leave it
in, up here at the top of the slit is the clit. I will
open the lips and you can see it covered by a hood and
it is beginning to extend out which indicates that mom
is getting excited and turned on by your thumb in her
cunt. Take your thumb out very slowly and rub it on the
clit like you did her nipple and it will get harder and
longer, be tender with it, you can rub it and also
kiss, lick, and suck it like a nipple just remember to
be tender."
Julie was about to come apart, Harry could see the
signs, she was flushed pink around and on her tits and
her breathing was irregular with her body quivering and
he wanted to take her right there but knew that a
threesome was way to early now. He also could see that
Jimmy was ready but decided he would make him wait for
a while.
"Got any questions, Jimmy?"
"No sir."
"Ok here's the plan, mom and I are going to the bedroom
and make love, you do your shower and other regular bed
time things and go to your room and go to bed, sleep if
you can or listen to the radio mom will come to kiss
you goodnight and stay with you until midnight. If you
fall asleep she will wake you, by the way she will be
nude so you should be also. You can stop rubbing her
clit now. Ok!"
Jimmy took a good look at the beautiful nude body
before him and then slid out from under Julie's legs
and went to his bathroom. Harry gathered Julie up in
his arms and carried her to the master bedroom and lay
her on the bed, he hurriedly stripped off his clothes
and climbed between her legs, placed his cock at her
cunt and slid it in to the hilt not stopping until
their bodies ground together. Julie came immediately,
twisting and moaning and continued as Harry began to
pump in and out and she came until he reached his
climax and spurted his cum into her. She lay limp and
lifeless as Harry continued to move inside her and
finally she reached up and pulled his head down to kiss
him and said, "I love you baby so much, fuck me again."
Harry continued his hip movement in and out while
kissing Julie and running his hands over her body and
soon she began to lift her hips to meet his drawing her
feet up to gain leverage and widening her leg spread to
allow him as deep as possible. She could feel his firm
cock beginning to harden and extend in length. Harry
slid his hand down to her ass and sought her asshole
with an extended finger as he knew this always drove
her wild, he rubbed upwards until his finger was wet
and slick from the moisture and cum from her cunt and
then returned it to the waiting rectal opening. Julie
moaned when his finger touched her there and lifted her
ass from the bed to make room for his hand.
She tore her mouth from his and gasped, "Yes
sweetheart, give it to me, give me all of it, fuck me
with your finger I need you so bad. You have turned me
into a slut I love every thing you do to me.
Please baby, put it in me!"
"You love my finger in your ass, don't you? Tell me how
much you want it, I'll give you all of it if you will
beg me to fuck your ass with my cock, do you want it
bad enough to beg?"
"Yes, I'll beg, I'd love for you to finger fuck my ass
it is a feeling that is hard to describe. Please put it
in as far as you can, loosen it up and please fuck your
cock in my ass, it's big and it hurts but I love it,
fuck my ass with your big hard cock and make me cum,
sweetheart. Treat me like the slut I am and fuck my
ass, please."
Harry eased his finger in Julie's tight ass as she held
still and he watched her eyes lose focus as she
concentrated on the sensations of his entry. He knew
that he would never last to fuck his cock in her ass
more than five or six strokes because he could feel the
tingle in his balls that preceded the eruption of his
cum, he held still in her cunt hoping that he would
cool off. He began to move his finger inside her ass
sliding in then back out and twisting it, Julie's legs
began to tremble and her head rolled from side to side.
"Oh yesssss, fuck me in the ass it's good, ohhhh you
haven't fucked my ass in a long time, please baby fuck
me, I need to feel you in my ass making it burn and I
need your hot cock deep in me and filling me with cum.
Please baby, I'll do anything for you please fuck my
"Will you find a woman and let me watch her make love
to you as you promised?"
"Yes baby, I'll do it, please,"
"Do you have someone that you can get?"
