This isn’t what I did last summer it is however a highly fictionalized version of about the period I would’ve had to have written my last “What I did on my summer vacation” essay. Time and Place: Early 1990s in central Florida, the rural area north of Orlando, this is the approximate time and place of the author’s formative years.
At fifteen, John Lawrence was a normal teenager who was going to go into his sophomore year at Lake Helen High school. That is when school started up again. At the moment he was free and life was good.
He knew this was his last summer. A year from now he’d be job hunting, so he could work to put money away for college. He was a smart kid and knew that this was important but couldn’t help feeling a bit wistful that these few months would be his last time of pure childhood freedom.
John’s story took place in the sweltering Florida heat. Where, before school was even out, the temperatures were almost in triple digits and the humidity made it feel like you were breathing through a hot, damp towel.
This fact made things uncomfortable for our hero whose only mode of transportation was his bicycle. John lived in a rural area and though some of his classmates lived near the center of town most lived in the farming rural area around it. He did have his two best friends nearby: David and Joseph. David lived a five minute bike ride away (if you turn left when leaving John’s driveway) and so did Joseph (if you turn right out of the driveway).
Though it was in a central location the trio always, invariably hung out at Joseph’s. First, for the reason that Joseph’s family had a pool, and second because Joseph’s house, being closer to town had girls their age within bikable distance.
One day David arrived at John’s and slumped down at the table. John tossed him a coke and let his friend recover from the ride. David stopped at John’s so that they could ride over to Joseph’s together. Also since David was a bigger guy; he actually would have been made fun of as a fat kid if he weren’t a JV football player. His size made him a good guard/tackle on the line; therefore he was free from ridicule. However biking wasn’t his strongest suit. David was soon ready to go and the duo set out for Joseph’s house.
The route took them past two girls’ house, Janet Sparks, a junior who was tall, plain but buxom, and Kamala Patel a cute girl who was a year younger than them, so wouldn’t go to the high school until after this summer ended. All the houses on the route were spaced fairly far apart. In the rural area there were enough pastures and farms around for mischief (both of the kind for kids a few years younger than John & Co. and of the kind for those a few years older as well). The side of the road was often littered with beer cans, broken bottles, cigarette butts, and an occasional condom wrapper.
At the edge of one of these pastures David spoke up “What’s that?” and pulled his bike to the side of the road. John looked around and also noticed the odd colors in a ditch.
It was a deep depression probably the beginning of a sinkhole. They’d seen it before and it was of little interest but today it was fluttering with color. As the boys approached John said “Magazines dude.”
The picked one up a piece there appeared to be about 15 in the ditch. “It’s fucking porn!” David shouted as he flipped franticly through the pages. John could plainly see his friend was right. He looked down at a blond woman feeding a very big cock into her mouth. John looked at the cover it wasn’t one he recognized (at fifteen he didn’t know much but he knew the big three: Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler) He looked down at the ditch they all were similar he sat down and picked up another.
“Dude, Goldmine!” John said.
This was obvious to both, though neither had seen anything like it before (they both had computers though the internet hadn’t reached their neighborhood yet, the 56k modem wouldn’t be readily available for a year or two). They looked through more blondes, brunettes, redheads; oral, vaginal and even anal. The dialogue between them reduced to “Whoa look at this!” and “Dude, check this one out!”
John pulled himself out of his reverie. “David, we can’t leave these here someone will come back for them or some kid or old lady will find ‘em and they’ll get thrown out. Help me look around for a bag.”
David looked up from his magazine “There’s one underneath these, like a gas station kind.”
John found it with its ‘have a nice day’ happy face and he started piling up the magazines and then put them in the bag there were 18 total. “Fuck man, eighteen.”
“Fuck,” was David’s response.
John said that they had better get over to Joseph’s and tell him about the stash. The rode their bikes and taking turns holding the bag riding one handed.
As they approached Joseph’s house and seeing that there was no car in the driveway meaning that the house was safe from authority figures; Joseph and John were only children and David had a brother in college. John had a brainwave which he would explain as soon as David showed Joseph the stash. After much delighted surprise by their friend John laid out his plan. He took several plastic grocery bags and several big Ziploc freezer bags.
“Look we can’t keep these in our rooms sooner or later they’re going to get found by our parents. We have to find a place to leave them out in the bushes where there isn’t a house nearby.” They agreed, having the magazines outside would give them plausible deniability, they understood the concept if not the name; they knew none of their rooms were safe from parental search and seizure, and for a teenage boy this contraband was very valuable.
They only had a little time to divvy up the porn between them and weather proof the bundles before Joseph’s mom returned from the store. They stashed the bundles between the mattress and box-spring till later and then went out to the pool to swim.
When Joseph’s Mom got home she wanted to know whether the boys would like to stay for dinner. They both thought that’d be great and called their mom’s to ask permission. They swam and splashed around, then rode around to see if any girls their age were around.
Only Jane Hamilton was in the neighborhood that day. That wasn’t a bad thing; Jane was very pretty. She was a junior varsity cheerleader, and was going out with one of David’s teammates for JV football. Joseph lived nearest to her but couldn’t talk to her at all. His embarrassment was caused by his having a crush on her for seven years. David would tease him about it, though never in front of her, he wouldn’t do that to his friend, no matter how amusing. Today David made sure to wave ‘hi’ and talk with her for almost half an hour, asking about her boyfriend, wondering when cheerleading camps started in the summer, and what the cheerleaders that he thought were cute were up to.
David wasn’t cruel, as they rode off from the young cheerleader’s house he said to Joseph “Dude, you can’t not talk to her. If you act intimidated she’s never going to look twice at you. My brother set it out for me. Chicks like confidence in guys. I think it is more people admire confidence in people.”
Joseph didn’t respond glad to be away from the uncomfortable situation. They rode back in time for dinner. Afterwards the boys excused themselves to Joseph’s room and retrieved their porn packages and slipped them into the waist of their pants so they could ride home with them hidden. They took Joseph’s too, hiding it in the agreed upon spot in the roadside bushes in an undeveloped property down the road. There were enough undeveloped plots with thick growing Lantana bushes that this was where John and David would hide theirs in plots close to their homes.
John and David started for home just as twilight began. They pedaled along the route and saw a girl walking ahead of them. They recognized it was Kamala Patel who they hadn’t seen in a while as she had just finished eighth grade in the middle school while they were freshmen at the high school. They stopped to say ‘hi’ and chat for a bit. David saw it was going to get dark and he had further to go than John so said ‘bye’ to them and rode off.
John had always got on okay with Kamala. She was pretty sheltered by her parents. She didn’t ride the bus like the rest of the kids around there; her father drove her and her sisters to school each morning and picked them up in the afternoon. A lot of people thought she was stuck up because of that but she was always friendly to John.
He appraised her now. She had her full, often unruly, black hair tied back in a ponytail. She was a bit more developed than she was when he was in 8th grade and her in 7th. She was about three and a half inches shorter than he was. She had on a spaghetti strap tank top, with a sports bra underneath, a pair of walking shorts coming to her mid thighs, which in the dying light looked warm and buttery. She was fairly light skinned, with almost a Mediterranean tone and though it was difficult to see in the growing darkness she had intelligent green eyes and a kind smile.
He talked to her about joining the high school which teachers were cool and which were pains. She said she was really excited to go to high school, almost hoping the summer would go quickly. He told her that he wasn’t and explained that this would be his last summer of freedom before having to start work next summer. She said she already worked at her Dad’s dry-cleaning place doing the easier stuff. Since her father owned it she would work there till she went to college and even on college summers and holidays. But then again her Dad would also pay for all her college stuff as long as she kept her grades up. She was going to have a pretty boring summer she really only had her younger sisters and her friends weren’t nearby she only saw them at school or at the mall occasionally.
John changed the subject feeling bad for her and kinda ashamed that he didn’t want the summer to end also. “So do you go out on walks a lot?”
“Every day after dinner, otherwise I’ll get a gut like my Dad.” She rubbed her own belly which wasn’t big at all. He remembered Mr. Patel did have a bit of a Buddha belly, but that was not out of the ordinary for a middle aged man.
“I can’t tell that you need it.” John said plainly, and then noticed that she blushed even in soft light.
“No?” She inquired, “Look.” She lifted her shirt exposing her stomach from her waist to the bottom of her sports bra. Her delicate olive shaped navel and just the tiniest bit of puppy fat. She looked soft and womanly for being just fourteen. There was nothing John would object to; in fact the sight coupled with her unexpected boldness in showing him, gave him an erection.
If Kamala noticed his aroused state she didn’t mention it. She dropped her shirt and looked at his face; his lips had parted when his jaw dropped.
John recovered and answered “You have nothing to worry about. High school guys will be fighting over you.” He winked at her. She laughed heartily and slapped his arm.
They were approaching the turn for the road that went toward his house which Kamala said was her turn around point.
John asked “Hey if you go out on your walks about the same time every night I’ll see you quite a bit and we can talk some more, is that cool?”
She smiled “Yeah that’d be cool. I won’t be lonely and then we can both want the summer to last a long time.”
He smiled too and said he’d see her later. They both smiled waved and parted ways.
John stopped by the plot near his house to hide the bag holding the porn (now sweaty from the perspiration of his back) under the branches in the bushes.
He needed to thank David tomorrow. He didn’t know if he could’ve talked to the pretty Indian girl so easily without David giving that advice to Joseph. Confidence… He’d remember that.
The next day David went to John’s, and they both went to Joseph’s house. The three swam; they rode around conversing with those they knew. They talked among themselves about the magazines, and they left to go home a bit before dinner time. John ate with his folks and told them he was going for another ride around just to get rid of some excess energy.
He went and met up with Kamala and they walked together talking about whatever popped into their heads. They were able to converse so easily, you’d think they had talked together daily for years. They both had a lot in common and despite their differences. Those made her seem to him exotic, rare, and precious. They were both studious, both liked hanging out at the mall, and both were avid readers. But Kamala was very seldom allowed to watch television, she was raised not only on girly pop music but also Hindi music that he had to admit didn’t know even existed. She followed cricket along with her father (which John thought of as crazy British baseball) as well as golf which she and her dad played often. Most striking of all was that she and her younger siblings worked with her parents after school each day and all day during the holidays, nothing backbreaking, but the idea of not having days off to goof off was totally alien to the boy.
They talked till they came to her turn around point and he waved goodbye. Before he could pedal away she asked “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
He nodded and smiled “Definitely Kamala.”
