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This is the story of an experience I had about 25 years ago. I’ve never told anyone about this because it would have caused a lot of problems for various people if those various people ever found out. The names are changed, and the dialogue is paraphrased, but I remember most of this like it was yesterday so it is fairly accurate to the way things happened.

My name is Rob, and as I write this I am 53 years old. In 1983 I was twenty-six years old with blond hair, blue eyes, and as a distant runner had a slim build: six feet, 165 pounds. I married a girl named Jill. She was an attractive, outgoing twenty-five year old: 5’7”, 125 pounds, brown hair, big brown eyes and small but perky tits. She was a knockout and she knew it. The marriage was a mistake from the start and it was one of those situations where everyone knew it but me. It started going downhill after a year or so, and after about two years I found out she was screwing some guy at her office and that was pretty much the end of it.

She moved out of the house and I was always grateful for that because I would have been the type to stick it out as long as I could have and things could have gotten much more complicated. At the time we had no kids and our only asset to fight over was the house which was decided I would keep and pay her for her share. It would be a rather smooth divorce.

Once she left and the word got out about our separation friends started calling to see how I was doing and offer support. I got calls from my old friends, several of our mutual friends, and even two of Jill’s childhood friends. Just about everyone who called agreed on one thing: Jill was an idiot.

A couple weeks after she left me, Jill’s mother called me. Sandy was in her fifties at the time, perhaps fifty-three or fifty-four. She had been divorced from Jill’s father for years and was remarried to a man named Rick, who I also got along well with. She was attractive like her daughter, blonde, about the same height and slim, perhaps ten pounds heavier than Jill with the same brown eyes. Her boobs were only a little bigger than Jill’s, but still looked pretty firm. She had a body that she’d definitely taken care of. We had always gotten along fine, in fact I’d only met her once when she told Jill that it was okay to marry me, and from the beginning Sandy insisted I call her by her first name. Jill and I would visit her mother’s house on holidays and go with Sandy to her condo at the beach. We could always talk easily, our relationship always warm, proper and respectful.

The phone call was pretty much like the others I’d received from everyone else: How are you feeling, how is your family, are you alright, etc. She told me how sorry she was, and talked about Jill, how she doesn’t know what she’s doing, how she is confused, blah blah, blah. We talked about ten minutes, I thanked her for calling and we hung up.

A month or so later she called me again. It started the same way as the previous call, asking how I was doing, how is the family, things like that. Then she changed the direction of conversation and caught me a little by surprise.

“Have you been seeing anyone,” she asked.

I hesitated briefly and replied, “Oh, not really.” I had actually been seeing two different women since right after Jill left, but my lawyer had told me that if I started seeing anyone to be discreet until the divorce was settled.

“Oh come on, Rob, you can tell me. I know your marriage is definitely over. I’m not telling anyone, especially not Jill, I feel terrible she left you in the first place. I just care about you and I want to see you move on, you deserve better. So tell me are you seeing anyone?”

“Well, yeah, I am.” I trusted her.

“Okay, good. Now what’s her name?”

“Actually I’ve been seeing a couple different women,” I replied.

“Ooh, now we’re getting somewhere,” Sandy said. I chuckled at this, loosening up a little. “So what are their names and how did you meet?”

“Well one is named Denise, I met her through work. The other is Geri, and I met her through the baseball league. I coached her son on the all star team.”

Sandy sounded surprised. “You coached teen-agers, she must be somewhat older than you.”

“Yeah, she is. Well, they both are.”

“Really? How old are they?”

“Denise is 36, Geri is 41.”

“Wow Rob, I didn’t know you liked that older pussy!” Sandy said. This surprised me…I had never heard her talk like that. This loosened me up some more.

I laughed and said, “Well, they’re not complaining about having that younger dick!”

We both laughed. She responded, “That must keep you busy on the weekends juggling both of them.”

“Oh not really, just depends. They have kids to keep them busy,” I said. “Much of the time our plans are just kind of spur of the moment.”

There was an awkward silence for a few beats before Sandy continued. “Rob, let me ask you a question. Do you have plans this Saturday night?”

“Not yet,” I replied.

“Listen. I’m going down to the condo at the beach this weekend. I’m going down Friday night to check on the place and I’m staying to attend a condo association meeting on Monday night. Why don’t you drive down on Saturday afternoon, I’ll take you out to dinner and we can talk. I’d love to catch up and hear all about your business and all of these women you are seeing.”

I started to mumble something and she cut me off.

“Don’t worry; no one else will be there, just me. You know I wouldn’t pull anything like that. It’s just that after all that’s happened it would be nice to see you again instead of everything ending on a sour note. What do you say?”

“What time were you thinking?”

“Why don’t you come down late afternoon, three or four o’clock. We can have a couple drinks, chat and then walk across the street for dinner.” She was referring to a favorite seafood house about a block from her condo.

“Well, okay, figure on me getting there around four. But you don’t have to pay for dinner.”

“I invited you, so I’m paying. I’m looking forward to it. So I’ll see you around four?”

I agreed that four o’clock was good. We said our goodbyes, and I hung up shaking my head. It struck me that now that her daughter and I were divorcing, she wouldn’t be my mother-in-law much longer. And the conversation we’d just finished had moved past mother-in-law/son-in-law territory.

