A daughter learns Daddy's lessons really well with much enjoyment,
Chapter 1 - Dad is not happy with Daughter.
Louisa sat on her bed thinking over the events of the last two weeks. She was 18 and had just finished college, and was enjoying her last summer at home before moving away to University. In the last two weeks she had begun secretly dating one of her fathers friends and colleague. He was 35, not that much younger than her Dad, but he was good looking and in good shape. Her Dad knew she was seeing someone, but she had managed to keep Greg's identity from him, but she knew she would have to tell him eventually; all the sneaking around was getting to her. She didn't like keeping things from him but she knew he'd go mental when she did finally get the courage to tell him.
Louisa had always been close to her Dad, as he had raised her by himself, her mother having died quickly after giving birth to her, but the last few years had been the hardest, with her Dad struggling to let her go and live her own life. She had known Greg for a couple of years but had only recently begun to think of him as more than her Dads mate. She had been bored of college boys, all they wanted to do was feel her up, and get into her panties. She was aware of her beauty and that she attracted a lot of attention, but she was not vain, and she wanted someone who wanted her for more than her looks. She was average height, beautiful clear ivory skin, dark chestnut brown hair, and sparkling green eyes, slim and toned with pert C cup breasts that fitted her frame perfectly.
A few weeks ago she had noticed that Greg had started dropping by more and more, quite often when her Dad was not there, and what started as awkward moments of stilted conversation quickly blossomed into an easy friendship. She felt at ease with him, he was someone she could talk to, actually have a conversation with. Then one day he had asked her if she wanted to go for a drink with him that night. She had said yes, and things had progressed pretty quickly. She had slept with him on the third date, and had never experienced anything like it, the college guys quickly paling in comparison. She had orgasmic several times, a first for her, and since then she had been insatiable, they fucked every chance they got.
She smiled to herself as she lay back on her bed, her pussy tingling as she thought about Greg and the wonderful things he did to her. She opened her jeans and slid her hand inside, starting to rub herself through her panties.
Dean was furious, sure that everyone at work had been laughing at him behind his back, laughed as his friend fucked his daughter! He had overheard some of the other guys at work on about it and confronted Greg. Greg denied it at first then realised there was no point, he was caught out, and admitted he'd been seeing Louisa for 2 weeks. Dean had gone mad, yelling at him, and storming out of work. He had meant to go for a drive, calm his nerves, but he couldn't concentrate, and so decided to go straight home. He wasn't stupid, he had known Louisa had been seeing someone but he'd had no idea it was Greg, and that she had been having sex with him!! Not his little girl, his baby!! He parked up and walked up to the door, surprised to find it was unlocked, he had expected Louisa to be out with her friends as usual.
"Shit" he muttered under his breath, not sure how to handle the situation. He went in, but there was no sign of Louisa. He sighed glad the confrontation had been put off for a few more seconds, but he would confront her eventually, he could not allow this to continue, absolutely not! He had done everything he could to protect her all her life, as she was the only family he had since losing Erica, and now something like this had happened! He felt his earlier rage boil up inside him again. He heard a noise upstairs, and so went up ready to tell Louisa she would no longer be seeing Greg.
Her door was open a crack, and he paused, momentarily confused by what he was seeing. Louisa was lying back on her bed, her jeans discarded on the floor with her hand in her panties, moaning and wriggling around. Her nipples were erect under the thin material of her t-shirt, and it was quite obvious she had no bra on. A light sheen of sweat made her skin glisten and the look on her face was one of pure pleasure. He jumped, suddenly aware he was watching his daughter masturbate, and disgusted to find he had a raging hard on. She looked up at his slight movement.
"Fuck...Dad...I..." She sat up quickly, covering herself with her blanket. Dean turned and walked away without speaking.
She found him in the kitchen a few moments later nursing a rather large whiskey.
"Dad, I'm sorry...I..." she mumbled. Dean cut her off, "where did I go wrong? You were such a sweet girl, I know about you and Greg." He looked at her, and she looked down ashamed.
"How long have you known?" She asked quietly.
