Hard Brutal Sex humilitaion Lesbian bondage and Beastiality
My Slutty Wife Used as a Dog Slave Bitch!
My wife Sissy and I were married, when she had just turned 18. At the time we lived in some apartments just outside North Island a Navy base in San Diego that I was stationed at, being in the Armed Forces, this was a convenient place to live, almost everyone that lived there were mostly single men along with, a few young newly married military couples like us.
Sissy was an oversexed slutty little thing even in High school, and sex always seemed to be on her mind, many of her thoughts had come from her early teenage years, and the things that had Happened to her where she had lived in the country! She seemed to have a knack for getting herself into trouble at least with the older boys!. The fact that she was cute shapely, and a very sexy little prick tease, along with being an incredible flirt! Only seemed to make matters worse.
She was the red haired green eyed thing that would get most men hard just watching her, and that they, or anyone considered perfect for sex!. She stood 5'3” and had weighed about 105 pounds. She had gone from white little 32” C sized virgin titties at 15, to slightly larger 34” breasts, and her weight was now almost 120 pounds at 18. The other thing about her was, her breasts, they pointed up and out to each side quite unusually provocative, that still required no bra, this along with a slender waist, and a full and very plump round 36”ass, and both giggled and wiggled with little effort!making her ever so more appealing!
She loved the fact that she could put her hair in short little pigtails that even at 18 would make her look much younger. When she walked, her pointy nipples along with her soft breasts and the the ripe round overhanging globes of her bottom moved in the most perverse and sexually inviting way! If ever their was a girl that begged to be drug off into the bushes and raped she certainly was that girl!
She, even at 18, still had a bit of baby fat that left her breasts bottom and tummy so soft pale, and virgin
She also had this incredible smile that made one think that you!, or anyone else she was with, Were the only one. She quickly learned that she could get whatever or whoever she wanted when it came to sex with men, women or boys!!!..., and it didn't seem to matter which.
Her one fault if you wanted to call it that, was that she was the perfect description of a stupid blonde!, only she had red hair!, especially when it came to sex or what might happen!.... This never seemed to be of any concern when it came to accepting questionable offers to meet men, women or several men, that she did not know in some of the most remote out of the way, and unsavory places of the city!
She always thought that this kind of risky sex would end with pleasurable consequences, and for the most part did! At first it started out this way, but gradually changed as her lust and insatiable desire for more abusive, cruel and sadistic sex always seemed to be more addictive!
As a young girl her parents had moved out into the country. Her father was gone almost all the time due to his business. Once Sissy was about 12 yrs old, and could pretty much take care of herself, her mother seemed to be gone almost as much. They had a house keeper that made sure Sissy was taken care of and had what ever was needed, she was an older attractive black woman that later turned out to be a somewhat sadistic bisexual woman who's name was Belinda, and that everyone called Bull!
Sissy had wondered at the time how she had gotten such a name?, but even Belinda, was not around that much until one day she caught Sissy masturbating!......
Sissy was an only child, the school bus would pick her up and deliver her to the front gate of her home. She had few friends in this out of the way place were they lived, and had to entertain herself as best she could.
Her parents had seen to it that their home had everything, along with the latest satellite dish, it had all the channels including some of the hottest and most kinky porn sites one could imagine, and since she was alone most of the time she could watch this, or whatever else she wanted!
These sites, had easily helped perk her sexual interest in just about every possible kind of persevere and depraved sex act one could imagine! And with no parental supervision allowed her to become infatuated with all kinds of sexual abuse!
These sites were also the place where she discovered masturbation and quickly became obsessed by it! She had done so much of it that the thin little membrane of her hymen was almost entirely gone!. The property she lived on was about two acres of fenced back yard that had a large area of thick trees and brush right behind their property and her only neighbor. This area of trees and brush was followed by sparsely populated land.
She loved to go out into the wooded area because it was kind of scary, especially during the late summer evenings, she would wear almost nothing, mostly panties and a “T” shirt! She had found what she thought was a small secluded meadow and when there, would take every thing off and lay in the tall grass pleasuring herself, thinking about what she had seen on the satellite, and thought? that no one could see her!!...