On Saturday I had to leave at around two-thirty to get to the condo by four o’clock. Sandy lived in the city about three hours from the beach and my house was about midpoint between the two. I showered, put on some jeans and a light blue shirt with running shoes all over it that she’d given me the previous Christmas.

Traffic was light. It was late fall so beach traffic was minimal. I arrived at Sandy’s condo right at four o’clock. Her building was the type where the parking was on ground level under the building and the units started on the second floor. Being off-season there were only a few cars. I pulled in next to her blue Volvo.

I walked up two flights of stairs and over to her door. I hesitated and took a breath. I felt like through that door would be another dimension. I could feel on the phone earlier in the week that Sandy and I had reached a new level of communication. I felt from her a sincerity and trust that I never had with her daughter. It was a good feeling, but still awkward. I didn’t know what to expect. I knocked on her door.

The door swung open and there she was: more beautiful than ever. Her blonde hair was longer than before. It hung past her shoulders and was parted in the middle with a new added frizz. She had on sleek black pants and a soft tan sweater. The outfit clung to her curves and the sweater came down to just below her waist to rest on her butt. “Well, what a surprise! Rob’s on time!” see joked.

I said, “That’s because I don’t have Jill with me!”

We laughed and she ushered me in, we hugged and she kissed me on the cheek as always.
“Come on in, sit down. I was about to pour a glass of wine, what would you like, a beer?”

“Beer’s fine.” I walked over to the glass doors and looked out at the Atlantic Ocean. The sun was lower now and blocked by the high rises so the beach was in gray twilight.

Sandy walked up beside me and handed me my beer. “You’ll never get tired of this view,” I said. Then I turned to her and added, “I like your hair.”

“Do you? Oh Thank You. I thought I’d grow it out for the winter and see how it looked. Well, come on, have a seat. Let’s catch up on things. And I promise: No Jill!”

We sat on the sofa facing the glass doors and the ocean beyond and we talked for two hours and three drinks. We talked about a lot of things. She asked about my family, my business, and my hobbies. She told me about her job as an Instructor of Nursing, about Rick’s job as a plant manager, about Rick’s endless list of projects around the house. We talked and laughed about many things, but we didn’t mention Jill, and she didn’t ask about my girlfriends.

At a little after six we left to go to dinner. It was cool out, but the restaurant wasn’t far away so we didn’t wear jackets. We had to walk a block to the highway then cross to the other side. When a break in traffic occurred she grabbed my hand and called “Let’s go, run!” and we scooted across the road hand in hand. That was a first. As we entered the restaurant she was a couple strides ahead of me and I again admired her tasteful dress, trim body and sweet ass.

We were seated promptly in a cozy booth in the corner. We ordered another wine and beer and when the drinks arrived Sandy proposed a toast to my future success and happiness and then I toasted her with something just as lame. Then after a couple minutes of idle chit chat and talking about the menu we had both seen a dozen times, she finally got around to what I knew was coming.

“So,” Sandy said, lowering her voice. “Tell me about these older women you’re fucking.”

Wow! Another word I’d never heard her use. First pussy, now fuck. Wonder what other colorful words she has in her repertoire? Again I was caught off guard, and I smiled, looked down and shook my head.

“Oh come on, for God’s sake. I may be a mother-in-law but I’m not a prude. You started to tell me about these women the other night, so don’t tease me. Tell me the rest of the story. You might as well go all the way.”

There she goes again. She had this thing she would sometimes do with her left eye, a flicker or a half-wink, that she would do when she was sharing a joke or a secret with somebody. And she did it then when she said ‘go all the way’. I smiled at her wordplay and again looked down at the table. She may have thought I was blushing, but I wasn’t. I just felt uneasy because I was sitting across from my still mother-in-law having this conversation, and I had just realized and admitted to myself that I wanted to fuck her.

I looked up at her face, a foxy and mature replica of Jill’s. I stared into her piercing brown eyes and they stared right back. “Alright,” I said. “I’ll go all the way. I just hope I don’t come prematurely.”

She loudly burst out laughing at that, then covered her mouth and turned red when some people at a nearby table looked over. She continued laughing quietly and I grinned as her eyes bore into mine. Fortunately, around that time the waitress came and took our orders.

“Well…” she said after a few moments of dead air.

I sipped my beer. “Where do you want me to start?”

“Start with the baseball mom, what’s her name?”


“Geri. How old is Geri?”

“Forty or forty-one, maybe forty-two. She told me she got married at nineteen and she has a twenty-one year old daughter, I’m just not sure of the time frame.”

“And her son is…”

“He’ll be sixteen next month.”

“So,” Sandy said, sipping wine. “Tell me all about Geri.”

“Not much to tell. She’s divorced twice with two older kids. They live in a little old house a few blocks from mine. She was a very active mom in the league. She used to come to all the games dressed in shorts and halters and tank tops and drive the coaches and umpires crazy.”

“Does she have a good body?”

“Oh, yeah,” I said with emphasis.

“How did you start seeing her?”

“I just rode my bicycle over past her house a few times until I saw her and we and started talking. I told her what happened. I knew she kind of liked me, I just didn’t know what to expect. We went on a couple of bike rides, and then I asked her out. We went out few times, enjoyed ourselves. Nothing too crazy. A movie, a dance, a party, normal stuff.”

