This work of fiction is based on a theme suggested by regular reader “TexasDave14.” The story is completely fiction, although the characteristics of the featured individuals are based upon real people.
In 1985 we moved to Charlotte from Raleigh when I took a new job at a civil engineering firm. Connie had been an office manager at an insurance company before we moved, but decided to take the summer off before looking for employment again. However, we were soon to become involved in a bizarre sexual experience that we hadn’t expected.
We had always enjoyed a robust sexual relationship and had had a number of exquisite sexual activities with others. We had agreed early on that we wouldn’t have any unilateral “fooling around” and would confine our activity to only having sexual adventures together. Consequently, we’d had several swinging sessions with other couples and a long term relationship with another couple that lasted for several years.
We even had several three-way group sex sessions including an on-going three-way fuck-fest whenever Connie’s younger sister would come from Oklahoma. However, Connie particularly enjoyed MMF sessions, reveling in the attention of two men.
Over the years we would discretely invite other men into our sessions. Most of our partners were men that I would encounter on the job. Usually they were engineers from out of town who would be working on one of my projects and anxious for a little sexual diversion away from home. They were mostly mature men from age 35 to the mid-fifties, although Connie did invite a kid from NC State who was interning with her insurance firm. That particular series of sessions was her first sexual experience with a teenager. The college boy was 19 and that encounter would relate to our new sexual experience.
Let me give you some background information that will help you process the story that is to follow. At the time, Connie was an attractive 42 year old woman. Now, many people would assume that she was pretty much over the hill and washed-up as a sexual partner. Wrong! Connie was fairly tall at about five foot seven inches and 125 pounds with a taut, athletic body. She had always maintained a sound diet and exercised regularly. She had a radiant smile that would dazzle everyone she met, short brown hair, and piercing hazel eyes. She had traces of gray that began to appear in her hair… or as she termed the condition … "its just my 'natural frosting'.” Her breasts were a delightfully firm c-cup with only minimal sagging. Now, I was a few years older, slightly over six foot, and 175 pounds. I had played in the defensive backfield in college and although not Infantry, I had been airborne qualified in the army. I had even thought of staying in the army after I returned from Vietnam, but Connie had immediately rejected that thought. Regardless, because of football and my army experience, I had established and maintained a sound physical fitness program. In doing so, I alternated five-mile runs one day with working out in the weight room the next.
Our daughter was not around very much at that particular time. She was in college in Greenville throughout the school year and during the summer of ‘85 she was working all summer as a counselor at a girls’ camp near Ashville.
Our neighbors at the end of the cull-de-sac in Charlotte were the Wilsons. George and Alice were typical suburbanites in their late forties and had one child, a 16 year old son, Billy. Billy was a tall, gangly boy with fairly short cropped blond hair. He was a reasonably typical teenage boy, active in sports and anxious to get his drivers license with all the freedom that entailed. Like all teenagers, I was certain that sex was also a major interest of his. I’d chuckled one time when I noticed that he got an obvious erection while he was helping Connie and me with some yard work that first summer that we moved in. He noticeably couldn’t keep his eyes off of Connie’s legs or ass, with the logical physical result.
Then one Saturday something occurred that gave me an idea. We had been working in the yard much of the day and decided that we’d done quite enough work. Connie said that she was going to sun bathe for awhile and went inside the house. When she returned, she had slipped on a two piece swimsuit, lathered up with suntan lotion, and lay on a large bath towel. After a few minutes she decided to avoid the tan line on her back and unsnapped her bra.
I was cleaning up some tools when I noticed some movement in the tree line and thick bushes between our property and that of the Wilsons. After some time I realized that someone was evidently being obscured by the bushes. I couldn’t see much, but my curiosity was aroused. I had a notion who it might be and decided to get a better view.