"Maybe I'm not sure yet, please fuck my ass."
Harry removed his finger from Julie's ass as she gasped
and rolled her over to her side. She knew the position
necessary and drew her knee up and rotated her hips
bringing her ass up and sticking back. Harry eased
behind her and placed his wet cock at her asshole
smearing the wetness from her cunt around it and then
began a steady pressure inward.
As the tip began to enter slowly Julie whimpered and
pressed back trying to relax her muscles and open her
asshole for his cock. Finally the head slipped pass the
ring and Julie moaned clenching her fists at the
burning pain but still pressing back. Another inch
slipped in and Harry stopped pressing allowing her to
adjust and the pain to cease.
"Are you okay sweetheart?"
"Oh Harry it hurts so good, I've missed this. Give me
more I want it all, it's feeling better but I need it
deeper because I going to cum and I want it all the way
in first, put it in my ass and fuck me as long as you
Harry knew it was always like this, neither of them
could last long ass fucking. He grabbed her hip and
started pushing inward hard and his cock slid in until
his body was plastered to her ass cheeks. Julia started
moaning low in her throat and when he was in all the
way she rotated her hips in a circle pushing back
against him.
Harry responded and began to fuck Julie's ass with long
strokes retreating half way out and back in and he felt
his cock began to throb as his climax drew near. When
it came it felt like his cock was bursting and he
jammed in her and held it there groaning as the cum
spurted into her ass, Julie was steady moaning as she
felt the hot cum in her and his cock convulsing and her
empty cunt was milking and grasping with nothing in it.
They both slowly sank to the bed and lay spooned
together until Harry's shrinking cock finally slipped
out of her and he rolled over on his back. Julie also
rolled over and they kissed and loved on each for a
long time.
"Oh baby you are wonderful, I really have missed you
fucking my ass, baby I've missed you the last couple of
days. I get frustrated when we aren't able to make love
regularly like we used to. I'm sorry you have to work
so hard but I'm proud of your getting the promotion and
the recognition but I miss having you at lunch to talk
to and make quick love."
"I miss you and all that also, I'm afraid it may be
this way for a while until we can finish these jobs but
don't let yourself get frustrated, I know you a highly
sexual woman and need sex every day more than one time.
Now you have Jimmy to help you and you can have a woman
lover also, who do you think might be interested enough
to allow an audience?"
"Well baby it's to early to tell but Emily and I are
real close but we don't enough time alone to see if any
thing will develop. School is out Friday but she has to
be there for training classes and Jimmy's around and in
and out on Saturday's when we could lay in the sun and
get to know each in private. I just don't have a
opportunity to see if the relationship can go any
"Well maybe I can help a little since you are doing
this for me, what if I took Jimmy to work with me
Saturday that would give you and Emily all day to tan
and shop and any thing else you wanted to?"
"That would give me a opportunity to get us topless and
take away the first embarrassments of being nude
together and we could see what happens. But if she is
interested how can I get to the subject of you being
"You couldn't at first, you would have to develop the
affair slowly so that she would want your body so bad
she could be worked into a threesome, so just work on
getting her to make love to you and your making love to
"Ok, I'll talk to her tomorrow and see if she is free
Saturday and wants to tan for a while. I've got to
clean up, if you need the bathroom hurry, I really need
to go."
"You go ahead I can last a minute or two, but promise
you will turn on your charm and make it work with Emily
"Yes I promise."
Julie hurried to the bath room and relieved herself got
a wash cloth and wet it with hot water and went back to
the bed where Harry was lying and began to wash his
cock. He groaned and closed his eyes whispering he told
her that it felt great and he might need that every
night. Julie cleaned it and his balls also wiping
beneath them and his legs. She played with it and
rubbed it paying a lot of attention to wiping the head
then lay the cloth on his leg and rubbed her fingers
over the smooth head as it began to swell and lengthen.
