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David housesits for family friends in need with two teenage daughters....
It was another hot summer day, and David Stark was tired, sweaty, and hungry. He had graduated high school in May and was working for a landscaping company until he went off to college in the fall. Being athletic person who was a star high school baseball player meant he wasn’t out of shape, but seven hours of moving sod and dirt and shoveling wore anyone out. He desperately needed a shower and dinner.
As he entered his house, his mom called out to him. “David, is that you? I need to speak with you.” He wondered what the hell his mom wanted as he tossed his dirty socks and shirt in the laundry. He was about 5’11” and 165 lbs. He wasn’t horribly muscular, but he could stand up to most people and be considered in shape. He found his mom in the kitchen.
“What’d you need, mom?” he asked as he grabbed a glass of water.
“You know Mr. and Mrs. Stephens from church?” He nodded his head as he gulped down water. “Mrs. Johnson’s mother just became very ill and is in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens need to leave town for a few days, and they need to do it quick. They wondered if you’d be willing to stay at their house to house-sit their two daughters and make sure everyone stayed safe. Bethany just turned sixteen, but she doesn’t have her license yet, so they need someone with a car who can take care of the girls and shuffle them to and fro. They’ll pay you more than you make landscaping if you’ll do it.”
Now David may have been a nice guy who didn’t have much experience with girls, but he immediately got excited at the thought of being in the same house as two teenage girls. Bethany and Amber were 16 and 15 respectively, born almost one year apart to the day. To most, they looked like twins. David had grown up knowing the girls from church and they often played together when they were young. He could easily tell them apart even though they hadn’t ran in the same circles in years. Bethany was slightly taller, but Amber was skinnier and better endowed. They both had shoulder length brown hair and dark, tan skin. David had his mind made up quickly. “Yeah, of course mom, I’d be happy too. Can you call them and let them know I’ll be over as soon as I can shower and grab some clothes for the night?”
“I knew you’d be kind enough to do it. What will your work say?” she asked.
“I don’t know. I’ll explain there’s been some kind of family emergency or something. I’m sure it won’t be a big deal.” David was already headed upstairs and in the shower faster than he’d ever been before. He showered, got dressed, brushed his teeth, and had grabbed clothes for the night in less than fifteen minutes. He picked up a Gatorade, his cell phone, wallet, and keys that his mom had set out, and he kissed her goodbye.
“The Stephens are waiting for you. They’ll leave once you’re there. Call me if you have any problems, although I’m sure you won’t.” David jumped in his car and drove the few miles to their house. He parked on the street, check his hair, grabbed his overnight stuff, and walked towards the house. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens were already in the car waiting to go. They handed him a garage door opener, house key, and $100 cash.
“Thank you, David,” said Mr. Stephens. “We really appreciate it. The girls are laying out by the pool in back and there’s a frozen lasagna in the freezer for dinner. We’ll call tomorrow to check on everything.” David just nodded and started to say it wasn’t a problem, but they were already backing down the drive way. David waved goodbye, walked into the house and closed the garage door on his way inside. He set his clothes down and decided to go say hi to the girls.
Now David was horny, but he didn’t really expect anything to happen. First, he wasn’t very good with girls. He’d kiss Katherine Whick after their senior prom, but it didn’t end up going much beyond some kissing. So he was more so looking forward to being around two hot girls and having plenty of images to jack off to each night. Second, Amber and Bethany didn’t really seem like the type of girls to involve themselves sexually with boys, which made his odds of anything happening even lower.
As David walked to the back door, he saw the two girls laying out by the pool and couldn’t help but smile. Bethany was wearing a small black bikini while Amber’s was white with blue polka dots. From his vantage point, he couldn’t see a tan line on either girl. He took a deep breath and walked outside. “Hey guys, how you doing?” he asked as he opened the door.
Amber’s eyes shot open as she jumped out of her lounge chair. “DAVID!” she screamed as she ran towards him. She almost leapt into his arms giving him a big hug as she said, “I was just talking to Bethany about how long it’s been since we’ve hung out. I don’t think you’ve given us the time of day in 5 years, big high school grad.” She was disentangling herself from him, but he made sure to let his hands linger on her warm skin until she pulled all the way apart from him.
“Well that was unexpected,” David said as he smiled back at her. “Thanks for the warm welcome. And I think it’s more that you two became popular girls who didn’t need me than I left you two.” Bethany had stood up and come over to him as well. She slipped between her sister and him and gave him a hug as well. “And how are you, Ms. Quiet?” he asked Bethany.
“I’m fine, just slightly more subdued than my overzealous sister,” Bethany responded with a smile. “Care to go for a swim?”