John then went to the bushes and flipped through one of the magazines until it got to dark to see clearly. Then he went home.
This became a pattern for a week or so. Then David began football camp and it was just John and Joseph most days. Joseph also related the first day without David around that it was also the first day of Cheerleading Camp so Jane Hamilton wouldn’t be around.
John hung around later than usual that day and they rode their bikes till early evening. John set it up and timed it perfectly; they drove by Jane’s house just as her mom was pulling in the driveway from picking up Jane from her first day of cheer training.
John turned to Joseph, “Let’s go say ‘hi’. You ask how her first day of camp went. She’ll be pleased you remembered that it was today.”
He didn’t give Joseph time to stop him he pulled over and shouted “Hey Jane. How’s it going?”
She smiled and came over to say hi. “You guys are riding around late.”
John said “Yeah, nothing better to do. Besides David started football training today and we’re able to go a bit faster without him.” This caused her to laugh. It was fun to hear David’s friends teasing his larger size good naturedly. While she laughed John gave Joseph a pointed look that meant ‘You’re on.’
“You started your cheerleading training today too. How was it?” Joseph said.
Jane looked at him smiled and said “It was great Joseph. Thank you, it’s amazing you remembered that. No wonder you’re so good in school with that memory.”
“Well I am a nerd. That’s what we do,” Joseph said. He did have a tendency toward self deprecation.
“Oh please, you’re not a nerd. You’re pretty cool.”
Joseph blushed and couldn’t say anymore. The conversation petered off and they all said they’d talk to each other later.
Joseph asked John “Why’d you embarrass me like that?”
John had to stop his bike and look at his friend incredulously. “Dude you’re such an idiot, if I wasn’t there she would’ve jumped your bones right then. She was totally into you.”
“She has a boyfriend, man.”
“Okay maybe that was holding her back a bit too, but she likes you dude. Anyone looking at that conversation could see that.”
Joseph didn’t say anything else. Part of him did pick up on that too and made him feel really light for the rest of the day.
John raced home and ate quickly but was still late meeting with Kamala she was about a quarter of her way through her walk.
“Sorry I’m late I was late getting home after riding around with Joseph.” He told her the story along with Joseph’s long crush on Jane Hamilton
“I just tried to force him into it because he should have confidence like David was saying.”
“Oh what was David saying about confidence?”
“It was that other time we met Jane and David talked to her. He was saying if someone acts intimidated they won’t get noticed by people that they want to notice them. People admire confidence.”
Kamala intoned “Faint heart never won fair lady”
“Yeah! Exactly, and then that night we saw you walking for the first time and I was able to talk to you; and that worked out really great.”
Kamala looked at him and John felt his innards shrinking. “So you would’ve been scared to talk to me if you didn’t get that confidence pep talk?”
John was silent. He opened his mouth but no words fell out of it.
“Do you have a crush on me like Joseph does on Jane Hamilton?”
“Uh… I’m not as scared of you as Joseph is of Jane.”
“Oh so your crush is only little then?” Kamala smiled as she said it but her eyes weren’t smiling. Her eyes were hungry.
John took a deep breath let it go and told the truth. “I like you Kamala I think you’re really pretty and smart and cool to be around but I didn’t know all that until I started talking to you.”
It was Kamala’s turn to stand with her pretty mouth open but silent.
“You think I’m pretty?”
“You sound surprised. I think you very pretty.”
“John. Will you kiss me?” she asked.
John moved close to her and bent his head to hers and did just that. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close to her. Her developing breasts crushing into his young chest. It was so natural that it was impossible to tell who opened their lips first. John’s tongue slid out and touched Kamala’s lips as her tongue thrust forward to meet it. She closed her eyes but the hunger that burned in them took hold of her body and pressed against him as her mouth clamped harder to his.
Minutes later they came apart. She looked at him. “Tomorrow, don’t be late okay?”
They kissed again briefly and waved and walked back towards their houses.
The next day he wasn’t late. She walked around the corner and saw his easy smile. She walked right up to him and kissed him hard and eagerly. He had to step back to keep from losing his balance then put his hands to cup her face and stroke her hair because the temptation of her body was too great otherwise. She gripped his hair and held him to her.
Her body pressed against his and he knew she felt how hard she made him. He let his hands fall and placed them under her ass, he lifted her up by her butt and spun her around never breaking the kiss but causing her to smile and giggle in her throat.
He pulled away smiling broadly at her glowing, happy face. “Hi Kamala, how was your day?”
Kamala might’ve been sorry to have the kiss end but was slightly gratified that John still wanted to converse with her instead of just spending 20 minutes just kissing.
They set out walking. Both their days were uneventful. Kamala spent it in her parent’s shop reading and daydreaming. Tuesdays were usually slow. John hung out with Joseph again and swam and rode around.
“You must have had a bit to say about yesterday. Huh?” Kamala said.
“Joseph and I talked about him talking to Jane a bit.”
“I meant about our kiss.”
“I didn’t mention it. Kamala, they don’t know that I’ve been walking with you.”
She looked really hurt, as though her eyes might coat with tears. “Why?”
“I like you a lot Kamala but… it’s hard to explain. My friends; if I told them anything that we did they’d ask ‘Did I do this yet?’ ‘Did I do that yet?’ and I don’t want the pressure to rush or try to rush and end up scaring you off or whatever.”
Kamala smiled again but still looked pensive. “You sound like your looking out for me but it also sounds like your scared to stand up to your friends.”
John thought about it, he thought he had good reasons. He still did think his reasons were good. “I just thought it was the easiest way to avoid peer pressure.”
“I know John. I just don’t want you to keep me a secret from people. I know I do it too from my parent’s, but when school starts up again I’ll want to tell my friends. We’ll figure it out it doesn’t have to be rushed.”
“Thanks, I’ll think about it. You make a good point. Though guys talking about women can get pretty rough I just want to keep you out of that. I’ll…” John faded off lost in his own thoughts.
Kamala put her hand on his chest and got on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek, then whispered “Hey don’t think about it know. Take your time we’ll talk about it again in a week or two.” She kissed him playfully sucking his bottom lip into her mouth.
John squeezed her into a tight embrace and kissed her back. He certainly didn’t think of it again for the rest of their walk.
John asked the next night if she wanted to go to the mall on Friday. They could meet there and hang out in an air conditioned, mosquito-free place. Kamala told him that’d be great but they couldn’t risk kissing there. If it got back to her Dad that anything was going on, then she would be in major trouble. John assured her it’d be worth it to hang out with her for more time than just the half hour or so that they usually spent together.
John did have an ulterior motive, though nothing insidious. He wanted to make her happy by not keeping her a secret from his friends and he did feel cowardly about not telling them. He knew that if he and Kamala were together at the mall, especially on a Friday evening, word would get back to David (and through David, the more sociable of his two friends, Joseph would find out) that he was with the pretty Indian girl. Even if they weren’t seen kissing or holding hands this was the Rural South and word would spread quickly that they were hanging out and people would ask if more was going on.
On Friday Kamala was dropped off at the mall about twenty minutes after John was dropped off. His mom decided to meet some coworkers for a chick flick after a cocktail or two at the mall’s bar/restaurant.
She walked inside and John was very tempted to walk up and kiss her. He hadn’t seen her hair out of a ponytail for over a year.It was often unmanageable (in her words because of the Florida humidity). Tonight she put the effort into it and it flowed elegantly over her shoulders. He also hadn’t seen her in non-workout clothes since over a year ago. He really liked her figure and her legs were often admired on their evening walks. However until that night hadn’t appreciated her breasts. Her walking gear usually consisted of a sports bra under her tank top which constrained her chest quite a bit. Now she was in a pair of tight dark jeans and a white polo shirt that was form fitting enough to enhance her growing breasts. Her breasts were much fuller than he would have guessed. In fact at fourteen she filled a 34 C bra (which seemed bigger to John since she was short). He looked at her with surprise. She saw his look and was concerned.
“What’s up John? You Okay?” She asked.
This broke his stupor. “Yeah… I’m, uh, fine… sorry.”
Kamala wasn’t going to let go of the topic so easily. “Why’d you give me that look?”
John blushed “It’s embarrassing, Kamala.”
“Now I really want to know.”
“Well it’s that I haven’t seen you in normal clothes since middle school a year ago. Your um…” he whispered to avoid people overhearing “walking bra doesn’t show off your um, breasts, as much.”
“Oh.” Now Kamala was embarrassed she had thought John liked her body. “Do you not like them?”
John smiled “No I like them a lot they just were more than I expected. I didn’t know that your workout clothes um hid so much.” He ended with a chuckle. She joined in the laughing and they walked off. “You really do look really beautiful tonight.” He told her sincerely which made her smile.
They almost grasped hands as they walked and then remembered keeping safe, because of Kamala’s Dad, didn’t. They chatted and walked around. Kamala noticed John’s eyes stray to her chest several times, this gave her pride. She couldn’t resist reaching over and touching his hand whenever they sat down on benches.
They went into only one or two stores. John wasn’t a shopper and really Kamala wasn’t either. She wanted to find something to try on, so that she could show off to him. They made a circuit around the mall and in the bigger department store found a very pretty looking sundress; it would show off her breasts in a way that she knew her boyfriend would like.
“Boyfriend? Did she consider John to be her boyfriend?” She asked herself “and did John think of her as his girlfriend?” Her head swam as she went into the changing room. She figured there wasn’t any need to rush the labeling process, but with her curiosity piqued she wondered how long till she’d last till she needed to know.
John waited outside the fitting room for her to emerge and was astounded when she did. Her copper skin was perfectly accentuated by the light red dress. Her legs were shown off to the knee. While her breasts released from the brassiere were in their glory. The dress had built in bra cups and a plunging neck line that was sure to draw attention to the petite girl’s chest.
“Wow” was all John could manage to say.
Kamala smiled. When she looked at John she definitely considered him as a boyfriend. It took no thought to determine to find out his view of her. “Do you think I’m a pretty girlfriend?”
“Of course I do Kamala.” He didn’t even flinch at the term, just accepted it blithely. “You look amazing.” He leaned in to whisper conspiratorially “though it might be in part because you’re bra-less.”
“Okay I get that you like the body, but do you like the dress? I might get my Dad to take me back tomorrow to pick it up.”
John appraised her again. “I think that I’d get really jealous of all the guys that will look at you in it, but yeah it looks great.”