“How’s the sex?” she questioned.

There it was. “Okay,” I said.

“Just okay?” Sandy asked.

“Well, it’s fine but it’s pretty straightforward. I get the feeling I’m just filling a physical need for her. She comes over, gets her rocks off and leaves.”

“Does she turn you on?”

“She’s got a great body. That turns me on. But in the sack…” I paused.

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t believe I’m telling you this stuff.”

“Oh, give me a break. Talk. But in the sack…”

I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. “Ordinary,” I said.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom and when I returned our dinners were being served. After everything was in place Sandy started right in.

“Okay, enough of Geri. Tell me about the other girl. Tell me how you met her and how you got in her pants.”

Chuckling, I replied, “Denise. She had her eyes on my pants. I’ve known her for a few months. We worked together, and there was chemistry between us from the start but we ignored it because we were both married. When we found out we were both separated and getting a divorce it didn’t take long. She’s thirty-six and has a twelve year old daughter who splits time between her place and the father’s, so I only get together with her on Thursday nights and every other weekend. This weekend the girl is with Dad.”

“I guess I chose the right week to call,” she said with that eye flick again. “What does she look like?”

“She’s attractive. Five-five, short brown hair, green eyes, slim body, nice tits.” I leaned over, looked at Sandy and said softly, “and she loves sex.”

“Ooh, do tell.”

“Well, she’s not shy I’ll tell you that. She came over to my house one day last week to pick up some papers for work. Denise told her daughter to wait in the car and she came inside, we kissed a little and she said, “I don’t have much time, my girl’s in the car,” and then started pulling down my pants. We did it standing up leaning against the back of the sofa in my living room. Then she straightened herself up, picked up the papers, kissed me goodbye and left. She was gone in less than fifteen minutes.

“How does she like it?”

I paused and thought about it. “Well, she’s liked everything so far. She likes to talk dirty. She really likes oral.”

Sandy was getting into this conversation I could see. She said in a low voice, “She likes oral. Giving or receiving?”

“Well, she likes both. But usually if I go down on her first anything can happen. She comes two or three times and then turns into an animal.”

Sandy looked away briefly and seemed to shiver. She sipped some water, and then grabbed her purse. “Excuse me a minute. I need to go the ladies room.”

As she ran off I wondered if I’d gone over the line, said something wrong. I knew I had gotten a bit descriptive telling her about Denise but I didn’t think I had offended her; in fact she seemed to have enjoyed it. I ate the last few bites of my dinner and then she returned and slid into her seat.

“Are you finished?” Sandy asked.

“Yes, are you?” It didn’t seem like she’d eaten that much.

She took two more quick bites and said, “Now I am. Let’s go.” She looked at the chit and laid down the cash to cover it and a healthy tip. Then we stood up and she started for the door. I once again admired her appearance from the rear.

We walked outside of the restaurant and waited to cross the highway. I started to feel the inept uneasiness that comes right before a moment of truth. I felt things had been going along pretty well with my soon-to-be ex-mother-in-law, but then it all fell flat. Sandy and I had never really discussed whether I would sleep here or drive home. I had my overnight bag in the car, but I didn’t know what to do and I only had a one-block walk to figure it out.

It was later now so the traffic was lighter and we walked across the highway. We didn’t say much for a moment or two, but once we were on the other side of the road and walking back to the condo I started talking. I thanked her for dinner, and I told her how great it was to see her again and I kept babbling. All too soon we arrived at my car at the base of the condo.

Sandy was to my right and grabbed my right arm with her left hand and turned me toward her. She said, “Rob, will you do me a favor.”

“Of course I will. What?”

“Kiss me.”

I looked in her eyes for a second or two without saying anything and she said it again with emphasis.

“Kiss me.”

I stared in her big brown eyes. She still had a grip on my arm as I moved my face toward hers. Her right arm went to the back of my head and pulled me to her. She sucked on my tongue and then plunged her tongue into my mouth. It was a long, passionate, aggressive kiss. We parted briefly and our eyes met.

“Let’s be bad,” she whispered.

She rose up and pulled my head toward her. She kissed me gently this time, her lips met mine and her tongue explored my mouth slowly and I followed her lead. My left arm held her shoulders and my right hand fondled her ass. Our kiss was soft, our mouths meshed. I couldn’t tell where my mouth ended and where hers began. She held me tight and we kissed for what seemed like a long time. She leaned into me and felt my cock between us, hard against her.

Finally she backed off and said, “Come upstairs.”

Always the punster, I said “I’m surprised I haven’t come already.”

She smiled at that, gave me a peck on the lips and said “It won’t be long.” She smiled up at me, took my arm and led me up the stairs.

Once inside her condominium and the door closed behind us we immediately embraced and kissed again. Our tongues explored, our mouths accepted, our fingers groped, our groins grinded. “Tell me what you want,” I gasped.

“I want you in my bed,” she said.

We went to her bedroom, a short walk down the hall and fell onto the queen bed. We kissed some more and I caressed her left breast with my right hand and her right hand dropped to touch my hard cock.

