Discliamer: J.K.Rolwing owns me make nothing off this
Harry woke from another dream of the department of mysteries. Harry contimplated how fast the past few months went by. Harry cought Profeser Sinstra after class explaind the clause to her but she did not believe Harry until Harry told her to verify it with Dumbledore when she cae back through the floo she striped and said lets get it over with.
At first his was like humping a log until the ministrations caught up to her and she got into it.
they shaged for fifteen minutes before she and Harry came.
she looked at his and said well we might have to do it again sometime Lord Potter HArry smiled and said of course my dear. Remus paid a visit when Harry prefected the potion to 'cure' lycanthrope
The werewolf downed the potion he felt the wolf merge with his human mind and all of a sudden
he found he could change at will,not unlike an animagus. "I was affraid of this"... you have had the afliction
to long so your bodie just conpincated for the loss. But now if you bit someone they would not change
the potion stops the reproduction of the virius the spreds the desiese. Remus laughed and huged Harry
this was more than i could ever hope for thank you.
Later that night Harry pulled Luna into a broom closet and entered her from behind, the witch giggled and braced herself grunting in satisfaction it took no time to bring her to orgasem. Harry brought her to two more before he creamed inside of her.
Making the potion of renewal is a dangerous process. Harry enlisted the aid of Bella, Narcissa, Profeser Spout,and Madam Pomfrey. Harry did not know why he felt he needed so much help but he went with it anyway.
During the process Narcissa triped over Crookshanks who had somwhow managed to sneek in. the ingreadents flew into the calderon Harry put a layerd shild up to protect eveyone but only he was protected because profeser sprout steped infrount of him
Ten minutes later Harry woke up in his potions room with several witches he did not recknoize until he saw their clothing they all were younger
Bella and Narcissa looked to be 17 again Sprout and Pomfrey looked to be in ther late 20's Harry enverated them all ther was some hestaria but it soon faded.
Albus burts into the room Harry wha..... Poppy Pomera? What happend? Harry told Professor Dumbledore how Narcissa triped carrying citian ingredaints and when the smoke cleard everon in the room had deaged. Harry this is a turly wonderful discovery their is not another potion in existance that i know about.
Acutaly Profesor there is another. "What do you mean Harry? Well when i took in the Hannahs mother into the chambor to render the basilisk I found a libarary filled with about a thousand books
Several were written by merlin, and the founder along with Morgana LeFay the Profesor pailed but Harry she was Dark. Harry looked the Profesor in the eyes. Well sir thats how history today remembers her but everyone forgets that she had a twin sister who went missing at birth
She resurfased tlater on and she led to the distruction of camalot not Morgana.
The Profesor nodded at this. And Sal was not an evil git like we all thought he only wanted to train the muggal borns to intergrate them into our world he seen then as a seceraty risk to his beloved school
again the aged wizard nodded. Now Profesor I wont you to think on what i am going to ask you. Will you brew the potion in this book Harry said producing it it deages accouding to how much you drink
a dose equals 30 years, I ask because even though i have been training you are the onlyone capable of stoping Tom right now at least till i am ready. The old man nodded seeing the wizdom
Harry i will brew it for two dosed for myself, Minariva, Flitwick, Mad Eye, and Aberfowrth while not as smart as me he nearly is as strong magicaly. Harry nodded and said the only two ingerdants we dont have is Blood of a virgin and ash of a pheniox
You could collect ashes after fwarks recovers from his buning day? Well Harry they ashes are useless then but fwarks has had me squirling ashes away for years now
I have more than enough for eaight doses of potion
Harry nodded and said I could get som of the blood of a virgin but not so mutch as you need.
Actually Harry i believe My self and Bella are virgins again we did not loose our till we were twenty Naville will collect mine you could collect Katie and Alexis later on
The day before the Ball Harry and Ginny went on a date into Hogsmead the other Ladies were shoping for the Ball Harry picked up some new quills for himself and Ginny he bought her a nice necklace with a locket to put his picture in
On the way to the three broom stick Harry bumped into Dung
Ey Arry ow er yea? Fine Dung Harry replied would you like to buy somthing i have a few spellbooks yea might be intrested in.
