Megan was so excited to be able to go to work for her uncle at his car wash. There was so much she wanted to learn. But he taught her much more than she expected.
Uncle Bob's Carwash
by Lubrican
Megan skipped along happily on her way to her very first paying job. Not counting babysitting, of course. She had eagerly been awaiting her 16th birthday so she would be old enough to work at Uncle Bob's car wash. It was a big bustling business down on the bay by the beach, with 30 employees, almost all High Schoolers, and five lines in which cars could be washed, waxed and detailed. When a car came out of Uncle Bob's, it looked brand new. Bob's always seemed to be hopping. It was a loud place, with music blaring from speakers all over. And with that music, a lot of dancing went on at Bob's too.
Megan looked at the place as she approached it. She'd been there hundreds of times, hanging out, or visiting with her favorite Uncle, but this time she looked at it differently. She didn't know what it was before it was a car wash, but now it looked like a light house, with the car wash at the bottom, and the tall tower going up four or five stories. There was actually a light at the top too. Every New Year's eve Uncle Bob or somebody turned that big light on and made it do one complete revolution to mark the new year. That light sparked different colors as it went around, and it could be seen for miles. Everybody in the county came to watch it light up. That tower was the only part of the Car Wash Megan had never been in. The door to that was in Uncle Bob's office and had no handle. It was always locked, and Megan never could even figure out how anybody could open it.
When she got there she went straight to Uncle Bob's office. Everybody there knew her and lots of people said "Hi" as she went in. Her Uncle was sitting behind his desk and he looked up. "Hi pumpkin" he said, writing something on a piece of paper.
"I'm ready Uncle Bob!" Megan said excitedly.
"OK, I'll bite ... what are you ready for?" he said, smiling at her. She noticed that his eyes slid down her body and then back up. He'd been doing that a lot the last couple of years. She knew he was looking at her body, but she liked it. It made her feel special ... pretty.
"UNCLE BOB!" she stamped her foot. "I start work today! You know that!"
He grinned. "Ah yes, the most beautiful girl in town has decided to entertain my customers." His grin got wider.
Megan blushed. She knew what he was talking about. The employees wore uniforms at Bob's Car Wash. They were based on a pirate theme, with tight blue shorts below a thin shirt with broad horizontal red and white stripes on it. It highlighted every muscle, rib, fold of fat and anything else on your body and, when wet, was fairly transparent ... at least on the white parts. The guys' shirt was a normal T shirt, but they had to wear a stylized pirate head bandana that looked fairly ridiculous. The girls had to wear huge hoop earrings. The shorts were gym shorts, for all intents and purposes. They were tight. Bob said they had to be for safety reasons, so that the machinery couldn't catch loose clothing and drag somebody around or hurt them. Every guy wore a jock strap under his shorts, for reasons that will become clear in a few sentences.
The girls' top had one shoulder strap. The neckline then swooped down and under the other arm, leaving that shoulder bare. So if you wore a bra it had to be a strapless one. With all the leaning over, stretching and all that involved in washing cars, those bras were uncomfortable. So most girls just didn't wear one. That meant there were a lot of wet shirts, with stiff nipples under them. Then there was the problem with the shorts riding up into pussy cracks, making delightful camel toes, especially if a girl didn't wear panties under the shorts.
All THIS meant there were a lot of teen aged hardons around, firmly encased in the strongest jock strap a boy could find. Bob's Car Wash was a place that fairly reeked with the smell of teenaged hormones. Megan's tender teen breasts were naked under her shirt. She didn't plan on wearing a bra and she was looking forward to feeling sexy and having all the boys sneak peeks at her chest.
But there was more.
Famous for counties around, there were what had ended up being called "Speedo Days". Bob's had a tradition of proclaiming one Saturday a month "Speedo Day". It was a blatant business promotion through sexuality, and everybody in town knew it. But it wasn't illegal, and it was extremely popular.
There were two kinds of customers on "Speedo Day". First, there were the customers who stayed away. They were the soccer moms, the up tight types, and the moralists. Just about everybody else showed up on Speedo Days because the boys were dressed out in little blue Speedos and the girls all wore bright Yellow string bikinis. Most customers on those days stayed in their cars during the wash, because all the hard bodies doing the washing pressed their scantily clad bodies up against the glass in the process. A lot of wives just happened to stop off to get the car washed on Speedo Day, bringing their husbands along, because all those wives invariably got a nice hard prick shoved in their pussy when they got home. There were two actual cases where people inside the car got naked and fucked while the car was being drawn down the line through the car wash!
So Bob's was a highly charged atmosphere, that attracted teens in prime shape, in the prime of their lives and under conditions that encouraged, rather than suppressed sexuality.
Some parents wouldn't let their kids work at Bob's. But, because Bob let the kids keep 100% of their tips, and because kids had been known to pay their way through college on those tips, jobs at Bob's never went unfilled for long.
And Bob didn't refuse to hire somebody just because they were fat, or didn't have a gorgeous face. As anyone who frequents porn sites on the web will attest, there are all sorts of appetites out there. All employees were required to wear the uniform, and if they didn't like the way they looked in it, they could quit. Most didn't. And, tips were good for everybody at Bob's because he trained them to do good work above all.
Megan went into the locker room and changed into her uniform. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed happily. She'd wanted to put this uniform on for years. She stared at her pale, almost white hair, drawn back in a pony tail. Her proud round breasts pushed out nicely on the top, and she knew that when the cold water hit her nipples they'd shoot out half an inch. She'd had to promise her parents she'd wear the bra that was in her bag.
Feeling somewhat guilty, she put it on over her outfit. Then she looked at herself in the mirror and said "OK, I wore it." Then it went back in her bag. She planned on putting it on before she went home, but she was too excited about being all grown up and sexy to put it on ... and leave it on at work.
She went out on the line and was introduced to her 'mentor' a senior named Mark, who was going to teach her how things were done at Bob's and assign her to a team. His job was easy. She'd hung around Bob's for years and knew every procedure inside and out. He knew she was the Boss's niece, so he kept his hands off her astonishing body, something he rarely did with the others. It was hard. HE was hard by the time he assigned her to line number three, where he knew Lori and Chrissy would keep an eye on her.