She did not know much about the neighbors and hardly ever saw them, only an older rough looking man once in a while, who never seemed to be very friendly and that he, had given her a most sinister look!. She had waved at him several times trying to be friendly, but his look had always frightened her in a strange sort of way! Though he usually just seemed to ignore her? They, the neighbors did have several very large vicious looking dogs! That had really growled and barked at her anytime she came near the chain link fence, that separated their yards.
She thought the dogs were a special breed of Rottweilers, and would be astounded when she finally found out what they were really used for?....
Since no one ever seemed to be around, she would occasionally sun herself nude in the back yard laying on an old lounge chair. Several of the young girls at school had really great tans and Sissy really envied them, but she always seemed to burn and was only able to stay out in the sun for short periods of time, and for a red head never seemed to tan at all!.and had fantasized about her weird neighbor, and that he might catch a glimpse of her, the thought of this big scary looking man seeing her naked was always deliciously exciting!!!....
This was another reason why she loved the woods, especially in the late summer afternoon and evenings. She had just recently turned 15 and one day while laying on the lounge chair had decided to take everything off, just like she did in the meadow, and try to tan. She at first had not noticed that several of the dogs, seemed to be watching her? The thought excited her!.
She was scared at first, but for some reason they were not growling as they usually did? Once she realized they could not get through the fence and they were not barking, thought she might try something very lewd and indecent.
She had seen a short movie clip on one of the porn channels of a dog licking a girl between her legs and the thought had made her quite giddy, flush and very wet and excited!.
She now had what seemed like two very interested dogs, who's noses were touching the fence and decided to see if she could tease and tempt them even more!
With all her clothes off she had pulled the lounge up next to the chain link fence, and had laid down on it opening her legs very wide and had pushed her pink wet little cunt up directly in their faces!, she then started playing with clit! Both of these big dogs were now drooling as they could smell her, and had become quite excited! Sissy, as she got more and more excited, so seemed the dogs! She had inched herself closer and closer to the fence scooting down the lounge and bending her knees even more, the dogs were licking their chops and trying to stick their tongues through the links, and were wining to get at her! Sissy was so excited now, that at first did not realize how close she was getting!!!....
She finally could not stand it and with out thinking stood up, pushing her bare tender wet little cunt close enough for their tongues to easily reach her slit!!!..
The wet, warm and very coarse feeling of their long rough tongues on her equally wet virgin slit!, and especially her clit immediately brought her to an incredible orgasm, much better that anything she had ever experienced, while masturbating! Oh!Ooooooooo!!!....Oh! My, Oh! My.....
Oh my gawd, it was so... wonderful her thighs were trembling and her fingers were turning blue as she tightly clinched the chain link fence, she could hardly stand, and it was all she could do to hold herself now, as tightly as she could pressing her wet little cunt up against the links, So that the dogs could easily have their way with her!
They greedily took turns nipping and licking, giving her young body orgasm after orgasm!!!!... she had no idea of time when she finally heard the dogs being called, Brutus!, Satan!,get over here and leave the girl alone!.
They reluctantly left and bounded off as they too, seemed to have enjoyed themselves. She in her condition had not really noticed just how large these animals were or how massive their animal pricks had become!!!....while pleasuring her!
Sissy had staggered away from the fence and into the house, she lay on her bed still shaking!, her soft little breasts were wet with sweat, her heart was pounding, and as her breathing was starting to return to normal, and was not quite sure as to what just happened?. Her pussy was dripping and the sheets under her were wet and a little red from what little had been left of her virgin hymen, The warm lingering glow of this new and most wonderful feeling was now slowly fading from her genitals. Oh My Gawd if this was animal sex she wanted more!!!...
After this episode, the thought of what her neighbor had said finally dawned on her, (”Leave the girl alone”), she was almost afraid to go out into the back yard now, and kept looking out her back bedroom window with the thought of, was this man watching? Did he see her push herself up against the fence? Did he watch her have those wonderful orgasms? This thought of uncertainty had again left her sweet pink little slit very wet with sinful possibilities!
