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Author comment: Another author posted this story at XNXX under the title "Hot Tub Party" without my knowledge or permission. One of my readers from another site notified me and I had the story pulled as an infringement of copyright law. But, since the story seemed to be fairly popular, I am submitting it again under the original author's name and title. So those of you who enjoyed it may keep enjoying it.


The Hot Tub Blues

by Lubrican

Jodie wondered how things had ended up like they had. She was at once surprised, horrified, elated and ... yes ... horny. She had just taken a shower and was sitting on the john drying her hair, wondering what to do next. She stared between her legs. Yes, there was definitely sperm oozing out of her pussy. She knew it was there, of course, and hadn't washed it out in the shower. But now, she wondered whether she should have done so. She thought back to the beginning of the night - the most important night of her young life - prom night.

As I got ready for the prom, I tried to decide what to wear. Not my gown, but what to wear under my gown. I was going to the dance with Ron Harris. That was OK, though I wasn't really super impressed with him. But he'd asked me and he was the captain of the football team, so I'd said yes. I knew by his reputation that he'd try to get into my panties, but that definitely wasn't going to happen. For one thing, I wasn't on the pill. For another, I was technically a virgin, having shoved only the handle of a hairbrush inside my soft teen pussy before. No, Ron was going home with blue balls tonight. Well, maybe I'd jerk him off, but that was all. I figured I could handle him OK. And my brother, Rob, was going to be at the dance too. In fact we were double dating. That was the only way our parents would let me go, since I was only a sophomore. But Rob was a senior and had his license. Besides, he was pretty cool for a brother.

I finally decided that the gown needed smooth lines, so I went braless and decided on no panties either. I felt deliciously naughty as I slipped on the satin gown and admired my reflection in the mirror. Not too tall, with breasts, but not mountains. My hips had swelled some over the last year and the dress hung on them nicely. Blond hair done up tall and complicated and makeup just right. My sky blue eyes stared at my image and I blew myself a kiss.

The prom was OK. Ron had been drinking before they picked him up and he was too drunk to dance well. Rob had danced with me a couple of times and plenty of other guys had taken their turns too. It was amazing how many guys would desert their dates to dance with me, and even more amazing to me that they'd let their hands slide down to my butt while their dates were watching. Men are such pigs.

Ron had snuck a pint into the dance too. At first I was pissed off about it, but as he got more and more soused, I realized I wouldn't have to fight for my honor. So after the dance we dumped him off at his house and then went out to eat. We met up with a bunch of my brother's classmates at the pizza place and suddenly I heard Rob inviting them all to come back to our house to use the hot tub.

Lena, Rob's date, laughed and said "Robbie, how can we use the hot tub. We aren't dressed for swimming!" Several of the other girls chimed in, agreeing. Rob wasn't deterred at all. "We're all adults here. The water will be warm and who needs a suit anyway?"

There it was. I held my breath as these too cool seniors thought about it. Lacey Henderson was the first to break the silence

"Well, I'm OK with that, but I want to go home and get some jeans or something to dress in after we get out. It won't be warm then."

I couldn't believe my ears. Lacey, one of the most popular girls in school, was willing to go skinny dipping in our hot tub with a bunch of other kids!!

But when Lacey said that, the dam burst and soon everyone was planning on meeting up at our house. We went by Lena's house so she could get some clothes. She came out and her Mom came to the door.

"I told my mom we were going to party in the hot tub. I'm sorry, I didn't think it would be a big deal. But she got all up in arms and says I can't go. She says I have to stay here since the prom is over."

She was crying and I actually felt bad for her. Rob took it like a man, though, and we drove off without her.

I thought this might have bummed Rob out, and that the party might now be cancelled, seeing as how he was now date-less. I said as much and he came back with "No way. I invited my friends over and they're going to get a party they'll never forget."

He had no way of knowing how true that statement was.

We finally got home and Rob went into the kitchen to make up some snacks. Our parents were over at the Wilson's playing cards, and we knew that those games almost always lasted into the wee hours of the morning, so it was no big deal. Besides, even if we were all going to be naked in the hot tub, what could happen in front of everybody else? I told Rob I'd go get the hot tub ready for our party.

"What do you mean OUR party?" he said, looking at me closely. "Little sis, this isn't OUR party. This is MY party and YOU aren't invited."

I just stared at him. "No way, you dork!" I yelled. "I went to the prom and I'm going to get in the hot tub and skinny dip just like everybody else!" My yelling didn't seem to bother him.

