I just want to ignore things and yell, “Baahumbug,” and enjoy the joyous season anyways.
You know how the Christmas story went, “Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.” Well, in my house, there was no one stirring, except me, I’m wide-awake, and surfing the net. Our, two dogs were sleeping in their kennel, and my husband, was sleeping soundly in the bedroom down the hall.
It’s Christmas Eve, and for the first time, we aren’t able to spend it with our children. However, we made the best of it, and had that day all planned out; sleep late, play lazy, and maybe with weather permitting go to a movie. My husband even had a holiday feast in mind, turkey, with all its trimming, green-bean casserole, baked potatoes, apple salad, and a yummy apple pie for dessert.
A smile crossed my face as I remembered the comment he made. “Honey, this meal is guaranteed to spice up our life, and expand our waistlines.”
I chuckled in reply, “For your information, my waistline doesn’t need any more expansion, it need more reduction.”
As I sit here, I look around the room, a festive Christmas tree decorated one corner of the living room, lights twinkle in every window, and a decorative candle adorned the coffee table….so why am I feeling so blue right now?
Maybe it’s because up until a few years ago, we’d spend Christmas here at home, with a house full of people, children’s laughter, great food, homemade candy, a variety of gifts, and the harmonious sounds of Christmas carols, serenading through the air.
I know that life goes on children grow into adults, and start families of their own. Nowadays we’d travel to see them, during the holidays, and make new memories.
This year’s different, because I myself cannot travel to see them. Although my mind says yes, my body, with its numerous health problems says no. I just want to ignore things and yell, “Baahumbug,” and enjoy the joyous season anyways.
I put my head in my hands and whispered, “You know what I want for Christmas? I want someone special, just for me, to help me do those things I no longer can do.” I giggled and smirked, “Like that’s going to happen.”
I logged off the computer, and then went into the kitchen and poured myself of cup of eggnog, and added a little bit more rum than usual to it. Why not, maybe it could warm up my spirit.
I then walked into the living room, went over to the sofa, sat down, and pulled back the curtain to see if it was snowing yet. After all, I’m always wishing for a White Christmas.
Some of Jack Frost’s handiwork covered the window and the streetlight looked like a refracted halo. I scraped some of the ice away, and could see big puffy snowflakes and about two inches of snow on the ground. I think its pristine whiteness is enchanting. Some of our neighbors go all the way out and have many Christmas lights. The white blanket reflected a holiday spectrum of colors, red, green, and gold. For a moment, I forgot about being depressed on Christmas Eve
I finished the eggnog, sighed, and decided to go back to bed. I soon feel asleep, probably due to the liquor.
I not sure what woke me up; but when I listened closely, the sound appeared to be coming from the den. I stretched, and thought, ‘It’s probably the dogs, chasing there toys across the floor. A second later, I froze, because they’re in the kennel and their toys are in another room. I desperately tried to wake hubby up so he could go check out things, but the only thing that could do that was a lightning strike.
So, I bit my lip, cursed under my breath, slithered out of bed, and put on my robe. I decided not to turn the light on to look for my shoes, because I was shaking so badly with fear, I thought I would knock it off the bedside table onto the floor. As my beating heart echoed like a big base drum in my ears I crept toward the bedroom door. All of a sudden, my toe found it. I though about covering my mouth to stifle a scream, but I was too freaking afraid to say anything.
I peaked around the door to see what the noise was and didn’t see a thing. I walked cautiously toward the den, shaking so badly I thought I would pass out with each step I took. About half way through that room, I could see into the living room. To my surprise there in front of our Christmas tree was the intruder.
I shook my head, because for a moment, I thought I was seeing some one in a red Santa suit. It cannot be, maybe the rum was playing tricks with my head. I decided to get a closer look, and slowly I crept towards him, thinking to myself, it this is Santa, I want to make sure eye-to-eye.
The close I got, the more puzzled I become. The intruder was not a jolly ole man; the curves were all in the wrong places.
I mustered all the courage within me and asked, “Aren’t you suppose to be a jolly fat man, who comes down the chimney?"
The intruder screamed, like a woman. "You scared me!"
"I scared you? Lady this is my house!”
She blushed and then asked, “Is this 410 Greenville rd, Brentwood Tennessee?”
I was even more confused at this point and answered, “Yes, why you asking?”
“I have strict orders from St Nick himself to be here in your house under your tree tonight. I was just about to sit down when you scared the dickens out of me. Pull up a chair I will explain everything.”