As she massaged my cock she looked at me and said to me, “Rob, I have to tell you something. At the restaurant, when you were telling me about your sex with Denise, you were getting me hot. I had a huge orgasm. Enormous! I creamed myself right there at the table and that’s when I went to the restroom. I had to clean myself up.”

“No kidding?”

“No shit. I envied that chick. And now I want you to give me everything you ever gave her.”

I kissed her gently on the lips, and then said, “Okay, but we’ll have to get your clothes off first.”

She whipped off her sweater in one move and then unsnapped her bra. She started for the snap on her pants but I stopped her. I said “Wait, let me undo your pants when I’m ready, okay?”

She nodded and lay back on the bed. I kissed her lips first, then her forehead, then her eyelids, then her ears, her earlobes, her neck, her shoulders. She moaned as my mouth lowered to lick her breasts and I took her nipples into my mouth for the first time, lingering until I felt them enlarge and stiffen in my mouth. I kissed her belly and tongued her navel and ran my tongue across her waist along the top of her pants. She let out a whimper and wiggled her torso when my hand drifted between her legs. I rose up so our faces would meet and I kissed her. “You look sexy as hell in these pants tonight,” I said, my hand between her legs and palming her rump. “But it’s time for me to peel them off of you.”

She just nodded. I got busy unsnapping and unzipping. I yanked off her pants and socks and tossed them aside. I gazed at her pussy hair, dark and neatly trimmed. But that could wait. I rose up, gave Sandy another kiss and lowered my face to her left leg. I licked and kissed and sucked her left leg all the way down her thigh to her knee to her calf to her shin to her feet, and sucked each of her toes one at a time. Then I moved to her right foot, sucked all of her toes one at a time and licked and sucked my way up her leg the same way and finally reached her upper thigh. By this time she was a ball of jelly, moaning and quivering, and when I stuck my face in her crotch, rammed my tongue into her pussy and clamped my lips around her clit she just went to pieces. A wave of her juice splashed into my mouth and chin. She screamed, “Oh my God, Jesus Christ, Oh shit. Oh no, oh yes, oh fuck.” But I held on. I kept my lips wrapped around her clit, never moving off, keeping at it with my lips while my tongue roamed inside her. My head and her hips got into a steady rhythm as my face stayed plastered to her pussy. I squeezed her ass cheeks with both my hands in tempo, and she moaned with our thrusts. The speed of our movement slowly increased, her whimpers growing in volume with our pace.

Sandy started yelling again. “Oh Jesus, I’m gonna come again. I’m gonna come big. Oh my God, oh shit. Oh fuck. Here I come, I can’t believe it, I’m gonna come again into your face, my fucking son-in-law’s face, oh shit. Eat me, Rob, suck me, I’m coming, here I come, uh oh, fuck….”

She exploded. I felt another rush of her fluid into my face. I stayed down there for a short time longer, accepted a few last squirts and then moved up beside her. My face and mouth were covered with her cum, but I kissed her. Our mouths opened, we kissed long and soft and she tasted her own juice.

I stood up and started to undress in front of her. I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, got it off and tossed it on a chair. I started unzipping my jeans and my dick popped out, fully erect. I’d been hard for quite a while and was more than ready.

Sandy saw my cock and her eyes got bigger. I moved onto the bed on top of her and looked her in the eye, and said, “I always thought you were hot but I never thought I’d ever fuck you.”

“You better fuck me!” she said. She grabbed my cock and guided it into her. She was dripping wet and I slid right in. She let out a loud moan and we started in a slow rhythm but it soon increased. “That’s it, honey. Fuck me, drill me deep, keep fucking me, I want your cock inside me. God that feels good.” I pounded my hard meat into her over and over, again squeezing her ass. We continued in harmony until it was soon my turn to explode, and I let loose with a load deep into her. I groaned loudly as I came, and right after that Sandy yelped and had another spasmodic orgasm.

I collapsed beside Sandy, quaking. I put my left arm around her and she placed her head on my chest, her left hand on my stomach. We didn’t say much for a while, we were just basking in our own glow. After a few minutes she kissed my chest and nipples some and her hand drifted down to my balls. She massaged my balls gently and then started running the tip of her finger along the shaft of my dick, from the base to the tip and back again, three or four times. It didn’t take long and I was hard again.

“I want you to relax,” Sandy said to me. “Just lay back. It’s my turn to pleasure you.” She leaned over to the nightstand and dipped her finger into a shallow jar. She rolled back over and eased into position with her head above my cock. She lowered her head. She kissed my cock, licked my balls and slid her tongue around the rim of my ass, something I’d never felt before. Her lubed finger entered my asshole about an inch with a gentle in-and-out motion, and I groaned as her finger crept a little farther in. I held her blonde curls up in my left hand so I could watch as she put her mouth around my cock. Half of my swollen meat disappeared into her mouth as she lowered her head, and with each movement she took a little more of me into her mouth as her finger eased back and forth in my ass.

After a minute or two she stopped. She raised her mouth off of me, and with her finger still in my ass, said “How do you like it so far?”

“Oh Christ, I’ve never felt anything like that in my life. What a fucking turn-on watching my dick slide in and out of your mouth.”

“Well, it’s going to get even better. You just have to do one thing, okay? Tell me right before you are about to come. Will you do that?”