"Jodie," he said. "Calm down. You can't do this. Think about it. None of your friends will be there. All of MY friends will be naked. The guys too, Jodie. You don't want to be naked in front of all those people. And if Mom and Dad get home and find out I let you go naked with a bunch of virtual strangers they'll KILL me! No way, Jodie, I can't let you do this. I'm sorry, but no go." He said it in that way he always talked when there was no way to change his mind.

But I'd been his sister for sixteen years now, and I knew how to handle him. "OK," I said, sounding miserable. "But this is going to cost you big time." He muttered something like "Yeah Yeah," but I wasn't listening.

I was moving.

While he got snacks ready I did an end run around him by simply going out to the back porch, where the hot tub was, uncovering it, turning on the bubbles, stripping bare and getting in. It was already warm, because Dad has this thing about it being cheaper to keep the water warm than heat it up when it's cold.

Our hot tub was big. I mean huge. It would hold nine people sitting shoulder to shoulder and it was three feet deep in the middle. It was heated, like I said, and had something like fifteen jets in it. When you turned all of them on at once it made a mini storm and water slopped over the sides sometimes. That was OK, though, because it had an automatic fill thing that added water whenever it was needed. And it had underwater lights. I left them off, though, because I didn't want anyone to see me.

It was a really nice night. The air was chilly and the water nice and hot. I sat down on the side closest to the house and slid down so my head was almost under water. Rob wouldn't be able to see me until it was too late.

I must have vegged out because I was startled by a lot of splashing as several people jumped in the tub. The partiers had arrived and were piling in. My plan was going just fine. It was dark, and the lights from the house only hit one side of the hot tub. I was in the shadows.

Then I realized that the two people who had gotten in were boys, John Martin and Fred Dibble to be exact. I slid my head back up for a look and saw their dates standing beside the tub. Both had chickened out and worn bathing suits and both were shivering.

John yelled out "Come on in, the water's fine." As he did he stood up. He was naked.

Cindy, John's date, said "John, you don't have anything on."

Fred yelled out "Neither do I. That's the whole idea!"

About then two more couples arrived. At first they just milled around, seeing the two girls in bikinis. Then John and Fred stood up, showing they were nude and clothing started hitting the ground. I took this opportunity to check out the boys. There was just a yard light in the back yard, but I could see well enough to tell who was circumcised and who wasn't. I was a little amazed at how big some of those peters were, hanging down and flopping around as the boys moved around. Cindy climbed in the hot tub still wearing her bikini. One of the other girls did the same thing. But all the guys stripped down completely. My brother wasn't there yet. Pretty soon the hot tub was full of wiggling splashing teenagers. I was still keeping a low profile. I don't know if they didn't see me, or just didn't pay attention to me because I was "just Rob's little sister". At any rate, I soon felt smooth wet skin brushing up against mine on both sides of me.

Then I heard Rob as he came out the back door. "I've got eats here. I'll put them beside the spa for whenever anybody gets hungry. I peeked up. Rob was still dressed for the prom. He was peering into the dark spa, trying to see if people were naked or not. I don't think he could tell, but being a man of action he just started taking things off. Next thing I knew he was standing beside the hot tub, getting ready to get in. For the first time since he was probably ten, I saw him in all his naked glory. I was surprised. He was a hunk! He had those wide shoulders I knew about, and muscles I was well acquainted with because he pushed me around all the time. He had a nice tight little butt, too.

But what I stared at was his prick.

I used that word on purpose. He didn't have a penis, or a schlong or any of those other words that are all too soft. He had a big fat PRICK. It wasn't hard or anything, but I knew that if it ever got that way he'd probably pass out from loss of blood. It put all those other cocks I had seen to shame. He wasn't circumcised, but his foreskin was stretched over a big round knob that hung halfway down to his knee. I heard a couple of the girls gasp when they saw it. He stepped into the spa but all the space was taken up. People shifted, pushing closer together and Rob sank down on the opposite side from me.

"Who all is here?" he said as he settled in. I was safe. It was too dark to see all the faces in the crowded tub and now I was squeezed tight between Fred and Herb. People yelled out their names. I realized that Fred was on one side of me when he called out his name. On the other side was a boy named Herb Johnson. I kept my mouth shut, figuring I had gotten away with it.

Then Fred blew it. "And, of course, Jodie," he said loudly into the silence.

I heard one of the girls say "Who's Jodie?" about the same time Rob said "No, Jodie's in her room."

I elbowed Fred hard. Instead of getting the idea he yelped and poked back, sliding his elbow across my breasts.