I quietly went inside the house and proceeded to the second floor bedroom that overlooked the back yard. Once there I had a good view of the Wilson’s tree line and my suspicions were confirmed. Billy Wilson was peeking through the underbrush at Connie. I chuckled to myself and it was then that I noticed that he was masturbating. He had his cock out and was vigorously pounding away. Moments later he achieved an orgasm and I watched as several streams of semen squirted onto the bushes.
Seeing that gave me an idea and I began formulating a plan: I was going to get the boy into a threesome with us. Later that evening I explained what I had seen while she sun bathed and discussed my tentative plan with Connie. Although somewhat hesitant because of the boy’s age, she eventually agreed.
Several weeks later an opportunity to implement the plan presented itself. Billy’s parents were planning to go to Clemson, SC to attend an alumni cocktail party and dinner. Although they would leave on Saturday morning and return late Sunday, they asked that we keep an eye on Billy until they returned. Alice Wilson had prepared a casserole meal for Saturday night and Billy was instructed to prepare his own breakfast the following morning. Even though he was a teenager and fully capable of caring for himself, they said that they would feel better with the neighboring adult couple in charge.
The afternoon they left, I sat chatting with Billy on our deck until I felt the time was right to initiate the plan that I had developed. We eventually got around to talking about girls and the ones he dated. I carefully directed the discussion to whether he had any sexual experiences with them. Somewhat embarrassed, he said that he hadn’t done much other than getting inside their bras and feeling their breasts and occasionally rubbing a pussy through panties.
“So,” I said, “you’ve really never had sex with any of them?” He became even more embarrassed as he shook his head and quietly said, “No.”
“Have you ever thought how it would be to really fuck a woman?” I softly asked. “To slip your dick into a nice, juicy pussy?”
He hesitated, as if unsure how to answer the sexually loaded question to an adult. “Ahhh, well, yeah,” he murmured. “I guess I have.”
“Oh, man! It’s a great sensation just to feel a pussy just gripping your cock,” I continued tantalizingly. Billy thought for a moment and then said, “Well, the way things have been going that’ll be a long time from now.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” I responded slowly. “Mrs. Owens is an attractive woman. Have you ever thought about fucking her?” As I expected, the boy turned beet red. “Oh yeah,” I thought to myself I had definitely touched on something the boy had thought about and probably masturbated over many times.
“Ahhh, well, no…” he stammered as he looked at me with an expression approaching fear. I chuckled and assured him that was all right and that I was actually going to make him an offer that he would find most enjoyable and I thought that he would be unable to refuse. I explained that we’d enjoyed a three-ways with other men in the past and would certainly like to enjoy a threesome with him. The boy’s jaw dropped in stunned silence.
“Would you be interested in fucking Mrs. Owens? …or have her suck your dick?” I quietly asked. “She’s an exceptionally good cocksucker and I’m sure that she would certainly like to suck out all your cum.
“Are you really serious, Mr. Owens,” he stammered in a quavering voice, his eyes bugging out in disbelief.
“Oh yes, I’m quite serious,” I continued to tempt the boy. “I think you would thoroughly enjoy slipping your dick into her slick, warm pussy. Given half a chance, she’d fuck you silly,” I laughed.
“Ahhhh … what ... what will I have to do,” the boy whispered with guarded enthusiasm.
“Well, we are game to do just about anything you might want to do and that Connie is amenable with. It’ll be just you and Mrs. Owens and me and Mrs. Owens and us and Mrs. Owens, just fucking and sucking. What do you think? Is that acceptable to you?”
Billy nervously squirmed and fidgeted. “Mr. Owens, I told you that I’m not really all that sexually experienced,” he hesitantly added.
“Hey, there is nothing for you to worry about,” I assured him. “Mrs. Owens is a wonderful teacher! Once she gets you excited, just do whatever you feel you’d like to do and if she doesn’t stop you, then you know that it’s perfectly all right! Well, Billy, do you think that you can agree to that arrangement?”
“Ahhh, sure,” he whispered and then hesitated. “But, does she really want to do it with us?”, asked Billy. “I mean, does she really want to do it with me?”
