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Janice, a story about a wife, mother, nympho
I met Janice in my freshman year of college. We had a few courses together, so we had some talking points to get to know each other better. Janice was beautiful with a soft smile that just someway brightened up the day. Her hair was an auburn color, which she wore down to the tops of her shoulders. She often wore shorts which highlighted strong straight legs that were quite long. Janice was about 5'6" and 125 pounds of pure sensual energy. Her skin was soft and she got enough sun to give her that slightly bronzed look. Janice was about a 36C (ok, I peeked once) with a great shape and firmness to her tits.

We were soon dating and before to long became lovers. Not being very experienced, my lovemaking was novice at best. Janice and I kind of learned from each other as time went on. We were both quite horny, and if time permitted in our day, we would rush back to our dorms and get it on. I didn't feel we were anymore amorous that any other couple.

After graduation, we both got jobs and lived together. The fucking intensified, more so by Janice who demanded shagging often. She said she had a horny bug in her puss. I enjoyed meeting her requests and very rarely opted out of sex. My job progressed more rapidly and so we could afford to get married. We soon bought a home, Janice quit her job and she got pregnant with our first, a boy who we named Brian. Less than two years later, our second son, Jeff was born. During this time I had to travel more in my work and thus was away from home for some periods. Janice was always occupied with the boys, but when I was home, she wanted sex all the time. I chalked it up to her missing me during my absences. I started to worry a little when just after a fuck she wanted to go again and was frustrated when my dick wouldn't get hard within five minutes of coming.

If I joked about her being a nymphomaniac, Janice would get pissed and blame me for not putting her fire out. I pretty much dismissed her anger and usually wound up working more which gave the arguments more retread value. Things remained under wraps until the boys were old enough for school. Once she was alone in the house, Janice would get the itch and call or even come by my office for some quick copulation. This initially had the excitement value, but also soon became a point of contention. Janice, with my knowledge and ok bought a number of toys to help herself along when I just could not.

However by the time the boys got to middle school, Janice was like a mare in heat. It was impossible for me, with the help of the toys to quench her sexual thirst. Reluctantly we discussed her having an affair or even swinging but concluded that was a little too dangerous and risky. It was decided that maybe a fuck buddy would be the solution. The question was who could we trust and who would be available when needed.

I suggested Ted, our next door neighbor. Ted is a little older than us, no kids, and is an international airline pilot. We played golf and tennis together at the club so I knew him pretty well. Due to his work he had lots of time off and after seeing him in the locker room I knew the man was hung. Ted was about six ft three and 200 pounds or so, in great shape. His wife Ellen was just the opposite. About five two she was maybe 160 pounds, mostly in her chest and ass. She was a great gal and a good friend to Janice so if any couple could help us out it had to be them. Janice readily agreed to try and she would approach Ellen while I laid the groundwork with Ted. But before we were going to take this step we made an appointment with a leading doctor specializing in sexual disorders. After a battery of tests it was determined that Janice had FHSDD. That stood for Female Hyperactive Sexual Desire Disorder. This was a fancy way to say the Janice had a constant desire and need for sexual activity. We could not pinpoint the cause so the doctor wanted to try some medications primarily serotonin inhibitors and also clominpramine.

After trying these remedy's during the time cycle, we noticed little if any improvement plus it appeared to make Janice more moody and agitated. The doctor wanted to run some more tests but we decided to hold off. We also decided to pursue our plan to involve Ted.

First Janice told me the response she got from Ellen. Ellen was very supportive and commented she was concerned with Janice's problem and felt since they were friends, any help she could offer they would. Ellen did put in the caveat that if she felt slighted in any way that she could avail herself of me; of course I was delighted to hear that, since her big ass and even bigger tits often had made me drool. Next up was Ted and he couldn't have been more supportive as well as telling me his fantasy was fucking Janice.

So all seemed to be set and it was decided the best way was for Ted and Janice to connect while I was at work and the boys in school. This arrangement was working good as Ted would fuck Janice several times during the day and when I got home it was my job to continue to the next day. We started to have some bumps when Ted's flight schedule changed; of course being an international pilot, Ted would be gone for stretches of time, usually 10 days. This forced all the fucking back on me. You can imagine Janet's heightened state during Ted's absences but even then his first duty was Ellen when he got back. It wasn't long before we knew this arrangement was not sustainable. We would have to enlarge our circle or try something else.

One day we had Janice's sister, Polly and her husband Ray over. Polly is 12 years younger than Janice, physically opposite; she is a hair over 5 feet and might hit 100 pounds. Even with that, she has a full gorgeous ass and a nice B cup. Ray is a big burly guy about 6'2 and probably 230 pounds. Ray is kind of gruff and he works in the oil field pipeline business. We really like them both, they are outgoing and funny.

Well, during the conversation Janice let it slip about Ted and Polly replied that she knew already. This took us back a bit, but not anymore than when Ray announced that they were swingers over the past couple years. Ray continued by saying he wouldn't mind helping out if we needed help. Polly concurred by asked for the same caveat as Ellen next door, would I be available for her if needed. Dancing in my head was the thought of petite Polly spinning on my dick. I liked the idea. Nothing else was said for several moments, and then Ray asked do you want to try to Janice.

