Angela is a 15-year-old knockout and the stepdaughter of one of my Dad’s old friends from the law firm. She has the cutest face you have ever seen, complimented by her sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair. When she smiles it lights up the room and the little dimples on her cheeks and her white smile dazzle everyone. What can I say about her incredible teenage body? Flawless! She has a slender frame with flared hips and nice 34B firm breasts that sit up high. If her breasts were any larger they wouldn’t suit her petite body. On Angela 34B’s looked pretty large and prominent.
I do pretty well with women at 6’ tall and with a 180lbs athletic body that is pretty toned from time at the gym and lots of crunches. I have a great relationship with my divorced neighbor Pim and she has taught me a lot about sex and how to make love to women. The only problem with Angela was that she was 15 and I was 25 so there was a 10-year age difference. Angela’s mother Sandra was 38 and was a good friend of Pim’s. Angela sometimes came over to Pim’s house and played with Chrissie, the young 12 year old daughter of Pim while the moms spent time together. Often the two young girls would head over to my house to use my pool.
I have an extremely satisfying sex life with Pim and she has even set up a few dates for me with her best friend Judy, who is a hot Korean. Judy is also exceptional in bed and a lover who enjoys lots of foreplay and we always seem to have several orgasms. However, over the last three years watching Angela flower from a flat chest adolescent 12-year old to an adorable, drop dead gorgeous 15 year old babe was proving to be something hard to be around and resists as a normal man.
I could really tell the first time I saw Angela when she was 12 and came over to my pool to swim with Chrissie that she would blossom into a very beautiful girl and woman. She had a lithe and athletic body, an angelic face and a bubbly personality. She and Chrissie and I would play “catch” in the pool and she was a lot of fun to be around for a young girl. She also showed a lot of intelligence and maturity for her age and as she got older this became ever more evident.
I know that her mom Sandra’s divorce from her dad was hard on Angela and she did not really get along with her stepdad. As she got older this problem increased and in order to help out Pim would let her spend more and more time at her house. In the last few months the problems at home have progressed to the point where Angela basically often lives with Pim and Chrissie now for several days at a time.
Three years ago Angela would swim with us in a sporty one piece swim suit. By the time Angela was 14 this started to change and she started to wear bikinis. This is when it became impossible for me to ignore her changing body. Also around the house and going to school her clothes started to get tighter and to be “form fitting” and shaped around her tight little body. She got her mom to buy her the latest designer jeans by Seven that really showed off her firm and rounded teenage butt. When she leaned over it would expose the top of a stringy little thong underwear. Just thinking about that image in my mind would raise a hard-on and get my fantasies going. When she walked away from me sometimes I couldn’t help but stare as her butt would swing side-to-side and her feminine hips would just look so seductive as she gave me a little hip wiggle. I admit it. I was staring. Sometimes Pim would see me staring and pinch me and giggle….”Control yourself young man or I’ll tell Sandra.” She would say and then burst out laughing.
Incredible sexual tension built up just from watching Angela prance around my pool and Pim’s house in her increasingly sexy outfits. She was growing into a very sexy young woman and she certainly knew it and wanted to flaunt it a little. Sometimes while having sex with Pim I would fantasize that it was Angela riding me even though sex with Pim was the best sex of my whole life. As they say, “variety is the spice of life” and I was certainly becoming somewhat obsessed with Angela’s body.
I kept admiring Angela from a distance and resisted any urge to touch her inappropriately or to send any signal of my interest to her. I certainly didn’t want to get in trouble with her mom. What I did do was spend time with Angela and Chrissie when Pim and Angela wanted time alone for “girl talk”. Sometimes I would take the girls to the mall and then I would buy Angela something she wanted to make her feel good and hopefully score a few points with her. One time she really wanted a pink Juicy bag, another time a Roxy bikini and sun dress and most recently she was fixated on buying a pair of Prada sun glasses that her Mom deemed too expensive for a 15 year old girl. Needless to say I bought the sunglasses for her. This evoked a shriek of joy from her. In her excitement Angela jumped up and down, grabbed me with her slender arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my lips.
“Oh my God Rob! You’re the best! You’re just the best! I love you! Thanks….oh thanks so much. My dream has come true. My god these glasses are so cool.” She told me I was the nicest guy she had ever met and it was so nice to go shopping with me. “It’s so much more fun than with my mom.” she added.
Chrissie and Angela giggled and laughed and hugged each other in their excitement at the purchase. Angela immediately had the lady cut the $350.00 price tag off and she twirled and modeled the sunglasses for us pretending to look like a “hot model” as she described it. Actually, she did look like a “hot model” and Prada would be extremely lucky to have her modeling their stuff.