“Oh, yeah. She wants to do it with us and she particularly wants to do it with you. She’s always said that she needs some ‘fresh, young cock’ every so often! Okay, then, how about tonight,” I suggested. “About seven? How does that sound?”
“That sounds great,” responded a guardedly enthusiastic Billy.
That evening, the boy arrived exactly at seven. I wondered if his dick was already getting hard in anticipation of what would soon transpire. I remembered myself at his age and knew that all teenage boys were perpetually horny. As I opened the door, Connie stood beside me wearing an attractive, conservative white silk blouse, but with a fairly short skirt. She was had just turned forty-two earlier that summer, but her legs looked tremendous, as always.
“You look absolutely wonderful,” stammered the awestruck teen.
“Why, thank you, Billy,” she said, smiling warmly in response to his complement. “Let’s go inside and get comfortable.” As she turned to lead us into the living room, Billy followed immediately behind her watching the exciting movement of her long legs and the swing of her luscious ass beneath her skirt.
“I’ve made some coffee or you could have a coke, if you like,” said Connie.
“A coke would be fine,” answered Billy as he sat on the couch. I had prepared a comfortable environment with the lights down low and soft easy-listening music playing in the background.
“I’ll just go help Mrs. Owens,” I said and went into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I walked up behind Connie, pulling her back against my body. “Are you still nervous about fucking the kid?” I whispered.
“Well, maybe just a little, John. He is awfully young. Do you think it will be alright?”
“Just fine.” I assured her. “Billy’s almost 16 and you fucked that 19 year old college kid in Raleigh. You’re going to give this boy the sexual experience of his young life. I think Billy was almost ready to shoot his load just following you into the living room!” I chuckled.
We carried the drinks back into the living room and I sat at the opposite end of the couch from Billy. Connie sat down on the armchair opposite us, crossing her legs and allowing her skirt to ride up a few inches. We chatted uneasily for some time while finishing our coffee and coke. However, the anticipation of seeing this horny teenager fucking my wife was having a definite effect on my dick. Billy looked more than a little uncomfortable, excited yet not knowing exactly what was to happen or how it was to occur.
“Well,” Connie said, setting her coffee cup down. “I think I’ll join you two on the couch.” She crossed the room and sat down between us. “This is a little awkward for me; how should we start?” she asked, turning to me.
“Well,” I gently recommended, “why don’t you give Billy a kiss to welcome him and make him feel more relaxed and comfortable.”
Connie turned to Billy, whispered, “Welcome, Billy,” then wrapping her arms around him she began to fervently, yet gently kiss the teenager. Moments later I was anxious to get the game started and began to unbutton her blouse. As soon as I had her blouse partially open and out from her skirt, I slid my hand behind her back and unsnapped her bra. I was now able to fondle her firm tits while I watched as she kissed the boy.
After several moments of this, I got up and moved across to the chair to give Billy his opportunity and watch the entertainment. Connie grasped the boy’s hands and gently placed them on her breasts. He immediately took the invitation and began tentatively fondling them. “Billy,” I quietly said, “she likes to have her nipples sucked. Why don’t you do that for her?” That request was all he needed to begin to suckle at her breast.
After a few moments, Connie sat upright gently pushed herself away and stood up. “I think that its time for all of us to get undressed. Billy will you help me get my clothes off?” In no time the boy had stripped her of her blouse and bra and dropped them to the floor. Her skirt was soon to follow displaying her lacy white panties. I got up and helped by slipping her panties off, leaving her naked and exposing her soft moist pussy to the horny youngster. “Now, both of you get undressed. Billy, I want to see what you’ve got for me to play with tonight.”
I smiled as I took off my clothes watching the boy nervously strip. He had considerable difficulty getting his jockeys over his rigid dick. Soon we were both standing naked before her. I was somewhat surprised at the size of the slender boy’s dick. Billy was endowed with a long, fat, cock disproportionally large in comparison to his slim body.