She leaned down and kissed the head and tasted cum
which was oozing from the slit, she licked it with her
tongue and placed her lips over the slit and sucked
gently getting a drop which was about to come out.
Sliding her lips back over the head she rubbed the
underside with her tongue and glanced at Harry watching
her with his head up.
"Sweetheart that is fantastic take a little more in
your mouth."
"Would you like me to suck you off baby, I would love
to have you cum in my mouth your cum tastes so good and
I get turned on with your cock in my mouth and throat?"
"Yes suck me baby, oh it feels so good for you to do
that, to good in fact I can't take much with out
blasting off, take it all."
Julie leaned and kissed Harry's cockhead licking it and
then kissing and licking it all over with lots of
kissing the underside and licking the bottom of the
head getting her reward of more cum and some pre-cum as
his cock and balls prepared them selves for another
emptying of sperm. She engulfed the head with her hot
mouth and began a downward journey until the head
bumped against the back of her throat.
Pausing there long enough to regulate her breathing
through her nose she tilted her head and took Harry's
cock into her throat and continue to encase it there
until her lips reached his pubic bone. Harry was
groaning and trying to hump his cock deeper into her
tight throat. Julie tightened her mouth and tongue and
began a swallowing action making her mouth and throat
into a vacuum around his cock. She only had time for
three or four swallows until she felt Harry's cock
stiffen and swell and knew he was going to cum, she
backed off holding the suction until she had his cock
locked in her mouth with her lips just behind the head
and her tongue rubbing the underside. She wanted to
taste the cum and feel the spurting against her mouth
and the sensation of the cum running into her throat to
be swallowed.
Harry came in a blast and the cum was hot, he groaned
and humped into Julie's hot suctioning mouth and he
could hear her whimpering and swallowing. She continued
to suck and rub her tongue against the cockhead even as
the cock began to wither in her mouth. She massaged his
balls as if she wanted to get every last little drop of
cum from them and finally allowed his cock to slip from
her mouth and licked the head to clean it kissing it
and running her fingers up and down milking out the
last of his sperm licking it up.
Julie looked at Harry sprawled on the bed, limp and
totally relaxed, with a smile on his face. Julie smiled
also and kissed his cockhead one last time and pulling
the sheet over his body she kissed him and whispered
goodnight, he didn't respond as he was already asleep.
Julie went to the bathroom and leaning on the counter
looked at herself in the mirror: "Hello slut, you look
well fucked tonight, well one down one to go, you
better rest a little while or you will never make it
alive." She went to the toilet and relieved herself
trying to get all the cum out of her cunt and ass, then
back to the vanity for Summer's Eve and a good long
douche. Turning on the shower she jumped in and got the
water as hot as she could stand and let it run on her
body for a while before using her body wash to scrub
herself. She turned off the shower and dried herself
returning to the mirror and brushing her hair, cleaning
her teeth and gargling with mouth wash. She rubbed
lotion on her body and got some cream applying some to
her cunt lips and inside her cunt then repeat the
process with her asshole. A dab of cologne and she felt
she was as good as she could get tonight.
Julie returned to the kitchen and saw the empty coffee
pot and prepared it for turning on in the morning, she
got everything arranged for breakfast, got herself a
small glass of milk and drank it standing in the
kitchen thinking of thousands of things and nothing at
all and realized she was tired. Better to hurry so she
could get some rest, she reasoned as she turned out the
light and started towards Jimmy's room. She was
startled by the amount of light coming in the living
room window and realized they had forgot to close the
blinds, she walked over to pull the cord and she
thought, oh no I been walking and standing in the
kitchen completed naked and anyone walking by could see
every inch of me.
She went to check the front door and it wasn't locked
either so she went to the back door and it was ok, for
some reason she was drawn back to the front door where
she hesitated for a moment and then opened the door and
looked out. Julie walked out into the entry cautiously
and to the wall where she had met Jimmy earlier, naked
as she was now, she looked out to the street and up and
down it but could see nothing or no one. She leaned
against the wall and spread her legs as she had done
for Jimmy and a tremor went through her body with the
memory of his cock tenting his pants front as he jogged
up the steps.
