My last story ended with Judy, Aimee and me in the shower after a threesome where Judy and I had sex with Aimee, the two girls had sex with each other and I got to watch and help. To a point, Judy is a lesbian, Aimee is bisexual and I’m a straight male named Justice. Judy is my roommate and Aimee is her bisexual friend. Judy and I became very good friends over the last few months while she is renting a room from me in my home. Although Judy is a lesbian, she felt comfortable enough with me to invite me into a threesome. It was a wonderful time for the three of us. It was also the first threesome each of us have ever been involved in and the first time Judy had ever seen a man and woman have sex let alone be in the same bed with a male. While in the shower I tried my hardest to avoid touching Judy out of respect for her lifestyle. However the shower was tight and when we switched places, I was going from the back to the front and Judy and I had to pass each other sideway’s face to face in a very tight shower space . As we passed each other, her very nice size boobs rubbed hard against my chest. I felt her hard nipple and her very pretty soft boobs against me, but that wasn’t all that rubbed, my dick rubbed hard against her pubic mound. We made eye contact as we past. It aroused me to no end and gave me a hard on.
This has been somewhat of an introduction for those who didn’t read my last story. Judy is about five feet seven inches tall, she is very pretty with brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin with big boobs and a beautiful pussy with brown hair on it. Aimee is the same height with Blue eyes and also big boobs she is also very pretty with light brown hair on her pussy with pink pussy lips that Judy and I loved sucking on. Both girls are Gay although Aimee goes both ways and is considered bisexual and Judy is 43 and never had sex with a man.
A couple days had passed since our threesome, I haven’t seen Aimee, but however Judy mentioned that Aimee said to let me know how much she enjoyed our time together and that she is looking forward to a repeat. The thought of it made my dick hard.
Judy has been a little quieter than normal and I wondered if the shower incident might have upset her.
I let it go until Friday I decided to ask her if everything was all right between us, she smiled at me and said everything is fine and that she thought I was the quiet one and something was bothering me, so it made her become quieter than normal. I said Judy there is nothing wrong with me and I was hoping that we were still cool. She smiled at me and said I thought maybe the threesome might have had an effect on our friendship. At that point I walked up to Judy and gave her a big reassuring hug and said that it was a night that I will never forget. It was the best sex night of my life and that in the little time that I have known her I consider her one of my very favorite people and a very good friend.
Judy was all smiles and hugged me back hard and affectionate and said how relieved she is and admitted that it was also the best erotic night of sex that she had ever had and that she would like a repeat some night. We both stood there smiling and relieved. I realized rite then that she also considers me a good friend.
That same night I went was out with friends and came home at about midnight, Judy was out with Aimee and came home about 10 minutes later. I got a friendly hug from both of them. I was all smiles hoping to get another threesome going but before I could get my hopes up, Aimee announced that she could only stay for a few minutes, because she has a family function to go to very early and couldn’t stay up late tonight. They had had a few drinks while out and were still very playful. Judy was kissing and putting her hands on Aimee’s ass and winking at me while she played. Aimee was laughing enjoying the playful mood Judy was in. I watched in amusement and wished I was in on it as Judy was putting on a little show for me as she lifted Aimee’s dress; to show me her panties, she had on white bikinis. Aimee looked at me and rolled her eyes and smiled as Judy dropped to her knee’s and put her face in Aimee’s crotch as I watched, she rubbed her face all around, then got up smiling and said to Aimee ok you can go now as the three of us laughed. Aimee said good bye and left.
Judy was in a very good mood and seemed to be very happy. I commented and said you seen to be happy tonight. She said I am. I just had a nice night out with my best friend and then I get to come home to my other best friend. That caught me off guard and it put a huge smile on my face. I really like Judy. She has a great personality and is so darn likable. Too bad she is a lesbian.
We stayed up and poured two glasses of wine and were just talking about nothing in particular, and somehow the subject turned to Aimee and how they are the best of friends and love to have sex, but they are not romantically involved with each other, but remain fucking partners and good friend. This is because Judy explains its casual sex. I spoke and said that casual sex is the best because it’s about having good sex and not about a relationship. It’s about two friends having great free for all sex. We both agreed on that point, and found ourselves having a meaningful conversation again. We talked about a lot of subjects as we poured another glass of wine. The subject turned to the threesome we had a week earlier. I mentioned that I really meant it when I said it was the best sex night of my life; Judy smiled and said I meant it too. I said to Judy do you remember when we were both eating Aimee out at the same time and our tongues touched, she replied with a smile on her face wondering where I was going with this and said, I remember quite well. I said it was a big turn on for me, my dick got so hard when that happened. I wondered if you enjoyed it also. Judy smiled at me and said I remember it well because it was the closest I had ever been to a man let alone touching tongues, I did enjoy it and it made me hot. I then said, in the shower when we rubbed while passing each other. It was unintentional, but it was the most erotic feeling I had ever had. I wondered if it did anything for you. Judy smiled at me and said I wanted to talk you about that moment since that night. It was very different from any experience I’ve had before; I can only say that it felt very good, you’re the only man that has ever been that close to me and I did like it. Now we were both smiling at each other. I was happy it wasn’t just me.