Connie took Billy’s cock in her hand and began slowly masturbating him. “Oooohhhh, just look what I’ve found!” she squealed. Grabbing mine, she began to masturbate both of us at the same time. “I’ve found two nice, hard, dicks and both are throbbing just for me! I just might be a very, very naughty girl tonight!”
Connie pulled Billy back onto the couch again and I sat on the floor next to her legs, leaning against the couch in order to better watch the action. She leaned over into Billy’s lap and prepared to suck the boy’s cock. I watched as she started to caressingly lick his dick, while gently fondling his balls. Surprisingly, his dick grew even more rigid as she opened her mouth wider to take in the head. Her tongue swirled around his cockhead and then she slipped her lips down the shaft. Her head slowly bobbed up and down and her mouth gradually engulfed more of his cock. Finally she took it to the hilt and then withdrew as she sucked long and hard, gradually building a consistent tempo.
Billy sat with his head leaning against the back of the couch, groaning in lust as this attractive forty-two year old woman quickly brought him to the edge of orgasm. She would occasionally pull her lips off and jack him hard several times before plunging her mouth back over his dick. I smiled thinking that the kid couldn’t take much more of Connie’s spectacular cocksucking skills. Just then I saw him stiffen his legs and watched as his slender belly quivered. I knew that he had just about reached the point of no return as she pumped his cock faster into her mouth, energetically sucking on it with her lips.
All of a sudden Connie stopped sucking, prompting a loud groan from the boy. “Billy,” she softly said, “before we go any farther, I think we need to get our insurance policy.” The boy’s stomach was trembling and his rigid dick throbbed, disrupted by the rapid change of events.
“What … what do you mean?” he asked, obviously quite confused by this rapid change in his circumstance.
“Well,” she continued, “we need to have an insurance policy that you’ll never tell your parents or anyone else what we do here.”
“Oh, I’d never tell anyone!” assured the teenager.
“You might not, but there is always the possibility that you just might want to brag to your friends that you’d fucked Mrs. Owens and had her suck your cock.” I was somewhat baffled by what she was doing, not exactly sure what her angle was for this line of talk.
“Oh, no! I’d never do that!” he said, rapidly shaking his head.
“Well,” she responded, “we’re going to have some pictures that make sure that you don’t.” The puzzled teen just looked at her. She stood up and walked to the table at the end of the room and retrieved our Polaroid camera. “You see, Billy, we’ll have some incriminating photos that will be our insurance policy that you don’t. “Oh, ho!” I thought, now aware of her plan.
“What incriminating photos?” asked the still bewildered boy.
“The photos of you sucking Mr. Owens’ dick,” she said, smiling.
“But, I didn’t suck his dick,” the teenager protested.
“No, but you will.”
“Oh no,” he said emphatically. “No, I won’t do it!”
“You will if you want me to go back to sucking your cock until you shoot in my mouth” she replied to his objections, “or let you fuck me until you squirt your hot sperm deep into my pussy.” The boy’s dick was still semi-rigid in spite of this change in circumstances. “It’s your choice, Billy,” she said quietly. “Let me just remind you what you’d be giving up if you don’t do it.” With that she bent over, slipped her mouth back over his cock and began to suck again. “Aarrgghh,” Billy moaned.
“Are you ready to suck Mr. Owens’ dick?” She asked.
“Okay, I’ll do it” he said quietly. “What do you want me to do?”
“Get on your knees in front of Mr. Owens,” she directed. I stood up as the boy slipped off the couch and stared at my stiff cock. “Okay, Billy, start sucking,” she harshly ordered. Tentatively, the boy reached out and grasped my cock. Slowly he opened his mouth and slipped the head in. At first he merely held the cockhead in his mouth without sucking. Impatiently, I grabbed the back of his head and pushed my dick in deep, nearly gagging him.
“Show me how you can suck cock, Billy,” she encouraged. Connie quickly began shooting close-ups of his face as he began to suck my dick. I was actually enjoying the boy’s mouth as he timidly sucked on my shaft. He continued and I became more excited. I’d never been sucked off by a man before, but I thought, “What the hell. A blow job is a blow job.”