"Oh about an hour and a half, I didn't want to believe it, but then I come home and catch you masturbating." He said masturbating with a sneer, as if the word has tasted bad in his mouth. "It can't go on you know"
"I'll never do it again Dad, I promise!" she looked up at him earnestly.
"Not the masturbating you silly girl, I meant you and Greg! He is just using you for sex, its all over the office, everyone thinks your some cheap slut including Greg!" he shouted a her.
"No! He wouldn't...he loves me, he told me" she began to cry. "No he doesn't! He just wants to fuck you, and you gave him exactly what he wanted didn't you?! I didn't bring my daughter up to be a whore!" He was getting angrier and angrier.
"You're just saying that! You're just saying it because you can't let me go! You want me all to yourself, I saw you watching me getting off remember, you fucking dirty pervert." She recoiled and fell back as he slapped her across her face, and began to cry harder, but still his anger didn't calm. He hadn't ever struck her before; he had spanked her a few times as a child, but not for many years. She sobbed as she clutched her hand to her face where a big red mark had appeared.
"Get up." His voice was deeper and throaty, and he was shocked to find that he was getting turned on seeing his daughter vulnerable and crying. His mind kept flashing back to images of her writhing on her bed. His cock began to grow and he found he didn't want it to stop he was enjoying this. He smiled to himself as he hauled Louisa up off of the floor.
"Daddy..." she looked up at him her eyes wide and afraid, she had never seen her Dad like this before, "what's going on?"
"Nothing," he grinned down at her, his cock now bulging against his trousers, "I'm just going to teach you a lesson that's all, because you have been bad, oh yes." She began to whimper as he picked her up and carried her into his room.
Chapter 2 - What has he done?
Dean threw Louisa onto the bed; still not caring whether she was crying or upset, his cock now throbbing against the confining material of his trousers.
"Quit crying!" Dean spat angrily, "This is your own fault! You need to learn Louisa! I am your father and you WILL listen to me and do as I say!" Louisa began to cry even harder. She had never known her Dad be so angry with her.
"Take off you jeans, now." He ordered her. She sat up her shock drying up her tears.
"W...w...what? My Jeans? W...what for?" she stumbled over the words, she was afraid of her father for the first time in her life.
"I said take them off, now do it!" he moved towards her and she shrank back almost trying to press herself into the bed.
"You have been naughty Louisa, what do I do when you've been naughty huh? I haven't done it in about 7 years," he thought back trying to remember, "Yes...7 years, that's right, not since I caught you trying to steal my cigarettes." Louisa's eyes widened, "You're going to spank me?" She relaxed a little thinking that this was all really some kind of stupid joke, thinking her Dad was just trying to scare her into realising how upset he was at the whole situation.
"Yea, funny Dad, you really had me going there, I was pretty scared." She held her hand out to him, it trembled, "look I'm shaking! So you got me pretty good." She looked at him desperately wanting to believe herself. Dean just grinned almost manically down at her, "Louisa I am going to spank you, whether you like it or not. You have to be punished." His tone was soft, gentle, the voice he used when she was upset and he wanted to comfort her.
"No..." Louisa breathed the word, unaware she had spoken at all. Rage flooded through her, she wrenched herself back, now she was against the wall. "No!" she yelled, getting to her feet on the big king-size bed, "I am not a child Dad! I'm 18, you think I am just gonna bend over and let you spank me? I don't think so!" She was shaking again but now from anger not fear. "How dare he?!" she thought, watching him closely for any sign of movement.
Dean had been thrown off by her sudden anger, he hadn't expected her to put up a fight, and she had looked so afraid, so vulnerable. He watched her watching him and took a slow step forward. She lunged across the bed, quite obviously aiming for the door. Dean had anticipated this however, and stepped deftly to the side, catching her in his arms. She fought to get away from him, struggling against him. Dean was already highly aroused and this was only making things worse. If he didn't get some release soon he wasn't sure what would happen. He held onto her tightly, feeling her fight drain away as she realised she wasn't going anywhere. He could feel her chest hitching up and down as she tried to catch her breath, her breasts heaving against him.