It was everything she dreamed it would be. From the minute she got on the line, she was soaking wet. Being short, she had to lean to get to most places on a car, so her body rubbed up against the cars constantly. Her sensitive nipples loved the feel of sliding across the wet car bodies. The boys on the team stared at her. Lori and Chrissy rolled their eyes at each other, knowing that Megan was going to get hit on by ALL the guys.
That was OK, though. There were plenty of guys to go around and both girls had steady boy friends.
Megan knew she was busted when she saw the familiar car emerge from the mist of the prewash spray. It was her dad's car and he was in it. Her assignment was the front left quarter of the car, so she'd be working right where he would have an unobstructed view of her. She decided to make the best of it though and grinned and mouthed "Hi Daddy" through the glass at him. Then she washed her part of the car, pressing her lovely teen chest against the glass an inch from his face, just like she had on twenty other cars already. Her brother came through in his Mustang about an hour later. She knew both men got a good look at her stiff nipples while she washed their cars, so she knew her mother would be yelling at her that night.
But she didn't.
The only comment her mom made when she came home was "How was your first day at work honey?"
Megan answered carefully. "It was great. I got $40 in tips! Daddy and Boo brought their cars down and I got to wash them both. She called her brother "Boo" even though his name was Blaine. She had ever since she was a toddler. Boo was a year older than she was and they were the best of buddies.
Her mom smiled "Yeah, they told me. Said you did a good job too. Set the table for me, OK?"
No explosion. While she was setting the table her father got home from playing golf. "Hi Daddy!" she said brightly.
"Hi peaches" he grinned. He gave her a hug and whispered in her ear "I didn't rat you out." Then he grinned again and went to put away his clubs.
A little while later her brother burst in through the back door. "Hey mom ... hey Bumps" he grinned. "What's for supper?
"BLAINE ALLEN MILLER!" barked Megan's mother, putting her hands on her hips. What have I told you about calling your sister that?"
Boo had taken to calling his sister "Bumps" when she turned twelve and began to grow breasts. He'd made a habit of poking them, touching them and squeezing them every so often, telling her he had to give her 'reports' on how they were doing. Megan, indifferent at first, had nonetheless refrained from complaining to her parents that he did this. Over the years she got to where she kind of liked it. It was a little like what she felt when her Uncle's hot eyes raked up and down her teen body.
The fact that her 'bumps' were now 36 Cs hadn't stopped him. He had called her that so long that neither of them noticed it any more in particular. When people outside the family wanted to know what it meant, they both just said it came from all the bumps and bruises she got as a kid, trying to keep up with her big brother.
But while her nickname didn't bother her, it bothered her mother. "I told you that is no fitting thing to say to your sister. She has a name, and your continued reference to her breasts is sexist. I don't want to hear that again. Is that clear?"
"OK Mom, I just forgot. Sorry. Don't have a cow. It's just a nickname. I won't forget again," he said meekly. Megan stared at him. This wasn't the brother she knew.
But as soon as her mother turned back to the stove with a "That's better" comment, he grinned broadly, licked the two first fingers of both hands, put them on his shirt, on top of his own nipples and then rotated them in little circles, like that goofy guy on Saturday Night Live. Megan had to leave the room to keep from laughing out loud.
She'd changed back to street clothes in the locker room at Bob's, but she needed to dry her hair, so she went up to the bathroom she and Boo used. She was combing out her hair when Boo came in behind her. Both her hands were up, dealing with her hair. She saw his hands appear in the mirror and cover her 'bumps' as he cupped her thrusting breasts in his hands. She hadn't put on the bra, figuring she could always claim she'd forgotten it, and his hands felt her loose heavy tits.
"Mmmmmmmm Megan" he moaned. "Your bumps looked sooo good at the car wash today." He squeezed them and ran his hands over the stiffening nipples. They popped up, wanting to be played with.
"I know" she said, enjoying the feel of his hands on her titties.
"It made me want to see em ... and suck em." he rasped.
She stopped brushing and looked at him in the mirror. "You know that's not allowed" she said. She'd told him lots of times that only perverts touched their sister's breasts. She hadn't made him stop doing that, though every time he tried to go further she shut him down.
"I know" he moaned, feeling her nipples with his fingertips and squeezing them lightly. "But I still want to. I bet they're delicious."
She felt his boner against her back. "OK, you big pervert" she said, "Time's up. You're gonna have to go to your room now and play with yourself, cause you're done here." She had him well enough trained that she didn't have to touch his hands at all. He reluctantly took them away from her precious teen titties and slunk out of the bathroom. He did go to his room, and he closed the door.
Megan grinned at her reflection in the mirror. She didn't tell him, but it was getting harder and harder to make him quit. She thought the idea of his lips on her nipples sounded just fantastic, but she knew if she let him do that, she'd let him do other stuff, and nobody had ever done that to her.
On impulse she decided to see if he really was playing with himself. She put the brush down, got up and walked quietly to his door. Very slowly she turned the handle. It wasn't locked.
Then, to make it look like she hadn't been thinking about what hung between his legs at all, she just pushed the door open and walked in, saying "Hey, can I borrow your ..."
She didn't have to pretend to stop her voice in shock. She WAS shocked. He WAS masturbating, and it affected her in ways she wasn't prepared for.
For one thing he was standing up. For another he had stripped completely. His loins were pushed out, making it look like he was in the process of bending over backward. His right hand was around the base of his penis. She didn't know it, but he had just pulled his foreskin back completely, baring the big purple knob that was the tip of his cock. His face was looking up, or would have been had his eyes been open. Every muscle in his body was tense and strained and he was frozen, like a statue. He was facing the door and she had caught him a split second before his cum rocketed out of his cock.
Had it been an ambush, it would have been extremely successful, because she walked right into the kill zone. As she said the word "your" his eyes popped open, his hand jerked twice, out of habit, because that was what it took to keep the cum going. As she stopped talking and took one more step into the room, she walked into a three foot long rope of silver that shot out of the tip of his cock and into the air. Or it would have been into the air, had not his sister been there. One end of that rope hit her left shoulder. The other end hit her right hip. The rest of it made a line between those two points right across her body.
