Two women were walking home after a girls night out. They were both pissing themselves.
They reached a cemetery and decided it would be a safe place to empty their bladders.
After they had finished one of them took off her pants to dry herself between the legs, then
threw them away.
The other one thought I am not losing my panties, so she took a ribbon from a nearby wreath and
dotted herself with that.
Acouple of days later their two husbands were on the phone to each other. One said "We better keep
an eye on our wives when they go out, mine came home with no pants on the other night"
The other said, "Thats fuck all, my wife came home with a card stuck up her ass saying, we will miss you, all the lads at the fire brigade">.
that was funny but ii really didnt have much to do with sex
It had B.D.S.M. and rape, lol. thanks for comment.
Thank u wimmers I think js hellman needs to get the sand out of his vagina
Thank u wimmers I think js hellman needs to get the sand out of his vagina
Thank u wimmers I think js hellman needs to get the sand out of his vagina
anonymous readerReport
anonymous readerReport
anonymous readerReport
anonymous readerReport
It had B.D.S.M. and rape, lol. thanks for comment.
anonymous readerReport
Thank u wimmers I think js hellman needs to get the sand out of his vagina
Thank u wimmers I think js hellman needs to get the sand out of his vagina