“Hmmm. I’ll think about it then. Okay let me change back.”
Kamala was flushed with happiness and pride at John’s declaration of being boyfriend/girlfriend. She changed and put the dress back and she and John walked around a bit more. When they passed the back entrance to the mall Kamala got a very naughty idea. She made sure the coast was clear and grabbed John’s arm pulling him out to the loading dock area for the malls stores. On a Friday night there weren’t any big trucks there and it was away from the crowds and parking lots. John looked confused about her detour until she grabbed his head pulling him down to kiss her.
John mumbled “But what about…” but Kamala just kissed him again.
“No one’s around.” She reassured him, a moment later, and he began participating with greater zeal. He eased her against the wall, further into the shadows to avoid detection and kissed her harder. His hands slipped from her cheeks to her neck. His hands then slipped to her shoulders, then her breasts. He was still astounded by their fullness he had underestimated till that night. His hands cupped each breast and gently squeezed.
She responded to that with a gasp and whimper. Her leg, she’d swear later, acting of its own accord, lifted and wrapped around his waist pulling his crotch tightly up against hers. She heard him moan and she did too. Her fifteen year old, white boyfriend stoked fires she hadn’t suspected were alive inside of her.
They kissed harder and John broke off saying “Wow!”
Kamala coming to her senses a bit, stepped away from John. Worried about how far they went and how far she’d be willing to go. She looks at him and states “Wow is right. Come on though we shouldn’t stay here.”
They returned inside and soon found a bench to sit and talk in, each finding any excuse to touch the other’s hands even if it was too risky to hold hands. Though focused on Kamala, John did see a few of David’s football teammates and a few other classmates, so he assumed word of Kamala and himself out would get to his friends soon enough. Soon it was time for Kamala to leave and not long after that John’s mother emerged from the theater and they returned home, but before leaving Kamala said she’d take longer walks on the weekends.
Kamala for her new elongated weekend walks decided to try dispensing with the sports bra and went out in just a skimpy tank top and shorts, though as soon as she saw her attractive boyfriend approaching her nipples stiffened. They did walk further away from their houses, finding a place to rest on a pasture fence. John looked at Kamala admiringly and held her hand. He jumps down from the fence and stood in front of her he kisses her softly on the lips. He kisses her cheek, her chin, and down to her neck. He kisses down her neck to her shoulder and then her collar bone.
Kamala wrapped her legs around John’s chest and ran her fingers through his hair. John’s hands, meanwhile, slid from hugging her waist to feeling her braless tits. He rubbed his palms over her nipples and cupped them. His fingers toyed with her nipples pinching them through her thin shirt. All the while he kissed her neck, shoulders, and clavicle.
Kamala whispered “Ahh! John! Are you going to kiss my breasts?”
John hadn’t had that intention before, but he did as soon as she said it. His hands went to her shirts spaghetti straps and slid them off her shoulders. Kamala snaked her arms out to free him to disrobe her further. He didn’t hesitate he pulled the shirt down, so it bunched at her waist, revealing mahogany nipples, stiff and tender. John wasted no time. He took Kamala’s nipple between his lips and sucked at it lovingly. He flicked his tongue over it and repeated it after hearing the girl’s pleased gasp. Her other nipple received attention from his hand and he eagerly pinched and caressed it. Kamala knew that she was wetter than she had ever been.
She gripped his hands shoving his suckling mouth further onto her young breast. Her legs wrapped around his torso and she pulled him in against her. The crotch of her shorts was pushed up against his young firm chest, and as it rubbed against him Kamala felt herself getting pushed to the edge.
John took her delicate nipple between his teeth and began to chew softly while his tongue rasped over the tip. This caused Kamala to cum and cum hard. She stiffened, moaned, and inevitably (considering her position) lost her balance, falling off the fence into his arms in a semi-swoon.
John lowered her down to the ground as she was unable to stand. He knelt over her kissing her forehead and looking into her green eyes.
Kamala soon recovered she sat up and kissed him. “Thank you.”
“You scared me Kamala. Are you okay? Can you stand?”
“I’m better than okay.” She looked into his eyes so he’d know the import “You gave me an orgasm, Baby, a strong one too.”
He smiled at her and her heart melted even more. He offered his hand to help her rise. It was about time that she made it back to her house. She arranged her shirt so she was no longer exposed John seemed sad to watch her breasts being covered again. He walked her almost the whole way back to make sure she would be able to make it. He held her hand the entire time and she continued to lean over to kiss his neck and cheek. But then they said their adieus and promised more tomorrow.
The next day was Sunday and John hung around his house with his family taking care of chores. He saw Kamala that evening they walked and talked discussing what happened yesterday but deciding not to risk anything that night. Kamala stated that her panties were so wet that she had to hide them from her mother so as not to arouse suspicion. John countered half jokingly that she shouldn’t wear panties at all in that case. Kamala teased by saying that maybe next time she wouldn’t.
John said, “Kamala I do have news for you. I don’t know if you’ll like it or call me a coward”
Kamala was worried but said “Okay tell me.”
“I told you that I haven’t told my friends about you and me. When we went to the mall on Friday I thought that that might be an easier way for me to tell them. See if someone at the mall saw us talking and hanging out they are going to gossip about it to David or Joseph. I know a football player did see us actually. So it’ll get back to them and if they bring it up all I have to do is not deny it. I know it’s not the bravest thing to do but it was in between telling them and not telling them.”
Kamala was to John’s surprised not concerned, “As long as you’re not keeping me a secret I don’t care. I’m keeping you a secret from my parents so I really don’t have any right to complain.
John kissed her and stroked her hair. They stood there for a few minutes just caressing and then continued their walk. They kissed again not wanting the romantic stroll to end but they soon parted for their homes.
Monday John and Joseph spent the day riding around and swimming. John once again timed it so they drove by Jane Hamilton’s house at the moment of her arrival home. John knew that Joseph must’ve seen through the ploy but he went along. Despite his embarrassment, Joseph really did like seeing the cheerleader.
Jane waved and walked over to Joseph and John. Joseph said ‘hi’ without prompting, surprisingly. Jane was cordial to them and then turned to John with a glint in her eye. “So John, Kristen says she saw you at the Mall on Friday.”
“Yeah I was there.” John should’ve known cheerleaders would be there.
“She said you were there with a pretty Indian girl.”
“Kamala Patel, She lives down the road from me I pass her house coming over to hang with Joseph.”
Joseph looked lost in the conversation, but Jane smiled getting into the gossip. “So are you two together?”
“Yeah, we’re together.”
“What?!” said Joseph, “You didn’t say anything. What the heck Man?”
“Sorry dude… I should’ve told you. I just didn’t know how to bring it up.”
“So, have you done anything with her?”Joseph asked not realizing he said it right in front of Jane.
John defended himself from his friend by turning to the girl present, “Sorry Jane. Joseph’s been reading too many dirty magazines.”
Joseph blushed and Jane looked between the two before saying to John “Stick to the topic at hand. What Joseph meant was ‘is it serious?’”
“We’ve been talking for a while but started seeing each other about a week ago. Part of me not telling the guys is that I like her and didn’t want peer pressure to make me screw things up with her. “
“That’s cool John.” Jane said.
Joseph was still blushing and quiet John didn’t mean to shut him up permanently just about Kamala and what they’ve done. “Look sorry man I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I just want to keep some things between Kamala and me private. Okay?”
“Sorry man that’s cool. I shouldn’t’ve asked like that. And I’m sorry I said that in front of you Jane.”
Jane laughed and looked at Joseph “I’m not offended. It’s kinda hard to offend me. Do you really have porn magazines?”
Joseph was very embarrassed now but he gave an angry look at John, which told her that he most likely did. Since was too ashamed to answer the question, Jane gracefully switched topics to the romance-y aspects of John’s relationship. About twenty minutes later the boys left.
The rest of the day went normally. John and Joseph didn’t bring up the porn that John shouldn’t have mentioned. Joseph would definitely call David and fill him in on their friend’s new girlfriend. John went home and had a long walk with Kamala spending ten minutes leaning against the same fencepost making out.
Tuesday passed with John and Joseph swimming and relaxing most of the day. John was a little worried that Joseph would mock him for having a girlfriend but that didn’t happen. His friend handled it maturely.
Kamala’s day wasn’t so quiet. It was getting to be late afternoon at the store and Jane Hamilton came in. She was with her Mom who was dropping off some stuff to be dry-cleaned. Jane said hi to Kamala and asked if it was okay with Kamala’s Dad if she went outside and chatted with her while their parents did the business stuff. Jane told Kamala’s Dad that they were going to go to the same school. Kamala’s Dad didn’t mind and Jane and Kamala went walking.
Jane told the young Indian girl “it’s so cool that you’re going out with John. He told me and Joseph yesterday. A friend from cheerleading saw you at the mall together. I like the idea of romance in the same neighborhood.”
“Yeah John said he was worried about telling his friends; worried about peer pressure, you know? He sort of wanted us to be seen together by people.” Kamala explained. She knew that Jane lived near her, not far from Joseph (and she knew about that boy’s crush on the cheerleader), but didn’t think that Jane would remember her at all.
“You look really good; your last year in middle school has been good to you. You and John must make a great looking couple. How did you guys start seeing each other?”
“Well I go on a walk every evening and he was riding his bike by at the time and we started talking and the next night I met him again and we kept talking. We sort of have a little half hour date each night. “ Kamala smiled and blushed a bit, embarrassed by the emotions that just the thought of the boy brought up.
“Oh! So cute, so you walk? How long have you been doing that?”
“Oh I walk every day after dinner. I’ve been doing that since last spring break. I kinda noticed myself getting a bit of a belly.”
“I can’t tell.” said Jane honestly.
“That’s what John says too. I just want to keep it that way.”
“Have you thought about joining like, the cross country team at school?”
“I’ve never thought of being a runner. I play golf with my Dad about once a week, but that’s the extent of my sports skills.”
“Golf cool, you know the local course’s Pro comes and coaches the high schools team. You should join. Ha I’m not trying to push you into it. I just have that notorious cheerleader/school spirit thing.”
Kamala smiled, “Actually the golf team thing sounds pretty cool. I’ll have to talk to my dad about it.”
I bet John’d like to see you in a tight little golf shirt. You know something to show off your breasts.”
“Ha yeah, he did see me in a polo shirt on Friday and he did like it. It was the first time he grabbed them.”