"OH FUCK!" he gasped and lost his balance, leaning back. His hand left his cock as he tried to catch himself. He rolled toward his sister as his cock fired another round, this one hitting her knee. Then it was a series of "OH FUCK"s and "EEEWWWWWWWW"s as he hit the floor and she stared at the stuff on her body. She instinctively looked at his penis as he landed more or less on his back and was amazed to see it still leaking big globs of thick white stuff that either landed on his stomach, or ran down the side of his wobbling pole. It was the first penis she'd seen up close or not in a book, and it was doing an admirable job of acting like it was performing it's intended service when she saw it.
It had a profound impact on her whole life. As far as she was concerned, it was the most beautiful, most sexy, most DANGEROUS looking thing she'd ever seen.
The stuff it shot out was another matter.
She stood with her arms out, her hands waving. "IT GOT ON ME BOO, IT GOT ON ME! GET IT OFF ME BOO. EEEWWWWWWWWWW GET IT OFF ME!"
He jumped up, flashing a look at the door, which was still open and going "Shhhhhh, they'll HEAR you Bumps." He snatched at the first piece of clothing at hand, which turned out to be his briefs. He swiped at her knee as she danced in front of him, whispering "get it off, get it off, get it off".
He got her knee cleaned up, but when he started trying to get it off her shirt it was obvious he was just spreading it around and driving it into the cloth.
"Take it off" he whispered, and she was so unsettled by the idea that his spunk was all over her that she didn't even stop to think that she was naked under it. She whipped the shirt up and off, turning it inside out as she did so. That dragged the wet streak across her face and forehead. She jumped up and down, going "EEEWWWWWWWW" again.
Blaine got his wish to see his sister's bare titties. Not only that, they were bouncing up and down delightfully as her feet beat a tattoo on the floor in her distress.
"It got on my FACE!" she yelled in a whisper. Ohhhhh Booo, get it off, please, get it off me Boo."
He said "Wait right there" and dashed from the room, his penis flopping between his legs. He ran to the bathroom, grabbed a washcloth and ran it under the hot water. Then he dashed back. She was still standing, topless, arms out, hands limp, moaning, eyes closed. He ran the warm cloth over her face and she sighed. Then he ran the cloth down her neck and all over her chest, including her delightful naked breasts. He watched in wonder as her nipples stiffened up. He'd seen those stiff nipples through the white strips on her uniform shirt that afternoon, and he'd gotten hard then. Now, there they were, only inches from his eyes, pretty plump pink nipples on her full teen titties.
She batted his hands away. "You really ARE a pervert" she said.
But she couldn't stay mad at him. "Was that REALLY all because of me?" she went on. He stood in front of her panting. He didn't think about the fact that he was stark naked, that his cock was hanging between his legs, and that there was a drip of cum strung out toward the floor.
"Uh, yeah, I guess so," he said. "You're just so beautiful." he went on, staring at her breasts. "Um .. I'm sorry about ... that." He pointed at her shirt.
She looked at it and giggled. "Boy, guys sure go to extremes to get what they want. You wanted to see my boobs, well, here they are." She stuck them out proudly, but backed up when he reached for them. "I gotta get something on. Either one of our parents could walk in any minute." She darted out of the room.
She was back in five minutes, face washed, hair combed and a new shirt on. "By the way. I'm sorry for sounding so freaked out about your ... stuff being on me. It really wasn't so bad. It felt hot. It was just weird. I don't hate you or anything." She turned and left her brother standing there, mouth open, prick stiffening again.
The next day Megan worked again, and, as luck would have it, it was a Speedo Day.
When she put on the little yellow string Bikini Lori gave her she couldn't believe she was going to be out in public in it. The bottom was high rise on the hips, with just two thick yellow strings tied in bows on each side. She discovered they were permanent bows, sewed together. Bob had learned to have that done the first time they had been worn. It was amazing how often a simple bow just fell apart for no reason in a car wash. The top was made of two triangles that covered her nipples and went a little way under her breasts. Her cleavage was bare and she could see almost all of the sides of her breasts. It turned out there were strips of some kind of sticky plastic on the sides, to keep them from sliding off of her nipples when she reached and stretched - another thing Bob had learned early in the program. It covered her buttocks. He couldn't get away with having teenagers wear thongs, but the girls had to constantly pull the fabric out of their butt cracks, something the men just loved.
She took a breath, and, remembering that all the other girls were dressed just like she was, she went out on the line. Again she had a great time teasing the customers by rubbing her breasts on the glass inches from their face. She got good tips that day too - over a hundred dollars!
At one point she heard Chrissy talking to Lori "If she wasn't his niece he'd have had her up in the tower already!"
During a break between cars she went over to Chrissy and said "What's the tower?"
Chrissy blushed beet red. "You'll have to ask your Uncle about that." Then she hurried off to another line. The way she'd said it made it sound like her Uncle would never ever tell her what went on in the tower.
The rest of the day she asked different people what happened in the tower. She invariably got one of two responses. No guys knew anything about the tower at all, and they and some of the girls usually said "I don't know. Never seen it. Beat's me." The other category was from girls who, as Megan began to realize as the day went on, were the best looking girls in the place. Their reaction was almost always a strong blush, followed by darting eyes to see who was near, followed by a completely unbelievable "I don't know" or "Why are you asking me?"
By the end of the day she had figured out that some of those girls had been up in the tower, but wouldn't talk about why. If Megan had a flaw, it was her curious nature. She couldn't stand a mystery. If you wanted to get her going, all you had to do was tell her you got her a birthday present ... a week before her birthday. She'd go to almost any length to find out what it was. The thought of just waiting until her birthday wouldn't even have occurred to her. And now she was curious about the tower.
Maybe it had something to do with the big colored light up there. But that only got used once a year. And if the girls wouldn't talk about it, she wasn't sure he'd talk about it either. She wanted to know but she didn't know how to find out for sure.