In July for her sixteenth birthday Angela got a BMW 320i convertible from her real dad. It was silver and she looked very hot driving her new car and looked more like a 21 year old than a 16 year old. She had also started dating an older guy that her Mom definitely did not like. This led to more conflict at home. Now the fights were not only with her stepdad, but also with her Mom. I heard Pim and Sandra often talking about how “difficult” Angela was becoming.
When Angela’s mother would punish her I would try to smooth things over and get on her good side. Angela was certainly growing up and now she wanted to stay out and get drunk with her friends. She had her own car and felt more independent which made her mom increasingly mad. I would try to talk with her and get Angela to calm down and see it from her mom’s side as well. She was legal now and I had many fantasies about what she might be doing with her boyfriend and wished she could be doing it with me instead.
I heard from Pim that Angela snuck her boyfriend up into her bedroom one night when she thought her mother was fast asleep. Her mom, however, was waiting for this to happen and the two of them had a huge fight when she threw the boy out of the house. Sandra came over and told Pim she needed her help. She and her husband (Angela’s stepdad) had planned a Hawaiian getaway and she couldn’t bring Angela along as she would ruin the whole holiday with nothing but fights. She asked if Pim would take care of Angela for ten days while they went away. Pim as a close friend who truly liked Angela agreed.
Angela brought her things over and moved into Pim’s house for the next two weeks. That first night Pim and I had not had sex for a few days and Pim was definitely horny. We decided that after Chrissie and Angela had fallen asleep then Pim would put on one of her Victoria’s Secret outfits and we would have some hot sex. It was a struggle to get the girls to bed as they wanted to stay up and watch a movie, but we finally had them asleep by 10:30pm—or so we thought. Pim put on a polka dot apron baby doll with pink trim from the PINK label at Victoria’s Secret and she looked so sexy. She gave me fellatio and brought me to the edge again and again before making me come in her mouth, which she normally didn’t do. I then reciprocated and gave her three major orgasms with my tongue, two in the vagina and one in the bum. Pim’s orgasms and extreme excitement caused my cock to rise again and become hard and I finally held her down and penetrated Pim’s tight vagina with my cock and we came together in a tremendous conclusion to the evening.
The next day was a very hot July day and we all decided to lie by the pool. Pim put on a yellow bikini, Chrissie a black one and Angela had an extremely tiny red bikini. It was hard for me to lie there without getting a hard on with two hot women inches away. After an hour or so Pim said she was going to the mall. I said I was bushed and would lay by the pool. Chrissie decided to join her mom and go shopping as she had been looking at some new earrings. Angela said she also wanted to stay home and rest by the pool.
Pim and Chrissie left and it was only Angela and I by the pool. Angela started to talk with me while she lay on her stomach with her perfect butt rising up from the lounge chair. She told me she was totally “fed up” with her mom and couldn’t stand her anymore. I said that I knew they were fighting about her boyfriend and this was normal for teens. She looked back at me.
“No, it’s not about that looser. I dumped him a few weeks ago. I only went out with him because I knew it drove my mom nuts. No, it’s just that she treats me like a kid.”
We talked and talked and it was clear that Angela was really a very mature young lady with her own ideas and desires. After talking for a while she looked at me again.
“Rob, I think I’m getting a little red. Can you put some more lotion on me.”
I don’t know what the look on my face exactly looked like, but it seemed to make her smile slightly. She looked at me more firmly and said, “Well, are you going to help a girl out or are you going to let me burn like a crisp?”
I grabbed the SPF 50 lotion and shot a good amount onto my hands and spread it across her shoulders and arms. “Is that pretty good?” I asked. “No, Rob. Can you cover down my back and do my sides and my legs. I’m really burning.”
I worked down her back and all the way to the edge of her bikini bottoms. I went down the sides of her back and could feel the beginning of the swell of her breasts. Then I did her long slender legs and her calves and then her thighs showing lots of attention to her sensitive inner thighs. Of course with all of this touching of a young nubile body my cock was rock hard and bouncing and throbbing inside my swimsuit. To feel this amazing athletic teen body under my hands with lotion and rubbing every square inch of her tanned and smooth skin was like a dream. “CALM DOWN.” I told myself, “She’s only 16.” I was in a bit of a daze with the sun and the heat and the sexual tension of touching her body. In the middle of this daze I heard her soft voice, almost a whisper. “I heard you and Auntie Pim last night. It sounded like you two had a lot of fun.” Then she popped up off the lounge chair and said, “Let’s swim.” And she giggled and jumped in the pool. I was left standing there by the chair highly aroused and highly confused by what she had just said.
Over the next few days Angela raised the bar of sexual tension by putting on short shorts and tight tops and some very sexy tight designer jeans. At night the girls would watch movies with Pim and I and Angela would wear a nightie that just barely covered her bum. We would all snuggle up on the sofa and watch the movie, eat popcorn and Pim and I would drink wine. Chrissie and Angela would give each of us a goodnight kiss on the cheek. Later Pim and I would head off to her bedroom and have wild sex, although I would try to keep the noise down after what Angela had said to me at the pool.