He could barely take it, her body was so tight against his, and his cock pressed against her waist. He wrenched her away from him, still keeping a tight grip on her arm, not wanting her to feel his hardness. "Not yet anyway." He thought to himself. Still holding onto her he pulled her towards the bed again and sat down.
"Dad, please, don't do this. If you love me, you won't do this to me! I am not a child!" she wept softly.
"You're my child, and I love you more than anything, so that is why I have to do this."
He pulled her in front of him and opened her jeans. His cock nearly exploded when he saw the top of the soft cotton that was her panties. He pulled her jeans down slowly his eyes devouring her as she was revealed bit by bit to him. Her panties were simple enough, but it was their innocence that turned him on. They were a very soft pink, with a darker pink ribbon trim tied into a bow in the middle. There was a tiny cartoon fairy below the bow.
"Cute" he said pulling her to the side and bending her over his lap. All her fight had gone, she lay across him as lifeless as a rag doll.
"Just do it," she muttered, "get it over with"
"She must be able to feel me," he thought, his cock was pressed into the soft flesh of his stomach, he could feel the warmth of her body through her top and his trousers. "Oh well, to late now" he thought. He looked at her ass as he raised his hand for the first strike. It was gorgeous, round and full, but firm, just like a juicy peach, and the panties only made the image more erotic. He debated whether to remove them, but decided he liked them better where they were. His hand whooshed through the air and made contact with her bottom with a loud smacking sound. Louisa gasped, and Dean's cock twitched and he felt a spurt of precum shoot out. He moaned involuntarily. He raised his hand again and brought it down with more force than the last, Louisa crying out with the pain. He continued to spank his daughter holding her down with his other arm, his aching penis twitching every time his hand connected with Louisa's sweet flesh.
Louisa tried to block out what was happening, trying to close her mind to everything, but every time he spanked her the pain broke through her barrier making her cry out. And she could feel his cock against her tummy; it made her feel dirty, disgusted and even more afraid than his hand.
"What if he wanted to do more, more than just spank me?" she wondered. She would take this, then as soon as he had finished she would be gone, she would leave, pack and go...
"Ahhh!" she yelped as her Dad spanked her even harder than before driving all thoughts out of her mind. At the sound of her voice crying out Dean exploded in an orgasm, his cum soaking his trousers and the thin material of Louisa's top.
"Urgh" he grunted and thrust his hips up pushing himself against Louisa's body as hard as he could, grabbing her tender red ass. She felt the wetness spreading against her skin and was turned on in spite of everything, her fathers cry bordering on animalistic. Disgust washed over her as her pussy tingled. His grip slackened and she shot up, "You dirty bastard, I knew you were enjoying this, you are sick!" she cried. He just sat there, filled with shame.
"I am so sorry Louisa, I...I don't know what came over me, I really don't." He meant it but even as he spoke, he felt his cock begin to harden again at the sight of her stood there in her panties and cum stained tee, her tear stained face looking back at him.
"Sick..." She mumbled as she turned and fled out of his room. He didn't go after her afraid of what he'd do if he did. He was sick, she was right, she was his baby, his beautiful girl, and he had violated her, destroyed their relationship, and probably driven her straight to the little prick who had caused all these problems.
Louisa entered her room slamming the door shut behind her. Not bothering to turn on the light, she sank to the floor in a heap. A million questions whirled around in her head, "Did she deserve this? Was it her fault? Did she enjoy it?" She began to cry again.
Her phone beeped in the darkness, she stood up and fumbled for the light switch. The room flooded with light and she turned it right down using the dimmer, until she could just see, she wanted to be in the darkness but needed to find her phone. It beeped again and she found it on her bedside table. She had a message from Greg. She read it and began to cry harder, her legs almost giving way. It said, "Hey Babe, heard ur Dad found out, that's bad luck huh? Maybe its 4 the best, it was good while it lasted, I had a gr8 time, Greg."