But Harry was holding a invisability cloak in his hand. how much for this Dung? Harry asked. well Arry how bout a hundred galleons? Harry paied him two and said if you know anyboty that has anymore that isnot a order operative
tell me cause i am looking to buy and for every cloak i get i will pay you a finders fee of ten Galleons and five sickles. the wizars nodded and tell the people that i will pay up to ten times what they are worth just leave my name out of it.
Dung nodded the collected his wares Harry stoped him and handed him fifty galleons and said for the three books you offerd.
The man handed the books over to harry. thank yea the disapperated.
Harry bought Ginny a nice dinner with a glass of cider to wash it down. back at the castle harry and Ginny went to their doritory for awile Harry lost at chess to Ron again seamus appoligised to Harry and Pavarty eyed the couple oddly.
They left and went down to Dinner. At Dinner Profesor Dumbledore stood and said All the educational decrees were revocked all the punishments were went over and some were recinded so now all qudditch teams can play with out worring about disbandment
All posistens of athourity given out by the late Madam Umbridge are striped this was passed a few hours ago and will be in the profit tomarrow. McGonagal rushed to the table and whisper in Angalinas ear who looked like Christmas,and her Birthday had come at once.
She turned to Harry and said Potter Pratice after lunch the same goes for you Fred and George your ban ahs been revocked.
Harry smiled and pulled a pice of Paper and the newest copy of Which Broomstick he had brooms to buy
The Ball was marvalus Harry Danced with all his Ladies feucher ladies. He also danced with Hannah abbot while Naville was busy dancing with Bella
Later that night Harry showed his stamina and shaged all his Ladies who were really starting to show.
Harry walked out onto the pitch with a smirk on his face He called Angalena, and the rest of the team over. Harry unshrunk to package he had recieved and Passed out three friebolts to the chasers two nimbus: Thors wrath to Fred and Geroge.. the brooms were built specificaly for beaters
and a Comet Keeper's Pride while nowere near fast as a firebolt it had a faster accleration over a five foot span than any other broom.
Anglena bear huged Harry and th rest of the team piled on too.
Ok now lets pratice it's us V.s. Siltheren again. After everyone had left the changing room Harry called Katie back. After Harry evplained to her. She smiled and said Alicia Had already told her and Pulled her into a kiss.
HArry riped her knickers off the plunged his cock into her ripping her vrirginity to shreds she screamed in pain but Harry keep thrusting until she came magic pulling him along. after pulling out harry did a spell that put the blood from her hymn into a vial the tucked it into his robes.. Katie was Happy to join his Ladies.
THe next night Harry held Padma back after all the D.A. had left. Padma I want to appoligise to you for the way i treated you and your sister the night of the ball
The young indian girl nodded and said well I accept and i will also tell you that me and Pavarti switched places on you and Ron. Harry was stund for a moment then nodded.
Well their is somthing else i need to tell you and is kind of hart so i get through it fast. He haled out the paper with her name on it and explaind the clause
The young girl nodded and said well at least you will treat me fairly but you will have to sing a marrage contract with my father before we consumate anything or he will know and be furious,
Harry nodded and said i will send him a letter tonight...
A week later Lord Patil came in person with the contract. Harry had Albus go over it and found that he had to pay 45,000Galleons for both Padma and Parvarti their father would not marry them off anyother way
the contract also stated that the family's weould enter in a alliance to get better rights for Werewolf's seeing as Lord Patails brother was one. ther rest of the contract stated that the famileys would exchange rare tomes from their familey valts
Harry seeing the wisdom of learning foriegon magic singing after no discrepancis were found Harry wrote out a draft for 50,000 insted of forty five. The man tried to complain but Harry said it was a gift in the spirit of their arrangment. Sir we might have to consumate befor the weading because of a end of the line clause. The older man nodded knowing the boy was not lieing
Ducking a bludger Harry dived racing Malfoy to the snitch his team was doing spactacular they were up 200 points up and slytherin had only scored six times but Harry wanted to add insult to injery the next thing he knows Crabbe hand flowen in and blocked him but he swerved to the left hitting malfoy.