After about three nights Angela would take up a spot on my left under the quilt and Pim and Chrissie would be to my right. Each night Angela moved closer to my body with her hips eventually pressed right up against my thigh and her hands holding my arm gently. On Thursday we watched a horror movie and we were all covered up under a giant Thai quilt from Chiang Mai. Angela gripped onto my left arm with one hand and her other hand gripped onto my thigh, within inches of my cock, with her hands unseen under the quilt. At each scary part the girls would scream and Angela’s fingernails would dig into me. Pim laughed and her left hand moved inside my shorts and took hold of my 8” cock. Pim had me hard and aroused, but I was fantasizing about Angela whose hand was only inches from that very same cock. I reached my left arm out at a very scary part and put it around Angela’s shoulders tucking her tight against my body. She leaned forward and put her lips directly against my ear and whispered so Pim could not hear, “That feels so nice Rob. Now I feel safe. Thank you.” Angela snuggled in even closer and I could feel her firm breasts pressed against the side of my chest. She moved her left hand further up my thigh and down to the sensitive inside part sending electric shocks up my cock and to my brain.
After another two days of this sexual torture Pim came to me and told me that she and Chrissie needed to go away urgently for 3 or 4 days. She explained that Henk, her former husband, wanted Chrissie to see his aged mother who was very ill in Florida and this might be the last time to see her alive. Pim had explained the situation to Sandra and she agreed that I was a very responsible person and that Angela could stay if I agreed to stay in the house with her. The rule would be that Angela could not go out at night past 9:00pm except if I was with her and no boys could come over to the house.
I protested that this was not something I could agree to and that I was “not a baby sitter”. Pim looked at me and smiled, “In case you haven’t noticed Rob, Angela is certainly not a baby anymore. She is a young woman. Sandra and I have talked about this at length and we feel a little time spent with a quality young man like yourself would actually do her good.” Pim then continued, “Sandra is very worried. She has put Angela on the Pill, but she is still really worried and does not want that boyfriend to show up. She thinks he’s a total creep, so keep your eyes on the lookout and watch Angela carefully. OK?” Pim then giggled and said, “I know you’ll be horny while I’m away, but I’ll make it up to you when I come back, I promise.”
After a while Pim made me agree. She brought Angela into the living room and explained the situation to her. She told Angela that she needed to be mature and act properly like a “young lady”. Pim looked directly at Angela, “Do you promise to be a good girl for Rob?” I could sense the sparkle and devilish giggle in Angela’s response, “Oh yes Auntie Pim, I promise to be a good girl for Rob. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
Things happened in a huge rush as Pim and Chrissie packed and all of a sudden they were in Pim’s Mercedes and had left for the airport. Literally within minutes Angela and I were left alone in the house. I knew that Angela was quite comfortable with me and we had lots of fun together, but given the age gap I still doubted by chances of anything really happening. I thought I was facing 3 days of intense teasing and lots of masturbation as I fantasized about an unattainable teen hottie a few feet away in another bedroom. Just the thought of Angela so close and yet so far got my urges beginning to build up. She was a flawless 16 year-old who would tease me mercilessly and my only recourse would be a hand release.
That evening Angela wanted to have pizza and watch a movie. She got out the quilt and I let her pick a movie. The movie she picked was quite a shock to me, “The Lover” with Jane March and Tony Leung. She giggled and laughed at me. “So you thought I was the kind of girl who would want to watch “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”?” I looked at her and smiled. “Well, yes. I didn’t even think you would know a film like this.” This clearly made her happy and her eyes sparkled. “So I’m a little more mature and sophisticated than you thought. Haha!”
I poured myself a glass of Chardonnay and we settled into the couch and Angela snuggled in and without even thinking I put my arm around her. She told me a lot about the movie I didn’t even know and she kept grabbing my glass of wine and taking sips. Somehow we just got more and more relaxed and my left hand started to stroke her arm and shoulder. This stroking and the slight friction of her body next to mine and the smell of her perfume and hair was enough to send my cock into full force. I hoped she wouldn’t notice as I squirmed my hips to hide my 8” rod from her. Angela continued watching the movie as if she didn’t notice anything. The incredibly hot sex scenes came on and I didn’t really know what to do or how to react. Angela put her lips close to my ear.
“Rob, do you think this is realistic? Do you think an older man like that can really be so turned on by such a young teenage girl?”
I tipped my head down and was looking into an angelic face framed by beautiful blond golden hair and Angela looked back directly into my eyes expectantly.