Suddenly all the tiredness seemed to have left her and
she felt alive, excited, knew what she wanted and it
was waiting for her in Jimmy's cock. Julie took one
last look around secretly wishing that some one was
walking and then she saw a burred shadow shape at the
end of the drive near some shrubbery, looking closely
she did not think it was a person as it was low near
the ground. She watched but it did not move so she
dismissed it as just something growing that she did not
remember, she turned and returned to the door and
slipped inside closing and locking it.
Julie went to the doorway to Jimmy's room and heard the
radio playing but not the music he normally listened
to, she smiled, how thoughtful she thought, he has
turned on romantic music. She eased though the doorway
and closed the door behind her. She could see as the
night light was on and he appeared to be asleep but as
she approached the bed she detected a flutter of his
eye lids and knew he was only pretending. She decided
to go along with his deception and sank to her knees
beside the bed and observed his cock which was about
half aroused as he lay on the bed naked and uncovered.
Julie laid her hand on his stomach rubbing it lightly
and reached with her other hand and grasped his cock
feeling it lurch in her hand, she rubbed it lightly
also and placed her thumb on the head to rub it. She
leaned closer and looked at the head seeing dried pre-
cum on it and around the slit, he has been hard ever
since he came in here most likely, she decided. It was
steadily growing as she rubbed it and was already close
to full hardness and length. Julie's breasts begin the
familiar ache and she could feel her stomach tightening
as she continued to rub and look at his cock as the
ache in her tits grew stronger. She leaned resting her
tits on his leg and began to lick the head of Jimmy's
cock wetting the dried pre-cum and tasting it, then she
kissed it lovingly all over and moving her hand to his
balls she cradled them in her palm and slipped her
mouth over the cockhead compressing slightly and began
to suck.
Jimmy groaned and raised his head with wide open eyes
to see her actions better and then he reached down and
rubbed her tits resting on his leg. Julie looked at
Jimmy but did not stop her sucking and licking, she
went down a little farther taking more of his cock in
her mouth, she sucked a while and then pulled off and
smiled at him.
"Hello baby, you looked so good lying here naked that I
couldn't resist loving your cock. Did you nap baby?"
"Only dozed lover, I couldn't sleep I was so excited
about you coming to my bed and I could hear you and Dad
making love, you were moaning loud and then Dad was
moaning. He fucked you hard didn't he?"
"Yes, we always fuck that way, just as you and I did
this afternoon, you aren't jealous are you?"
"No, I just wish I could have been there and fucking
you also."
"We need time alone as lovers and as friends, it is
important in a marriage that both can happen together
and you and I need time alone as lovers. Your Dad
realizes this that's why he sent you to bed with a
promise that I would come to you alone and naked to be
your lover. If we can't be alone while making love then
it becomes just sex and I might as well be a paid whore
come to relieve your sexual tensions without any
feelings between us.
"You're beautiful naked and clothed but naked is the
real you, I would like to have you naked and hot to
fuck all the time."
"I know, you have already expressed that and then you
fucked me half to death. Do you want to fuck me now or
me finish you in my mouth again, I am naked and hot for
you now and willing to do any thing you desire, I am
your slut, a hot slut, I want your cock, tongue,
finger, or anything else to fuck me, I need to cum
"I want to fuck you with my cock in your cunt, my
finger in your ass, and my tongue in your mouth, come
and lay your hot body up here."
Julie compiled immediately crawling over Jimmy and
lying next to him on her side facing him and as he
turned to face her she held his cock and rubbed it on
her stomach, as he moved down in the bed she rubbed it
along her body until it was at her cunt. She moved her
leg against him and he lifted and pulled it under his
body until his hip rested below it and his cock was
against her cunt. Julie rubbed the cockhead against her
clit and along the slit of her cunt, she raised her
other leg and placed it over his pulling him closer so
that his cockhead would go partially in her slit. They
lay that way with their faces six inches apart and
staring at each other with lust filled eyes.