Soon he was seriously sucking and I noticed that his own dick was fully hard again. “Well,” I thought, “it certainly appears the kid is actually enjoying sucking my cock.” Moments later I shot a load in the boy’s mouth. Billy started to look for a place to spit out my cum when Connie gave him another command. “Hold that, Billy, she ordered.
He took his lips off my dick as she told him to turn his face toward her. She then took a full face shot of his open mouth and my sperm cradled on his tongue. “Okay, Billy, swallow it and well get back to where we were.” The boy reluctantly swallowed and returned to the couch. Seeing the boy sucking my cock had thoroughly energized Connie and she picked up where she left off by eagerly sucking his dick.
I sat on the couch and watched as she quickly resumed the pattern of long and hard sucks as she slowly built up the tempo again. She would occasionally stop sucking long enough to jack him hard several times before again resuming. As before, he quickly reached that point of no return as he stiffened and went rigid. “Arrrggghhh!” he groaned, “I’m going to come in your mouth, Mrs. Owens! Oh, don’t stop! Oh, yes, go on! Go on! Oh fuck, that’s so good! Oh fuck!” With that the boy reached his first orgasm of the evening, squirting his warm sticky sperm into my wife’s sucking mouth.
An experienced cocksucker, Connie gulped a few times, swallowing his load as she continued to pump him dry and then licked him clean as he slowed down. Looking up at him as she gently kissed his cockhead; she smiled and asked, “Did you enjoy that, Billy?”
“Oh, yes, Mrs. Owens. Oh, that was wonderful!”
“Why don’t you show me how grateful you are by sucking my pussy a little bit.” I watched as Billy eagerly moved off the couch and crawled between her spread legs. A few seconds later Connie let out a soft moan as I could see the teenager’s face buried between her trembling thighs. The boy certainly hadn’t needed to worry about his inexperience. He sure seemed to be catching on real fast.
“I love this,” she groaned. “I want you both to give me a lot of cock tonight.” I looked down at Billy, his eyes were closed and his face was wet with her pussy juices, his tongue was obviously deep in her pussy as he alternated licking the slit and her clitoris. Billy’s tongue soon brought Connie to a shuddering orgasm, her thighs closing around his head as she gripped him in ecstasy.
“That was wonderful, Billy,” Connie whispered to him moments later, running her fingers through his hair. She pulled him up and onto the couch as she slid onto the floor and knelt between us taking a stiff cock in each hand. I watched in fascination as she kissed and licked our straining dicks, alternating between us before finally slipping Billy’s back into her mouth. The youngster moaned in pleasure as the feeling of her warm mouth began to suck his dick for the second time. Her head slowly bobbed up and down a few times before she finally took the whole length once again. She continued gently fondling me as she sucked the boy.
“Connie, don’t you think its time that Billy’s dick filled your pussy?” I asked. "Don't you want to feel his hot cum squirting into your cunt?" She looked at me with licentious eyes, murmuring an anxious “yes” past a mouthful of stiff, young cock. I wanted to blow a load in her mouth, too, so I pulled her off of Billy’s dick and positioned her on her hands and knees on the floor. I knelt in front of her so that she could suck me and nodded to Billy to kneel behind her. He scrambled behind her and quickly nudged his hard cock up to the opening of her sopping pussy. “Are you sure that you want the kid to fuck you?” I asked. “Mmmm, yes!” she begged. “Are you ready for the kid and me to fuck you silly at the same time?”
“Yes; I just want both of you to fuck me now!” she begged, “Fuck me hard!”
“You heard Mrs. Owens, Billy. Fuck her!” I grunted as I eased my throbbing dick into her mouth. Looking down the length of her body, I watched as Billy gripped Connie’s hips and slid his hard young cock into her pussy for the first time … for the first time in any woman. He rammed his dick up to the hilt, quickly increasing the thrusts so that he was soon giving her a good solid fucking. Every time he slammed home he drove her forward so that her mouth was pushed further over my dick.