“Yes, I do think it’s realistic. Some teenage girls are very mature beyond their years and have an attraction that an older man cannot resist.” This response seemed to please her and she hugged me even tighter and placed her hand on my inner thigh less than one inch from my pulsing rod. The sexual tension was so high I thought I might come in my shorts like a teenage boy. I kept stroking Angela’s neck and arm and leaned my head against the top of hers to smell her intoxicating hair and perfume. I shifted my leg and hoped she would not feel the hot rod so close to her hand.
Massaging Angela’s neck and touching her head and her ear lobes I was able to shift her head more onto my chest and she sighed. I moved my left hand down the side of her body to her hip and let it settle there to see if she would protest. I paused and almost stopped breathing I was so tense. My heart was pounding and I swear she could feel it pound as she rested her head on my chest. I lowered my hand slightly further so that it rested over the roundness of her butt. She had on some tight sheer sleeping shorts from PINK and my hand could feel the heat from her firm butt cheeks. Her firm rounded cheeks seemed so sleek and small in the palm of my hand. I could feel Angela tense up just slightly at the touch of my hand on her butt. I waited for the protest to come. I began to think of excuses and what I could say if she yelled at me. But then I felt Angela relax again, ease into my chest again and she did not slap me. Instead she placed her hand on my chest and gently stroked my chest.
After the movie came to the end Angela pushed herself away and looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. I looked back at her a little timid and not really knowing what to do or say.
“Rob, tonight has been so great. I feel so special when I’m with you. Can we go shopping tomorrow and maybe go out for dinner and celebrate my independence from my mom?” I looked back at her with a confident smile.
“Sure, let’s do that. It’s a date.” Her eyes looked so happy and she smiled a dazzling smile with a somewhat devilish grin like she knew something I didn’t know. I was so stunned by her beauty that I had no time to react as she lifted her lips up to mine and gave me a kiss. Not just a “peck” of a kiss, but a real kiss right on the lips with pressure and a brush of her tongue. She jumped up, “Tonight was the best, the very best! I love being with you. Tomorrow will be great.” And then she bounded up the stairs to her bedroom.
I retreated to my bedroom and brought myself to release in a cotton towel as my hard-on had been constant for the last two hours and was giving me blue balls. The next morning Angela took her car to go visit two girl friends from school and said we would go shopping in the afternoon. She came back around 2:00 in the afternoon and went straight upstairs. “I’ll be ready soon.” She called down to me. I got ready and put on some nice slacks and a light blue Lacoste polo shirt and waited for her downstairs.
Angela came down the stairs dressed in a beautiful tan sundress with her hair pulled up in a knot showing off her slender neck and bare shoulders. The top of the dress was tight to her firm breasts and cut out in the back and on the sides revealing more tanned and toned skin. Her Prada sunglasses were perched on her head and she had on elegant diamond stud earrings. The sundress ended slightly above mid-thigh exposing her incredibly bare and tanned sexy legs. When you’re 16 you certainly don’t need stockings to show off your perfect legs. She had on flat sandals that made her look sexy but casual. A perfect summer look, but anyone seeing her would think she was in her 20’s, not 16 at all.
She took my hand and breezed by before turning into me and grabbing me by both arms with urgency. She looked up at me pleadingly with imploring eyes. “Rob, please! Can we shop the way I want to shop? Please, please, pretty please! I’ll be so happy if you agree.” I laughed. “OK, how exactly do you want to shop?”
She looked back at me with a stern look. “Well, first, you can’t buy me everything. I have my stupid stepdad’s credit card and he’s rich. You can only buy me ONE thing and I get to pick which one. Second. Can you pretend to be my boyfriend, just for today in case we meet any of my friends. Please, just for today? Please! You’re so handsome and mature and they will just be green with envy.” Her big blue eyes were like giant saucers open and innocent pleading with me to agree. I laughed and said all of her conditions we fine with me. She sighed in relief and we both laughed together and she gave me a big hug.
At the mall Angela searched and searched for a dress. She asked if we could hold hands so we would “look like a real boyfriend and girlfriend.” So we walked through the mall hand in hand with my cock semi aroused by the contact and the pleasure of walking beside this stunning beauty.
Angela said she wanted to “dress up” tonight and have a “real” dinner date with me “like in the movies” and she wanted her dress to be “special”. Being a striking and slim blue-eyed blond there were certain dresses that she could wear that most girls probably couldn’t pull off. The dress she finally picked after modeling 10 or 15 for me was one of these very special dresses. It was an emerald green silk creation from Ted Baker with a collar neckline and cut-outs around the shoulders and the top of the bust, a scoop back and cut-outs at the waist that accentuated Angela’s tiny 23” waist. The bare skin combined with the tight bust certainly accentuated her firm and high breasts. She put on some black patent leather spike sandals while she modeled it for me. The total effect was stunning. She looked 25 or 26 and incredibly hot. Her transformation from innocent teen to sophisticated young woman was unbelievable. I’m sure my jaw dropped to the floor.