“He did? Wait ‘first?’ You totally said ‘first.’”
Kamala paused, “Okay you really can’t tell anyone this I need you to swear you won’t.” Jane swore and Kamala related her orgasm on the fence from John’s sucking her boobs.
“Whoa! That is so hot. John wouldn’t say what you two had done but that is really hot. Actually when Joseph asked what you’d done John said that Joseph had been reading too many dirty magazines.”
Kamala laughed. Jane continued “It was funny but Joseph was blushing so much I think that he might have some porn mags.”
“Whoa! Really? I haven’t really seen him though since he was in middle school, but he doesn’t seem the type.”
“He’s a boy. I’d be willing to bet, though, if Joseph has magazines than John and David do too. “
“No way.” Kamala tried to sound decisive.
“All boys jerk off. Most times they think about girls our age, but we don’t really do the nasty things women in those magazines do, well not unless we really love a guy and trust him not to tell anyone.”
“I trust John. I guess I just don’t know what he wants me to do. What are in those kinds of magazines? What have you done with your boyfriend?”
“I’m not sure what are in porn mags. I don’t do much with my boyfriend. He’s a football player and so was my last boyfriend. The last one took my virginity and then bragged about it. My boyfriend now and the old one are too much alike. I just give him hand-jobs, but he’s not even interested in getting me off. I guess that makes me not trust him.”
“You shouldn’t have to put up with that. Is there someone else that you like instead?”
“Its summer time I don’t really see any guys except for John, who’s taken, David who’s cool but isn’t my type and is another football player anyway, and Joseph who’s really shy around me. I don’t know maybe I’ll go and confront Joseph see if he’ll show me those magazines. I’m definitely curious about them now.”
“Me too,” Kamala said, “and I think you’re right if one of the guys has magazines, which you seem pretty sure of, then they all do. I’m going to talk to John about them too.”
“Hey let me give you my number. I want to know what you find out… maybe I’ll start taking after-dinner walks towards Joseph’s house.”
Kamala gave Jane her number as well, and they promised they would talk later in the evening after their walks.
John met his pretty Indian girlfriend and they began their walk. Kamala said “You’ve got some explaining to do Mr. Lawrence. Jane Hamilton came in to my parents shop today with her mom. We went out for a talk and I found out some things.”
John was confused as to what she meant what could Jane say to get him in trouble? Kamala continued. “So she told me that when Joseph was asking inappropriate questions about us, and you said he’d been looking at too much porno; and when Jane asked him if he really had some he just blushed and couldn’t answer. Jane took that as a yes, and she told me if one of you has porn magazines all three of you do. I think she’s right. Have you been hiding porn from me?”
John’s jaw had fallen to the floor by this point. He couldn’t lie to her though. “I wasn’t hiding it from you; I just figured you wouldn’t want to see it. David and I found a bunch of magazines a few weeks ago and split between us. In my defense, I haven’t looked at them at all since we first kissed.” That was true though he didn’t even realize it until he said it.
“Show me.” Kamala said she was looking at him with that pleased look.
John blushed, “Umm why? You won’t like it.”
“I don’t know that I’ll like it or not but I really do want to know what you like.”
The couple went to John’s hiding place under the bushes still undisturbed. They sat nearby and John took out the magazines and hands them to her. Kamala shakes her head “No sit here and show me your favorites.” John obeyed. He found the first one he ever saw which was still burnt into his brain, the big tittied blond feeding herself a huge cock. He showed her and let her flip through while finding his favorites in the other magazines. Kamala was overwhelmed. There were women surrounded by thick long penises, kissing them, sucking them, being penetrated by them.
She was unsure but had to ask her next question, “Do you get excited by these because you want these women to do this to you or do you want me to do this to you? I’m just confused by this.”
“Umm… Like I’d never ask you to do that, it’s more like I get excited about you and I doing that someday.” Kamala kissed him and John realized happily that he must have given the right answer.
When they broke apart again John tried to explain more. “But yeah, I’d like to do that someday and with you. Of course it’d be nice to be that sized too.” He nodded at the nine inch prick in the porn star’s hands.
Unconsciously Kamala looked down at John’s crotch and did see a bulge. She couldn’t draw her eyes away from it. She’d felt it before pressed against her side back or abdomen but only briefly and she never stopped to consider it. It took John a moment to realize it was him that she was staring at. He kissed her, opening her mouth with his lips as she accepted his tongue willingly. Her hand wrapped around his neck holding him to her and her other hand she placed on his thigh. She slid up to cup his crotch. She found, though certainly not nine inches long, John’s cock was just under six inches and a nice girth. He froze as her fingers slowly tightened around him. Kamala heard him moan as she got to the right pressure. She fleetingly thought what it might be like to snake her hand inside his shorts and wrap her fingers around his cock, flesh on flesh. The thought made her head swim even more. She kissed him harder and pushed him so that they rolled onto their sides. It might not technically be called instinct that she stroked him, she’d seen the motion in gestures and knew the mechanics of boys masturbating, but she was a novice nonetheless.
John couldn’t tell the difference and didn’t mind a bit. The first person (besides himself) to grab his erect cock was doing a wonderful job. The kiss was intense and he could feel her nipples rubbing his chest through their shirts. Her hand squeezed up and down and he thrust into her fist as she stroked him. He knew he was close. He moaned into her mouth. He didn’t want her to stop but didn’t want it to shock her. She sensed the meaning of the moan and surprised him more by thrusting her own crotch over his and, while clamping her own hand in between, rubbed herself against him. The nylon of her running shorts pressed and conformed as the underside of John’s cock molded into Kamala’s cleft; with only a few layers of thin cloth between them. She meanwhile kissed him more urgently silently urging him to orgasm for her.
John did just that. He wrenched his mouth away from hers and shouted out a grunting triumphant “yah-Shit!” He pulsed and Kamala marveled as she felt her boyfriends cock convulse sending ropes of cum into his underwear, some of which soaked through to her fingers.
Soon they rolled off of each other and disentangled. John kissed Kamala affectionately over and over again. “You’re amazing. I’m lucky to have a girlfriend like you.”
They walked back toward Kamala’s house. She turned to him and said “Tomorrow, do you want to go running with me? I don’t seem to get enough of a full walk in anymore.” She winked at him, “You seem to like my body the way it is but I’d still like to tone up a bit more. I was actually thinking about trying Cross Country at school if I get good at running.”
John said he’d happily run with her. He was determined to be a great boyfriend to Kamala.
At the same time as Kamala settled to look at porn Jane arrived at Joseph’s house. Jane knocked and asked his parents if Joseph wanted to join her for a quick walk before it got too dark. She of course didn’t have to worry about his parents being concerned of their son talking to the cheerleader (like John had to be worried about Kamala’s dad).
“So I went and talked to Kamala today, my parents needed some dry-cleaning done and I went along to get to know her.” She said to a very confused Joseph. He hadn’t managed to wipe the astonished expression off his face since he saw who was at the door. “She’s actually really cool. I got along well with her. We were talking about John and her and I got her to spill on what they’ve done together.”
Joseph finally recovered. “Really, what have they done?”
“I can’t tell you I was sworn to secrecy.”
“What? You can’t tease me like that.”
“I can tease you as much as I want Joseph, I’m a girl”
Joseph laughed “Okay then how did you get her to tell you?”
Jane smiled “She let some information slip and I caught her on it. It’s a really hot story.”
“You’re a cruel woman Jane.” Joseph said causing her to smile.
“So after she told me I said that John didn’t tell us anything; then I said that when you asked John said you’d been looking in too much porno.”
Joseph blushed again it seemed worse now that Jane said it.
“And you’re blushing again like you did when he said it. Which really makes it look like you do have porno stashed away somewhere. Don’t deny it Joseph I’ll find out the truth.”
Joseph balked at that “Oh yeah how you going to do that?”
Jane smiled wickedly and Joseph got even more uncomfortable. “Well I knew with you, David and John. That if one of you has porn then all of you do. So I told that to Kamala and she’s going to force John to show her his stash of magazines.”
Joseph could never be a poker player, he had no bluff. “Aww, why’d you tell her that it’ll sound like I told you that he had some?”
“So he does have some.” Joseph was silent.
“He won’t lie to her, Joseph; he’ll be smart enough to show her his.”
“It’s embarrassing for him though. He might deny that he has some so he won’t be embarrassed.”
“He won’t deny it,” Jane smiled “but you did convince me he does have some. So that along with what I said before: if he has some then you do too.”
“What is this blackmail?” Joseph was still incredibly nervous around the cheerleader.
Jane laughed. “I just want to see them I’ve never seen porno magazines before.”
“What? Jane Hamilton the cheerleader wants to borrow my dirty magazines.”
Jane laughed again “Not quite I want to look at them with you, I’m trying to figure out what guys like.”
“This is so weird. Won’t your boyfriend tell you what guys like, or on the other hand, won’t he not like you looking at dirty mags with me?”
“My boyfriend is kind of selfish. I was talking with Kamala about that too today. He wants me to do stuff for him but won’t give back.”
Joseph’s mood changed, he became sympathetic and actually put his hand comfortingly on her back. “Jane you deserve better than that.”
Jane looked up at him she had fogged eyes but smiled warmly. “Thanks Joseph. So will you show me? I’ve been really curious since John said you had them. Please?”
Joseph couldn’t refuse. He walked with her over to the undergrowth in the vacant lot nearest his house. Unlike John’s stash, Joseph’s bag was clean from being opened each day. “Here this one’s probably the one I like the most.” The magazine was fairly straight forward series pictures: a couple strips down, a shot of cunnilingus, then felatio, then vaginal intercourse: missionary, cowgirl, doggy style, cum on breasts or mouth, then repeat with a different couple.
Jane flipped through slowly. Then flipped back, she had lost her virginity and recognized the missionary pics easily (though the apparent pleasure on the women’s face was new to her). She kept turning back to the oral sex which she had never given nor received and was most curious about.
“What do you think of these oral sex pics?” She asked him. “How do you think it’s supposed to go?”
“Do you mean like how to do it?” Jane nodded. “I dunno. It’s kind of hard to pick up cunnilingus tips from just the pictures. Umm getting blown looks fun but that seems like it would be simpler.”
“How do you figure that? For a girl we have to put it in our mouths, we don’t know how much suction is enough or too much. We don’t know how to keep our teeth out of the way or where to lick or whatever. Plus I’d be scared to let it go back too far.”