“I didn’t bring a swimsuit, but I do have my athletic shorts I was supposed to sleep in toight. I guess I could swim in those. Let me go change.” He turned back around and went inside to change. By the time he came back out, both girls were swimming in the pool. David jumped into the pool and swam over to the girls.
For a while, they just stood in the shallow end and caught up. David learned neither of them had a boyfriend and they learned David had no girlfriend. They talked school and parents and recent movies. Eventually, Bethany decided to make fun of David, which he revenged by dunking her. A giant, three way wrestling, tickling, and dunking session broke out. David made sure to pull each girl close to his horny body before dunking them, and they made sure to make it easy to be caught and pulled close. At one point Amber got so brave, when she was caught she wiggled around in his arms and ended up pressed up against the front of him. She could feel his hardness pressing against her as he quickly picked her up and tossed her away in a big splash. David wasn’t sure what it meant, but he knew it was the end for him.
They all three got out of the water and dried off. The girls laid back out as David went inside to start the lasagna. He changed out of his wet shorts back to his dry cargo shorts and threw back on his shirt. The girls came in shortly after him and said they were going to shower before dinner.
David quickly masturbated to the images of the girls in their bikinis. Somehow, he found himself more attracted to Amber, but really he wanted them both. He pictured himself in the pool with both of them naked, and then them laying out beside the pool as he made love to each one. It didn’t take long for David to cum.
David killed time until dinner was ready, and the girls came down when he called. They both had wet hair from the shower and similar outfits. Amber wore a tight, blue tank top and denim shorts while Bethany wore a black tank top and soccer shorts. They ate dinner and decided a movie would be good for the night. They piled into his car, went to the rental store, bickered for half an hour before deciding on a new comedy, and then headed back to the house. The girls told David that their father had a big screen tv and surround sound in the basement, so he was to go downstairs and get the movie set up while they got the popcorn ready. David went downstairs and prepped everything before settling into the large leather couch.
He was checking email on his phone when Amber came downstairs holding a big bowl of popcorn and two cokes. “Where’s Bethany?” he asked.
“She’s got a headache and decided to go to bed. Looks like it’s just us two tonight.” She plopped onto the sofa next to him and smiled.
“Do I need to do anything for her?”
“She’s sixteen, David. She can handle a headache herself.”
“Ok. Ready for the movie?” She nodded her head and he hit play. She scooted right up next to him and he felt her warm, bare leg against his leg along with her shoulder and arm pressing against him. She set the popcorn bowl down on their touching legs and cracked open her coke. David felt himself getting an erection, but was able to stop it just before it became bad. The popcorn ran out about half way through the movie, and Bethany just tossed the bowl aside in the direction of the stairs.
David looked over to her and saw in her eyes that she wanted him to kiss her. Unable to resist, he leaned his head down and kissed her lips. She immediately sighed into his kiss, which only encouraged him more. She lifted her legs over his and sank into the couch, pulling him slightly on top of her and behind her. She grasped his hand and held it tight as they kissed for nearly three minutes. Finally, David pulled away.
“Please, don’t stop,” she said.
“Amber, I don’t really know if this is right. And I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“I want it. I’ve always dreamt of you. I’ve never had a boyfriend because I’ve always wanted you as my boyfriend. I’ve been crushed for years that you’ve not been around anymore. I just want you.”
David smiled and looked down at this sexy teenage girl. “Why didn’t you ever call me or tell me in church sometime?”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t want me too. I was scared of my dream not coming true. But now it can. Take all of me. I want you.” David could see how bad she wanted him and how much it meant to her. That was all it took for him.
“I really don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never done anything but kiss,” he said.
“I’ve never even kissed another guy, so I don’t know much more. But we’ll figure it out,” she said as she laid down completely on the couch on her back. David laid down beside her on his side and begin kissing her again. His hand wandered slowly over her stomach and side up to her shoulder. He massaged her shoulder as he kissed her. Slowly, he drifted his hand down to her breast, which he cupped and massaged. They both moaned as David felt his first real breast and Amber had hers massaged by a man for the first time in her life. Despite being so inexperienced, David was quickly picking up steam. He began to kiss her neck as he moved to take off her top. He was surprised to find she wasn’t wearing a bra. He slipped off his shirt and laid down between her legs, pressing their bare chests together. Amber wrapped her arms and legs around him and they began to hump each other. Things stalled out for a while as they kissed and David groped her breasts as they humped together.