Connie was murmuring in appreciation of the two stiff dicks thrusting into her. “Oh,” Billy gasped, “I’ve been dreaming of fucking Mrs. Owens forever! I never thought that I’d really get to fuck her! Oh! Oh! Oh!” he continued pounding into Connie as I held her head and fucked her mouth. We soon had a great rhythm going as we continued to fuck her in unison. She braced herself as best she could, moaning and whimpering in sheer ecstasy.
“Aaarrrggghhh,” groaned Billy, “I’m gonna cum! …Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna fill you up!” With that, his head went back and he let out a series of grunts as he spurted his semen deep into her sopping wet pussy. Watching the young teenager shoot a load into my wife pushed me over the edge, as well. I could no longer hold back, so I gripped her head and let my sperm go, spraying into her sucking mouth. She frantically swallowed each spurt, quickly sucking me dry.
As we finished, the three of us collapsed into a sweaty heap on the living room floor. “How was that, Connie?” I asked as we slowly recovered.
“Oh yes, that was wonderful,” she purred, “but I hope that you’re not finished yet. I am going to freshen up and pour some drinks while you two recover.”
As she left the room, Billy turned to me. “She is fantastic! Oh, thank you, Mr. Owens this is a wonderful dream come true! I can’t believe that that this is really happening to me,” whispered Billy.
“I’m glad you are enjoying it, Billy. I know that there’s more to come. I think that she will take as much as we can give her.” A few minutes later Connie returned with a tray of coffee, coke, and some snacks. I was still finding it enjoyable watching my sweet wife acting like a complete slut in front of this horny teenage boy. “She doesn’t look much like a businesslike office manager or respectable housewife tonight,” I thought. After a while, Connie asked, “Well, have you two recovered? Are you ready for me again? I need more cock!”
Billy’s initial shyness had now completely disappeared. He took hold of his semi-erect cock and waved it towards Connie. “Mrs. Owens, why don’t you see what you can do with your mouth on this. I want you to suck me off again!” She obligingly slipped to the floor once more and positioned herself in front of him. He slipped his rapidly rising dick between her parted lips and quickly revived it to full hardness as her mouth and tongue worked their magic.
“I think that I’ll sit this one out and let you work on the kid,” I said. I was beginning to realize that I certainly no longer had the stamina that I’d had in earlier years. However, I watched with pleasure as Connie started to again suck Billy’s cock and manipulate his balls. “The kid certainly has resilience!” I thought as his dick continued to grow even more as she opened her mouth wider to accommodate him. “Oh, yeah!” he moaned, “Oh, yeah! Oh, fuck!” She eventually took it all the way in her mouth, a satisfied smile on her face.
She stopped briefly with an wicked expression and said, “Billy, why don’t you imagine that I’m your mother. Imagine your mother sucking on your cock. Imagine your mother wanting to suck you dry!” The boy just moaned, his eyes tightly shut as he seemingly imagined his mother’s lips around his throbbing cock.
Connie resumed her sucking, backing out to the head of his dick, then sucking long and hard while jacking slowly. Billy sat with his head back against the back of the couch. “Ah! Ah!” he groaned in lust as Connie sucked him toward yet another climax. She pulled back from his dick and whispered, “Cum in my mouth, Billy! I want you to squirt a load of your sweet cum in my mouth!” Plunging her mouth back over him, she resumed her purposeful sucking of his hardened shaft.
I watched the boy as once again his body went rigid and his stomach muscles quivered. Connie pumped her hand on the shaft and as she vigorously sucked the head Billy groaned “Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, yes!” With that the boy shot his cum into her forcefully sucking mouth. She gulped a few times, swallowing his load as she continued to pump his dick. His stomach muscles shuddered as he slowed down and she sucked out the last remnants of his sperm.