The sales woman was looking at us as Angela twirled and looked in the mirror. She looked at the sales lady. “Just wait, I need to ask my boyfriend what he thinks.” And then she approached me grinning from ear to ear. She leaned in and asked me what I thought in a whisper. I gave her the “thums up” and said the dress was incredible. I told her I wanted to pay for it since it was so beautiful. She looked back at me and admonished me. “Don’t break the rules. I get to pick what you buy. I want you to buy me something a boyfriend would like.” She bought the dress and the shoes and we left.
We continued shopping and then we passed a very expensive looking lingerie shop. She pulled on my hand and we slowed down. “I am going in here, but you can’t come in and look. It’s a surprise. I’ll call you on your cell and you come back and pay for my purchase just like a real boyfriend would. Agreed?” I chuckled and laughed and told her she was too cute for words. She pretended to hit me with her fist and then she grabbed me and kissed me on the lips. “Don’t worry you won’t be disappointed with your purchase.” And then she pushed me away with both arms and we both started to laugh.
After about an hour my phone rang and I headed back to the lingerie shop. Angela was in an animated conversation with the young sales lady who also looked about 25. As I approached they both looked at me like they were devouring me. “Here he is Cindy. Didn’t I tell you he was hot!” The two girls laughed. “Rob, honey can you pay.” I pulled out my Amex and looked at the total of $386.00. I put the card down to pay. Angela grabbed my arm and gave me a hug and a kiss. “See didn’t I tell you he’s the best. So patient and buys me whatever I want.” Cindy looked at me appreciatively and agreed that Angela had a “total catch”. We walked out burdened now with several bags. Angela was grinning ear to ear.
Walking towards the car Angela called out. “Rhianna! Diane!” Two girls in white shorts and tight tops turned and ran towards us. They all hugged and started talking. After a while the two girls were looking at me sideways wondering who I was. Angela grabbed my arm, “Oh, this is my new boyfriend Rob! He’s in university doing a masters.” I could see the reaction in the girls faces. When we left for the car Angela turned to me. “OH MY GOD!! It will be all over school. Thank you! Thank you. You’re the best guy in the whole world. You had so much patience while we were shopping and you were so helpful picking everything out. You didn’t even get mad when I tried on like over 10 dresses. I promise I’ll make tonight a very special night for you, ok?”
I had no idea what she meant since I knew she was off base and beyond my reach, but I did think we could have a good time. We went home to get ready for our date. Pim called and I told her of our plans. She thought it was a great idea to take Angela out and show her some more culture and how a real man treated a date. “Show her a good time so she knows how a real young man with class treats a woman.”
I reserved a table at a nice supper club that had great food and later in the evening had dancing. Angela went upstairs to get ready and I dressed as well and put on some Obsession cologne. I waited for her to come down. She took about 40 minutes to get ready, but finally came down in the incredible emerald green dress with her hair tied-back on each side with tiny braids. Her hair was full and shining and fell beyond her shoulders to her mid-back and she had on dangly diamond earrings. She didn’t wear stockings but her legs were long and stunning and the spike heel sandals were sexy.
We had a great dinner at the supper club and she insisted we order wine because she “looked old enough” and this was a “real date”. I started her with a glass of champagne and she loved the flavor and the bubbles. Later we had a nice French white and we were really having a good time. The evening moved on and the DJ played great music. Angela insisted on dancing again and again and never seemed to get tired. After midnight slow songs came on and I didn’t know how she would react, but she pulled me right up onto the dance floor and held me tight, resting her head on my chest. I was quite simply intoxicated—not by the wine—but by her sexuality. I let my hands wander down to the top of her butt and gently feel the rise of her bum. She didn’t protest as I had expected, but rather pushed her hips into me just a hint harder causing my cock to fill and engorge further. She must have felt it pushing into the flimsy silk of her dress and grinding against her pubic triangle. There was really nothing I could do to hide my erection from her. As we pulled apart at the end of the song she looked up at me and said, “You like me don’t you.” I stuttered and finally blurted out, “Yes Angela, I like you a lot. You’re a very special girl. But I think I’m too old for you.” She looked at me crestfallen, “Auntie Pim had an even bigger age difference with her husband than we have and so does my mom. Everyone knows girls mature faster than boys and need older boyfriends.” She grinned and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go home and watch a movie.”
We headed back home in the car. Great I thought. A movie and then a sexual release into the towel again. My God, this girl is torture. When we got home she stopped by the stairs and turned her back to me. “I need to change into my robe. Unzip me please Mr. Too-old boyfriend.” And she giggled. I reached out and undid the zipper that went right down to the middle of her butt. As the green silk fabric separated it revealed her pink thong panties and I got a fair look at her rounded bum. What a beautiful sight, perfectly firm and rounded. More torture. Angela retreated up the stairs and at the top she called down. “I get to pick the movie.”