The next day she was laying on her bed and could not help herself, her door was wide open and she was laying there masturbating with half closed eyes thinking about what the dogs had done to her, when she heard the voice of her housekeeper say girl, you better watch out! Playing with that sweet pink little cunt of yours right in front of me! I just might take take a big bite right out of it!!!..
Sissy with a start! Jumped, almost falling off the bed! no one had ever caught her doing this so forbidden thing! Sissy then said please! Belinda don't tell my parents, The housekeeper held her chin for a minute thinking, then said okay, but you will have to do something for me!.
Sissy then said whatever you want!, I will do what ever you want! Belinda, just don't tell my parents. The house keeper then said, lets see if you really mean that! Belinda then said call me bull! And from now on when I tell you to do something. I mean now!, do you understand!...girl!... Sissy nodded her head yes.
Bull then said to her, stand up and turn around, Sissy was still naked and the wetness between her legs had seeped down the inside of her thighs and was still easily showing along with the embarrassed flush cheeks of not only her face, but for some reason her round ass that was now sticking out was also flush! Bull first lovingly reached out and twisted one of Sissy's pink little nipples and patted her bottom. Bull then said girl, I've been waiting to have some of this for a long time! Sissy at first wondered just what she meant by that?
She would find out rather quickly as Bull said, stick your hands up over your head, now spread your legs! Sissy did exactly as she was told not thinking. Now, bend over and hold onto the arms of that chair real tight and don't let go! no matter what!, and stick that pretty little ass of yours up real nice so I can get a real close look at that sweet tender little pussy of yours!!...
Bull who was standing had at first reached around Sissy's bare back under her arms and had gotten a very firm grasp of both nipples, and with her strong fingers gave them, a very sadistic twist and at the same time pulled them down stretching the tips and her breasts quite painfully to their limit!, before releasing them. Sissy's white soft titties jiggled quite obscenely as they sprang back against her chest, She at first was caught off guard and yelped quite loudly, tears quickly welled up in her eyes.
She had never experienced pain quite like that!. Bull then slid around behind her and sat down on the bed. She gasped slightly as she felt Bulls warm breath on her gentiles!
She then heard Bull say nice, very nice as Sissy felt the fingers of this older woman touch and then slightly open her wet little slit, first up one side and then down the other. Sissy had the most sweet almost bare little cunt it had little pubic hair, just a very thin patch of red and some thicker strands mostly around her clit.
The mounds on either side of her little cunt were slightly swollen and puffy this was from her masturbation and previous attention. Her clit and lips were usually hidden and only recently had started to show from the manipulation she had been giving it and the dogs of course had really stimulated her to the point that they were, both quite noticeable as her slit was now slightly open almost all the time as if her body was starting to respond with out her even thinking about it!.
Bull first slipped one finger in followed by another and then another, until three fingers were in, she had to put them tightly together to make them fit!, saying oh, Sis you have a really tight little pussy! Sissy was now trembling and wondering what was next! The pain from her earlier nipple pulling had now become a warm tingling feeling that had radiated down to where it ended with bulls pinching of her clit!
Bull then said, as she skillfully toyed With Sissy's now not so little clit and said in a rather matter of fact way, I know you masturbate out back in the back meadow, and I saw you, in the back yard nude the other day when you teased the neighbors dogs into eating your pussy!!! so I know what a slutty little bitch you are, and I also know that you are going to become a much bigger slut!. The combination of Belinda tweaking her clit and the realization that she knew everything about her new found sexual perversions made her heart sink and if she hadn't been holding tightly to the chair would have almost certainly collapsed.
Sissy at first didn't no what to say, as Bull was now pinching her clit a little harder each time. Belinda please, what do you want? Bull then said I have several ideas girl, first I want you to say, as loud as you can so that there will be no mistake, I am Bull's slutty sex toy and will do whatever she asks. Sissy repeated these words several times as Bull said louder until Sissy was almost screaming! The pinching on Sissy's clit had become more intense and as she uttered this last statement Bull sadistically pinched her clit and twisting it as hard as she could as Sissy really screamed out these last words in pain and collapsed to the floor in tears, sobbing!!!...