So her Dad had been right, Greg hadn't cared at all, she was just an easy lay and now things were out in the open he didn't care one bit! She hurled her phone against the wall, where it broke and fell to the floor in pieces. She was crying hard, and didn't know what to do or who to turn to. She couldn't tell anyone about this without getting her Dad into trouble, which part of her said he deserved, but she still loved him, and no matter what he'd done Greg had broken her heart and it was her Dad she wanted to turn to for comfort. She was so confused. She sat on the edge of her bed. She was scared to go to her Dad incase he struck her again, or incase anything else happened, she had seen the look in his eyes, the look that screamed that he wanted her, that he wanted to take her, and fuck her.
An image of her father fucking her rose to the front of her mind and she felt a sudden longing. "Urgh, what am I doing?" she cried to the empty room, "this is so wrong." She could not understand her feelings, she had never thought of her father in a sexual way, and after the humiliation he'd put her through tonight she didn't know how she could ever trust him again never mind want to go to him for more. She stopped crying and wiped her face, suddenly feeling exhausted. She wanted sleep more than anything. She curled up in a ball on her bed, pulling her favourite childhood teddy close and fell into a deep sleep, her Dad's cum still drying on her shirt.
Dean was no less confused. He sat on the edge of his bed for a long time, his head in his hands thinking about how he could possibly repair this mess. Nothing came to him. He was ashamed of what he'd done, and he wanted more than anything to go to his daughter and give her comfort, to talk to her and soothe her as he had done so many times in the past, but knew he couldn't. It was a wonder he hadn't heard her leave yet. He couldn't deny that he still wanted her though. He longed to touch her, but not like he had before. He wanted to love her, to caress her, not brutally fuck her, as he had wanted before. In the end he gave up trying to wrestle with his conscience and climbed into bed to try and sleep. His sleep was broken and uneasy as he worried about the coming day.
Chapter 3 - What happens now?
Louisa opened her eyes and sat up, yawning and stretching. Suddenly she fell back and pulled the duvet over her, the memories of last night flooding her mind. She lay still for a few minutes thinking about what had happened. In the light of day it didn't seem so bad, it wasn't as if her Dad had raped her was it? He had spanked her, which she probably deserved for not telling him about Greg, even though she felt to old for a spanking. He had ended up cumming on her stomach as she was stretched over his lap, his hand on her ass. And then she had yelled at him as he tried to apologise.
Louisa felt kind of bad, he had been trying to sorry, and she supposed that a lot of people would be flattered, if she was hot enough to make her own Father cum when she was simply bent over in an old tee and a pair of panties then she was more attractive than she thought. And she couldn't deny that she had felt a bit turned on as he had shot his seed all over her.
"God, I am so confused," she mumbled to herself, "I should be mad as hell!" She decided to have a shower and then go down and just pretend it hadn't happened. She would tell her Dad about Greg, and that he had been right and that would be an end to it all. She hoped.
As she wandered down the hall to the bathroom she could hear her Dad pottering around in the kitchen already. She switched the water on, and turned it to hot. She looked in the mirror expecting herself to look tired, stressed, but she looked and felt fresh as a daisy. She knew she had slept deeply and put it down to all the spent adrenaline. She could see a patch on her t-shirt that was a slightly different colour to the rest, she touched it, and it felt almost stiff under her fingers. She realised she hadn't changed her top last night after her Dad had cum on it, she had just fallen asleep in it and it had dried in the night.
She pulled it off quickly, then feeling curious, put it to her nose and sniffed the patch. It had a faint musky smell. She dropped it to the floor. "Urgh, what am I doing?" she yelled to herself. "How could she call him the sick one, when she was here sniffing his dried cum on her shirt?" She wondered. She climbed into the shower and stood under the hot water, hoping to wash all her confusion and anger away. She washed her hair, then her body, unconsciously scrubbing at her stomach where her Dad had cum.
