This is a poem written to my lover. It is my first poem with sexual content so bare with me and tell me what you think. I am open to criticism. Please, if you use this as a poem to anyone, all I ask id that you give credit where it is due
Crack the whip and tie me down
Have me completely gagged and bound
Make the pain go ever longer
For it makes the pleasure stronger
Spank, and bite me
Make it so I can’t see
Have your way
I’ll do as you say
Make me scream all night
I’ll do whatever you want if you bite
Make me your slave
For I love to misbehave
I have been a naughty kitty
Don’t you dare show me pity
Punish me as hard as you can
Show me that you’re the strongest man
Whip my pussy ever so hard
Make my body feel so marred
Pull my hair, tighten the chain!
I want to feel more pain!
Make me bleed, make me moan
Show me that I’m your own
Make me beg for more
Fill my ass with the hook
Bask in the pleasure you took
Fuck me more after I’m already sore
Control me so I can not move
Show me what I want you to prove
Hold a knife to my throat
Please don’t try to sugar coat
Anything you want I’ll do
I’ll do anything for you
Make me your pet
Show me what is set
Choke me harder, bite me some
I am yours till you’re done
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