"Oh baby, that feels so good your cock is hot and hard
and I want it so bad. I want to feel it in me again,
please fuck me now. I still remember how it felt this
afternoon making me cum so many times and I want that
again. I don't think I will ever get enough of your
"I want your tit in my hand so I can squeeze it and
pinch your nipple when you cum, I am going to pinch it
hard and make it hurt when you cum."
Julie wiggled her body until her tit was in his hand,
their lips were touching and she closed her eyes and
opened her mouth, whispering; "It's yours lover."
Jimmy's other hand was on Julie's hip, he whispered
also; "Take my hand and put my finger in your mouth and
wet it real good then place it at your asshole and beg
like a slut for it to slide in you."
Julie whimpered, she wanted it but she didn't want to
do it herself, she knew why Jimmy was doing these
things he wanted to change her into a submissive slut
and it excited her for she wanted that also, but it was
his demanding rather than just doing it and letting her
go along with it that was conflicting her mind and will
However, her hand moved down and took his and brought
it to her mouth, she looked at it and he extended his
middle finger the longest one and she looked at his
face as she opened her mouth and inserted the finger
licking it and wetting it as much as possible. Removing
his finger she moved it to her crotch and reaching
around her ass she grasped it and placed the finger at
her asshole. Julie looked in Jimmy's eyes and hesitated
for a while before speaking.
"Your slut, wants... wants... your finger in... her
ass, please... fuck... my ass... with your finger, I
need... it, please... fuck... your slut... slut's...
ass, please."
Jimmy leaned forward and kissed Julie and slide his
tongue in her open mouth, she sucked it and moaned as
she felt the finger begin to slide into her asshole. It
kept moving in until his hand was against her buttocks
and could not go any farther, Jimmy twisted it gently
in her ass and Julie felt her stomach start the ache
low and moving towards her cunt and knew she was going
to cum.
She stopped sucking his tongue long enough to gasp:
"Fuck me, put your cock in me and fuck me I'm going to
cum, I need your cock in my cunt, ooohhh please fuck
Jimmy gave her his cock and it slid in her wet cunt
easily and she began to moan and rub her tits against
his hand and chest. He fucked her cunt as hard and fast
as he could and felt her cunt convulse as she began to
cum around and over his cock. He continued to pump into
her and began to move his finger in and out of her ass
and Julie cried out as her climax was renewed and
intensified. They fucked against each other for a long
time with Julie gushing about every ten seconds, as she
began to slow down Jimmy tighten his finger and thumb
on her nipple and steadily increased the pressure.
"Yes, yes, yes... lover fuck me ooohhh... I can't stop
cumming... ohhh aaaaagggg, oh... it hurts it's...
hurting oooohhhh my nipple, aaaagggg, your killing me,
fuck me... fuck meeee, ooohh my... nipple, nipple...
Fuck mmmmeee pinch it yes... ohhhh my stomach... I'm
gonnnaaa beeeee... sick pinch it harder, aaaagggghhhh,
I'm starting again... Assss deeper oooohhhh."
Julie was thrashing against Jimmy's body, kissing his
face and rubbing her tit against him, she kept her lips
against his even when talking and moaning. Suddenly
Jimmy lost it and blasted his cum into her cunt and
when the hot sperm hit her cunt wall she stiffened and
came one last large convulsion and fell back completely
lifeless and in a near faint.