Dean heard Louisa creep along the hall, and then the water begin to run as she turned on the shower. That meant she would be downstairs soon. Panic flared up inside him suddenly and he spilt a bit of coffee on his shirt. "Shit" he mumbled. He took off his shirt and put it down infront of the washing machine. He had a minor case of the shakes. He smiled to himself a little, not feeling very amused, just remembering he had not felt this nervous since he had proposed to Robin, Louisa's Mum. He had no clue how to face Louisa now, what to say, or how he could possibly make things up to her, and gain her trust again. He thought he would just wait and see how she was with him before going wading in and making things worse. He heard the water shut off and his stomach was filled with butterflies again.
Louisa got out of the shower and grabbed a towel from the rack. She wrapped it around herself enjoying the feel of the soft material against her skin. She had decided to tell her Dad to just forget what had happened the night before and just carry on as they had been. She thought she might even suggest they went out for lunch so he knew she really was ok. She towel dried her hair and went into her room, putting on some simple pyjama's consisting of baby blue shorts and a matching blue tank top with little butterflies all over.
She took a deep breath, "Right, lets do this." She made her way downstairs to face her Dad.
Dean was busy ironing another shirt when he heard Louisa coming down the stairs. She came around the corner and into the kitchen. He put the iron down and stared at her. He had always thought Louisa a very pretty girl, and last night he had wanted her but here before him now he thought she looked like an angel. Her damp hair hung about her face in loose waves and her eyes were bright and sparkling. Her skin had that freshly washed glow, and she smelled fruity and delicious. He let his eyes wander quickly down her body taking in her soft curves and luscious legs. Her nipples were not fully erect but close enough, and he could see their raised shape under her vest. "That's probably because she's nervous." He thought to himself.
Louisa cleared her throat, "Erm...Dad..." His eyes snapped up to hers quickly, and then looked away guiltily.
"Dad, can we just forget about last night please? I'm not sure what happened, but I'd rather just go back to how we were. And it turns out you were right about Greg, he finished me last night after he found out you knew about us." Louisa said.
Relief washed over Dean in a great wave. "Yes...yes, of course we can sweetheart, I am so sorry, but you are right, we'll just forget it ever happened, ok?"
"Ok, do you fancy going for some lunch later, or are you at work?" Louisa asked.
"Yes that sounds great sweetie, I've got the day off today so it's fine." He lied, he had already phoned in sick, wanting to get things sorted with Louisa as soon as possible rather than letting it stew. He would never have been able to concentrate anyway.
"Great, I'll go get ready, give me a shout when you're ready." With that she turned and walked off. Dean caught himself staring at her ass as it had swayed before him out of the room.
Louisa went into her room. She felt much better having sorted out the events of the night before but she still felt confused about her Dad. It was obvious he still wanted her, she had seen the way he had been looking at her down in the kitchen, with such open desire, the only thing was, she had enjoyed it, she had felt so turned on watching his eyes travel up and down her body. Even her nipples had started to harden, and she just prayed her Dad hadn't noticed.
She reached up now and touched them, they were so hard under her fingers, and her fingers sent little bolts of electricity through her body. She went over to her bed and laid back, her fingers still caressing her stiff nipples. She had snuck a quick peek at him, whilst he had stared at her, and he still looked very good. His body was toned and muscled, still lightly tanned from when they'd gone to Lanzarote a couple of months back. He had dark brown hair leading from his belly button to...well, to below the waistband of his trousers. She pinched her nipples softly and let out a soft moan. His eyes were brilliant green like hers, his hair darker than hers, almost black, now with fine silver strands of grey. He wore it longish, to his neck and it was loose and curly. He did not look 41 at all, and her friends were always commenting on how hot he was.
Louisa gave up on trying to rationalise what she was doing, what she was thinking. She let herself open up and think of her father as a man not just her Dad, and was not surprised to find that she really wanted him. Thoughts of him filled her mind, images of the night before, and her pussy flooded. She pulled her tank top up so she had better access to her soft breasts, and resumed her caresses. Her right hand began to wander slowly downward as she traced her hand along the taut flesh that was her stomach. Her pussy ached to be touched, but she resisted, content for the moment to just touch her smooth skin, it was so warm beneath her fingers.
