It was around 3:00 and school had ended. Walter left his 9th period and was walking toward the gym. it was football practice. So walter got to the gym and started to get undressed he got down to his pants. Walter for a 14 year old was built well 5'9 150lbs. Walter also had begun to have lots of leg hair. Anyway practice began in just three minutes . But the coach knew that walter would be late. So as the locker room began to clear, walter removed his pants. and took off his underwear.
Walter went to the bathroom and took a long piss. He came back,still nude, and laid on a bench. He though about his girlfriend. and fucking last night. Kim said she had fucked before but didnt wanna do anal. Walter laid there and thought about it. She was also very tight but he thought why would she be tight after poundings by at least 2 dicks. Then walter thought what it must be like to stick a rock soilid cock in his girlfriends ass all lubed up. at this thought his dick cam to attention. a proud 9inches of meat stood up. Walter had to get rid of his boner so he went through his bag and took out two full bottles of KY lube and poured some in his hands and started lubing up his cock. Walter was in heaven. Between the sounds of moaning and sloshing of the lube walter didn’t hear Mike Joe Vinny and Jesse come in.
When walter did though he rushed, got dressed and ran to the door.
“ Wo wo wo. Where are we going. Joe stopped him
“to practice, coach will be mad if im late.
“ don’t worry, we spoke to coach, he said can ya show him some new plays, hes new. Ya’know?” Mike said.
“ohh thanks guys.”
To start with, Joe was the most mature. Very tall, tan. Very tonned and muscular. And for 9th graders, very hairy legs.
Mike was the second mature. Not very tall. But very very muscular and hairy legs.
Jesse was tall toned and tan
Vinny was average. You could see his hair and kinda toned.
“ So what kind of plays, are you showing me”
“bunch of plays” snickered mike.
With that Joe walked a litlle bit and stopped. He took off his shirt and walter never realized how jacked he was. Then continued with the pants and shoes. Kept the socks on. Then finally walter saw what the girls talked about. The bulge in his tight underwear was HUGE!. And grew as the other guys undressed.
Mike took of his clothes in one fluid motion and was in his boxers in a second. And walter again saw the bulge grew.
Walter lost Jesse and Vinny but when he saw them, they were nude, on the bench rubbing each others legs.
“ Uhh whats going on.” walter said.
“ Well we all have experimented before and love the feeling of cock. Now we were going to do it alone but since your hear… strip.
“ what?”
“ S-T-R-I-P, get to ur underwear.”
So as walter got to his underwear, mike and joe went to sit over with vinny and jesse. But they couldn’t keep their hand off each other. Now jesse and vin had put their boxers back on. As soon as walter was in his boxers, joe spoke
“ At the count of 3, the everyone is going to take off their boxers. 1-2-3.”
At three 5 cocks sprang to life.
Joe was carrying an 11inch cock. Mike had 10inch Walter 9inch. Jesse 7 and Vinny 5.
“ I have lube does any one want”
Before any one took Jesse went down and gave vin ad good bj. Mike laid himself out on a bench and rubbed his hairy legs rubbed his socked feet together and stroked. Joe laid out on the bench behind mike lubbed his rod up and said.
“ walter, rid it.”
Walter was scared and winced in pain of having that huge meat slab up his hole. Walter knelled over the cock and went deeper down. He felt it slowly insert his hole. When it finally penetrated, Joe didn’t take pity. He let walter kneel over him and pounded the shit out his hole.
While the pounding continued jesse stopped blowing vin and stood up. Lubed up and started fucking vin. Soon mike came over. Had to use a lot of lube because of the size and inserted his cock. Soon he pounded jesse so much that they were all moaning rhythmically.
Walter got off and blew him. Soon they joined the fucking train. Walter pounded miek and joe pounded walter. Soon loud moans came from the locker room.
And then when the pain of a huge cock for walter was enough vinny said, “ ughh fuck me deeper and harder.”
So joe started fastly pounding walter who pounded mike who pounded jesse who pounded vinny into orgasm. He blew his load all over joes underwear. Mike pounded faster and faster till jesse moaned in extreme pleaser and blew his load all up inside vinny. But walter wanted to ride.
Joe stopped and laid on all the underwear including his cum filled one. Then Walter then mike. Joe went easy on walter but walter pounded the hardest he had ever pounded before. Soon make screamed in ecstasy filled pleasure and blew his load. Jesse and viny who were hard were standin stroking around mike. But when mikes load blew it got all over there legs and mikes hair and in joes eye and leg hair.
Since walter had been moaning some went down his throat. Soon mike got off. Joe smirked. He motioned for walter to kneel so joe could do the work. So he listened. He took his cock out and then shoved it back in quicker than anyone saw and pounded and thrust and shoved to push walter over the top. And it happened. Walter blew his load in a straight line and it fell allover joe’s leg hair and feet and some in his hair.
But joe hadn’t blew his load yet. So he continued to pound away as fast as he could. Soon his dick pulsed and throbbed and got as hard as it could he quickly stood over mike, who was now kneeling and walter. He blew his load and got it in their eyes and mouth and hair.
Soon they all laid on the floor drenched in cum. Rubbing and proding.
“ ya’ know walter, for some one like you, you fuck pretty well. It was amazing.”
Then for the remander of the time they got washed up and got dressed.
The next couple football games, the fucking continued.
As the year went on the cocks grew. By June Vin's and Jesse's and Walters cock had reached 10inches.
Watch for the final one. (Last Day of School and the coach is wondering.....)
It was a good story but honestly.....Did you even reread this over before submitting it. There are so many grammar, capitalization, mispelling, and structure errors in this story it was so hard to enjoy it.