Sissy was down on her knees squatting against the floor and still hanging on to the arms of the chair, her pussy was dripping and she was whimpering as one big drop of love juice after the other fell from her sore and swollen tip of her clitoris onto the floor. It had now made a rather large pool of female cum as bull said okay, I will be back later to pick you up so that we can start making you into that slutty little whore I know you are. I !, want you ready when I get back , go take a shower and since you like being nude a lot! You wont need to wear much of anything! and handed her a black leather dog collar saying, do you have any heels? Sissy said no but I think my mom has some that I could wear. Okay as long as they are black and high!
Bull left, Sissy was still wondering just what she had in mind for her as she climbed in the shower. The interesting feeling in her breasts and nipples had now migrated down to the very base of her clit and had gone from sadistic pain to a very warm pleasurable feeling. She loved the idea of being sexually abused and ordered around by this older black woman and was getting more and more excited as to what Belinda might do to or with her?
She heard a car in the driveway and at first looked out, Bull had brought several of her friends?. Sissy had set down on her bed wearing only heels totally nude and had buckled the black dog collar around her neck and waited..
Belinda walked into her room had snapped a leash onto the collar and had re-tightened it to the point Sissy could hardly breath, this in its self really scared her as she gasped for breath!
She was literally pulled out of her bedroom down the stairs and out into the front yard, and was led to the car, Sissy was at first terrified that someone might drive by and see her! But it was far enough away from the street and no car drove by, the two rear doors opened as Bulls friends got out, they turned out to be two big black women, both were mean looking and quite intimidating especially the way they looked her over like animals as if she was just a piece of very young dumb succulent and very tasty cunt meat!!!...
The look they had given her produced only cold fear as she stood there naked next to the car in front of these two very hard looking women.
Both commented in detail as to what might happen to her pointy little nipples or her soft round plump bottom, but what really caught Sissy's attention was what they said each were going to do to her sweet little virgin pussy!!!..if she didn't do exactly as she was told. This sent cold shivers up and down her spine, and one, went on to say that if they didn't owe Belinda, Sissy this innocent little red headed 15 year old, would already be statistically stretched apart, hideously raped wit a big strap on, and brutally tortured! The thought left Sissy's heart literally pounding!
Belinda then turned her around and told her to bend over Sissy was just a little bit to slow! As a leather belt viciously stung her bare bottom. Sissy screamed out in pain as Bull said I told you to do exactly what I say and I mean it now!
The results along with the comments and the belt had again brought tears to her eyes as Sissy said, I will do anything, Belinda! just don't hit my bottom anymore with that belt!...
Each of these women with her bent over so inviting gave her sore and very red bottom several more viscous stinging open handed slaps! She let out another painful squeal and was then helped into the back seat in tears her whimpering was interspersed with short little sobs!... With these two big mean women setting on each side, and Bull in the front driving, the car went down the drive and out onto the country road.
Sissy was surprised how quickly, as she rubbed the welt on one of her sore ass cheeks, that the pain from only a moment ago was turning into an even more warm sensual and erotic feeling that had descended deep into her gentiles and only seemed to leave her young over sexed body wanting, no begging for more?... painful abuse!
They had turned onto the main highway and had driven for quite a while, only to turn off again at an old truck stop. This place was on the old road several miles from the main highway, and had been bypassed when the new one was built.
The top line truck companies did not stop here! Only the small independents and outlaw truckers did. The place had regular fuel pumps and the price was cheaper. But this was not the reason they stopped here.
The whole place was really run down, there once had been a maintenance shop that was now abandoned, but it still had a reasonably good restaurant and tavern, along with a large parking area out back intended for the truckers to rest, but was rarely used for that. At the back of this lot was a Men,s only restroom with a number of dirty stalls and an old shower.