In the end she decided to try to bluff her Uncle. After work she hung around until everybody else left. That wasn't strange. She'd done that lots before she was hired. She went to his office and walked in, flopping down on the big couch he had along one wall.
He looked up from his paperwork. She was still in her bikini and it was still wet. Her legs were open and she knew her nipples were poking out. If she could get him distracted by letting him look at her maybe he'd slip up and say something that would tell her what was in the tower. "What's up Pumpkin? You still glad I hired you?"
"Oh yes!" she bubbled. "I just love my job." She got up and pretended to look at something hanging on his wall. "I was just wondering when you were going to take me up in the tower."
Dead silence.
She turned to look at him. He was looking at her ... that way ... the way that made her feel ... naked. He stood up. He was so tall. His shoulders were so broad. He walked over to stand right in front of her.
"So you want to go up in the tower." He said, his voice level.
"Sure" she quipped, acting like it was no big deal.
"Megan, do you know what goes on in the tower?" His voice was low. He was standing very close to her. She could smell his after shave.
"Of course I know" she said, off handedly. This wasn't going as well as she'd hoped. He wasn't saying anything useful ... she needed something that would give her a clue as to what the big secret was.
"And you want ME ... to take you up there."
"Of course I do!" she said. "You're my favorite Uncle, after all." Surely he'd say something soon that would tell her what was going on. He was standing so close to her. It was making her knees weak.
"Well, well, well," he said. "I had no idea. You've surprised me little girl" he said.
She tried to stand taller and stuck her teen breasts out. "I'm not so little any more you know."
He put one finger under her chin and lifted her face up. Then, to her complete surprise, he kissed her.
And it wasn't one of those Uncle kisses either!
It was a kiss like she saw the actors do in the movies, where tongues were involved. Her weak knees began to give way and she had to grab onto his shoulders to hold herself up. His arms came around her in a crushing hug and his kiss got ... hungry. Megan suddenly felt like a mouse, staring into the mouth of a lion.
When he broke the kiss she was panting.
"Lets go" he said.
Bob stepped away from her and went to the desk. He popped open the security console and keyed in a series of numbers on the keypad. The door behind his desk ... the door to the tower ... the door that had always been closed and locked, popped open. There was a spiral staircase behind it. He held out his hand to her and led her to the door. He pushed her through and she began climbing. He was right behind her. Her mind was whirling. His kiss had been so ... so ... so SEXUAL! Boys had kissed her like that, while they were trying to get their hands in her blouse, or in her pants on dates. What was going on?
She was panting from the climb and they were only about half way up. She stopped and turned.
"Uncle Bob" she panted. "That kiss ..."
"Yes, it was good, wasn't it?" he said. He wasn't panting. He stepped up to the step below hers. Now their faces were on the same plane. His hands came up to her waist and pulled her to him.
This kiss wasn't so violent. But it made her melt. His lips were so soft and hot, and his tongue slithered everywhere. She felt a ball of heat light up in her stomach and a little sound leaked out of her lungs in a soft moan.
He broke the kiss and said "You like that, huh." He turned his head and nuzzled his lips into the side of her neck. Shivers ran down her spine and her nipples stiffened until they ached as he licked and sucked her throat below her ear.
"Ohhhh Uncle Bob" she sighed.
His hand slid down to her buttocks and he slapped one. "Let's go," he said and spun her around.
Megan was so shocked she didn't know what to do or say. So she climbed and climbed until she was gasping for air. Then, suddenly there was a floor above her with a hole in it, where the stairway went through. She climbed through that hole into a world colored red and orange and yellow and green ... all the colors of the rainbow as the sun shone through panes of stained glass. In the center of the room was a big contraption that had a bank of lights on it, like the kind they had at the football field at school. It was on a pedestal that made it possible to turn the bank of lights all the way around in a circle. Her eyebrows rose as she saw a huge round bed, with satin sheets on it. There were mirrors EVERYWHERE, on the walls, in the ceiling above the panes of glass that made a circle around the room. There were easy chairs and a stereo and TV and all kinds of electronics.
She stood panting when she felt him come up behind her. His hands slid around her sides to her stomach and then up. The sticky plastic things in her bikini bra didn't do their job at all as his hands slid under her soft breasts and then up. The bra popped up and suddenly he was holding handfuls of her naked breasts. His thumb and fingers squeezed her sensitive nipples gently as he put his lips on her neck again.
Her pussy spritzed as she sagged and she let out a strangled "UNCLE BOB!"
He spun her around again. "I know baby, I know. You have no idea how long I've wanted to bring you up here. Ever since you were fourteen. You made my dick so hard. But I didn't think you wanted to. I had to bring other girls up here and pretend they were you." He kissed her again, his hands sliding down into her bikini bottom, where they cupped naked buns.
Megan finally realized what the tower was for.
It was where Uncle Bob brought girls to FUCK them!!!
She felt conflicting emotions. First was panic. She was a virgin and hadn't even thought about letting anybody pick her cherry. Well, OK, there was that short time last night, after Boo had shot his spooge on her that she wondered what that might feel like inside her body.
But the panic was pushed aside by the realization that ... Uncle Bob, her handsome favorite grown up man in the whole wide world, except maybe for her Daddy, the man who was so rich and handsome he could have any woman he wanted ... that man wanted to fuck ... HER!!
She thought back to the girls who had blushed and gotten weird when she asked them about the tower. THOSE were the girls he was talking about. He had brought those girls up here and put his penis in them and pretended they were HER!!
And THEY were the gorgeous girls! The POPULAR girls!! It made that ball of heat in her stomach get bigger and bigger until her pussy felt hot and itchy.
She realized his hands felt hot on her butt cheeks and that they were pulling her pussy against ... a lump ... in the front of his pants. She felt his hands come out of her bottoms, and slide around her hips. They went between them, to the front of his pants. He was unbuckling his belt!
"See what you do to me baby?" he growled as his pants fell to the floor.
He wasn't wearing underwear.
"OH!" she yipped. But that's all she could force out. Her vocal chords were frozen at what she saw. Her brother's penis had been long and hard and pink, except for the big round tip.