In the confusion the snitch had disappered. Knowing from experine the snitch would stay out of sight for five minuter Harry flew above the game waiting. in the five minutes his team had scored four more times and slytherin had sored five. He noticed a golden glint over by the goal posts but it wasent the snitch. Finally he saw it hovering right behinde Malfoys head as he was yelling insults at Ron
Harry zoomed at them Malfoy thought Harry was attacking him rolled out of the way. Harry cheared as his fingers closed around the snitch. The entire team surrounded him and pulled him into a big group hug.
the party in Gryfendor twoer lasted well into the night. at about 12 it finally broke up Harry and his ladies decided to stay their for the night.
The next morning Harry smiled as he read the headline story of the daily prophet
In a shocking upset today we were told that most inmates of Azakban escaped weeks ago. The Minister
just now decided to release this information. When asked why wait he replied. We had to investagate and could not do our jobs properly with out people hounding us. The Auror reports show that 132 inmates were housed of those 44 were found dead in there cells the rest were gone. THis reporter wonder who would have enough power to take Azkaban. Story by Emily Devon
Harry finished the paper then sighed well it looks like i need to visit Diagon Ally. Professor McGonagal I need to go to Gringotts as soon as possable to talk with my account manager. The head of his house nodded and said you can go only if you hav a profesor accompany you and it dose not conflict with your classes.
After dinner profesor's flitwick, McGonagal along with Hagrid acconpayed Harry and his ladies to Gringotts When he enterd the doubledoors Harry noticed the bank was almost empty. Harry made his way to the small line.
Master Teller Lord Potter to see his account manager. The Goblin looked stuned then sayed " I am sorry Lord Potter we were just drafting you a notice your account manager was killed in a trial of arms around four this evening. Also Lord Corbin and Logan passed Corbin was a spell crafter and a spell he was tring backfired and killed him
Lord Logan passed of natrual causes. Lord Corbin had no will so everything was left to you. Lord Logan on the other hand left you 14 million Galleons along with the ansestrial home and heirlooms in his valuts and houses. But he the the other 15 million to St. Mungos, Hogwarts school to fund orphans and underprivaliged childerns education.
Harry nodded well i would like to have Griphook and Reaver working on my accounts please. The goblin looked stund, to request a goblin by name was astounding but trusting a teller with your money was underd of. The Goblin wisperd into another ear then userd them into a conference room.
Reaver and Griphook entered with stuned looks on their faces both thanked Harry for the oppertunity.
"Now that we have all of this all sorted out how much do you think that buying the daily prophet would cost? Harry asked. Both goblins conversed wett Lord Potter you already own 20% of it Lord Black owns 25% and a a few people own little percntages but the controling intrest is in the hands of the Ministery at 51% and they wont be giving up soon
Harry nodded well i have another idea i would like you to buy the nessicary materials to run a paper the printing press ink cameras the works I also need about thirty educated house-elfs to run it seeing they will be the reporters and workers i will personaly cast the fedailius charm with Hermione as secret keeper.
The goblins converced and said the cheapest way to do this the muggal way it will cost 150,000 galleons
for all of that plus the primisus. And the muggal technology will work because of a charm we recantly invented.
Harry nodded and said do it and the goblin nation gets 20% of the Phoenix Chronicals. the goblins thanked him. While i a here could you do a inheratance test on Ginny please.
The Goblin nodded and Griphook rushed out to get the bowl the came back a few minutes later a few drops of blood later they had the paper and it read
Heirus to house Prewitt
Herius to House Le Fay 2
Heirus to House Pendragon 3
They goblins looked stunded and said Well you mother controls the Prewitts but the Le Fay headship can only be given to a seventh daughter and you fall into that category. Ginny nodded. Here are your head of house rings and yours Lord Potter. Oh Griphook i want to invest three hunderd thousand pounds in Microsoft, Sony,and Nintendo the goblins nodded .Harry thanked the goblins and said well we should be heading off
now nice to see you again Reaver, Griphook.
Harry led his group to the wandshop in knockturn ally which the Profesors tried to stear him away from.
Harry knocked and enterd the wandmakers shop.