As more and more images of her Dad filled her mind her hand wandered lower still, until she was touching her self through her shorts. A low moan escaped her and she pushed her hips upwards, pressing herself against her hand. She began to rub herself slowly up and down, the material of her pyjamas sticking to her wet slit. She needed more so she slipped her hand inside her shorts and began to rub herself harder.
Chapter 4 - Louisa finally decides.
Dean was in the kitchen trying to decide where to take Louisa for lunch. He wanted somewhere that would make her feel special, somewhere quiet that they could talk and get back to normal. He decided to go and see what she fancied because he would probably need to make a reservation. He went upstairs and raised his hand to knock on Louisa's bedroom door.
"Yes...oh Daddy," Louisa moaned as she slipped her finger inside her wet opening, "Daddy, oh you feel so good."
Dean stood by Louisa's door in total shock, he could imagine what she was doing, how she was touching herself, as he had seen her masturbate only yesterday. And now she was calling out for. He felt himself getting hard at the sound of her muffled moans coming through the door as he agonised over what he should do. Should he go in? Or should he leave now and pretend he had never heard? He quickly decided as he heard Louisa moan to herself that she was going to cum and that she wanted her Father. He opened the door.
Louisa cried out loudly as she came, her girl juice soaking her hand, totally unaware anyone had entered her room. Her eyes were closed as she laid there, her hand still in her shorts. Dean bent over her and kissed her softly on the lips, and Louisa jumped, her eyes opening wide, before she relaxed and gently began to kiss her Dad back.
Dean climbed onto the bed and lay next to his daughter, still kissing her, one hand stroking through her still-damp hair. He stopped kissing her for a moment, and looked into her sparkling eyes.
"Louisa..." he breathed.
"Dad, its ok, this is what I want." Despite what she said, she still felt very unsure inside, but she knew that until she had been with her Father, nothing could be sorted, her feelings would be a complete mess, she needed to do this to give herself some peace of mind, and if she regretted it afterwards, well then she would have to cross that bridge when she came to it.
Dean could sense that she was not 100% sure that this was what she did want, he wasn't sure it was the right thing to do either.
"Listen honey, if you're not sure then we don't have to do this, we can wait a bit, see how things go?" he asked, his hand now gently stroking the smooth skin of her thigh, she felt so soft.
"No Dad, I have to do this." She leaned up to him and kissed him hungrily on the mouth, her tongue flicking against his lips. He parted them and invited her tongue into his mouth, it tasted so sweet.
He was already hard from hearing her moan, and watching her cum, but now he felt himself stiffen even more as she pressed her firm young body against his. She stopped suddenly and looked up at him.
"Daddy?" she asked softly, "I want you to spank me again, like before?" She blushed and looked down. Dean thought he was going to cum there and then, but somehow managed to keep it together.
"Stand up now" he commanded. He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, grabbing Louisa by the arm and bending her over his lap, just as he had done before. This time though, one thing would be different, he wanted to spank her bare flesh, and so he pulled down her shorts, and stared at the perfect curves of her ass. He put his hand on her butt and began to massage her soft, smooth orbs. She began to moan in pleasure, then cried out suddenly in surprise as he spanked her hard, his hand leaving a bright red mark that stood out against her pale skin. Every time he spanked her, she cried out, calling "Daddy" loudly over and over. After the fourth or fifth stroke she had also begun to wriggle about, squirming in his lap, which felt like heaven against his aching cock. When he reached 20 he stopped, badly needing to touch her properly. He massaged her sore ass for a few minutes and then slipped his hand between Louisa's thighs. She was soaking.
"Mm yes Daddy, please touch me." Louisa whimpered, pushing herself back against his hand. He stroked her wet slit, slowly, teasing her, wanting her to enjoy every sensation.
As her Dad touched her, Louisa could not believe what was happening, and that she wanted it to go on. She knew it was wrong and what they were doing could get them both into a lot of trouble but it just felt so right, finally all the confusion and anger was subsiding, as her desire and love for her Dad took over. She pushed against Dean's fingers even harder, moaning loudly as he slipped two inside her.