Having watched the kid get another first class blow job from my wife, I was now ready to give her a serious fucking myself. I pushed her down on the edge of the couch, threw her legs over my shoulders and slid my dick into her sopping wet pussy. I gripped her hips and started to ram into her with long, controlled strokes, making her struggle for breath and groan as the waves of ecstasy coursed through her body. As I was pounding into her shuddering body, I whispered in her ear “Is this what you like, Connie? Two dicks pumping into you and full nuts anxious to shoot their loads of cum deep inside you?”
Oh yes!” she moaned, “Fuck me! Fuck me hard, John! Just keep fucking me!” I continued on for a few moments but soon realized that I couldn’t hold back any longer. Ramming into her and holding firm at the greatest depth, I flooded her pussy with my semen.
As we lay there in the exhausted exhilaration of sexual release, Billy suggested that it was probably time for him to get dressed and go back next door. “Oh, no!” said Connie, “there is no one at your house and besides we promised your parents that we would take good care of you while they were gone. You’re staying with us tonight! I’m certainly planning on taking very good care of you many times, Billy! I’m looking forward to waking up between you and John. Wouldn’t you like that, Billy? You could wake up in the middle of the night and fuck me some more!”
“Okay, I’ll stay,” the youngster decided, smiling in anticipation of even more wicked, licentuous action. I switched off the lights in the living room and the three of us walked up to the bedroom for some well deserved rest on our king sized bed.
As I slowly awoke in the half light of dawn, I was aware of some movement in the bed. I rolled on my side, propped myself up on one elbow and watched as Billy explained to Connie that he was full of cum and was anxious to shoot it into her belly. “Okay, Billy,” she giggled, “how about a quickie morning fuck!” Shedding the covers, Connie gently crawled onto his slender body. I watched intently as she positioned herself with her knees stradling him and could tell by the expression on her face that his eager teenage cock was entering her once more.
“Oh, John!” Connie cried, “The boy is fucking me again! Billy wanted an early start for today’s games!” They immediately set up a consistent rhythm as I watched Billy smoothly fucking her.
“Yeah,” I chuckled to myself, “the boy may have never fucked a woman before last night, but he sure has caught on real fast.” Watching the two of them my own dick was hard again and I was ready to take over from him once he had filled her cunt with his sperm.
“Go on, Billy, give it to her,” I encouraged, “Fuck her good! Fill her pussy!” The kid needed no more encouragement and the bed shook as he kept pounding his cock upward into her, burying it deep in her pussy. He slowed suddenly, hesitated, and then groaned “Ahhhh! I’m gonna cum again!”
“Oh, yes! Come in me! Come in me! Fill me up!” begged Connie as she reached her own climax, squealing in sensuous delight. Billy frantically rammed his dick upward into her sopping wet pussy until he let out a final moan, held firm at his deepest penetration, and obviously sent his sperm flooding into her. Connie was nearly out of breath as she climbed off of him and I pushed her on her back almost immediately. Her pussy was soggy as my cock easily slid into the drenched blending of their juices.
“It’s my turn now,” I murmured in her ear as I started to seriously fuck her.
“Fuck me, John! Fuck me hard! Cum in me! Cum in me! That’s it! Hard! Hard! Fuck me hard! Oh, yes!” as she encouraged me to ravage her. I reached my orgasm, let out a loud groan, and with a final thrust my cum was spurting to join Billy’s deep inside her pussy.
Half an hour later, after a break to recover, Connie said “I need to clean up a bit” and went to the bathroom. I used the opportunity to make a trip of my own to the other bathroom.
Several minutes later I wandered back into the bedroom to find Connie lying back on the bed, her eyes closed and her legs crossed on Billy’s back as the boy buried his face once more in her sodden pussy. I walked around the bed kissed her and chuckled to myself. It was an amusing circumstance: here I was, kissing my wife while a young teenage boy had his face buried between her thighs, furiously licking her pussy. It was obvious that the insatiable boy was ready for another session.