She seemed to take a long time upstairs changing and finally came down in a long pink sleeping robe. I don’t know what I was thinking, but of course her visit to the lingerie shop had me hoping for something different and this long robe was a big disappointment. Oh well, control yourself Rob, she’s only 16. She picked the movie “Poison Ivy” which she said had “lots of sexy scenes in it.” I poured some chardonnay and we snuggled up on the couch. Angela took some sips of my wine as we chatted. She pulled in very close to me and without thinking I put my arm around her. The movie did have a lot of sex scenes in it and the story involved a teenage girl who seduces an older man. The sex scenes combined with the closeness of Angela had my cock halfway erect.
Angela stroked by arm and my inner thigh driving me crazy. She snuggled closer and I let my hand fall to her thigh and bum. I again waited for her to stop me but she seemed to stare intently at the movie. My hand gently stroked over the outside of her robe over her bum. Her hand inched higher and higher up my thigh, only a fraction of an inch from my rock hard cock. The movie was in the middle of an incredible sex scene and she whispered in my ear. “Do you find me attractive?” Her face was tilted up and her huge blue eyes were totally innocent. I paused. Her hand moved an inch higher and she felt the outline of my cock and it jumped in response.
She gave me a devilish grin and gave my cock a gentle little squeeze. To me this seemed like the “green light” and I leaned down and our lips met in a kiss that started light and gentle, but soon gained pressure and urgency. She leaned into me and we shared a long and passionate kiss. She started to squirm at her hips and she used her arms to pull herself up onto my lap and straddle my body. The urgency of her kiss was intense and her sex drive was incredibly strong. The passion in her kiss electrified my body and my cock. My brain was no longer in control. Angela was leading me and I could not resist any longer.
I had both hands gripping her butt and then brought them up to feel her firm breasts. I had a hard time feeling her body under the long pale pink night robe. Her tiny hands felt my back and my chest and reached down to rub my giant cock from the outside of my pants. This was what I had fantasized about for the past 2 years.
Angela got up off the couch and looked at me as I stood up. We both ignored the end of the movie. “Do you want to see your purchase?” She looked at me and smiled. I nodded in agreement, but was speechless in my sexual arousal and distress. I was confused, aroused and desperate. She’s only 16 I thought…but she’s legal….but I’m older….I shouldn’t do this….but I must have her! The confused thoughts bounced back and forth in my mind. I needed Angela like I had never needed any woman in my life. Her teasing over the past 2 years had built me to a point where I was helpless in her hands. She was a teen, yet she knew how to lead me on, how to build my arousal like no woman I had ever met, even Pim. My heart was pounding and my cock was begging her to please let me keep going. The anxiety that she would tell me to stop was incredible.
Angela slowly removed the robe and revealed her lingerie. My breath sucked in and I was frozen in place and couldn’t move. Her beauty was stunning. A pale blue lace teddy with dark blue ruffled trim and push-up bra, underwire cups and garter belt that was holding up light blue stockings. The matching blue panties were very tiny with a small triangle at the front and back and silk ribbon bows on each side. The teddy and panties and stockings all had a very faint pattern of hearts woven throughout the fabric in the same color. The effect of the outfit was to make her look much more mature. I hadn’t expected a teddy and stockings on a 16 year old. She looked much older. She looked nervous as her eyes searched mine questioningly. “So?” She said. “Do you like your purchase?” My grin I’m sure gave it all away, but I assured her she was stunning.
“Take me upstairs. I want to go to bed.” She said as she reached out taking me by the hand and leading me up the stairs. In the bedroom it was like she was in control instead of the other way around. I was acting like the teen, not her. Finally my hormones and my experience kicked in and I started to regain some control. I lit the candles next to the bed and turned on the music. Angela moved close to me and I could feel the warmth of her body. The tips of her breast were gently touching my chest. Her hands started to undo my shirt buttons. “I want you to teach me.” She said.
My shirt and pants fell away and I was standing in front of her in the candle light with just my Calvin Klein boxers. She reached down and rubbed my huge cock and she trembled. I took her in my arms and lay her on the bed. My hands pulled the teddy away exposing the tiny light pink nipples on her beautiful 34B breasts. I moved my lips down and started to suck her perky breasts, licking and sucking her young nipples until the nipples were hard little buttons. Her hips were squirming and shifting and she let out sigh after sigh.