When she looked at her Uncle's, the word "PRICK" flashed into her mind. There was no better word. It was longer than Boo's, and while her brother's was more or less straight, her Uncle's curved UP. Boo's foreskin had been pulled way back when she saw his, but the hood was almost covering the tip of her Uncle's. It looked sleek, more like a snake. It looked like if he stuck it in her it would reach all the way to her heart. His hand came to it and he jacked it slowly once. That hood peeled back and there was a pointy head under it, not large and round like Boo's. Then his hand slicked back up and a bubble of white oozed out of the little eye of that snake.
She had to stop him. This wasn't turning out like she had thought. She was distracted for a few seconds as she realized she actually hadn't had any idea how things would turn out. She took another breath, in preparation to tell him to stop, as his head came down toward her exposed breasts.
"Ohh sweet sweet Megan, how long I've wanted to do this," he moaned. His lips closed around one of her stiff aching nipples.
Megan saw stars. There was a feeling so intense that she cried out. It was pain ... no, not pain exactly, but streaking electric feelings that shot from that nipple right to her belly and then into her itchy pussy. She closed her eyes. Nothing in her entire life had ever felt this good. He switched to the other one and the same thing happened, though she was prepared for it this time.
THIS was what Boo had wanted to do to her! As she swam in a warm sea of happiness she wished she'd let him. She knew she would the next time he wanted to.
She felt her leaden feet and legs moving and realized in some dim part of her brain that he was walking her backwards. Her calves hit something soft and she fell backwards. Her nipple popped out of his mouth and she cried out again, partly from falling, but also from the loss of his oral stimulation. Then his hot body was next to hers and she opened her eyes to see herself and her now naked Uncle in a bank of mirrors. She was disoriented at first, as his mouth found her nipples again and she sighed, but soon she realized they were on the big bed with the satin sheets.
She saw his hand on her stomach before she felt it. Paralyzed, she watched in the mirror as the fingertips of that hand, flat on her abdomen, slid ever closer to the top of her bikini bottom. Then the nerves in the skin over her fallopian tubes announced that something exceptionally nice was happening.
She heard that voice, but then she saw that beautiful snakey penis lying on her thigh, touching her. Her eyes asked the brain what that felt like and got back the answer "HOT! SMOOTH AGAINST THE SKIN! NICE!"
The little warning voice gave a tiny shriek in her head as her Uncle's fingertips reached the bikini and slipped under it. She'd had to shave most of the hair off down there to wear that bikini, and his fingertips plowed through what was left. The tiny voice shrieked again as her legs, of their own volition, spread wide, making room for his hand.
"Hush" she told the little voice inside her mind. "I can make him stop any time I want. Just let me feel this one little thing."
The voice was railing at her when his middle finger slid between slippery wet pussy lips, and penetrated her pussy up to the second knuckle. The base of his finger crushed her little teen clitty and Megan had the first orgasm she didn't cause all by herself. If her orgasms were like the warmth of the sun ... this was a Super Nova. Her Uncle's fingertip slid past where her hymen had at one time been, before it was sent packing by a poorly inserted tampon. It slid further as he sent his fingertip searching for a rough thick patch of skin that might be on the top of her pussy channel. He found that unused G-spot and tickled it.
She went crazy. She flopped like a fish out of water. She babbled and spit flew as she forgot to swallow. Her head flailed back and forth and she jerked so much he lost his nipple lock and couldn't get his lips on her nipples again.
He knew this was the time to make first insertion. Not having felt any hymen, and remembering the casual way she had suggested she wanted him to take her upstairs and fuck her, Bob did something he rarely did.
He took her roughly.
Removing his finger from her sopping pussy, he ripped the bikini bottom off, the little side straps breaking easily. It was his, technically. He'd get her a new one. Her legs were already spread. In an instant he was up over her, fisting his cock, planting the tip in her defenseless pussy mouth. Then, with a groan of finally achieved fantasy, he slid his cock into his virgin niece.
The result was less than satisfactory for both of them.
Truth to tell, had Megan not been in the middle of the most fantastic orgasm of her life, it probably would have hurt a whole lot more than it did. And, had Bob been the size of Boo, it would have hurt a lot worse. And, the fact that her pussy was literally running with slippery female juices helped a lot too.
But it still hurt her and she yelled "OWWWWWW ..OHHH ... OWWWWW" in a voice that, had it been at ground level, might have brought investigation. She was also SO tight that the foreskin of Bob's penis stretched back MUCH tighter and much more PAINFULLY than he had anticipated. The result was, they both froze. Bob pulled back enough to ease his own pain. Megan opened her eyes and, seeing her naked Uncle on top of her, raised her head and looked at where the pain was. She saw that her pussy was full of Uncle Bob's cock and finally understood what the pain was all about. About the same time, Bob, based on the tightness of the pussy currently impaled on his cock, and the look on his niece's face, finally figured out she was a virgin.
"Ohhh Megan honey I'm sooo sorry" he moaned. She, of course, thought he was talking about sticking his thing in her in the first place. She got confused when he went on. "Oh honey, if I'd have known I would have done it all differently." Megan noticed that the pain wasn't as bad as it had been. She felt very very full, but not actually uncomfortable exactly. Bob had been holding himself up with his arms, and he moved one to get into position to pull out of her. In the process he actually went in half an inch further. He'd gone all the way to her cervix on the first shove, and his prick tip kissed that inner mouth gently when he moved.
Megan felt that kiss and her eyes opened wider than they were, if possible. Now THAT felt pretty good!
"Uncle Bob?" she said, getting ready to ask him if he could do that again, whatever it was. She had suddenly gone from complete bewilderment as to how she happened to be on her back with her Uncle's bone stuck up in her, to wondering how to get him to make that feeling come again. "It's not so bad now." she ended up saying. "Can you ... move it?" She didn't know how to ask him to repeat what had happened.
"Sure baby" he said, and began drawing it out.
"NO!" she yipped. She could tell that the good feeling was the OTHER way. "Not that way. Can you move it the other way?"