Eventually, Amber was the one who wanted more and she moved to separate their bodies. She unbuttoned his shorts and slid them partly down before switching to her own. She pulled her own all the way off as David kicked his off. Amber immediately pulled him back between her legs, but now she could feel him so much better since only two pieces of thin fabric separated them.
David started to get braver and kissed her neck more, almost leaving a hickey. He held himself up with one hand while he let the other wander down her side and rub her legs. He pulled his head up to look at her mostly naked body and loved what he saw. It was the first time he had really looked at her. Her breasts were firm and perky and had small nipples. She had no tan lines on her upper half nor an ounce of fat that he could see. Seeing her breasts like that, he immediately brought his hand back up to massage one as he brought his lips down to kiss and lick the other breasts.
Amber gasped with this new assault and tossed her head back, which only encouraged him more. David move from one breasts to the other, enjoying the pleasure he brought her as her back arched up to him and her breasts stood out so proud. David felt her hand grab his and it began guiding him lower. She slid it under her panties onto her shaven pelvis and stopped. David pulled back and looked at her with a sheepish grin. “I really don’t know what to do.”
Amber smiled. “Just rub around. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” She grabbed his hand and slid it back down, encouraging him. David took a deep breath and moved his hand down farther. As he slid around her and cupped her in his hand, she thrust her hips up towards him and gasped. She was warm and wet and David enjoyed the softness of her skin. He began exploring with his fingertips, which sent shivers through her body. He wasn’t an expert, but she’d also never had this done by another man before. He massaged and played with her for a few minutes getting up his courage. He slid one finger around probing for her opening. He found it by accident and his finger slid in up to the first knuckle. She gasped and encouraged him.
“Oh yeah, David, go ahead. I want you,” she said between breaths. David continued to slide his finger in until it was buried up to the last knuckle. Amber was writhing below him as he began to slide it in and out. They got a timing down together and continued for nearly five minutes. David just watched in awe as this sexy girl writhed around and moaned beside him.
Eventually Amber stopped him and pulled his hand away. She slid her panties off and looked at him. “I want you, David, not your finger,” she said as she parted her legs again. David immediately shed his boxers and climbed between his legs, glad he had masturbated earlier. He gave a nervous smile, to which she reassured him. “It’s going to be wonderful. I want you. Don’t worry about it and just enjoy, David. I just want you.”
David smiled one more time and laid down on top of her. She reached down and positioned him outside her as she wrapped her legs around his back. David wasn’t huge, but he was bigger than anything she’d ever had inside her before. He slowly slid inside, feeling the heat and wetness as he slid in. She felt tight and he didn’t want to hurt it, but it was hard for him to hold back. On Amber’s part, she felt like her body was going to explode. He was so much bigger than her two fingers and filled her up much deeper. When he was inside, they just held onto each other and kissed without moving for a minute. David never wanted this moment to end.
Finally, she began moving her hips and David moved his. With it being his first time, he didn’t last very long. He told he was getting close and she said she was on the pill for migraines, so it was ok. He thrust hard into her, causing her to arch her back in pleasure and that sent him over the edge. As he came down from his bliss, she noticed he was still hard. Amber pulled him out, rolled over on top of him, and slid him back inside her. She began to move up and down on him while he reached up and massaged her breasts with his hands. He remained hard inside her and they made love like this for nearly five minutes. He loved the feeling of her skin and enjoyed watching her face and hair as she bounced up and down on top of him. He move his hands from her breasts to her butt and back again, massaging both evenly and firmly. Amber then took his hand down to her and pressed his finger against her clit. “Rub there,” she said in a breathy voice.
David was good at following instructions and so he did just that. Amber immediately got closer to an orgasm and began riding David harder. He saw this change and it turned him on, which brought him close. Amber finally reached an orgasm while riding him, which caused her pussy to clamp down on him and send his inexperienced body over the edge again. David’s pulsing inside her caused Amber’s own orgasm to only intensify and she arched her back and moaned out his name before collapsing on his chest. They were both young and spent and almost immediately fell asleep with David still buried inside her. The movie credits rolled by on the TV, it’s plot long forgotten.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-06-10 15:42:08
very poorly written. i mean come on, seriously?

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-13 11:51:59
Haha i liked the ending brother.....good job!

anonymous readerReport 

2010-08-11 03:41:49
xD david?
david the david i no?
is this a true story?
i no a david and an amber,
and they like each other alot.

Anonymous readerReport 

2010-08-03 17:34:14
Not bad, not bad at all. =)

Anonymous readerReport 

2010-08-03 17:12:05
lol get them both pregnant? BOTH? XD

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