My adrenaline was running a muck, as my mind tried to find some rhythm or reason, and I answered her with a sarcastic tone. "I didn't know he’d send Mrs. Claus would visit me tonight.”
“I’m not Mrs. Claus; I’m one of Santa’s many helpers, because there's just too much for him to cover in one night."
Due to the fact I left my glasses next to the bed, I had to squint to read the clock. It was three am. “You’re out kinda late aren’t you? I thought Santa made his rounds at midnight."
“I’m late because some of the elves and I celebrated a bit too much. I then lost your address, left home late, and I caused Santa to leave the North Pole late.”
I shook my head, blinked a few time, and then said, “Pinch me please I want to make sure you’re not a dream.”
She reached over and pinched me, giggled, and said, "I think I'm going to like you a lot."
"Ouch, what did you do that for?”
“You ask me too, that’s why."
Okay, I told myself play along if this is a dream don’t wake me. I was dying to see what this intruder was really up too. After all there is no such thing as Santa Claus.
“Why are you here?”
“You joking right, you have no idea who I am or why I’m here?”
“Nope, I’m thinking I had too much rum in my eggnog?”
Do you remember what you wished for on Christmas Eve? If not let me refresh your memory, “You know what I want for Christmas? I want someone special, just for me, to help me do those things I no longer can do.”
She walked over to me, put her arms around me, kissed me softly on the lips, and whispered, “Call me Nicky. Merry Christmas Deana, I’m yours until midnight, the day after Christmas. Consider me your own personal servant. I know I cannot fix you physically Deana, but I can help you have a special holiday, in every way imaginable.”
Now this I have to see, wondering what she meant by every way imaginable. “Nicky, your very pretty, especially that cute dimple in your chin, what do you have in mind.”
I watched her eyes travel up and down my body. She licked her lips and asked, “Are you sleepy I’m not, in fact I’m feeling kind of frisky. I’m also bi-sexual. Since we are about the same size, do you have something I can slip into that more comfortable than this red outfit?”
Her sexy gaze, and lustful words made me quiver with desire and my face turned a nice shade of Christmas red. I began to think of how much I would like to disrobe Santa’s helper, one piece of clothing at a time. I went to my bedroom and got one of my silk robes for her to put on. I wanted to wake hubby but decided, she’s mine, he can hear about it later.
“I hope you like blue; it matches your blonde hair and blue eyes.”
Nicky smiled, and began undressing right in front of me. When she unbuttoned her blouse and removed her bra, her long blonde hair cascaded down in ringlets across her shoulder. Her large breasts had long hard nipples already, and I wondered if that was because of the snow. Next she winked at me and removed her pants and underwear, and just stood there nude for a moment.
“Deana, do you like what you see?”
“Yes, very much, you’re gorgeous. I must admit I haven’t had much experience with a woman.”
“Don’t worry honey, I’m here to please you, don’t worry about a thing, I will take care of you. Now, drop your night gown honey, I want to see your sexy body now.”
I stood up, and without hesitation dropped my clothing too. For a while, we just stood there staring at each other's bodies. Suddenly Christmas was very merry again.
She walked over too me, and then looked around the room. "You don't seem to have any mistletoe around here."
At that moment I wished there was some right above our heads because I wanted to kiss Nicky. "I forgot to buy some this year.”
“Oh well sweety, I don’t really need it.”
She pulled me into her arms and kissed me. Her soft, lovely, full luscious breasts pressed against mine and felt fantastic. As our tongues did the dance of lovers her finger cascaded lightly down my back.
I caressed her back mimicking her movements. My whole body never felt so alive with passion, I didn’t know what she was going to do, but didn’t care. "This is indeed a Merry Christmas Nicky."
“Deana. I guess we should go to the bedroom and continue this."
“Not my room, let go to the quest room. After all it’s a known fact that Santa’s helpers usually don't get much sleep on Christmas.”
We went into the quest room and the words of that old Christmas story rang through my head; Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring—well in my house the only thing stirring were the two females in the quest room. We weren’t wearing stocking caps, or anything else. In fact, she was too busy kissing, licking, sucking, tasting, and fucking.
As for me, I didn’t worry whether a sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer delivered her.
Your lyuoat for DW is beautiful. I took a look at the site, but was not excited about them sharing my ID and password with other sites. However, what I did see was very nice.Hope your Mother's Day was very relaxing. Hugs, Edna B.
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