I moved my lips down her firm muscled stomach towards her panties and I moved my hands under her butt cheeks, holding one cheek firmly in each hand. I could smell her feminine smell and my lips and nose could feel the heat coming from her vagina lips. I pushed the blue triangle of silk panty away from the lips that were already wet with juices on their rim. She tried to clench her thighs together to block my access and her hands anxiously grabbed my head to push it away. I paused and waited but did not let her push me away. Slowly her thigh muscles relaxed. I used my hands to gently pressure her thighs apart. “I’m a bit scared.” She whispered down to me. “Don’t worry, I’ll be ever so gentle.” I whispered back. Her legs gently relaxed and I lowered my lips to her pussy lips. I started with the very lightest flicks of my tongue. I gently over time penetrated just so slightly inside her outer lips, probing for her clit. The sighs became louder and louder eventually turning into moans. Her vagina juices were sweet and light with the smell and taste only teen girls can have.
I found her clit. A nice firm little nub positioned just at her vagina entrance. I sucked gently at first and then flicked it with my tongue. Her hips quivered and her thigh muscles contracted. This girl was horny and responsive unlike any girl I had ever had. I continued with the very slow and gentle approach as I knew she needed to be built up or she would become too sensitive. I moved back up to her breasts and let her clit and vagina calm down. When I moved back I slowly wet my finger and gently started to probe her vagina. Again she tensed and pushed her legs together. Again I waited and patiently parted her legs. My finger slowly inched its way into her vagina and moved back and forth with gentle strokes. I could feel it coming, her first orgasm. I let it just develop and didn’t increase the speed or pressure of my tongue or finger. It was a beautiful and gentle orgasm. She cried out and arched her back digging her fingernails into my scalp.
“What happened she said?” I looked up at her prone body, swelled breasts pointing upwards with tiny pink nipples erect and aroused and beads of sweat on her neck glinting in the candlelight. “You had an orgasm honey.” She sighed. “It felt fantastic. Is that what you do to Auntie Pim?” I laughed. “Of course. This is what a man and a woman do for each other.” She said, “I’ve never had one of those with any of the other boys, but I’ve never let them touch me down there. Is yours like that too.” I looked across her incredible body. “Yes, my orgasms are like that too. But I just can’t have so many like you.” Angela pushed herself up on her elbows and then pushed me onto my back. She stared at the large bulge sticking straight up from my underwear and she smiled and peeled my boxers over my cock and off my legs, dropping them to the floor. She looked at me and said, “You know I have had a crush on you since I was 12 and have dreamed of you taking my virginity.” She took her tiny hands and started to stroke my cock and then with hesitant movements she moved her lips to the head of my cock and started to suck on it. She looked so innocent and beautiful with her blond hair hanging down. Her gentle and inexperienced sucking drove me insane. It was hard to even control myself. I needed to use all my control to stop from coming almost instantly. Her hands lightly touched my balls and she ran her hands across my chest and my inner thighs. Although she was inexperienced, her innocence and beauty made the whole thing an incredible turn on.
Slowly her lips sucked harder and she took more and more of my cock into her mouth. She could only get about 3 inches in, but it felt incredible. She looked up at me. “Does that feel nice.” I nodded and grabbed her by the waist and lay her on the bed. My cock needed to be inside this amazing 16 year-old angel that had just given me an innocent but amazing blowjob. My cock was pulsing and throbbing. I looked down at her with her legs spread slightly apart and I pulled the ties at the side of her panties and pulled them off. I gazed across her young body and let my hand lightly touch the inside of her thighs and brush across her pussy lips. She responded with new arousal. I gently massaged Angela’s pussy on the outer lips feeling the juices begin to flow anew and she closed her eyes and called out to me to not stop. I moved my finger a little inside, maybe one inch or so and stroked her clit gently with my thumb. Without a word she grabbed my hand and took it to her mouth and sucked on my finger to taste her own pussy juice. I knew from the look on her face, from the innocence in her eyes, that this was all a first time for her.
The image of this fresh young girl spread on the bed in front of me, the effect of her licking my finger, was all intense and brought my cock to its full rock hard height. I brought my lips instantly down to her pussy to increase her arousal with my tongue. I shoved my tongue deep into her with more pressure and speed than the first time. She arched her body in pleasure and moaned. I flicked her clit and altered the speed and pressure using every technique I knew to bring her to the edge. One second my tongue was in her vagina, the next it was flickering across her clit. I continued to lick and tease her towards a second climax. Then I inserted my finger deeper into her pussy moving it in and out with new speed and urgency. Her moans and screams got louder and finally she arched her back, her legs trembled and shook and she thrust her hips again and again into my face. I held onto her ass tightly with both hands and kept contact with her clit and vagina bringing her to an incredible pulsing climax with Angela’s tight vaginal walls grabbing onto my finger with pulse after pulse. My tongue flicked again and again bringing her to an orgasm much bigger than the first one. I needed to fuck her tight pussy now.