"Jodie is Rob's sister and she's sitting right beside me."

Men are such pigs.

Now Rob was crossing the pool. He peered into the darkness between Fred and Herb. "Jodie?" he said in this voice I hated. I slumped down until only my nose was above the water. "Who is that?" he said as he got closer. Fred moved. Herb moved. Water sloshed and I got a snoot full. I came up coughing and gasping. "Jodie! I told you you couldn't come out here. Now GET OUT!" he yelled.

I was so mad I wanted to scream. But I knew I'd start crying and I didn't want to do that. So, with all the dignity I could muster, I put my feet on the bottom and stood up. Boy that air was cold! I felt my nipples stiffen up.

Oh, I don't think I mentioned my nipples. For some reason only a geneticist could tell, I have these ... odd ... nipples. While my breasts are only the size of soft balls, when I get excited my nipples grow and grow and grow until they stick out almost an inch. The first time it happened I was playing with them. It felt good and I didn't pay attention until they had grown so long I noticed them. I almost panicked. I thought I had maimed myself or something. Then it occurred to me that they felt just fine. Now I loved to play with them and pull on them. Anyway, I stood up, ready to climb out and my nipples went to attention in the cold air.

A boy hissed "Look at those tits!" That was followed by "Ooof" as his date elbowed him, but a circle of male faces suddenly leaned toward me. I realized that with all of them sitting down, the yard light was showing me - a lot. I looked at my brother. He was sitting there slack jawed, staring at my breasts. After all, he hadn't seen me naked since he was ten either. I had grown a lot.

Suddenly he burst into action, standing up. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me under the water "Get back down," he hissed. Now he and I were in the middle of the hot tub, surrounded by his naked and not so naked friends.

"Make up your mind," I growled back.

Fred called out "Oh let her stay, Rob. She can come back over here and sit by me." He sounded like he was grinning and I heard another "Ooof" as his date elbowed him again.

Another boy said "No way - she has to go.: There was a pause and he went on. "Because I want to see her ass as she gets out." He laughed and his date pushed him under. Several of the other guys said I could come and sit on their laps and I thought Rob was going to have a heart attack.

Oddly it was the girls who saved me. Cindy stood up and said "Well if Rob's little sister is naked in this hot tub I guess I'll join the crowd." It got real quiet as she untied her bikini top and let it slide off her breasts. She whirled it around and let it fly off into the yard. Then she bent over and came up with the bottoms, doing the same thing. All the other girls who were still clothed joined in and soon the hot tub was full of naked frolicking teenagers.

It degenerated into a game of grab ass and soon water was splashing all over. I felt someone grab me from behind and start pulling me to one side.

I got scared at first and twisted around to see who it was. My wet skin slid in his hands and about the same time I realized it was Rob I realized my naked front was now in full contact with HIS naked front. His eyes widened as he felt my nips poking into his chest. He must have felt his prick pushing into my nest. I know I did.

Anyway, he kept me moving until I was against the side of the pool and he turned his back to me, pinning me against the side. His arms went out and I realized he was PROTECTING me!!

He was keeping all the guys from copping feels of his little sister. It was sweet in a way. And, he had to fight them off too! Several of them were trying to reach around him to get to me.

It was all in fun, of course. I think they were just trying to give Rob a hard time. But I hugged him close and now that tight butt of his was pushing against me and my breasts were smashed against his back. My arms were around him and I was holding on to his abdomen right at the place where his pubic hair started. I had never hugged a naked man before, and I had to admit that this felt pretty good! His skin was all soft and slick and his back rubbed my nipples REALLY nicely as he moved.

I still have no idea what made me do it.

Maybe I wanted to tease him.

Maybe I was curious.

Maybe I wanted to keep him off balance so he wouldn't kick me out.

At any rate, I let one hand slide down and I grasped that PRICK of his firmly.

He froze. My other hand slid up to his chest, to pull him against my breasts, and I realized he wasn't breathing. Then he gave a shudder as several things happened almost at once. First I felt his prick begin to swell in my hand. Second he took a big deep breath. And third his hand went down and slapped my hand away from his cock.

I just acted like nothing had happened and moved the hand to his hip.

Things began to calm down. People began to return to their places around the tub. Rob turned around, pushed himself a little away from me and leaned in to whisper "Jodie, you shouldn't be here."

I whispered back "Well I am here, so get over it." Then, to keep him off balance I reached between his legs and grabbed him again. "And don't give me a hard time either or you'll be sorry."