Bob was confused. Not knowing what else to do he pushed it back in. The tip hit that spongy mass at the end of her pussy and she said "YES! RIGHT THERE! Ohhhhh Uncle Bob that feels really nice right THERE!" Bob's brain kicked back into operation. If Megan was a virgin, she didn't know ANYTHING about fucking. That meant he could teach her the right way!
Bob LOVED teaching virgins.
"Sweetie, that's your cervix. Some women don't like it when there's pressure there ... but some women LOVE it when there's pressure there. You are one of the lucky ones. That's why it feels so good to touch it. He poked it with his cock tip, making very small in and out motions. Her hips twitched "YES! RIGHT THERE" she yipped. This was starting to get better and better. And if she could get back to what she'd felt like BEFORE the pain ... she wanted to do that ... a LOT.
"There's another thing you might like" He pulled halfway out and she moaned her disappointment. "Be patient Megan. You should have told me you'd never done this before." He was trying to find her G-spot again. That curve in his cock made the tip scrape along the top of a woman's pussy and sometimes he could fuck her G-spot and get a quick cum. Megan needed a cum to wash away the memory of that pain.
"I'm sorry" she said, reveling in the feel of his cock scraping along her channel. "I didn't know this was going to happen. I sort of lied to you I guess."
He was so intent on getting his cock tip in just the right spot that he almost missed it. "What? What do you mean you lied to me?"
"Well, I heard Lori say something about the tower, but nobody would tell me what happened in the tower, so I told you I knew so you'd say something that would let me find out and it didn't turn out like I thought it would and that feels AWFULLY nice Uncle Bob could you do that some more?" She gasped for breath, having used every atom of air in her lungs in that statement.
Bob stopped. "You mean you didn't want me to fuck you?"
Megan, his sweet sweet Megan, whom he loved and would never hurt, looked up at him with her big blue eyes and shook her head "No".
His face crumpled and he started dragging his cock out of her. "I'm so sorry Megan, I misunderstood. I'll stop now ..."
He was stopped by a pair of healthy teenage legs snapping together across his back. "NO!!!" she yelled. "IF YOU STOP NOW I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!"
"But you said ..." he started.
"That was down there" she pointed a finger down, where his office was. "I feel different now. Could you please put it back in? Where my cervix is please? I really like it there."
He slid back in and they both sighed. Knowing her mind was made up, and that she now welcomed what he was doing to her, he surrendered to his lust and began to give her what she wanted. He liked sliding in and out, but the tightness of her pussy, and the way his penis tried to penetrate into her womb caused his foreskin to bunch up around the head of his cock while he moved it in her. It was very stimulating, and something he rarely felt. It was like they were made for each other.
As for Megan, the repeated prodding of her cervical opening started sending those sparks out again. "My nipples" she panted, remembering how terrific that had felt.
He took the hint and latched onto one, sucking and nibbling it gently.
He had to hunch over to keep the same penetration and get to the nipple too. That was what caused the tip of his cock to defeat the cervix and slide into her womb. Her cervix stretched and snapped over his glans, trapping the head of his cock.
Her pussy spasmed and she orgasmed without warning.
One second it was a nice gentle fuck and the next her pussy was milking his cock like a vacuum cleaner. The stimulation on the head of his cock was extreme, and when the shaft got milked as well, it was more than he could take.
Bob ALWAYS asked the girls if they were on the pill.
Bob ALWAYS used a condom, regardless of what the girl said.
Bob NEVER shot off in an unprotected pussy.
Today he broke every rule he ever made.
With the head of his cock firmly sealed in Megan's teenage womb, Bob's cock burped and then, like a fire hose, washed her womb full of his sticky white seed. He packed it so full that it forced his cocktip back out through her cervix. His cock continued to spew his incestuous sperm into his lovely niece, filling her no-longer-virgin channel with soothing warm spunk.
All Megan could think about through the whole thing was "I want to do this every day for the rest of my life!"
Ten minutes later they lay, arms around each other, kissing and talking as they caught their breath. "We shouldn't have done that" said Bob.
"I thought that was my line" said Megan.
"I mean without a rubber" he explained. "I wasn't kidding when I told you I've wanted to do that with you for years. But you don't want to have my baby."
"What will you do if I AM pregnant?" she asked. She didn't think she was, but then teenaged girls NEVER think they'll get pregnant, do they?
"I don't know" he said truthfully. "I'd marry you if I could. I really do love you Megan, and I've felt this way for a long time. But I doubt your parents would allow that. The law either, for that matter. I have plenty of money, so that's no problem." He stared off into the stained glass.
"Thank you" she said softly.
"What for?" he said. "I just raped you!"
"I know. But it was an accidental rape. And now that I've been raped, I'm really glad it happened." He snorted and she explained "What I mean is, I'm glad it was you. Not glad it was rape. Except that I don't think I'd have let you do it if you'd have asked nicely, and then I wouldn't feel like I do now. I like this feeling." She was thinking about Boo, and how she'd felt last night after his sperm splashed on her. Now that she had actually felt a man's sperm splashing her insides, she was even more interested in what her brother's nice big cock might feel like.
"I hate to say this, but you'd better get going. Your parents will be wondering where you are." He watched her as she got up. With her bra hanging around her neck loose, and no bottoms on she looked delicious. His cock started getting hard again. "Go on, or you'll get raped again." he smiled tiredly.
"You just let that thing alone. I'll take care of it tomorrow." she leaned over and gave it a kiss on the tip. It grew another inch and she scooted away. She'd left her bag down in his office, so he walked her back down the spiral staircase and they got dressed together in his office.
Their kiss confirmed that she wasn't unhappy with him at all.
When Megan got home, supper was almost ready. She dashed upstairs and jumped in the shower to get the smell of Uncle Bob's cum off of her. She liked that smell just fine, but if anyone else in the house smelled it they might ask questions. Her pussy felt normal to her as she washed it. She couldn't believe that just an hour ago her Uncle's big prick had been stuck in it, spurting it full of that wonderful warm pearly cream. She left her hair wet and in a pony tail for supper.
Supper was normal too, except that Boo mentioned "Wasn't today a Speedo Day?" Her mother began to rant about how it wasn't right at all for young girls to parade around in outfits like that. All the while her Daddy just rolled his eyes and smiled at her. Boo sat quietly, knowing he'd opened a can of worms. As she excused herself from the table Megan looked pointedly at Boo and said "I'm going to go dry my hair."