“I guess so; I guess it seemed simpler to me because I have one.” Joseph figured neither gender would be able to perform perfectly their first time trying.
“I bet your thinking of some cute chick practicing on you huh?” Jane asked half teasingly.
Joseph stayed silent. The ‘cute chick’ he imagined was sitting right in front of him. He blushed and smiled at her but didn’t admit to anything.
Jane’s eye strayed down to his crotch where he was sporting a sizable and noticeable erection. She was getting excited herself and got a shiver looking at his shorts’ bulge.
The shiver brought Joseph’s attention back to her from his own thoughts. He saw where she was staring and scooted back making the bulge less noticeable. “Sorry I…”
Jane blushed just as much “Sorry Joseph I didn’t mean to look. Sorry, hey I’m just as excited. It’s just easier to hide for me.”
“Yeah I suppose I’m just embarrassed.”
“Don’t be. It’s cool. Hey, here, look I’m excited you can see my nipples are poking through my shirt.” She was trying to make him feel better and gain trust as well. But the thought of showing him her nipples made turned her on even more. She pushed her chest out making the outlines of her teats very apparent. She didn’t wear a bra under her shirt on her walk, she didn’t think it necessary as her breasts were a B cup but on a very slim frame (32 inch). The fabric pressed against her nipples brought the memory of Kamala’s story of her orgasm from her nipples being sucked. She shivered hard and new her panties were quite damp.
Joseph noticed her quake and asked “What was that? You shook there.”
“Oh it was nothing.”
“You’ve been pretty straightforward so far, you pointed out your nipples were hard, what was it?”
“It was something Kamala was telling me that I can’t share.”
“Oh.” Joseph was disappointed
“It was really hot though.” He looked at her when she said this she was biting her lower lip and still had her chest shoved out proudly nipples erect; and her eyes looked at his hungrily.
He sat there paralyzed looking at her. It almost hurt to look at her. Finally his self consciousness made him realize he hadn’t said anything since staring at her. “I’m jealous I wish I knew what was going through your head.”
Actually in the minute that they stared silently at each other Jane was thinking about Joseph sucking at her neck and kissing down to her tits and lower when he interrupted her reverie. She looked at him not really understanding what he meant momentarily. Then she smiled a playful but still hungry eyed smile. “I’ll bet you do.”
She gathered up his magazines and handed them back to him. It was getting late she needed to start back before too long. “Thanks Joseph. You want to look at them again in a few days?”
“Um…Sure I don’t mind. It’s still a little weird having porn and Jane Hamilton in the same area though. It’s still weird that you’ll look at magazines with me when you have a boyfriend.”
“He hasn’t been making me happy I’m not sure how long I will stay with him. I just don’t know if I should break up with him now or wait. My last boyfriend, maybe you heard, umm we had sex and then he bragged about it. When he did that I dumped him. It’s one thing to dump someone when they do something really bad to you; it’s harder when they just don’t anything that makes you feel good like talking and holding hands and hugging.”
“You deserve all that Jane, really.”
Jane grabbed him she wanted to kiss him right there, but she knew Joseph would have mixed feelings about that since she was dating a football player. She did throw her arms around his neck and squeezed him into a warm hug. He hugged her back, he was still off guard but he was honest when he said Jane deserved a good hug etc. While he was off guard Jane noticed his erection pressing into her belly and she saved that sensation in her memory for later.
“Thanks, Joseph.”
“You’re welcome, Jane.”
They walked back towards his house and she’d go on from there to hers. She turned to him before saying goodnight and said “I’m thinking of taking walks in the evening after dinner Kamala gave me the idea. You want to join me.”
Joseph was astounded but there was no request that the pretty cheerleader could make that he’d deny. “Sure that’d be fun.”
“Great! See you tomorrow.” Jane turned towards her home. She was ready to call Kamala and relate what had transpired.
The next day was Wednesday, which during the school year meant getting out an hour earlier from school. During the summer it meant that the sports camps only met till half past twelve and then broke for the day. David’s mom picked him up and as arranged dropped him off with his bike at Joseph’s house so he could swim with the boys and ride around for the rest of the day.
David was of course burning to find out about John and the Indian girl (who David knew, even before Joseph confirmed it, must mean Kamala Patel) who were seen together at the mall on Friday. John confirmed they were dating though made it clear that what they did was between them, he didn’t want peer pressure to push him into anything.
Getting David caught up on those events took them most of the way through their late lunch. The rest was spent discussing the Kamala Patel/Jane Hamilton friendship and their knowledge of the porn. The more memorable erotic events of John’s night being edited out for his friends; they told their stories to David, whose mouth gaped open in astonishment.
They finished their tales and their meal and went to the pool they had only been swimming for a few minutes when they heard the doorbell from the house. Joseph got out wrapped a towel round his waist to keep from dripping puddles through the house and went to answer it. It was Jane.
“Hi,” she said. “I figured you three were going to be swimming so I came over to crash the party; if you don’t mind?”
“No come on in.”
“Thanks” she looked down at Joseph’s toweled waist. “You’re not skinny dipping are you?”
Joseph smiled “Just trying to keep my suit from dripping water on the floor.”
Jane was tempted to say ‘oh too bad,’ but refrained. “It’s really okay if I hang out with you guys for a bit? I don’t want to interrupt guy time. I just didn’t want to spend all afternoon at my house.”
“It’s fine. The guys are in the pool.” They emerged to John and David’s blank looks.
“Hey Guys. Joseph said I could swim and hang out with you guys for a bit today I really don’t want to be shut up in my house.”
David and John both said that was okay with them, but were definitely curious as to why the cheerleader came to Joseph’s for companionship.
David asked how her camp was going. She said it was good. She asked the same about his football camp and he replied it was also shaping up well.
Jane slipped her shoe off and dipped her toe in the water, and finding it to her taste started stripping off her shorts and shirt revealing a nice little two piece bathing suit underneath. It wasn’t scandalous but it fit her nicely and Joseph became uncomfortable. He felt his prick stirring to life but he was compelled to ask, “Umm… Is your boyfriend going to be okay with you swimming alone with a bunch of guys?”
Jane shrugged, “It doesn’t matter what he thinks. I just broke up with him.”
“Oh sorry Jane I didn’t mean to bring it up.”
“No it’s cool I just called him to tell him I wasn’t happy with him and didn’t want to date him anymore. It sort of hurt his ego but he’ll get over it. He’ll probably tell the team tomorrow he broke up with me for being a tease or something. He’ll be pissed off tonight and most likely go to the mall so it was either stay in my house and dwell on it, ask my mom to take me to the mall and risk a nasty scene, or come over here and hang with you guys for a bit. I would’ve liked to hang out with Kamala again she’s a really cool chick to talk to. She sort of got me thinking about deserving better from a guy. The other cheerleader’s are more interested in the guy’s looks or popularity than how they’re treated.”
John smiled at her praise of Kamala. Joseph was thoughtful. David responded first “If he tries to say he broke it off with you I’ll set him straight. He’s scared of me.”
“No, don’t do that. What do I care what he says about me”
David shrugged and said that if she didn’t want to think about it that was okay by him. He then started asking as he usually did about her fellow cheerleaders that he found cute. He was informed one was still in a relationship; while another was one of the ones more interested in looks or status than dating a decent guy and so on.
Jane stepped into the pool and swam gracefully back and forth goofing off with the others. They all soon became accustomed to the company. Jane laughed easily at David’s often off color comments and they enjoyed the afternoon.
Jane did get a chance to discreetly tell John “You might get a treat tonight on your run.”
When she was questioned she simply said it was something Kamala mentioned but wouldn’t ruin the surprise.
After the two girls had returned home they talked for over an hour discussing the porn and Kamala making John cum from stroking him through his pants. Jane had asked right away whether John had admitted to having porn. Jane told Kamala about Joseph’s worry that John would deny it to not have his girlfriend embarrassed. At which point he would’ve been caught in a lie and been in trouble. Jane said because of this, tonight John deserved a treat and Kamala should go for her run with him pantyless.
A shocked Kamala, after thinking it over, soon thought it an excellent idea. She was amazed at her own daring but bolstered in the belief that John certainly did deserve a bare feel of her.
Jane told Kamala about her talk with Joseph and she admitted that she thought Joseph was cute, caring, sensitive, honest, and enticing sexually. She was confused because she had a boyfriend which she now had to dump if she wanted to pursue Joseph. Jane still felt weird dumping someone for not doing enough positive things, previously dumping her ex boyfriend because he did a major negative (bragging around that he fucked her), Jane still had to come to grips with it. Kamala said “You think Joseph is honest, caring, and sensitive as well as just cute and hot. You only think your boyfriend now is cute. You don’t trust him, you don’t think he cares about you, and he’s insensitive, which is a turnoff for you. You think you deserve more than what you have. Joseph thinks you deserve more, and I think you deserve more too. If by tomorrow you don’t want to break up with him there is something wrong with you.” Sure enough, by the time cheerleading camp started in the morning, Jane had decided that when she got home she’d call him and end it.
Jane did just that; then went to Joseph’s to spend the afternoon with the boys. She ended her ruminations of her ended relationship and the discussion with Kamala that gave her the courage to cut the tie. She, instead, turned back to the boys in the pool.
Later when John and David were getting dressed to leave, Jane turned to Joseph. “Are we still on for the walk tonight?”
Joseph nodded, “If you’re up for it I am.”
Jane leaned in closer “Porn tonight or no porn?”
Joseph blushed and was only able to shrug.
“Well if it’s going to be left up to me we’ll just have to see how we feel later.” Jane stepped forward quickly taking him off guard and hugged him. “Thanks Joseph for being here for me today.”
“No problem Jane, It was my pleasure.” Jane was sure it was, she could feel the hard on in his bathing suit pressed against her leg. She had to resist the urge to grind herself against it.
“Joseph, if I can make a suggestion. You have to talk more. You’re going to talk with me a lot tonight. I know there’s lots of stuff in your head. I want to know what it is. Okay?”
Joseph was stunned and silent. Jane finished with, “You get an hour and a half to think of stuff to say otherwise you’ll have to wing it.” She hugged him again and said to his ear “I’ll see you tonight.”
Jane walked to her house and considered coming back in her walking shorts pantyless like Kamala was planning to. She laughed at the thought, it was not only too soon, but she wanted to get Joseph able to speak before she risked shocking him into silence.