Billy rose up on his knees and said “I want you to suck me off again.” That was all the encouragement that cocksucker Connie needed as she grabbed his dick and started to stroke it. Within moments Billy’s cock was fully engorged and his hand moved to the back of her head and gently pulled her towards his crotch. Connie adjusted her position on the bed as she began to lick Billy’s cockhead tasting his oozing precum and finally the boy’s dick fully disappeared into her mouth. Taking her mouth off after several moments she asked him, “You’ve used up so much of your cum. Do you have any more of your tasty semen left to squirt in my mouth, Billy?” she asked.
“Oh yeah, I’ve saved us a whole mouthful for you!” I watched as she began sliding her mouth slowly up and down on his dick. By now my own dick was growing hard and I began masturbating as I watched my wife giving the slender teenager yet another determined blow job. Billy was moaning and groaning as he wrapped his fingers into her hair and thrust himself deeper into her mouth while I watched her forcefully sucking.
I decided that it was time for me to join in and fuck her while she sucked Billy’s dick. I gently pulled Connie’s ass up in the air without forcing her to remove her mouth from his cock. My cockhead easily spread her pussy lips and I smoothly slid my shaft into her cunt until I effortlessly bottomed out. I slowly withdrew until the only the head was contained and then plunged back again. I rhythmically fucked her with ever demanding and deepening thrusts for as long as I could control myself. Fucking her and watching her sucking on the boy’s dick had pushed me to the ragged, closing stages of my own control.
Inevitably, the overpowering sensation eventually took control and all too soon my sperm gushed into her waiting pussy. At just about the same time the boy climaxed, groaned, and began to spurt his load of cum in her eagerly sucking mouth. By now Connie was thrashing all around the bed. She threw her head back and screamed as her own orgasm reached a crescendo. She writhed and shrieked, totally lost in her climax. I held my dick deeply rammed in her pussy for several lingering moments before allowing it to finally slide out.
The three of us once again drifted off into a drowsy sleep as our exhausted bodies sought to recover. Several hours later I woke to the feel of Connie’s fingers on my dick I knew what was coming and spread my legs wide. She firmly grasped my dick and gently slipped the head between her lips. I moaned and thrust upward my hips driving my cock further into her sucking mouth. I hurriedly fucked her mouth for several strokes then relaxed, enjoying the pleasure of the moment. Connie stopped her sucking and leisurely began to lick the head and gradually down the sides of my shaft. She caressed my shaft a few moments and then resumed her purposeful sucking. Billy had crawled up to my side so he could get a better view of Connie licking and sucking my dick. Moments later she stopped sucking, turned to the boy and whispered “I just love sucking cock, Billy! I just love feeling the hot sperm squirting into my mouth.” Billy could only shake his head in amazement at this sex-mad older woman.
She reached under my body, grabbing both ass cheeks in her hands and lifted me toward her face and waiting mouth. By now my breathing was becoming irregular while Connie was moaning and becoming frenzied in her sucking actions. Suddenly I grabbed Connie’s head and said “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna shoot!” That was it as I began to squirt my sticky cum into her mouth.
Moments later, as she drained the final drops from my softening cock, the excited Billy said, “Suck me now!” He thrust his dick toward Connie’s mouth and she quickly responded. She softly licked around the kid’s dickhead, then gradually swallowed it. Teasingly, she then moved back to the tip of his cock, licking her tongue around the head and then down the sides. Billy’s eyes closed in ecstasy as he moaned grabbed her face and drove his dick deep in her mouth. he shouted, “Get ready to swallow, Mrs. Owens” then, with a loud groan, he started shooting his hot cum, quickly pumping three or four streams of his teenage semen into her mouth. All the while he loudly moaned, “Oh, fuck yes! Oh, fuck yes! Swallow my cum!
We all rolled back on the bed with our chests heaving and our breathing ragged and irregular. Recovery took ever longer and it was almost noon when Connie decided that we’d had enough for the day. Yes, this indeed was Billy's introduction to a Sex-filled Weekend, but it would be one that he would remember for the rest of his life!
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