She was in the same position as the night before when Boo showed up. This time, though, he didn't sneak a feel. "Sorry" he said.
"You just HAD to mention that at supper?" she said, with mock severity. It hadn't been so bad.
"I was actually talking to myself" he said. "I meant to bring my car by if it was a Speedo Day."
"You just got your car washed yesterday you boob!" she said.
"Yeah, but it would have been worth it to see you in one of those bikinis. I don't suppose you brought it home with you?"
She looked at him in the mirror. "You really are a pervert, you know? I bet if you could, you'd cop a feel of my pussy. Wouldn't you pervert?"
He looked down at the floor. "I can't help it" he said.
She got an idea. "So you really want to know what I look like in the little yellow bikini?"
Hope dawned in his eyes. He was like a puppy, hoping to be petted.
"You go to your room. When Mom and Dad go to bed I'll come show you." She went back to combing out her hair.
"Thanks Bumps, you have no idea what this means to me." he left all excited.
"Oh yes I do" she said under her breath.
Megan changed into one of her Daddy's old T shirts, curled up on the couch and did some reading. She had signed up for college credit she could get during the summer, but she had to read a lot of books to get it.
Daddy came to kiss her good night. "Was today Speedo Day?" he asked quietly. She nodded and he got a far away look in his eye. "I'd have liked to see that" he said, not realizing he'd said it loud enough for Megan to hear.
"Why Daddy, you dirty old man! You've been to Uncle Bob's lots of times for Speedo Day. You've seen all the girls there in the bikinis."
He leaned down to kiss her cheek. He looked down the neck of the T shirt and saw her teen queen breasts. "I haven't seen you in one of those bikinis" he said. He meant to kiss her cheek, but she raised her face and kissed him on the lips. It was a soft warm kiss that went too long for a Daddy-daughter kiss, but she kept her tongue in her mouth. "Night night, Daddy," she said. When he stood up his jammies had a tent in the front. He looked embarrassed and she said "My sweet sweet dirty old man Daddy. Go on to bed. Maybe Mommy will take care of your problem." He ducked out.
She waited ten minutes and went to her room. She took the shirt off. She put on some lipstick and a little eye shadow. She had some pink lip balm with glitter in it and she rubbed some of that on each perfect nipple. She let her hair down and it fell around her shoulders. She looked at herself critically in the mirror. It wasn't ego that made her realize she looked good. She really WAS gorgeous.
Megan quietly went to her brother's room.
Boo was lying on his bed reading when she let herself in. He had only his reading light on, and an old pair of gym shorts.
He expected to see her in a bikini. He'd been fantasizing about it for over an hour. When she walked in stark naked he didn't know what to do. The first thing he thought was that she was suddenly older. She looked twenty instead of sixteen. He licked his lips, which were suddenly very dry.
She came to stand beside the bed. "I didn't bring the suit home after all" she said. Her hands came up and she pointed with each index finger. "But if I had, and I was wearing it, it would be here" she drew a triangle around her left nipple, "here" she drew a triangle around her right nipple "and here" she drew a triangle starting in the dark area between her legs then up and around her pubic hair. "There are strings that go here" she drew lines up high on her hips and then turned around so her back was to him. She presented her firm, round bottom "and cloth that covers me here" she cupped her buttocks and looked over her shoulder at him. "That's what it would look like if I had it on". She blew him a kiss and walked back toward his door.
"Megan?" came his hoarse whisper.
She turned. "Yes Boo?"
"You're so beautiful it hurts me to look at you." he sighed. The front of his shorts were standing straight out from his body.
"Thank you Boo" she said, her voice low and sultry. "If you ... need any help with your ... problem ... I'll be in my room." She turned and left.
Her knees felt weak as she got into the hallway. WOW! It was so much fun teasing men. She had the sudden realization many women discover at some time in their life that she could get most men to do anything she wanted them to ... if she could set things up right. She hoped Boo WOULD come to her room. Right now she had that itch again, and this time she knew how to scratch it.
She had just gotten on her bed and had lain back, getting ready to scratch her itch, when her door opened and her brother slipped in.
He was naked too. His erect cock swung and bobbed in front of him as he came tentatively toward the bed. "Bumps? Did you mean it?"
She lay in front of him, beautiful and naked. "Yes" she said simply.
"Will you .. touch it for me?" His hand closed around it and he stroked it once.
"No, Boo, I won't do that," she said, staring him in the eye.
"But ... I don't understand" he whined. He was a year older than her ... and she was in complete control of him.
"I said I'd help you with it Boo" she said. She spread her legs, pulling her knees up and letting them fall apart. Her pussy was completely open to him now. She slid one finger down, unable to wait, and stroked her clitty.
"Come here Boo."
His mouth fell open, his jaw working even though he wasn't saying a thing. There was a hunger in his eyes. He took a step, expecting her to close her thighs and cut off his view of perfection. Instead she slid a finger of the other hand alongside the first and pulled her pussy lips apart. It was dark between those fingers.
"Hurry Boo" she said. "I need you now Boo."
He moved faster than she would have believed possible. But the bed hardly moved as he bounded between her thighs, his hand still on his jutting cock, aiming it at that dark space between her fingers. The tip of his prick touched her pussy hole before she could remove her fingers. Everything about his body suggested he intended to ram that monster in her in one lunge.
She put one hand on his chest and gasped "Gently, Boo ... slowly ... love me Boo, don't hurt me." The look of hunger on his face melted and was replaced with a look of tenderness that made her heart almost burst. He leaned down and kissed her, a gentle, warm, wet kiss.
And while their lips caressed each other, he slid his rock hard penis into his sister's pussy.
An outside observer would have said he inserted his cock slowly, gently, not too fast. Megan felt like someone was shoving a baseball bat up inside her. Again there was pain, but it was a sweet sort of pain that promised something wonderful within minutes. Something made him wait when he was fully embedded in her sex, and she had time to adjust. The pain went away and the pressure gave hints of good things to come. "That's soooo nice Boo. Have you done this before Boo?"