The aged man stood smiling behind the counter he opend his cases and said I have been expecting you
Young Lord ah and the Young Lady well letts get this show on the road as muggals say...... an Hour later Daphne had a new Vine and Elm wand with cores of Kelpie hair powderd Grim bones suspended in unicorn blood freely given a true wand of power but not like the death stick. Gabi had a Mohogany and Elder combo with Veela and unicorn hair suspended in dementors blood a well rounded wand. Luna had a Cherry and Vine combo with Heliopath heartstring crushed snortkack horn and gnome sliva courius combonation all creacher considerd mythical by the wizerding world in a wand. Padma and Pavarti had wand of Maple thw cores only slightly differed while Pavarti had unicorn hair suspended in gryfens blood
Padma had sphinx blood and unicorn hair.
Tracy choose chesnut and cottenwood with crushed Basilisk fand dementor cloak thred suspended in her own blood. Harry even bought Hagrid a new wand He settled for oak like his old wand but with pegasus feathers wraped in unicorn tail hair suspended in cerbus blood the other opted out on a new wand
Harry paid the man and said send them to us when finished oh and could you make wand houslers from basilisk hide? The wand maker looked shocked and said well if you can get workable pices es i can.
Harry nodded then pulled out his trunk unshrunk it then and extracted a few feet of hide and handed it to the man. He thanked Harry then said you know if you have any fangs Goblins shap them into swords if their long enough, they would pay premum for good ones. They also make fine wands. Harry thanked the man and stored the information for later use.
Back at Hogwarts Harry thanked the Professors then made his way to his rooms entering then Harry turned to Padma and Pavarti Harry led them to his bedroom and showed them the singed contract Padma
jumped in his arms kissing him. HArry led her to the bed and striped her of clothing.
The other ladies then striped Harry of his. Padma kissed Harry again while Hermione posistend his organ at her entrance. Harry thrust in ripping her hymn and stoped for a second. Padma waited then started thursting herself onto Harry cock. this continued for a few minutes until Harry and Padma came grunting ans screaming.
As soon as he withdrew he summond all the blood and stored it in his phial. Pavarti jumped up and walked over to Harry sank to her knees and started sucking his cock. Harry moand as he felt himself rising again. when he was at full mast Pavarti spred her legs.
Harry decided to return the favor and started eating her pussy out. the girl suqeled and traped his head
until herry brought her to a orgasem. Harry looked up and said " We dont have to have sex if you dont want to. Pavarti shook her head the summend a phial the downed a potion inside.
I always promised Padma we would get pregnat at the same time. Harry nodded and enterd her. Well he grunted we will just have to make triple sure, with that Pavarti smiled.
Over the next few days Harry collected Blood from Narcissa, Naville collected Bellas, Harry also collected Poppy's along with it and Naville collected Professor Sprouts seeing as how both were virgins again, and how beautiful they both were.
End fo flash back
Harry looked at the list and saw that Poppy Pomfrey had been added to it he sighed he knew he should heve checked it now he had to tell her, but al least they had already shaged. Harry thought.
Harry decided to find Alexia Smith the next morning.
HArry asked Professor Sprout if the girl was in her house the women nodded and pointed to a lovly looking sixth year with double d breast and a ass to die for. Harry made his way to her ans asked to speek with her privatly. The girl nodded and followed. In a unsued classroom Harry explained the clause to her and what would happen to them both if they did not go through with it.
The girl looked uncirtin till Ginny brought back Madam Ponfrey and Professor Dumbledore. they both explain the same thing to her. Have you been getting tired more easly latley?Poppy asked. They girl nodded.
Have you felt a slight pull coming from Mr.Potter? Albus asked. The girl nodded then you are affected by
the clause. The Girl looked alittle heasitent then said well just contact the haed of my family the see what he says first Lord Potter. Harry nodds and says " I will send the letter tonight.
Two days later Hedwig arrived with a thick envolope Harry notices that it is the conrtact he reads over it
but decides to take it to Alnus to go over.
After dinner Harry was summond to Albused office and on the way there sabra slytherd up his leg and on to his arm which she wraped around.
Blood Pops Harry said to the gargoyle shacking his head. Albus was sitting behind his desk shacking his head apperantly at the contract. Ah Harry i was just reading this nasty contract. The oldman shook his head again glaring down at the parchment.
There are several obscure clauses he snuck in here two would have had you turning over all seats in the wizengamont to him as well as all assests of monatary value ans even you first three childern by evry witch you have kids with. Harry was seeing red by the time Albus was done.