On one side of it was an area for dogs to run and do their business, as many of truckers had some big,and very mean dogs!. On the other side was an old rundown motel that was now for adults only and used by a number of prostitutes. This was the reason why most of the truckers and others, stopped here. Especially if they were looking for submissive prostitutes or for hard abusive sex with young women that could otherwise be forced into to some of the most degrading and sadistic sex acts one could imagine!
This was also a place where men brought their slutty wives or girl friends for the same type of treatment, and for those that craved the same type of wild and abusive sexual torture, and was also the place where lesbians like Bull and her friends brought innocent young oversexed things like Sissy, for their first submissive sexual encounter, so they could experience any number of sexually humiliating or disgraceful sex acts first hand just to see how they would react!
It was rumored as Bull went on to explain that a fairly attractive female truck driver with extremely large tits had stopped here some time back and had tried to use the men,s only rest room, She had been wearing only a halter top that barely covered her big breasts and cut off Levis. Once in the men,s room she was accosted by a group of men and ended up having her clothes ripped off, and literally hung up off the floor by her big tits along with being beaten and brutally raped so many times that she hardly remembered anything!, and if this wasn't bad enough after they were done, had staked her out naked in the dog area, and had let several of the truckers big viscous dogs bite her bare breasts, bottom and pussy!, the bites had left hideous teeth marks all over these so sensitive female parts of her body. They had also stood around taking bets as to how many times each of the dogs would fuck her!, and had taken pictures....Of course this was only a rumor!
Someone supposedly, did call the county sheriff, but even though her screams could be heard all over the parking lot and in the tavern no one did anything, and it was quite obvious she had been brutally raped, beaten and bitten, their were no witnesses, at least none that would come forward, and the woman herself did not want to press any charges either. Apparently she had been threatened that if she did say anything something much worse might happen to her!. Besides this was a remote area that law enforcement cared little about,and rarely patrolled, as long as no one was murdered they seemed to leave the place pretty much alone.
Sissy was so ripe and wet with anticipation, Bull had been threatening her that all sorts of cruel, dreadful and sexually sadistic things could or would happen to her. The thought of this? Along with the fact, she had been setting between these two big black women during the drive over, and that they could do what ever they wanted, and had also been taking turns seeing just how much pain and abuse Sissy's little breasts and big nipples could actually take. First tying a string around both nipples and pulling them together so tight that her nipples had turned a rather grotesque dark blue on the very ends!!!.
Then, one of the women would hold her arms and force her chest out so that the other would have no trouble sadistically pulling twisting the bare tips so hard that after the string was released, were now so super sensitive they had gone from blue to blood red!.
Even Sissy with tears of pain in her eyes was surprised at first, she was able to take so much sadistic and painful abuse on her no longer virgin little breasts.
They had decided to lead her around complex?. The car pulled to a stop in front of the old motel it was almost dark, but there were several dim lights around the front of the motel and in the parking lot.
Both of these big black women at bulls instructions had been writing on Sissy with bright red lipstick young slut in training on her well abused little titties and on the cheeks of her ass! They had then gotten her out of the car and had tied her hands behind her back and with bull leading her by her collar and Sissy wearing only hi heel shoes had pulled her off stumbling towards the motel parking area! Both of the big black women were now wearing skimpy tight leather bras and panties their big shapely bottoms and breasts were both trying to squeeze out and left them quite sexually appealing even for their size!.
Several women one young and another older were already in the parking area between the two rows of motel rooms and both were already bound and naked. The older one was down on her knees being used by a number of men she had an extremely large black cock up to the hilt in her pussy and an equally large white cock in her mouth with lots of cum leaking out of both ends and one could hear the gurgling of cum, but was not sure if it was from her mouth or pussy!. The other was being almost dragged around by only the big chrome rings that were pierced through her cunt lips she was crying and begging them to stop, as they really stretched her! but this was only met by laughter and her being pulled even harder. Apparently this was the only place the leash was attached!. Sissy's eyes were Wide with excitement and she could not believe a girls cunt lips would stretch as far out as this girls did did!
woah...i cummed so hard reading this.i started to lick myself and got my dog and forced him to be with me and shoved his face up my pussy and he licked and licked ooohhh it was sooo good you should try it!
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