He shook his head no, flinging sweat in the process. She laughed "Good, because I don't want to share you with any other girls." She coached him on how to move, when to stop, and when to go deeper. He felt completely different than Uncle Bob, who had reached deep into her. Boo put all his pressure on the walls of her pussy, and her pussy lips were stretched so that the top of his cock scraped along her clitty. While she had wanted Uncle Bob to go in and stay in, she wanted her brother to move ... out and then back in ... and again ... now faster ... and faster ... until he was giving her rapid rabbit strokes. He was so turned on, so excited that he couldn't cum at all. It felt fabulous, and he couldn't believe it was happening, and it was so much fun to see the look on her face. He wanted to go all night long.
Megan learned all about the concept of multiple orgasms as she had a string of them. They tumbled one after another until she felt a surge of panic that she might never be able to stop having orgasms.
Boo's orgasm took him completely by surprise. One minute he was fine, and his sister was having an orgasm under him. The next second he felt fire in his loins, and a stab of pain that made him pin his sister to the bed. She was skewered by his prick and his body weight as his instinct made him jam it into her as deeply as he could.
Then his adolescent penis was spurting over and over again and strong, young streams of semen were soaking her sex inside and out. He whimpered, a broken man at that point in time, unable to do anything except fertilize his sister as every bit of energy in his body lent itself to trying to make a baby in this delightful woman under him. He sobbed as he fell on her and, knowing that she wouldn't be able to breathe, he rolled, with the last of his strength, his arm around her. They ended up side by side, holding each other's sweaty bodies, both of them breathing like they'd just run a marathon.
"That ... was ... fantastic" she panted. "Can ... you ... do that ... every ... night?"
He looked at her through half closed eyes. "Only Twice" he gasped.
She giggled, and the muscular movement of her diaphragm pushed his wilting penis out of her with a plop. "Ooo I'm all sticky" she said. "You made a mess."
They heard a toilet flush downstairs.
Her eyes went wide "Daddy" she whispered. Again she was amazed by how fast her brother moved. In seconds his naked buns were disappearing through the door as he dashed for his own room. Within 30 seconds after that she heard the creak of the stairs. She pulled the top sheet over her body and grabbed a book from the night stand. She had just gotten it open when he was standing in her door.
"Megan?" he said.
"Yeah Daddy?"
"I heard a noise" he came in further. He was staring at her.
"I didn't hear anything Daddy" she said.
He bent over, looking at the book. "Why are you reading a book upside down Megan?" His head was right over her crotch. He sniffed. "Megan? What's that?" he pointed. The sheet had a round, wet spot on it where it fell between her legs.
Her daddy reached out and grasped the sheet with his hand. Megan held the top with the hand not holding the book. Daddy was stronger. Much stronger. Very slowly he dragged the sheet off of her naked body. Her legs were partly open, and it was plain to see that her pubic hair and the insides of her thighs were covered with a milky white substance. Daddy ran one finger through the gooey mess in her pubic hair and lifted that finger to his nose.
His face began to get red.
He looked up, but not at her. He looked at the window. Then he got up and went to the window. He checked the lock, then unlocked it and tried to raise the window. It was stuck ... painted shut maybe.
"Who did this to you baby?" he said, his voice low and ugly. He got down on the floor and looked under the bed. He opened her closet, turned on the light in there and went through it.
"Daddy?" Megan was scared now. "Daddy I can explain." She had no idea how she could explain a cup of sperm splattered all over the place.
He came back to her bed and sat down. He looked at her naked body. "Somebody just fucked my little girl" he said. "I want to know who did that."
"I don't want to tell you Daddy." she said. "I love him and I don't want you to be mad at him."
He looked at her. "Some pimply faced punk comes in my house, and fucks my little girl, after she kisses ME like a woman kisses a man and you think I'm gonna let him get away with what should have been MINE? WHO FUCKED YOU MEGAN?" his face was only inches from hers when he finished.
"Daddy he couldn't help it. It wasn't his fault Daddy. I teased him. I made him do it. He tried to just beat off, but I wouldn't let him Daddy, please don't be mad at Boo, it was all MY fault ..." He put a finger to her lips and stopped her babbling.
"It was your brother?" he said.
She nodded once, fearfully "Please don't be mad at him Daddy. I teased him."
"Like you tease me? Like you teased me at the car wash, shoving your pretty titties up against the glass an inch from my face?"
She felt shame "Yes Daddy, like that, only worse. I let him see me naked Daddy, like I am now."
"Well, I can understand how he felt. And ... if it was your brother ... that's not so bad I guess," he said, standing up.
He had on his robe. When he dropped it he was naked. His cock was a carbon copy of Boo's ... or maybe it was the other way around. The point was, she knew what a cock like that felt like and she was still horny ... or horny again.
"Did he make you feel good princess?" he asked as he climbed up on the bed, between her legs. His big, hard cock dipped and kissed her spermy pussy lips.
All Megan could think about right now was how much more experience her Daddy had than Boo.
Fucking is good! But, knowing you have shot your sperm into a fertile pussy that WILL get pregnant is the best feeling in the world. After fucking my GF for three years, always pulling out to cum on her stomach, I finally came in her three days before we got married. I know she got pregnant that night. Damn, that felt GREAT.
pregnant that night. Damn, that felt really good.
I had dated my future wife only a few months before I walked in on her having sex with her older brother. It upset me terribly, but I soon got over it. It sort of enhanced our sex just thinking about it. I married her 18 months later. After being married 25 yrs., I learned she had been fucking her Dad, Uncle and a Cousin since age 13. She also had lesbian affairs with two female cousins. We are still happily married.
I had dated my future wife only a few months before I walked in on her having sex with her older brother. It upset me terribly, but I soon got over it. It sort of enhanced our sex just thinking about it. I married her 18 months later. After being married 25 yrs., I learned she had been fucking her Dad, Uncle and a Cousin since age 13. She also had lesbian affairs with two female cousins. We are still happily married.
pregnant that night. Damn, that felt really good.
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Ben Bitten
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