Then I realized the pun, because now his dick was at least half hard and getting harder in my hand. I laughed...and squeezed. I felt so wicked. I didn't want to push it though, so I let go and whispered again "Come on Robbie, I just want to have a little fun on prom night. I'll be good, I promise."

He just stared at me for a minute and then said "OK. But you're staying with me. And stay under the water. You'll start a riot otherwise."

Then he turned around and announced. "OK, I'll let her stay, but hands off. She's my sister. She's staying with me."

I heard a girl say "Thank goodness," under her breath and felt a thrill as I realized I was actually attractive enough to be a threat to these older girls.

So I ended up sitting beside my brother, stark naked, my hand lying on his thigh (I wonder how that happened?) as we all chatted and talked about school, after-school plans and all kinds of stuff.

It was about 20 minutes later that four more couples arrived.

Now it was crowded in the spa. So crowded that the boys decided that the girls would have to sit on their laps to make room for the new folks. Imagine that. Men are such pigs.

And that's how I ended up sitting on my brother's lap. Well, mostly on his lap. You see there was this problem. There was something sticking up from his lap that kept me from sitting ON his lap. When I tried to sit down his prick poked me in the butt. He gasped and I giggled. So then he reached down and pushed his cock down so I could sit down. Now I had eight inches of hard cock between my butt cheeks. As I sat, my legs floated up and spread just a little, and the head of his dick came to rest right on my pussy lips. His arms went around me, grasping my stomach, to keep me from floating away.

I couldn't help it. I squirmed.

Now I want to take just a minute here to explain something. I'd never thought of my brother as a "sexual" being before. I hadn't lusted after him since I was ten or any of that crap. He was cool, and he was handsome, but I'd never had even one tiny little glimmer in my mind about incest or anything crazy like that.

But he felt so good under me. And his skin was so nice. And I DID love him. And I was with all these popular older kids, and they were accepting me as one of them. So I didn't plan it, but it just sort of happened. I wiggled, and it felt nice, so I wiggled some more.

There wasn't anything Rob could do. The newcomers stripped down and climbed in, and it was all splashy and everything again until they got settled. In the process I squirmed against his dick and it felt soooo good pushing and rubbing against my pussy lips.

He got harder and harder and I could feel him breathing on the back of my neck. He was breathing harder than before. "Jodie..." he groaned. I spread my legs a little more, enough that I could reach between them with one hand. I found the head of his wonderful hard PRICK and pushed it between my pussy lips. I had one finger on my clit and I started stroking the head of his dick with one finger.

I know I shouldn't have, but it felt so GOOD.

Then my brother's hands slid up my ribs and onto my breasts. I sighed as I felt his hands slide over my sensitive nips. It occurred to me that I was going to have an orgasm, and quite soon at that. Then I wondered what to do because I couldn't let all these kids know I was cumming.

Then I thought "What if Rob shoots? Will his stuff float? If it does will they see it?" I looked around and realized that it was pretty quiet. That's because the earlier grab ass had turned into serious petting and necking. I could see couples pasted together, kissing, touching. One girl was moving up and down in a very suspicious manner. I heard several voices say things like "Mmmmmm" and "Ohhhh" and "Ooooh that feels good."

I knew what they meant. It DID feel good. I focused back on my brother's nice hard cock rubbing my pussy and his hands sliding back and forth on my breasts.

And that's when I decided to do it.

I could tell my orgasm was close, and I just knew it would be better if that nice hard dick was in me ... just a little. So I leaned forward and lifted up. I caught Rob by surprise. Maybe he thought things had gone too far and I was getting off of him. Anyway I reached down between my legs, grabbed his now monster boner, which was standing straight up, notched the head between my pussy lips, and sat back down. I sat down hard too. Splashed water all over the place. I muffled a groan as what felt like a baseball bat slid up into me. I heard Rob take a big deep breath.

I only slid onto it about half way. It just wouldn't go in any farther. So I leaned back against him, about three or four inches higher than I had been, and just sat there, feeling my very first prick inside me, wondering if it was going to kill me.

I have to admit it was pretty uncomfortable at first. It wasn't exactly painful. Maybe "different" is a better word. Anyway, the urge to cum had passed, but I wasn't about to pull back off of him. That was just the stubborn part of me, not the incestuous part.

So I just tried to lean back against him and relax. And you know what? As I did I felt myself slide onto him a little bit more. I began to pay attention to the muscles he was spreading apart. I clenched this muscle and then that one and then tried to relax each of them. Suddenly I found some muscles that if I relaxed them I slid even farther onto him.