Considering Janice's condition, this is like asking a kid if he wants candy. Janice stood up and lifted her skirt to expose her pussy (she never wears underwear anymore, irritates her) and bent over the arm chair. Ray took this for a solid yes, opened his jeans to expose a short but ever so fat cock. The best description would be a tapered beer can. It was that thick and only slightly longer with a slimmer head. Ray got behind Janice and worked that ramrod in. Janice was moaning as the thickness was new to her and was probably hitting areas that hadn't been touched before except during childbirth. It wasn't long before he was imbedded to the root and was pounding away.

Polly took this as cue and took my hand and told me to lie down. I did and she knelt over me and opened my shorts and fished my cock out. She lifted her dress (no underwear either) and straddled me. Hovering over me she grabbed my cock and wet it with her pussy before sitting on it. She then straightened her legs so I could hold them and balance her entire body just on my cock. She did push ups with her hands off of my knees. Talk about a spinner event. As my ass flexed up, I fucked her pussy while raising her whole body.

Glancing over to Janice, Ray had removed the rest of her clothes and was cupping her tits and flicking her nipples. His cock was still working hard into Janice's snatch. Both Ray and I came into our respective partners. Later on Ray had two more bouts with Janice.

So now with Ray included we had a little more help with Janice. During the days, Ted was up, Ray and I operated in the evenings and weekends. This activity was keeping Janice satisfied for the time being, but I already had the sense that we needed to do more. Remember the others had to service their wives as well as being on beck and call for Janice's heavy demands. Janice was now being fucked a minimum of 6 times a day and as much as 10 times. This as well as the use of various vibrators and dildo's, she was having probably 20 orgasms a day. We were also trying some herbal supplements that we read about, all in an effort to make her condition tolerable.

Problems began again when Ray called to say he had been placed on night shift for the next six months. That minimized his activity during the day and left me as sole provider in the evenings. Janice and I had another talk on options. We read up on so called gangbang squads, swinger groups and everything in between. It all came down to a safety issue and discretion. We just could not get comfortable with any scenarios. Ray even brought up some in his semi regular group and Ted thought of other pilots. Ellen and Polly were no help, shit they wanted more themselves.

It was then that Janice mentioned the boys. "What," I astounded. "You cannot be serious Jan". Janice then laid out the scene. Both boys would be discreet, they were young and virile (Brian was now 21 and Jeff 19), they did not have steady girlfriends, they lived at home going to college. Plus over the years they had spied on mom and often commented how hot she was. I told her that they would not go for it, the incest factor, and what would this do to the family diametric.

We continued to discuss this for weeks, with us always having the same conclusions -- Janice for, me against. We finally got feedback from the others in our group, surprisingly all for. Ray and Ted could perform better with help; Ellen aghast at first thought it kinky and Polly, well her caveat again was to be included. I began to wonder if this nympho thing was a family issue. Being outpolled I finally gave in, if Janice could convince the boys, I wouldn't interfere. Needless to say what the outcome was.

Here now is an average weekday. I wake in the morning and Janice either blows me or I fuck her. While I'm shaving and showering, she goes to Brian's room and gets another fuck. Brian replaces me in the shower while I go down to make coffee and breakfast. I pass Jeff's room and he is bulldozing his cock in Janice's ass. She loves it because Jeff has 7 inches that curves upwards and hits spots in Janice that drive her crazy. During breakfast in the kitchen we all take turns fucking mom again. She bends at the counter and one after the other we ram her. When the boys and I leave, Ted comes around by mid morning and does his part.

By the time the weekend arrives, we have a full blown orgy on our hands. Ray and Polly come over and Polly gets her share of action. Being so petite she is constantly being carried around by one of the boys on their peckers. She also has a double penetration in this position which I had to film it was so hot. Of course we are joined by Ted and Ellen. All in all I think we have this nympho, sex addict thing under control that is until I heard my wife on the phone with her mom.

Janice did not know I was there, but I heard her give a fairly detailed accounting of our activities sex wise. I was surprised to say the least because her mother was very prim and proper and would best be described as a pillar of society. I was even more surprised when Janice told her mother in a loud voice that no she could come over when we entertained. What's up with that

Dudley DowrongReport 

2018-07-16 11:26:30
Such sexual disorders have been documented in men & women. This scenario is a unique example as to the treatment of Janice.disorder. Usually more detail is given in foreplay & actions in these fuck sessions. But as active as Janice is with as many partners as she "entertains" that would extensive. Ch 2 & 3 will surely be intresting as her Mom, Polly, & Ellen get more involved (I assume).
Your English keeps getting better, Congratulations. Thank you also for the way U break paragraphs thru out Ur stories. Good work!.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-05-30 01:26:30

anonymous readerReport 

2011-01-08 09:56:10
u said Female Hyperactive Sexual Desire Disorder in your story its not where they are more horny its where they lose desire look up your medical terms before u write ur story other then that it was not to bad


2010-08-14 21:28:41
I did give the story a positive rating as it was well written. However, it is not my type of story as I like for the sexual activity to be real and personal with vivid descriptions of the sexual acts. This story could be remade into a really hot story with multiple chapters.


2010-07-30 12:49:53
Well it seems to be wrong order, but nowdays wrong order is the trend like FastnFurious series Stra Wars series lol............

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