John and David rode home, slowing to pass Kamala’s house, David was still incredulous that his friend dated an occupant of that house. They said goodbye at John’s house and he went in for dinner wondering what the treat would be. After being jacked off (even if was through his clothes) last night was as big of a treat as he could imagine.
John ate and went out to meet Kamala for their first run. She was back to wearing her sports bra under her tank top but as they were going to be running that was to be expected. John asked her to set the pace and they set off. They went at a reasonably slow pace; Kamala said to him that they could always get faster gradually day by day. John nodded. They went pretty far about a mile and a half out Kamala said that was a good midpoint for day one and they headed back. They passed several pastures, including the fence where John had sucked on her breasts. Kamala said they should rest there and she walked up to the same post.
Kamala said “This is that post…”
“I know.” He looked at her affectionately.
She leaned against the post and curled her finger at him with a come-hither look. He went to her. She put her arms around his neck to draw him into a kiss. The passion burned in her as her tongue slid across his lips and met his tongue. Her leg wrapped around his butt and pushed his shorts, with a prominent hard cock pushing against the fabric into her own crotch. She reveled in the feel of his hard chest against her nipples she wanted to throw her clothes off just to press closer against him. Instead she grabbed one of his hands and directed it under her shirt and bra to squeeze her bare tit.
‘Wow,’ thought John, ‘This must be the treat I was supposed to be getting.’ He felt her nipple rub against the palm of his hand as he cupped it; he ran his thumb over the hard nub and pinched it lightly between his fingers.
His other hand he took and tried to slide under her shirt to hold the other breast, but her hand clamped onto it and stopped it. Kamala held his hand there and after a moment she lowered her boyfriends hand to the inside of the waistband of her exercise shorts.
Kamala pushed John’s hand down his palm sliding down the bottom of her stomach to her womanhood. Her hand guided his by resting on top. His hand slid over the new but sparse hair that might eventually be as unruly as the hair on her head if she hadn’t already resolved to shave when it got to be too much. His hand slid to the top of her lips and rubbed further downward. His palm cupped her and her clit nestled against the pads of his hand.
She kissed him fervently not wanting to break the spell, she was still scared to do this and scared that if the kiss broke her conviction would break as well. John’s fingers against her labia spread her and his finger tips touched the hot moisture of her hole. His middle finger settled into her crevice and stroked slowly up. His touch was unsure (as he was inexperienced) but she didn’t notice. It felt heavenly. She could feel his boner now pressed against her outer thigh that, with the passion of the kiss, set the mood as his fingers over her crotch and his other hand on her breast were pushing her close to the edge of orgasm.
The kiss broke unexpectedly as John kissed her neck. He felt the vibrations from her throat before he heard the words from her lips “OHHH YESSS!” her voice was only a slow whisper but it didn’t stop there. His pretty and innocent Indian girlfriend was turned into a sultry, voluptuous woman. “Stroke me there John, stroke my pussy.” That was a word he couldn’t have imagined her saying before this point but he was happy to comply. His fingers traced lines over her vaginal lips, pressing firmer each time. He didn’t know what areas would give her pleasure; he just realized that when he approached certain areas he got better reactions. He tried to map out by touch what made her tremble most.
She knew that she was about to go over, and she kept whispering a stream of pleas to him. “Make me cum Baby, Yes John, oh God.” As she came she grabbed his head and kissed him again, thrusting her hip against his cock strained shorts. She grinded up against him and removed her other hand that was guiding his over her crotch and grabbed onto his crotch. She stroked him but only took five strokes before he started spurting his orgasm against his shorts and through the fabric onto her hand.
She kissed across his cheek to his ear and whispered “Thank you Baby.”
“You’re welcome Kamala.” He cupped her breast and wet slit for another moment and then slid his hands out from her clothes.
She kissed him and held him close to her still leaning back against the post where she had now had two orgasms with this young man. Soon they need to run back and return to their homes. Kamala got in and immediately called Jane to share what had occurred.
Jane shared that Joseph had indeed talked a lot more. He started with a five minute explanation about why he was always so quiet and plea not to be angry at him because of that. She listened patiently and said that if he wanted to spend the whole evening talking about not being a good talker that’d be fine with her. He did such a good job. They laughed and Jane coaxed him into talking about his interests and found that they were pleasantly similar. Joseph was as great of a sports fan as Jane was and gave insights she hadn’t seen from the sidelines of so many games. Joseph and Jane both liked Math and Science classes, unlike so many of their peers (though Joseph always grasped them better) and Joseph applied that learning in being a gear-head being interested in fixing up old cars. They discussed their desire for a car and which kinds of cars they liked. Joseph was impressed by her not getting lost when he discussed hot rod lore. Though she explained that that was because her father loved cars and her Uncle was a mechanic in town.
Jane admitted to Kamala that she really wanted to kiss him goodnight. He, of course, was too shy to make the move. Kamala said not to worry that one of them would make the move eventually, plus Jane just coming from a breakup shouldn’t feel the need to rush into another relationship.
Jane asked what she was going to do next with John, but Kamala stopped her. She said “I know why John decided not to tell his friends anything because you outsiders want to rush things even more than the people in them. We both got a treat two days in a row now. I still want more and so does he but there is no need to rush. I don’t want him to expect me to go further every day and then run the risk of finding something I’m not willing to do and having that disappoint him.”
Jane responded, “Well what aren’t you willing to do?”
“I don’t know if I know. I don’t know how far I’m willing to go or how fast. I just want to make sure I don’t go too far too fast.”
Kamala actually repeated this line to John the next night saying he had a good method keeping stuff from his friends.
John responded, “I don’t want anyone to push you into anything you’re uncomfortable with or that you aren’t ready for. I don’t want to do it, and I don’t want Jane to do it either. I want you, Kamala, you know that but I don’t want to push you into anything. I’m not in a rush, you know by now how much I just like spending time with you.”
They ran every evening; stopping some days at that same post to kiss and grope for a while and some days they’d go after their run to look at John’s porn magazines.
Jane had also spent quite a few nights looking at porn with Joseph and had seen from his bulging shorts how big he was when hard. She couldn’t look directly, he became so nervous and embarrassed when he noticed her looking. Jane enjoyed her walks with Joseph and he has really lost most of his shyness about talking to her; But Joseph still hadn’t made a move on Jane. Jane gave all the right signals Joseph was just too scared to take the step.
John, one day trying to talk his friend into action, went as far as to say “Jane and Kamala talk all the time. Kamala talks to me, and even she has said that Jane wants Joseph to just kiss her already.”
Joseph was too self deprecating though. He rather assumed Kamala misunderstood than admit the cheerleader might be attracted to him.
John and Kamala on their run discussed this and Kamala had a significant brainwave. “John, you remember your method for telling your friends about me.”
“Yeah, it was cowardly, but effective I invited you to the mall with me, figuring someone would see us and word would get around that we were together.”
“It was effective and it was easier than telling your friends directly. Let’s go out to the mall again maybe to a movie and double date with Jane and Joseph. Maybe if people will think they are together then he’ll admit it too and start dating her properly.”
“It’s a good idea. So I invite Joseph to a movie and you invite Jane we meet we get to have a good date and they can too. “
“Perfect, Babe!” She kissed him and they paused in their run to press against each other.
Jane thought the method was a good one. Joseph through his nervousness almost blew it.
“What if someone sees us there? They’ll think we are a couple.”
John was exasperated and almost yelled at his friend that that was the point. But he lied better than he usually was able to and said “Come on man, no one will think that.”
They arrived at the mall the girls arriving separately, of course. Kamala only told her Father that she was going to the movies with Jane.
The girls met the guys and they headed to the movie theater. They sat in an only about half full theater. John and Kamala immediately held hands though there was little else they could do it was not quite dark or private enough to make out, though both wanted it. John thought Kamala looked beautiful in her running gear but he found her stunning the two times he’d seen her at the mall. She kept catching him looking admiring at her and smiled.
John, when the lights went low for the movie to begin, took Kamala’s hand and kissed each of her knuckles then flicked his tongue over the underside of her wrist. She squirmed but lowered her hand away from his lips.
“Too Public.” She mouthed at him when he looked at her disappointed then leaned and whispered in his ear. “Tomorrow on our run we’ll stop and you can do that again.”
John smiled squeezed her hand in his and settled to watch the movie with her.
Joseph and Jane had both see this exchange and both wished they could do that with their date though Jane knew she shouldn’t be that forward and Joseph was too timid.
Through the movie Joseph kept his hands to himself, though met Jane’s eyes a few times. She teased his hand with her finger tip and that got him erect (to her satisfaction) but Joseph assumed that it was accidental.
Jane caught Kamala’s eye and her expression showed her frustration over how things were going with Joseph.
The movie ended and all four went to walk around. They made a lap around the mall, when one of Jane’s fellow cheerleaders, Gwen, ran up to her to say hi and chat at ninety miles per hour.
“Hey Jane, How’s it going? Is this your new boyfriend? He’s cute.”
Jane had that ability to slip into fast talking cheerleader mode herself and answered “Hey Gwen. You know Joseph from school. Over here is his buddy John and his girlfriend Kamala.”
“Hey guys, so you’re like dating again after you dumped your last one. That’s good to see.”
Jane didn’t know how to answer and simply said a long “Umm.” Joseph simply blushed.
Kamala had lost her patience though and her occasional bluntness came out. “We’ve been waiting for them to make it official for over two weeks now, if they’d just kiss already.”
Joseph just stood there with his mouth open. John felt bad for him but his frustration with the situation was at a breaking point. Jane was the only voice of sympathy. “Okay you guys he doesn’t have to kiss me in front of an audience. It’s like he’s not sure of his lines and you’re pushing him on stage. Joseph lets go take a walk and be alone for a bit and if you want to you can kiss me then you can.”
Joseph was still mute but walked off with her and she took his hand and led him toward the docking area where John and Kamala had once made out.
“That was a little blunt, Baby.” John pointed out.
“Yeah,” Gwen concurred.
“It’s what was needed you know he’s going to kiss her now.”
Gwen and Kamala talked a bit and John listened, unable to keep his eyes off Kamala for very long.
Gwen soon flounced off and John and Kamala talked while waiting for the other couple to reemerge.
Joseph and Jane did go off to the outside and sat and talked there.
Jane told Joseph, “Hey Kamala didn’t mean to back you into a corner, John, Kamala and I have been frustrated about you not making a move. I know you like me but I’m getting sick of giving you hints and nothing coming about.”