Jimmy was breathing hard, he held Julie tight against
his cock with his finger embedded in her ass, as he
regained his breath, looking at her and marveling at
how submissive she was when she got hot and wanted to
be fucked which seemed to be all the time. He wondered
how far she would go and wanted to take her there, but
didn't want to go to fast and make a mistake, losing
all he had presently. He knew when to push and when to
just coast and it was time to coast. He pumped his cock
in and out to see how hard it was and knew if he was
careful he still was firm enough to fuck again without
resting. There was no movement from Julie, she lay as
in a deep sleep but he could feel her heart beating
where his hand still held her breast. That to was
amazing to him as he never knew that she came so hard
as to faint but he didn't know much about what happened
when she and his father closed the bedroom door except
that she moaned and cried out a lot.
Jimmy remembered what the papers, that his friend David
had gotten from his father's collection that they had
read dozens of times until they were memorized, had
said about the power of suggestion to a person sleeping
or passed out. He thought, it seems to work so I will
try it some more, most important was to whisper softly
and start with praise and then suggestion. He leaned to
Julie, kissed her mouth and began to whisper, telling
her how beautiful she was, that her body was sexy and
hot, her hair was like dark silk, she was wonderful,
her breasts were sweet as honey, her nipples were made
to be caressed and kissed, she loved to have her
breasts played with, she was hot and horny all the
time, she wanted to fuck all the time, she needed to be
fucked every day, she got wet every time she was
touched, she wanted to show her breasts off, she loved
to be naked.
He repeated these over and over watching Julie's face
for signs that she was awaking and kissing her, she
began to stir her mouth moved when he kissed her lips.
"You need to make love every day, you must make love
every day, you will make love every day, you want to
fuck, you will spread your legs when touched."
Julie sighed and then a soft ohhh came from her lips,
she was reviving slowly and she seemed to hear some one
talking but wasn't sure as she couldn't concentrate.
She opened her eyes and saw Jimmy close to her face and
he was watching her intently, she smiled, it was ok he
was taking care of her again.
"Mom, are you ok? How do you feel?"
"Yes, a little tired but ok."
"You are so beautiful mom, I have been lying here
looking at you and thinking that you are the most
beautiful woman in the whole world."
Julie smiled. She became aware that she felt as though
her cunt was full and there was pressure in her ass.
She tried to move and felt Jimmy's cock slide out a
little which he slid back in again.
"Oh baby, your cock is in my cunt, are you fucking me
"We haven't stopped fucking mom, we just took a little
"Oh yes I must have dozed off, I guess I was dreaming
that I was listening to someone but didn't know who it
was or what they were saying."
"It must have been me, I was telling you how much I
love you and how I loved kissing your sweet lips and
licking your nipples, and how wonderful it was to be
able to lay here with my cock in your cunt and that I
wanted to make love to you now that we were both
satisfied and calmed down. I want to love you slow and
sweet and for a long time so it will last until
tomorrow when we can be like this again."
"Oh baby, that is so sweet and romantic, I would like
that too."
Jimmy pulled Julie tight against his lower body and
caused his cock to go in a little more, she turned her
upper body to him and they were again tight against
each other with their lips only inches apart. In
moving, Jimmy's finger moved in Julie's ass and she was
startled that it was still there and how accustomed she
had come to it, her leg was still hooked around his and
she pulled him tighter to her and kissed him.
"Fuck me baby, I want you to fuck me now and every day
we can. I love you and I love what you do to me."
"Mom, I don't know much about how to love a woman I
just know how to fuck, help me learn to love you so you
will always be satisfied by telling me what you like
and don't like, please."
"Yes sweetheart, I will. I love you more everyday you
are so sweet and caring and I love everything you do to
"I know I'm supposed to be a man and be forceful and
authoritarian but I love you so much that I could just
cry when you kiss me and let me rub your breasts."
"Oh baby, you make my heart burst with love you can be
any thing with me and I will still love you."
"Mom when we play the games like calling you slut and
you saying you are a slut, I don't want to hurt your
feelings or degrade you but I do want you to tell me
that you want me to fuck you so I will know that you
are doing it because you want me and not because you
think I need to grow up."