Wine always gets me horny; also talking sex with Judy didn’t help any, I had a hard on, my nine inch dick was bulging in my pants and was actually getting painful, I tried to hide it but Judy noticed and teased me about it, she asked if all this talk about our threesome caused my hard on. I replied it did. The thought of us in the shower turned me on and I can’t control it. I said; do you think a gay girl and a straight man can have good casual sex. Judy smiled at me, and then put her arm around me and as she was leading me to her bedroom she said I am so fucking horny right now I just want to fuck your brains out tonight.
We were leaving a trail of clothes as we walked to Judy’s room, I was completely naked as we got to her door, Judy’s big boobs were already exposed, I reached for her skirt and pulled it down along with her light blue silky panty’s she was completely naked. We were both panting in anticipation. Judy put her hand around my dick as she said in a very soft voice. You’re going to be the one man I feel I can have sex with, then she deep tongue kissed me and I kissed her back with passion and affection. I laid her on the bed on her back, I kissed her on the lips and said enjoy your first experience with a man as I licked and kissed my way down to her pussy. Her pussy has brown hair on it she has a beautiful pubic mound and crease right down to her pussy hole that has never been touched by a man before, I spread her legs and her pussy lips and stuck my tongue in and started eating pussy to my heart’s content. Judy moaned loudly with pleasure as she held my head and guided me to all the sweet spots. She said, oh Justice, I never knew it would feel so good, I just never knew. She was without a doubt enjoying sex with me, her pussy lips were just the right size and I loved sucking on them. I worked my way back up and kissed her on the lips, my face was pretty juicy from eating; Judy said you look like you enjoyed yourself. I said with a smile that she has the sweetest pussy I have ever tasted; she smiled and kissed me on the lips. I positioned my dick at Judy’s pussy, It was just slightly in the her pussy hole, she was so wet, I grabbed my dick and rubbed it around for a few seconds as I pushed it in her very wet pussy. She met me with a pump upwards and I was able to get my whole nine inches in her pussy. She yelped with surprise at the actual size of my dick entering her pussy, after that she just put her arms and hands around my ass and ground and pumped my dick into her pussy with perfect rhythm. We fucked for 20 minutes before I filled her pussy with cum. We lay there exhausted talking and laughing about how much we both enjoyed it, we agreed it was only casual sex to keep things clear between us; however after lying there for a while I was ready to go again, I touched Judy’s pussy and she came back to life. She has never sucked a dick and was ready, she turned on her side and put us in a 69 position and wasted no time putting my dick in her mouth, I buried my face in her pussy and did my best to make sure Judy got satisfaction from me. We pumped on each other’s face for what felt like an eternity. It was very erotic being the first guy to fuck this beautiful 43 year old Lesbian. She was also doing a great job sucking.
When I got close to Cuming again, I warned her that I was going to shoot but she wouldn’t stop and I came in her mouth. She stopped sucking and clamped her mouth over the head of my dick as she stroked to get every bit of cum in her mouth. She moved up to my face and kissed me on the lips , I expected to get a mouthful of my own cum, knowing Judy personality but she had swallowed, then thank me for a great experience. I also thanked her for allowing me to be the first. We laid there in her bed and fell asleep together.
I woke up at day light and looked over at a still sleeping naked Judy, she was sleeping on her back out of the covers with her legs somewhat spread. I sat up and admired her pussy. Her pussy hole was open and I could see a lot of pink. I wanted to get my face in there and suck on those pretty pussy lips, but I didn’t dare; so I just stared and rubbed my own dick. Judy looked up and saw me staring at her with a big hard on. She smiled and said didn’t you get enough last night. I smiled back and said. Judy you are one classy Lesbian. She loves compliments; she grabbed my dick bent over and put it in her mouth and deep throated it as best she can, within five minutes I came in her mouth. She again stopped sucking and clamped her mouth over the head of my dick while stroking as much cum as she can get. She looked me in the face and swallowed, then smiled and said good morning.
Watch for my next Story called (Me and Judy Part 2)
I plan on keeping Judy around for a while and making her more and more slutty and adventures with each short Judy story, so stay tuned.
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