I nodded and she went back to work. She resumed finger fucking my ass and licked my cock a few times before putting it back into her mouth. Then after several short strokes taking about half my cock in her mouth, in one quick powerful motion her head shot down over my cock while at the same time her finger shot all the way up into my ass. I let out a yelp like I never had before. Her lips were resting on my balls with the entire length of my cock in her mouth. As she sucked my cock her finger kept going to town, back and forth, deep into my ass. I moaned and groaned over and over with each motion she made. It was hard to believe what was actually happening: I’m 28 years old, in the bed of this foxy woman, 25 years older than me, my still mother-in-law. And she’s not only deep-throating me, making her the first woman who ever did that to me, but her finger is all the way in the back of my ass to boot, where no other woman had ever penetrated.

Sandy let up. Her finger eased back to the rim of my asshole, and her mouth to the head of my cock. She paused briefly…then she did it again! With one violent push her mouth took in all of my cock and her finger shot like a bullet back into my ass. I bucked like a bronco but her finger didn’t stop and her mouth was a vise around my cock, buried to the balls. A couple more strokes then I was ready to blow.

“I going to come,” I gasped. “I’m going to come…here I come…”

Sandy backed off my cock but her finger never stopped fucking my ass. She placed her mouth right around the very tip of my penis. I could feel my sperm traveling up through my shaft like never before, the pressure of a fire hose. Then I gave out a yell that could have been heard out on the highway. Just as my cum made its way up through my dick Sandy sucked my pee hole with an untamed force I’d never felt before. My semen gushed upward as Sandy sucked it out of me like a straw. I shuddered and shook as she continued to suck like I was the last few drops of an ice cream soda, and throughout my seven or eight raging spasms her finger never stopped moving in my ass.

Finally, once I’d shot my load and my quivers abated Sandy gently kissed my cock and balls, then worked her way north kissing my stomach, my nipples and finally when her lips reached my mouth, I put my hands behind her head and pulled her close. I clasped my mouth onto hers and kissed her, tongued her mouth and tasted my cum. It was a long kiss, hard at first, followed by five or six short tender ones. Only after our lips parted did I feel her finger slip out of my ass.

Sandy’s head settled on my shoulder, and her left hand rested on my chest. We laid there for a minute in each other’s arms. She didn’t say anything.

“Wow,” I began. “I don’t know what to say. Thank You.”

“Did you like that?” she said.

“Like it? I never felt anything like it in my life, it was fucking unbelievable! No woman ever took my whole cock into her mouth before, what a turn-on watching you do that. Jesus! And my ass…you’re the first one in there too. What is that, the Sandy Special?”

Sandy smiled, shrugged and said. “Sure, you can call it that. I’m glad it was good for you…I enjoyed it too. I looked forward to it all week.”

“You did? How do you mean?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about you since Tuesday night when we spoke on the phone. I wasn’t sure if you’d accept my invitation to go to dinner tonight. I was nervous about asking you and I was happy when you said yes. And even after you did accept I had no idea whether we’d end up in bed. I was hoping we would but I had no idea how things would go once you got here. But I wanted to be prepared in case it did happen… And if it did happen I wanted it to be the greatest night ever, a night we wouldn’t forget. So I practiced.”

“Well you’ve succeeded, this is the most amazing…” I started and then I caught myself. “You practiced? What do you mean you practiced?”

Sandy laughed and looked up into my face. “When we were on the phone and you told me you were seeing a couple of older women, it really turned me on. And the rest of that night I fantasized about tonight, I even masturbated in bed after Rick fell asleep. I decided that night on a practice plan.” Sandy giggled and added, “You sure you want to hear this?”

“You can’t stop now,” I said. “No secrets now. Tell me about your practice plan.”

She cleared her throat and said: “Okay. Cucumbers.”


She laughed again. “Yes, cucumbers. I figured I could entertain myself and prepare for you at the same time. I remembered several years ago, I don’t how we got on the subject, but Jill and I were talking about you and somehow we got around to penis size. And she mentioned that she had measured you one time and you were eight inches. Is that true?”

I remembered the occasion. I nodded.

“Well, the next day I went to the market. I stopped at the stationery supply shelf, took a 12-inch plastic ruler off the rack and put it in the baby seat of the shopping cart. Then I went over to the produce section and started measuring cucumbers. I picked out four nice hard eight-inchers and bagged them up. I’ve been working out with them ever since.”

“Working out,” I said.

“Yes. Working out with a vengeance, and I’d say it’s paid off wouldn’t you?”

I chuckled and looked into those brown eyes. I kissed her on her forehead and agreed it had indeed paid off. “So, tell me about these workouts,” I said.

“I practiced with them in my mouth and I practiced with them in my vagina. For four days. With my mouth I’d practice in front of a mirror so I could see how much I was taking in. That took some practice. I’ve had cucumbers in my mouth so much this week, I feel like a vegetarian. But downstairs was much easier…I just put it inside me and thought about tonight. Hell, I got off three times last night and twice this morning.”

“Are you kidding me? You did it here?” I asked.

“Right here,” she replied.

She rolled over to her left and opened a drawer of the night stand. She turned back to me with a big smile on her face and held up an eight-inch long cucumber.” That’s about the right size, isn’t it?” she said. She held it up to my nose. “You want to smell it?”

