This is a fantasy story of when I was a kid it involves young sex and please tell me what you think of it it is my first story the names have been changed for the saftey of the people
Hi my name is Michael i am 13 years old 5'8 avarage bodey and weigh about 125 pounds there is two days left for school and I am in the motocross finals for British Columbia my two best friends are Spencer and Morgan they help me out in my practice for biking this is the day that I thought would never happen.
Morgan Spencer and I were walking to school
"Michael you excited for the big race i mean if you win your going to the nationals" "yeah mo I'm excited dont forget bout the 500 dollars grand prize" "true but there gonna be pretty good racers""spencer what so you think "
"I don't care I just want to have our Friday night movie and sleep over"
So on to school and the ending of grade 7 we couldn't wait. We get to school and unfortuantly we get the talk on sex and my teacher is the person talking about it.
"mrs Pontos may I kill myself"
"no you may not Michael"
"ok then may I kill you"
"no now please be quiet"
So there we are siting in sex Ed while our teacher is talking about penisis and vaginas. All I can think of is the girl siting beside me who acidently grabed my cock twice in gym.
When it was noon I had to go "mrs Pontos me Morgan and spencer have to go for my moto cross race"
"why do Spencer and morgan have to go"
" Morgan and Spencer have to go because they are my friends and know how to fix everything on my dirt bike"
"ok Michael good luck"
Off the three of us go to get spencers mom to bring us to the track. When we get there I warm up and get set by the time the race starts My whole class is there.
"on your marks get set go"
And where off I'm in the lead for all of the race although after we finish a rider knocks me of my bikes and jumps on me to beat me up. That's another reason why Morgan and Spencer are with me they can fight any one and win.
So every one in my class is at my pit congragulating me when my neoghbour katie comes up and asks if me Morgan and Spencer want a lift to my house. So I say sure and we go back to my place
"hey Michael what are you guys doing with your parents in Paris"
"same as we always do their parents don't care"
"Katie what are you doing since your parents are in vancover for the weekend"
"I'm having Bailey, Brooke, and Shania over for a sleep over"
"hey why don't you four come over to my house and have pizza and watch the movie"
"sure were okay with that"
When the girls arrive we order four pizzas two pepperoni and on cheese. Spencer was the one responsible for getting the movie and that dick got a romantic comedy so we told the girls that he forgot it and asked if they wanted to play dare or duble dare. They said "ok" so we went outside with the pizzas and sat on my back porch lucky for me I have a tall fence and bushes where Katies house is.
When we began finaly we all made our own rules that we will not do
" ok every one since I'm sure every one dosent want to do some stuff we all can have one rule write it down and give it to me and I'll read the mout loud"
Every one said "ok"
" ok my rule is no guy on guy it looks like Morgan and Spencer also wrote no guy on guy"
"katies rule is no one touches my ass"
" Brooke and Shania's rules are no masturbating with a pole or stick of any kind"
"and finally Bailey's rule is I will not masturbate in front of every one"
"ok since every one made there's rules every on can have one thing to break one persons rule and if some one trys to break your rule you have one thing to protect it but as a added bonus every one gets all the same sex do the dare"
"and every one knows that duble dare can be one of two things two dares or one dare for two people for example it could be like I dare you to run around screaming and when your done slap your ass or it could be I dare you and her to fuck eachother"
"yes we all know that Michael"
So I started the game off with daring Bailey.
" Bailey dare or duble dare"
" next time some one asks you dare or duble dare choose dare"
Then it was baileys turn
"Brooke dare or duble dare"
"I dare you to take off al your clothes off for the rest of the game and say fuck my pussy boys while doing it"
"ok but baily why are you starting of with this shit"
"sooner or later some one will have to might as well be me and now"
So as Brooke took her clothes of I could feel my dick geting hard. When she reveiled her wonderfully firm 28b size tits I almost blew my load there and then but I didn't. Then it was her turn and she wanted payback.
"Bailey dare or duble dare remember your previous dare"
"duble dare"
" your firs dare is to take off all your clothes and keep them off for the game and for your second dare as soon as you do shut your eyes and spin around for 10 seconds when done move forward until you hit some one when you hit them you hump them 30 times"
"ok bitch"
Bailey had the same size breasts as Brooke but Bailey had a beatuiful tight rounded ass I could see just by looking at Spencer and Morgan that they were hard to.
Bailey did her dare and ran in to Spencer lucky him she humped him and I swear he enjoyed it. Morgan and Spencer wanted her to hump me because they knew I liked her
When Bailey dared Spencer it was a shock
"Spencer dare or duble dare"
"I am using my rule breaker I dare you to kiss Morgan"
"I use my protector"
Morgan the picked shania
"shania dare or duble dare"
"duble dare"
"I dare you to take katies clothes of for the rest of the game and Katie since it's a duble dare I dare you to do the same thing to Shania"
"fine" they both said
The sight was in one word amazing I got to see Shania beatuiful 34c breasts as well as katies tight ass Katie has nice 32c that are pretty nice but not the greatest.
The game went on for an hour and every one had used every thing but me I still had my rule breaker and all sex dare. When it was my turn I gave it to Morgan as well as my same sex dare. He simply took it and did the best thing ever.
"I am using the same sex dare I dare all of you to give the guy of your choice a blowjob untill they ethier cum or say stop"
When Katie responded I almost was sad and depresed because she said " how there's four of us and three of you"
But Morgan kept it alive with.
"easy you do rock paper sicors and winner picks a guy to make out with while they have a blow job"
So they did and Shania won so she got to make out with one of us but Morgan decided to chage it she could make out or masturbate I front of us untill the last girl stopped. Shania choose to make out with me.
As the girls choose Shania asked how to do it and I said "well we could get the person giving a blojob to go first then you could sit on there shoulders and make out" she agreed to it.
When Katie Bailey and Brooke choose there guys it was baily sucking me Katie on Morgan and brooke on Spencer.
Baily gave me an amazing blow job and I lasted for five minutes Spencer and Morgan lasted three to four minuts. When we were done the last dare was for every one to choos some one put on a condom and fuck Karie didn't want to fuck so she just watch and masturbated.
I tucked baily and I loved every minute of it we did the misionary postion and while I was fucking here she was screaming with moans of excitment and pleasure Morgan and Spencer decided to talk to each other as they fucked there girls same with Brooke and Shania. Baily had two orgasams befor I came when I finaly came she asked if I wanted to fuck her ass and I said sure it was an interresting feling but befir I blew I pulse it out and got Bailey to give me another blowjob. After that I decided it was only fair to repay the blowjobs by doing oral sex on her.
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E: repeat steps A and B
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