Dean's cock was solid and beginning to hurt as it pressed against his jeans, begging to be released, as Louisa writhed around still bent over his lap. Her pussy felt so good around his fingers, so warm and wet and tight, he couldn't wait to bury his cock deep inside her. He began to fuck her harder with his fingers, plunging them in and out, her juices running down her thighs. She moaned louder and louder, her pussy gripping his fingers like a vice as she came.
Dean removed his fingers and Louisa knelt up and leaned into him, kissing him hard on the mouth, tangling her fingers in his soft hair.
"Oh Daddy, I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too sweetheart."
Louisa got up and pushed her Dad back gently so he was lying on his back on the bed, she climbed up and straddled him, leaning down and kissing him. She began to move her hips, slowly grinding her pussy against the rough material covering his huge erection. A low, erotic moan escaped her lips, and Dean suddenly bucked and flipped them both over.
"Daddy, wha..." Louisa began to ask, surprised at the sudden movement, when Dean cut her off.
"I need you Lou, I need to be inside you now." Dean said, his voice low and thick with desire.
"Mmm yes Dad, I want that too, please make love to me Daddy." Dean didn't need to be asked twice, he got up and quickly stripped off his jeans, and stood before her naked, his cock proudly jutting out from his well-muscled body.
Louisa looked at it, her pussy ached to feel it buried inside her. It was big and thick, the head swollen and smeared with her Daddy's precum.
"Please..." She muttered.
Dean fell on her hungrily, kissing her hard and deep, the tip of his cock rubbing against her clit with every movement he made. He could feel how wet she was and knew she would be able to take his 8 inches with no problems. He teased her a few moments longer, grabbing his cock and rubbing it up and down her wet slit, until her heard a deep guttural moaning in his ear.
"Daddy...Fuck me...Now!" With that he thrust all the way inside her, and they cried out in unison, both filled with a deep animal lust.
Dean couldn't believe how tight Louisa's pussy was and he loved the way she gripped his cock as he moved in and out of her. She raked her nails down his back, all of the confusion suddenly wiped from her mind with that one hard thrust, she knew this was right, that this was meant to be.
Dean began to fuck his daughter in earnest, getting off on how she moved beneath him, writhing and thrusting like a wild mythical nymph. He loved the way she called out "Daddy" it was so naughty, so forbidden, but there was no way he could ever have stopped now, it felt to good. Her hair fanned out all around her head, and her face held the expression of perfect bliss. Her nipples were as hard as pebbles poking through her sheer pyjama top. Dean bent his head and began to suck through the thin material. Louisa moaned, her cries of pleasure getting louder and louder as Dean began to pound harder. She could feel every ridge of her fathers cock in her warm, wet hole as he thrust in and out. She was so wet and Dean loved the sounds her pussy was making as he moved. He lifted her right leg and began to spank her already-sore ass in rhythm as he moved in and out. Louisa squealed in pleasure and was sent over the edge.
"Daddy, I'm close," She moaned, "I'm cumming..." Her pussy spasmed around his cock, increasing her grip on him, and he couldn't hold back any longer, jet after jet of cum shot out of his cock and into his daughters pussy, the very seed that had created her.
They lay together quietly for a few minutes, neither one of them sure what was supposed to happen next. Finally Louisa propped herself up on one arm, and said, "So what happens now Dad?"
"I don't know sweetie, it depends what you want."
"I want you Dad, I think I just made that perfectly clear, but what if people find out? They'll never let us be together. And what about Mum, do you think she'd be happy?" Louisa asked, the sadness in his daughters voice was breaking Deans heart.
"Yes, she would understand sweetie, and don't worry, I'll sort everything out." Louisa thanked him, and he kissed her on her forehead, a fatherly kiss, and then on the mouth, a deep lovers kiss.
Dean stroked her beautiful soft hair, and Louisa fell into a light doze. She snuggled her body up close to his, and he felt himself getting aroused.
"Don't worry angel, I'll sort everything." He muttered.
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