I took a few sniffs. I nodded and said softly, “Show me your workout. Mouth first.”

I could tell she was getting into it. “You really want to see it? Okay. Wait.” She popped up off the bed and into the bathroom. She turned on the tap, took a drink of water and came back and sat on the bed facing me. “Sorry,” she said, “I had to get all your cum out of my mouth. Okay, here goes. I hope I can do it, the trick is to open your throat as wide as you can.”

Sandy seemed to take a deep breath and she pushed half of the cucumber into her mouth. She paused, her hand landed gently on my thigh, and then she started pushing it further into her mouth. She moved it inward a little at a time and swallowed it up, all of it except for the very end her fingers gripped. She pulled it out then shoved it back in to the same depth. After a few seconds she pulled it back out. She did it a couple more times and it excited me to see that big thing vanish into her throat.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“I think you are a much disciplined woman,” I said. “Practicing like that.”

“Oh, shut up, I’m a Registered Nurse. You want to see more?”

“Well of course, but I’m getting hard. I might have to fuck you again.”

“Promises, promises,” she said. She put the vegetable between her legs, shoved it inside her inside her and glided it in and out. She sunk it all the way in. She yanked it in and out, over and over, and she grunted with each push. I watched the cucumber slide in and out of her. I was turned on watching, massaging my member when Sandy looked at me and said, “Well, are you going to fuck me or not?”

I reached down, pulled the cucumber out of her pussy, licked it off and put it beside her on the bed. I twisted up to a position above her and she grasped my cock quickly and shoved it into her. She wrapped her legs around the back of my ass and squeezed and we fucked again.

In the morning I awoke as Sandy came out of the bathroom and back to bed and kissed my lips. I had a full erection, pretty much an everyday occurrence in those days. She noticed immediately, reached for it and stated, “Well, somebody’s happy this morning.”

I said, “He must thinking about that Sandy Special.”

She smiled and said, “Oh, he wants the Special, does he...Well listen, I’ll give you my special, but you have to give me yours.”

With that she swung around and adjusted herself into sixty-nine position. She immediately started kissing my cock and kneading my balls and her pussy was right in front of my face. I don’t know what she did in the bathroom but she smelled and tasted sweet. I spread her lips with my fingers and sheathed her clit with my lips and licked her. She had my cock in her mouth and started doing her thing, up and down, in and out, deeper and deeper into her throat. Her finger slid into my ass with no resistance, matching the movements of her mouth. That was my cue. I tickled her ass with my left middle finger, wet with her juice, and stuck it in about an inch and kept moving it gently back and forth. I worked it in deeper and deeper and she let out a full-throated moan that was muffled by the cock in her mouth and sent a chill into my groin. We sucked with increasing speed, and then I shoved my finger all the way into her anus. She let out with a squeal and a wave of her cum washed over my mouth and face. Her body buckled, she shook a couple of times. She pulled off and out of me and in a flash was up beside me, her face close to mine. She kissed me hard but short, and said two words: “Fuck me.”

I mashed my mouth into hers, kissing her as I rolled her onto her back. Her hand was already latched onto my dick and she fed it into her drippy slit.

Immediately I was back inside her, slipping in and out. I pumped myself into her hard, over and over. I wanted to stick my cock into this woman as far as I could as long as I could.

I rammed it into her. I slung my body into hers. I grunted, she groaned, she bellowed, I moaned. I kept fucking her, kept banging, but I knew I was getting close to blowing my load. I wanted to prolong this moment, so I slowed down, and I eased back into a nice slow groove.

Sandy looked up at me with a concerned look on her face. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing. Everything is perfect. I’m just pacing myself…I don’t want to come too soon and spoil it for you.” Our eyes were locked, our faces inches apart.

“I want you in my ass,” she said quietly.

“You do?” I asked.

“Yes, I do. I want your cock in my ass.”

“You want me to fuck you in the ass?” I said.

“Yes, please fuck me in my ass,” she replied.

“You sure? I never did that before.”

“What, do you think I’m some kind of frequent flier?” she asked playfully, then lowered her voice and sighed, “I want to feel you in my ass.”

She pushed me slightly and I backed out of her resting on my knees. She reached over to the table and grabbed the jar of lube. She slathered it all over my dick from the balls to the tip. Then she slipped her finger into herself a couple of times for good measure. She grabbed a pillow and placed it beneath her, then spread her legs high and wide, and said, “Give it to me.”

I grabbed my penis and placed the tip up against her rim. I was excited and swollen big and hard. I started to push it in.

Our eyes were locked. “Go easy on me, big boy,” she said.

I paused. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

“You know what to do.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t hurt me. Let’s just take our time. I want to feel every inch of you.”

I could feel her groin pushing toward me so I pushed back against the resistance and I plunged farther in. She let out a squeaky breath so I paused.”
“It’s okay,” she said. “Keep going.”

She again eased herself toward me so I pressed forward. I held my cock between my thumb and fingers to steer it as I pushed it in another inch. We began a gentle rocking, exerting a muted pressure and in unison we eased my cock deeper into her. The smooth friction was intoxicating, the walls of her anus crunched around the circumference of my shaft. We continued our tender swaying back and forth.

“How does it feel?” I asked softly.

“Big,” was all she said at first. Her eyes looked like glazed saucers staring back at me. “How about you?”