He was panting into my neck now. I heard him make this little whimper "Oh shit" and I can't explain it, but somehow I knew that meant that he was really glad his prick was where it was, even though we both knew it shouldn't be there. It made me feel really good emotionally.

The couple next to us started moving around in the water. I glanced over and saw that she was on her hands and knees on the seat and he was in the middle of the tub behind her. He was lunging toward her and drawing back. He was fucking her right there next to us!

Then the waves they were causing hit us and I rocked back and forth.


When Rob's dick moved in me it felt REALLY, REALLY GOOD! He must have thought so too because he groaned again. Now I went with the flow of the waves being caused by all the activity in the pool. I ended up sliding up and down on my brother's pole and my orgasm came right back.

"Ooooooh," I moaned and I felt all those new muscles start to do little flurries all around that wonderful hard PRICK that was now jammed up inside me. The orgasm washed over me and I bit my lip to keep from yelling.

Rob moaned "Jodie..." and then his hands left my breasts and went to my hips. He pulled me the last inch onto his rampant cock and I felt it swell inside me. Then it jerked and something nice and warm and wet squirted into my pussy. I wanted it to squirt forever.

Then it was over. Well, not over actually, but we were still again. His thing was still stuck up inside me and I leaned back against him, relaxing in the warm water. My mind was a whirl. I had just had sex ... with my brother ... and he had shot off inside me. I didn't know what to think.

So I asked myself some questions: Did I love him? Yes, of course I loved him. Did he hurt me? No, quite the contrary, he made me feel really good. Was I pregnant? Probably not. My last period had been almost four weeks ago. Would the world approve? No, but then the world didn't have to know, now did it? What was he feeling? I didn't know. Would we do it again?

I sure hoped so.

As much as I hated to do it, I leaned forward and pulled off of him. I heard him sigh as he pulled free. Then I turned around and leaned in close to whisper.

"Thank you," I said very quietly.

"Really?" he whispered back.

"Oh yeah," I said and I kissed him very quickly on the mouth.

Then, since everyone was otherwise engaged I stood up and announced "You guys are grossing me out! I'm going in to get something to drink."

Rob stood up too. "Um...I'll go with you sis."

I don't think anybody even knew we were gone. We walked naked to the back door and then inside. I took his hand and pulled him toward my bedroom.

"What are you doing?" he whispered loudly.

"What do you THINK I'm doing you dork?" I whispered back. "I want to do that again."

As soon as I got him into my room I pressed up against him and kissed him long and hard. His reticence was gone and I felt his cock rise again to press against my abdomen. I wanted that thing in me again and I wanted it NOW! I pulled him to the bed and down on top of me.

We didn't make love that time. We didn't even have sex. We MATED. He crawled up between my legs and in one long thrust he pinned me to the bed. I still wasn't used to his full length, but I remembered to relax those muscles and I felt his pubic bone slam against mine. I felt my insides move as he battered his way into my belly.

And then we rutted.

I know I left stripes on his back with my fingernails as I came over and over again. Then he was chanting my name and he slammed in one last time. I felt his prick swell and jerk again as it spat globs of his hot seed way up inside me. He grunted with each discharge.

"Jodie," and a long rope of his cum shot into me.

"Jodie," and another one splatted into my womb.

"Jodie," and his ejaculation peaked.

"Ohhhhh Jodie," as his last shot surged into my thirsty pussy. He collapsed and his weight felt so good on top of me.

Eventually he had left her lying there, sated, her pussy full of his thick sticky sperm, as he returned to his friends. She thought she'd better be the first one to get outside in the morning and clean the hot tub. She suspected there would be globs of white strings floating around in it and knew her parents would melt down if they saw it. Then she decided to take a shower.

Now the shower was done and she was staring at her brother's jism, slowly dripping out of her pussy. What should she do? She left the bathroom, still naked.

Then, closing her eyes, she practiced sneaking down the hall to Rob's room in the dark. She practiced until she knew she could do it without making a sound.

She knew she'd make that trip ... later tonight ... and every chance she got from now on.

The End


2021-06-09 18:55:25
when are you going to continue this hot story and include the pregnancy part?


2019-02-06 23:32:04
where is the pregnancy?


2016-04-02 21:23:03
Damn this is so hot, I remember when I was 16 I had sex with my older brother, its been two years and he's twenty now, and we still have sex

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-13 09:49:43
Great detailes


2016-01-08 17:31:45
Awesome. I loved this story. The detail was very good. Thank you.

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