"I understand please know that I want you all the time
and forever and try not to grow up to fast you have a
lot of time to be grown up and not many left to be
young. Playing games is alright, that's how we learn a
lot of things. I want you to be strong and in control
but also like we are now soft and loving and sharing
our love and feelings. If it gives you confidence for
me to beg you to fuck me I will do it willingly but
only because I love you and really do want you to fuck
me. So if you don't tell me to beg for your cock then I
won't but I hope you know that I do want it by the way
I accept it and spread my legs for it and put it in my
cunt for you."
"Mom, I've said it many times, you are the greatest I'm
the luckiest guy alive. I love this just lying here and
talking and kissing, it's great."
"Don't forget that along with the talking and kissing,
your wonderful cock is in my cunt and it's hard as a
rock. Your finger is in my ass, been in there so long
it's not going to come out and we'll have to go through
life like this. I want you to fuck me, make love to me,
let me make love to you and just be lovers tonight.
Tomorrow you can make me beg, plead, and anything you
want to but now please just love me with your cock,
finger, and tongue."
Jimmy responded by kissing Julie and sliding his tongue
into her accepting mouth and beginning to move his hips
slowly, sliding his cock in and out of her cunt
occasionally moving his finger in her ass. Julie kissed
and sucked and ran her hands over his body and helped
his movement with her leg over his. As they had done
the day before they were two lovers sharing their
bodies in sex. They would stop kissing and just look at
each other smiling and touching their lips lightly with
a tongue tip teasing the corner of a mouth or tip of
the nose. But hips continued to move slowly and in
unison like a slow dance with partners in prefect step.
Time had been forgotten.
"Mom, I think you are getting wetter, I can feel it
running off my cock when I pull it out."
"Well, I'm full of your cum baby and my own plus I'm
having some mini climaxes every few minutes. I should
be dehydrated with all the times you have made me
climax today." Julie glanced at the clock and
exclaimed." Oh baby it's after eleven we have been
fucking for over an hour and you are still hard and
hot. We will be dead in the morning if we don't get
some sleep."
"Ok, let's finish, clean up, and lie together naked,
can you sleep with me tonight?"
"No only till midnight and we shouldn't for if we are
lying naked we won't sleep we'll be playing games
"You're right mom, I could play with you forever, I
love this. Can you cum soon?"
"I don't know baby, I may not have any thing left but
we can try."
Jimmy and Julie continued to move in unison with a
little more urgency and they continued to kiss, suck,
and lick each others lips with Jimmy wiggling his
finger in Julie's ass and twisting it. He saw her eyes
begin to shine and become more intense when she looked
at him indicating that she was beginning to be aroused
as the intensity level increased. Jimmy pulled his free
hand and arm from around her shoulder and back and
placed it on her left breast massaging it and rubbing
the nipple. Then he moved it to the other and gripped
the nipple with his fingers.
"Oooohhhh baby no! It's sore and hurting don't squeeze
it anymore!" She looked at her nipple between his
fingers, leaned forward and kissed him, "Please baby,
it's painful it's going to hurt for days."
"Do you remember cumming when I pinched it before and
begging me to do it harder?"
"Yes, I remember."
"Every time it hurts when you touch it or your clothes
touch it remember how wonderful it was to have a cock
in you and cumming and you'll want it again."
"Yes baby, I will remember."
Jimmy moved his hand back to Julie's left breast and
massaged it rubbing the nipple, Julie sighed but was
startled when he gripped the nipple and began to
squeeze. She looked him but did not protest as he
tighten the grip between finger and thumb.
"Do you want to cum again like that?"
"When both nipples are sore and hurting will you want a
cock and get hot and wet remembering how good it felt
to be fucked to multiple cums and be ready to fuck?"
"Oh yes, baby are you going to hurt my nipple and make
me cum?"
"Yes and so you will have something to remind you all
day that you are hot and want to fuck."