“Good. Good and tight.”

“How far in are you?”

I glanced down and said, “maybe halfway.” I slowly sped up the pace of our rocking and Sandy went with the flow. We could both feel it being absorbed deeper inside her. She reached down with her right hand and began massaging her clit, and she uttered a guttural “ugh” with each push.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she said, speeding us up. She rubbed her clit to full size with quicker and quicker strokes. “I can’t…believe you’re…ugh…fucking my… ass! Keep it up…ugh…honey, keep…ugh…fucking my ass!”

Then I propelled my cock into her with a concussive force and hit home. When my balls slapped into her ass she let out with a rebel yell, and I kept it up, ramming my cock in and out of her.

“Holy Mother of God!” she loudly exclaimed as I kept slamming into her, her ass taking me in and squeezing my cock, our slide mellower with each sweet push. “I can’t believe you’re fucking my ass. Keep fucking me. Keep fucking my ass. Jesus, I feel like there’s a brick it my ass! I can’t believe your big…fat…hard…young cock is up my…skinny… tight ass.” We kept it up for a little while.

We moved faster still, speeding toward climax. “I’m going to come,” I grunted.

“Yes!” she said, “come in my ass. I want to feel your hot cum. Harder! Yes! Shoot that wad into my ass.”

That did it. I let out a raucous yelp and ejaculated my load into her ass, each spurt sending a quake through my body.

Sandy’s left hand gripped my arm, as she rubbed herself faster. “I can feel it. Your cum. Now I’m going to…stay in me.” We rocked with each of her grunts, and then I put my hands on the cheeks of her ass and squeezed hard. After three or four constrictions she shrieked like a catamount and her pussy poured forth with her gush.

She came with a shudder and then we were still. “Stay in me for a second.” I did. Our eyes were glued. She cracked a hint of a smile. “Wow.”

I stayed in her a little longer, I could feel my swell lessening. Then she said, “Okay. Pull it out slow.” As I did so I could feel her sphincter contracting and expanding, and got that little eye flicker from Sandy on the way out.

We lay back, exhausted. “Phew!” she said.

“You are incredible,” I said.

“I can’t believe we just did that.”

“I can’t believe it either. You were amazing.”

We kissed easy and soft. We parted and I said, “I’m your backdoor man.”

She kissed me again and replied, “I’m glad I left the door unlocked.”


We held each other in bed for a long time without saying too much. We decided we would shower, and then I’d take her out to brunch.

One nice thing about that condo was that it had a really large shower so there was plenty of room for both of us. We both got under the spray and started soaping up. After a minute or two she told me to turn around and she would wash my back.

She started with my shoulders and slowly moved down my arms and back. She worked my lower back and then was lathering my butt. She took her time massaging my cheeks and made sure to run a finger through my crack a few times. I was already getting hard when her arms slipped around me and she started massaging my cock and balls with both hands.

“I think it’s time I washed this, don’t you?”

I turned around and kissed her, pressing my new stiffness against her. We parted and she lathered her hands into a rich foam and resumed my dickwash. Her right hand cupped my scrotum and she kneaded my nuts like they were pair of Chinese exercise balls. Her left hand was around my cock sliding up and down on the surface of slick soap. She felt me swell in her hand.

Sandy looked up into my eyes and asked, “Would you like to wash me?”

By this time I was rock solid and said, “I’d like to wash you with my cock.”

Our eyes still fixed, she softly said, “That’s what I meant.”

“Put me in,” I said.

I adjusted my height and she slipped me into her. I put my hands on her ass and lifted her, and with a little hop she locked her legs around me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned her back against the wet wall and pushed.

I held her, slipping and sliding in and out, and Sandy grunted with each exertion, wanting it all. I slipped a sudsy finger in her ass, which she welcomed.

“Yes!” she hissed. “You’re cleaning my pussy with your cock and finger-fucking my ass! You know how to clean me. You know how to fuck me.”

Whenever she talked like that I got more excited, and she knew it, so I picked it up a notch. I fucked her harder and she fucked back. I launched my dick into her while her arms, legs and pussy all pinched and squeezed in unison with each soapy swing. I kept sticking her. I wanted to drive her through the wall.

Sandy was making more and more noise so I knew she was about to erupt. “Fuck,” she squealed. “Oh God, I never fucked so much. Give it to me. Keep fucking me.”

I adjusted my hand and slipped a second finger into her asshole and Sandy yelped. “Yes!” she cried. “Clean my ass while you’re fucking me!”

I pushed my fingers deep into her ass each time I slammed my dick into her pussy. I wanted to touch myself.

Her yelps got louder and she let out her by-now-familiar scream that I muffled with my mouth. I kept pushing, knowing I was close to release.

“I was half breathless and panted, “I cleaned you out, now I’m gonna fill you up.”

“Yes. Ugh… Fill my fresh, clean twat with some fresh cum.”

God did I. With a final giant thwack of her skin against the wet wall, I detonated my payload. I quivered and shivered over and over inside her arms, between her legs, and in the spell of her pleasure.

Once I settled, with Sandy still pinned to the wall, I kissed her. “You can put me down now,” she said. We laughed and we unlatched.