“I’m sorry Jane; I just wanted everything to be perfect for you. I don’t think I’m good enough to get it right.”
“The first kiss is never perfect; and that’s okay. Don’t worry Joseph I’ll give you lots of opportunities to practice. Maybe by our seventh time kissing it’ll be perfect.” She smiled and she looked so sweet that he cupped her cheek. She continued, “But to get to seven we really should start now.”
“Okay.” Joseph said and he leant down and kissed her. It was sweet and clumsy on his part and she was impressed with the affection that he showed as well as showing his great potential as a make out partner.
They broke apart. Jane said, “There now, that was really nice Joseph. Do you want to practice with me on our walks in the evenings?” He smiled and nodded he could feel the anxiety of the last weeks draining from his shoulders.
Joseph and Jane returned inside holding hands. John and Kamala succeeded in not giggling at the expressions of satisfaction on their faces. They began conversing again, they all were much more relaxed and informal after Joseph and Jane got things settled. Joseph wasn’t fazed by Kamala’s earlier forwardness. He didn’t think of it at all then and later when recalling it felt only gratitude towards his friend’s girlfriend.
About twenty minutes before the girls’ folks were to come and pick them up, Kamala again breached a subject decisively. “Hey guys, I know that Jane and I have talked about the porn you two (well three) have, but Jane has only seen Joseph’s stash and I’ve only seen John’s. Why don’t you guys swap them out so we can look at more? You have to have your magazines memorized by know anyway.”
Joseph didn’t mind swapping. Truth be told, Joseph felt like John had when he and Kamala started kissing. He stopped feeling the need for visual stimulation when Jane was around. John agreed to drop of his stash at Joseph’s hiding spot the next morning and pick Joseph’s stash up to bring to his hiding spot on his way home in the evening. They left the mall all agreed that it was an exciting day.
John did the swap the next day and went running with Kamala followed by an exploration of the new magazines. Kamala was as enthralled as ever and she felt herself grow damp as she looked at them with John. They kissed for a little while till it was time for her to return to her home. She did call up Jane so that they could discuss the porn and to see how much making out she and Joseph had done.
Jane had a lot to tell. Joseph was sweet and shy again and she had to instigate the kiss. However he responded very enthusiastically. They actually lay down next to each other on the grass holding each other with their lips locked together. Jane and Kamala had looked at the porn and they discussed the oral sex at some length, neither have given nor received it but both found the images striking. Jane was the non-virgin of the girls while Kamala was the one who had been brought to orgasm by someone else (the first time by John’s mouth on her boobs), Jane’s exes had not really explored her body and her only orgasms were self inflicted and alone. Each girl’s enthusiasm fed her friend’s and after a few days that became the focal point of their conversations.
Jane and Joseph walked, talked, looked at porn or made out. Kamala and John would run stopping at the same post to make out, or else stopped to look at the magazines and get excited there. John still wouldn’t push the relationship, showing Herculean restraint. Kamala occasionally brought his hands to her breasts to let him play there. Though she was reassured that he wasn’t after the “one thing.” They still connected and were able to talk about any number of subjects and their running went farther and faster. They both thought that cross country team might be a fun thing to try. Kamala by this time had started golfing more with her dad to see about broaching the subject of joining that team.
They went running as usual one night and stopped on the way back to make out at their usual fencepost. They walked up to it and John pointed out the side where there was something odd. Kamala approached to investigate. She looked at the post and saw that there was roughly cut markings. She looked closer and saw ‘JL + KP’ encased in a heart.
“I did it today before hanging at Joseph’s.” John said.
Kamala turned to him she ran her finger over the heart. “Are you trying to tell me you love me?”
John was uncomfortable, “It didn’t happen all at once but yeah. I don’t know why I didn’t say so earlier. How did you think I felt about you?”
Kamala jumped at him, threw her arms around him and kissed him solidly on the lips. They stayed wrapped around each other Kamala brought her knee up so that her thigh would rub up against his penis. She liked getting him as close to orgasm as she could.
“Baby, I’m going to try to get my Dad to let me have the day off from work tomorrow. I’ll tell him I want to finish my book. I want you to come over so we can do stuff we can’t do out here.”
John looked at her stunned “Sure, but I don’t want to risk us getting caught.”
“Faint heart never won fair lady. The risk might make it more fun but I’ll be as safe as possible.”
John kissed her again and they stayed that way until they ran the rest of the way and said goodbye till the morning. John would wait for her call.
John got the call around ten that morning. Kamala said that her Dad let her hang around the house today. She had talked to Jane last night and she called Joseph so that he wouldn’t wonder why John wasn’t going to be there.
John went to her house and she let him in with a quick kiss. She was dressed in jeans and a tank top but she went braless. Her hair was out of the ponytail and spilled over her shoulders beautifully.
It was a nice house, there was a curry and incense odor that lingered there but it was nice and comfortable. She gave a quick tour ending in her bedroom which he had pictured before it was very similar to his imagination: bookshelf, bed, dresser, and desk. It was quite tidy though not in a sterile way. It fit her. He told her so.
“I like it.” Kamala replied, “I’m glad you’re in it.
“Me too, Kamala.” They melted into each other’s arms and kissed. Each was becoming more impassioned by the moment.
Kamala was steering the encounter and as she reiterated to Jane just last night: Kamala hadn’t seen any of John, he remained in shirt and shorts throughout all of their activities and worse yet she hadn’t touched any of his body, skin to skin, except his hands and his face. Kamala was going to change that right then.
She grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it up over his head. He stood allowing her to see him shirtless. She ran her fingers over his ribs. Kamala kissed his neck and settled at his clavicle and, considering the small difference in their height, she easily reaches. The Indian girl slowly let her lips trail over his chest till she pressed them against his sternum, her fingers trailed up from his abdomen to rub and pinch at his nipples.
John’s ability to hold back finally broke. He ran his hands from her hips to her chest. This elicited an appreciative moan from Kamala. So he proceeded, he took off her shirt and revealed to his eager eyes her delightful tits. He kissed up her neck to her ear and turned her around where he began kissing her shoulders and back. He cupped her breasts pinching her erect nipples between his fore and middle fingers and dropped to his knees, while he kissed down each of her vertebrae.
Kamala stood there petrified, scared she’d awaken and this would’ve been a dream or scared that he might stop. John’s lips drifted lower.
John kissed the small of her back kneeling behind her. He dropped his hands to the floor and raises them up her legs from her ankles to knees to her jean clad thighs. His fingers cupped her sex and she felt more moisture pool in her melting pussy. She had to concentrate on not falling over when her knees got wobbly.
John kissed up her spine to her shoulders as he stands up behind her; he still held her crotch letting his hand conform to her cloth covered lips. His other hand returned to her breast while he kissed her throat. He whispered to her “I love you Kamala. You are the most amazing and beautiful woman I could ever hope to be with.”
“John I love you too.” She placed her hands over his and slid it down off of her nipple and down to the button at the front of her jeans. He gratefully took this invitation and unbuttoned it and lowered the zipper. His hand slid inside while the hand that was already at her crotch pulled the jeans fly out of the way so he could explore her panties.
Kamala didn’t have revealing panties. She had wished she did when she decided on her outfit. She wore her slimmest bikini style white cotton panties she owned. They were nice but she didn’t think they were very sexy. John certainly found nothing to complain about. They were soft and he could feel the small wet spot at the front. He stood with his own bare chest pressed to her back his hands around her waist running his fingers over her pantied slit.
She pushed his hands away and grabbed her jeans. She bent at the waist and pushed her jeans over her hips and down to the floor. Her butt pushed back against his crotch as she bent over and his hard on was pressed into her ass-crack.
Kamala looked back over her shoulder at her boyfriend enjoying the feel of his cock rubbing against her. He holds her against him by grabbing her hips and pulling back. She stood back up and turned to face him and they kiss again. She started kissing down his cheek to his neck and chest and she lowered herself to her knees after scraping her teeth over his ribcage and kissing his abdomen she unbuttons his short and lowers them while kissing at his waistline. She tried to grab his briefs next but he stopped her.
“Baby, I want to taste you first.” John told her.
Kamala didn’t want to stop but she acquiesced, she sat on her bed with her legs slightly parted. He kissed her resting his hands on her knees spreading them further. His lips dropped to her neck, then to her chest (paying a good amount of attention to her nipples) and then down her belly. Kamala lifted her butt up so that John could slide her panties down her legs, he then stared at her mesmerized by seeing her naked for the first time.
“You’re perfect.” He told her through his constricted throat. She smiles and places his hands back on her thighs to encourage him to continue. She lay back as he resumed kissing her stomach. John knew enough about her to know to tease her before diving in. He kissed from her stomach to her hips and down her thighs. John ran his fingers over the young pussy before him combing through the sparse dark hair. His lips kissed the inside of her thighs and circled around her labia. He became intoxicated by her scent which was spicy and sour and pushed him to press his mouth to her sex.
Her fluids met his tongue and he was entranced by flavor, which made him lap more enthusiastically. He probed at her hole savoring the wetness there before running his tongue up her crevice; where he felt the ripples and waves of the inner lips until he bumped against her hooded clit. He took the pearl between his lips and softly suckled. Kamala moaned his name over and over, she also told him “there” or “there” whenever he hit a spot that made her quiver. He was attentive to each of these places when his tongue traveled down her furrow. He drove his tongue into her cunt letting it bathe in her juices. He kissed lower over her taint and he peered at her back pucker and teased that with his finger. He trailed back up to her clit letting one finger tease her ass and eventually another penetrated her pussy to the first knuckle. He passed up and down, sucking her clit, teasing her sensitive places of her cleft and tonguing her hole, both holes. He let his tongue dive in her pussy then replaced it again with two of his finger and then tongued at her sphincter before replacing it again with a teasing fingertip. After six slow passes Kamala orgasmed her muscles clamped and released on his fingers unknowingly let them slip uncomfortably close to her hymen.
He lapped the additional moisture and looked up at his post orgasmic girlfriend. Kamala looked down at John who still had her girl juice running down his chin and bent forward to kiss him hard as she could. John climbed on the bed and Kamala rolled on top of him straddling his waist. Her naked pussy was pressed hard against his stiff, underwear-encased cock and though it felt exceptionally good but the little voice in the back of her head said “that is probably too far to go today.” Kamala backed off but she was going to return the favor.
