Solo lady camper, has an experience she will never forget
This is my first time from a woman's point of view. Let me know what you think, and if it should be continued...
Raped by bigfoot
It was a freak accident that brought me to this predicament. I was somewhat cold, completely naked, had a pounding headache, a sore ankle, and was trapped in a cave halfway up a mountain. I don’t remember being brought here, but the creature that must have saved my life had to live here. I did not see him much, since he left the cave at about dawn. All I remember was slipping on a mossy rock while taking my bath, and falling into the rushing stream, which swept me sideways until my head contacted a boulder; After that, only indistinct impressions of rushing water, gasping for breath, and then some pain and darkness. Then I woke up here on a bed of dried leaves and grass.
I had been taking one of my several summer trips into the Sawtooth mountains solo, since my girlfriend could not make it this time. I was 26, athletic, with medium length dark hair, and what my friends always described as a cheery expression. A lot of guys had said I was beautiful, but they were usually looking at my tits or ass about that time. I had been blessed with a round, athletic butt, that I liked to shake on the dance floor with friends sometimes, and breasts I was proud to say were completely natural, even if they were only 34C’s.
I am an experienced hiker, and have been independent camper for many years. I was dirty from my hike in past Warm Lake, and since I was sure nobody was around for miles, had decided to strip off everything and take a bath in the small river by my camp. With my soap and washcloth in one hand, I waded towards a pool on the edge of the faster water. One slip on a mossy rock, and I wake up here in a cave, cold and naked, except for a warm hairy blanket against my back. Feeling too much pain at the time to wonder what had happened, I went back to sleep not realizing the warm blanket was the front of the creature. When I woke in the morning, I saw him disappearing out of the mouth of the cave. There were some crabapples, some huckleberries, and a few other things he must have considered edible on a small sheet of bark a foot away from my face.
I ate what I could, and because of the headache, did not discover my sprained ankle until I woke up again later in the day. I spent a slow afternoon working out what must have happened, and hoping my savior would be back soon. With my ankle that sore, there was no way I could hike down the mountainside by myself. It was almost night when I heard the slight noises that presaged his return. Scared and defenseless, except for a small stick I had found, I said “Who’s there?”. There was no reply to my call, only silence for several long seconds. “I’m armed!” I said, feeling scared and foolish as I shook the little stick in my hand for emphasis. Again there was no reply. After a few seconds, I saw the very large shape of him slowly come into the mouth of the cave. It was only a silhouette, since it was nearly dark, but he was obviously very big, at least a foot and a half taller than me, and I am almost 5 foot 10 inches.
He did not respond to anything I said, other than to slowly bend down, and put something on the floor a few feet from me. He then crouched a few feet away, and did not move. I slowly calmed down, and even when he did not answer me, I kept talking, due to nervousness. As I relaxed some more, I sat down, and discovered he had brought some more fruit. I greedily ate what smelled good, and sat back on the bedding, holding my stick for comfort.
The lack of conversation from my captor/savior, and the fact that I was getting very cold, made me decide it was time to try and sleep. As I burrowed into the leaves for warmth, he finally moved. He slowly moved toward me, ignoring my threatening stick, and my words to stay back. He crouched a couple of feet away from me, barely visible in the dark, and stayed there, until it was obvious he was not going to attack me. I lay back down, and tried to get warm, and keep an eye on him at the same time. I did not realize I had fallen asleep, until I felt him against me in the dark, warm and furry. I fell back asleep, warm at last, with a great arm draped over my shoulder, and his body spooned into me from behind.
The dream woke me up finally. I was in a crowd of people, with my old boyfriend pressed up behind me. He was rubbing my body slowly, like he used to do when we went out to the nightclub, when nobody could see because of the dark. I was relaxing into his caresses of my side, and ass, when I felt his fingers slide between my labia, and enter my pussy. I pushed back against his hand, and felt my wetness being spread around the entrance to my pussy. In my dream I was dressed, so the confusion of how his hand could be touching me that way slowly woke me up. It was dark, and the disorientation from the dream, and the lust and heat I still felt from between my legs stopped me from understanding what was happening for a couple of seconds. I felt a big hand slide under my hip, and effortlessly pull me up to a kneeling position, with my butt in the air. The finger that was sliding into me went deeper for a second, and I gasped in shock, and then disappointment, as it withdrew. Before I knew what was happening, I felt something slide back between my lips, and then push slowly inside me. It felt good at first, so it slowed down my reactions, but then I could tell that what was pushing inside me was huge, as it spread my lips apart further that I could imagine. As I tried to move away from the huge invading cock, the hand at my hip moved up my back, and pushed my head back down, as another huge hand wrapped partly around my stomach from behind, and pulled me back hard. That huge cock slide several inches into me, cause my breath to rush out in shock. Before I could draw a breath to scream, he pulled back, until just the tip was still inside me, and then pulled me back even harder. This time, the thickest part of the cock obviously went most of the way inside, and I did scream out in shock. It hurt some, but the feeling was not just pain. The stretching of my pussy, and fullness caused a feeling of pleasure too. The creature held still at my yell for several seconds, with his enormous cock buried inside me. As I caught my breath, and the pain subsided, he slowly pulled back, and then pushed forward some more. I gasped in pleasure this time, as it went even further inside me with every motion. Apparently only about half of his cock had been in me after that first big push, as I felt him pull slowly back, every inch of the cock sliding out sending tremors deep into me. His other hand moved to my hips, almost completely covering them, as he grasped me and pulled me all of the way onto his cock. I groaned softly, as inch after inch of that enormous cock slid into me. I felt the tip enter my cervix, and beyond, until his furry hips pushed against my ass. The girth of his cock was so large, that sliding in pulled my clit partly inside, directly against his cock. The feeling of each slow pump of his cock riding directly on my clit was almost too much. As he moved my body back and forth, fucking his massive cock, I felt my muscles tense up, as a tsunami of an orgasm built up. The feeling was like nothing I had ever experienced, being slid forward and back on that huge cock, filling me up completely, and pressing directly against my clit. With three more huge, slow thrusts, the tidal wave of an orgasm hit me, and I felt my pussy spasm around his cock. Wave after wave of pleasure washed through me, and I dimly felt his thrusts speed up, and become more forceful. As the waves of pleasure slowly receded, I felt his hips slam against my ass more rapidly, until he suddenly pulled my hips back even harder, and his cock spearing deeper than ever into my cunt, shocking me with it’s force. I felt his cock held deeply in me begin to swell, and then pulse strongly, five, six times, as a mini orgasm swept over me each time.
I kneeled there, bent over and sweating, with that massive cock still stretching me open, for almost a minute. Still he did not say a word, even when he slowly slid out of me. I felt my gaping pussy begin to leak fluid out, as he stood up and slowly walked out of the cave. As I began to recover and sat up, I felt a rush of fluids come out of me, and down my legs, into the leaves I was kneeling on. The amount of cum he had put in me was amazing, if I had been able to appreciate it. Still somewhat in shock from the whole experience, especially that incredible orgasm, I watched the sun slowly rise, wondering what I was going to do to get out of here. As I felt my stretched labia, remembering the way it felt with him inside, I wondered if I really wanted to…
God the pure primal nature mixed with how he man handled her like she was his doll of pleasure... well let's just say she wasn't the only one that had a tsunami of orgasms. And how he impales her with his dick. I'm wet again just thinking about it. amazing, keep up the writing.
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