“Rob, OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! That was incredible. That was so incredible! Now I know what if feels like to be a woman. OH MY GOD that was so good!” She reached out and grabbed my hip and pulled me over her body. “Please, take me now. Put your cock in me now. I need you so much. I need you to fill me up the way you do Auntie Pim. But please be gentle, I’m a virgin.”
The moment I had dreamed about for years was about to happen. Angela was laid spread eagle for me, exhausted by a massive orgasm, with a wet and inviting virgin pussy. I looked down and guided my hard cock to the entrance to her tight pink pussy lips. I held my big purple cock head just at the entrance and pushed gently. Her lips and vaginal walls were totally contracted and tight. I pushed harder and she dug her fingernails into my back and tensed up causing the vagina walls to be even tighter. I held my cock in place and waited for her to relax and then I pushed just a little more when her muscles relaxed. With all the juices my cock head finally slipped in. She let out a huge sigh and moan as she felt her walls expand to accommodate my cock. I held it ony about 1” in so that she could get used to it. I asked her if she was ok and to let me know if she wanted me to stop. She told me to continue, but to please be gentle. Angela was so very tight that it took a while to work my cock into her. I met her hymen after about 4” and I told her to grab me tightly while I broke through. Luckily she didn’t think it hurt too much and after a bit of soft movements back and forth I had all 8’” of my rock hard cock inside her. She was incredibly tight!
I held onto Angela and rolled over onto my back so she could wrap her slim legs across me and straddle my cock while sitting on top of me. Her head leaned back so her long hair tickled my balls and she let out a huge moan. I reached up and undid the stockings from the garters. Then I pulled myself up and put my arms around her tiny waist and we embraced in a passionate kiss with her legs straddling each side of me. I took my hands and undid the snaps at the back of the teddy and removed it. Now her tanned teen body, slim waist, flared hips and firm teen tits were in full view with the soft candlelight highlighting her breasts and waist. Those firm 34B’s with her tiny pink nipples hard as little nubs of candy cane were the most beautiful breasts I had ever seen. I lay back and enjoyed the view while with each hand my finger and thumb took hold of a pink nipple and with gentle pinches drove her wild sending shocks of pleasure through her vagina and up to her brain. Angela was breathing heavily and her nails were digging into my chest. Her pubic mound was grinding into my pelvic bone as she moved closer and closer to orgasm and she tried to increase the friction on her clit. Her moans and breathing got louder and louder causing my excitement to increase in anticipation of the coming orgasm.
I tried to teach her how to hold back and delay the orgasm, but she was too inexperienced with her own body and before I knew it her entire body tensed up as she exploded into another massive orgasm, crying out in enjoyment as her pussy contracted and grasped my dick again and again in pulsing waves. She thrashed her hips back and forth and it was all I could do to keep control and not blow my load.
When Angela’s body stopped pulsating uncontrollably against my cock, I told her to take each of my hands and I taught her how to move her hips and to build her pleasure up slowly. I reached down and lightly fingered her clit to increase the pleasure. When I felt she was ready I grabbed her hips and lifted her off my cock. I turned her over and got her on her knees and elbows with her bum high in the air and arching her back. She looked back at me with her beautiful blue eyes and blond hair and anxiously waited as I moved my cock towards her pussy opening and penetrated her from this new position from behind. Grabbing hold of her hips I penetrated her to my full length and she moaned and cried out. I slowly increased the speed of my thrusts from behind and Angela moaned and used one of her hands to reach back and rub her own clit.
I could feel Angela’s stomach muscles tensing and her tight pussy walls were contracting again and again against my cock. I felt my own cum building in my balls and the pressure was getting too great to control. I called out and told Angela I was going to come. This seemed to be like a signal that set off an electric shock in her pussy and brain. She moaned loudly and I started to thrust even faster in response. Angela screamed out and asked me to come, please come. I moved my hips faster and her breathing became uncontrolled. Finally I couldn’t hold back anymore and I shot load after load into her pussy and within second she exploded into her own orgasm and we came together.
I held my cock deep inside her and we both collapsed onto the bed. We lay there panting and after a while I pulled up the covers and we curled into a close embrace with me holding her from behind and my cock still inside her slowly deflating. When my cock finally fell out she turned and she smiled at me and I smiled back. Both of us were exhausted and she finally said she was going to clean up in the bathroom. She walked to the bathroom completely naked giving me that little wiggle of her butt that she would give me when she was teasing me in her jeans.
She came back from the bathroom and looked at me with a sly smile and a grin like she had just won the lottery. She was assessing the situation and I knew exactly what she was thinking. Angela had me right where she wanted me, right where she had planned. She had seduced me and I hadn’t even known it was happening. I just didn’t know what I would tell Pim when she got back.
Not a bad story but I thought the buildup was overly long and seemed to take forever before the couple finally reached the point of having sex together,
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