We kissed again and I couldn’t resist holding her tit. She slapped my hand away. “Stop that or we’ll never finish this shower. And take that ornery penis of yours out of here before it gets itself into more trouble.”

I took Sandy to brunch and it was a very relaxed and pleasant time. We had a nice table overlooking the ocean. Like two playful lovers on a holiday, we joked about how odd it felt to have clothes on, how sore we both were, and at one point Sandy even poked her foot between my legs and asked, ‘How is the sausage?’ But over the course of the meal I think we both could feel the vibe changing because we both knew the end was near.

I drove her back to her condo and pulled into the lot. There were only a few cars in the lot, but I parked the car a few spaces away for a little privacy for our goodbyes, and I put the gearshift in park.

We both turned toward each other.

“Rob, thank you so much for a wonderful night,” she said.

“No, thank you. It was incredible. You were incredible.”

We kissed a long, soft kiss, and I fondled her right breast in my left hand. Our tongues said goodbye with a slow, silky dance, my penis starting to get turgid. We parted and Sandy looked into my eyes.

“No one can ever find out about this,” she said.

I replied, “No one would ever believe it.”

With that said we kissed some more, my hand on her breast, and after a few seconds she let her right hand settle on my crotch.

“Good Lord, Rob, is that thing hard again?” she said with mock surprise. “Well, what the hell, let’s get one last look at the little monster.” She unsnapped me, unzipped me and yanked open my fly as far as it would go. She threaded it through the slit in my boxers and began lightly rubbing it. Then she got a pensive look on her face and she started to talk.

“You know, when you came down here last night I had no idea how it was going to turn out. And even in the restaurant after I came in my pants and we were walking back I still had no idea if I would get you upstairs. But I decided then that if I did, I was going to be the best piece of ass you ever had in your life.”

I started to say something but she hushed me. Her hand still embraced my erection with a sweet rocking caress, and she continued.

“This place will never be quite the same, that bedroom has a whole new meaning. When I’m in that bed the memory I am going to have is of your head between my thighs and your tongue inside me. And I’ll think of the time when you stood up and dropped your pants and I saw your little monster spring out, I believe my eyes were probably bulging out of my head because I wanted it and now I knew I was going to get it. I will remember you on top of me, kissing me, fucking me; it was almost like a dream. And then we were having fun with the cucumber, and laughing, and I knew….I knew what I was going to do next, and was surprised at how much I wanted to do it. I’ll remember the feeling of your cock in my mouth, all of it. I still can’t believe I did that, but I did. I’ll remember the Sandy Special, and from now on the number 69 will remind me of you.

“And when I’m in that bed with Rick, I’ll never forget it, but he’ll never know that in that same bed you assfucked his wife. And Jill will probably use that shower hundreds of times and never have a clue that you and I stood in there together and I washed you and I held your soapy cock and balls in my hands. She’ll never know how much I wanted you, she’ll never know how many ways I had you, she’ll never know her ex-husband fucked her mother and pounded her up against the wall.

“But you know what? I don’t regret any of it,” she said, looking at me with glassy eyes. “It was fun being your slut for night.”

She looked down at her hand around my cock and increased the speed of her strokes. In our silence she stroked me, hard with revelation, and soon I let go with a groan, and my jizz flew in spurts onto my pants and shirt.

After a moment or two Sandy dipped a dab of semen off of the head of my cock with her forefinger and put it in her mouth.

“Well, thanks again for one hell of a night. But I really need to go now,” she said. Then she leaned in, gave me a quick kiss on the lips, and with her little wink said, “I have to go change my panties.”

Then she was out of the car and she walked over to the building, up the stairs, and disappeared onto the second floor without looking back. And I was left with my dick hanging out and a mess to clean up.

Two days later when I arrived home from work there was a brown paper sack on my front porch with my name written on it. I unlocked the door and went into the kitchen. I put my briefcase on the floor and the bag on the table. Inside the bag was a gift-wrapped package and hand-written note. I read the note first:

I stopped by on the way home from the beach but missed you. I was going to give you the Special but I guess it was not to be. Maybe next time. Thanks again for an unforgettable night. I’m leaving you a small gift as a memento…Take care.
- S.
p.s. If Denise gets a visit from the backdoor man, I hope she lets
him in. I know I’m glad I did.

I put down the note and picked up the package, tore off the paper and opened the box. I removed the tissue paper and at the bottom found two items: a pair of her panties and the cucumber. I lifted the panties to my nostrils and breathed in the aroma of her sweet funk.

I never saw Sandy, or ever spoke to her again. I’m sure she felt, rightly so, that it would have been far too risky and that we could never top that first night anyway.

She was left with just a memory, but she left me with more than that. The cucumber died a slow, natural death, but I kept those panties for a long time.


Rhonda JamesReport 

2021-09-25 17:01:10
I got horny
I laughed
I enjoy it so much!!!
Thank You


2021-08-16 16:46:15

Dirty SamoneReport 

2019-08-27 17:05:19
Oh I love reading about ass fuckin and you did such a wonderful job. I'll be reading more of your stories and I hope there will be much more ass fuckin. Thanks.


2018-04-14 02:16:26
What a great story! So sexy...and soooo real!!! Loved it!!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-25 07:39:17
damnnnnnnnnn.... that end to the Sandy-Rob story is kinda sad tho......

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