What are my options in this Albus. Well Harry you can counter offer with a new contract, forget about it or dual him. Harry nodded and left. He collected Ginny and Hermione and Tonks the transformed into his shodow phoenix form then fire-slid in front of Gringotts. Harry got Griphook to make up a new simple contract with Hary giving a substantual bride-price and only taking the minimul dowery.
Harry then wrote a letter to the man telling him about the Potter end of the line clause and it's effects and implored him to think of his daughter.
Harry transformed into his shadow phoenix and flame slid to the head of house Smith's location.
Harry appered in Liam's Odds and Ends in Diagon. Harry imeadatly spotted this target and flew to the man. Harry droped the contract form his beak into the middle aged mans hand. The ead of Smith looks stund the accepeted the letter and contract smirking thinking the Floolish crazy Potter welp had singed the contract.
His face contorted into a sneer when he unrolled the contract and saw that it was a counter offer. He ripped open the letter and read the explaination. Well if the moron Potter wont take her I will just sell her to Flint Smith mused allowed . Harry shreaked then Fire-slid into a deserted ally out side then resumed his human form.
Harry waited outside till the man walked outside Smith I challenge you to a Wizard's Dual for attempting line theaft. The head of house looked stuned then smiled Potter now why would i accept the dual for a deranged child? Well if you do not I get a debt form you to be paid in the form of Alexia Smith.
The man nodded then said if i win what do you have that i want Harry smiled and said about a billion in galleons. The man nodded and said I accept but the traditional rules apply.
Harry nodded and said Gringotts in a hour.
Harry looked across the platform. Smith was decked out in a dragon hide vest with a dagger on his side.
Harry was wearing full light weight Hungarian Horntail aromer with the sword of Gryfendor straped on his back and a dagger in a sheath straped to his leg.
Harry decided to use his Holly wand to start but kept his custem wand at the ready.
Amelia Bones with all the higher ups in the ministery were there Fudge looked like Christmas had come early. He believed that Harry was rubish form his marks that he had been gettin gat the begainingof the year in DADA. Rules Amelia asked? None Harry reapeted anything goes. She nodded Ok hat are the stipulations? Smith lets me Marry Alexia Smith and his house becomes subservent to the house of Ravenclaw. Smith went red faced and said Potter turns over all assest's to me everything he owns. Harry nodded.
Ok Bow now Dual. Harry started out with a triping jinx and then followed up with a stuner. Smith erected a shiled and let the inpact on it. Harry doged his retalitory strike Harry then fired off a disarming jinx. with smith shilded again Harry decided to stop toying with then Man.
He then unleashed a barrage of chain speals stuners mixed in with percing hexes bludgeners stuners and of course he used a liberal amount of disarmers when it was over smith was painting from exaustion having expelled to much energy shilding. AVADA KEDAVERA he bellowed thinking it was his only option Harry daged and steped right into a disarming jinx his Holly wand flew out of his hand Smith smiled triuptaly thinking th boy was defeated Harry pulled out his dagger and hurled it at the man who shilded again.
The dagger flew right through the shiled and THUNK struck his leg. Harry smiled and drew the sword of Gryfendor. The Goblins mutterd at this Harry then flicked his custem want out Jeffery Smith looked like he could chew nails AVADA KEDAVERA he screamed again thinking Harry was too close to doge
And he was right the spell struck the sword of Gryfendor which absorbed the spell but was blowen out of Harry's hand it sailed, riped through the wards and sunk hilt deep into Marcus Flint and pirced Lucius Malfoys skin.
Harry Disarmed the exausted Smith and bounded him in ropes the summed the dagger he work. Potter Wins Amileia Declaired.
At this time Lucius was screaming in pain foming at the mouth yelling for a med team Harry looked and saw the Lord of house Malfoy draw his last breath. The newaly revived Smith begrudagnly swore to always subsurve the Ravenclaw line. Harry nodded and withdrew the bride price and said you treated me unfair but two wrongs don make a right and left fifteen thousand galleons at the shocked mans feet then retreaved the sword of Grayfendor.
At the exit he was stoped by Griphook. Lord Potter Lord Ragnookwould like to see you. Harry nodded and walked to the head of Gringotts office. Lord Potter I would like to talk to you about the sword you used today you see it's a goblin made artifact and we want it back was said in a tone that left no room for negcating..
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