She stood up and pulled John up beside her and they kiss again. Her tits pressed against his chest and rubbed there sending shivers up her spine. Kamala’s lips trailed from his to his throat where he tingled as the skin was sucked and tongued. Her mouth went to his ear and she whispered, “It’s my turn to taste you, my love.”
Kamala kissed his neck again down to his shoulders and chest. Her hands caressed her ribs as her mouth passed over his nipples. John’s knees almost gave as her tongue coiled around it. She kissed down further kneeling as she kissed his abdomen. She looked at the bulging underwear and grabbed it with her hand pushing her face into the fabric and reveling in his young, man scent. She licked the cloth lump and ran her lips over the shaft. Kamala looked up at his face and John saw that hungry look he’s come to know and love in her pretty green eyes. Her hands stripped off the last clothing either of them was wearing and she looked down at him.
The beautiful Indian didn’t hesitate she pounced on his cock. She ran her fingers through his pubic hairs. Her tongue shot out and tasted him; a millisecond later her mouth followed and engulfed the head. John moaned and thrust his hips forward before he realized what he had done.
“Sorry Kamala I didn’t mean to do that.”
Kamala looked up at him her tongue circled the head of his cock once more slowly before she said, “It’s okay, but be careful, if you let this be fun for me then I’ll want to do this again.” Her voice was soft and sultry and a drop of precum dripped from his cock’s head and her tongue stole it.
John could only nod his head. She was in complete control and he was alright with that. She explored him finding what he liked. She ran her lips over the top, sides and underside of his cock in turn. She licked over his scrotum and sucked softly on each of his cum-filled nuts. She finally took the flat of her tongue and licked, slowly and firmly, up the underside of his cock till she could take the cock tip into her mouth.
She sucked him gently and her tongue spun over his head which made his head spin. She slid him back in her mouth taking more of the shaft in. She sucked harder and took more in till his prick hit something that made her lurch back and gag. “Whoa,” she whispered to herself. She replaced him in her mouth and took him in almost as far again. She sucked and licked while her hands stroked the shaft that wouldn’t yet fit (she made a mental note to discuss that with Jane maybe her cheerleader friends knew a solution). She slid him out and in fucking his cock with her mouth and hand. John didn’t move. He knew if he even relaxed his restraint for a second he’d grab his beloved and slam his cock down her throat. He wasn’t willing to hurt her; but he so wanted that last bit of his dick in her.
He couldn’t complain that little frustration was nothing compared to how good he felt. Every flick of her tongue drove him closer. Her suctioning lips and stroking hand were giving him indescribable pleasure. Her other hand cupped his balls, which were soon to tighten before orgasm. John moaned and Kamala sucked harder and slid her tongue over its slit relieving it of another dollop of precum. Her tongue almost did more than anything else, the suction was hard and gave john a constant good feeling, her tongue, however, punctuated that by teasing and caressing the underside and head of his cock.
He felt himself getting close and looked down to tell her. Their eyes met and he was speechless the pleasure combined with the look of love and happiness to please on Kamala’s face caused ecstasy. “Baby I’m gonna cum.” He said
Kamala was a smart girl but her excitement at the prospect made her stupidly lift her mouth from his prick and ask, “Really?” She asked right as the first rope of pearly cum shot out and landed in a line from her forehead to chin. Kamala clamped her lips over him in time for the next squirt. She sucked gently and swallowed as her mouth filled. She kept stroking until the dregs were out of his cock and on her tongue.
They locked eyes with each other as the flaccid penis fell from her lips. They were so mesmerized with each other that they lost track of the rest of the world. They didn’t hear the near silent engine of a Lexus pull into the driveway. John cupped Kamala’s face and said “You’re so…” when the front door opened and a woman’s voice called out a greeting in Hindi to her daughter
Kamala’s eyes bulged in panic. She shouted in the direction of the hallway, “Mom I’ll be out in a second I was just going to run to the bathroom quickly.”
Mrs. Patel shouted out that she’d be in the kitchen. The lovers grabbed their clothes and ran into the restroom next to Kamala’s. John threw on his underwear and shorts then looked at his girlfriend for direction.
“Shit.” She whispered, “Okay. Go out the window and go around to the left. If you go the other way she’ll see you from the kitchen.” John had his shirt and one sock on by this point. He looked at the window, which is about a two foot square at his eye level. But it was their only option so he accepted it.
He got his last sock and shoes on and saw her in her jeans but topless. John kissed her hard on her mouth before saying “Okay I’ll see you tonight?”
Kamala nodded happily but was still frightened. She rubbed a bit of cum from his nose that transferred from her own face when they kissed. John opened the window and removed the screen he stepped on to the rim of the tub and then he squirmed up and out of the window. He and Kamala kissed again before they replaced the screen and exchanged ‘I love yous’ before he snuck away well out of sight of the kitchen.
Kamala quickly wiped the sneaker print off the tub and flushed the toilet unnecessarily, washed the cum off her face and put her shirt back on before going out to innocently greet her mother.
John got back to his house and found it was only a little after noon. “Those were two busy hours,” he said to himself. He grabbed a banana and a coke and ate quickly before grabbing his bike and heading over to Joseph’s for the rest of the day.
John arrived there to see Joseph’s mom’s car gone. Walking inside the pool area he saw Jane Hamilton topless making out with his friend.
“Oh shit guys I’m sorry,” he said turning around.
“Oh sorry John.” Jane called out, “Give me a minute, and then you can turn around. What happened to going to Kamala’s today?”
“I was just there. Her Mom came home and I had to dive out the window to keep from getting caught.”
“No way,” this was from Joseph. Who left unsaid the obvious next question “What were you almost caught doing?”
“I’m going to go call her. You can turn around now, John.” She had her bathing suit top back on.
Jane left and John said “Sorry man, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.”
“It’s okay actually good it was you. My Mom will be home any minute. We lost track of time there.”
Inside Jane called to Kamala’s and her Mom answered. “Hi Mrs. Patel, this is Jane Hamilton is Kamala available?” Kamala had just finished eating lunch with her mom and came to the phone a moment later. “Kamala, Hey I’m at Joseph’s house swimming, John just got here I just wanted to know if you’d like to come over and swim for a bit.
Kamala said, “One sec let me ask.” Putting the phone behind her chin “Mom, Jane is swimming at a friend’s can I go over and hang out for a bit? I finished my book but I don’t know if Dad needs me at the store this afternoon.” After her mom asked maternal questions Kamala asked. “Hey Jane, my Mom wants to know if there are boys there and if there is adult supervision.”
Jane responded that it was John, Joseph, and herself; but Joseph’s Mom will be back in a few minutes.
Kamala told her Mom that it was a boy’s house but his mom was there. She knew that by the time she changed into her suit it’d be safe. Her Mom deliberated for a moment then relented saying “Sure.”
Kamala squealed in delight and told Jane she’d be over in ten minutes. Kamala changed into her bathing suit it was a two piece but conservative, given her parents involvement in the selection. But it showed off her athletic body quite nicely. Kamala’s mom dropped her off and introduced herself to Joseph’s mother, who said that Kamala was “quite welcome to come over any time.”
Kamala wondered why Jane wasn’t at cheer camp. Jane blushed and said she was playing hookey.
“It’s too hot to cheer; the pool is the only place to be today.” She winked at Joseph when she said that.
Joseph’s mother went to the kitchen to cook dinner and give the kids privacy. The teens swam around, splashed and the couples kissed and briefly touched underwater. They all had an enjoyable afternoon. Kamala’s mom came back at six to pick her up. John left right afterwards though Jane ate dinner there before taking her walk with Joseph.
On his run with Kamala that night they stopped at the post though they were too tired to do any more than hug and kiss sweetly. She turned to her boyfriend and said, “Only a week and a half left till school starts up again.”
“You don’t seem happy about it. What’s up?”
“Well it’s the last of your ‘last summer.’ That’s kind of sad and I’ve been so happy that I don’t want it to end.”
“Yeah but it’s going to be my first year with you in high school. We’ll get to have lunch together and there’s cross country team to look forward to. It should be great.”
Kamala snuggled into him for a while before they ran back to their homes.
Kamala convinced her dad to let her ride the bus to school in the mornings and even got him to give her two afternoons off a week to ride home on the bus too. She made the golf team and her great playing was a point of pride for her family, her boyfriend and her school. John and Kamala both made the Track and Cross Country teams, the evening running having paid off there.
Kamala and Jane did talk about Kamala gagging on John’s penis. Then one of Jane’s fellow cheerleaders, an upcoming freshmen redhead, told them the proper technique. They both mastered deep-throating after a bit of practice, which made John and Joseph very happy. That cheerleader was introduced to David, and they hit it off. David was a bit bigger than the young redhead had experienced before but after she practiced what she discussed with Jane and Kamala she succeeded in making David happy too.
All boys after comparing notes and techniques become adepts at reciprocating for their beautiful girlfriends. Cunnilingus gave the pep squad two very peppy members and women’s cross country was given a teammate with extra bounce in her step.
Kamala and John lost their virginities to each other in John’s room after school one day. It was loving but painful. So, soon afterward, they went for a late night run to the post and tried again. It was much more satisfying, as were all the times that followed it.
Joseph and Jane made love after the first football victory of the year. On their walk they laid out a blanket underneath the night sky, and only about twenty feet from Joseph’s porn stash which had gone untouched for many weeks.
David and his new girlfriend also had sex that night, but that was in a private bedroom at a party held for the victorious team.
About this story:
I along with two of my friends actually did find porn in a ditch when I was 12 or 13. So if that part struck you as far-fetched, ‘truth is stranger than fiction.’ Of course I wasn’t as smart as they were in separating it and the youngest of my friends got nervous about the magazines and told his father who burned them. But I’m not bitter… not too bitter anyway. I exaggerated on the numbers too bumping up to 18 when maybe there were 8 that was so they could be divided between the three.
At 13 before the internet was really around, that was as John shouted a “Goldmine.”
The Indian girl is based on a crush I had my senior year (she was a year younger) who was also sheltered by her parents, that and the fact that I was (am) socially awkward nothing ever happened besides a very good friendship. So that part of the story is wish fulfillment 10-15 years after the fact.
The song "Boys of Summer" by Don Henley kept popping up in my head for some reason as I read this exquisite story. Excellently written, RL. Why can't talent be easily copied and pasted like files on a computer? I would definitely join the line to copy some of your talent.
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