"Kiss me and fuck me, lover, I want it."
Jimmy kissed Julie and slid his tongue in her sucking
mouth, he began to twist her nipple and pull it away
from her breast holding it stretched and increasing the
pressure, she moaned and sucked at his tongue. Her hand
came up to her breast but she did try to stop him
instead she cupped the tit and held it squeezing
lightly, she was offering it to him. He squeezed harder
and Julie pumped her hips into his cock faster, she
tore her mouth away from his and leaned back to look at
her abused nipple and then into his eyes.
"Ooooooo, your hurting me, ohh, my nipple aches, the
pain is making the other nipple hurt, but it's
wonderful... even my clit aches, I can't stand it,
more... any more and I'll faint, aaaagggg, yes I feel
it building... I'm going to cum, harder harder pinch it
harder hurt it lover. Aaaaggg fuck me, fuck it fuck my
ass, hurt my nipple, ohhhh cumming baby cumming...
now... now... now.
Jimmy knew she was cumming, her cunt was clamped around
his cock so tight he could hardly move it and she was
milking it with her cunt muscles pushing him through
his rising passion until he was spurting his cum into
her, he clamped down hard on her nipple as he froze
with his cock rammed as deep as he could get it in her
cunt. Julie was arched against his cock holding her tit
with a gargling sound rising from her throat like she
was drowning as she kept cumming in long and almost
painful convulsions, she could feel her clit rubbing
against his pubic bone and throbbing.
"Ohhhoooohhh, my nipple, my nipple is killing me, I
can't stop cumming, ohh you're filling me with cum
hot... hotttt, oooooowwww, please baby please my
Slowly their passion began to subside but Jimmy
couldn't move his cock, her muscles had locked on it
causing the head to swell and it was hurting with all
the blood accumulated in head and not able to escape.
Julie was writhing in pain from the pressure on her
nipple, she finally released her tit and reached up and
rubbed Harry's face crying out to him: "Baby, lover,
sweetheart, please let go let go of my nipple, it's
hurting it's hurting real bad, ohhhh oh please, Jimmy,
Jimmy, sweetheart, you're killing me."
Jimmy came to his senses and realized what Julie was
saying and released her nipple, she slumped back on the
bed and the rigidness faded from her body releasing
Jimmy's cock and he sagged down on her. They both lay
still breathing heavily and recovering from the insane
passion that had gripped them. Jimmy looked at Julie
and saw tears in her eyes and on the side of her face,
he knew that he had caused them. He crawled to her and
began to kiss the tears sucking them into his mouth.
"Oh mom, I'm sorry so sorry, I didn't realize that I
was hurting you. Please forgive me, I don't know what
happened I was cumming and I just seem to freeze up, it
felt so good that I couldn't think of any thing else,
please forgive me."
Julie reached for Jimmy and stroked his face, she
smiled and kissed his cheeks as he licked at her tears.
"It's okay now sweetheart, it hurt bad but it's getting
better now that the blood return flow is over. I
forgive you, we both were carried away by our passion
and I wanted you to make me cum and you did,
wonderfully, that was even better than the first time
and I loved the time we spent just making love, it was
a beautiful ending to a perfect evening, I love you!"
"Thanks mom, you're great, I love you."
"Sweetheart, we must clean up and get to sleep, it's
eleven thirty."
"Okay I promise not to touch you anymore tonight so we
can get to bed."
"Yes mom."
"You're forgetting something."
"You have to take your cock out of me and it's going to
make a mess on the bed plus your finger is still in my
ass and although it feels like it belongs there it
would make life complicated unless you take it out."
Jimmy grinned, "Damn, I hoped you wouldn't notice."
"Naughty, naughty boy, you shouldn't say nasty words."
You have a great imagination, but you are not the greatest of writers. Spell check would be a great start. Also at times you confused names... proof reading would be another great thing.
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